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Sabbath School Lesson

Senior Division, Third Quarter, 1958

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"The Lord hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I

should know how to speak a word in season to him
that is weary: .. ." Isaiah 50: 4.
"The study of the Bible demands our most diligent effort and persevering
thought. As the miner digs for the golden treasure in the earth, so
earnestly, persistently, must we seek for the treasure of God's word."
-Education, p. 189.
"The Bible is its own expositor. Scripture is to be compared with
scripture. The student should learn to view the word as a whole, and
to see the relation of its parts. He should gain a knowledge of its grand
central theme, of God's original purpose for the world, of the rise of
the great controversy, and of the work of redemption. He should under-
stand the nature of the two principles that are contending for supremacy,
and should learn to trace their working through the records of history and
prophecy, to the great consummation. He should see how this controversy
enters into every phase of human experience; how in every act of life he
himself reveals the one or the other of the two antagonistic motives;
and how, whether he will or will not, he is even now deciding upon
which side of the controversy he will be found." -Ibid., p. 190.


Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, "The Book of Isaiah Concluded," for July to September,
1958, is published by the Seveuth Day Adventist Reform Movement General Conference
and printed by the Reformation Herald Publishing Association (a corporation of the
Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement) at Sacramento, California, United States of
America. Mailing Address: P. O. Box 5234 Oak Park, Sacramento 17, California.

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Lesson No. 1 - Sabbath, July 5, 1958.


1. What earnest appeal was made to those who had still maintained
their allegiance to God during the days of darkness and depression
for Israel? Isaiah 51: 1.
NOTE: With the opening of this chapter and continuing to the end of
the book, we find words of comfort and encouragement from the Lord
to the faithful remnant who would return to their own land after the
seventy years of captivity. The work of restoration and reformation in
which they were to be engaged would not be an easy task. In the
trials that come to God's people there is always a lesson to be ~earned.
Many have very little idea of what it means to be engaged in a
pioneering work, especially when it involves building upon the ruins
made by others. Those who follow in the steps of the pioneers very
often show little appreciation for those who through blood and tears
fought the battle and laid the foundation.
2. To what outstanding pioneer did the prophet direct the attention
of the people? What lesson should always be taken to heart by those
who succeed the pioneers? Isaiah 51: 2; Hebrews 11: 8·11.
NOTE: "... We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we
shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past
history." -Life Sketches, p. 196.
"There are those who are premature in their desire to reform things
that to them appear faulty. They think that they should be chosen to
take the place of those who have made mistakes. They undervalue
what those workers have done while others were looking on and criti-
cizing. By their actions they say: 'I can do great things. I can carry the
work forward successfully.' To those who think they know so well how
to avoid mistakes, I am instructed to say, 'Judge not, that ye be not
judged.' You might avoid mistakes on some points, but on other things
you are liable to make grave blunders, which would be very difficult
to remedy, and which would bring confusion into the work. These
mistakes might do more harm than those your brethren have made."
-Gospel Workers, p. 493.
3. Before the land of Palestine could be restored to peace and prosperity,
what great work lay before the remnant? Isaiah 51: 3.
NOTE: "Through disobedience to God, Adam and Eve had lost Eden,
and because of sin the whole earth was cursed. But if God's people
followed His instruction, their land would be restored to fertility and
beauty. God Himself gave them directions in regard to the culture of
the soil, and they were to co-operate with Him in its restoration. Thus
the whole land, under God's control, would become an object-lesson
of spiritual truth. As in obedience to His natural laws the earth should
produce its treasures, so in obedience to His moral law the hearts of
the people were to reflect the attributes· of His character. Even the
heathen would recognize the superiority of those who served and worshipped
the living God...." -Christ's Obiect Lessons, p. 289.
4. What assurance did God give the faithful ones that His righteousness
and salvation were soon to be revealed? Isaiah 51: 4-7.
5. What will be the fate of those who seek to hinder God's purpose
in restoration? Isaiah 51: 8.
6. What earnest appeal did the faithful in Israel make to Jehovah to
intervene in their behalf? What great deliverance of the past was
called to mind? Isaiah 51: 9,10.
7. What joyful vision was portrayed to the prophet of the exiles reo
turning from captivity? Isaiah 51: 11·14.
NOTE: Those who looked with longing to see fulfilled the promises
of favor to Israel joyfully accepted the appeal for return, recognizing
the hand of providence in the circumstances which made this possible.
The faithful children of God today look forward to the final victory
when they will be redeemed forever from the hand of the enemy.
8. Upon what conditions only could the Lord work in behalf of His
people? What message of arousal was brought by the Lord to the
remnant? Isaiah 51: 15·17.
NOTE: Three times in this chapter the prophet repeats the word "hear.
ken," and twice the word "awake." These words are a stirring call to the
people of God and are intended to impress upon them that He cannot
work for them in any marked way unless they act according to the
specific directions given through the prophet. The people had appealed to
God to manifest His supernatural power as in former times, but in verse
17 the answer is given that God is willing to work, but the people must
first do their part. This is the reason the Lord does not work in a more
manifest way in behalf of His people today-they have not done their part.

9. At the time the Lord was ready to restore His people, what great
neglect of parents and of the church became apparent? Isaiah
51: 18·21; Jeremiah 13: 20.
NOTE: The Lord here is stating that at the very time He is ready to inter-
vene for them, the Israelites are found unprepared to act their part. There
were very few of the younger generation who returned with the captives
to lend their weight to the great task of rebuilding Jerusalem and re-
establishing the true worship of God. The parents had failed to instruct
their children in the way of the Lord, while the Levites and priests had
failed in their task of preparing the youth for the day when they should
return from exile. The general sentiment was one of doubting and disbeliev-
ing the promises of God for restoration. The younger generation were left
without any hope of a future for Israel; therefore they became engrossed
in worldly enterprises, giving their strength and energies to the building
up of Babylon. When the call came for returning and restoration, they had
no incentive to give up their positions and wealth to suffer with the rem-
nant people of God. In this experience there is a challenge to the church
today and particularly to Christian parents. What is the purpose of bring-
ing children into the world? Is it merely to populate the world and
strengthen great modern Babylon, or to train them as soldiers of Christ's
army to act their part in giving the final warning to lost mankind.
10. If Israel will hearken to the message of the Lord, what promise
does He make to reverse their pitiful condition? Isaiah 51: 22,23.

Lesson No. 2 - Sabbath, July 12, 1958.


1. What message of awakening was brought to the captive daughter
of Zion? What new opportunity was given for Jerusalem to uphold
the standard of truth and righteousness? Isaiah 52: 1-4.
NOTE: The message of this chapter was a timely one of revival for
the pious Jews in Babylon, at the close of the 70 year period of
captivity. Daniel was one who, inspired by the prophecies of Isaiah and
Ezekiel, solemnly brought these prophecies to the attention of his fellow
countrymen. Because of their sins and iniquity, they "had sold themselves
for nought" into the hands of the heathen. They were to be redeemed,
however, "without money and without price."
2. In all the distressing circumstances of the captivity, what continual
care did God have for His chosen people? Isaiah 52: 5,6.
NOTE: Because of the failure of Israel to keep the laws of God and fulfill
His purpose for them, they became a curse to the nations and the name
of God was blasphemed among the Gentiles.
3. How did the prophet picture the whole world as a mission field
for Israel? What application does this prophecy have to God's
remnant people today? Isaiah 52: 7-10.
NOTE: The first burden of the restored remnant was to send messengers
with messages of good tidings to the children of Israel still in Babylon, while
God's purpose in it all was to gather Israel, restore them to their own land,
and prepare them to be missionaries to every nation of the world. We are
living today in the time of the gathering of the scattered flock of spiritual
Israel. The Lord has a special message designed to awaken a slumbering
church and the history of Israel is recorded for us that we might be profited
by their sad experience. As the Gentiles looked in vain to ancient Israel
for an example of true religion, so it is today. The greatest need of the
world today is a manifestation of the character of the true God in His
4. What solemn message was given to the Jews to separate from
Babylon? What is the counterpart of this message as it applies to
the people of God today? Isaiah 52: 11,12; II Corinthians 6: 17, 18.

