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Esther Vilar

Esther Vilar (nacida Esther Margareta Katzen , 16 de septiembre de 1935 en Buenos

Aires , Argentina ) es una escritora argentino- alemana . Ella entrenó y practicó como
médico antes de establecerse como autora. Es mejor conocida por su libro The Manipulated
Man de 1971 y sus diversos seguimientos, que sostienen que, contrariamente a la retórica
feminista y de los derechos de las mujeres, las mujeres en las culturas industrializadas no
están oprimidas, sino que explotan un sistema bien establecido de hombres manipuladores .

Todavía siente que sus puntos de vista sobre los temas de género están subrepresentados en
la cultura popular, pero lo ha dejado ir, prefiriendo no repetirse y enfocando sus esfuerzos
de no ficción en el no menos controvertido tema de la religión. El tema subyacente en todos
sus escritos es libertad versus encarcelamiento. Específicamente, el deseo en todos nosotros
de delegar responsabilidades personales.

Contenido Esther Vilar (1977)

El hombre manipulado (1971)
trabajos seleccionados
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Enlaces externos

Los padres de Vilar eran emigrantes alemanes-judíos. Se separaron cuando ella tenía 3 años.

Estudió medicina en la Universidad de Buenos Aires , y en 1960 se trasladó a Alemania Occidental con una beca para continuar sus
estudios en psicología y sociología. Trabajó como médica en un hospital bávaro durante un año, y también trabajó como traductora,
vendedora, trabajadora de línea de montaje en una fábrica de termómetros, modelo de zapatos y secretaria.

Esther se casó con el autor alemán Klaus Wagn en 1961. [1] El matrimonio terminó en divorcio después de dos años, pero tuvieron un
hijo, Martin, en 1964. Con respecto al divorcio, ella declaró: "No terminé con el hombre, solo con el matrimonio como una institución ".


El hombre manipulado (1971)

One of Vilar's most popular books is titled The Manipulated Man, which she called part of a study on "man's delight in nonfreedom".[3]
In it, she claims that women are not oppressed by men, but rather control men in a relationship that is to their advantage but which
most men are not aware of.
Some of the strategies described in her book are:

Luring men with sex, which she referred to as the "periodic use of a woman's vagina," and other seduction strategies
Controlling men by the judicious use of praise, sex, and emotional blackmail once they have been lured
Masking her real intentions and motives in the guise of romantic love
The Manipulated Man was quite popular at the time of its release, in part due to the considerable press coverage it received.[4]

Vilar appeared on The Tonight Show on February 21, 1973, to discuss the book. In 1975 she was invited to a televised debate[5] by WDR
with Alice Schwarzer, who became known as the representative of the women's movement at that time. The debate was controversial,
with Schwarzer claiming Vilar was:[6] "Not only sexist, but fascist", comparing her book with the Nazi newspaper Der Stürmer,[7] and
Vilar opining that it can't be that hard work for a woman to "spread her legs for her husband once or twice a week."[8]

According to the author, she received death threats over the book:

So I hadn't imagined broadly enough the isolation I would find myself in after writing this book. Nor had I envisaged
the consequences which it would have for subsequent writing and even for my private life - violent threats have not
ceased to this date.[9]

Her play Speer (1998) is a work of fictional biography about the German architect, Albert Speer, and has been staged in Berlin and
London, directed by and starring Klaus Maria Brandauer. She has also written many other books and plays, but most have not been
translated into English.

Selected works
The Manipulated Man. Pinter & Martin. 1998. ISBN 0-9530964-2-4.
Der dressierte Mann [The Manipulated Man] (in German). Tritonpers. 1971. ISBN 90-6057-032-4.
Book collecting original series of 3: Der dressierte Mann [The Manipulated Man], Das polygame Geschlecht [The polygamous
sex], Das Ende der Dressur (The End of the Manipulation; third part never translated into English). dtv Verlag 1998. ISBN 978-3-
The Polygamous Sex: A man's right to the other woman. W. H. Allen. 1976. ISBN 0-491-01737-5.
Alt (in German). Herbig Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1980. ISBN 3-7766-1089-1.
Oud (in Dutch). De Centaur. 1980. ISBN 90-6057-168-1.
El discurso inaugural de la papisa americana [The inaugural address of the American papess] (in Spanish). Lectorum. 1982.
ISBN 84-02-09008-7.
Speer. Play (in German). Transit. 1998. ISBN 3-88747-128-8.

See also
Men's movement
Men Going Their Own Way

1. Wünsch dir was (in German) (http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-44914258.html) Der Spiegel, December 27, 1971. Retrieved
December 20, 2011.
2. Author Esther Vilar Lashes Out At Women (https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1356&dat=19720614&id=FoVPAAAAIBAJ&
sjid=aQUEAAAAIBAJ&pg=5590,2542644) Star-Banner, June 14, 1972. Retrieved December 20, 2011.
3. Author Esther Vilar Lashes Out At Women (https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1356&dat=19720614&id=FoVPAAAAIBAJ&
sjid=aQUEAAAAIBAJ&pg=5590,2542644) Star-Banner, June 14, 1972. Retrieved December 20, 2011.
4. E. Vilar, "Der dressierte Mann", radio-interview (in German) (http://www.ardmediathek.de/ard/servlet/content/3517136?documentId
=4840682) ARD, November 7, 1971. Retrieved in December 19, 2011.
5. Excerpts from the debate can be seen in the documentary about Alice Schwarzer, available in the "Deutschland - Lenker und
Gestalter" series of 12 DVDs released in Germany, and in a recent Schwarzer interview aired in September 27, 2011, and
available in the ARD website. The full-42 minute debate can be obtained directly from WDR in DVD here (http://www.wdrmg.de/mit
6. Im Clinch (in German) (http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-41559127.html) Der Spiegel, February 10, 1975. Retrieved December
20, 2011.
7. Frau gegen Frau (in German) (http://www.zeit.de/2005/25/Schwarzer_25) Die Zeit, June 16, 2005. Retrieved December 20, 2011.
8. Unplug Yourself (2014-08-11), Alice Schwarzer vs. Esther Vilar [1975] | English Subtitles (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py2b
1g73bt4&feature=youtu.be), retrieved 2016-08-25
9. Esther Vilar, The Manipulated Man, revised edition, August 1998

External links
Vilar, Esther. "Author's Introduction to "The Manipulated Man" " (http://www.theabsolute.net/misogyny/vilar.html). Misogyny. The
Pinter & Martin (http://www.pinterandmartin.com), English publishers

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