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Sabbath School Lesson'

Second ~arter 1946

L~ssons from
Ancient Israel.

Religious Liberty Publishing Association

42 Prolpect Road, Summer Bill.
N.S.W., Australia.
GC Archive

Lesson No. I-Sabbath, April 6, 1946.

1. What does God require of His peo Ie, and what should
they not do? Rom. 15:1. (
2. What counsel is giV'en to God;s children in dealing with
the erring. an hat should always be considered?
Gal. 6:1.'/ v
NOTE: "Bear in mind that the work of restoring is to
be our burden. This work is not to be done in a proud,
officious, masterly way. Do not say by your manner, '1
have the power, and 1 will use it,' and pour out! accusations
upon the erring one. Do your restoring in the spirit of
meekness; con id ring th elf, lest thou also be temped."
-"Testimomes, , o. ,p. 398." l c... '
3. In what manner may we prove a real blessing t!o our
neighbour? Rom. 15:2. ·t .
4. Who left us a true I'exam.ple in this respect, and for
whom did He bear reproach? Rom. 15:3. f
5. What is necessary in order to develop such blessed
characteristics? Luke 21:19. .
6. What are, we counselled to do amid trials and tribu-
lations? What will these accomplish in us? Rom.
7 .. ·W'.ho alone wi! 'be victorious in aU trials and diffi-
culties, and w,hat will give us the 'ctory? 1 John
5:4.( I • - I(

NOTE: "By faith we may look 'to the hereafter, and

grasp the pledge of God for a growth of intellect, the
human faculties u,niting with the divine, and every power
of the soul being' brought into direct contact with the
Source of light."-"Steps to Christ," p. 115.
8. W:hat does the Word of God say concerning hope?
Rom. 5:5; 8:24.", .(
9. For what purpose are the .Holy Script es:, gj,V:en, and
what can we obtain rough the Word of God? ~~om,
15:4. '
10. For wlrom is the history of the past especially written?
-) 1 Cor. 10:11.
NOTE: "The travels of the children of Israel are faith-
fully described; the deliverance which the Lord wrought
for them, their perfect organization and special order,
their sin in murmuring against Moses and thus against
God, their transgressions, their rebellions, their puriish-
ments. their carcasses strewn in the wilderness, because
of their unwillingness to submit to' God's wise arrange-
ments-this faithful picture is hung up before us, as a
warning, lest we follow their example of disobedience,
and fall like them."-"Testimo~ies," Vol. 1, p. 652.
11. What special truth. should teachers seek to impress D'p.
~ on the minds of the people? Eccl. 3:15. . I
~ , 5
N,OTE: "I have been shown that the spirit of the
world is fast leavening the church. You are following
the same path as did ancient Israel. There is the same
falling away from your holy calling as God's peculiar
people. You are having fellowship with the unfruitful
works of darkness. Your concord with unbetIevers has
provoked the Lord's displeasure. YoU know not the things
that belong to Y<>.1.lr peace, and they are fast being hid
from your eyes. Your neglect to follow the light will
place you in a more unfavorable position than the Jews up-
on whom Christ pronounced a woe."-"Testimonies," Vol.
5, pp. 75, 76. (

Lesson No. 2-Sabbath, Aptil 13, 19'46

1. From what generation of Noah did Abraham come"
and later Israel? Gen. 9:26;' 11:10, 26. II

2. What did God w~nt Israiel to be? Ex. 19:6.

3. Among what people did Abraha~ livoe before his call).
ing? Joshua 24:2.",- .l: "
NOTE: "God has ever preserved a remnant to serve
Him. Adam, Seth, Enoch, Methuselah, Noah, Shem, in un-
broken line, had preserved from age to age the precious
revealing of His will. The son of Terah became the in-
heritor of this holy trust. Idolatry invited him on every
side, but in vain. Faithfu mon the faithless, uncor-
ruDie y the prevaiIing~ he
to the worshi of me onetriie'"l;od. The I'd is nigh
unto a them at ca upon Him, to all that call upon
Him in truth. He communicated His will to Abraham, and
gave him a distinct knowled e of ,the requirements of
His law, and 0 e sa va IOn at would be accomIllished
rou Christ."-<1Pa riarcJis and Prophets," p. f25.
what purpose was Abraham called? Gen. 12:1.3.
NOTE: "After the dispersion from Babel, j<iQill.tu
again became well-ni univers I and the Lord fina'Il'Y"'iel't
~ar en ansgressors 0 follow their evil ways, while
He chose Abraham, of the line of Shem, and made him
the kee er of i law for future enerations."-' atnarc s
n rop e s." p~. ~-
5. What was Abraham required to do in order to be
qualified for the great work before him? "" -1 ••• "
ANSWER: "The message' of God came to Abraham, (
'Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and -
from thy father's house, unto a land that· I will show
thee.' In order that God might qualify him ior his great
work, as a keeper of the sacred oracles Abraham must· be
separated from the associations of his ear e. - at-
"'bare s an
6. Did Abraham obey the call 'Of separation? Gen. 12:5. " {
7. What safe ctJurse did Abraham follow when there! was
strife between his servants and those of Lot? GeD.
13:7.12. Amos 3:3. " f ( .... 7'

