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God The Architect, is a devotional spiritual work, which discusses in

great detail God, religion, devotional meditation, Vedic astrology,

western science, western society, the limitations of logic and
reason and the esoteric and occult paradigms.

The enlightened author extensively discusses the practice of

meditation, what it is, what its effects are and how it can help one
attain a higher state of consciousness.

Besides deep esoteric subjects, like the never revealed esoteric

causes of World War II, the author also discuses the troublesome
trends which are enveloping society due to the cultural standards

of Generation X as well as the dominance of the media.

The depth of information presented in this book is quite unique

and the many subjects it handles are never revealed before in
western societies.

The Architect
This book explores the link between psychology, astrology,
spirituality and daily life, based on sacred ancient wisdom. It
seeks to diminish the doubts of the reader by factually
demonstrating their silent impact on every day life.

In short, God The Architect is a unique book which exposes the

lesser known areas of the human experience.

For more information, visit www.GodTheArchitect.com

Retail Price: $24.95
Translated into English by Deborah Oakes
God: The Architect
© 2010 GertJan de Leeuw

Table of Contents

Foreword 11

A Note From The Translator 15

Chapter 1...... From Ego to Christ Consciousness 19

Obtaining Mind Control 20
Level 2: Psychological Tranquility 24
The Inner Teacher 26
Developing Solid Concentration Skills 27
Level 3: The Attraction to Enlightenment 27
Level 4: Deprogramming the sub-conscious 29
What is Body Language? 29
Level 5: Enlightenment 30
The Error of Nothingness 33
Level 6: The Revelation of Creation 34
Level 7: Devotional Service 35
Spiritual Progress Using The Laws Of 36
Chapter 2...... Spirituality, Society and Evolution 41
Generations as Evolution for the Collective 41
Ego (change)
Dynamics Of Generations 42
The Organization of Generations 42
Analysis of the Problems of Generation X 44
Rise of the Kidult Personality 44
A Consumer Society Produces Impotent 47
Social Networking to Retain the Womb 48
Karmic Damage 52
Karmic Inheritance 53
The New Spiritual Kingdom 53
The Anti-Christ: Trends That Degrade Society 54
The Distortion of Language As Brainwashing 55
Abuse And Distortions of Human Biology by 61
Chapter 3...... Pathway of the Spiritual Warrior 67
The Warnings and Promises for the New Age 67
The Celestial Pathway 68
The Rise of Demonic Possession 70
A Most Famous Case of Demonic Possession 72
The Promised Spiritual Potential For Humans 74
Simplification Of The Concept Of Ego 74
About GertJan de Leeuw 79
Appendix A References 85
Appendix B Examples Of Media Which Stimulate 87
Chapter 1

From Ego to Christ Consciousness

The Art of Evolution In a Nutshell

Making a habit of daily meditation is one of the most

important decisions a person can make in these current,
hectic, modern times. Nothing in this world gives more
satisfaction, health and psychological rest, than sitting in
meditation with closed eyes while being careless about the
outside world.

Practice of meditation gives excellent results even if it's

only practiced for three minutes per day. It is a crucial practice
for attaining and maintaining higher levels of consciousness.
This chapter describes the novice levels as well as the most
advanced levels of spiritual consciousness.

The description of each level is a short summary of the

subjective experience one will go through in transcendental
meditation. These levels are impersonal and manifest in every
person as the same subjective experience. Therefore, the
author tries to communicate his own knowledge about each
level for the benefit of the student.

It can take years of practice for a devotee to master just

one level of consciousness. However, the description of the
phenomena will definitely facilitate spiritual progress of the
reader. On the transcendental path, one will be confronted
with current problems, as well as long forgotten issues, which
are stored in the sub-conscious mind. Therefore, there is no
fixed frame of time or order in which one can hope for
spiritual progress.

Progress depends at all times on intention, personal karma

and personal effort. Before one begins to practice
meditation, it is helpful to know what its purpose is. Besides
psychological rest, meditation will result in the power of
From Ego to Christ Consciousness 20

controlling the restless mind.

When the mind becomes silenced, one will permanently

experience the Higher Self without exception. The process of
silencing the mind is called self-control.

