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Journal of Cosmetic and Laser

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Cellulite: Is there a role for injectables?
Adam M. Rotunda a; Mathew M. Avram b; Alison Sharpe Avram c
Department of Dermatology, University of Southern California Keck School of
Medicine, Bennett Surgery Center, Santa Monica, CA
Massachusetts General Hospital Laser Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Private practice, New York, NY

Online Publication Date: 01 December 2005

To cite this Article: Rotunda, Adam M., Avram, Mathew M. and Avram, Alison
Sharpe (2005) 'Cellulite: Is there a role for injectables?', Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy, 7:3, 147 - 154
To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/14764170500430234
URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14764170500430234


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Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy. 2005; 7: 147–154
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Cellulite: Is there a role for injectables?


Department of Dermatology, University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, Bennett Surgery Center, Santa
Monica, CA, USA, 2Massachusetts General Hospital Laser Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA, and
Private practice, New York, NY, USA

Background. Cellulite describes the cutaneous dimpling of the thighs, buttocks, and hips that is seen predominately in
women. Current evidence suggests that structural differences in fat architecture between the sexes account for its
appearance. Mesotherapy, a method of delivering medication locally with the use of numerous cutaneous injections, has
recently become a popular method to purportedly treat the condition.
Methods. An overview of cellulite and adipocyte physiology, with a literature review and appraisal of compounds commonly
used in mesotherapy.
Results. Experimental studies using individual mesotherapy ingredients for other conditions suggest a number of
mechanisms, including lipolysis, disrupting connective tissue and augmenting circulation, which may theoretically improve
cellulite. Peer-reviewed studies have not evaluated whether these effects translate clinically.
Conclusions. Until further studies are performed, patients considering mesotherapy for cellulite must be aware that the
substances currently being injected to treat this cosmetically disturbing, but medically benign, condition have not been
thoroughly evaluated for safety or efficacy.

Key words: Mesotherapy, fat, Cellulite, phosphatidylcholine, deoxycholate

Introduction American Society of Plastic Surgeons have primarily

focused on describing mesotherapy as a novel
Of the three embryologic germ layers (ecto-, meso-, treatment for cellulite and collections of localized
and endoderm), the mesoderm develops into con- fat rather than as a treatment for medical conditions
nective tissue, muscle, and the circulatory system. In (7–14). Moreover, an increasingly popular, contem-
1952, Dr Michel Pistor first introduced mesotherapy porary portrayal of mesotherapy frequently involves
in France as a way to treat disorders affecting the injections of phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate
mesoderm (skin, muscle, tendon, ligament, vascu- (a bile salt used to solubilize the phosphatidylcho-
lature, and fat) (1).Mesotherapy describes a techni- line). However, traditional European mesotherapy
que by which mixtures of medications and other does not incorporate phosphatidylcholine and/or
compounds are injected directly into a diseased area deoxycholate into its formulations (7). These two
so that systemic effects of oral or intravenous ingredients are used for body contouring by local fat
medications can be avoided. Mesotherapy has been ablation and therefore should be differentiated from
traditionally used in Europe for decades as a techniques that attempt to diminish cellulite. The
treatment for musculoskeletal pain (2), lymphedema discussion herein is restricted to mesotherapy
(3,4), and dental pain (5,6). It has also been used to formulations exclusive of phosphatidylcholine and/
treat cosmetic conditions such as scaring, alopecia, or deoxycholate. A review of these compounds for
photoaging, and cellulite (7). the treatment of adipose tissue is found elsewhere
Physicians training with preceptors in Europe (7,15,16).
have recently introduced mesotherapy to the USA. Mesotherapy used for the treatment of cellulite
The position statements of the lay press, health involves numerous, localized, intradermal or sub-
professionals administering treatments, as well as the cutaneous injections containing combinations of
American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and vasodilators, anti-inflammatory medications, herbs,