NOTE: "To-day, as in the days of Elijah, the line of demarcation between

God's commandment-keeping people and the worshippers of false gods is
clearly drawn. 'How long halt ye betwe~n two opinions?' Elijah cried; 'if
the Lord be God, follow Him; but if Baal, then follow him.' And the mes-
sage for today is: 'Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen .... Come out of her,
My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not
of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath
remembered her iniquities." -Pl'Ophets and Kings, p. 188.

5. In whom was the hope of the remnant of Israel to be centered? What

description does the prophet give of the Messiah and His mission
to this earth? Isaiah 52: 13·15.
6. What clear preview was given to the Jews of the coming of the
Messiah to the world? What does the plan of salvation mean to u:;
who await the second coming of Christ? Isaiah 53: 1-5.
NOTE: "...This chapter should be studied. Is presents Christ as the Lamh
of God. Those who are lifted up with pride, whose souls are filled with
vanity, should look upon this picture of their Redeemer, and humble them-
selves in the dust. The entire chapter should be committed to memory. Its
influenoe will subdue and humble the soul defiled by sin and uplifted by
"Think of Christ's humiliation. He took upon Himself fallen, suffering
human nature, degraded and defiled by sin. He took our sorrows, bearing
our grief and shame. He endured all the temptations wherewith man is
beset. He united humanity with divinity: a divine spirit dwelt in a temple
of flesh. He united Himself with the temple. 'The Word was made flesh,
and dwelt among us,' because by so doing He could associate with sinful,
sorrowing sons and daughters of Adam." -Youth's Instructor, December
20, 1900.
" ...These fifteen verses contain more suffering, more love, more hope,
deeper insight into the mysteries of the plan of salvation, clearer vistas of
the whole plan of God, and more profound revalations of God's character,
than almost any other part of the Bible. He who, unmoved, can read these
verses need pray God mightily for a clearer vision and deeper appreciation
as well as an insight into his own spiritual condition." -Isaiah, the Gospel
Prophet, vol. 2, p. 81.
7. What graphic description is given of the sufferings and death of
Christ? Isaiah 53: 6-9.
NOTE: "Satan assailed Him (Christ) in every point, yet He sinned not in
thought, word, or deed. He did no violence, neither was guile found in
His mouth. Walking in the midst of sin, He was holy, harmless, undefiled.
He was wrongfully accused, yet He opened not His mouth to justify Him-
self. How many now, when accused of that which they are not guilty, feel
that there is a time when forbearance ceases to be a virtue, and losing
their temper, speak words which grieve the Holy Spirit." -M.S. 42, 1901.

The Jews had no excuse in misinterpreting the clear prophecies describ-

ing the sufferings of Christ. Not only does Isaiah refer to the terrible cruelty
inflicted upon Christ by those whom He came to save, but also describes
the manner in which He would be born into the human family.

"...These leaders had separated themselves from God, and Satan worked
upon their minds to lead them to reject the Saviour. Rather than yield their
pride of opinion, they closed their eyes to all the evidences of his Messiah-
ship, and they not only rejected the message of salvation themselves, but
they steeled the hearts of the people against Jesus. Their history should
be a solemn warning to us. We need never expect that when the Lord
has light for his people, Satan will stand calmly by, and make no effort to
prevent them from receiving it... ." -Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 728.

8. How only could the plan of salvation succeed? What inspired Christ
to drink the cup of suffering and hu:niliation to its bitter dregs?
Isaiah 53: 10,11.

NOTE: "Christ looks upon His people in their purity and perfection as
the reward of all His sufferings, His humiliation, and His love, and thc
supplement of His glory-Christ the great center, from whom radiates all
glory." -Review and Herald, October 22, 1908.
9. What was accomplished by Christ's death upon the cross of Calvary?
Isaiah 53: 12.
NOTE: "... But divine love had conceived a plan whereby man might be
redeemed. The broken law of God demanded the life of the sinner. In all
the universe there was but one who could, in behalf of man, satisfy its
claims. Since the divine law is as sacred as God Himself, only one equal
with God could make atonement for its transgression. None but Christ
could redeem fallen man from the curse of the law, and bring him again
into harmony with Heaven. Christ would take upon himself the guilt and
shame of sin,-sin so offensive to a holy God that it must separate the
Father and his Son. Christ would reach to the depths of misery to rescue
the ruined race." Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 63.

Lesson No. 3 - Sabbath, July 19, 1958.


1. Under the symbolism of a forsaken, childless woman, what words
of comfort and promise did the Lord extend to Israel in their
apparently hopeless state? Isaiah 54: 1·4.
NOTE: "To the prophet was given a rev~lation of the beneficient design
of God in scattering impenitent Judah among the nations of the earth.
'My people shall know My name,' the Lord declared: 'they shall know
in that day that I am He that doeth speak.' And not only were they them-
selves to learn the lesson of obedience and trust; in their places of exile
they were also to impart to others a knowledge of the living God. Many
from among the sons of the strangers were to learn to love Him as their
Creator and Redeemer; they were to begin the observance of His holy
Sabbath day as a memorial of His creative power; and when He should
make 'bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations,' to deliver His
people from captivity, 'all the ends of the earth' should see the salvation
of God. Many of these converts from heathenism would wish to unite them-
selves fully with the Israelites, and accompany them on the return journey
to Judea. None of these were to say, 'The Lord hath utterly separated me
from His people;' for the word of God through His prophet to those who
should yield themselves to Him and observe His law, was that they should
henceforth be numbered among spiritual Israel-His church on earth."
-Prophets and Kings, pp. 371, 372.
2. Because they followed the customs and practices of the Gentiles,
what was God obliged to do to Israel? Isaiah 54: 5·8.
NOTE: Israel was guilty of transgressing the everlasting covenant made
between them and God, and therefore He let them go their own way that
they might learn their lesson. After many bitter experiences and long years
of hardship, God again extends His mercy and offers to accept them into
His favor. There are many who have fallen prey to the cunning devices
of Satan and have thus been led away from God and the message of truth.
Although they may have gone far in the way of sin, yet if they will but
hear the call of the gospel to repentance, they will again be accepted into
the favor and mercy of God. During the time of separation from God,
Israel was as a woman separated from her husband and childless. The Jews,
having lost their own faith in God, had no power to bring spiritual child-
ren to the knowledge of truth; but if they would return and repent, they
would be used of God to bring many children into the spiritual fold.

3. What covenant of peace did God promise to make with Israel if

they would only remain loyal to Him once He restored them to
their homeland? Isaiah 54: 9·11.
NOTE: "The Jews had misinterpreted God's promise of eternal favor to
Israel: 'Thus saith the Lord which giveth the sun for a light by day, and
the ordinances of the moon and the stars for a light by night, which
divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The Lord of hosts is His
name: If those ordinances depart from before Me, saith the Lord, then the
seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before Me forever. Thus
saith the Lord; If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of
the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel
for all that they have done, saith the Lord.' Jer. 31:35-37. The Jews re-
garded their natural descent from Abraham as giving them a claim "to
this promise. But they overlooked the conditions which God has specified.
Before giving the promise, He had said, 'I will put My law in their inward
parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be
My people... .' Jer. 31: 33." -Desire of Ages, p. 106.

4. What promise of prosperity and blessing was made to Israel if

they would accept God's call to return to Him? Isaiah 54: 12·14.

