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Cultural Biography of Arizbeth Nardiv Zavala


I was named Arizbeth after my mother’s best friend. I am unsure of the meaning, but

from my own research, I discovered that it could be Hebrew. My middle name, Nardiv, was

chosen by my paternal grandmother. I was never able to ask her what it meant, or where it came

from because she passed away before I could speak. At the Hall of Names in the Renaissance

fair, I found my last name. According to their research, Zavala has been traced to the province of

Silesia and originated from a Germanic tribe. Soon, I will be married and will take on the last

name Myrvold, which means “homeland” and originates from Norway.

Ethnic Ancestry

Both of my parents are from Mexico and so are the four generations before them. I,

however, am first generation Mexican-American. I have adapted to the American culture, but I

am very much involved and in touch with the Mexican culture. For example, I participate in

traditional holidays like Dia de Muertos and Rosca de Reyes. I also celebrate Christmas on

Noche Buena (December 24th). Additionally, most of my diet and cooking is influenced by

Mexican cuisine

Birth Order

I am the first born out of four. My brother Jorge, was born two years after me and then

my parents waited ten whole years before they had my brother Angel, and my sister Sofia. As the

first born, I helped the most around the house. I had many chores, which included babysitting my

younger siblings. I also received harder punishments when I misbehaved or received bad grades.

My siblings now are able to get away with more things than I was at their age. So far, I am the

first child in my family to attend college.

Family Structure

Growing up, I was part of a nuclear family. At twenty-three years old, I moved out with

my fiancé. We plan to get married before we have children so that we can have our own nuclear


Socio-economic Status

My father is a waiter and my mother is a prep cook. They both work on the strip and have

dedicated over fifteen years to the same job. When I was very young, we used to live in a small,

one bedroom apartment and only had one car. My parents worked hard and saved enough money

to buy a house. Before my younger siblings were born, my brother Jorge and I each had our own

room, had annual trips to Disneyland, and even went on a trip to Hawaii. Because my parents

worked on the strip, received annual wage increases and tips, they made just enough to be

considered lower middle class. Now that I’ve moved out, my fiancé and I still classify lower

middle class.


Spanish is my first language. I learned English when I started kindergarten. I like to

speak Spanish with family members and peers so that I can continue practicing it. I do enjoy

gossiping and cussing better in Spanish because it feels more intense. I think and even dream in

both Spanish and English. When I am surrounded by my siblings or cousins, we speak Spanglish.

I am currently trying to teach my fiancé Spanish (he is Caucasian) because I want my future kids

to be bilingual as well.

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