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The role of material modelling techniques in stress

analysis and life assessment of modern aero-engine
G F Harrison, BSc, PhD, CEng
Defence Research Agency, Pyestock, Farnborough

Aero-engine components evolve through an iterative process involving the creation of the basic design to meet the perfotmance require-
ments and the stress analyses and subsequent lve evaluation of'the individual components. A progressive increase in stage loading has
resulted in more parts experiencing time as well as cycle dependent damage processes. The influence of cyclic softening in quantgying
this effect is discussed. The implications of afracture mechanics based damage tolerance approach in determining the lives of service
discs is examined. The role of three-dimensional creep analysis, including the influence of transient thermal stress, in identgying critical
areas in highly cooled rotor blades is discussed. Finally an approach for modelling anisotropic single crystal materials is illustrated.

1 INTRODUCTION has therefore become necessary to re-evaluate the roles

In order to remain competitive today's engine manufac- of both elasticity and plasticity, and to employ the use
turer is under ever increasing pressure to produce more of fracture mechanics models in crack growth predic-
fuel efficient engines that are quieter, have longer life tions. For blades it is necessary to evaluate the effects of
parts, and have reduced maintenance requirements. creep and material anisotropy. The paper outlines the
However, increases in aero engine performance are part played by material property data in identifying the
linked closely to the advances made in the development stress distributions within highly loaded discs and
of improved high-strength/high-temperature capability blades and the consequences for component life.
materials. Indeed, from a materials engineering view-
point, the engineering requirements translate into the 2 ELASTIC AND ELASTO-PLASTIC STRESS
need for lighter, stronger materials which perform in a ANALYSIS IN THE PREDICTION OF LOW
predictable manner at higher temperatures for longer
times. With respect to materials development, the spec- Traditional lifing methods for rotating aero engine com-
ific mechanical and physical requirements important to ponents rely on the cyclic testing to failure of full-size
engine components include density, thermal conduc- components. A service life is then declared by applying
tivity, thermal expansion, tensile strength, modulus, statistically derived safety factors to the test results. At
fracture toughness, crack growth resistance, high- this declared safe service life, to a level of confidence of
temperature creep and corrosion/oxidation resist- 95 per cent, not more than 1 in every 750 discs should
ance. However, since operating conditions vary greatly have a crack with a surface length greater than 0.75 mm.
in the different parts of the engine, the specific material A full explanation of this procedure is given else-
requirements also vary. Thus for UK engines, a series of where (1). In practice, depending on the specific mis-
high-strength (alpha + beta) titanium alloys such as sions flown, several different features may be life
Ti-6A1-4V have been developed for use in the front limiting. Clearly, since testing under all possible service
stages of the compressor and for applications up to usage conditions is not practical, stress analysis is neces-
350 "C. The near-alpha high-temperature creep resist- sary to ensure that the loads imposed on critical areas
ance alloys such as IMI829 and more recently IM1834 are compatible with those found in the engine. For this
meet the requirements of the rear stages of the compres- reason the role of material plasticity must be clearly
sor at temperatures up to 630°C. The needs for the understood.
turbine region are being met by advanced nickel super-
alloys. For disc applications wrought Waspaloy and 2.1 Constrained yielding-the role of equivalent elastic
more recently, powder metallurgy Udimet 720, are
typical materials. For blades, however, recent demands
have been met through the development of a series of Within the general safe life concept, the detailed
casting alloys including the directionally solidified alloy methods that are applied in calculating the life con-
DS Mar M 002 and the single crystal alloys SRR99 and sumption during any particular flight depend on the
RR2000. specific application and operating environment. The
The introduction of several of these materials has titanium alloy Ti-6A1-4V, which has relatively high-
required modifications to existing stressing and lifing strength, low density, and good low-cycle fatigue
methodologies to take account of the new material/ properties, is typical of the materials used for blades
component application. In calculating disc stresses, it and disc applications up to 350°C.For such situations,
even where.significant local yielding can occur, the use
This paper was presented at Aerotech 92 held in Birmingham on 14-17 January
1992. The M S was received on 10 August 1992 and was accepted for publication of the classical elasticity theory or finite element elastic
on 25 February 1993. stress analysis codes to calculate peak equivalent elastic
GO3392 Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol208

