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Technology Philosophy Paper

Nicholas Distasio

EDU 384

Technologies in classrooms are becoming increasingly useful to both teachers and

students. In many ways, it is a deep connection with the current generation of students, and will

be from now on. There are many possibilities for teachers to use technology in order to obtain

successful results in the classroom. Imagine the possibilities it will lead students in the future and

the progression it has already made from the eighties to two-thousand eighteen. The possibilities

for student learning are at an all-time high and will continue to escalate as new ways of using

technology in the classroom becomes available.

When I was younger, I grew up with technology not being as popular as it is now. In

elementary school, we used the “old school” projector to show school assignments and lessons

we were going through that day. The lights were out and everyone had to look at the board to see

what the teacher was doing. Sometimes, the projector would die out in mid-lesson. This resulted

in the teacher drastically looking for another option to teach the students. Some of the videos

back in the early two-thousands lacked the quality of the new videos today. Bill Nye science

videos were the only great use of technology that I vividly remember, and, in some cases, he is

still used to this day. In 2018, instituting the Smartboard instead of a projector created

tremendous wonders for students in their learning. If we used the same technology as we did ten

or twelve years ago, I believe our scores for students tested would have horrible results. Children

in the classroom have exceedingly high expectations for classroom technology. Technology is in

use most of the day, so involving technologies in lesson plans will further engage the students as

they are learning or reviewing concepts.

It can be argued that technology needs to step on the brakes a little. There are parents

across the world that believes schools have too much technology for the students. They claim

that the use of technology is hindering the kids of more beneficial lessons that could be used in
the classroom to make it more realistic “in the real world”. What parents fail to realize is that

times change, and children are more induced to technology at earlier stages than a decade ago.

Teachers can use technology in the classroom to help improve their ways of reaching

students. There are many ways that teachers can search for or create material for students to use,

such as worksheets, games, and books to download and implement in their lessons for the day. It

is necessary for teachers to use technology like this in order for students to relate to what they are

learning, because most, if not all, students are growing up with technology inserted in their daily

lives. Teachers can also find new ways of teaching material to their students through web

searches and online videos through appropriate websites.

Another reason that technology is considered vital is because it can be used to assess

students easier than it ever has been. Edmodo, a successful student website, can be used to assess

students through a computer programmed activity to generalize student knowledge, and learn

their strengths and weaknesses in a matter of minutes. There are other ways to assess students,

but Edmodo is highly successful and is among the many programs teachers can use.

A classroom in this generation, given they are well adapted in technology use, can

become amused with how a teacher can present their lesson. According to Asri Siti Fatimah and

Santiana from Siliwangi University, in their article titled Teaching In 21st Century: Students-

Teachers’ Perceptions Of Technology Use In The Classroom, students can see many different

and creative ideas to view their content. They can be presented with digital dinosaurs or “grow”

a virtual plant to show how it obtains nutrients, and so on. The only downside of this is if the

students expect something outstanding every time, eventually they will be accustomed to what to
expect and lose focus onto something more. It is important for technology in a class to be

inspiring to students, and to keep them on their feet with their eyes focused on the lesson.

Throughout the experience of being in my technology class, I have developed new

knowledge of technology. I grew up with old-school projectors until high school. Even then, my

classes did not use as much technology as it is emphasized now. In the class, my professor used

different websites found on the computer to promote fun, new ways for students to learn

addition, subtraction, using correct sentence structure, and other vital content. When I have a

classroom, I would fully support using these references so that my children can enjoy learning. It

is not always fun to learn by the book, and it is surely not fun to keep learning new content in the

same manner. Changes in the way we teach, along with integrating new technology, reaches out

to the students. It shows you are making an effort to help them learn. In turn, they will open up

and demonstrate their potential through progression.


 International, S. (n.d.). Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students. Retrieved

October 7, 2018, from


 S., & Fatima, A. S. (2017). Teaching In 21st Century: Students-Teachers’ Perceptions Of

Technology Use In The Classroom, 2(2), 126-135. http://dx.doi.org/10.24903/sj.v2i2.132

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