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ENG 102: First Year Composition #82392

T Th 08/16 - 11/30 9:00 AM 10:15 AM Dtphx - UCENT211

Table of Contents Contact Info

INSTRUCTOR: Kandice Kardell
Course Description 1 Email: kkardel@asu.edu
Phone Number: 602.496.2033
Course Materials 2 Office: AZCNTR, Suite 380, 369BC
Office Hours: 10:30 -11:30 AM Tuesday/Thursday
Course Goals 2

Course Structure and Tools 3

This course is offered by the College of Integrative Sciences and
Coursework and Projects Error! Bookmark not Arts. For more about the college, visit their website.

Grading Breakdown 4

Grading Scale 4

Course Policies: Attendance and Participation 5

Course Policies: Online Environments 6

Course Policies: Responsibility 6

Course Description
First-Year Composition is designed to help you develop sophisticated, situation-sensitive reading and writing
strategies. You will explore the purpose and process of writing in formal and informal settings. Special attention
will be given to understanding and synthesis, discovery of evidence, writing to express, writing to inform, and
the act to writing to explore the self and communities.

You are required to complete several major writing projects and to create a writer's portfolio. The development
of these projects will highlight the way in which you address each project's purpose and target audience.
Additionally, your engagement with each project will emphasize the many aspects of the writing process. You
will formulate original ideas, organize information effectively, engage with cultural and critical sources, and
formulate personal invention, drafting, revising, proofreading, and reflection strategies.

First-Year Composition stresses writing as a process, the products of which arise from a rhetorical awareness of
the various places in which writing occurs. You will be encouraged to see writing not only as a traditional college
activity but also as a powerful tool for engaging the increasingly digital and public nature of professional life. In
order to realize these goals, you will complete major writing projects (e.g., essays) as well as a wide variety of
other kinds of work designed to foster the kinds of habits you will need to be successful at ASU and beyond (e.g.,
social media and other course discussions, web texts, peer-reviews, writing activities).

English 102 is designed to help students develop sophisticated, situation-sensitive reading and writing strategies.
Students make arguments in formal and informal settings. Special attention is given to evidence discovery, claim
support, argument response, and their applications to academic debate, public decision making, and written argument.

Course Materials
● Bullock, Richard. (2016). The Norton Field Guide to Writing. W.W. Norton & Company; 4th edition.
ISBN: 978-0-393-61736-8
● A composition notebook (9 ¼” x 7 ½”)
● You are expected to have regular access to a computer for work assigned outside and inside of class. If
you have questions about computer access at ASU, please see the instructors as soon as possible.

Course Goals
The general course learning goals are from the Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing. Included with
these goals is the overall objective of developing the “Habits of Mind” necessary for a professional student to
succeed in and beyond the university setting:

Curiosity A desire to know more about the world

Openness A willingness to consider new ways of being and thinking in the world

Engagement A sense of investment and involvement in learning

Creativity A use of novel approaches to generate, investigate, and represent ideas

Persistence A sustained interest in and attention to short- and long-term projects

Flexibility An ability to adapt to situations, expectations, or demands

Metacognition An ability to reflectively think about one’s own ideas and methodology

Responsibility An owning of one’s actions and an understanding of consequences those

actions cause for oneself and others

Course Outcomes. Successful development and use of these habits enables students to become proficient with
four areas important to successful written communication. These goals are taken from the WPA Outcomes
Statement for First-Year Composition