stress enables a simple relationship to be established analysis significantly overestimated the safe service life
between the stress levels imposed and the cycles to of the disc whereas calculated lives based on the plastic
failure. The advantages of the greater stress sensitivity analysis have shown good agreement.
with the elastic method over a more theoretically
appropriate plastic analysis are illustrated in Fig. 1.
Although still widely used with success, caution must 2.3. General yieldinethe influence of cyclic softening
always be exercised when applying such an approach.
It has been stated recently with respect to the h.p. com-
pressor of the Rolls-Royce 'Trent' aero engine [a 360 kN
(80 OOO lb) thrust large turbo fan engine], that a near-
2.2 Local unconstrained yieldinethe significance of alpha titanium disc design has a 40 per cent weight
plastic stresses saving over an alternative nickel design (2). However,
As a consequence of the depth of past experience and although achieving the difficult target property levels at
the wealth of materials data available, equivalent elastic temperatures in excess of the 600°C which are induced
stresses are frequently used in aero engine assessment in achieving the high required thrust levels, at tem-
studies. Nevertheless, the requirements to operate peratures up to 160°C and which are experienced
engine components at both higher stresses and higher during the start up and shut down sequences of the
temperatures has meant that large regions within many engine, these alloys exhibit considerable cyclic softening.
engine discs can be subjected to significant non-linear For such conditions, when a static tensile stress-strain
deformation. Where appreciable plasticity does occur, curve is used in an elasto-plastic stress analysis as typi-
component stress levels can be significantly different cally shown for the titanium alloy IMI829, Fig. 4, it is
from those calculated using a simple elastic analysis. found that the calculated peak stresses do not coincide
This is illustrated by comparing the results of elastic with the identified sub-surface failure initiation sites.
and elastic-plastic analyses for a case where thermal Recently there has been a trend towards the use of
stresses are also involved. Thus, for the hap.turbine disc cyclic stress-strain data in the analysis of such
of a small gas turbine engine which in service runs at materials. In this approach, from a series of fully
64 OOO r/min and at a peak temperature of 600"C, Figs reversed strain controlled fatigue tests, the mid-life cycle
2a and 2b demonstrate that a room temperature spin is identified for each test and from recorded cyclic
pit test conducted at 81 000 r/min accurately represents stress-strain data, the stress and strain ranges for this
the calculated mechanical and thermal maximum prin- cycle are then determined. The cyclic stress-strain curve
cipal elastic stresses operating in the component. is constructed by plotting half the imposed total stress
However, the results of the more appropriate plastic range against half the imposed total strain range. The
analysis, Figs 3a and 3b, show that this is not the case. derived curve is then in an appropriate form to be used
Indeed to provide a more representative test, a in any subsequent stress analysis. Although an improve-
maximum speed of 89 000 r/min is required, see Fig. 3c. ment on the use of the conventional stress-strain curve,
With regard to practical significance, the plastic analysis again referring to Fig. 4, peak stresses still do not co-
shows that a room temperature test composed of a load incide with observed sub-surface failure sites. It is sug-
cycle of zero to 81 OOO r/min would seriously under- gested that this approach models accurately only the
represent the service operating conditions and conse- response of material within a highly constrained region,
quently would lead to an overestimation of component for example, a bolt hole, and therefore to model general
service lives. cyclic softening as might occur in the cob region of an
Experience has confirmed that spin pit test speeds aero engine compressor disc, a 0-max-0 strain cycle is
based on the results of the manufacturer's elastic more appropriate. Additionally, consideration of

0 Number of tests


Range of test results
Mean sample life peak - elastic
1500 - -- * 30 total population distribution