8. Of wha.t was Abraham's sacrifice of his son Isaac an

exam.ple? ). • "

the r~l~ty 9f the goslW'

ANSWER: "It was to~p:L:e~§ A~a W', IN}nd with
weI a~o eSIs faith,
that 0 commanded mm to slay hIS son. '!The agony
which he endured during the dark days of that fearful
trial, was permitted that he might undE!fstand from his
own exaeriE;nce something of the greatness of e sacrl-
iice rna e by the infinite God for man's redeWIl\ion."-
"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 154.
9. To whom was repeated the promise" given to A.braham
that he 'should be the father 'Of all believers? Gen.
10. By what experience did Jacob receive the name Israel?
Gen. 32 :24.30. -
11. What prophecy was given regarding the sufferings of
God's chosen people, and how many were they in num·
ber when they we!1t down to Egypt? Gen. 15:12.15;

Lesson No.3-Sabbath, April

~_~io- ..

1. What evil characteristics were manifested in the life
of, Joseph's brethren? Gen. 37:3-11.
2. What p did they take after yielding to Satan's
, temptation to kill Joseph? Gen. 37·2&-28. ~I't t

3. Were -the brethren (Jof Joseph able to altier God's plan?

What- circumstances did God bring about which caused
them to bow down before their brother? Gen. 42:




by warfare as Moses thought, but by His own mighty
power, that the glory might be ascribed to Him al "-
"Patriarchs and Prophets," P. 247.
11. What grace needed to be developed lin Moses' before
he could become the leader of Israel? Heb. 10:36. .
1'2. In what way did Moses ,.acquire patience, and how
much time did he require. to ev:elop iliis characteris-
tic? Ex. 3:1; Acts 7:30.-4-e
NOTE: "In the solemn grandeur of the everlasting
bills he beheld the majesty of the Most High, and in con-
trast realized how powerless and insignificant were. the
gods of Egypt. Everywhere the Creator's name was writ-
ten. Moses seemed to stand. in His presence, and to be
overshadowed by His power. Here h' r'de and se ~uf-
ie cy was swe t away, In the stern simplicity 0 nis
WI erness I e, ilie results of the ease and luxury of
Egypt disappeared. Moses became patient, reverent, and
bumble 'very. meek, above all men which were upon the
face of the earth,' ~ t ~ ~ ~ 'n t e mi hty G d
o J c ."-"Patriarc an rop e s," p. 2 .
13. To whom, next to Giod. was Moses indebted for his
qualification as a great leader?
ANSWER: "Let ~ feel that her moments .
are priceless; her work WIll be tested in the solemn day
of accounts. Then it will be found that many of the
fililures and crimes of men and women have resulted from
the ignorance and neglect of those whose duty it was to
~uide their childish feet in the right way. tI Then it will
be found that many who have blessed the world with the
light of genius and truth and holiness, owe the principles
that ere the mainspring of their influence and success
to a praying Christian mother.'T'"Patriarchs and Pro-
phets," p. 24~ J / '
. vV. ). ,:"2-
Lesson No.4-Sabbath, April 211, 1946. q.~
1. Why was Moses not willing to accept the commissIon
to deliver Israel? Ex. 4:10-14.
NOTE: "He (Moses)' had been so long away from
the Egyptians that he had not so clear knowledge and
ready use of their lallguage as when he was among
them. . . . Moses was now directed to Aaron, his elder
brother, who, having been in daily use of the language of
the Egyptians, was able to speak it perfectly. He was
told that Aaron was coming to meet him."-"Patriarchs
and Prophets," p. 254.
2. When Moses return'ed to Egypt, what did he first do?
h4~~. .
3. In what condition were the children of Israel at that
ANSWER: "In their bondage the Israelites had to
some extent lost the knowledge of God's law, and they
had departed from its precepts. The Sabbath had been
generally disregarded, and the exactions of their task-
masters made its observance apparently impossible. But
Mose,', had shown his ~eople that obedience to God was
the first condition of. de~~; ana 'the ell'ort~
to restore tfie"ObServance-of TheSabbath had come .to the
notice of their oppressors."-"Patriarchs and Prophets,"
p. 258. '
4. W!hen Moses asked Pharaoh to let Isra'el go, what
answer did he receive, and what did the. king com-
mand? Ex. 5:4-9. '
5. What did some of the children of Israel as' a result
of their oppression do, and what was their position to-
ward Moses and Aaron? Ex. 5:19-21.
6. When God saw that Pharao-h stood in ,the way of let-
ting His people go, what decision did He make? Ex.
6:1. I

