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The Psychopathology of Pedophilic Nuns & Priests

This essay is dedicated to Howard Zinn who has been an unfailing infuence in the creation of it...

By now it must be assumed that the magnitude of pedophilic practices

among nuns and priests in the Roman Catholic church, including other
institutions that condone pedophilic activities, is beyond widespread
proportion with no hope, at this writing, of its extent being arrested,
embraced so as to end its dissemination. High-ranking Roman Catholic
church offcials, including the Pope, have made extraordinary efforts to
disguise the immensity of the tragedy that has brought never-ending
psychological pain to thousands and thousands of youth throughout the
world. The Roman Catholic church has spent mum amounts of its own
opulence to compensate victims of nun and priest sexual abuse in order to
prevent their clerics from being charged with criminal penalties related to
their crimes against the ingenuous. The Pope, and his generals and
colonels, are banking on the fact that humans have very short memories,
and this “nuisance,” this problemino, will pass into nothingness—at length.
For the time being, all that is possible is being done to stem the plethora.
The reasoning for this might be partly explained by the fact that the Roman
Catholic church is beset with a severe dearth of men and women wanting to
enter religious orders, and if all the pedophilic guilty persons now serving
the church were in prison, there would be a severe lack of even pious
personnel to tender to the church's fock seeking spiritual and ethical
sustenance from its compromised nuns and priests.

To understand the abnormal psychology of the nun and priest, it is frst

essential to interpret the workings of the Roman Catholic church itself. The
Roman Catholic church is a representational process vying, with lust, for
luxury and wealth; and, it is an autocratic institution that has consistently
been on the sinning side of the very negative ethical principles it demands
its disciples not to adhere to. Throughout its two-thousand year history, it
has invariably chosen to support authoritarian regimes throughout the
world giving its nihil obstat stamp of approval to dictators and secret
societies seeking to accumulate material possessions for a select group of its
confreres and enriching the coffers of the Vatican, Inc itself. Power
corrupts and the Roman Catholic church is riding to the last stop of its
long-term yesteryear of greed and corruption. Basically, the Roman
Catholic church has become a criminally organized occult inner circle
moderated by fanatically authoritarian, masterfully mealy-mouthed,
septuagenarian and octogenarian, ofttimes overweight, often senile,
unmated men—freaks of perhaps some strange species belonging to a third
sex—who mesmerize and indoctrinate their fellow travelers with ancient
folkloric fantasies promising these pathetically naive proteges
compensation, for their wretched lives, in some nonexistent future time
and state.

Perhaps, once, the Roman Catholic church served a purpose. We may say
that it was an antidote to Roman paganism, and offered its followers a truly
vital alternative that emphasized the theological virtues of faith, hope, and
charity (faith, hope, and love). Ancient times called for these curative
worths to countercheck the excesses of Roman emperors and those who
would after imitate them, almost forever, throughout History. It might also
be supposed that homosexual (gay) persons, in the beginning of the
church's history, were welcomed to inhabit convents and monasteries in
order to protect them from the physical and psychological abuses that they
had to endure and still do in modern times. The Roman Catholic church,
while always condemning gayness, in fact offered gay people the chance to
lodge in their convents and monasteries, as if in a secret club-like
atmosphere, where they could reside protected from the social stigma of
being unlike others in their very own social standing. Such a haven became
attractive to harassed gay people, thus allowing the Roman Catholic church
to be guaranteed an ever-present fount of gay men and women to fll up
their recruiting retention goals. For centuries, this convenient
accommodation was a blessing for all. It is no more.

It cannot be said that all nuns and priests indulge in pedophilic practices. It
cannot be said that all priests and nuns are gay individuals. It cannot be
said that there are not nuns and priests who neither practice pedophilia or
are gays. But, what can be said is that there are upper-level members of the
Roman Catholic church's hierarchy who desire to enwrap the existence of
pedophilia, as they enfold their fnancial holdings, within the wrappers of
deceit and denial and just wait for everyone to just forget about the matter.
In other words, to permit pedophilia to sustain itself, in other words to
insure that the Roman Catholic church's despotism remains intact and

Authored by Anthony St. John

9 October MMXVIII
Calenzano, Italy

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