-0- Mean sample life peak - plastic

\ stress

Part G : Journal of Aerospace Engineering


Max 0.139FA
I = 0.130E4
H = 0.12OE4
G = 0.11OE4
F = 0.100EX
D = 800
c =700
B = 600

(a) Engine service (b) Spin pit test
64 OOO r/min 8 1 OOO r/min

Fig. 2 Comparison of calculated stress distributions (elastic analysis) in an

APU h.p. turbine disc under service and spin pit test conditions

Roc lnstn Mech Engrs Vol208

.-/.---.---- I

I I Max 0.104E4 Max 986
L = 0.100E4 J = 950
' E '
T - j L -
K = 950
J =900
1 =900
H = 850
I = 850 G = 800
H = 800 F = 750

/ ; E = 600 E =700
r ' D = 650
B = 550

(a) Engine service (b) Spin pit test (c) Spin pit test
64OOO r/min 81 OOO r/min 89 OOO r/mh
Fig. 3 Comparison of calculated maximum principal stress distribution (elastic-plastic analysis) in an APU h.p. turbine disc under
service and spin pit test conditions

750 ~lastic;lysis

Plastic analysis using static s t r m t r a i n data


l Plastic analysis using cyclic stress-strain data


I \
- Crack initiation 1

500 I I I I I I I I I I
20 40 60 80
Distance from bore
Fig. 4 Effect of assumed stress-strain model in calculated maximum prin-
cipal stress distributions in a titanium 1MI829 disc tested at 13 850
rfmin and 80 "C

material response to the effects of loading, leads to the from initiation and growth of a crack induced in the
simple conclusion that, during any loading cycle, the component under the imposed loading sequence. It is
peak tensile stress is accompanied by the peak tensile therefore necessary to identify a procedure for model-
strain and, hence, the data should be correlated accord- ling crack growth in complex stress fields. Linear elastic
ingly. Thus as also shown in Fig. 4, the application of fracture mechanics provides a framework which can be
the physically more realistic O-max-0 strain, cyclic used to calculate the lives of such components. Crack
stress-strain curve in the stress analysis results in agree- growth is most commonly evaluated with respect to
ment between the predicted peak stress position and the stress intensity factor, AK,This can be calculated from
observed crack initiation regions. The results of these the crack tip stress field or from the energy release rates
analyses readily demonstrate the appropriateness of the as new crack surfaces are created. The approach
modified cyclic stress-strain method. Further evidence in requires information on initial flaw size, the stress and
the suitability of this approach is provided elsewhere (3). temperature distributions in the vicinity of the crack,
the crack growth characteristics of the material and the
service loading history.
Although details on the accurate determination of
FRACTURE MECHANICS CONCEPTS stress intensity factors lie outside the scope of this paper
a typical general solution, see references (4-5) is of the
The complex aero engine disc geometries coupled with form :
the thermal gradients they experience in service means
that it is difficult to evaluate all the critical regions in a
disc during a single disc spinning test. In addition,
depending on service usage, several of these features where
may be life limiting. During build up to full take-off
power, transient thermal stresses within the cob region M, = a correction factor which accounts for crack
reach a maximum value and contribute to this being the type (corner/surface) and position on the crack
most highly stressed region in the disc. Thus, when mis- front
sions are short and large numbers of start up/shut down @ = an elipticity factor which takes account of the
sequences are experienced, the central cob region could crack aspect ratio
be life limiting. However, for other missions the minor M , = a back face correction factor
cycles associated with the many in-flight throttle move- M, = a side face correction factor
ments can cause significant additional mechanical F(a) = a stress function to account for the effect of the
loading cycles which can result in the bore region, the complex stress field
bolt holes or other surface features being life limiting.
Indeed when mission profiles result in many excursions There are many current studies investigating the
to full power, the combination of operating temperature effects of mean stress, of yielding and of crack closure
and mechanical loading can result in rim features being on crack growth rates, however, broadly these can be
the critical region. Since it may be necessary to perform allowed for collectively by reformulating the standard
separate tests to evaIuate each of these aspects, a practi- crack growth expression in terms of an effective stress
cal limitation is that only a few test results pertain to intensity factor such that:
individual features.
In all these situations however, failure occurs either da
- = c AKZ;r
as a result of crack growth from an inherent defect or dn
Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol208