7. What did Pharaoh say after he was convinced of the

})'Ower of God? However, what reply to this was given
by Moses? Ex. 8:25, 26.
8. What suggestion did Pharaoh make that the .plagues:
might cease, and under what condition did Moses ac-
cept this pro})'Osal? Ex. 8 :28,' 29.
9. What further suggestion did P,haraoh make when he
saw he could no longer hold Israel captive? What
answer did Mosee give? Ex. 10:24, 25.
10. What final decision waS' reached by Pharaoh?
ANSWER: "Now, his heaven-daring pride humbled in
the dust, he 'called for Moses and Aaron by night, and
said. Rise up, and get you forth from among my people,
-both ye and the children of Israel; and go, serve the Lord,
as ye have said. Also take your flocks and your herds,
as ye have said, and be gone; and bless me also.' The
royal counsellors also and the people entreated the
Israelites to depart 'out of the land in haste; for they
said, Wie be all dead. men.' "-"Patriarchs and Prophets,"
p. 280.
11. Who went along with the children of Israel when
they left Egypt? Was Pharaoh satisfi'ed after the
people had left? Ex. 12:38; 14:5•.
NOTE: "In this' multitude were not only those who
were actuated by faith in the God of Israel, but also a
far greater number who desired only to escape from the
plagues, Qr who followed in the wake of' the moving
multitudes. merely from excitement and curiosity. 'I:.his
clas e e v r a hin ratlce 'and a snare to Israel."-
atnarc s an 'Prop ets," : ~ ~

Lesson No.5-Sabbath, May 4, 1946.


1. After their departure from Egypt, what were the
feelings of Israel at thWr first trial, Where did they
then long to be? Ex. 14:11, 12.
NOtE: "['he wonderful pillar of cloud had been fol-
lowed as the signal of God to go forward; but now they
questioned among themselves if it might not foreshadow
some great calamity; for had it not led them on the
wrong side of the mountain, into an impassable way?
Thus the angel of God appeared to their deluded minds as
the harbinger 9f disaster."-"Patriarchs and ;Prophets," p.
2. What encouragement did Moses give, and of wha.t did
they become convinced? Ex. 14:13, 14, 30, 31.
3. What fate did Isra.el desire despite the supernatural
demonstrations of the power of God? Ex. 16:1-3. .
. NOTE: "Th~y saw a~d felt only their present incon-
vemence~ and trials; and mstead of saying, 'God has done
great thmgs for us; whereas we were slaves He is mak-
ing of us a great nation; they talked of th~ hardness of
the way, and wondered when their weary pilgrimage would
end."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 293.
4. In order to satisfy their covetousness, what evil act
did some commit on the Sabbath., and what was the
result? Ex. 16:22-27.
NOTE: "God requires that His holy day be as sacredly
observed now as in the time of Israel. The command
given to the Hebrews should be regarded by all CIll'istians
as an injunction from Jehovah to them. The day before
the Sabbath should be made a day of preparation, that
everything may be in readiness for its sacred hours."-
"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 296.
5. Of what was the m·anna eaten by the childr..en of
Israel, a type? John 6:48-51.
6. What accusations were brought against Moses by the
people, and how great was their murm.uring ckspite
the wonderful evidence that God was caring for them?
Ex. 17:1-3. ,
NOTE' "Suspicion and distrust filled tlieir hearts, and
they boldly accused him of designing to kill them and
their children by privations and hardships, that he might
enrich himself with their possession. In the tumult of
rage and indignation they were l!-bout to stope him."-
"Patriarchs and Prophets," pp. 297, 298. ~
7. W.hat duty should all who love God perform, towaTd
God's servants, and upon what does the victory
depend also in our time? Ex. 17:10-12.
8. How did the Lord, throug,h Moses' father-in-law, set
forth the characterisJ:ks of those Wiho Should serve
before Him? Ex.. 18~
9. What rules had to be carried out before Israel could
come before the Lord at Mount Sinai? Ex. 19:10-12.
10. Under what condition is the aSsurance given us that
we are God's people? How lon~ therefore is a church
recognized by God? Ex. 19 :5, 6.

