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Philippine Handbook Integral

in Chemical Engineering by Leonila


Integral of a Function

One must have thought of the question “If the derivative is given, can we find a function

having this derivative?” If  3x 2 , then we may take y  x 3 . Instead of asking for a
function whose derivative is given, we might ask for a function whose differential is given. If

dy  3 x 2 dx , then we may take y  x 3 . Now, it is clear that if  3x 2 or dy  3 x 2 dx ,
then we may take y  x 3  2 . Or we could take, in fact, y  x 3  C where C is any constant
whatever. In any case, we get 3x 2 dx for the differential since the derivative or the differential
of a constant is zero. Since the value of C is perfectly arbitrary, we call C an arbitrary
constant. This means that x3 +C is a function whose differential is 3x2dx or whose derivative
with respect to x is 3x2. Hence,

 3x dx  x 3  C

Similarly,  sin xdx   cos x  C

means that  cos x  C is a function whose differential is sin xdx or whose derivative with
respect to x is sin x. In general

 f ( x)dx  F ( x)  C
means that F(x) + C is a function whose differential is f(x)dx, or whose derivative with
respect to x is f(x). For any particular value of C, say C = C1, F(x) + C1 is called an integral of

f(x), an antiderivative of f(x) and C is called the constant of integration. The symbol  is
called the sign of integration, f(x) is called the integrand, and the process of finding F(x) is

called integration. The symbol  f ( x ) dx is itself termed as the integral of f(x)dx.

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in Chemical Engineering by Leonila

From this, it is clear that integration involves an essential feature finding the function whose
derivative is the integrand and the result can be checked by differentiation.
A5.1 Area Under A Curve

y y  f(x)



K L x
x x  x
Figure A5 – 1. Area under a curve

Suppose we have the graph of a continuous function y  f (x) and ask what is meant by the
area bounded by this curve, the x-axis, the fixed ordinate at x =a, and a variable ordinate at x
= x as shown in the figure. What is meant by the area of a rectangle? We measure this area by
the product of the base and the altitude. A definite meaning can be attached to the measures
of areas of figures bounded by straight lines such as triangles, parallelograms, and other
polygons. But, we have no definition of the area of a figure one (or more) of whose
boundaries is a curve. We shall proceed to develop such a definition for the figure shown.

Let the function f(x) be increasing with increasing x. Then , when x is increased by an
amount x , the area A will increase by an amount A ,the area KLOM.

Area KLNM < Area KLOM < Area KLOP
Area KLNM = KM * KL = f(x) x
Area KLOM = A
Area KLOP = f(x + x ) x

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in Chemical Engineering by Leonila

Therefore , we have
f(x) x < A < f(x + x ) x

dividing the inequality by x ,

f(x) < < f(x + x )

In the above inequalities, let x  0 , then f(x) stays fixed and f(x + x)  f ( x ) because f(x)
is continuous.

Since is hemmed in between two quantities, f ( x ) and the quantity f ( x  x ) which
approach f(x), then must also approach f ( x ) .
dA A
Recall that  lim ,
dx  x  0 x

Since,  f( x),

dA  f ( x )dx

hence, A  f ( x )dx  F ( x )  C
The fixed ordinate is x = a, the constant of integration maybe determined by the fact that A =
0 when x = a.
0  F( a )  C
C  F( a )
A  F( x )  F( a )

For the area bounded by y  f ( x ) , the x-axis, and the ordinate x = a and x = b, the equation
A  F( b )  F( a )

From the definition of a definite integral, this yields to

A a
f ( x )dx

where A is the area under the curve y = f(x) bounded by the x-axis, the ordinates x = a and
x = b.

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A5.2. Properties of Indefinite Integrals

1.  f ( x)dx  F ( x)  C
Theorem: If two functions of x have the same derivative in an interval a  x  b ,
their difference is a constant throughout that interval.
In other words, if F1 ( x)   f ( x )dx and F2 ( x )   f ( x)dx , then

F1 ( x)  F2 ( x)  k

2. If du is the differential of a function , then

 du  u  C

3.  kdu  k  du  ku  C
Any integral of k du is k times an integral of du. This formula allows us to take a
constant factor outside the sign of integration. One must be very careful never to take
a variable factor outside the sign of integration.

