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Oktatási Hivatal Kódszám:

A 2016/2017. tanévi
Országos Középiskolai Tanulmányi Verseny
második forduló

I. kategória


Munkaidő: 35 perc
Elérhető pontszám: 32 pont

Elért pontszám:
Angol nyelv I. kategória



26th JANUARY 2017

Welcome to the Listening component of OKTV.

The listening material is recorded on this CD, and the tasks and instructions are printed
in your test booklet.
There will be two tasks, and the recordings will be played twice. Before listening to each
recording, you will be given some time to read the instructions and to look at the task in
your test booklet. Remember that the instructions are not read out to you in this test.
The whole test is about 30 minutes long.


2016/2017 2 OKTV 2. forduló

Angol nyelv I. kategória


In this section, you will hear a report on some unusual driving

laws from different parts of the world.
 Your task is to circle the letter(s) of the correct answer(s) in
the boxes on the right. Please note that in this task both
answers may be correct. However, there is always at least one
correct answer. This means you will have to circle one or two
 First, you will have some time to look at the task, and then we
will play the whole recording in one piece.
 Then, you will hear the recording in one piece again.

 This is going to be a collection of drivings laws from aroung the world that are …
A) strange. A B
B) useful.

1. In Thailand, motorists are required to keep their shirts on if they are driving a …
A) car. A B
B) bus.

2. Bicycles in …
A) Switzerland are required to be insured. A B
B) Belgium are allowed to enter some one-way streets from both ends.

3. Before starting the car, drivers in Denmark are required to check if there is a …
A) something under it. A B
B) someone under it.

4. In certain Spanish cities, parking rules depend on the …

A) day of the month. A B
B) side of the street.

5. In Spain, drivers needing vision-correcting glasses …

A) must keep a spare set in their cars. A B
B) are at the mercy of the policemen if they are not wearing them.

6. In Cyprus, it is illegal to ...

A) eat or drink while driving. A B
B) drive a car with a single hand.

7. In Italy, drivers …
A) must use their dipped headlights outside built-up areas at all times. A B
B) are not allowed to carry more than one pet in their cars.

8. On German motorways, drivers face a fine if they …

A) stop for whatever reason. A B
B) run out of fuel.

9. In Russia, it is illegal to …
A) drive a dirty car. A B
B) clean a car in front of your home.

10. In Sweden, …
A) honking at other motorists is strictly forbidden.
B) drivers must keep their headlights on at all times. A B

11. In Costa Rica, drivers are allowed to drink …

A) alcoholic beverages. A B
B) beer but nothing else.
That is the end of TASK 1.

2016/2017 3 OKTV 2. forduló

Angol nyelv I. kategória


In this section, you are going to hear someone talk about the
etiquette of texting.
 Your task is to give short answers to the questions below
using the information from the recording.
 First, you will have some time to look at the task, and then
we will play the whole recording in one piece.
 Then, after a short pause, you will hear the recording again,
but this time we will play the text in shorter sections to give
you enough time to write down your answers.

 What three forms of communication does the speaker mention as examples?

She mentions ………………writing, speaking and singing…………………………...
12. What is the point of texting manners?
The point is to avoid accidentally ……...………………………………………...….….….
13. What concrete situations are mentioned when phones should be put away? (Name 4.)
………………………………………….…....., ………………………………………...….
………………………………………….…....., ………………………………………...….
14. What does the speaker say about texting in the bathroom?
It’s …………………………………..…… but it’s ……………….……….……….……...
15. What types of activities does the expert say are not suitable for texting?
When we are involved in any type of ………….…………………….…………………….
16. Why is it dangerous to rely solely on autocorrect?
Because of potential ………..………………..…...…………………….…….……………
17. What are the alternative solutions for longer messages?
18. What two rules does she recommend for the use of abbrevitaions?
Pick a ………………………………..……… and …………………………….………..…
19. Why is it dangerous to omit polite words and use strong or dirty words in a
Because it can be easily ………..…………………………………………………………...
20. When is it normal to end a message without signing off properly?
When you have a …………………………………………………………………….……..
21. What kind of things doesn’t she recommend we should text?
Things that are ……………………………… or …………………………………………
22. What is her advice concerning the formality of the message?
That it is safer to ……………………………………………………...………………..…

That is the end of Task 2, and also the end of the Listening exam.

2016/2017 4 OKTV 2. forduló

Oktatási Hivatal Kódszám:

A 2016/2017. tanévi
Országos Középiskolai Tanulmányi Verseny
második forduló

I. kategória


Munkaidő: 45 perc
Elérhető pontszám: 50 pont

Elért pontszám:
Angol nyelv I. kategória Kódszám:………….

Find the one word that fits into all three sentences (a, b and c). Write the word on the Answer
line. Note: the form of the word is identical for all three gaps. There is an example (0) at the
a) There’s no point in raising the matter again; I have no intention of changing my ___.
b) She has worked there for ten years and she thinks she should have been offered a better
___ in the company by now.
c) The airline’s financial ___ is healthier now than it has been for many years.
Answer: _____position_____

a) Her twins are both pretty useless at arts and music, but they ___ in science.
b) Suzy immediately took a ___ to David, but her parents weren't so sure he was the right guy
for her.
c) Beeswax gives a high ___ to wood furniture.