Obtaining Mind Control

How does one make the mind silent? For this we need,
a power that is higher than the personal self: God. In the
lower modes of consciousness, the mind is mostly dominated
by material nature. The only qualities that are available in the
mind at this level, are the qualities that one inherits from birth
because of karma. The nature one owns in this lifetime, is
greatly determined by personal virtue and vices. Vices can
greatly hinder spiritual sight. Therefore, one needs to
undergo a purification process.

In the purification process one gets rid of all the qualities

of the mind; hence, one gets rid of good and bad karma
respectively. Since karma is such a powerful force, one can
only conquer it with assistance and Grace of the Supreme
Being. Thus, one empties the mind by surrendering all
sensations and thoughts to God.

Over time, this will bring up subconscious repressions

which one is required to act out in the world. Hence, the true
spiritual path is not about sitting in meditation like a monk for
a complete life-time.

The true path sometimes requires meditation and

sometimes requires action in the real world. Different blocks
in consciousness require different approaches, so some
approaches require passive contemplation, others require
worldly accomplishments. For example, social anxiety cannot
be overcome in meditation. It requires active participation in
group environments.
From Ego to Christ Consciousness 21

True devotional meditation plus action in the real world,

result in the sub-conscious mind progressively emptied of
mental blocks. The end result is the arising of a state of
constant satisfaction and happiness which is not dependent
on outside circumstances.

One will discover that one is only capable of love when the
psyche is in a healthy state. For example, a human being can
only learn unconditional love by first tasting the Infinite Love
of God. This Love is gained by worship and devotion to
spiritual principles.

Conditional love, which is found between human beings in

the form of relationships, is not the same thing as Divine
Love. This is often misunderstood by spiritual students.

The ordinary love expressed by human beings is simply

based on how well humans relate to one another.
Relationship love is the ego's form of love, which can never
reach the ecstatic heights reached through Divine Love. In A
Course in Miracles, this phenomena is referred to as “special

As a spiritual student, one is required to learn how to

accept and love people from all different walks of life, races,
religious backgrounds, etc:. There can exist no exception in
True Love. Love is all inclusive because all there is, is God and
God is Infinite Love.

Love is freedom and freedom is Love. To obtain freedom

from the evils of this world, one needs to allow existence of
perceived evil. This will set one free from aversions and
attractions to just about anything one does not prefer. True
Love is freedom and therefore, it can never result in bondage.
Whatever results in bondage is of the lower nature. By
perfectly understanding what Love is, one can remain tranquil
even in the midst of catastrophe.
From Ego to Christ Consciousness 22

The practice of meditation gives crucial insights into

psychological loss that govern mind, body and spirit. One will
discover that an unhealthy psyche acts itself out in illnesses
on the level of mind, body or spirit.

Therefore, by developing self-awareness through

meditation, one develops awareness of psychological
currents. This is what Jesus meant by the term, “know thyself.”
Identity is not found in clothing, lifestyle, jobs, money, culture,
country, etc:.

Only he who knows himself can accomplish anything. Self-

knowledge is like a torch. Meditation eventually results in

Resistance to meditation comes from ego. The ego is very

much afraid of itself. Because the spirit is identified with ego,
in the beginning, one thinks that self-knowledge is poison
and will expose oneself as a traitor. Therefore, before one
practices meditation, it is best to educate oneself about
spiritual realities and principles which are devoid of any sense
of guilt and other ego attitudes.

One undergoes a period of gathering information that

helps one see a better world, which is simply Reality. When
one believes in the ultimate good of life and God, one is able
to accept the lower attitudes as being simply a product of the
lower animal nature of man.

One can see that the ego deals strictly with self-
preservation and therefore, the spirit that has identified with
ego, resists meditation. The ordinary person who first enters
meditation, is still largely ego identified. The ego senses this
and puts up defenses in the form of anger, guilt and fear. The
big trick is to recognize and accept the resistance of the ego
as simply being an expression of nature.
From Ego to Christ Consciousness 23

Meditation is not of the nature of the ego; therefore, it

senses a threat to its existence. In the meditation practitioner,
this can easily express itself as panic and hyperventilation.

One can be sure the ego will battle with newly, inflowing
Light. The main thing that will appear in this stage, is
distractions, such as, legs going to sleep, desire to use the
restroom or anything else that breaks off the meditation

To get over these resistances, a lot of patience and

acceptance is required. The more one is able to accept the
defense mechanisms of ego, the more one is able to
comprehend what ego is about. Resisting the ego within
oneself is a futile endeavor because the phenomena of
resistance itself is coming 100% from ego.