NOTE: "To a people in whose heart His law is written, the favor of God
is assured. They are one with Him. But the Jews had separated themselves
from God. Because of their sins they were suffering under His judgments.
This was the cause of their bondage to a heathen nation. Their minds were
darkened by transgression, and because in times past the Lord had shown
them so great favor, they excused their sins. They flattered themselves
that they were better than other men, and entitled to His blessings."
-Desire of Ages, p. 106.
5. What assurance of protection is made to the obedient child of
God? Isaiah 54: 15·17.
6. What is the promise of the gospel to every soul who is unsatisfied
with the ways of sin? Isaiah 55: 1·3; Matthew 11: 28·30.

NOTE: "It is to the thirsting soul that the fountain of living waters is
open. God declares, 'I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods
upon the dry ground.' To souls that are earnestly seeking for light, and
that accept with gladness every ray of divine illumination from his holy
word,-to such alone light will be given. It is through these souls that God
will reveal that light and power which will lighten the whole earth with
his glory." -Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 729.
7. Who is the great Captain of our salvation? Isaiah 55: 4,5; Hebrews
12: 2.
8. What urgent message is to be brought home to every sinner while
probation lingers? Isaiah 55: 6-9.
9. What will be the terrible plight of those who fail to give heed to
the gospel invitation until it is too late? Amos 8: 11,12.
10. How sure are the promises of 'God to His children? Isaiah 55: 10, 11.

NOTE: "I entreat the heralds of the gospel of Christ never to become dis-
couraged, never to regard the most hardened sinner as beyond the reach of
the grace of God. The one apparently hopeless may accept the truth in
in the love of it. He who turns the hearts of men as the rivers of water are
turned, can bring the most selfish, sin-hardened soul to Christ. Is anything
too hard for God to do? 'My word,' He declares, 'shall not return unto
me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper
in the thing whereto I sent it." -Gospel Workers, p. 267.
11. Of what spiritual and temporal blessings were the Jews assured if
they maintained their covenant relationship with God upon their
return from Babylon? Isaiah 55: 12, 13.
NOTE: Wherever the Bible is accepted as the rule of faith, whether by
the individual, the family, or the nation, the blessings of God are assured.
When the Bible principles are accepted as the rule of life, the fruits of the
Spirit must come as a natural consequence. The tree planted in the spiritual
garden must bear fruit to the glory of God.

Lesson No.4 - Sabbath, July 26, 1958.


1. What solemn exhortation was given to prepare Israel for the coming
of the Messiah? Isaiah 56: 1,2; Acts 4: 10-12.
NOTE: This chapter pointed forward to the first advent of Christ and
indicated the great work of preparation that was necessary in order that
Israel would be ready to accept the "salvation" offered by the world's
Redeemer. This work of reform was to center in a return to faithful Sabbath
2. What was requested of the Gentiles that they might also share in
the benefits of the Messianic kingdom? Isaiah 56: 3-5.
NOTE: During the Mosaic dispensation it was possible, according to the
law, for servants and strangers in the homes of Israelites to enter into
the covenant privileges and to partake of the Passover by undergoing the
rite of circumcision. (Exodus 12: 23-48) The time referred to by the prophet
in this chapter, however, was a time of general ingathering of the Gentiles,
when the partition wall between Jews and Gentiles would no longer exist
and all would equally share in the blessing of the gospel message. This
chapter brings clear evidence to the fact that Sabbath observance would
be a sign to designate those who accepted Christ as Creator and Redeemer.
3. What blessings would have come to Israel as a nation and to the
Gentiles if the Jews had accepted the Messiah? Isaiah 56: 6,7.
NOTE: "The work of Sabbath reform to be accomplished in the last days
is foretold in the prophecy of Isaiah...." -Great Controversy, p. 4.51.
4. How did the prophet foretell of the ingathering of the Gentiles by
the gospel message? Isaiah 56: 8.
NOTE: "These words apply in the Christian age, as shown by the context:
'The Lord God which gathereth the outcasts of Israel saith, Yet will I
gather others to him, beside those that are gathered unto him.' Here is
foreshadowed the gathering in of the Gentiles by the gospel. And upon
those who then honor the Sabbath, a blessing is pronounced. Thus the
obligation of the fourth commandment extends past the crucifixion, resur-
rection, and ascension of Christ, to the time when His servants should preach
to all nations the message of glad tidings." -Great Controversy, p. 451.
5. What figure was used to describe the captivity of Judah? In the
time of peril, what attitude was taken by the leaders? Isaiah 56: 9·12.
NOTE: The "beasts" here mentioned referred to the ungodly Gentile
nations who had no sense of responsibility toward God. If they were not
checked by being brought to the knowledge of the word of God, they would
be used by Satan to destroy His people, but the "watchman" referred to
exactly illustrate the state of the leaders of Israel. They were blind and
could not see the danger approaching the people. They were more concerned
with their own interests than that of the flock. This is a symbol of the
present day shepherds who pervert the word of God and deceive the peo-
ple by not telling them the truth as it is in Jesus.
6. How can we recognize the gracious dealing of God even in the
death of the righteous? Isaiah 57: 1,2.
NOTE: The care of God for His people is revealed in these verses. There
are many who pray that the Lord may prolong their days as was the case
with king Hezekiah. The Lord granted his request to give him sufficient
time to put his house in order, but Satan, being always ready to take ad-
vantage, lead him astray from his sacred duty. The Lord knows the end
from the beginning and we can fully trust Him. He can permit anyone
to be laid to rest so that they will not fall into further temptation and sin,
or that they may be spared from future suffering.
7. What disturbing message did Isaiah send to the sinners in Zion?
Isaiah 57: 3·9.
NOTE: "...Unless they repent, and leave the work of Satan in oppressing
tnose who have the burden of the work and in holding up the hands of
sinners in Zion, they will never receive the mark of God's sealing approval.
They will fall in the general destmction of the wicked, represented by the
work of the five men bearing slaughter weapons...." -Testimonies, vol. 3,
8. How are the wicked warned of the impending day of retribution
and judgment? Isaiah 57: 10·12.
NOTE: Here reference is made to two classes designated as the ungodly
and wicked. One class consisting of those that know the tmth and yet
have continued in wickedness; the second class are those who have had
opportunity to know God and His requirements but have taken no notice or
interest in them. The Lord keeps account of each one according to the
opportunity granted and will deal with them justly in the day of reckoning.
9. How does Satan hinder and oppose any true work of reformation?
Isaiah 57: 13·17.
NOTE: "The prince of evil contests every inch of ground over which God's
people advance in their journey toward the heavenly city. In all the history
of the church, no reformation has been carried forward without encounter-
ing serious obstacles...." -Great Controve'Tsy, p. 396.
"These words are addressed to those who, awake to their true situation
and susceptible to the influence of the Spirit of God, humble themselves
before God with contrite hearts. But to those who will not heed the reproof
of God, who are determined and froward, and who set themselves to go
on in their own way, God cannot speak peace. He cannot heal them; for
they will not acknowledge that they need healing. He declares their true
condition, 'The wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose
waters cast up mire and dirt.''' -Letter 106, 1896.
10. In contrast to the promise of peace for the righteous, how would
the wicked fare? Isaiah 57: 18·21.

Lesson No. 5 - Sabbath, August 2, 1958.


1. What stirring message does the Lord send to Israel through Isaiah
the prophet? Isaiah 58: 1.
NOTE: "...Though they are called the people of God, the house of Jacob,
though they profess to be linked with God in obedience and fellowship,
they are far from Him. Wonderful privileges and promises have been given
to them, but they have betrayed their trust. With no words of flattery
must the message be given them. 'Show my people their transgression, and
the house of Jacob their sins: Show them where they are making a mistake.
Set their danger before them. Tell them of the sins they are committing,
while at the same time they pride themselves on their righteousness... :'
-Letter 76, 1902.