Lesson No. 6-Sabbath, May 11, 1946.


1. What revelations of divine -power were seen at Sinai
when the law was given? Ex. 19:18-22.
NOTE: "So terrible w~re the tokens of Jehovah's
presence that the hosts of Israel shook with fear, and fell
upon their faces before the Lord. Even Moses exclaimed,
'I exceedingly fear and quake.' "-"Patriarchs and Pro-
phets," p. 304.
2. Who is represented to us in the first of the Ten Com-
mandments, and in what way do we become a trans-
gnlssor of that Commandment? Ex. 20:3.
NOTE: "Jehovah, the eternal, self-existent, uncreated
One Himself the source and .sustainer of all, is alone en-
titled to supreme reverence and worship. Man is forbid-
den to give to any other object the first place in his af-
fections .01' his service."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p.
3. What is forbidden in the sec6nd commandment and
why? Ex. 20:4-6.
NOTE: "In prohibiting the worship of false gods,
the second commandment by implication enjoin!! the wor-
ship of the true God. And to those who are faithful in
His! service, mercy is promised, not merely to the third
and fourth generations as is the wrath threatened against
those who hate Him, but t() thousands of generations."-
"Patriarchs and Propnets," p. 306.
4, How does one become a blasphemer of the name of
God? Ex. 20:7.
NOTE: "This commandment not only prohibits false
oaths and common swearing, but it forbids us to use the
name of God in a light ()r careless manner, without regard
to its awful significance."-"PatriarcJtg and Prophets," p.
5. What are we requested to do in the fourth command-
ment,· and whom' do we recognize by keeping it? Ex.
NOTE: "All who keep the seventh.day signify by this
act that they are worshippers of Jehovah. Thus the Sab-
bath is the sign of man's allegiance to God as long as -
there are any upon the earth to serve Him."-"Patriarchs
and Prophets," p. 307.
6. To whom is our attention directed in the fifth com.
mandment, and .what blessing is proIilised to those who
keep .it? Ex. 20 :12.
7. What does the sixth commandment forbid? Ex. 20 :13.
NOTE: "All acts of injustice that tend to shorten
life, the spirit of hatred and revenge, or the indulgence
of any passion that leads to injurious acts toward others,
or causes us even to wish them harm (for 'whosoever
hateth his brother is a murderer'); a selfish neglect of
caring for the needy or suffering; all self-indulgence or
unnecessary deprivation or excessive labor that tends to
injure health-all these are, to a greater or less degree,
violations of the sixth commaRdment."-"Patriarchs and
Prophets," p. 308.
8. What is' forbidden in the seventh commandment, and
. how great is its transgression in our day? Ex. 20:14;
Matthew 24 :38.
9. What is forbidden by the eighth commandment and
what is its true meaning? Ex. 20:15.
NOTE: "The eighth commandment condemns man-
f!tealing and slave-dealing, ~d forbids wars of conquest,
It condemns theft and robbery. It demands a strict integ-
rity in the minutest details of the affairs of life. It for-
bids overreaching in trade, and requires the payment of
just debts or wages."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 309.
10. What words and testimonies are forbidden by the
ninth commandment? Ex. 20 :16.
11. What does· the law forbid through the tenth command. '
ment? Ex. 20:17.
NOTE: "The tenth commandment strikes at the very