4. If du, dv, …., dw are the differentials of a finite number of functions, then

 (du  dv  .......  dw)   du   dv  .......   dw  u  v  ......  w  C .

An integral of the sum of a finite number of functions is the sum of their integrals.

A5.3. Integration Formulas

1.   du  dv  dw   du   dv   dw (A5 – 1)

2.  a du  a  du (A5 – 2)
u n 1
 u du  c ( n  1)
3. (A5 – 3)
n 1

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4.  u
 ln u  c (A5 – 4)

 a du   c  a u log a e  c
5. (A5 – 5)
ln a

e du  e u  c
6. (A5 – 6)

7.  sin udu   cos u  c (A5 – 7)

8.  cos udu  sin u  c (A5 – 8)

9.  tan udu  ln sec u c (A5 – 9)

10.  cot udu  ln sin u  c (A5 – 10)

11.  sec udu  ln sec u  tan u c (A5 – 11)

12.  csc udu  ln csc u  cot u  c (A5 – 12)

13.  sec udu  tan u  c

(A5 – 13)

 csc udu   cot u  c

14. (A5 – 14)

15.  sec u tan udu  sec u  c (A5 – 15)

16.  csc u cot udu   csc u  c (A5 – 16)

du 1 u
17. a 2
u 2
 arctan   c
a a
(A5 – 17)

du 1 u
18. a 2
u 2
  arc cot   c
a a
(A5 – 18)

du u
19.  a2  u2
 arcsin   c
(A5 – 19)

du u
20.  a2  u2
  arccos   c
(A5 – 20)

du 1 u
21. u u a 2 2

arc sec   c
(A5 – 21)

du 1 u
22. u u2  a2
arc csc   c
(A5 – 22)

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23.  u a2 2
 ln u  u 2  a 2  c (A5 – 23)

24.  u a2 2
 ln u  u 2  a 2  c (A5 – 24)

du 1 ua
25. a 2
 u2

c (A5 – 25)

du 1 ua
26. u 2
 a2

c (A5 – 26)

27.  sinh udu  cosh u  c (A5 – 27)

28.  cosh udu  sinh u  c (A5 – 28)

29.  sec h udu  tanh u  c

(A5 – 29)

30.  csc h udu   coth u  c

(A5 – 30)

31.  tanh udu  ln cosh u  c (A5 – 31)

32.  coth udu  ln sinh u  c (A5 – 32)

33.  sec hu tanh udu   sec hu  c (A5 – 33)

34.  cshu coth udu   csc hu  c

(A5 – 34)

A5.4. Constant of Integration

By definition, the derivative of x 4 is 4x 3 and x 4 is therefore the integral of 4 x 3 dx . If

f ( x )  x 4  3 , then f ' ( x)  4 x 3 dx and x 4  3 is therefore the integral of 4 x 3 dx . Hence,
the constant c in  4 x dx  x  c must be determined based on the value of f(x) for a
3 4

specified x.

A5.5. Definite Integral

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Let f ( x ) be a given continuous function in the interval a  x  b . F ( x ) an integral of

f ( x ) , x  a and x  b are two given values of x. The change in the value of the integral
F ( x ) as x changes from a to b, is the quantity F ( b )  F ( a ) . This is called the definite
integral of f ( x ) between the “limits” a to b where the numbers a and b are called the lower
limit and the upper limit respectively. Its value is independent of the constant of integration.
This definite integral is denoted by the symbol:

F  a , b   f ( x )dx

which is read as “the definite integral from a to b of f(x)dx.