Answer: ________________________________________

a) The coat was too ___ for my taste; I prefer basic designs.
b) Amanda went to the most famous cake shop in town but nothing took her ___ there. In the
end she had a hot dog in the street.
c) Sorry, I don’t ___ going to the Irrational Fear of Feathers Support Group meeting tonight.
Let’s stay in and watch ‘Birds’ instead.

Answer: ________________________________________

a) Our vacation was drawing to a ___ and we had to start thinking of going back to work.
b) It was a ___ call when Jim’s car skidded off the mountain road and stopped 2 inches from the
gorge 300 ft deep.
c) After months of tough negotiations, Carol has finally managed to ___ the deal with the media
Answer: ________________________________________

a) According to a ___ reading expert in a new study, people with creases spelling out the letter
M on their hand are set for good fortune.
b) To my great surprise, the salesman managed to ___ off three of those cheap vacuum cleaners
as top-notch products in a single day.
c) ___ oil is a source of huge profits for multinational corporations, as it is literally everywhere
– in our foods, cosmetics, cleaning products and fuels.

Answer: ________________________________________

a) The new government incentive that promotes renewable energy systems such as solar
panels or heat pumps is part of a policy to help homeowners to go ___.
b) From the hill Kevin could see the duck pond and the village ___ where he and the other
children used to fly kites and play cricket.
c) Kate has just been promoted to head of department; her colleagues are going to be ___ with
Answer: ________________________________________

2016/2017 3 OKTV 2. forduló

Angol nyelv I. kategória Kódszám:………….

In each group of three expressions, there is one which does NOT fit the context. Circle the
letter of this expression in the column on the right. Remember to circle the letter of the
WRONG expression, as in the example (0).

An Aboriginal painting that went missing in 1981 0. A) has been returned 0 A B C

B) has been seen C) has been found by chance hanging in the office of a
tourism official in Australia's Northern Territory (NT).
The piece, Travelling Dreaming, by acclaimed artist Mick Namarari
Tjapaltjarri, is estimated 1. A) to be worth B) to surpass C) to reach 1 A B C
up to A$150,000 and was the subject of extensive 2. A) investigations 2 A B C
B) explorations C) searches after its disappearance 35 years ago, the ABC
news website reports. It was 3. A) borrowed B) lent c) loaned to the NT 3 A B C
Chief Minister's Office in the late 1970s, and that's where it was last seen.
But that was all 4. A) beyond the ken of B) unbeknown to 4 A B C
C) unaccustomed to NT tourism chief Alistair Shields, who found it in a
store room and decided it would 5. A) liven up B) brighten C) arouse the 5 A B C
walls at the Department of Tourism and Culture in Darwin. "The office
needed a little bit of life and colour; however, I had no idea that I was
hanging a 6. A) priceless B) worthwhile C) prized piece of Northern 6 A B C
Territory art," Mr. Shields says.
The painting could have stayed there unnoticed 7. A) had it not been 7 A B C
B) should it not have been C) if it had not been for head of arts Angela
Hill, who spotted it hanging on the wall during a routine meeting. The
region's culture minister, Lauren Moss, 8. A) describes B) recalls 8 A B C
C) realizes the "very unusual mode of discovery" as a “9. A) lucky break 9 A B C
B) spur of the moment C) stroke of luck that brings a terrific end to a 35-
year mystery.” She says the painting will now be returned to the Museum
and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, where it will go on
10) A) exposition B) show C) display in July 2017. 10 A B C

Circle the letter of the word which best fits the sentence. There is an example (0) at the

(0) The loquacious coach suddenly became ___-lipped when asked about Ms Wilson.
a. bottom b. tight c. parched d. cleft

1. What would be the ______ type of school in your own country?

a. similar b. like c. shadow d. equivalent

2. Charlie’s new restaurant in Belgravia soon became famous, his _____ dish of Roast Duck with
Hibiscus attracting guests by the hundred, including A-list celebrities.

a. mark b. signature c. hype d. note

3. Astrology is pseudoscientific nonsense and it has been thoroughly _____ scientifically.

a. debunked b. refused c. dismayed d. repelled

2016/2017 4 OKTV 2. forduló

Angol nyelv I. kategória Kódszám:………….

