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; ******* Unit Statistics *******

; Specifies the characteristics of the various game objects.

; AllowedToStartInMultiplayer = Can the unit be allocated to a player when starting

a multiplayer game (def=yes)
; Ammo = number of rounds carried between reloads [-1 means unlimited] (def=-1)
; Armor = the armor type of this object [none,wood,light,heavy,concrete]
(def=none);more types added in RA2
; BuildLimit = arbitrary maximum allowed to build [per house] (def=-1 -- no
; Cloakable = Is it equipped with a cloaking device (def=no)?
; Cost = cost to build object (in credits)
; Category = category of object [used by AI systems -- "Soldier", "Civilian",
"VIP", "Ship",
; "Recon", "AFV", "IFV", "LRFS", "Support", "Transport", "AirPower",
; CloakStop = Does the unit cloak when stopped moving (def=no)?
; Crewed = Does it contain a crew that can escape [never infantry] (def=no)?
; Gunner = Does it change capabilites based on a gunner that has been added.
; CrushSound = sound to play if this object type is crushed (def=none)
; DeployFire = This unit can fire when deployed. (def=no)
; DeployFireWeapon = Index of weapon to fire while deployed. 0 or 1. (def=1)
; DeployTime = time, in minutes, to deploy or undeploy [if this object can do so]
; DamageReducesReadiness = Yes if damage to the unit reduces its ammo (because the
ammo explodes or becomes detargeted, or whatever) (def=no)
; Disableable = Can this object be disabled by special multiplay option (def=yes)?
; DistributedFire = whether the unit continually retargets nearby units and fires
at all of them (def=no)
; DoubleOwned = Can be built/owned by all countries in a multiplayer game (def=no)?
; EmptyReload = Frames before first reload occurs when unit is empty. -1 means use
standard reload time. (def=-1)
; Explodes = Does it explode violently when destroyed [i.e., does it do collateral
damage] (def=no)?
; Explosion = the explosion to use when it blows up [doesn't apply to infantry]
; FireAngle = pitch of projectile launch and barrel [0 = horizontal, 64 = vertical]
; Gate = Is this building a gate? (def=no)
; GateCloseDelay = time, in minutes, to delay before closing a gate after it has
; GuardRange = distance to scan for enemies to attack (def=use weapon range)
; Image = name of graphic data to use for this object (def=same as object
; Immune = Is this object immune to damage
; ImmuneToPsionics = Is the unit immune to psionics (def=yes for buildings, no for
; ImmuneToRadiation = Is the unit immune to radiation (def=no)?
; ImmuneToVeins = Is it immune to vein creature attacks (def=no)?
; InitialAmmo = number of rounds the unit starts with. -1 means it starts full.
; Invisible = Is completely and always invisible to enemy (def=no)?
; Insignificant = Will this object not be announed when destroyed (def=no)?
; LegalTarget = Is this allowed to be a combat target (def=yes)?
; Name = specifies the given name (displayed) for the object
; Nominal = Always use the given name rather than generic "enemy object" (def=no)?
; OmniFire = Doesn't ever have to rotate to fire. (def=no)
; OpportunityFire = Can fire at targets while performing other actions, like
moving. (def=no).
; Owner = who can build this [GDI or Nod] (def=none)
; PipScale = what to base pip display on [Passengers, Tiberium, Ammo, Power]
; PipWrap = how many pips to draw before wrapping (def=none)
; Points = point value for scoring purposes (def=0)
; Prerequisite = list of buildings needed before this can be manufactured (def=no
; PreventAttackMove = Does this unit know how to do attack-move? (def=<yes, if it
has a weapon>)
; Can be used to override attack move on units that shouldn't for various
; PreventAutoDeploy = Does this unit know how to do auto-deploy? (def=<yes, if the
unit support deploying>)
; Can be used to override auto deploy on units that deploy.
; Primary = primary weapon equipped with (def=none)
; Secondary = secondary weapon equipped with (def=none)
; ElitePrimary = new primary weapon when at elite veteran status (def=same as
; EliteSecondary = new secondary weapon when at elite veteran status (def=same as
; RadarVisible = Is visible on radar even if insignificant and unowned --gs rewrote
to be useful for something
; ROT = Rate Of Turn for body (if present) and turret (if present) (def=0)
; ReadinessReductionMultiplier = Used to tweak the amount by which damage reduces
readiness. 0 cancels the readiness reduction. (def=0)
; Reload = time delay between reloads (def=0)
; ReloadIncrement = amount to add at every ((MaxAmmo / PipWrap) %0) increment. Used
to slow reload rate increasingly. (def=0)
; RadarInvisible = Is it invisible on radar maps (def=no)?