AKeff = AK t (1 - R)l-"'
99 'I

R =t s max/o min

ij f
u = current crack length
c = material constant
Using this as an approach it is possible to estimate
crack growth rates -in most engineering structures.
These concepts have been incorporated into two frac-
ture mechanics based lifing approaches-the Effective
Initial Crack Size/Safe Life procedure and the Damage
Tolerance procedure.

3.1 Effective initial starter crack size in fracture

mechanics based safe life determination
Fracture mechanics models allow results from different I.
features within the disc and from different disc designs I
to be combined into a common database. In such an i
approach it is assumed that all discs contain small I
defects that gradually and predictably grow under
fatigue loading. By rearranging equation (2) and
expressing it in its integral form, it then becomes an I
easy matter to determine the cycles required to grow a I
crack from any initial size, a,, to any final size, a,. I
Thus, 0.3 I
0.2 { I

N, = C
1: AK:,da

where N, = crack growth cycles

= ' - - I
A corollary to this is that if both the number of cycles
and the final crack size are known, then it is possible by Fig. 5 Distribution of effective initial flow sizes for titanium
back calculation to determine the effective continuum Ti-6A1-4V
mechanics initial defect size appropriate to the particu-
lar component or specimen. Although these 'effective' tial means of increasing fracture mechanics calculated
initial flaws do not have any physical significance and lives. In such approaches problems arise in identifying
do not represent actual flaws, they do provide a suitable accurately the crack initiation event and in quantifying
component parameter for characterizing the early stages both the number of cycles to its occurrence and, subse-
of growth. Hence, these initial flaw sizes can be analysed quently, the cycles incurred during the small crack, non
statistically to establish a maximum effective initial continuum, crack growth phase. However, it is reiter-
defect size that represents the quality of the disc manu- ated that component lives declared via an initial starter
facturing process. A novelty in the approach is that it crack database approach already include much of this
bypasses the requirements to identify and separately life advantage without the requirement for such detailed
quantify the crack initiation and small crack growth modelling. Disc life can therefore be estimated accu-
phases. Figure 5 [based on reference (6)] shows the rately at the design stage. Additionally, since databases
results of such a back calculation on fatigue tests in the contain large numbers of results, it is possible to apply
titanium alloy Ti-6A1-4V. Since component geometry large sample statistics to these data and so, to a con-
and local stress field are allowed for in this analysis pro- stant level of confidence, this allows a greater propor-
cedure, the identified maximum initial defect size can tion of the mean test life to be released. Both CAA and
then be used in a conventional forward crack growth FAA airworthiness authorities have recently approved
calculation to establish the life of any new disc design. the use of fracture mechanics based methods for defin-
In compliance with the earlier identification of safe ing aero engine disc lives.
service life, the maximum crack size used in this forward
calculation can be set at uf = 0.75 mm. Under current
Civil Aviation Authority/Joint Airworthiness Regula- 3.2 Damage tolerance life prediction
tions, in lifing procedures for aero engine discs it is With the introduction of high strength materials such as
assumed that the ratio between the strongest and the powder metallurgy disc alloys for aero engine discs,
weakest disc (in a sample of 750) is equal to a factor of damage tolerance life prediction models are gaining
6. Independent of disc geometry and loading conditions, wider application. These are again based on a fracture
lives predicted using the fracture mechanics maximum mechanics approach, however, the starter crack sizes
initial defect size approach are all found to lie within used in the forward calculation of component life are
this value. now set by the available NDE (non-destructive)inspec-
There is considerable current research into the role of tion capability rather than them being a general identi-
crack initiation and of sub grain crack growth as poten- fiable material parameter. Additionally, the maximum
Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering

U 1073KCree-p
0 1073KLCF(lcpm)
- + 1173 K LCF( 1 cpm)
- \"' 20,

- '
\n '.