Correspondence: A. M. Rotunda, Clinical Instructor, Department of Dermatology, University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, Bennett
Surgery Center, St John’s Medical Plaza, Suite 570, Santa Monica, CA 90404, USA. Fax: +1 310 828 6647. E-mail: arotunda@hotmail.com

(Received 29 September 2005; accepted 17 October 2005)

ISSN 1476-4172 print/ISSN 1476-4180 online # 2005 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/14764170500430234
148 A. M. Rotunda et al.

hormones, antibiotics, enzymes or co-enzymes gender-based structural differences in the organiza-

(7,16). An increasing number of compounding tion of female subcutaneous fat that produce the pits
Downloaded By: [University of Pittsburgh] At: 23:52 24 July 2007

pharmacies offer premixed ‘cocktails’ or individually and dells characteristic of cellulite (19,26–29).
solubilized ingredients that are combined in the In 1978, Nürnberger and Müller developed the
syringe prior to injection. Although there is not one ‘anatomic’ hypothesis of cellulite based on their
standardized formulation for cellulite, a number of examination of 180 deep biopsies from the thighs
common ingredients (Table I) are advocated at and buttocks of live patients and cadavers (19). In
training seminars and are readily available over the their seminal paper, the authors described gender-
Internet. Nevertheless, a number of physicians have specific differences in the structure of subcutaneous
claimed their formulations are proprietary. fat of men and women, a characteristic that has since
Mesotherapy has become as controversial as it is been confirmed by other investigators using similar
popular. Unlike recognized cosmetic treatments techniques as well as sonography, MRI and spectro-
such as botulinum toxin and soft tissue fillers, scopy (26,28,29). According to these studies, female
mesotherapy’s efficacy is distinctively ambiguous, fat lobules are larger than those in males and are
making it vulnerable to criticism by the generally compartmentalized by fibrous septae that form
more skeptical medical community. Although the radial and arch-like structures. Because these fibrous
FDA has approved most of the ingredients used in septae are oriented perpendicular to the dermis, the
mesotherapy, its constituents are being utilized for fat lobules they contain easily protrude vertically
unapproved indications and are being administered forming fat herniations into the overlying dermis,
in a manner whose efficacy, safety, and pharmaco- thereby creating an undulating dermal-subcutaneous
kinetics are unknown. fat interface and hence the clinical appearance of
Numerous organizations offer hands-on, didactic cellulite. By contrast, the smaller fat lobules in males
mesotherapy courses for physicians as well as non- are compartmentalized by septae that are oriented in
physicians. Advertisements to the public by physi- an oblique fashion, a characteristic that prevents
cians, who are motivated by the increasingly herniation of fat into the dermis and results in a
competitive market, create the illusion that smooth, rather than dimpled cutaneous surface.
mesotherapy is an imported European panacea for There is a simple clinical correlate to this finding.
a number of cosmetic and medical conditions. A If one pinches the skin of a female posterior thigh,
critical evaluation of mesotherapy’s efficacy or the force of the pinch will push protrusions of fat
potential efficacy for the treatment of cellulite, a deeper into the dermis and produce the clinical
disturbing cosmetic condition for which there is no appearance of skin dimpling, i.e. the ‘mattress
adequate treatment, is particularly timely. phenomenon’ (20). This is true even in areas of
the posterior thigh where cellulite is not clinically
present. Pinching the skin of male posterior thighs is
Cellulite far less likely to produce the mattress phenomenon
due to the difference in organization of fat tissue
In order to treat cellulite, it is important to under-
stand what physiologic changes produce this phe-
nomenon (17). There is currently no definitive
explanation for the physiology of cellulite. There is
Adipocyte physiology: potential mechanisms
evidence that cellulite is a secondary sexual char-
for cellulite reduction
acteristic in females (18–20). It is nearly universal in
post-pubertal females and rare in men, except in It has been theorized that agents that reduce adipose
those with androgen deficiencies. Obese males rarely tissue mass in affected areas may diminish the
display cellulite whereas thin females normally do. appearance of cellulite. An interest in mesotherapy
Taken together, these findings strongly suggest a as a treatment for cellulite has evolved primarily
hormonal component to its etiology. Although some because several formulations are thought to produce
have proposed vascular (20–24) and inflammatory a localized reduction in fat cell (adipocyte) size,
theories (20,25) to explain the appearance of and hence adipose tissue mass, by triggering lipo-
cellulite, the best evidence supports that there are lysis in them. Such agents include isoproterenol,