Properties of Definite Integral:

1. a c f ( x) dx   c a f ( x ) dx
b b

A constant factor can be moved through an integral sign.

b b b

2. 
f ( x ) dx  
f ( y ) dy  
f ( z)

It makes no difference what letter is used for the variable of integration, i.e. the

definite integral of a given integrand is independent of the variable of integration.

b a
3. a f ( x )dx    f ( x )dx

Interchanging the limits of integration changes the sign of the integral.

b c b
4. a f ( x )dx  a f ( x )dx  c f ( x )dx
The interval of integration may be broken up into any number of subintervals, and the
integration performed over each interval separately

A5.6. Even and Odd Functions

A function that remains unchanged when x is replaced by –x, i.e., such that

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f (  x )  f ( x ) is called an EVEN function.

A function such that f (  x )   f ( x ) is called an ODD function.

If f ( x ) is an EVEN function of x, then
a a
a f ( x )dx  2  f ( x )dx

If f ( x ) is an ODD function of x, then

a f ( x )dx  0

A5.7. Techniques of Integration

A.2Integration by Parts

Every differentiation rule has a corresponding integration rule. The rule that corresponds to
the Product Rule for differentiation is called the rule for integration by parts.

The Product Rule states that if f(x) and g(x) are differentiable functions, then

 f ( x ) g( x )  f ( x ) g' ( x )  g( x ) f ' ( x )

In integration, this becomes

 f ( x ) g' ( x )dx  f ( x ) g ( x )   g ( x ) f ' ( x )dx

which is the formula for integration by parts. This can be rewritten in the following
notation: Let u  f ( x ) and v  g ( x ) . Then the derivatives are du  f ' ( x )dx and
dv  g' ( x )dx so that the formula becomes

 udv  uv   vdu
This technique is oftentimes used when the integral involves logarithms, exponential inverse
trigonometric functions. The technique divides the expression inside the integral into two
functions, u and dv, where u has a derivative simpler than u itself and dv can be easily
integrated using any basic function.

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B.2Algebraic Substitution

If the integrand contains a relatively complicated integral, this maybe simplified by the use of
algebraic substitution with a simpler integral. This is accomplished by changing from the
original variable x, to a new variable “u(x)” that is a function of x. “u” is chosen to be some
function in the integrand whose differential also occurs in the integrand. If not possible, try
choosing “u” to be some complicated part of the integrand.

If the integrand involves fractional powers of “u(x)”, it may be simplified by the use of
substitution: let u = zn , where n is the least common denominator of all fractional exponents.

After integration has been performed, the new variable has to be replaced back by the original
variable used in the integral. In case of definite integrals, change of limits may be done using
the substitution made with the new variable

In the evaluation of definite integrals involving substitution, if the variable is changed by a

substitution, u = f(x), it is essential either to express the resulting function in terms of the
original variable before substituting the limits, or to change the limits to correspond to the
change in the variable of integration. The new limits of integration are determined from the
equation of substitution. Usually, the latter method is preferred.

C.2Integration by Trigonometric Substitution

If the integrand is in the form of radicals, a properly chosen trigonometric substitution will
transform each of these expression into a single term, thus providing a new integral involving
trigonometric function which maybe integrated using any basic formulas. These functions and
their transformations are:

a 2  u2 ;a>0 Let u  a sin 

a 2  u2 ; Let u  a tan 
u2  a 2 ; Let u  a sin 

D.2Walli’s Formula

An easy way of evaluating definite integral of the form

2 Sin m xCos n xdx

wherein m and n are integers  0 and that the lower and upper limits are 0 and
respectively, is by the use of WALLI’s formula which is

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 /2

Sin m xCos n xdx =
 (m  1)(m  3)( m  5)....1or 2 (n  1)(n  3)(n  5).........1or 2 * 
( m  n)( m  n  2)( m  n  4).....1or 2


 if m and n are both EVEN

 1 if either one or both are ODD

A* B
The value of the above integral may be thought of as a fraction of the form in which

A = the product ( m-1) (m-3) ( m-5) …….2 or 1

B = the product ( n-1) ( n-3) ( n-5) ………2 or 1
C = the product ( m+n) (m+n-2) (m+n – 4) ……2 or 1

 =  , if m and n are both EVEN and

 = 1 , if otherwise.
If either m or n is ZERO, the following rule must be observed: If the first factor in A or B
formed by applying WALLI’s Formula (for m, n  0) is less than one, replace that product A
or B by unity.