root of all sins, prohibiting the selfish desire, from which
springs the sinful act. He who in obedience to ·God's law
refrains from indulging even a sinful desire for that
which belongs to another, will not be guilty of an act of
wrong toward his fellow-creatures."-"Patriarchs and
Prophets," p. 309.
Lesson No. 7-Sabbath, May 18, 1946.
1. What command was given to Moses on Mount Sinai?
-Ex. 25 :8. Was Israel allowed to work on the sanc-
tuary on the Sabbath day? !'lx. 31:13-17.
NOTE: "Directions had just been given for the im-
:mediate erection 0 the tabernacle for tne services of
Goa; and now the people might conclude, because the
object had in view was the glory of God, and also be-
cause of the great need of a place of worship, that they
would be justified in workin at the building upon the
~Qgth. To guard em rom Ilis error the warning
was given. Even- the sacredness and urgency of that spe-
cial work of God must not lead them to infringe upon
His holy - rest-day."-"Patriarchs ani:! Pl'ophets," pp. 313,
2. What did the people do whil~ MiOSes was. on t!te
m'ount, and what did they demand of Aaron? Ex.
NOTE: "Such a crisis demanded a man of firmness,
,decision, and unflinching courage; one who held the honor
of God above popular favor, personal safety, or life it-
self. But the present leader of Israel was not of this
-character.' Aaron feebly remonstrated with the people, but
his wavering ,and timidity at the critical moment only
rendered them the more determined. . . . There were
some who remained true to their covenant with God, but
the' rea er art of the people joined in the apostasy."--
a narc s an Prophets," p. 316.
3. What position did Aaron finally take? Did he know
that his act was sinful? What position should he
have taken? Ex. 32:2-6.
-4. What excuse did Aaron offer after he had! led the
people into apostasy? Ex. 32:22-24.-
S. What sin is said to be 1ilie most grievous in the sight
of God?
ANSWER: "Of all the sins that God will punish, none
:~U'emore grievous in His sight than those that encourage
oQthers to do 'evil. God would have His servants prove
th€ir loyalty by faithfully rebuking transgression, however-
painful the act may be."-"Patriarchs and Prophet8l." pp.
323, 324.
6. What command did Moses give to those! who had not
otaken part ih the apostasy? Ex. 312:26-28.
7. What was the result of this apostasy? Ex. 33:4-7.
NOTE: "By the divine direction, the tent that had
served as a temporary place of worship' was r€moved.
'afar off from the camp.' This was stilI further evidence·
that God bad withdrawn His presence from them."~"Pat·
riarchs and Prophets," p. 327.
8. What meaning for us has the glory reflected on the·
face of Moses when -he came down from th.e mount?
Ex. 34 :29'·34~
NOTE: "The glory reflected in the countenance of
Moses illustrates the 'blessings to be received by God's·
commandment-keeping people through the meditation of"
Christ. It testifies that the closer our communion with:
God, and'the clearer oUr knowledge of His requirements,.
the more fully shall we be conformed to the divine
image, and the more readily do we become partakers of
the divine nature."-"Patriarchs and Prop~ets," p. 330.
9. W;hait change will take place in our life if we live in
close fellowship with Joesus? 2 Cor. 3:18.
10. Before He comes·to claim .them as His own, will every-
one in the true church of God reflect tlie image of
Jesus fully? Eph. 5:27.