By'\ \

4 '

- =<-\\* "\

--- Predicted from equation (6)B+' \*

100 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 111111 I I 11~1111 l \ L l l l l ~ I I IIIllJ

Time to failure
Fig. 6 Prediction of high-temperaturelow-cycle fatigue lives of Nimonic 90
from static creep data

allowable final crack size is related to that for the frac- For modern military engines, turbine entry tem-
ture toughness of the material. Crack growth equations, peratures are in the region of 1650 K, with future engine
such as equation (3), can be used to calculate the life to temperatures being predicted to exceed 1800 K.
failure and the declared service life is then set to half of Although these temperatures are above the melting
this available life. In this approach the component point of nickel superalloys, the utilization of complex
entering service is deemed free of flaws of a size that blade cooling systems ensures that the peak metal tem-
could propagate and cause failure within the set life. In peratures are maintained at less than 1350 K. Under
its report on current processing and lifing procedures such adverse operating conditions, creep deformation is
for titanium rotating components, the FAA review a critical damage parameter and forms the conceptual
team set up as a consequence of the recent crash at basis of modelling techniques for predicting local
Sioux City Airport has recorded its support for this stresses and strains. The approach established at the
approach (7). Defence Research Agency (DRA) is typical of such
In the military engine field, a similar but somewhat models and has been shown to be widely applicable to
earlier approach has resulted in the formulation of Mil aero engine turbine blade materials (9). In this model
Spec 1783 (8) and the Engine Structural Integrity Pro- creep induced deformation, E, , is predicted from the
gramme (ENSIP) damage tolerant lifing concept. NDE equation :
inspection is again used to establish a maximum com-
ponent defect size. E, = ZCaflt'qY (4)
Both lifing approaches have the built-in safety factor
such that if a defect just above the detection limit is where
missed, it should not have grown to failure before the a = operating stress level
component is due to be withdrawn from service. t = equivalent damage time
rp = afunction quantifying the effects of temperature on
DISTRIBUTIONS IN TURBINE BLADES AND and C, p and IC are materials related constants.
For a simple creep test the summation comprises
4.1 Influence of creep relaxation
three terms representing the commonly identified
Operating conditions at the back end of the compressor primary, secondary and tertiary stages of creep defor-
and in the turbine section of a modern gas turbine mation. However, creep not only influences operating
engine are such that on initial loading the rim region of stresses within the blade but it may also influence the
these discs can experience high compressive hoop eventual failure process. When applied in conjunction
stresses. In practice, creep relaxation rapidly reduces with strain hardening concepts, the basic equation can
these stresss to much lower levels and it is therefore be reformulated to predict the effect of a range of
essential that creep models are incorporated into the loading sequences. It can be shown that under high-
finite element stress analysis procedures used to deter- temperature low cycle fatigue loading, for a wide range
mine true operating stress levels in the discs. Although of aero engine materials, failure lives can be predicted
creep relaxation influences operating stresses within the accurately from simple static creep data. For example,
disc, in general, disc failures are associated with the to calculate such lives the basic creep equation can be
exhaustion of low cycle fatigue life. reformulated so that the life to failure under triangular
Proc Instn Mcch Engrs Vol208