● Rhetorical Knowledge. Rhetorical awareness is the ability to analyze audiences and general contexts and
to use that analysis to plan an appropriate course of action when communicating. Rhetorical knowledge
is the basis of writing and composing. Writers develop rhetorical knowledge by negotiating purpose,
audience, context, and conventions as they compose texts for different types of situations.
● Critical Thinking, Reading, and Composing. Critical Thinking is the ability to analyze, synthesize,
interpret, and evaluate ideas, information, situations, and texts. When writers think critically about the
materials they use--whether print texts, photographs, data sets, videos, or other materials--they
separate assertion from evidence, evaluate sources and evidence, recognize and evaluate underlying
assumptions, read across texts for connections and patterns, identify and evaluate chains of reasoning,

and compose appropriately qualified and developed claims and generalizations. These practices are
foundational for advanced academic writing.
● Processes. Writers use multiple strategies, or composing processes, to conceptualize, develop, and
finalize projects. Composing processes are seldom linear: a writer may research a topic before drafting,
then conduct additional research while revising or after consulting a colleague. Composing processes are
also flexible: successful writers can adapt their processes to different contexts and occasions.
● Knowledge of Conventions. The formal rules and informal guidelines that define a genre are called
“conventions.” Conventions shape a reader’s and writer’s perceptions of what is correct or
appropriate. Conventions arise from a history of use and common expectations between writers and
readers. These expectations are not universal; they vary by genre (conventions for lab notebooks and
discussion-board exchanges differ), by discipline (conventional moves in literature reviews in
Psychology differ from those in English), and by occasion (meeting minutes and executive summaries
use different registers). A writer’s grasp of conventions in one context does not mean a firm grasp in
another. Successful writers understand, analyze, and negotiate conventions for purpose, audience, and
genre, understanding that genres evolve in response to changes in the technologies they use and
attending carefully to emergent conventions.

Course Structure and Tools

In your daily life, reflection and learning are not confined to a single one space. This course works similarly in
that throughout the course you will navigate a variety of learning environments, some physical (i.e. the
classroom, professors’ offices, notebooks, the library), and others digital (i.e. Canvas, the internet). The
primary digital site is Canvas.

● The course Canvas site is the hub of the course. There you will find the course’s major documents (i.e.
syllabus, project descriptions), weekly outlines, course tools, assignment submission boxes, a
gradebook, and communication tools.

Coursework and Projects

In-Class Work: Each day will involve a variety of reading and writing exercises, collaborative group work, and
discussion. Come to class prepared for active engagement with the course materials, instructor, and peers. In-
class work cannot be made up or turned in late.

Out-of-Class Work. Each week you will be required to complete reading and writing assignments. As noted
elsewhere, to be eligible for full participation credit, your work should be posted by its due date. These
activities will facilitate your engagement with readings, prepare you to work with them in class, and create a
community of writers. Out-of-class work cannot be made up or turned in late.

Draft, Revision, and Feedback: Each major essay will be “workshopped” through several drafts. Each draft will
be reviewed by a group of peers as well as the instructor. Rough drafts will then be revised by employing the
suggestions of peers, the instructor, and/or Writing Center tutors. Once a writing project has been graded,
subsequent revisions will not be considered for grade changes.

Writer’s Website: As part of an ongoing project throughout the course you will create a portfolio-style
website that accounts for a portion of your course grade. It is in essence the course's final exam. That is, it is a

cumulative and comprehensive project which demonstrates your mastery of the WPA Outcomes Statement
for First-Year Composition and the Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing.

Archiving and Backups: While your written work may be completed using a variety of text-based programs,
you should keep a backup of the work you produce. Backups could be maintained manually (flashdrive, etc) or
by using a cloud-based service (DropBox, Google Drive, etc). It is your responsibility to archive and backup any
work produced.

Late Work: You are expected to submit all assignments on time. Late assignments will not be accepted. Late
major writing projects will receive a full letter grade deduction for each class period after the due date.
However, completing work late is a display of your ongoing participation in the course and personal integrity,
so it is better to do the work late rather than leaving a task incomplete.

