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© 2018 International Journal Of Nursing and

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e-ISSN : 2597-9345


Binarti Dwi W1, Lutfi Wahyuni2
Bina Sehat PPNI Health Science Institute of Mojokerto

This study aims to analyze correlation between the role of adolescence care
services (PKPR) particular program as psychological counseling to problem
solving capabilities in adolescent aged 13-15 years at lower secondary school
state 1 puri Mojokerto. This study used is analytic with cross-sectional. A Psychological
simple of 52 people were taken by cluster random sampling. Protap Counseling
monitoring data collection using standard PKPR 3 adolescence, especially In PKPR,
psychological counseling program and questionnaire problem solving Ability
abilities. Spearman rho test showed that p (0,000) < α (0,05) so, H0 is rejected Problem
it means there is correlation of psychological counseling in PKPR with ability Solving,
to problem solving adolescents aged 13-15 years at lower secondary school Adolescent.
state 1 puri Mojokerto. With valve r-0,474 which shows correlation moderate.
To improve quality of Psychological counseling services in PKPR expected to
help adolescent choose alternative solutions to problems and improve the
ability of problem solving in adolescent.

International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Science (IJNMS) , V o l u m e 2 ,
Iss ue 1 , April 2018
INTRODUCTION self-reporting questionnalre, was 6.0%
(37.728 people from being analyzed).
Every human being has a gestation Riskesdas 2013 East Java tallest 9 of 32
period of moving towards a more provindi in Indonesia with a prevalence
perfect, one development stage in human of 6.5%. In Mojokerto data from the
life is adolescence. The phenomenon is Women's Empowerment and the
more common in teenagers today are Keluarga Berencana in 2014 amounted
some studies say courtship behavior to 172 girls who were pregnant
teens that they were not reluctant hold schoolgirls, under-age marriage 192
hands and hugged each other in public, students (RISKESDAS, 2013).
fight among teenagers, sex, drug use and
alcohol is increasing among adolescents In adolescence often have problems
(Setiawan, 2014), in addition to the both physical and psychological,
ability of problem solving in adolescents psychological state that is not perfectly
from other studies showed lower social ripe, future development of the
support received by juveniles, the low adolescent search for identity ,
bushes adolescent problem solving emotional instability, feelings of love
ability (Anastasya, 2010). In Indonesia deep, the ability to think abstractly
has been in the form of a protective about increased sexual making abilities
container teenagers known as the Youth problem solving teens still less so in the
Care Health Services one of the role of health Services cares for
programs Counseling Adolescent teenagers there is one to increase
Psychology that aims to improve the problem-solving skills in adolescents is
ability of problem solving in adolescents in the standard 3 teenagers where one of
(Ministry of Health Indonesia, 2014). the program of psychological
counseling teens. Psychological
United Nations Development Economi counseling is a relationship in which at
and Social Affairs (UNDESA, 2010) least one among
stated Indonesia country to -37 with the
percentage of young age marriage the The parties involved have the intention
second highest in ASEAN after of helping others to improve their
Cambodia. Demographic and health development, maturity, ability to
surveys especially the components of function and face life with better
adolescent reproductive health (ARH) (Ministry of Health, 2014). Efforts to
and the central body statistics 2012, help teenagers solve problems in a
interviewed adolescents aged 15-24 responsible manner, the necessary role
years and unmarried. In adolescents of government and all communities.
usia15-19 year, the largest proportion One form of activity Health Care
going out first in the teenage years Services Youth (PKPR), which can help
usia15-17 33.3% female and 34.5% young people in solving the problems
male adolescents aged 15-19 years faced in understanding, empathy and
began dating at the age of 15 years, support to youth is through
premarital sex among teens male 4.5% psychological counseling teen.
and 0.7% adolescent girls, HIV AIDS
70% of the afflicted are teenagers. Based on the above, the authors wanted
RISKESDAS in 2013 the prevalence of to examine about " The Role of Health
mental emotional disorder in te Care Relationship Care Youth ( PKPR)
population aged ≥15 years based on Particularly Psychological Counseling

