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instahnent shall be .

an be made in two to 5%o (five perceirt) of the

amount equal to 2% (two instalments each equal Contract Price. The advance
percent) of tire Contract to 5oA (five percent) of payment would be deemed
Price, the second the Contract Price. as interest bearing advance
instalment shall be equal to at an interest rate of 10%
3oh (three percent) of the /fen) ncr
/-nnf ronf D.;^-
^nnrrrn to be
r r lvv, "-d the compounded quarterly. The
third instalment shall be interest would be recovered
equal to 5% (five percent) along with the recovery of
of the Contract Price. advance navment.
2 cl. Deleted.
19.2.3 At any time after 30 (thifiy) Deleted.
(pe-84) days from the Appointed
Date, the Contractor may
apply for tlie second
instalment of the Advance
Payment along with an
irrevocable and
unconditional guarantee
fiom a Bank for an amount
pnrrirraTanf fn 11^oA (^^^
I rvlv \vrre
hrrnrllcrl qtrrl tc- ner npnf\
of such instalment,
substantially in the form
provided at Annex-lll of
Schedule-G, to remain
effective till the complete
and full repayrnent thereof.

3 c1. Af nnv fir-ne nfie.r SQ At any time, after 60 (sixfy)

Lur(v, qr rvr

Af 2nv time afle.y (sixty) days from the davs

-'J - from the .'ri-
19.2.4 LlrrIvt 60 Annointed
\rD ''l
(sixtv) davs from
\-^'^-J i **J " the Appointed Date, the Date, the Contractor may
^^^;-+^^Dor^ the u 4tv) Contractor rnay apply to apply to tlie Autliority for
Contractor may apply to fhe A rrflrorifv fnr the the seoond instalment of the
the Authorify for the third second instalment of the Advance Payment along
instalment of the Advance Advance Payrnent along with an irrevocable and
alons with an
Pavrnent *'"^'D with an irrevocable and uncondrtronal
'.,1 guarantee
irrevocable and uncorldttlonal guarantee from a Bank for an amount
uncondiLional D** suarantee fi'om a Bank for ai1 equivalent to 110% (one
fi'om a Barik for an amount arnottnf vYu(YsrvirL
enrririale.nt tO hundred and ten per cent) of
equivalerrt to 110% (one l10o/o (one hundred and such instalment,
lrrrnd"crl cnA ten rrer ncnf\ ten per cent) of such ^,,L^.^*+i^ll-.
)uuJL4rruarly :.^
ltI *L-
Lllu fOi.m
of such instalmeut, instalinent, substantially nrovided
r'- ^..-- at Annex-Ill of
substantially in the form i,. +l^ ^ f^--,-
111 Ine lorrn -..^- .: J ^ -I
provlded at Schedule-C, to remain
provided at ArTnex-III of Annex-III of Schedule- effective till the complete
Scheduie-G, to rernairr G v, fn
!v rerrain offtnf'
rvrrrqrr, -r.--rlve and full repayment thereof.
effective till the complete till the complete and fu11
and full repaynent thereof. rpnqrr'marif fi.."-^a LIMUVl.

4 ut- The fir'st- second and the The first and the second The first and the second
19.2.5 i, ,
third instalments shall be instalments shaii be paid instalments shall be paid by
[no-R4) hrr the Arrfhnrihr f.r the
\rD "'/ naid bv
r"'- 'J -^'- Authoritv
the ^ -'-"-"-J to the uJ fhc A rrflrn.itv fn
Lrrv nuLrlultLy LU +L^
Contractor within 15 Contractor within 15 Contractor within 15
(fifteen) days of the receipt (fifteen) days of the (fifleen) days of tlre receipt
;+^ *^-*^^+;,
^f lrJ
ut -^^,,1StS ilt
ruoPUvLtYv^ rv9uu receinf of iis resnecliyg of its respective requests in
accordance with the requests in accordance accordance witli the
nrovisinns of tlris Clause witli the provisions of r-orovisions
- _-_-__- of this Clause
19.2. this Clause 19.2. 19.2.

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