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1. What makes someone a good person, according to the natural law theory?

a. Obeying the laws of the land.

b. Obeying God's commands.

c. Fulfilling his or her true nature.

d. Doing whatever maximizes happiness.

2. In the classroom discussion, your teacher asks the whole a certain question, which you feel that you
are the only one, knows the answer. Then, your teacher calls your classmate to answer the question.
Your teacher ask the your classmate to stand and answer the question. Everybody was waiting. What will
you do?

a.) Coach your answer to your classmate

b.) Laugh at your classmate for he cant’ answer the question

c.) Save your classmate by raising your hand to answer

d.) Just remain silent and wait for your teacher to answer.

3. You are a squad leader on a field exercise, and your squad is ready to bed down for the night. The tent
has not been put up yet, and nobody in the squad wants to put up the tent. They all know that it would
be the best place to sleep since it may rain, but they are tired and just want to go to bed. What should
you do?

Tell them that the first four men to volunteer to put up the tent will get light duty tomorrow.Make the
squad sleep without tents.Tell them that they will all work together and put up the tent.Explain that you
are sympathetic with their fatigue, but the tent must be put up before they bed down.

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