Table I. Commonly used mesotherapy ingredients for the treatment of cellulite.a

Lipolysis: isoproterenol, forskolin (herbal extract), theophylline, aminophylline, caffeine, carnitine

Connective tissue dissolution: collagenase, hyaluronidase
Enhance regional circulation: pentoxyphylline, coumarin, herbs (ginko biloba, melilot), artichoke
More recent, non-traditional, mesotherapy ingredients are phosphatidylcholine solubilized with deoxycholate. However, the inclusion of
these substances in current formulations is meant primarily for localized fat ablation rather than as a treatment of cellulite, and therefore will
not be discussed.
Cellulite and injectables 149

theophylline, aminophylline, caffeine, forskolin, and cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Activated cAMP-
thyroxine (7,16). Understanding the complex sys- dependent protein kinase phosphorylates HSL. By
Downloaded By: [University of Pittsburgh] At: 23:52 24 July 2007

tem that controls lipolysis is essential if meaningful contrast, ligand activation of anti-lipolytic a2-ARs
investigations that explore the potential role of suppresses AC, a process that ultimately leads to a
mesotherapy as a treatment for cellulite are to be decrease in HSL activity and reduced lipolysis. In
performed. non-pathologic states, the b2-AR is the major
Lipolysis (lipolysis/fatty acid oxidation) and lipo- lipolytic subtype with epinephrine acting as the
genesis (lipid synthesis) are two critical and basic primary ligand (37). Inhibition of lipolysis (anti-
metabolic functions of adipocytes that occur con- lipolysis) is mediated by a2-AR, which is also
tinuously throughout the life of the cell (30). triggered by epinephrine, the same ligand that
Specifically, lipolysis represents the process by which stimulates b2-AR action (46,47). A balance in favor
intracellular triacylglycerol (TG) is hydrolyzed or of epinephrine-mediated lipolysis or anti-lipolysis is
degraded into free fatty acids (FFAs) and glycerol determined by regional variations in b-lipolytic and
which are then released into the circulation (31,32). a-anti-lipolytic AR ratios as well as by regional
The balance of lipolysis and lipogenesis varies variations in AR ligand-binding affinities (36,48).
according to anatomic location, gender, race and Thus, epinephrine inhibits lipolysis in some ana-
age, and ultimately determines adipocyte volume tomic locations (subcutaneous fat) while it stimu-
(30). It has been assumed that pharmacologic agents lates it in others (visceral fat) (36,48–52).
that increase localized lipolysis should tip the Interestingly, adipocytes are the only cell type with
balance towards lipid loss, thereby resulting in the both agonistic and antagonistic ARs on its surface
predominance of smaller fat cells. Of note, lipolysis (36,49). This unique characteristic is believed to
should not be confused with apoptosis, the process play a key role in determining body fat topography.
by which adipocytes undergo programmed cell In addition to catecholamines, other hormones
death. play an important role in triggering lipolytic or anti-
The most potent regulators of lipolysis and TG lipolytic responses that involve cAMP. Of these,
mobilization in humans are the catecholamines, insulin is the most potent anti-lipolytic hormone in