loading, tf, can be represented in terms of the life of a Such creep models can be incorporated into appro-
creep test at the same temperature and at a constant priate finite element code to enable a creep evaluation
stress level equal to the maximum stress level applied in of the stress distribution within a blade. Figures 7a-d
the loading sequence, t , (10). illustrate typical results of such an analysis performed
The re-arranged equation is now of the form: on a turbine blade using an in-house DRA stress
analysis program called Gandalf.
t, = (! + l)tc (5) Figure 7a shows the chordwise stress distribution in
the blade on initial loading and Fig. 7b the correspond-
ing temperature distribution. Figure 7c illustrates the
or, if expressed in terms of cycles to failure, N,, relaxed steady state stress distribution after several mis-
Nf = (E + I)p,
sions and Fig. 7d the calculated creep strain accumula-
tion accompanying this stress redistribution.
Running such an analysis program to predict blade
where ‘f is simply cycling frequency. failure can be prohibitively expensive and for example
Figure 6 illustrates a typical fit of the model, in this with the ABAQUS commercial analysis package,
case to Nimonic 90 LCF data, however the model has analysis of a four minute real time test and using only
been shown to be valid for a variety of materials and lo00 elements in the discretization of the blade aerofoil,
loading conditions (10). took more than 30 000 seconds CPU time on a Cray 2

MPa , 14 1020
11 700
13 loo0
10 600
9 500 12 980
8 400 1 1 960
7 300 10 940
6 200 7 9 920
5 100
13 7 7
5 8 4 0
4 820
3 8 0 0
2 780
1 760
(a) Initial stress distribution at take-off (b) Initial temperature distribution at take-off

7 7 MPa
I1 700 1 0.20
10 600 2 0.18
9 500 3 0.16
8 400 4 0.15
7 300 5 0.13
6 200 6 0.11
5 100 7 0.09
4 0 8 0.06
3 -100 9 0.03
2 -200 10 0.00
1 -300 1 1 -0.03
12 -0.06
13 -0.10

(c) Stress distribution at shakedown (d) Creep strain distribution at shakedown

Fig. 7 Turbine blade aerofoil section analysis

Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering

computer. Additionally, errors of as little as 10 K in the cyclic nature of these imposed thermal loads, the
predicted blade temperatures can double or halve calcu- damage incurred has been termed thermal fatigue.
lated blade lives. Nevertheless estimations of blade From a simple creep analysis similar to that discussed
failure locations are quite accurate thus enabling blade in the previous section, Fig. 8 shows typical calculated
design modifications on a relative rather than on an stress-time, stress-temperature, and stress-strain
absolute basis. Although means of improving the corre- responses at the tip of a coated aerofoil section tested in
lation between redistributed stresses and strains and a fluidized bed thermal fatigue rig (11). It can be seen
blade service lives are continuing, as illustrated in the that large transient stresses are generated by the
next section, fully quantitative life calculations are now thermal shock. The stress-strain loop also shows signifi-
becoming a feasible option. cant differences between the heating and cooling phases.
The creep model which was used to calculate these
stresses and strains can be rearranged to quantify the
damage they impose on the blade. A convenient way of
4.2 Assessment of thermal shock illustrating this is through relating the transient thermal
The modern gas turbine blade has to withstand severe fatigue damage to the static damage imposed under a
thermal gradients, particularly during thermal tran- selected reference stress, orefand reference temperature
sients. The induced thermal stresses can be as damaging Tef. Thus, for example, if the transient stress-
as the centrifugal mechanical stresses and, because of temperature-time properties of Fig. 8 are represented

1 2
I . Surface temperature
2. Centre temperature l2O0 1
800 -


400 -

I I I I -1200 J
0 100 200 300 400 500

(a) Temperature-time relationship during (b) Coating stress-time relationship during heating
heating and cooling and cooling cycles

lOo(1 - Time from

in O commencement


$- 0


- 600

- loo0 -
(c) Coating stress-temperature relationship (d) Coating stress-strain hysteresis loop during
during heating and cooling cycles heating and cooling
Fig. 8 Aerofoil response to thermal shock
Proc Instn Mech Engrs V d 208

by a set of 'n' discrete stress-temperature combinations stress-temperature profiles were again similar to those
(C-T), each imposed for an extremely short time At, illustrated in Fig. 8.) Although in practice the predicted
then the cycles to failure N,can be expressed as: lives are slightly greater than the experimental findings,
considering the complexity of the test, agreement is
good and provides significant validatory support for the
creep model employed.

