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• Physical Education is

an important part of
the curriculum, a
subject that gives
you an opportunity
to achieve, develop,
and maintain the
desired fitness level
through various
games, sports, and
What is Physical Fitness?
• Physical fitness is
considered as a
measure of the
body’s ability to
function efficiently
and effectively in
work and leisure
activities, to be
healthy, to resist
diseases, and to
respond to
Healthy Habits Suggestions
Intake of Proper Nutrition – Eating the right food that Food rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates,
provides nutrients. fats, and water.

Adequate Sleep – Recharges the brain and allows the About seven to nine hours of sleep at night.
body to rest.

Proper Exercise – Help reduce stress, improve health, Stretching exercises, warm-up exercises, and simple
sense of well-being and quality of life. fitness dances.

Personal Hygiene – Helps you feel good and clean Regular bathing and changing of underwear, brushing
everyday that will also help you prevent infections in teeth every after meal, and also trimming of nails.
communicable diseases.

Medical And Dental Check Ups – Prevents you from Visiting the school physician at least once a month.
getting more serious diseases.

Recreational Activities – Activities that give immediate Games, sports, arts and crafts, music.
• Another factor to consider to
become physically fit is the
Physical Fitness Components,
the fitness component is
categorized into two; Health
Related Components (HRC)
which are important to improve
the over-all health of an
individual and Skill Related
Component (SRC) which help
develop performance in sports
and motor skills.
Health Related Component Definition

Body Composition It is the proportion of the body fat to lean body tissue,
this component helps you realize if you are already
developing risk in your health.
Cardio Respiratory Endurance It is the ability of the lungs, heart, and blood vessels to
deliver a dear vale amount of oxygen to the cells to
meet the demands of sustained physical activities.
Flexibility It is the ability of the joints to move through its full
ranged of motion.

Muscular Endurance It is the ability of the muscle group to maintain a

continuous contraction or repetition over a period of
Muscular Strength It is the ability of the muscle to exert or produce force.
Skill Related Component Definition

Agility It is the ability to change body position and direction quickly and efficiently.

Balance It is the ability to maintain stability while in a static position or when moving.

Coordination It is the ability to use the senses, such as sight and hearing, together with body parts
in performing motor task smoothly and accurately.
Power It is the ability to produce a maximum force in the shortest line.

Reaction Time It is the ability to react and/or make decisions quickly in response to simple stimuli.

Speed It is the ability to perform a movement within a short period of time.