epinephrine and norepinephrine, which are derived human adipocytes (53,54). It mediates its effect by
from either endocrine or neuronal sources (33). triggering its own insulin receptor, which in turn
Adipose tissue shows significant regional differences activates and increases cAMP phosphodiesterase 3B
in catecholamine responsiveness, which varies (32). Constitutively active cAMP phosphodiesterase
according to gender, age, body region and degree 3B is part of an anti-lipolytic counter-regulatory
of adiposity during normal and pathologic circum- system in which cAMP is hydrolyzed or degraded to
stances, a characteristic that helps to determine the 5’-AMP as soon as it is formed by AC, thereby
metabolic rate of adipocytes and, therefore, the consuming b-AR-mediated increases in cAMP and
volume, or size, of the tissue (34–38). This rapidly reversing HSL activation. By contrast,
characteristic has been attributed, in part, to the phosphodiesterase (PDE)-inhibitors, such as com-
four adrenoreceptor (AR) subtypes, b1, b2, b3 and mon mesotherapy ingredients, theophylline and
a2, which are mainly responsible for mediating the aminophylline, turn off tonic cAMP hydrolysis by
catecholamine signal. The three b-ARs transmit a PDE, thereby contributing to a greater pool of
lipolytic signal, whereas a2-AR transmits the anti- cAMP and increased basal lipolysis (55).
lipolytic signal (32,35,39). The net degree of Another mechanism for lipolytic control involves
lipolysis is determined by the interplay of stimulatory adenosine, which mediates a strong anti-lipolytic
(lipolytic) and inhibitory (anti-lipolytic) pathways. and vasodilatory effect in adipose tissue via its own
The binding of hormones and other physiological adenosine A1 transmembrane receptor (56–58).
effectors to ARs triggers a cascade of events that Adenosine exerts its effect on adipocytes via
inhibition of AC and the production of cAMP
ultimately leads to activation or inhibition of
(59). Caffeine and theophylline are an adenosine
hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL), the rate-limiting
antagonist (60).
enzyme in the liploytic pathway (32,40). When
triggered by phosphorylation during lipolysis, HSL,
which is constitutively active at baseline, travels from
Mesotherapy and cellulite
its location in the cytosol to the TG stores in the
lipid droplet where it can then mediate its lipolytic Despite the purported claims, a recent review
effect (41–45). The level of cAMP, an important evaluating mesotherapy has not found any peer-
second messenger in this pathway, ultimately deter- reviewed reports in the English literature demon-
mines the degree of HSL phosphorylation. strating efficacy of this treatment for cellulite (7). In
Ligands that bind the stimulatory b-ARs trigger fact, there is currently no scientific, peer-reviewed
adenylate cyclase (AC), which, in turn, generates a investigation in the English literature which demon-
cytosolic pool of cyclic adenosine monopho- strates efficacy of traditional mesotherapy formula-
sphate (cAMP) and the subsequent activation of tions for any medical or cosmetic condition
150 A. M. Rotunda et al.

Table II. Proposed mechanism and the experimental basis for using the common mesotherapy ingredients for cellulite.
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Ingredient Proposed mechanism Experimental support