Grading Breakdown
Assignment Description Weight
A project plan and APA annotations of select
Writing Project 1 10%
An evaluation essay that puts sources into
Writing Project 2 conversation, evaluating what they hold in 10%
common and in opposition
Writing Project 3 A persuasive essay engaging a social issue 30%
Writing Project 4 A course reflection 10%
Writer’s Website (Portfolio) A web document of the semester’s work. 5%
Peer Review Attendance, Rough Drafts, Feedback 15%
Conference Grade Small Group and One-to-One 10%
Process Work ~15 assignments (G-Class; Notebook) 10%
● Rough drafts of ALL major assignments ( i.e. WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 and the Course Reflection) will be
submitted one week prior to the final due date and account for 5% of the project grade noted above.

Grading Scale
100%-97% = A+ 89%-87% = B+ 79%-76% = C+
96%-94% = A 86%-84% = B 75%-70% = C
93%-90% = A- 83%-80% = B- 69%-60% = D

● NOTE: A grade of 59% and below is the equivalent of a failing grade (E). If no work is submitted for an
assignment, it will be assessed an E grade.
● NOTE: To be able to pass this course you must submit ALL major writing projects.
● NOTE: A 'C-' is not available as a letter grade and is not used for final course grades on ASU transcripts.
● NOTE: University, departmental, and program policies on incompletes will be followed. Only in the
case of verified emergency or illness can an incomplete (I) grade be given.

Course Policies: Attendance and Participation

The policies and procedures listed here are a supplement to those listed in The ASU Writing Programs
Guide. You are responsible for becoming familiar with all Writing Programs’ policies. You are also responsible
for learning and following the ASU Student Code of Conduct.

Attendance: Because writing classes involve intensive and critical class work, attendance and participation will
impact your overall grade for the course. You are "allowed" a maximum of FOUR (4) absences. Every absence
after four will result in a penalty up to and including a final course grade of 'E'. If you know you're going to be
absent for any reason, please contact the instructor via e-mail.
● Note: "Attendance" means being present, on time, and prepared for the entire class period (i.e., having
completed assigned reading and writing tasks, and having required texts and materials available to work
with during the class period). Arriving without assignments will result in an absence.
Attendance and University-Sanctioned Activities: Students who participate in university sanctioned activities
and/or who will be unable to meet the attendance requirements for a particular section should move to
another section where their activity schedules will not interfere with their classroom obligations (students can
freely switch during the first week).

Attendance and the First Week of Classes: According to university policy, students who are registered but do
not attend any of the first week of classes may be dropped.

Instructor Absences: If class must be cancelled in an emergency, the instructor will contact students via email
or other means prior to class. However, should the instructor not arrive in the classroom by 15 minutes after
the class’s scheduled start time, assume class is cancelled. In either case, students will typically be contacted
and given an alternative assignment.

Workload: Keep in mind that it is a 3 credit hour course. This is where students sometimes misunderstand the
workload. For each credit hour, anticipate 2-3 hours of out-of-class work. This means that for a 15-week
course you will need to work approximately 9 to 12 hours per week to be successful in this class. Please plan
your time accordingly to complete all course requirements including reading project descriptions, scheduling
for due dates, etc.

Policy on disrespectful behaviors: Examples of disrespectful behaviors are listed below. Consequences for
such actions range from loss of in-class/participation points to mandatory meetings with your teacher or
supervisor (at which time consequences will be determined).

Examples of disrespectful behaviors:

● Using digital devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, laptops) for non-course related ends
● Studying or doing homework for another course
● Arriving to class more than 1-2 minutes late on a regular basis
● Packing up or leaving the room before class has been dismissed
● Making derogatory or defamatory comments toward classmates, the instructor, or a particular group
(i.e. an ethnic group, homosexuals, a religious group, etc.)
● Sexual harassment (whether verbal, physical, or in the form of e-mails, gifts, etc.)
● Placing your own wants/needs above those of the education aims of our scholarly community
(example: consistently failing to complete peer-reviews)

Course Policies: Student Responsibility

Community Membership. Being an active community member is crucial. We will be doing many workshops in
class. In these workshops, prepare to actively contribute in a thoughtful way. Doing so will display your level of
participation and help develop the class’s active community. To be an active community member, be on time
and prepared for workshops, display a level of thoughtfulness in your responses, and volunteer creatively.