2. To what class of people is this message specially directed? Isaiah

58: 2.
NOTE: "...The house of Jacob, at the time that this warning was given
to Isaiah, appeared to be a very zealous people, seeking God daily, and
delighting to know His ways; but in reality they were filled with presump-
tuous self-confidence. They were not walking in the truth. Goodness, mercy,
and love were not practiced. While presenting an appearance of sorrow
for their sins, they were cherishing pride and avarice. At the very time
when they were showing such outward humiliation, they would exact hard
labor from those under them or in their employ. They placed a high esti-
mate on all the good that they had done, but a very low estimate on the
services of others. They despised and oppressed the poor. And their fasting
only gave them a higher opinion of their own goodness:' -Review and
Herald, October 13, 1891.
3. What are the distinguishing marks of the formal worshipper? Ezekiel
33: 31,32.
NOTE: "...Those who accept the truth are not taught that they cannot
safely be worldlings in conduct while they are Christians in name. Here-
tofore they were Satan's subjects; henceforth they are to be subjects of
Christ. The life must testify to the change of leaders. Public opinion favors
a profession of Christianity. Little self-denial or self-sacrifice is required in
order to put on a form of godliness, and to have one's name enrolled upon
the church book. Hence many join the church without first becoming united
to Christ. In this Satan triumphs. Such converts are his most efficient agents.
They serve as decoys to other souls. They are false lights, luring the un-
wary to perdition...." -Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 172.

4, Why does the Lord not accept the fasting and humiliation of the
formal worshipper? Isaiah 58: 3,4.

NOTE: "The people of whom the prophet spoke made a high profession
of piety, and pointed to their fasting and to other external forms as evidence
of their piety. But their deeds were tainted by the leprosy of selfishness and
covetousness. They had nothing except that which they had first received
from God. He bestowed His goods on them that they might be His helping
hand, doing what Christ would do were He in their place, giving a true
representation of the principles of heaven:' -Letter 76, 1902.

5. Why is it the Lord questions the fasting and humiliation of the
worshippers here brought to view? Isaiah 58: 5, 6.

NOTE: "The outward signs of fasting and prayer, without a broken and
contrite spirit, are of no value in God's sight. The inward work of grace
is needed. Humiliation of soul is essential. God looks upon this. He will
graciously receive those who will humble their hearts before Him. He will
hear their petitions and heal their backslidings." M.S. 145, 1899.

6. By what great neglect was the selfishness of the heart manifested?

Isaiah 58: 7.
NOTE: "No one can practice real benevolence without self-denial. Only
by a life of simplicity, self-denial, and close economy, is it possible for us
to accomplish the work appointed us as Christ's representatives. Pride and
worldly ambition must be put out of our hearts. In all our work, the
principle of unselfishness revealed in Christ's life is to be carried out. Upon
the walls of our homes, the pictures the furnishings, we are to read, 'Bring
the poor that are cast out to thy house: On our wardrobes we are to see
written, as with the finger of God, 'Clothe the naked: In the dining-room,
on the table laden with abundant food, we should see traced, 'Is it not
to deal thy bread to the hungry?'" -Ministry of Healing, p. 206.

7. What great spiritual blessings will naturally come to those who

practice self·denial? Isaiah 58: 8, 9; Psalm 41: 1,2.

NOTE: ","'e are to put into practice the precepts of the law, and thus
have righteousness before us; the rereward will be God's glory. The light of
the righteousness of Christ will be our front guard, and the glory of the
Lord will be our rereward. Let us thank the Lord for this assurance. Let
us constantly stand in a position where the Lord God of heaven can favor
us. Let us consider that it is our high privilege to be in connection with
God-to be His helping hand." -Notebook Leaflets, No. 23, p. 1.
8. When true benevolence is practiced, what blessing will return upon
the head of the giver? Isaiah 58: 10, 11.
NOTE: "Men are guilty of robbery toward God. Their selfish use of means
robs the Lord of the glory that should be reflected back to Him in the
relief of suffering humanity and the salvation of souls. They are embezzling
His entrusted goods. The Lord declares, 'I will come near to you to judg-
ment; and I will be a swift witness against. ..those that oppress the hirling
in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger
from his right:" -Christ's Obiect Lessons, pp. 371,372.
"Of him who walks in the way of life everlasting, using his blessings to
bless others, the prophet Isaiah declares: 'The Lord shall guide thee con-
tinually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou
shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters
fail not:" -M.S. 43, 1908.
9. In every age when the church apostatizes, what work has always
been intrusted to the faithful remnant? Isaiah 58: 12.
NOTE: In every generation when the professed people of God have fallen
into a backslidden condition, and formalism and pride and selfishness have
taken the place of true godliness, this message of Isaiah 58 has had an
application. It was the remnant in each period of church history that God
called to the work of restoration and rebuilding. This was the experience
in the first Christian church and has been repeated in the consecutive
churches following in line. This was the experience of the Great Second
Advent Movement prior to 1844, which is represented by the church of
Philadelphia. The Seventh-day Adventist Church came into existence be-
cause after the great disappointment God still had a faithful remnant
through whom the restoration of the breach in God's law was to be made
good. Today we are living in the Laodicean period and it is left for us to
choose whether we will be found with the majority who are "spued out
of the mouth of God," or with the faithful remnant who have heard the
call of the True Witness for reformation and restoration. They are not
the ones who destroy and ruin the foundations which God has established,
but are called to be builders; to put the tmth in its proper framework.
10. What special message is addressed to the professed people of God
at the present time? Isaiah 58: 13.
NOTE: "Far more sacredness is attached to the Sabbath than is given it
by many professed Sabbath-keepers. The Lord has been greatly dishonored
by those who have not kept the Sabbath according to the commandment,
either in the letter or in the spirit. He calls for a reform in the observance
of the Sabbath." -Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 353.
11. What blessings will follow those who accept and practice the
message contained in this chapter? Isaiah 58: 14.

Lesson No. 6 - Sabbath, August 9, 1958.


1. Why is it that the Lord many times does not work mightily in
behalf of His church and answer her prayers? Isaiah 59: 1,2.
NOTE: "Communion with God imparts to the soul an intimate knowledge
of his will. But many who profess the faith know not what true conversion
is. They have no experience in communion with the Father through Jesus
Christ, and have never felt the power of divine grace to sanctify the heart.
Praying and sinning, sinning and praying, their lives are full of malice,
deceit, envy, jealousy, and self-love. The prayers of this class are an
abomination to God. True prayer engages the energies of the soul, and
affects the life. He who thus pours out his wants before God, feels the
emptiness of everything else under heaven... ." -Testimonies, vol. 4,
pp. 534, 535.
2. What accusation did the Lord bring against those who made a high
profession? How widespread had been the corruption in Israel?
Isaiah 59: 3,4; Rom. 1: 28·32.

NOTE: God's purpose in choosing Israel was that they should represent
His character among the heathen, and become messengers of truth and
righteousness. In their departure from God, they had fallen deeply into
every evil practice, until, through them the name of God was blasphemed
among the Gentiles.
3. What figure of speech does the prophet use to show the wicked
plans and plots being laid by the leaders of Israel? Isaiah 59: 5,6.

NOTE: These words of the prophet show how far the people had gone
in seeking for gain and honor. They gave themselves to hatching up
wicked schemes of evil which were as poisonous· as serpent's eggs. Those
who entered into their plans would reap the sure result, disappointment
and death. It is impossible to predict how far a man could go in evil once
he separates himself from God and is destitute of His Spirit.

4. With what intensity will men pursue a course of evil once they
have turned from God? Isaiah 59: 7,8.

NOTE: Those who are not guided from principle and conviction are a
prey to their own unsanctified feelings and impulses. It will be noticed
that such a one is never settled in his mind and is always tempted to
change suddenly from one position to another. When a difficulty or crisis
arises in the church, it will be noted that this class is the first to be affected,
and they will generally sympathize with the wrong-doer. They are quick
to do wrong, but slow to do right and can never seem to find the way
of peace until they are truly converted and begin to act from principle.