E.2Partial Fractions

This technique of integration may be adapted to integrals containing expressions of the form
P ( x)
 dx where the degree of P(x) is less than the degree of Q(x). Any proper rational
Q ( x)
fraction may be resolved into a sum of partial fractions which may be classified as follows:

Case 1: Linear Factors, none of which is repeated

Case 2: Linear Factors, some are repeated
Case 3: Linear and Quadratic, none of the quadratic factors are repeated
Case 4: Linear and Quadratic, some of the quadratic factors are repeated

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The steps to be followed in integrating such type of an integrand using partial fractions are the

1. Factor out completely the denominator Q(x) into linear and irreducible
quadratic factors
2. Collect all repeated factors so that Q(x) is expressed as a product of distinct
factors of the form
(x –ai )p and ( x2 + px + q)n where ( x2 + px + q) is irreducible
3. Resolve into a sum of partial fractions
4. Solve for the constants in the partial fractions
5. Integrate by using any of the integration formulas and techniques

Case 1: Linear Factors, none of which is repeated

If a linear factor (x –ai ) occurs once as a factor of the denominator, there corresponds
to this factor one partial fraction where A is a constant to be determined and A  0 .
( x  ai )

Case 2: Linear Factors, some are repeated

If a linear factor (x –ai ) appears p times as a factor in the denominator, there

correspond to this factor p partial fractions such as

A A2 A p 1 Ap
p + p 1 + ………+ 2 +
( x  ai ) ( x  ai ) ( x  ai ) ( x  ai )

A1, A2, ….., Ap are constants to be determined and Ap  0 .

Case 3: Linear and Quadratic, none of the quadratic factors are repeated

If a quadratic factor ( x2 + px + q ) occurs as a factor of the denominator, there

corresponds to this factor one partial fraction

Ax  B A(2 x  p )  B
x  px  q
x 2  px  q

where A and B are constants to be determined and Ax + B  0 .

If a quadratic factor ax2 + bx +c occurs, there corresponds a partial fraction

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Ax  B A(2ax  p )  B
ax  px  q
ax 2  px  q

Case 4: Linear and Quadratic, some of the quadratic factors are repeated

If a quadratic factor ( x2 + px + q ) occurs as a factor of the denominator, there

correspond to this factor n partial fractions

A1 x  B1 A2 x  B2 An x  Bn
+ 2 + ………+
x  px  q
( x  px  q )
( x  px  q) n

where the A’s and B’s are constants to be determined and A nx + Bn  0 . If a quadaratic factor
( ax2 + px + q) occurs n times as a factor of the denominator, there corresponds a sum of
partial fractions as

A1 (2ax  p )  B1 A2 (2ax  p )  B2 An ( 2ax  p )  Bn

+ + ……… + or
ax  px  q
(ax  px  q )
2 2
(ax 2  px  q ) n

A1 x  B1 A2 x  B2 An x  Bn
+ 2 + …………+
ax  px  q
(ax  px  q)
(ax 2  px  q ) n

A5.8. Improper Integrals

A definite integral a f ( x )dx defined only for the case when (a) the limits, “a” and
“b” are finite and when (b) the integrand f(x) is continuous over the closed interval  a, b  .
In case any one or both of these conditions are not satisfied, these integrals are called
IMPROPER INTEGRALS. There are two types of improper integrals. These are the

a) f(x) is defined over the interval but at least one of the limits of integration is
infinite and when
b) the limits are finite but f(x) is discontinuous at an endpoint or one or more
interior points of the interval.

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In evaluating improper integrals, the usual technique is to evaluate the integral over a typical
sub-interval. Since, values of improper integrals are just limits, there maybe times when such
limits exist; sometimes, they do not exist. If the limit exists, the improper integral is said to
convergent and if the limit does not exist, the improper integral is divergent.