; RadialFireSegments = If this unit has a radial firing pattern, this determines
the number
; of segments. This starts at the unit's left and goes right over 180 degrees.
; SelfHealing = Does the object heal automatically up to half strength (def=no)?
; Selectable = Can this object be selected by the player (def=yes)?
; Sensors = Has sensors to detect nearby cloaked objects (def=no)?
; Sight = sight range, in cells (def=1)
; Size = amount of space unit takes up in cargo hold (def=1)
; SizeLimit = Max size of unit a transport can carry (def=0) (Size is inclusive.
Limit 3 holds 3)
; Storage = the number of 'bails' this building or unit can store (def=0)
; Strength = strength (hit points) of this object
; TargetLaser = Does it have a targeting laser (def=no)?
; Trainable = Can this object become veteran by experience (def=yes, buildings
; Turret = Is it equipped with a turret like superstructure [never infantry]
; TurretSpins = Does the turret just sit and spin [only if turret equipped]
; TechLevel = tech level required to build this [-1 means can't build] (def=-1)
; ToProtect = Should friendly units come to rescue if under attack [computer only]
; TypeImmune = Immune to damage from same type objects if owned by same side?
; UndeployDelay = The time it takes before a unit automatically undeploys. (def=-1)
; VoiceSelect = list of voices when selecting this object (def=none)
; VoiceMove = list of voices to use when giving object a movement order (def=none)
; VoiceAttack = list of voices to use when giving object an attack order (def=none)
; DieSound = list of voices to use when it dies (def=none)
; VoiceFeedback = list of voices that may give when taking damage (def=none)
; Locomotor = CLSID of the object handling movement for this object (def=statue)
; VeteranAbilities = list of veteran abilities to grant (def=none)
; EliteAbilities = list of elite abilities to grant cumulative with veteran
abilities (def=none)
; LeadershipRating = When the AI needs a representative from a team to make a
pathfinding or targeting decision it will pick the one with the highest score (def
= 5)
; <<< applies only to infantry types >>>
; Agent = Does it have spy-like abilities (def=no)?
; Fearless = Is not prone to fear (def=no)?
; VoiceComment = list of idle voices (def=none)
; Pip = color of pip when inside a transport [green,yellow,white,red,blue]
; C4 = Equipped with building sabotage explosives [presumes Infiltrate is true]
; Cyborg = Does it require special cyborg death handling (def=no)?
; Fraidycat = Is it inherently afraid and will panic easily (def=no)?
; TiberiumProof = Is it immune to tiberium and tiberium gas damage (def=no)?
; Infiltrate = Can it enter a building like a spy or thief (def=no)?
; IsCanine = Should special case dog logic be applied to this?
; Civilian = Counts a civilian for evac and kill tracking (def=no)?
; FemaleVoice = Uses the civilian female voice (def=no)?
; Engineer = Does it behave like an engineer as far as repair and capture go
; Disguised = Is it disguised as enemy soldier when seen by enemy (def=no)?
; Agent = Does this infantry gather information if it enters an enemy building
[like a spy] (def=no)?
; Thief = Does it steal money if it infiltrates an enemy building (def=no)?
; VehicleThief = Does it steal enemy vehicles when it gets close to one
; Deployer = Deploys like NOD artillery from TibSun. (def=no)
; <<< applies only to moving units (not buildings) >>>
; MoveToShroud = Allowed to move into a shrouded cell (def=yes, aircraft
; Dock = preferred docking building [e.g., harvester -> refinery, helicopter ->
helipad] (def=none)
; TiberiumHeal = Does it heal slowly when in Tiberium field (def=no)?
; Passengers = number of passengers it may carry (def=0)
; Speed = speed of this object [n/a for buildings] (def=0)
; ManualReload = Must this object reload by coordinating with reloader building
; WalkRate = walking animation rate [larger means slower] (def=1)
; IsSelectableCombatant=Does this unit get selected by the select all combatants
key? (def=no)
; <<< applies only to turret changers >>>
; TurretCount=the number of turrets the unit has (def=0)
; WeaponX=the name of the weapon to be thought of as weaponX (where X is an
integer) (def=none)
; YTurretIndex=the number of the weapon for this turret (as indicated by the
WeaponX parameter), where Y is the name of swapping factor for the turret
; HasTurretTooltips=whether this unit multiplexes tooltips based on its current
turret. (def=no)
; <<< applies only to terrestrial driving vehicle types >>>
; CrateGoodie = Can it appear out of a crate in multiplay (def=no)?
; Crushable = Can it be crushed by a heavy tracked vehicle (def=no)?
; Crusher = Is this vehicle able to crush infantry (def=no)?