5. What hopeless state of the apostatized church is here pictured?

Isaiah 59: 9·11.
NOTE: The condition of those who have separated themselves from God
and walk in darkness is most deplorable. They have lost their sense of
direction, hence they stumble and "grope as those who had no eyes." The
eyes of their minds are darkened and they are led continually by evil habits
and passions.
6. Into what hopeless and deplorable condition had Israel fallen?
What great problem confronted the whole universe by the entrance
of sin into the world? Isaiah 59: 12·15.
7. What was the only way heaven could meet this terrible emergency?
What description is given of Christ as the Captain of our salvation?
Isaiah 59: 16,17.
NOTE: "The Son of God, heaven's glorious Commander, was touched with
pity for the fallen race. lfis heart was moved with infinite compassion as
the woes of the lost race rose up before Him. But divine love had conceived
a plan whereby man might be redeemed. The broken law of God demanded
the life of the sinner. In all the universe there was but one who could,
in behalf of man, satisfy its claims. Since the divine law is as sacred as
God himself, only one equal with God could make atonement for its
transgression. None but Christ could redeem fallen man from the curse of the
law, and bring him again into harmony with heaven. Christ would take
upon himself the guilt and shame of sin,-sin so offensive to a holy God
that it must separate the Father and his Son. Christ would reach to the
depths of misery to rescue the ruined race:' -Patriarchs and Prophets,
8. When the proclamation of the gospel has reached its climax, what
announcement is made by the prophet in reference to the close of
the controversy between right and wrong? Isaiah 59: 18, 19.
NOTE: "...For six thousand years the great controversy has been in pro-
gress; the Son of God and His heavenly messengers have been in conflict
with the power of the evil one, to warn, enlighten, and save the children
of men. Now all have made their decision; the wicked have fully united
with Satan in his warfare against God. The time has come for God to
vindicate the authority of His downtrodden law. Now the controversy is
not alone with Satan, but with men. 'The Lord hath a controversy with
the nations;' 'He will give them that are wicked to the sword:" -Great
Controversy, p. 656.
9. What prophecy describes both the first coming of Christ and also
His second coming? What assurance is given to the faithful remnant
in every crisis? Isaiah 59: 20,21.

Lesson No. 7 - Sabbath, August 16, 1958.


1. What message designed to awaken and prepare Israel for Christ's
first advent, will have its complete fulfillment in these closing
days? Isaiah 60: 1,2.
NOTE: "\Vhen Christ came into the world, darkness covered the earth
and gross darkness the people. The living oracles of God were fast
becoming a dead letter. The still, small voice of God was heard only
at times by the most devout worshipper; for it has become overpowered
and silenced by the dogmas, maxims, and traditions of men. The long,
ilj.tricate explanation of the priests made that which was the plainest and
most siinple, mysterious, indistinct, and uncertain. The clamors of rival
sects confused the understanding, and their doctrines were widely apart
from the correct theory of truth....
"Truth looked down from heaven upon the children of men, but found
no reflection of itself; for darkness covered the earth, and gross darkness
the people. If the darkness of error that hid the glory of God from the
view of men was to be dispelled, the light of truth must shine amid
the moral darkness of the world. It was decreed in the councils of God
that the only-begotten Son of God must leave His high command in
heaven, and clothe His divinity with humanity, and come to the world...."
-Review and Herald, Aug. 6, 1895.
2. With the blessing of heaven upon them, what could have been
the joy and privilege of the Jewish nation? Isaiah 60: 3,4.
NOTE: "The Lord in compassion is seeking to enlighten the understanding
of those who are now groping in the darkness of error. He is delaying
His judgments upon an impenitent world, in order that His light-bearers
may seek and save that which is lost. He is now calling upon His church
on the earth to awake from the lethargy that Satan has sought to bring
upon them, and fulfill their heaven-appointed work of enlightening the
world. His message to His church at this time is 'Arise, shine; for thy
light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.' To meet
the conditions existing at the time when darkness covers the earth, and
gross darkness the people, the church of God has been commissioned
to co-operate with God in shedding abroad the light of Bible truth.
To those who seek to do their part faithfully as bearers of precious light,
is given the assurance: 'The Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory
shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light,
and kings to the brightness of thy rising.''' -Testimonies to Ministers,
p. 458.
3. What vision was presented to the prophet of the glorious future
that awaited Israel if they would only accept the gospel of Christ?
Isaiah 60: 5.
NOTE: "The children of Israel were to occupy all the territory which
God appointed them. Those nations that rejected the worship and service
of the true God were to be dispossessed. But it was God's purpose that
by the revelation of His character through Israel men should be drawn
unto Him. . .. All who, like Rahab the Canaanite, and Ruth the Moabi-
tess, turned from idolatry to the worship of the true God, were to unite
themselves with His chosen people. As the numbers of Israel increased
they were to enlarge their borders, until their kingdom should embrace
the world." -Christ's Object Lessons, p. 290.
4. With the exaltation of Jerusalem as the leading metropolis of the
nations, what gifts would flow to them from neighboring countries?
Isaiah 60: 6·9; Zechariah 14: 17·20.
5. How did God purpose that the Gentiles should co·operate with the
Jews in the proclamation of the Gospel? Isaiah 60: 10·12.

NOTE: u • • • If Jerusalem had known what it was her privilege to know,

and had heeded the light which Heaven had sent her, she might have
stood forth in the pride of prosperity, the queen of kingdoms, free in the
strength of her God-given power. There would have been no armed
soldiers standing at her gates, no Roman banners waving from her
walls. The glorious destiny that might have blessed Jerusalem had she
accepted her Redeemer rose before the Son of God. He saw that she
might through Him have been healed of her grievous malady, liberated
from bondage, and established as the mighty metropolis of the earth.
From her walls the dove of peace would have gone forth to all nations.
She would have been the world's diadem of glory." -Desire of Ages,
p. 577.
6. With what voluntary submission would the nations come to worship
at Jerusalem and co-operate in the building up and beautifying of
the temple? Isaiah 60: 13, 14.
NOTE: To build up the walls of Zion meant to strengthen the city. To
the prophet Ezekiel there was later given a full, detailed plan of a new
temple to be constructed where all nations of the earth could participate
in the service of the Lord. Because of the failure of Israel to meet
God's conditions of acceptance, and because of the rejection of the
Messiah, this plan was never carried through.
7. How did the prophet visualize the wealth of the Gentiles flowing
into the treasuries of Israel for the extending of the kingdom?
Isaiah 60: 15·17.
8. If Jesus had been accepted as the king and ruler of Israel, what
peaceful conditions would have been ushered in among the nations
of the earth? Isaiah 60: 18.
9. What promise of future glory was made to Israel as a nation if
they would acknowledge Christ as their king? Isaiah 60: 19,20.
10. With the establishment of Christ's kingdom, what great transfor.
mation would take place among the people of the earth? Isaiah
60: 21, 22; 59: 20.
NOTE: u • • • Never has the Lord been without true representatives on
this earth who have made His interests their own. These witnesses for
God are numbered among spiritual Israel, and to them will be fulfilled
all the covenant promises made by Jehovah to His ancient people."
-Prophets and Kings, p. 714.
11. What responsibility rests upon the true remnant people of God today?
Isaiah 61: 4.
NOTE: "In the time of the end, every divine institution is to be restored.
The breach made in the law at the time the Sabbath was changed by
man, is to be repaired. God's remnant people, standing before the world
as reformers, are to show that the law of God is the foundation of all
enduring reform and that the Sabbath of the fourth commandment is
to stand as a memorial of creation, a constant reminder of the power of
God. In clear, distinct lines they are to present the necessity of obedience
to all the ·precepts of the Decalogue...." -Prophets and Kings, p. 678.