In the above expression the temperature term in equa-

tion (4) has been extended to the form 4.3 Modelling anisotropic behaviour of single crystals
A step change in temperature capability has accompa-
4=(T'-T) (8) nied the introduction of directionally solidified and
in which T' is a material dependent temperature con- single crystal turbine blades. In the (001 ) crystallo-
stant. graphic directions these materials have high creep
Figure 9 illustrates the effectiveness of applying the resistance accompanied by an elastic modulus which is
above equation to predict the results of thermal fatigue only approximately 3 that of the conventionally cast
tests on the nickel base superalloy, Nim 108 (12). (In material. An attractive consequence of this modulus dif-
these tests resistance heating and coupled wave form ference is that the induced thermal strains lead to con-
generators enabled the imposed temperatures to be siderably lower thermal stresses and hence lead to much
cycled between 400°C and 1000°C with transient longer blade service lives. Figure 10 provides a typical
sequences of approximately 15 seconds. The imposed example of the effects of creep anisotropy, in this partic-

1500 -.-

I-I Nimonic 108


a 500 --

- Cycles predicted from equation (8)


t ci I 1)I )

; o

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Fig. 10 The effect of crystal orientation on the creep behaviour of single
crystal Mar M 002 tested at 465 MPa and 850°C
Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering

loo [ A Basic octahedral <001> creep

t Basic cube <111> creep


0.10 I 10 100
Fig. 11 Octahedral (001) and cube creep (111) in experimental single
crystal alloy specimens under stress of 450 MPa and a temperature
of 850 "C

ular case for the single crystal alloy Mar M 002. practice the determination of the appropriate rate
However, even although almost all advanced aero parameters is made somewhat simpler by the fact that a
engine gas turbines now employ turbine blades produc- (100) axial stress produces no resolved shear stresses
ed from single crystal superalloys, there is still a signifi- on cube planes and hence analysis of tensile creep data
cant lack of knowledge concerning the detailed for (100) oriented crystals provides information on
non-linear mechanical behaviour of these alloys. Over octahedral glide processes only. Additionally deforma-
recent years there have been several studies of single tion in a (111) axial stress creep test is almost totally
crystal creep anisotropy. Of particular interest, Gosh cube shear dominated with only very small resolved
and McLean have proposed that, to account for the shear stresses operating on octahedral planes. Hence,
electron microscope evidence of dislocation motion from constant stress creep tests at a range of stresses
under local shear stresses on well defined slip systems, it and temperatures but with testing limited solely to
is necessary to invoke glide processes on both octa- specimens specific to these two slip systems, a model
hedral and cube slip systems (13). The active slip parameter database can be determined. Current work at
systems are considered to be (111) planes and (101) DRA has produced a reformulation of the basic creep
directions and (001) planes and (110) directions. In expression of equation (1) in terms of resolved shear

o Experimental data for <01 I> crystal
0 Combined octahedral and cube <011> 0

0 .
creep predicted using equation (8)
0 .

0.01 0.10 1 10 100 lo00

Fig. 12 Comparison of experimental and predicted creep strain accumula-
tion in a (011) oriented experimental single crystal alloy specimen
under a stress of 550 MPa and a temperature of 850°C
hoc lnstn Mech Engrs Vol 208

