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php in conf =>
Apache htdocs => /usr/local/www/apache24/data/
Apache httpd.conf => /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf
Php ini => /usr/local/etc/
nextcloud => https://www.rosehosting.com/blog/how-to-install-
=> https://forums.freenas.org/index.php?


The file rc.conf contains descriptive information about the local host
name, configuration details for any potential network interfaces and
which services should be started up at system initial boot time. In new
installations, the rc.conf file is generally initialized by the system
installation utility, sysinstall(8).

path : /etc/rc.conf

# portsnap fetch
(tunggu hingga selesai)
# portsnap extract
(tunggu hingga selesai)
# portsnap update
(untuk memastikan ports adalah paket yang terbaru)

[install apache]
Install Apache24 dengan menggunakan perintah ini

# cd /usr/ports/www/apache24/
(untuk masuk ke directori ports apache24)
# make install clean
(untuk mengistall paket apache)
pengistalan ini akan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama, jadi anda harus
setelah selesai, edit file rc.conf
# ee /etc/rc.conf
jika belum ada kata apache24_enable="YES"
[/install apache]

[Install MySQL]
1. Go to the port for the MySQL server:
cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql56-server
make install clean

2. Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf:

echo 'mysql_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
3. And start the mysql server:
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server start

4. Then set a password for the MySQL root user:

/usr/local/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'your-password'

Check your /var/db/mysql folder, if it contains files, make a backup
and delete dir content:
rm -rf /var/db/mysql/*
Then do a data directory initialization:
/usr/local/libexec/mysqld --initialize --user=mysql

You should get a new temporary password, write it down, then start

service mysql-server start

After mysql starts, secure the installation via:
[/Install MySQL]

[Install PHP]
mengistall PHP55 dengan perintah berikut

# cd /usr/ports/lang/php55
(untuk masuk ke directori ports php55)
# make install clean
(untuk mengistall paket php55)
tunggu hingga selesai

sekarang kita akan menginstall juga modul php untuk mysql, dengan perintah
# cd /usr/ports/lang/php55-extensions
(untuk masuk ke directori ports extensi php)
# make config
(untuk memilih paket yang akan di install)
pilih paket “MySQL databases support“
# make install clean
(untuk menginstall paket ekstensi php55)

<FilesMatch "\.php$">
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
<FilesMatch "\.phps$">
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source

[/Install PHP]

To setup "redis" you need to edit the configuration file:

To run redis from startup, add redis_enable="YES"

in your /etc/rc.conf.

Alias /phpmyadmin "/usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin/"

<Directory "/usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin/">
Options none
AllowOverride Limit
Order Deny,Allow
Require all granted
<Directory /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin>
Require all granted
DirectoryIndex index.php

********************************* WARNING *********************************

FreeBSD does not, and can not warrant that the certification authorities
whose certificates are included in this package have in any way been
audited for trustworthiness or RFC 3647 compliance.

Assessment and verification of trust is the complete responsibility of the

system administrator.

*********************************** NOTE **********************************

This package installs symlinks to support root certificates discovery by

default for software that uses OpenSSL.

This enables SSL Certificate Verification by client software without manual


If you prefer to do this manually, replace the following symlinks with

either an empty file or your site-local certificate bundle.

* /etc/ssl/cert.pem
* /usr/local/etc/ssl/cert.pem
* /usr/local/openssl/cert.pem

Message from freetype2-2.9.1:

The 2.7.x series now uses the new subpixel hinting mode (V40 port's option) as
the default, emulating a modern version of ClearType. This change inevitably
leads to different rendering results, and you might change port's options to
adapt it to your taste (or use the new "FREETYPE_PROPERTIES" environment

The environment variable "FREETYPE_PROPERTIES" can be used to control the

driver properties. Example:

FREETYPE_PROPERTIES=truetype:interpreter-version=35 \
cff:no-stem-darkening=1 \
This allows to select, say, the subpixel hinting mode at runtime for a given

The controllable properties are listed in the section "Controlling FreeType

Modules" in the reference's table of contents
(/usr/local/share/doc/freetype2/reference/ft2-toc.html, if documentation was ins
Message from openldap-client-2.4.46:


The OpenLDAP client package has been successfully installed.

to change the system-wide client defaults.

Try `man ldap.conf' and visit the OpenLDAP FAQ-O-Matic at

for more information.

Message from cclient-2007f_3,1:

Warning: You have chosen to include SSL support. Applications/ports that use
the cclient library but do not support SSL may stop working or have problems
linking. Linking them explicitly with ssl (-lssl -lcrypto) may or may not help.

===> NOTICE:

The cclient port currently does not have a maintainer. As a result, it is

more likely to have unresolved issues, not be up-to-date, or even be removed in
the future. To volunteer to maintain this port, please create an issue at:


More information about port maintainership is available at:

Message from redis-4.0.10:


To setup "redis" you need to edit the configuration file:


To run redis from startup, add redis_enable="YES"

in your /etc/rc.conf.
Message from mod_php72-7.2.8:


Make sure index.php is part of your DirectoryIndex.

You should add the following to your Apache configuration file:

<FilesMatch "\.php$">
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
<FilesMatch "\.phps$">
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source



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