Lesson No.8 - Sabbath, August 23, 1958.


1. Which prophecy of Isaiah presented in a very definite way the
mission of Christ? Isaiah 61: 1·3; Luke 4: 18.
NOTE: "Many who were convinced that Jesus was the Son of God
were misled by the false reasoning of the priests and rabbis. These
teachers had repeated with great effect the prophecies concerning the
Messiah, that He would 'reip;n in Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and
before His ancients gloriously;' that He would 'have dominion also from
sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.' Isa. 24: 33;
Ps. 72: 8. Then they made contemptuous comparisons between the glory
here pictured and the humble appearance of Jesus. The very words of
prophecy were so perverted as to sanction error. Had the people in
sincerity studied the word for themselves, they would not have been
misled. The sixty-first chapter of Isaiah testified that Christ was to do
the very work He did... ." -Desire of Ages, p. 458.
2. What Jewish festival prefigured Christ's work in setting men free
from the bondage of sin? Leviticus 25: 10; Zechariah 9: 9·12.
3. What comfort and assurance is offered to those who are truly reo
pentant? Isaiah 61: 3; Matthew 5: 4.
NOTE: The mourning here brought to view is heart sorrow for sin. It
is the sorrow referred to in Ezekiel 9 of those that "sigh and cry for all
the abominations that be done in the midst thereof." The Saviour's words
have a message of comfort to those who are suffering affliction or
4. What would have been the glorious results of Israel had fulfilled
her divine mission after the return from captivity? How is this proph.
ecy fulfilled in our day? Isaiah 61: 4.

NOTE: "In the time of the end, every divine institution is to be restored.
The breach made in the law at the time the Sabbath was changed by
man, is to be repaired. God's remnant people, standing before the ,
world as reformers, are to show that the law of God is the foundation, of
all enduring reform, and that the Sabbath of the fourth commandment
is to stand as a memorial of creation, a constant reminder of the power
of God...." -Prophets and Kings, p. 678.
5. What position of prominence was Israel to have occupied among the
nations? Isaiah 61: 5,6; Deuteronomy 28: 9, 13.
6. What last opportunity was granted to the chosen nation for the
establishment of the long·promised, glorious kingdom of Israel?
Hosea 3: 4,5; Luke 2: 30-32.

NOTE: The details concerning the mission of Christ were so clearly

presented by the prophets that no one need have erred. It is true that
if the Jews had accepted the Messiah, all the wonderful promises given
in favor of the Jews and the establishment of the glorious kingdom
could have come to pass, and the throne of David literally established
in Mount Zion. The prophecy of Zech. 9: 9-11 clearly indicates the humble
appearance and unassuming manner of Christ on the occasion of His
entrance into Jerusalem. The Jewish leaders were looking for someone
who would come with great show and ostentation; therefore, they con-
cluded that Christ could not be the true Messiah. With the rejection of
Christ as king all promises of temporal glory were forfeited forever.
To use these Old Testament promises as literally applicable to the
present day is gross presumption.
7. In what way is this prophecy fulfilled in the Christian dispensation?
Exodus 19: 6; I Peter 2: 5·9.
NOTE: The sons of Aaron were dedicated to the service of the Lord.
Isaiah here foretells the ministry of God's people as a "kingdom of
priests," in the great task of bringing the Gentiles to a knowledge of the
true God. They share the rights of the priesthood, not under the Aaronic
system, but under the Melchisadec priesthood of Christ.

8. What promise is given to cheer God's people during their night of

trial and affliction? Isaiah 61: 7.

9. What must be the character of those whom God will acknowledge

as His own? When God's people are walking in the light, who will
give them credit? Isaiah 6: 8,9; Psalm 24: 3·5.

10. What transformation of life and character is seen in the repentant

sinner who accepts Christ as a personal Saviour? Isaiah 61: 10.
NOTE: "... The white raiment is purity of character, the righteousness
of Christ imparted to the sinner. This is a garment of heavenly texture,
that can be bought only of Christ for a life of willing obedience... :'
-Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 88.
This verse also pictures the glorious experience of the church in its
final triumph. There is no praise for men in this, as it is wholly God's
11. What simple illustration from nature depicts the power of the gospel
in the lives of men and nations? Isaiah 61: 11.

Lesson No. 9 - Sabbath, August 30, 1958.


1. With what determination did Christ seek to save Israel from down-
fall? Isaiah 62: 1.
2. If the divine character of God had been manifested through Israel,
what would have been the effect upon the Gentiles? Isaiah 62: 2;
Jeremiah 23: 6.
NOTE: The new name would no doubt be indicative of the character
manifested by those who claimed to be the chosen people of God, as the
name is determined by the character. .

3. Had God's gloriou.~ purpose for Israel become a reality, what would
have been the exalted position of Jerusalem among the nations of the
world? Isaiah 62: 3.

NOTE: The "crown" indicates a throne, and it was God's purpose

that under the Messianic reign of Christ all the world was to be
ruled from Jerusalem. This failed as far as literal Israel was concerned,
but it will be literally fulfilled after the millennium when the New
Jerusalem will be the center of the universe of God.

4. With what beautiful figure of speech does the prophet portray the
new-earth state? Isaiah 62: 4, 12.

NOTE: With the entrance of sin into this world man not only came
under the condemnation of death, but he also lost the dominion formerly
intrusted to him. Satan usurped this dominion, but one day it is to be
fully restored to the redeemed when "the kingdom and dominion, and
the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given
to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an
everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him."
Daniel 7: 27.
5. In what way does Isaiah illustrate the everlasting covenant relation-
ship of God with His faithful children? Isaiah 62: 5.
6. How earnest were to be the efforts of the spiritual priesthood
intrusted with the work of restoration? Isaiah 62: 6,7.
NOTE: "These watchmen represent the ministry, upon whose fidelity
depends the salvation of souls. The stewards of the mysteries of God
should stand as watchmen upon the walls of Zion; and if they see the
sword coming, they should sound the note of warning. If they are
sleepy sentinels, and their spiritual senses are so benumbed that they
see and realize no danger, and the people perish, God will require their
blood at the watchmen's hands." -Testimonies, vol. 4, pp. 402,403.
7. What assurance of unquestioned possession of the land was given
to the returned captives? Isaiah 62: 8,9.
8. How does the prophet describe the work of removing obstructions
and preparing for the coming of the Messiah? Isaiah 62: 10.
NOTE: "Obstacles to the advancement of the work of God will appear;
but fear not. To the omnipotence of the King of kings, our covenant-keeping
God unites the gentleness and care of a tender shepherd. Nothing can
stand in His way. His power is absolute, and it is the pledge of the
sure fulfillment of His promises to His people. He can remove all
obstructions to the advancement of His work. He has means for the
removal of every difficulty, that those who serve Him and respect
the means He employs may be delivered. His goodness and love are
infinite, and His covenant is unalterable." -Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 10.
9. With what words did Isaiah portray Christ's royal entry into Jeru-
salem and His second coming in power and glory? Isaiah 62: 11;
Hebrews 9: 28.
NOTE: This is the advent message which is to be proclaimed to the
earth's remotest bounds. We must never lose sight of our specific message
nor of the advent spirit. The sin of the "unfaithful servant" of Matthew
24 which led to grosser sins was that he said in his heart, "My lord
delayeth his coming." The sentiment of his heart was expressed by
his actions and his attitude.

Lesson No. 10 - Sabbath, Septemher 6, 1958.