stresses operating on active slip planes by constructing models illustrated in the current paper, the conse-
a cosine matrix that relates the Cartesian axes of the quences of these effects are taken into account by con-
crystal with that of the specimen or blade. The equation sidering only the tensile portion of the stress range or
has the form through the use of an ‘r-ratio’ modified stress intensity
factor. As disc operating temperatures progressively
(9) increase above 600 “C and for surface initiated cracks, it
where is becoming necessary to take account of the effects of
intercrystalline corrosion/oxidation. Indeed, for even
y = strain energy on the slip system higher operating temperatures, creep crack growth
z = resolved shear stress models are being developed. Although such models are
In addition, still currently under development their basic formula-
tions have now been established (14) (15) and indeed the
z = 0 cos 0 cos 4 (10) role of subsurface defects and their effects on residual
where stress fields are now able to be addressed (16).
The paper has illustrated that analysis procedures to
0 = the angle between the normal to the slip plane and quantify both the effects of thermal fatigue and single
the global axis of the blade or specimen crystal creep anisotropy are becoming available. These
4 = the angle between the slip direction and the global modelling tools should enable optimized blade cooling
axis configurations to be established at the design stage
The above formulation accommodates all possible rather than as is currently the case, as a ‘cut-and-try’
crystal orientations and thus enables all stress com- exercise during development testing. However, since in
ponents acting on the specimen or turbine blade model practice temperature differences of as little as 10 K can
to be resolved to single stress values on the specific slip double or halve the creep lives obtained, improved
system. The accompanying strain on each slip system modelling techniques are likely to improve blade service
can then be resolved into its nine displacement com- life predictions on a relative rather than an absolute
ponents. The summation of the component strains from basis.
each of the active slip systems produces a deformation Briefly considering future trends, design studies have
gradient matrix that provides strain values, shape shown that the introduction of ceramic reinforced metal
changes and rotational information. Figure 11 illus- matrix composite (MMC) discs could provide a poten-
trates typical creep curves for (111) and (001) orien- tial weight saving of up to 80 per cent. However, before
tated crystals and Fig. 12 the ability of the above they can be used successfully, thermal expansion mis-
equation to predict creep behaviour of a randomly match between the ceramic fibre and the metallic
orientated crystal. In fact an (011) orientation was matrix, fibre-matrix compatibility and thermal protec-
selected for illustration since this experiences significant tion will all have to be addressed on a material by
contributions from both the octahedral and cube shear material basis. With regard to the mechanical behaviour
systems. of long fibre MMC materials, micromechanical model-
ling of the thermal stresses induced during cooling from
the component consolidation temperature to the service
operating temperature is enabling accurate predictions
The paper is intended to provide a brief overview of of mechanical properties such as, for example, non-
typical materials models used in stress analysis and life linear longitudinal and transverse tensile behaviour. As
assessment of modern aero engine components. No regards the macro modelling of component stresses,
attempt has been made to take detailed account of the analysis techniques are becoming available in which the
effects of the complex loading profiles induced during detailed tensile information from the micro mechanical
service missions since these aspects have been addressed modelling is introduced through the application of
elsewhere (1). It has been shown that where plasticity is appropriate orthotropic analysis models which are
constrained locally, for example around disc bolt holes applied locally to the reinforced region of the com-
and blade root fixings, elastic stress analysis still pro- ponent. Although the modelling of such stress distribu-
vides a suitable means of evaluating component behav- tions is now at an advanced state, modelling of the
iour. relevant failure processes is an aspect still requiring
For the titanium and nickel materials used in current further investigation.
aero engine components it is found generally that under Modern gas turbine components operate at tem-
realistic service loading conditions, even where signifi- peratures which are considerably above the melting
cant initial yielding occurs, the induced ‘shakedown’ point of current nickel superalloys and, hence, turbine
stress levels relax to nominally elastic stress ranges and blades require complex cooling configurations. This is a
hence, linear elastic fracture mechanics provides a suit- highly inefficient use of compressor air. Coupled with
able basis for crack growth and component lifing the relatively high density of current blade materials,
models. However, at these elevated temperatures signifi- the consequent effect on disc and shaft designs, makes
cant inelastic strains can be experienced during the the replacement of these alloys with light weight high-
‘shakedown’ to elastic conditions and hence such effects temperature capability ceramics a highly attractive goal.
significantly influence the stress fields within which a However, despite the large research effort ceramic tech-
crack may be growing. Hence, even under nominally nology is still at an early stage and these materials have
tensile loading, when these loads are removed, signifi- still as yet only been introduced into engines in non-
cant compressive residual stresses can remain locally. rotating applications. However, assuming that manufac-
Such effects result in crack closure, however, in the turing and design difficulties can be overcome,
Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering

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