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College of Education


ELED 450


Standards w/Assessments Named-Write standard out and label it correctly! :

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from nonliteral

Strategy Selected from The Reading Strategy Book w/ pg number:


Learning Target (I can statement in student speak):

I can use both the literal and figurative meaning of an idiom to infinity its meaning in the text

Criteria for Success/Assessment (this should be tied to your assessment and is measurable-comes from the strategy):

During work time I will think critically about the both the figurative and literal meaning of each idiom to help
me in identifying its meaning.

Students can correctly identify the meaning of six out of the eight idioms

Assessment -

Scoot worksheet

Thumbs up or down

Type of Lesson:

Mini-Lesson and independent worktime (scoot activity)

Contextual Factors (describe the student population and environmental factors that will impact your lesson plan):

Because this is a smaller class the learning activity will work well and will not take up a lot of time while still
being effective.

Materials and Resources Needed:

Text title: None

Lexile or Grade None

Level of the
for Choice

Other Required Anchor Chart, Scoop worksheet and idiom cards.


Resources The Reading Strategies Book

(website you used
Minds in bloom http://minds-in-bloom.com/8-fun-things-to-do-
to support
planning, etc) with-idioms/

A. The Lesson Introduction (2-3min)

Getting attention Today were going to learn about something call an idiom. Has
anyone heard of this before?

Well even if you aren’t quite sure of what they are you’ve all
heard them before you just didn’t know it.
Relating to past experience Has anyone ever forgotten to clean their room and heard
and/or knowledge your mom say it looks like a tornado went through your room.
Or has, your teachers ever told you to read between the

Do you think you mom actully think a tornado when though

your room or did you teacher really pull out a magnifying
glass and have you look between the lines?

These are examples of idioms because they mean something

different then what they actully say.
Creating a need to know Sometimes authors put idioms in their writing to make it
more fun an exciting. It’s our jobs as good readers to
understand the author is trying to say.
Sharing objective, in general Hopefully by the end of the lesson you’ll be able to identify
terms what an idiom means by using prior knowledge and context

1. Methods (core of the lesson) (time frame: total of 20-30 minutes with worktime)
I-do teacher lead An idiom is something that has a literal meaning and a figurative
discovery meaning.

Let’s look at these words literal and figurative have you guys heard these
words before and know or have a guess of what they mean? Turn to your
neighbor and have a quick discussion on what these two words mean.

Give me a thumb up if after discussing you think you know what these
two words mean, a sideways thumb if you might know but aren’t quite
sure, and a thumb down if you have no idea.

Literal means exact or real world. So, if I said a tornado literally just when
through my room that would mean that a tornado came through my
window and spun around in my room.
Figurative means the exact opposite. Its something that means
something different then its real world meaning.

So now if I told a tornado went through my room that would mean that
my room is messy and has stuff from all over the place.

We-do Class lead Let’s look at this example

discovery I studied all night for this spelling test it should be a piece of cake.

Who thinks they can spot the idiom in this sentence, raise your hand
then you think you’ve found it.

Very good the idiom in this scene is a piece of cake.

Now let’s look at the literal meaning of “a piece of cake”. When you
think of a piece of cake what are some words that pop in your head?
(Examples might be birthday, yummy, tasty, frosting…) all these words
are happy, fun, enjoyable words.

Now let’s look at the sentence as a whole. What can we infer about how
the test might go based on what we know? (will a test be easier or
harder if you study for it)

Right a test that you study really hard for should be easier then a test
that you don’t study for.

So, lets connect what we know. We know that the phase “a piece of
cake” has enjoyable or positive meaning we also know that by studying
for a test it’ll make it easier. So, who thinks they’ve figured out that the
figurative meaning is of “a piece of cake”?

After Mini-lesson- Very good so by looking at all of this we know that a piece of cake means
summery easy. Do you guys see how we used Our prior knowledge to figure out
the literal meaning of the idiom and context clues to figure of meaning

Let’s review our steps

1. Fully read and understand the sentence
2. Identify the idiom
3. Use prior knowledge to determine its literal meaning
4. Use context clues to gain a better understanding
5. Put it together to determine its figurative meaning

I’ll have these steps up on the board during work time if you need to look
at them

Give me a thumb up if you know what you’re supposed to be doing

Student Worktime: If you look, you’ll see pieces of papers around the room that have idioms
Time Frame: on them. For today’s work time I’m going to divide you into two groups,
10min in your groups you’re going to move around the tables in a circle
determining the meaning of each idiom. You’ll have about two minutes
at each poster, one the music stops it’s time to move.

I will then hand out the worksheet and we will go over the instructions as
a class.

Then I will divide them into groups and start the worktime.

Closure: After completing the worksheet, we will go over the answers as a class.
Time Frame:
3min So now that we have learned more about what an idiom is can a few of
you tell me a idiom that you have heard before or thought of during
work time.
Ideas for For this lesson the two groups will be divided at random, but you could
differentiation purposefully divide them so that students who may need more help
could be all be in one group allowing you to focus more heavily on that
group providing more assistants to those who may need it.
On the lines below write the figurative meaning of the idiom that matches with the number
on the card before the music stops and it’s time to scoot again.

1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
4. ____________________________________
5. ____________________________________
6. ____________________________________
7. ____________________________________
8. ____________________________________
SCOOT! Answer key
On the lines below write the figurative meaning of the idiom that matches with the number
on the card before the music stops and it’s time to scoot again.