Isoproterenol Increases lipolysis. As a selective Concentration-dependent increase in FFA and/or glycerol release in
b-AR agonist, isoproterenol human adipocytes in vitro (73), and in vivo (34,91–94) after local
stimulates b-AR and increases cAMP isoproterenol infusion; the local in situ effects are transient and occur at
(73). much lower concentrations than those in circulation (95).
Forskolin(extracted Increases lipolysis. Directly activates Pretreatment exposure of adipose tissue with forskolin with subsequent
from the herb Coleus AC independent of ARs, thereby addition of isoproterenol in situ results in higher glycerol output than
forskohlii) raising cAMP (74). with isoproterenol alone (96) and increases in glycerol release in vitro
Theophylline Increases lipolysis. As a non-selective Addition of theophylline with human fat increases lipolysis in vitro (98)
PDE inhibitor, theophylline increases and in vivo (75).
cAMP (75). Also augments cAMP
by antagonizing adenosine (76,77).
Improves circulation; potent
Aminophylline Increases lipolysis. As a PDE Augments lipolysis in adipocytes exposed to aminophylline in vitro
inhibitor, aminophylline increases (78,99).
cAMP (78).
Caffeine Increases lipolysis. Raises cAMP by: Significant increase in FFA oxidation over physiologic levels at rest and
inhibiting PDE (79), increasing during exercise after ingestion of caffeine (100–103).
catecholamine release (epinephrine)
by the sympathetic nervous system
(80), and antagonizing adenosine
Thyroxine Augments lipolysis (81). Hyperthyroidism leads to enhanced local response of adipose tissue to
norepinephrine levels in vivo (104,105).
Carnitine Augments lipid oxidation (82,83). Carnitine increases delivery rate of long-chain FFAs into mitochondria
for b-oxidation (82,83). However, no evidence that oral carnitine
supplementation improves exercise performance or weight loss in
humans (82,106). Oral and intravenous L-carnitine demonstrates
cardioprotective effects after myocardial infarction, in part due to
preventing FFA accumulation (83).
Collagenase Dissolution of fibrous bands and In vitro collagenase digestion is a common technique for adipocyte
septae that are thought to influence isolation that does not adversely affect cell survival (107–109).
surface dimpling (26–28). Collagenase is the major collagenolytic enzyme responsible for collagen
damage in photoaging (110,111). Clinical reduction after collagenase
injection into human lipomas (112).
Hyaluronidase Disruption of dermal connective Hyaluronic acid, a hydrophilic polysaccharide found in human skin,
tissue thought to produce surface which is also a soft tissue cosmetic filler, is degraded by hyaluronidase in
irregularities vitro (113) and in vivo (114).
Coumarin Augments circulation (84,85). Placebo-controlled clinical trials using oral coumarin for chronic
(benzopyrone) Reduces volume of chronic lymphedema after breast cancer surgery have shown both reduction (115)
high-protein edema; stimulation of and no effect (116) on limb circumference. A fifty-study meta-analysis of
tissue macrophages; increases oral and topical coumarin demonstrates significant reduction in
proteolysis and reduces excess protein symptoms of limb edema (117). Use of coumarin combined with physical
(86,87). therapy reduces limb lymphedema more than either treatment alone
Melilot (Melilotus Augments circulation. Natural source of coumarins (119). Modest (5% with respect to initial
officianalis or sweet levels) but statistically significant reduction of arm lymphedema in
clover) patients treated with oral coumarinic extract of melilotus (120).
Ginko biloba Augments circulation. An active Ginko extracts enhance peripheral and cerebral circulation (88,121).
constituent, diterpenes, inhibits Regional forearm blood flow significantly increased in double-blinded
platelet activating factor and placebo-controlled study with patients receiving 6 weeks of an oral ginko
decreases platelet aggregation (88,89). biloba extract (122). However, mean skin blood flow significantly
Ginko biloba also acts as a reduced in subjects receiving oral ginkgo extract in a recent randomized,
vasomodulator (89). double-blind, placebo-controlled study (89).
Pentoxyphylline Augments circulation. Improves Reduces reperfusion injury in vivo by preserving endothelial cell vaso-
erythrocyte deformability and relaxation in rabbits (123). No effect on skin flap survival in animals
reduces blood viscosity in vitro (90). receiving oral pentoxifylline (124) but parenteral pentoxifylline plus
topical nitroglycerin positively influence flap survival (125).
Artichoke extract Augments circulation. Incubation of aortic rings and endothelial cells in vitro with artichoke leaf
extract enhances endothelial cell NO synthase (126) and directly
potentiates release of NO (127), which is a potent vasorelaxant.

