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Topic: Perspective and Anamorphic Art Curriculum Learning Area: Visual Arts – Art Year Level: 8

Unit description:
This is the first unit for the year 8 visual arts class and is a six-week unit. Students are being introduced to
both perspective and anamorphic art for the first time. Students are allocated 2 x 100 min lessons per week
to complete this unit. Students will submit folio/journal work (including artist study and one-point perspective
task) and final anamorphic task for summative assessment.

Achievement standards/Performance Standards:

¨ Identify and analyse how other artists use visual conventions and viewpoints to communicate
ideas and apply this knowledge in their art making.

¨ Explain how an artwork is displayed to enhance its meaning.

¨ Students plan their art making in response to exploration of techniques and processes used in
their own and others’ artworks.

Lesson development:

Lesson 1: Introduction to perspective. One-point and two-point perspective and vanishing points.
Lesson 2: One-point perspective task
Lesson 3: Teacher demonstration on mark making, tone and shade, work on perspective task.
Lesson 4: One-point perspective task
Lesson 5: Anamorphic theory and art works, artist study.
Lesson 6: Artist study
Lesson 7: Optical illusions and mirror art. Introduction to assessment.
Lesson 8: Anamorphic task
Lesson 9: Anamorphic task and checkpoint.
Lesson 10: Demonstration and experimentation with pen - Anamorphic task
Lesson 11: Anamorphic task
Lesson 12: Writing reflection, finishing art work and class sharing.

Learning Objectives*.
As a result of engaging with the unit of work students will Understand:__________________

¨ Art is not only 2D but can be given depth and dimension through perspective and anamorphic

As a result of engaging with the unit students will As a result of engaging with the unit students will be
Know: able to:

¨ Perspective terminology ¨ Draw in one-point and two-point perspective

¨ History of perspective in art ¨ Research an artist and analyse an artwork to
¨ The difference between one point and two point inform their own art making.
perspective. ¨ Skills and techniques involved in anamorphic
¨ The definition of anamorphic. art
¨ Artists who create anamorphic art ¨ Reflect and evaluate their own work and the
¨ The science behind mirrors and optical illusions work of other practitioners.

Pre assessment of Students’ existing knowledge about this unit of work

Pre assessment task to check for present level of understanding about this unit of work:

¨ Small group and class discussions to determine what students already know about one and two
point perspectives.
¨ Basic perspective task: identifying the perspective lines, vanishing points and horizon line.

Lesson Sequences (what will each cover)

NB: All PowerPoints and handouts will be accessible to students via Daymap so that
students can revisit the materials and will further support students with learning
Student learning: I wanted to give students the opportunity to access documents
both electronically and physically to meet the learning needs of all students.
Lesson 1:

¨ Small group discussion and class discussion about what students already know about
perspective. What are parallel lines? What is perspective?
¨ Introduction and teacher demonstration to perspective, illusion, and art before perspective.
¨ Basic One-Perspective task – students will find the perspective lines, vanishing points and
horizon line in the images given by teacher.
o Pre-assessment: Students will complete the perspective lines activity (this will inform
the one-point perspective task of next lesson.
¨ Students will follow along with the teacher demonstration of one-point and two-point
perspective (depending on time).
** Student learning through teacher modelling/
teacher demonstration.

Lesson 2:

¨ If ran out of time in lesson 1, will continue with two-point perspective. Identifying the
horizon line and vanishing points and then following step-by-step teacher demo.
¨ Introduce students to one-point perspective task: students spend the lesson creating a
one-point perspective drawing of train tracks, school corridor, hospital ward, city street etc.
from a photo and add another object into the perspective drawing that is not in the
o Students will begin with identifying perspective lines, vanishing point and horizon line
in different colour pens.
o Students will then begin drawing on A4 paper.
o Students can use google to research for images they would like to add into their work.
¨ For homework: students can select the image they would like to add, and give to teacher
to print or work from screen.
¨ Differentiation:
o Low-level readiness: Students who struggle and are at a low-level readiness will
receive extra support when drawing their one-point perspective and can be shown a
repeat demonstration if needed.
o Mid-level readiness can continue with their own but with the PowerPoint as extra
support if needed.
o High-level readiness: Can continue with the one point perspective individually.

**Students worked slowly through the tasks, therefore,

WEEK 2 assignment time had to be extended. Absentee students
assignments were altered, students had to catch up with
Lesson 1: PowerPoints and documents.

¨ Teacher demonstration on shading, cross hatching, and mark making.

¨ Working on perspective task.

Lesson 2:

¨ Students spend the lesson completing their one-point perspective task and going over it in
Week 3
Lesson 1:

¨ Teacher Directed PowerPoint - Anamorphic Art works and theory

o The Ambassadors (1533), Hans Holbein
o Hand with reflecting sphere (1935), MC Escher
o Odeith (Street Artist) anamorphic street art
o Manfred Stader (Street Artist) anamorphic street art.
¨ Short anamorphic video
¨ Students are introduced to artist studies and will complete an artist study on Holbein,
Escher, Odeith, or Stader.

**Holbein was removed from artist study as students didn’t engage as

Lesson 2: much with this artist, didn’t meet the requirements of the study as
closely either.
¨ Students have this lesson to continue working on their artist studies (with an analysis of
one of their artworks) and experimenting with the artist’s style.

Lesson 1:

¨ Teacher directed PowerPoint - Optical illusions, Mirror art, the science behind mirrors and
the law of reflection.
¨ Optical illusion drawing: Students are given a range of simple optical illusions to begin
their learning and understanding of the topic.
¨ Introduction to anamorphic summative assessment - with teacher demonstration
¨ Students will begin research for their image.
¨ Images will be morphed with the Tiny Planet app – students select a simple image and
teacher will morph the images on Tiny Planet and print out for the students to use.
Tiny planet app was attempted but didnt work with the images that the
Lesson 2: students were selecting, therefore we remained with the grid. Students also
found this a bit easier.
¨ Students begin the anamorphic task using perspective to replicate their image.
¨ Students are given a pre-drawn circular template to begin their project.
¨ Using pencils students will replicate their morphed image, and test with the mirrored
cylinder to ensure accuracy before using felt tip pens, shading, and tone.
¨ Differentiation: Students with low-readiness level will be given extra support in creating
anamorphic task.

Lesson 1:

¨ Students will spend the lesson working of their anamorphic task.

¨ Checkpoint: teacher will meet with each student and ensure they have completed all the
work in their folio.

Lesson 2:

¨ Teacher demonstration using pen. Shade, cross-hatching, line making.

¨ Students have time to experiment using pen.
¨ Students can begin using pen on anamorphic art task once completed the pencil layer.
Due to absent students and the progression of work, this unit took
WEEK 6 longer than expected. However, some students were able to paint the final
work rather than pen, this turned out really well!
Lesson 1:

¨ Working on Anamorphic art work

Lesson 2:

¨ Students write a reflection on task about how they went, their review of their work etc.
¨ Finish art work, and class sharing demonstration with cylinders.
¨ All students work displayed on the tables with the cylinders and students can walk around
looking at each other’s work.

Check for understanding

What method will you use to check for student understanding so far?

¨ Observation and practical skills

¨ Reflections, annotation and evaluations in folio


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