Email. All school and course related correspondence will be sent to your ASU Gmail account, as ASU Gmail is
an official means of communication among students, faculty, and staff. Students are expected to read and act
upon email in a timely fashion, as students bear the responsibility of missed messages and should check their
ASU-assigned email regularly. For information on how to appropriately correspond with your instructors, you
might find this Inside Higher Ed article useful. For help with your email go to: MyASU > Service > Live Chat OR
New Ticket.

Peer Review. Peer review is an integral part of any writing class, and especially so in Writer’s Studio. Peer
review is twofold in that it not only allows you to receive feedback from other writers, but it also allows you to
examine your own ability to provide feedback. Because of its effect on how we develop as communicators,
peer review is a very important step in this class and constitutes 20% your overall grade, 5% per writing
project. In order to receive credit for peer review, you must attend class on peer review days (typically T and
TH before a major project is due), have a completed rough draft on those days, provide feedback on at least
two of your peers’ drafts, and reflect upon the feedback you received. If you plan to miss class on a peer
review day, you must contact the professors one week prior.

On the public nature of class writing and discussions. Consider every piece of writing you do for this class to
be public (i.e., all your writing in this course is writing for an audience beyond yourself). Part of becoming a
good writer is learning to appreciate the ideas and criticisms of others, and in this course our purpose is to
come together as a writing community. Remember that you will often be expected to share your writing with
others, so avoid writing about things that you may not be prepared to subject to public scrutiny, or things you
feel so strongly about that you are unwilling to listen to perspectives other than your own. This does not mean
that you are not entitled to an opinion; however, you should adopt topics and positions responsibly.

Content Warning. Please note that some course content may be deemed offensive or trigger past trauma in a
student’s life. While the course is not the intended to offend anyone, it is our job as scholars to look critically
at both the good and bad of the world, topics that are new or foreign to our experiences to us, topics that
make us uncomfortable or challenge our sensibilities. Whenever possible the instructors will provide warnings
when introducing this kind of material. If you have questions or concerns about the content or delivery of the
course, please see one of the instructors.

Prohibition of Commercial Notetaking Services. In accordance with ACD 304-06 Commercial Note Taking
Services, written permission must be secured from the official instructor of the class in order to sell the

instructor's oral communication in the form of notes. Notes must have the note taker’s name as well as the
instructor's name, the course number, and the date.

Academic Integrity and Original Work. All writing for this class must be written for this class. Even if you are
retaking a course, the work you submit should be original and constitute a fresh approach to the subject
matter and assignment. Re-using a paper you wrote for another class or purpose (e.g., high school, college,
job) constitutes academic dishonesty and plagiarism. Plagiarism is theft of another’s ideas or language.
Whenever you borrow a phrase, sentence, paragraph or even an idea stated in your own words from any
outside source (news writing, magazine, TV show, book) without giving credit to that source, you have
plagiarized. The consequences are severe, including failure for the assignment or course, disciplinary referral
to the Dean, and possible expulsion from the University. Academic integrity is expected of everyone. If you
have any questions about how to acknowledge someone else's words or ideas, ask.

Title IX. Title IX is a federal law that provides that no person be excluded on the basis of sex from participation
in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity. Both Title
IX and university policy make clear that sexual violence and harassment based on sex is prohibited. An
individual who believes they have been subjected to sexual violence or harassed on the basis of sex can seek
support, including counseling and academic support, from the university. If you or someone you know has
been harassed on the basis of sex or sexually assaulted, you can find information and resources at

Keep in mind that “As a mandated reporter, I am obligated to report any information I become aware of
regarding alleged acts of sexual discrimination, including sexual violence and dating violence. ASU Counseling
Services, is available if you to wish discuss any concerns confidentially and privately.”