Lesson No.8-Sabbath, May 25. 1946.

1. What caused delay in the building of the tabernacle 'f
ANSWER: "The command was communicated to Moses
while in the mount with God, 'Let them make Me a sanc-
tuary, that I may dwell among them;' and full directions
were given for the construction of the tab!Jrnacle. By
their the Israelites forfeited the blessings of the
d'vine the time rendered impossible the
l' c 10 a sanctuary for God among them. But after
they were again taken into favor with Heaven, the great
leader proceeded to execute the divine command."-"Pat-
riarchs and Prophets," p. 343.
2. For whom were all these experiences wriltten? 1 Cor.
NQTE: "The murmurings of the Israelites and. the
visitations of God's judgments because of their sins, are
recorded as a warning to after- enerations. And their
devotion, their zeal and lib a I , a an ample worthy
of imitation. All who love the worship of God, and prize
. the blessing of His sacred presence, will manifest the same
spirit of sacrifice in preparing a house where He may meet
with them."-"Patriarchs and Pro.phets," p. 344.
3. To what is our attention, as God's people of the end,
especially called?

ANSWER: "~G~od~i:;":~~~~~il;

4. What class of people among t~4} Israelites/were the'

most dissatisfied? Num. 11 :4•. ~ 1~ ~ "/.~;,.;,,,*
5. In the course of time, what position did the peopie
take against the di~ prescribed by (j{Jd? Num. 11:
6. Who was also led to murmur despite his many ex-
perienc~ with God? Num. 11:11, 12. I

NOTE: "He (Moses) was not excusable in indulging,

in the sJightest degree, the spirit of murmuring that was
the curse of Lsrael. Had he relied fully upon God, the
Lord would have guided him continually, and would have
given him strength for .every .emergency."-"Patriarchs
and Prophets," p. 380. {:t. ct4-0•.l' 6""1 /AJ-.t
..1U·o r.
7. .What accusatian was brought against Moses by
Miriam and Aaron? Num. 12:1, 2.
8. What w.a's the result of this shameful accusation?
Num. 12:5-10.
9. Why did God not leave this sin unpunished?
. ANSWER: "If Miriam's envy and dissatisfaction had
not been signally rebuked, it would have resulted in great
evil. . ne most satanic traits that can
exist in e uman ear, an 1 IS one of the most bale-
ful in its effects."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 385.
. .
1.0. What answer did Gbd give Moses after
for Miriam? Num. 12:14, 15.M·&"~~ ~ovl"/).
11. According to the Bible, what attitude should be taken

to'Yard the Lord's servants? 1 Tim. 5:19. ?I? J}J....I

Lesson No.9-Sabbath, June 1, 1946.

1. What command did God give to Moses in paran?
Num. 13:1-3.
2. Before they left or Canaan, what' instructions were
given to the spies? Num. 13:17·20.
3. What report did they bring back? Num. 13:22-29.
4. How many of the twelve spies stood firm. for God's
cause? Num. 13:30; 14:6•
.5. In which way did the ten spies try to discourage the
people? Num. 13:31-33.
'6. A,fter hearing the report, what position did the people'
take, and what did they do? Num. 14:1-4. .
NOTE: "The false report of the unfaithful spies was
-accepted, and through it the whole congregation was
deluded. The traitors had done their work. If only the
two men had brought the evil report, and all ten had
encouraged to possess the tand in the name of the Lord,
they would still have taken the advice of th'e two in pre-
ference to the ten, because of their wicked unbelief. But
there were only two advocating the' right, while the ten
were on the side of rebelIion."-"Patriarchs and Prophets,"
p. 390.
7. How did Joshua and Caleb try to encourage the
people? What was the result of this? Num. 14:6-10.
NOTE: "The unfaithful spies were loud in denuncia-
tion of Caleb and Joshua, and the cry -was raised to stone
them. The insane mob seized missiles with which to ·slay
those faithful men. They rushed forward with yells of
madness, when suddenly the stones dropped from their
hands, a hush fell upon them, and they shook with fear.
God had interposed to check their murderous design. The
glory of His presence, like a flaming light, illuminated the
tabernacle.. All the people beheld the signal of the Lord.
A mightier one than they had revealed Himself, and none
dared continue their resistance."-"Patriarchs and Pro-
phets," p. 390.
8. What message of Bod was now given to Israel? Num.
14:28, 29, 33, ',34.
9 ..To whom was the promlise now given to inherit the
land of Canaan? Num. 14:30, 3l.
10. After the exeeution of God's judgment on the unf-aith.
ful spi,es, what did the people do? Nwm. 14:36-41.
11. In what relation are the experiences of the people of
God at this time with the experiences 'of IIsrael be-
fore entering. Canaan? Ecel. 3 :15.
NOTE: "The Lord still works in a similar manner to
glorify His name by bringing men to acknowledge His
justice. When those who profess"to lo-ve Him complain of
His providence, despise His promises, and, yielding to
temptation. unite with evil angels to defeat t~ purposes
of God, the Lord often overrules circumstances as to bring
these persons where. though they may ha\re no real re-
pentance, they will be convinced of their sin, and will be
constrained to acknowledge the wickedness of their course,
and the justice and goodness 0'£ God in dealing with them.
It 'is thus that God sets counter-agencies at work to make
manifest the work of darkness."-"Patriarchs and Pro-
phets," p. 393. .
Lesson No. 10-Sabbath, June 8, 1946


1. What was the greatest revolt against God in the wilder.
ness, and who was the instigator of this rebellion?
Num. 16:1.
2. How many of the princes in Israel participated in
this rebellion, and what positions did they hold? Num.
16:2. '
3'. Wihat accusations did these men bring forth as their
reason ·for dissatisfaction with Moses and Aaron?
Num. 16:3.
4. What did Moses do when he heard the ch'arges brQught
against him? Num. 16:4.
5. Why were the people so easily deceived by Korah ~nd
his fellow-conspirators?
ANSWER: "Korah and his fellow-conspirators were
men who had been favored with special manifestations of
God's power and greatness. They were of the number
who went with Moses into- the mount and beheld the
divine glory. But since that time a change had come."
-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 396.
6. ~ow was the 'evil work of Korah first carried on?
ANSWER: "For a time this work was carried on
secretly. As soon, however, as the movement had gained
sufficient strength to warrant an open rupture, Korah ap-
peared at the head of the faction, and publicly accused
Moses a d Aaron of usurping authority which Korah and
his aSSOCIates were equally entitled to share."-"Patriarchs
and ProphetS'." p. 398. I