4. I had no chance of getting a shave this morning; my daughter was _____ the bathroom for
about two hours.

a. hogging b. holding c. hindering d. ruling

5. Well, it is a great article; you’ve got to give her _____ for it.

a. acknowledgement b. acclaim c. credit d. kudos

6. Vicky was complaining about a headache all day, but it was clear that she was just trying to
_____ herself from doing overtime with the rest of us.

a. wriggle b. extricate c. expel d. release

7. From the age of 6 she _____ a dream of becoming a world famous ballet dancer.

a. desired b. cuddled c. plotted d. harboured

8. My cousin started off as a great basket ball prospect, then he was dropped from his team
because of his late night partying and now he is on the _____ slope.

a. fatal b. dangerous c. slippery d. wayward

9. The growing _____ against McDonald’s Canada’s decision to serve nuts that are not in
individual, sealed packages may ultimately force the company to reverse course.

a. concern b. contempt c. disdain d. backlash

10. To my _____ knowledge, he has never been a member of any political party.

a. certain b. complete c. deepest d. good

Complete the second sentence using the word in brackets, so that the meaning is as close as
possible to the meaning of the first sentence. Note: do not change the given word. Use
between four and six words including the given word. Only correctly spelt solutions can be
accepted. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

(0) You probably won’t think much of it, but that’s what I am going to wear. (like)
Whether you......... like it or not, that’s........ what I am going to wear.

1. Some dog breeds can more easily get joint problems than others. (prone)

Some dog breeds ..................................................................................... joint problems than others.

2. Mark seems to be improving not only his reading skills but also his confidence. (signs)

Not only ........................................................................in his reading skills but also in his confidence.

3. If the little boy didn’t drink raw milk, he wouldn’t have digestive problems. (for)

Were ......................................................... raw milk that he drinks, the little boy wouldn’t have
digestive problems.

2016/2017 5 OKTV 2. forduló

Angol nyelv I. kategória Kódszám:………….

4. One of the men’s mother rang the police with information about where the robbers were.

The police ................................................................ of the robbers by one of the men's own mother.

5. The reason why he failed to appear was the fact that he didn’t want to miss his son’s concert

His failure to appear was ........................................................................ to miss his son's school event.

6. Joe didn't think it was wrong to be paid for a job he hadn’t done. (qualms)

Joe ................................................................................................................ for a job he hadn’t done.

7. Some say you can mistake The Girl on the Train for Gone Girl as they are so much alike.

Some say The Girl on the Train ......................................................................................... Gone Girl.

8. Whenever I just touch nickel, I get a rash. (brings)

Even a tiny brief contact with nickel ........................................................................................ a rash.

9. It is not obligatory for the police to provide any such information. (under)

The police ....................................................................................................... any such information.

10. In my opinion people should never send cash through the post. (account)

In my opinion .................................................................................................... sent through the post.

2016/2017 6 OKTV 2. forduló

Angol nyelv I. kategória Kódszám:………….

Circle the letter of the sentence (a, b, c or d) which is closest in meaning to the first sentence.
There is an example (0) at the beginning.

(0) The door had been left ajar and I saw her crying.

a) She was shedding tears standing at the door.

b) Through the door of her room, I noticed her crying.
c) She opened the left-side door, so I could see her crying when she entered.
d) Through the glass door, I saw her in tears.

1. There has been no love lost between the two Hollywood stars since their well
publicised divorce.
a) The Hollywood stars have hated each other since their divorce.
b) The Hollywood stars fell in love with each other after their divorce.
c) The Hollywood stars have never loved each other even though they were married.
d) Despite the divorce, the Hollywood stars still like each other.

2. It’s clear that Judith has a crush on Roy, but she is in denial about it.
a) Judith has a crush on Roy, but Roy does not return her feelings.
b) Judith has a crush on Roy, but it is a secret.
c) Judith has a crush on Roy, but she doesn’t want to admit it to.
d) Judith has a crush on Roy, but she must not show it because it is not allowed.

3. My boss really put me on the spot when he asked me if my wife and I were planning to
have children in the next five years.
a) My boss gave me an idea when he asked me if my wife and I were planning to have children
in the next five years.
b) I felt really proud when my boss asked me if my wife and I were planning to have children
in the next five years.
c) My boss was only joking when he asked me if my wife and I were planning to have children
in the next five years.
d) It was really embarrassing when my boss asked me if my wife and I were planning to have
children in the next five years.

4. I have never seen the shop like this, it’s been all go this morning.
a) Surprisingly, almost everything has been sold in the shop by the afternoon.
b) Surprisingly, the shop has been very busy this morning.
c) Surprisingly, all the staff is on leave this morning.
d) Surprisingly, all has been going smoothly in the shop this morning.

5. The new film had us in stitches from beginning to end.

a) We slept through the entire film.
b) We were terrified watching the film from beginning to end.
c) The film puzzled us from the first moment till the last.
d) We were laughing throughout the whole film.

2016/2017 7 OKTV 2. forduló

Oktatási Hivatal Kódszám:

A 2016/2017. tanévi
Országos Középiskolai Tanulmányi Verseny
második forduló

I. kategória


Munkaidő: 45 perc
Elérhető pontszám: 28 pont

Elért pontszám:
Angol nyelv I. kategória


Do you think lying can be justified under any circumstances? When can a white lie be

Write about 250 words. You have 45 minutes to complete the task. Dictionaries are not

2016/2017 2 OKTV 2. forduló

Angol nyelv I. kategória

2016/2017 3 OKTV 2. forduló

Angol nyelv I. kategória

2016/2017 4 OKTV 2. forduló

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