AC: adenylate cyclase; AR: adrenoreceptor; cAMP: cyclic adenosine monophosphate; FFA: free fatty acid; NO: nitric oxide; PDE:
Cellulite and injectables 151

(7,16,61,62). A double-blinded clinical trial evalu- infusion of isolated or combinations of lipolytic

ating ‘mesoplasty’, which was recently presented at agents have not been reported.
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the American Society of Plastic Surgery Annual It is also important to reiterate that lipolysis does
Meeting, demonstrated significant waist and thigh not produce a permanent effect, such as apoptosis.
reductions restricted to patients receiving subcuta- Rather, lipolysis triggers an acute metabolic response
neous injections of a phosphatidylcholine formula- that is, in all likelihood, transient. During several
tion; the vasodilator (buflomedil) and homeopathic studies in which effects of the catecholamine
(carnitine and melilotus) treatments did not produce isoproterenol was measured over several hours using
any effect (63). Most of the published literature microdialysis, the degree of lipolysis, which initially
regarding mesotherapy describe adverse events, increased, returned to or approximated the basal rate
including mycobacterial infection (64–66), koebner- despite repeated injections of increasing catechola-
ization of psoriasis (67), urticaria pigmentosa (68), mine doses (91,95). Tachyphylaxia to catechola-
subcutaneous nodules (69), drug eruptions (70,71), mines has been attributed to desensitization of the
and hyperpigmentation (72). Reports of these AR system (129). A lasting effect on fat cell volume
reactions may increase over time if physician and by mesotherapy-mediated adrenergic stimulation or
non-physicians unfamiliar with cutaneous anatomy inhibition of PDE/adenosine pathways has not been
and proper injection technique embrace this mod- proven.
ality as a therapy for cellulite. In accord with the proposition that effective
There is, however, a rationale to remain cautiously cellulite treatments should be directed towards
optimistic. A significant amount of experimental chemically or physically weakening connective tissue
data using individual components of mesotherapy (26), it may be argued that agents such as
for non-cosmetic conditions suggests that these collagenase and hyaluronidase are reasonably appro-
agents may have the potential ability to improve priate in mesotherapy cellulite treatments. Yet again,
cellulite (Table II). For agents that augment lipo- this theoretical assumption has yet to be proven
lysis and disrupt connective tissue, this notion relies through clinical trials.
upon several assumptions. First, it assumes that Finally, the often-repeated speculation that pro-
localized lipolysis in the subcutaneous fat, which moting ‘lymphatic drainage’ and increasing local
should theoretically reduce the size of adipocytes in circulation to attenuate cellulite has not been
this area, can affect the appearance of cellulite. established. The role of impaired lymphatic drainage
Although it is acknowledged that increased adiposity as a cause of cellulite is speculative. Therefore, the
due to weight gain may make cellulite more evident role of pentoxyphylline, coumarin, and a number of
and that weight loss may help improve its appear- circulation-enhancing herbs for cellulite is tenuous
ance (19,21), cellulite is thought to result primarily at best.
from underlying connective tissue anatomy, rather
than from an excess of adipose tissue reserves Conclusion
(19,26,28). As noted earlier, both thin and obese
Until clinical studies are performed that validate the
females display cellulite. It is important to note that
use of mesotherapy ingredients for cellulite, it is
liposuction, the most effective method for removing
conjecture whether this treatment is effective.
fat and disrupting subcutaneous connective tissue,
Although several of the commonly used ingredients
has minimal effect on improving the appearance of
have a theoretical potential to produce localized
cellulite, and, in some cases, may even make it worse
lipolysis and/or disrupt connective tissue, it is
(128). Thus, fat destruction alone does not amelio-
unknown whether these effects translate clinically.
rate the structural reasons that produce cellulite.
Until further studies are performed, patients con-
Second, although some of the ingredients in
sidering mesotherapy for cellulite must be aware that
mesotherapy formulations individually may enhance
the substances being injected have not been thor-
adipocyte lipolysis (by stimulating b-ARs or by
oughly evaluated for safety or efficacy. These
inhibiting anti-lipolysis by blocking PDE or adeno-
treatments may expose patients to unforeseen risks
sine in vitro and in vivo), it is unknown whether
as they seek the elusive ‘cure’ for a cosmetically
these effects are clinically significant. A number of disturbing but medically benign condition.
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