7. What was the true motive in the rebellion of Korah?

Num. 16:8-11.
8. What' call did M06'es extend to Dathan and Abiram,
and with what success? Num. 16:12-14.
NOTE: "Dathan and Abiram had not taken so bold a
stand as had Korah; and Moses, hoping that they might
have been drawn into the conspiracy without having be-
come wholly corrupted, summoned them to appear before
-bim, that he might hear the charges against him. But
they would not come, and they insolently refused to ac-
knowledge his authority."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p.
9. In what way did Korah picture the hardships of Israel
in the wilderness, and whom did he hold responsible
for these trials? •
ANSWER: "Korah reviewed the history of their
-travels through _the wilderness, where they had been
brought into strait places and many had perished be-
cause of their murmuring /and disobedience. His hearers
-thought they saw clearly that their troubles might have
been prevented' if Moses had pursued a different course.
They decided that all their disasters were chargeable to
him, and that their exclusion from Canaan was in conse-
quence of the mismanagement of Moses and Aaron; that
if Korah would be their leader, and would encourage them
by dwelling upon their good deeds instead of reproving
their sins, instead of wandering to and fro in the wilder-
ness, they would proceed directly to the promised landY
-"Patriarchs and Pi'ophets," pp. 397, 398.
10. What command did God give to Moses and Aaron?
Num. 16:20, 21.
11. What warning did Moses give to the congregation?
Num. 16:'216.
12. w:hat is' one of the greatest insults against God?
ANSw;ER: "It is hardly possible for men to offer
greater insult to God than to despise and reject the in-
strumentalities He would use for their salvation. The
Israelites had not only done this. but had purposed to put
Moses and Aaron to death,"-"Patriarchs and Prophets,"
"]). 402.


Lesson No. ll-Sabbatlh, JUI!e 15, 1946

1. Why does God permit temptations and trials to pass
over His people?
ANSWER: "It is'thus that God still tests His people.
And if they fail to endure the trial, He brings them
agajn to the same point, and the second time the trial
~ill co~e ~loser,. and b e ·e than the - preced-
mg. ThIs IS contmued u ey ear the test, or, jf they
are still rebellious, God withdraws His light from them,
and leaves them in darkness."-"Patriarchs and Prophets,"
p. 437.
2. Where do we find the IsraeHtes again in their. wan·
d-erings? Num. 22:1. .
3). What came upon the ·Moabites when they saw the
children of !,srael in the plalins of Moab Olli the shore
of the Jordan? NUilll. 22:2, 3.
4. To whom did the king of t e Moabites send m,>elssen.
geis and forr what purpose? 'Nurn:. 22:5, &
5. What means were used by the messengers to win
Baalam to curse Israel? Num. 22:7.
6. After Baalam had listened to their report, what answer
did be give them? Num. 22:8·11. _
7. Did Baalam know the will of God concerning Israel?
What did he do? Num. ~2:12, 13.
NOTE: "He was not ignorant of God's work in be-
half of Israel; and when the messengers announced their
errand, he well knew that it was his duty to refuse the
rewards of Balak, and to dismiss the ambassadors."-"Pat-
riarchs and Prophets," p. 439.
8. What did the king of the Moabites then do, and what
answer did Baalam give to these representatives?
Num. 2'2:15.19. ' .
NOTE: "A second time Baalam was tested. In re-
sponse to the solicitations of the ambassadors, he pro·'
fessed great conscientiousnes.s and integrity, assuring them
that 'no amount of gold and silver could induce him to go-
contrary to the will of God. But he longed to comply
with the king's request; and. although the will of God had
- been already definitely made known to him, he urged the
messengers to tarry, that he might further inquire of
God; as though the Infinite One were a man, to be per-
suaded."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 440.
9'. When Baalam refused to do God's will, what answer
did he r.ecei.ve? Num. 22:20.
10. What sin cherished in the life of Baalam caused his
• ? . '
ANSWER:' "Baalam 'loved the wages of unrighteous-
ness.' The sin of covetousness, which God declares to be
idolatry. had made him a time-server, and through this
one fault, Satan gained entire control "of him. It was
this that caused his ruin."-"Patrial'chs and Prophets," pp.
439. 440.