1. How does the prophet portray the dual nature of the work the
Messiah was to do? Isaiah 63: 1; 61: 2.
NOTE: "Edam" is another name for Esau. Bozrah was one of the
cities of Edam. Edam here stands for the enemies of God and His
people. The punishment spoken of in these verses is not meted out
on the heathen, but on those closely related to Israel who have had
a knowledge of the truth, but have betrayed their sacred trust.
2. What picture is presented of the agony of Christ in Gethsemane
and the crucifixion? Isaiah 63: 2,3.
NOTE: "Having made the decision, He fell dying to the ground from
which He had partially risen. Where now were His disciples, to place
their hands tenderly beneath the head of their fainting Master, and
bathe that brow, marred indeed more than the sons of men? The
Saviour trod the wine press alone, and of the people there was none
with Him." -Desire of Ages, p. 693.
3. With what words does Christ express His determination to endure
all, that He might gain the victory? Isaiah 63: 4.
4. What all-important decision was made in the heavenly parliament
to meet the emergency that sin brought to this earth? Isaiah 63: 5;
John 1: 14.
5. What description does Isaiah give of the seven last plagues? Isaiah
63: 6.
6. How does the prophet describe the remnant who accepted Christ
at His first coming? What confidence did He have that they would
not betray His trust? Isaiah 63: 7,8; Luke 2: 25·31.
7. What longsuffering and tender mercy did God show toward erring
Israel? Why did He finally allow severe punishment to come upon
them? Isaiah 63: 9,10.
8. In what experiences that came upon Israel did God manifest His
power to save to the uttermost? Through whom has the true worship
of God been preserved in every generation? Isaiah 63: 11-14.
NOTE: "... Even in the darkest hours, some would remain true to
their divine Ruler, and in the midst of idolatry would live blameless in
the sight of a holy God. These faithful ones were numbered among the
goodly remnant through whom the eternal purpose of Jehovah was finally
to be fulfilled." -Prophets and Kings, p. 108.
9. What was the prayer of the afflicted remnant in the time of trial
and persecution? On what grounds did they make this appeal?
Isaiah 63: 15,16.
10. When the seventy years of Babylonian captivity was completed,
what was the burden of the true children of God? Isaiah 63: 17.19;
Daniel 9: 17·19.
NOTE: The expression "why hast thou made us to err," should not
be understood as a charge against God that He had caused Israel to
sin, but rather a wish that He had used even harsher punishment to
bring them back to their senses. It might be paraphrased: "Why have
you permitted us to err?"

Lesson No. 11 - Sabbath, September 13, 1958.


1. What is the real significance of the 64th chapter of Isaiah? In what
words does Isaiah call upon the Lord to manifest His power in behalf
of erring Israel? Isaiah 64: 1·3.

NOTE: The prayer of Isaiah in this chapter is but a continuation of

that in chapter 63, and the prophet's attitude of penitence was to be
an example for the whole congregation of Israel-the majority of whom
were blinded to their own true spiritual condition. If they would come
before the Lord in humility and make a true confession of the wrongs
committed, their transgressions would be forgiven and they would be
again accepted into the favor of God.

2. What record of true confession should serve as an example to

those responsible for the present apostasy among God's people?
Daniel 9: 8·11.
NOTE: God's people are not rejected nor will they be finally destroyed
because they have sinned, but rather because they have failed to make
use of the means the Lord has provided for reconciliation. They do not
repent, and with humble, contrite hearts confess the very sins of which
they are guilty.
3. What was the burden upon the hearts of Ezra and Nehemiah as
they led out in the great work of restoration? Ezra 9: 6.8,15; 10: 1.

NOTE: As we study the history of the people of God, we have the

recorded example of men of God who manifested the true spirit of confes-
sion, fully recognizing not only their own guilt and that of their generation,

but also of their forefathers. The Lord heard their prayers and graciously
pardoned their sins. (Read Micah 7: 18, 19.)
4. When Israel was deep in apostasy, what was their only hope of
regaining God's favor? Lev. 26: 38.42; I Kings 8: 33, 34.
NOTE: "Neither wicked men nor devils can hinder the work of God,
or shut out His presence from His people, if they will, with subdued,
contrite hearts, confess and put away their sins, and in faith claim
His promises. Every temptation, every opposing influence, whether open
or secret, may be successfully resisted, 'not by might, nor by power,
but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts:" -Great Controversy, p. 529.

5. How does the prophet continue to extol the power of God? Isaiah
64: 4.
6. What was the true cause of the deplorable condition in which
the Jews found themselves? What would have been their state if
they had been loyal? Isaiah 64: 5.

NOTE: In these words of the prayer, the admission is made that Israel
was then suffering because of their own sins. If they had maintained
fidelity to God, they could even at this time be rejoicing in the Lord and
be saved from the oppression of .their enemies. When the sinner truly
repents and acknowledges his wrong, the mercy and favor of God is
always extended.
7. What is the plight of those who think to be justified by their own
righteousness? Isaiah 64: 6,7.
NOTE: Satan had led Israel far from God into many grievous sins,
and yet they were blinded into believing that because of their scrupulous
performance of the outward observances of the ceremonial law, they
were righteous before God. The prophet Isaiah openly denounces their
false pretentions of righteousness as being "filthy rags" in the sight
of God. The same is true today of those who accept Christ as the
Saviour of the world, who believe in the law and the gospel and think
that their strict performance of the ceremonies of their church or their
formal acknowledgment of the law constitutes the righteousness that
God requires. This was the deception of Nicodemus who in his self-
confidence thought that he was right, but Christ swept aside all the
foundations upon which he had built his hopes and proved to him that
without a renewing of the heart and life he was destitute of the
grace of God.
8. In their desperate state what was the only hope for Israel? Isaiah
64: 8.
NOTE: "The potter takes the clay in his hands, and moulds and
fashions it according to his own will. He kneads it and works it. He
tears it apart, and then presses it together. He wets it, and then dries it.
He lets it lie for a while without touching it. When it is perfectly
pliable, he continues the work of making of it a vessel. He forms
it into shape, and on the wheel trims and polishes it. He dries it in
the sun, and bakes it in the oven. Thus it becomes a vessal fit for
use. So the great Master-worker desires to mould and fashion us. And
as the clay is in the hands of the potter, so are we to be in His hands.
We are not to try to do the work of the potter. Our part is to yield
ourselves to the moulding of the Master-worker." -Testimonies, vol. 8,
pp. 186, 187.
9. What picture did the prophet use to portray the desolation and
destruction which was to come to Judah and Jerusalem in the
Babylonian invasions? Isaiah 64: 9,10.

10. What was to be the sad fate of the temple in which the Jews
put so much trust? Isaiah 64: 11,12.

Lesson No. 12 - Sabbath, September 20, 1958.



1. What provision did God make for the establishment of the promised
kingdom should Israel as a nation fail? Isaiah 65: 1; Romans 9: 25,26.

2. Was is predicted that both houses of Israel should be defeated?

Isaiah 8: 14.
3. When did the Jews have their last chance as a nation? Luke 19: 42;
Matthew 21: 41-43.
NOTE: "As a people the Jews had failed of fulfilling God's purpose,
and the vineyard was taken from them. The privileges they had abused,
the work they had slighted, was intrusted to others." -Christ's Obiect
Lessons, p. 296.
4. What led to the complete rejection of Israel as a nation? Isaiah
65: 2·7.
NOTE: It was God's plan to exalt Israel above all other nations, that they
should be an example of what the transforming power of God had done
for them. They rebelled, however, against the messages God sent through
His prophets, and thus the way of peace was hidden from them.

5. When national disaster was to come upon Israel because of their

disobedience, what promise was given to those who accepted the
gospel of Christ? Isaiah 65: 8-10; 10: 16·21.