Improper integrals with infinite limits

Improper integrals with infinite limits are evaluated by using the following definitions:

If f is continuous for all x  a , then

 b
 a
f ( x ) dx = lim  a
f ( x) dx if this limit exists.
b 
If f is continuous for all x  b , then
b b
 
f ( x ) dx = lim a
f ( x) dx if this limit exists.
a  

If f is continuous for all values of x, then

0 b
 

f ( x ) dx = lim a
f ( x ) dx + lim 0
f ( x )dx if these limits
a   b 

A5.9. Applications of Definite Integrals

Plane Areas Cartesian Coordinates

The simplest application of definite integrals is on finding areas bounded by plane

curves whose equations are given in cartesian coordinates. Let us suppose the required area is
that shown in the figure

Draw vertical lines to divide the region into intervals to form n rectangular elements
where a  x  b . The divisions being at x1, x2, x3, …., xn+1, with x1 = a , xn+1 = b. For the width
of these rectangles, let x1  x 2 - x 1 , x 2  x 3 - x 2 ,….; i.e. let

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x k  x k 1  x k , for k  1, 2, 3, ...., n .
The area A therefore bounded by the curve y = f(x),
the x-axis, and the ordinates x =a and x = b is
A lim
max, xk 0
 f (x
k 1
k ) x k

wherein the widths x k of the rectangles approach zero, the number n approaches infinity.

The fundamental theorem in calculus states that If f(x) is continuous in the interval a  x  b
, if a  x 1 < x2 < x3 < …..< xn < xn + 1 = b, and if x k  x k 1 - x k, for k  1, 2, 3, ...., n ,
n b
max, xk 0
 f(x
k 1
k )x k  a
f(x) dx
xk 0

Y2 = f (x)

Y1 = f (x)


x =aA5 – 2. Area between

Figure x =b
two curves

Thus, the area is given by

A  a
f(x) dx
Hence, if a function f(x) is continuous in [a, b] and f(x)  0 for all x in [a,b] then

A =  area under y  f(x) over [a, b] =

f (x ) dx

The area between two curves as shown in Fig A5-2 is expressed as

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  f ( x) - g(x) dx
A = a

The steps to be followed in evaluating plane areas are:

1. Make a sketch of the given function whose area is to be determined and shade the required
2. Draw a general representative rectangular element of area ( vertical or horizontal element)
3. Set-up the integral for its area as a function of x and dx or y and dy.
4. Determine the limits of integration from the figure based on the required area.
5. Integrate using any or a combination of the techniques of integration to obtain the area.

Volume of a Solid Revolution

When a plane is revolved about a fixed line, a solid of revolution is generated. The fixed line
is called the axis of the solid of revolution.

Let “V” be the volume of a right-circular cylinder defined as r2h, where r is the radius of its
circular base and h is the altitude. Consider the case where the axis of revolution is a
boundary of the region that is revolved, and the rectangular element of area is perpendicular
to the axis of revolution. This element of volume is a CIRCULAR DISK whose differential
of volume is dv = r2 dh.

Let f be a function that is continuous on the closed interval [a, b], with f(x)  0 for a  x  b.
The volume of the solid of revolution generated by revolving about the x-axis, the region R
that is bounded by the curve y = f(x), the x-axis, and the vertical line x = a is shown in Fig.
A5-3. If the region is subdivided into “n” rectangles and is revolved about the x-axis to
generate a solid of revolution, “n” right circular cylinders are generated. This element of
volume is a circular disk whose differential volume is equal to the definite integral
V    f ( x ) 2 dx

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Figure A5-3. Area to be rotated about the x-axis

Hence, the volume of a solid generated as shown in Fig.A5-4 can be expressed as

V  a
r 2 dh

a b


Figure A5-4. Circular Disk

When the axis of revolution is not a boundary of the region that is revolved and the
rectangular element of area is perpendicular to the axis of revolution, this element of volume
is called a CIRCULAR RING whose differential of volume is dv =  [ r22 – r12 ] dh.