; MovingFire = The vehicle does not need to stop before it can fire (def=yes)?
; DeployToFire = The vehicle must deploy before it can fire (def=no)?
; Harvester = Does the special Tiberium harvesting rules apply (def=no)?
; Weeder = Does the special weed-harvesting rules apply (def=no)?
; Deployer = Does it deploy before being able to operate (def=no)? OBSOLETE
; IsTilter = Does this unit tilt on slopes (def=yes)?
; CarriesCrate = Might this unit drop a crate when it is destroyed (def=no)?
; <<< applies only to aircraft >>>
; Carryall = Can it tote vehicles around (def=no)?
; Landable = Can this aircraft land on the map (def=no)?
; PitchSpeed = Throttle setting at which aircraft pitch forward (def=.25);
; PitchAngle = Amount that non-FixedWing aircraft pitch forward in degrees
; RollAngle = Amount that the aircraft rolls when turning (def=30.0)
; <<< applies only to building types >>>
; Adjacent = distance allowed to place from other buildings (def=1)
; BaseNormal = Considered for building adjacency checks (def=yes)? ;HEY! Use
this, not the phantom IsBase
; Barrel = Use barrel explosion logic when it is destroyed (def=no)?
; Bib = Does the building have a bib built in (def=no)?
; Capturable = Can this building be infiltrated by a spy/engineer (def=no)?
; DockUnload = When a unit docks with this building should it unload (def=no)?
; Factory = type of object to build [InfantryType, AircraftType, UnitType,
BuildingType, VesselType] (def=none)
; Fake = Is this a fake structure (def=no)?
; FreeUnit = free unit to give this building [typically harvester with refinery]
; Power = power output [positive for output, negative for drain] (def=0)
; Powered = Does it require power to function (def=no)?
; Radar = Does this building give radar to owning player (def=no)?
; Repairable = Can it be repaired (def=yes)?
; RevealToAll=yes Means that when built or captured, a radar event is
generated (def=no)
; UnitReload = Does this building reload units if they dock with it (def=no)?
; UnitRepair = Does this building repair units if they dock with it (def=no)?
; Unsellable = Cannot sell this building (even if it can be built)?
; Wall = Is this a wall type structure [special rules apply] (def=no)?
; WaterBound = Is this building placed on water only (def=no)?
; Upgrades = Is the number of power-ups/upgrades that can be applied to this
building (def=0)
; ShipYard = This building is a ship yard or sub pen
; SAM = This building is a SAM launcher
; ConstructionYard = This building is a construction yard
; Refinery = This building is a tiberium/ore refinery
; WeaponsFactory = This building is a weapons factory
; CloakGenerator = Does this building cloak objects around it?
; LaserFencePost = This building is a laser fence post and obeys the rules for a
building of this type.
; LightIntensity = This building radiates this amount of light (def = 0).
; LightVisibility= The distance (in leptons) that this light is visible from
; LightRedTint = The red tint of this buildings light (def=1.0)
; LightGreenTint = The green tint of this buildings light (def=1.0)
; LightBlueTint = The blue tint of this buildings light (def=1.0)
; InvisibleInGame= Building cannot be seen on selected in the game, only in the
editor. (def=no)
; PowersUpBuilding = Building that can be upgraded by attaching this building to
; PowersUpToLevel = Amount of upgrade provided by this attachment.
-1=incremental upgrade. Positive number is specific upgrade.
; Hospital = Can this building heal infantry (def = no) ?
; Armory = Is this building an armory
; PlaceAnywhere = Can this building ignore normal placement rules? Only use this
for non-player placed buildings (def = no).
; Weeder = Is this a weed collection facility (def=no)?
; TogglePower = [override] Can be turned on/off under player control or affected
by low power (def=yes)?
; WST 6/23/99. Below are new zbuffer adjustment for units
; ZFudgeCliff // fudge for units behind cliffs showing through rocks
; ZFudgeColumn // fudge for units behind bridge overpass support columns
; ZFudgeTunnel // fudge for unit behind tunnel entrances
; ZFudgeBridge // fudge for tall units when they are under a bridge... eg
mammoth mk2
;These are the fields needed for buildings to take part in Urban Combat
;Sight=2 ;since the building will be 'captured' it needs to be able to look
;ClickRepairable=no ;It can be repaired with an engineer but not with the wrench
tool once 'captured'
;CanBeOccupied=yes ;Basic UC flag
;MaxNumberOccupants=10 ;Twiddle number
;DistributedFire=yes ;To shoot all within range equally
;CanOccupyFire=yes ;These two can't be global since types are read in before
globals. Please keep order as well
;Selectable=yes ;Or else you can never get the guys back out