NOTE: Although this prophecy had its immediate application to the
Babylonian captivity and the return of the remnant to the land of
Palestine, it has a much fuller meaning than this as it brings us to
the first Christian era when the door for the conversion of the Gentiles
was opened. It was indeed only a remnant of the Jewish nation who
accepted Christ as the Messiah.
"Notwithstanding Israel's failure as a nation, there remained among
them a goodly remnant of such as should be saved. At the time of the
Saviour's advent, there were faithful men and women who had received
with gladness the message of John the Baptist, and had thus been led
to study anew the prophecies concerning the Messiah. When the early
Christian church was founded, it was composed of these faithful Jews
who recognized Jesus of Nazareth as the one for whose advent they
had been longing. It is to this remnant that Paul refers when he writes,
'If the first-fruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy,
so are the branches.''' -Acts of Apostles? p. 376.
6. What fate was to befall the Jews because of their idolatry? Isaiah
65: 11,12.
7. What contrast is made between those who served God and those
who rebelled against Him? What blessed promise was made to those
who accepted the gospel of Christ? Isaiah 65: 13-16.
NOTE: These verses cover the same ground as the 28th and 29th chapters
of Deuteronomy, where the future of the Jews is outlined. Here are
portrayed the unlimited blessings conditional upon obedience and sub-
jection to God and to His wise counsels, and the curses which would
follow in the wake of disobedience. The choice was in their hands and
if the later generations had studied to know God's purpose for them
they could have avoided calamity after calamity. Modern Israel has
no excuse for failing to follow the abundant instruction given for her
guidance and she will be responsible for the rejection of every ray of
light that has shone upon her pathway, but has been passed by unheeded.
8. What promise of new heavens and a new earth was given? Isaiah
. 65: 17-20.
NOTE: In the light of the prophecies we have been studying it was
God's purpose to establish the glorious kingdom of the Messiah upon
the earth. Primarily this reference to a "new heaven and a new earth"
is what would have eventually taken place if the Jews had accepted
Christ as the Messiah. The Jews did not know "their day of visitation"
and let their last opportunity slip by. The prophecy will still be
fulfilled, however, when after the millennium the New Jerusalem will
descend from heaven and all things will be made new. In explaining
this prophecy we cannot expect every detail to be fulfilled literally.
It must be understood in the light of what is written concerning the
heavenly Jerusalem. We know that according to the Scriptures, in
the new earth there will be no marriage, nor births nor deaths.
Verse 20 of this chapter is the subject of much discussion because
it is written in highly figurative language and is interpreted in a number
of ways. Since we have not as yet found any positive evidence in the
Spirit of Prophecy to clarify its real meaning, we leave it to the Lord
to reveal this to us in His own good time. We know that in the new
earth there will be neither births nor deaths, and certainly there will
be no further curse.
9. What blessed state of prosperity and happiness was envisioned by
the prophet to be enjoyed with the establishment of the promised
kingdom of glory? Isaiah 65: 21·25.

NOTE: In applying these verses to the future state of the redeemed,

the reader will come to the conclusion that every detail could not be
taken literally. Verse 23 indicates that children are still being born
into the world at this time, and this is confirmed in Isa. 11: 6, a
verse which is the parallel of verse 25 of this chapter. We know
that there will be no children born in the new earth, therefore these
verses can only be explained in the light of the double application of
this prophecy. Firstly, as it would have been if the Jews had accepted
the Messiah; secondly, as it will be fulfilled in the everlasting kingdom
of Christ when any temporary feature could not be applied.

Lesson No. 13 - Sabbath, September 27, 1958.


1. What objection does the Lord make to formal worship? What
kind of worship does He look upon with favor? Isaiah 66: 1,2.

NOTE: "The Jewish leaders looked with pride upon their magnificent
temple, and the imposing rites of their religious service; but justice,
mercy, and the love of God were lacking. The glory of the temple, the
splendor of their service, could not recommend them to God; for that
which alone is of value in His sight they did not offer. They did not
bring Him the sacrifice of a humble and contrite spirit. It is when the
vital principles of the kingdom of God are lost that ceremonies become
multitudinous and extravagant. It is when the character building is
neglected, when the adornment of the soul is lacking, when the siIn-
plicity of godliness is lost sight of, that pride and love of display demand
magnificent church edifices, splendid adornings, and imposing cere-
monials... ." -Christ's Ob;ect Lessons, pp. 297,298.

2. How did God look upon the sacrificial offerings brought by those
who continued to live in transgression? Isaiah 66: 3.

NOTE: Those sacrifices which had been ordained by God to make
atonement for sin were polluted because of the general corruption of
people and priesthood. Unless the sacrifice was brought with a spirit
of penitence and godly fear, it was in God's sight a crime on the level
of manslaughter.
3. What predicted curse has had a very significant fulfillment in the
history of the Jews even to the present time? Isaiah 66: 4; Deuter-
onomy 28: 65-67.
4. When the church has made its choice of remaining in open apostasy,
how far will the leadership go in their blindness? With what class
of people did Christ begin His mission? Isaiah 66: 5.
NOTE: "The Sanhedrin had rejected Christ's message and was bent
upon His death; therefore Jesus departed from Jerusalem, from the
priests, the temple, the religious leaders, the people who had been
instructed in the law, and turned to another class to proclaim His
message, and to gather out those who should carry the gospel to all
"As the light and life of men was rejected by the ecclesiastical author-
ities in the days of Christ, so it has been rejected in every succeeding
generation. Again and again the history of Christ's withdrawal from
Judea has been repeated. When the Reformers preached the word
of God, they had no thought of separating themselves from the established
church; but the religious leaders would not tolerate the light, and
those that bore it were forced to seek another class, who were longing
for the truth. In our day few of the professed followers of the Reformers
are actuated by their spirit. Few are listening for the voice of God, and
ready to accept truth in whatever guise it may be presented. Often those
who follow in the steps of the Reformers are forced to turn away from
the churches they love, in order to declare the plain teaching of the
word of God. And many times those who are seeking for light are
by the same teaching obliged to leave the church of their fathers, that
they may render obedience." -Desire of Ages, p. 232.
5. If the Jewish leaders had taken heed to the message of the prophets,
what unparalleled events would have taken place in connection with
the work of restoration? Isaiah 66: 6-9.
6. What further picture was presented of the conversion of the Gentiles
and the triumph of the gospel? Isaiah 66: 10-14.
7. How clearly does the prophet portray the final destruction of the
wicked at Armageddon? Isaiah 66: 15-18.
8. What great mission was intrusted to the Jews to be carried through
after their restoration from Babylon? How would the faithful children
of God have appeared in the eyes of the heathen nations? Isaiah
66: 19; 8: 18.
NOTE: God's true children have an influence wherever they go, and
with God's special blessing upon them they will be as "signs and wonders"
among the nations. Sabbath-keeping is a sign that distinguishes God's
people from the rest of Christendom.
9. What position would Jerusalem have occupied among the nations
if God's missionary program had been accepted? Isaiah 66: 20,21.
10. If God's plan for the work of restoration had been faithfully carried
through, what universal worship would have been established?
Isaiah 66: 22-24.
NOTE: The book of Isaiah closes with a hope of the glorious future
and triumph for Israel and the establishment of the universal worship
of God at Jerusalem. It goes further, however, and brings us to the
close of the gospel dispensation and the final triumph of the saints
of God and the establishment of the everlasting kingdom of glory at
the coming of Christ. As has been established in our study of the book
of Isaiah, the design of God for Israel was ended in defeat by their rejection
of the Messiah. Jerusalem, instead of becoming the glorious city and
center of worship for all nations, became a curse for the world, and
today the ancient city lies in ruins, a perpetual testimony of her failure
to fulfill God's purpose.
The hope of the New Jerusalem is sure. It is established upon a
solid foundation. After the great controversy of 6,000 years is ended
the faithful, obedient children of God from every nation, tongue
and people will come and worship the Lord with triumphant song,
from "one new moon to another and from one Sabbath to another."
The redeemed of God will be Sabbath-keepers. May every student
who studies these lessons be found faithful that he may receive an
abundant welcome into the everlasting kingdom of Christ.


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