1. Cold feet: To become nervous or scared

2. Broke my heart: to be extremely sad
3. Hold your horses: Be patient or wait
4. Feeling under the weather: Sick, not feeling well
5. Give her a hand: To help
6. Raining cats and dogs: Raining a lot or really hard
7. Fish out of water: out of place, some where you
don’t belong
8. Cost an arm and a leg: Cost a lot or be very
A. Reflection

B. a. To what extent did the lesson, including instructional strategies, learning activities, materials, resources, and technology,
help to facilitate student learning? How does the evidence you collected support this finding?

My learning target for the students for this lesson was: I can use both the literal and figurative meaning of an idiom to infinity its
meaning in the text. To determine if my students were successful with the learning target, I developed the following criteria for
success: During work time I will use both my prior knowledge and context clues to think critically about the both the figurative and
literal meaning of each idiom to help me in identifying its meaning. In order to assess my students with this skill, I had them
participate in a scoot activity which they were given one minute to figure out them meaning of a idiom in a given sentence.

Thirteen out of the seventeen students were successful in completing this task.

Four of my students were not successful. While everyone one was able to complete the sheet in the time allowed these four got two
or more of the meanings wrong on the worksheet. These students including some who were successful seemed to really struggled
with number 7, a fish out of water. This one might have been a little too hard for them or they may have need more context when it
came to the sentence. I wish I would have noticed this sooner so I could have gone over it with them at the end of the lesson.

C. b. How did the students use the content presented to demonstrate meaningful learning? Provide specific examples from the
lesson and from the student work to support your analysis.

I gave the students these steps to help them in figuring out the meanings

Let’s review our steps

6. Fully read and understand the sentence

7. Identify the idiom
8. Use prior knowledge to determine its literal meaning
9. Use context clues to gain a better understanding
10. Put it together to determine its figurative meaning

One of the idioms they students had to figure out was broken heart, the sentence for this was it broke my heart at the end of the
movie when Marley died. One students answer was “it made me really sad when Marley died, I cried for a really long time.” This
shows they used their prior knowledge to help them, they connected how they felt when they watched the move Marley and Me to
the sentence.

Another student answered, “This means feeling so sick you can’t go to school” for the sentence I was feeling under the weather, so
my mom told me I didn’t have to go to school. The student cold has easily just said this me sick but by adding the to sick to go to
school it shows they looked for context clued to help them.

One student that had difficulty with this wrote “his feet when frozen so he couldn’t move” for the sentence I go cold feet before the
talent show, I almost didn’t perform. This shows they were able to identify the literal meaning on the idiom. Cold feet, but struggled
struggles with contest clues and prior knowledge.
D. c. While you were teaching, what adjustments to the lesson did you implement for the whole class to better support student
engagement and learning? Provide examples to support your decisions.

After giving the class the example of a price of cake and working through with them how to figure outs it meaning I asked them
how confident they felt about doing it on their own, a few of the students did not feel to confident and were still in clear about how
to do this. So, a used another example and had them lead me how to do it. In my original lesson I did not plan on doing this.
Another this that I changed was the time they had to complete each idiom. Thought out my planning a was insuring weather to give
them one minute or two. During their the first few rounds of worktime I walked around checking the progress of each student and
watching the time, I decided that one minute was the best amount of time.

E. d. What steps did you take to foster teacher-to-student and student-to-student interactions? How did they impact student
engagement and learning?

For students to student interaction during the minilesson I had them talk with their partners on what they thought the meanings on
literal and figurative were.

Fore teacher to student interaction in the beginning of the lesson when I introduced what idioms were of have them a few examples
of idiom they have probably heard like a tornado went through you room, or read between the lines. We then talked about their
moms probably didn’t think a tornado actully went through their room or how the teacher didn’t pull out a magnifying glass and
have them look for secret words in their books. This showed them that even though they don’t know what a idiom is they still have
heard them before, it also made them laugh and more engaged in the lesson. I walked around during work time helping students
who looked like they might be struggling. I especially tried to help one of the students who came in late and missed part of the
lesson. Also at the end of the lesson for sharing I had them tell some idioms they liked or and had thought of during their work time.

F. e. What feedback did you provide during the lesson to facilitate student learning? What impact did the feedback have on
student learning? Provide specific examples.

When Vada walked in late it tried to pare her with another student who could help her however when I walked around I noticed that
she was just writing down the idioms themselves and not looking not the meaning. So, we walked who through one-on-how to find
the meaning. We had to do a little review on context clues but, after two or three rounds of me helping her she was understanding
and able to do it on her own.

Overall, my lesson went very well. One of the things I feel I did well was to establish a need to know and getting them interested in
the lesson. I know this because all the students were engaged in the begging of the lesson when I gave them the examples of a
tornado going through their room and reading between the lines. They all could relate to this and even laughed when we talked
about their literal meanings, this connected and lead into we talked about how author sue theses to make their writing more fun and
exciting and as good readers we need to know they are trying to tell us. Something that I could have done better was not going to
fast when we went through he steps on how to figure out the meanings, but I think I fixed this when we went thought one more time
after some of them told me they were confused. Another thing that I would change if I could do it again would be to find a better
way to explain what literal and figurative mean or to use different words for them because I feel like that was were a lot of the
constitution started from. Again, overall feel that my lesson went well and although we may have had a few hiccups along the way
they still were able to complete the task and achieve the learning objective.

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