• It controls stress or decrease
muscular tension.
• It reduces the destructive
copying behaviour of
• It improves our appearance
and posture and boost self-
• It enhances the different
fitness components.
• Physical activity has been defined as any bodily
movement produced by skeletal muscles
which can be done in the form of games and
recreation, sports, and household chores.
• Goal is important as basis of your plans.
• Preferred physical activities should be based on your age, gender,
interest, and fitness status.
• Schedules should not be in conflict with your school and home
• Facilities can be your house, gym , open field , or multipurpose that is
free from any danger.
• Fitness status tells what part of the body needs to be developed and
what part has to be maintained.
• The Philippine Physical Fitness
Test (PPFT) measures physical
fitness components.
• Get a medical clearance for the
purpose of medical security.
• Observe safety measures and
• Do stretching and warm-up
exercises for 16 counts.
50 Meter Sprint
• You need stand behind the
starting line.
• At the signal GO! Run as fast
as you can.
• Upon reaching the finish line,
gradually slow down.
• Record the time consumed in
running the distance.
• Standing at the line, on the GO! The performer
runs to the other line picking up a block to place
back at the starting line.
Shuttle Run • Then returns to pick up the second block, and runs
back with the block to the starting line.
• Record the time consumed.
1000 Meter Run
• Do this activity with a
• You can run and walk
in doing this activity.
• Finish the task by
completing the 1000
meter distance.
• Record the time
consumed in running
the distance.
Sit and Reach
• The performer removes and sits on the floor
with the measuring line between their legs
with the soles of their feet placed
immediately behind the base line, heels 8-12’
• The thumbs are clasped so their hands are
together; palms facing down and placed on
measuring line.
• With the legs held flat by a partner, the
performer slowly reaches forward as far as
possible, keeping the fingers on the baseline.
• After three practice tries, holds the fourth
reach for three.
• Second while the distance is recorded.
30-Second Curl Ups
• This is done by pair.
• You as the performer lie down the
• Flex your knees and hands on your
• Lift your body upward and chest
almost touching your femur.
• Count the number of curl ups that
you made in under 30-seconds.
• School health services
are designed to appraise,
protect, and promote the
health of students and
school personnel.
• Health appraisal refers to a
series of procedures to
asses or determine the
health status of the
students through the use of
teacher’s observations,
screening tests, health
histories or medical records,
medicals, and dental
inspections and
psychological tests.
• There are several health appraisal
activities that are part of the school
health service program.
• Physical growth and
development – measure
the height and weight;
these measurements are
helpful in determine if
normal physiological
growth patterns are
• Vision Screening – is an effective school
endeavour because deviators from
normal can be identified and refractive
errors can be corrected.
• Hearing Screening – the ability to hear
sound determines how well one can
communicate within the environment.
• Screening for Scoliosis – Scoliosis
causes sideway curves of your
backbone or spine. These curves
are often S or C shaped.
• Puberty marks the beginning of
adolescence and is the period of
time when males and females
become physically able to
• Physical Change and Developments
• These changes are seen in the structure of an adolescents’ body at a
rate of speed unparalleled since infancy.
Female Body
• During adolescence, the female’s body matures. The female body
develops secondary sex characteristics and begins to have her first
menstrual period; her body become capable of reproduction, even
though the adolescent is not yet prepared to be a parent.
Physical Changes (Female)
• Breast Develop
• Height and Weight Increase
• Hips and Waist Become More Defined
• Menstrual Begins
• Mood Changes May Occur
• Body Hair Grows in the Public Area, Under The Arms, and Becomes Thicker on The Arms and Less.
• Muscles Becomes Larger
• Fat Tissue Normally Increases
• Vocal Cords Get Thicker And Longer
• Sweat And Oil Glands Become More Active, And Body Odour Changes
• Acne May Develop
• Reproductive System Matures
Male Body
• During puberty, the male’s pituitary gland increases its production of
the luteinizing Hormone (LM) which travels to the bloodstream to the
testes and cause them to secrete testosterone.
Physical Changes (Male)
• Height and Weight Increases
• Body Hair Grows in the Public Area, Under the Arms, and on the face, and
becomes thicker on the legs.
• Muscles Become Stronger
• Vocal Cords Get Thicker and Longer – The Voice Deepens
• The Body Develops and Increase Number of Blood Cells.
• Sweat and Oil Glands Become More Active, and Body Odour Changes
• Acne Develops
• Some Boys Develop Small and Temporary Breast Tissues
• Reproductive System Begins To Work
Emotional Changes
• Many young teens are very self-
conscious. And, because they are
experiencing dramatic physical and
emotional changes, they are often
overly sensitive about themselves.
Social Changes
• People with secure identities are the
ones who know how to fit in their
• Adolescents feel that they should be
independent, most of the time this is
being equated with teen rebellion.
Mental Changes

• It is seen that adolescents’ ability to

think logically or reason things out
increases as they reach late
adolescents as they begin to be
able to solve more complicated
• Wellness is the quality of life that includes physical, mental,
emotional, family, social, and spiritual health.
Emotional Health
• The ability to feel and express human emotions, give and receive love,
achieve sense of fulfilment and purpose in life, and develop
phycological hardiness.
Social Health
• The ability of an individual to perform the expectations of our roles
effectively, comfortably, with pleasure, and without harming others.
Mental Health

• Encompasses the intellectual

processes of reasoning, analysis,
evaluation, curiosity, humour,
alertness, creativity, logic, learning,
and memory.
What are The Health Habits to Achieve
Holistic Health?
• Have a regular exercise.
• Teens should get 60 minutes or more of physical activity a day.
• Eating three meals a day, each at a regular time.
• Getting 8-9 hours of sleep each night.

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