Resistance is an expression of force while Light is Power.

Hence resistance can never be of God. Therefore, the basic
steps are: 1) resistance, 2) acceptance and 3) peaceful

As Jesus said, “a kingdom divided against itself, cannot

stand.” It is of crucial importance that one makes peace with
ego within oneself. This is accomplished through accepting
ego as it is. Once this is attained, then one's consciousness
becomes a part of the kingdom of God. Until ego is accepted,
one experiences a divided kingdom.

Darkness can not be cast out by the rules of darkness.

Darkness can only be cast out by the rules of Light. Resistance
is a rule of darkness and acceptance is the appropriate rule of
the Light.

When resistance is observed in meditation, it is direct

evidence that the thing that resists is not the real you. This is
so because the real you is observing the resistance and
therefore is simply the witness of it. Only a mistake in
From Ego to Christ Consciousness 40

A most interesting movie that depicts the caste system in

action is The Last Sumarai. In the spiritual culture pictured in
this movie, the warrior is preoccupied with war and the
workers are preoccupied with maintaining the village and
weapons for the warrior class, while the women are
housewives taking care of the younger generation. This is the
survival mechanism for the village.
Chapter 2

Spirituality, Society and Evolution

Generations as Evolution for the Collective Ego

As an individual person makes his own spiritual progress,

so large groups of human beings make collective progress in
evolution. This collective group is what defines a generation.
All members of a generation have a lesson in common they
need to learn. These lessons function as parameters and are
very specific in nature.

For example, Baby Boomers (1940-1965) share a collective

lesson in maintaining a household while Generation X (mid
60's - 1980) shares a collective lesson in intellectualism. Since
generations differ in their goals, there naturally arises great
friction, non-understanding as well as inspiration and
compassion between the respective, collective groups.

This chapter tries to outline the dynamics of the current

generations manifested on earth. The author will especially go
in-depth with conflictual matters relative in today's world.
Virtually all problems in society can be traced back to
conflicts between generations.

In this chapter, we will study how generations interact with

each other for the greater good. Generations are simply birth
waves that occur in different time frame periods. They are the
result of Intelligent Design. Like the caste system is meant to
speed up human evolution in a most beneficial way, so the
Lord controls the appearance of different generations over
time. This chapter will reveal the underlying Divine Intention
separating different groups of people in different generations.
Spirituality, Society and Evolution 42

Dynamics of Generations

The prime function of every generation is swapping

knowledge with the elder generations as well as the younger
generations. This swapping includes social values, emotional
values, intention, behavioral modes, attitude, etc:.

Generally speaking, generations complement each other in

regards to sharing their knowledge. For example, Generation
X holds values which are hardly known to Baby Boomers and
vice versa. Hence, every generation fulfills both a pupil and
teacher role in it's lifetime. Obviously, friction is inevitable in
these kinds of relationships.

A generation is not just a group of people which is let

loose on the earth in an unorganized way. Divinity created
generations with its members residing in a top-down
hierarchy. This means that every generation has its silent
leaders on top, which are persons who serve as the perfection
and role-model of that particular generation. These persons
serve as the role-model of a particular generation, and are
actual living persons. Like the movie, The Truman Show, they
live their life in a highly-controlled way, in which the
Controller is Divinity or a notable energy-field of integrity.

Whatever the role-model persons of a generation do in

their lifetime, it gets unconsciously imitated by others, no
matter what it is. In esoteric terms, such personalities are
called Seeders. Seeders leave their marks like footmarks in the
collective consciousness of mankind. Whatever a Seeder of a
generation does, the complete generation will follow it.

The Organization of Generations

Seeders often live together with other Seeders. It is not

uncommon that a complete family is made up out of Seeders.
In this way, Seeders automatically come into contact with
other generations. For example, twenty year old Danny might
Spirituality, Society and Evolution 43

be the Seeder of Generation Y (1980 - 1999) and his thirty-

two year old sister, might be the Seeder of Generation X.