International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Science (IJNMS) , V o l u m e 2 ,
Iss ue 1 , April 2018
Teen Troubleshooting Capabilities Data Percentage
(Problem Solving) On Teens Ages 13- ages Frequency
15 Years In SMPN I Puri Mojokerto "
to analyze the role relationships 13Tahun 1 1.9 %
Services Health Care for Youth ( PKPR
) especially counseling psychology and 14Tahun 16 30,8 %
Troubleshooting Capabilities (problem
Solve) in adolescents aged 13-15 years 15Tahun 35 67,3 %
Jumlah 52 100 %
Data Frequency Persentas
This study used analytical cross-
Gender e
sectional approach. A sample of 52
people were taken to clusster random
sampling. Collecting data using standard Man 22 42.3 %
operating PKPR monitoring program Female 30 57.7 %
standard 3 teenagers, especially
psychological counseling and problem Amount 52 100 %
solving abilities questionnaire. Psychologic
Spearman rho test . Frequen
al Presentag
Counseling cy e
1. Tabel Frequency Distribution of
Optimal 33 63.5
Respondents by Age Students of
Class 1X And Students At Lower
Secondary School State 1 Puri Paripurna 19 36.5
Mojokerto Date March 2017
2. Tabel Frequency Distribution of Amount 52 100.0
Respondents by Gender At
Lower Secondary School State 1
Puri Mookerto Date March 2017 Frequen Percentag
3. Tabel frequency distribution of cy es
Psychological Counseling
Program Implementation Less 2 3.8 %
Monitoring Standard 3 On
Enough 37 71.2 %
Respondents Teens 13-15 Years
At Lower Secondary School Good 13 25.0 %
State 1 Puri Mojokerto Date
March 2017. Amount 52 100 %
4. Tabel frequency distribution of
Problem Solving Ability in
Adolescents Respondents aged
13-15 years At Lower Secondary
School State 1 Puri Mojokerto
Date March 2017.

International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Science (IJNMS) , V o l u m e 2 ,
Iss ue 1 , April 2018
DISCUSSION solving ability is the age of the
In this study, the majority of respondents respondents are of the results can be ρ =
have received psychological counseling 0.000 <α (0.05) with High Enough
services optimally, while problem- correlation coefficient (0.577) then there
solving ability is good enough most of is a relationship between the conduct of
the respondents of this case in counseling psychology with problem
accordance with the purpose of solving abilities, and influencet by the
psychological counseling. The Interest age of respondents, increasing age of the
psychological counseling adolescents is respondents receive capability to
to help teens in order to understand the manage information better so that the
problem, provide information relating to better problem-solving abilities. By
the matter impartially and information improving the quality of counseling
about the outreach to a range of services in PKPR expected to provide
resources health facilities, encourage information and education to adolescents
teens define various problem solving to help teens choose alternative solutions
alternatives, helping Teens define to problems and improve the ability of
various problem solving alternatives, problem solving in adolescents in
helping teens make their own decisions accordance with the role of the health
and are responsible for my decisions service cares for teenagers in the
(Ministry of Health, 2014) psychological field, namely: Problem
solving, creative thinking, thinking
Problem solving ability among critical, effective communication,
respondents At Lower Secondary School interpersonal relationships, self-
State 1 Puri Mojokerto is good enough, awareness, empathy, control emotions
but there are still some respondents that and cope with stress.
the ability of solution to the problem is
still lacking, namely by 3.8 % , this can
be influenced by several factors, among CONCLUSION
others : focusing, motivation, habits,
emotions, these things can affect an 1) The frequency of monitoring of
individual in choosing alternative program implementation 3 standard
solutions to problems , and making the psychological counseling at
best decision to resolve the problems adolescent respondents aged 13-15
experienced (Safaria Triantoro, 2012) years at Lower Secondary School
.Other factors that affect the ability of State 1 Puri Mojokerto based on the
problem solving, among others: survey results revealed that most
according to research Arini Hidayati in respondents obtain optimal
getting the results of calculations of psychological counseling services.
product moment that is 0.484 greater 2) The ability of solving problems
than r table product moment at 1% based on the standard 3 teenagers
significance level 0.403, which means aged 13-15 years at Lower
there is a relationship between Secondary School State 1 Puri
positive thinking with the ability to Mojokerto, based on the survey
problem-solving in students grade 11 results revealed that the ability of
Madrasah Aliyah Ma'Arif Boyolali in Solving Problems in Adolescents
2010 (Hidayati, 2010). Factors affecting Respondents aged 13-15 years at
the conduct of the respondent in Lower Secondary School State 1
counseling psychology and problem Puri Mojokerto largely sufficient.

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Iss ue 1 , April 2018
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Iss ue 1 , April 2018

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