Consider the functions f(x) and g(x) to be continuous in [a, b] and let f(x)  g(x)  0 for a  x
 b. Let region R be defined as R = { a  x  b; 0  g(x)  y  f(x) }bounded by the curves y
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= f(x) and y = g(x) and the two lines x = a and x = b as shown in Fig.A5-5 . If region R is
subdivided into n subintervals forming n rectangles and allow to revolve them about the x-
axis to form n “washer-shaped solids or circular ring”, the differential of volume is defined as
dv =  [ f(x)2 – g(x)2 ] dx.

y = f(x)

y = gx)

a b

Figure A5-5. Circular ring

Hence, its volume is equal to the definite integral V   a [f ( x ) 2  g( x ) 2 ] dx .

This volume of solid generated as shown in Fig.A5-5 can also be expressed as

V  
2 2
[r2  r1 ] dh .

Let us now consider the case where the rectangular element of area is parallel to the axis of
revolution wherein the solid generated is a CYLINDRICAL SHELL whose differential of
volume is dv = r2 dh.

Let us again consider a region R bounded by the continuous function f(x),the x-axis and the
vertical line x = a and x = b as shown in Fig.A5-6. If the region is revolved about the y-axis,
it generates a solid of revolution whose axis is the y-axis.

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Philippine Handbook Integral
in Chemical Engineering by Leonila

Figure A5-6. Cylindrical shell

If the region R is subdivided into n rectangles and is revolved about the y-axis, the rectangles
generate cylindrical shells of thickness x and of height f(x). The differential of the volume
of the cylindrical shell is dv = 2  r h dr, where r is the radius and h is the height. Since f(x)
is continuous on [a, b], the definite integral for the volume of a cylindrical shell is
V  2  x f ( x ) dx . This can also be expressed as
V  2 
r h dr


Another application of definite integral is finding the work done not by a constant force but
by a variable force when applied to a body that moves along a straight. A force is said to be
variable if it is a function of the position of the body in which the force acts. If a constant
force F acts on a body that moves from a point a to a point b, then the work, W done by F is
defined as

W = F (b – a)

Which is work = force times displacement.

But if the force F is a variable, but is a continuous function of the position x of the object
then, the work done is defined as
W  a
f ( x) dx
The work done is based on the principle that if a body is moved from position a1 to a2 then
from a2 to a3 , …… and finally from an-1 to an, the total work done in moving the body from a1
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Philippine Handbook Integral
in Chemical Engineering by Leonila

to an is the sum of the amounts of work done on the object as it moves from one position to
the next. One has to take note that the force acting on the body as it moves from one position
to the next is assumed to be constant since the positions were made close to each other.

This equation may be applied to a work done by stretching a spring x units beyond its natural
length. If we recall Hooke’s Law,

F(x) = kx

where k is the spring constant( spring modulus) whose value may be determined by using
the given conditions, F(x) is the force, m is the mass of the block attached to the spring and x
is the displacement as shown in the Fig. A5-7.


Figure A5-7. Hooke’s Law

The force F(x) applied to the above spring is variable with respect to the displacement x.
Hence, work is defined as

dW = F (x) dx
W   a
F ( x) dx
W  
k x dx

Moment of Inertia of an Area

I = dA


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Philippine Handbook Integral
in Chemical Engineering by Leonila

I = moment of inertia of area about an axis in the same plane as the


p = perpendicular distance to referred axis

dA = differential area




Figure A5-8. Moment of inertia of an area

Ix = dA

Iy = dA

Polar Moment of Inertia, Ip

The moment of inertia for an area relative to a line or axis perpendicular to the plane
of the area is called polar moment of inertia as shown in Fig.A5-9.

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in Chemical Engineering by Leonila



Fig.A5-9. Polar moment of inertia

Ip = dA

Ip =  ( x  y 2 ) dA

x dA  y
2 2
Ip = dA

Ip = I y + I x

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