Statement on Inclusion. Arizona State University is deeply committed to positioning itself as one of the great new
universities by seeking to build excellence, enhance access and have an impact on our community, state, nation and the
world. To do that requires our faculty and staff to reflect the intellectual, ethnic and cultural diversity of our nation and
world so that our students learn from the broadest perspectives, and we engage in the advancement of knowledge with
the most inclusive understanding possible of the issues we are addressing through our scholarly activities. We recognize
that race and gender historically have been markers of diversity in institutions of higher education. However, at ASU, we
believe that diversity includes additional categories such as socioeconomic background, religion, sexual orientation,
gender identity, age, disability, veteran status, nationality and intellectual perspective.

Course Resources
The course resources listed here are selected from those offered by ASU for their relevance to ENG 101 & ENG
102. You are responsible for becoming familiar with all of ASU's student resources. Regardless of the course,
major, or ability level, these resources are essential to student development, socialization, success, and
enrichment at ASU.

ASU Writing Centers. The Writing Centers at ASU are here to assist you with all of your composition related
tasks throughout your time at ASU, no matter where you are in the writing/research process. Conveniently,
there is a writing center on each campus, as well as online writing tutoring, access to ASU librarians and more.
While you can always get personalized assistance from your professor during office hours, the Writing Center
provides additional resources to help you succeed in your composition classes and composition tasks.

Writing Programs Guide. Please refer to the linked online resource for further information on the ASU Writing
Programs' Policies and Mission Statement.

Student Code of Conduct. All students are responsible for knowing university, program, and course policies.
Please refer to the linked online resource for further information on the ASU Student Code of Conduct.

Student Success Centers. Student Success Centers offer free academic support resources for all students
including tutoring, writing support, structured study groups, or a place to study on your own.

Student Advocacy and Assistance. Student Advocacy and Assistance guides students in resolving educational,
personal and other campus impediments toward successful completion of their academic goals. Student
Advocacy and Assistance links students with appropriate university and community resources, agencies, and
individuals, collaborates with faculty and staff in the best interest of the students, and follows through to bring
efficient closure to student concerns.

Counseling Services. ASU Counseling Services offers confidential, personal counseling and crisis services for
students experiencing emotional concerns, problems in adjusting, and other factors that affect their ability to
achieve their academic and personal goals. If you or someone you know is experiencing a crisis, call EMPACT's
24-hour ASU-dedicated crisis hotline: (480) 921-1006

Disability Resource Center. Qualified students with disabilities who will require disability accommodations in
this class are encouraged to make their requests to me at the beginning of the semester either during office
hours or by appointment. Prior to receiving disability accommodations, verification of eligibility from the
Disability Resource Center (DRC) is required. Disability information is confidential. Eligibility and
documentation policies can be viewed on their website. Students who feel they will need disability
accommodations in this class but have not registered with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) should contact
DRC immediately.

ASU Libraries.
Library Orientation: This Guide will introduce you to the ASU Libraries:
• Use the "Visit the Library" tab to see what resources are available at the ASU Libraries.
• Use the "Online Resources" tab to learn about research databases and online Library Guides for
all majors and specific courses.
• Use the "Help!" tab for contact information and library assistance.
• Use the "Videos and Tutorials" tab to watch fun mini-movies and learn to use the library at your
own pace.
• Use the "Homework Assignment" tab to access today's assignment and find additional help.

ENG Library Guides: These guides will help you use the library to find the sources you'll need for your
writing and research projects in ENG 101 & ENG 102.
• Use the "Finding Topics" tab to help you choose a topic.
• Use the "Finding Sources: Research Databases" tab to access articles from library databases.
• Use the "Evaluating Your Sources" tab to help you choose the best articles.
• Use the "Citing Your Sources" tab to cite your sources properly.

NOTE: This syllabus is subject to revision.

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