By their natural interaction with each other, they

completely harmonize the different generations. Their
behavioral patterns and interaction are automatically stored
in the collective unconscious and become therefore, the
immediate example for other persons around the globe.

In science, they call such energy field patterns M-fields. An

M-field is simply a stored experience in an energy field.
Human beings are by nature psychically aware of each others
experiences and actions on some level. After all, the Soul is
omni-present by nature, and hence, it is aware of everything.
Only the material energies block this out of awareness.

As humanity is One, every person taking birth on earth, is

automatically connected to the collective unconscious. This
shared consciousness is like the grand database of humanity.
Some people are karmically permitted to modify this
database and such persons we refer to as Seeders, in this

The lesser developed souls, spend a lifetime imitating the

tracks of the collective Teachers, which are the Seeders. These
Teachers are often unaware of the fact that they are actually
educating large groups of people residing all over the planet.
Only in exceptional cases a person is aware he is a Seeder and
this is only so when a person's ego can handle it.

Since a Seeder must act as natural as possible, his function

is kept hidden from him to prevent a possible ego take-over.

Seeders are mostly religious persons, and they live

perfectly balanced lives. To become the example for many
people in the world, one must obviously have a good karmic
record in order to qualify for such a function.
Chapter 3

The Pathway of the Spiritual Warrior

The Warnings and Promises for the New Age

Since the appearance of Jesus Christ, there have existed
two pathways to Divinity. The first pathway is called the
pathway of the Perfect Man and the other pathway is called
the Celestial Pathway. The pathway of the Perfect Man deals
with self-development and the perfection of love for one's
fellow humans. This pathway deals with developing a sense of
morality, love and grace for one's fellow human beings. The
fruit of this pathway is attainment of Heaven after physical
death. This pathway was introduced by Divinity when Kali
Yuga began and the role model for this pathway is Jesus
Christ. This pathway deals strictly with religious perfection,
not necessarily with spirituality. Through developing oneself
as a loving being, one becomes eligible for the higher planes
known as Heaven.

The ancient pathway, known in this age as the Celestial

Pathway, deals not with salvation but liberation and spiritual
advancement. The pathway of the perfected man deals strictly
with salvation while the Celestial Pathway, deals with
liberation. With liberation, it is meant the prevention of re-
birth under physical, material planes. Since the new Golden
Age is approaching, the pathway of the perfected man
becomes obsolete because the opportunities for humans to
reach liberation become restored. Hence, by following the
Celestial Pathway, one can skip the attainment of the
Heavens; thereby, qualifying directly for spiritual liberation,
which is the Ultimate Freedom.

Because of the widespread diversions of the Kali Yuga age,

the Celestial Pathway became too difficult to practice in this
age. Since times are changing, it becomes available again and
therefore, a great deal of attention is given to it in this book.
The Pathway of the Spiritual Warrior 68

The biggest differences between the Celestial Pathway and

the pathway of the Perfect Man, is that the latter is focused
on self-development while the former is concentrated on
liberation, and later on, the attainment of mystical power.
Hence, the pathway of the Perfect Man makes one an
ascended person while the Celestial Pathway, makes one a
powerful, mystical being. Jesus Christ was the role model for
the pathway of the Perfect Man due to His saintly acceptance
of those who tried to oppose Him.

The Celestial Pathway involves Deity worship in order to

scientifically raise one's energy to the astral plane and to
ultimately convert oneself into a spiritual being. Whatever
pathway liberates one from material pathway, that is the
pathway to Liberation. Whatever pathway makes one a saintly
being, can be called the pathway to Salvation, which destines
one to the higher Heavens.

The Celestial Pathway

The Celestial Pathway is about transmuting one's material

energies to astral energy. This can be done by performing
worship to the appropriate deities that rule the counter-part
in material creation. For example, the person who is situated
in the material energy, experiences Aquarius energies
differently than a person situated in the spiritual nature.

Aquarius energy on the level of material nature, produces

sexual cravings. Aquarius energy on the astral level; however,
produces astral vision. Every area of the human chakra
system, such as Aquarius, is dominated by a Deity on it's own
level. Aquarius, for example, is dominated by Shiva, the deity
that rules over spiritual consciousness.

On the Celestial Pathway, one needs the demi-gods, or

Deities, in order to gain liberation from the material energies
of planet Earth. As long as one is bound in material nature,

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