;These will control what can shoot what for the last durn time. Defaults are 0's
;This has no impact on anti/not anti air weapons. Those already work.
; UNDERWATER_NEVER = 0, Can't shoot at all at underwater
; UNDERWATER_SECONDARY = 1, Use Second weapon against underwater
; UNDERWATER_ONLY = 2, Can only shoot underwater
; ORGANIC_SECONDARY = 3, Use second Weapon on organic
; SEAL_SPECIAL = 4, Primary on Amphibious and organic,
Second on Naval and underwater-not-organic
; NAVAL_ALL = 5, Go ahead and shoot everything
with Primary
; NAVAL_NONE = 6, Don't even shoot into the water
; NAVAL_PRIMARY = 7 Able to shoot ground target with
secondary weapon, but Naval is the primary target

; LAND_OKAY = 0, Land is okay
; LAND_NOT_OKAY = 1, Land is OK
; LAND_SECONDARY = 2 Can shoot land, but only with
secondary weapon

ProduceCashStartup=1000 ; credits when captured from the Neutral house
ProduceCashAmount=20 ; Amount every Delay


;Do I have a gattling gun or not

;How weapons does it have? Currently, all Gattling Units have had anti-air
;capability, so the mechanics currently depends on having twice the number
;of stages in weapons, alternating anti-ground first, and anti-air second.


;How many stages does this gattling gun have, and how long does it
;take to progress through these stages;
;This last stage is used to determine what the maximum fireing timer can be. Once
;hits this it will stop increasing. If this is larger than the previous stage, then
;it will have a grace period once the unit stops firing before it needs to drop
;down to the lower weapon.


;How many increments or decrements does the timer get per frame?
;If RateDown is zero, then it overrides the previous stage vaules,
;causing the tank to instantly go to zero when it stops firing
;if it can't find a new target



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