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GROUP: ______________

Unit Topic Questions

1. Introduction to a) Explain the meaning and relationship between education, philosophy, policy and education system.
education, b) Discuss the role of philosophy towards education development.
philosophy, policy c) How does education gives impact towards development?
and development d) How does a country's development create a big influence towards education?

2. Education a) Analyse the direction of education development in Malaysia during the traditional society era from the aspect of human and society
development development.
direction in b) Analyse the direction of education development in Malaysia during the colonisation era from the aspect of human and society.
Malaysia c) Analyse the direction of education development in Malaysia during the independence era and post independence era from the aspect of
human and society development.
d) Analyse the direction of education in Malaysia at prerst and the future towards the nation's development.

3. Basic philosophy a) What are the branches of philosophy? How do the branches in philosophy influence the development of education in Malaysia?
in the b) How does the western philosophy influence the National Education Philosophy?
development of c) How does the Philosophy of Islamic Education influence the National education Philosophy?
National d) What is eclectic philosophy? Why does the National Education Philosophy categorised as eclectic philosophy?
Philosophy (NEP)

4. National a) Based on the statements in the national education Philosophy, analyse branches of philosophy and education elements found in it.
Education b) Based on the content of National education philosophy, discuss the education form and process that should be implemented in the
Philosophy (NEP) teaching and learning process.
and its elaboration c) The intrinsic education outcome should be given the main focus as compared to extrinsic.
d) Discuss the role of teachers in ensuring the malaysia education goal is achieved.

5. Teacher Education a) Elaborate the historical formation of Teacher Education Philosophy and discuss the content implicitly and explicitly.
Pilosophy (TEP): b) How does the content of Teacher Education Philosophy become the core to the formation of teachers' thinking and practices in
Thinking and knowledge, competencies, personality and ethics.
Practices in c) To what extend teachers' career path is categoried as professionals in the public service.
Teaching d) Analyse the components of Malaysian Teachers Standards towards producing world-class teachers.

6. The policies and a) Explain the relationsip between education philosophy, educatio policy and education system in Malaysia.
directions of b) What do you mean by education policy? Discuss its importance towards the nation's education system.
education in c) Many policies related to education was formed in this country. Discuss the implication of education policies towards human capital and the
Malaysia. nation development.
d) Referring to any one education policy implemented in Malaysia, discuss its formation background, implementation and achievement.

7. Education a) Describe the best way to overcome challenges in education in order to realise the aspiration of Vision 2020.
development plan b) Analyse the implementation of the Malaysia Education Development Plan at first wave (2013-2015) towards progressing the education
in Mlaaysia system.
c) How do you (as a teacher) can implement the Malaysia Education Development Plan at second wave (2015 – 2020) successfully?
d) Transformation of education 2050 brings holistic education change to Malaysia. Discuss.

8. Curriculum as a a) What is curriculum? Compare the changes in curriculum based on chronology.

means of b) Explain the meaning of national Curriculum and compare between the national curriculum and school-based curriculum based on
translating the Malaysia education system.
National c) How does the national curriculum becomes the means to achieve education aspiration and national education Philosophy goal?
Education d) How can a standard curriculum be implemented towards translating aspiration of the National Education Philosophy/ Discuss.

9. Curriculum design a.) Referring to the Malaysia National Curriculum, explain the meaning of curriculum design and curriculum orientation implemented.
in Malaysia b) Analyse the organization principle in curriculum design from the vertical and horizontal dimension.
c) Referring to Tyler Curriculum Model, discuss the complete design charateristic. How does learning experience become important basis
in that model.
d) Elaborate the National Curriculum interpretation and design implemented in the Malaysia Education system.

10. Interpreting and a) Explain the relationship between education goal/objective, National education Philosophy, National Curriculum and teaching and learning.
translating the b) Compare the Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor domain in setting the goal/objective of curriculum and teaching.
national c) Referering to one subject in the secondary school, develop a dailly Lesson Plan for any topics .
curriculum. d) What do you mean by reflection in teaching and learning? How do you state reflection and what is its importance to education?

11. Teaching a) Elaborate the meaning of Code of Ethics, Principle of Ethics and work ethics value implemented in Malaysia.
profession code of b) Discuss the practice of teaching professionalism code of ethics in Malaysia.
ethics and
education c) Compare education rules and regulations and education practice in Malaysia..
regulations in d) Discuss on the objective and function of education rules implemented in Malaysia.

12. Education Act a) What do you mean by Education Act 1996?

1996: formation
and content b) Elaborate the legislation and formation background of the Education Act 1996.
c) Discuss the content of Education Act 1996 from the aspect of rules realted to schholing, curriculum and resources
d) Discuss the content of Education Act 1996 from the components of rules related to education institution and society.

13. Education Act a) To what extent Education Act 1996 plays a better role as compared to
1996: function and Education Act 1961.
implication b) Discuss the role of education Act 1996 towards education development in
c) Discuss the implication of Education Act 1996 towards education in
d) In your opinion, what are the main challenges in the implementation of the
Education Act 1996 and how can effective measures be taken to overcome

14. Issues in a) There are issues and education challenges that must be confronted in
philosophy and order to make Vision 2020 a success. Explain the meaning of education
education issues and how those issues arise in education in Malaysia.
regulation policies b) With reference to one (1) latest education issue, discuss the factors that
give rise to the issue.
c) Discuss issues faced by those involved in facing the education issues.
d) How does specific people/division take positive steps to handle challenges
towards making a progressive and excellent education.

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