Lesson No. 12-Sabbath, June 22, 1946.


1. Did Baalam always pos!ess a covetous character?
ANSWER: "Baalam was once a good man and a
prophet of God; but he had postatized, and had given
himself up to covetousness; yet he still professed to be
a servant of the Most High."-"Patriarchs aud Prophets,"
p. 439.
2. Who are the most successful instruments in the hands
of Satan?
ANSWER: ·"None understood so well how to oppose
the true Christian faith as did those who had once been
its defenders~ and these apostate Christians, uniting with
their half-pagan companions, directed their warfare against
the most essential features of the doctrines of Christ."-
"Patriarchs and Prophets,". p. 45.
3. Disappointed in his expectations of wealth, what charac-
teristics controlled Baa-lam?
ANSWiER: "Disappointed in his hopes of wealth and
promotion, in disfavor with the king, and conscious that
he had incurred the displeasure of 'God, Baalam returned
from his self-chosen mission. After he had reached his
home, the controlling power of the Spirit of God left
him, and his covetousness, which had been merely held in
check, prevailed."-UPatriarchs and Prophets," p. 45l.
4. What plans did he now lay before the king or the
ANSWER: "The plan proposed by Baalam was to
separate them from God by enticing them into idolatry.
If they could be led to engage in the licentious worship
of Baal and Ashtaroth, their omnipotent Protector would
become their enemy., and they would soon fall a prey to
the fierce, warlike nations around them. This plan was
readily accepted by the king, and Baalam himself l'emained
to assist in carrying it into effect."-UPatriarchs and
Prophets," p. 451.
5. How was Israel led into idolatry? Num. 25:1-3.
6. Who were among the first ones in the apostasy?
ANSWER: "The rulers and the leading men were the
first to transgress, and so many of the people were guilty
that the apostasy became national."-"Patriarchs and Pro-
phets," p. 454.
7. What command did God give to MQses? Num. 25:4.
8. What means, employ'ed by Satan, proved the most suc-
ANSWER: "The Israelites, who could not be _over-
come by the arms 01' by the enchantments of Midian, fel~
a prey to their harlots. Such is the power that women,
enlisted in the service of Satan, has exerted to entrap and
destroy souls."-"Patriarc.hs and Prophets," p, 457.
9. What does God require of His people to-day? 2 Cor.
ANSWER: "God l'equires of His people now as great
a distinction from the worlj:l, in cust.oms\ habits, and p~in­
ciples, as he required of tsrael ~nclently. ~f th~y. fal~h.
fully follow the teachings of HIS word, thIS dIstmctlOn
will exist; it cannot be otherwise."-"Patriarchs and Pro·
phets," p. 458.

Lesson No. 13-Sabbath, Juna 29, 1946.


1. Who was called of God to act lIiS leader before Israel
entered Canaan? Deut. 31 :23.
2. What lessons should Israel learn from the removal of
Moses as their 1eader?
ANSWER: "The removal of their beloved leader would
be far stronger l'ebuke to Israel than any which they could
have received had his life mission been continued. God
would lead them to feel that they were not to make the
life of their future leader as trying as they had made
that of Moses. God speaks to His people in blessings be-
stowed; and when they are not appreciated, He speaks to
them in blessings I removed, that they may be led to see
their sins, and return to Him with all the heart."-"Pat-
riarc~s and Prophets," p. 470.

3. What' wmmand did God give to Joshua? Joshua 1:2.

4. Whom did Joshua send to Canaan, and what report
dijl the,se spies bring back? Joshua 2:1, 23, 24.
5. What preRaratrons were made before Israel crossed
the Jordan? Joshua 1:10, 11, 3-5..
6. What did the priests carry before the people? Joshua
7. What step in faith had the priests to take? Joshua
3:14, 15.
NOTE: "At the appointed time began the onward
movement. the ark, borne upon the shoulders of the priests,
leading the van. The people had been directed to fall
back, so that there was a vacant space. of more than half
a mile about the ark. All watched with deep interest as
the priests advanced down the bank of the Jordan. They
saw them with the sacred ark move steadily forward to-
word the 'angry, surging stream, till the ~eet of the bear-
ers were dipped into the waters. Then suddenly the tide
above was swept back, while the current below flowed on,
and the bed of the river was laid bare."-"patriarchs and
Prophets," p. 484.
8. Where did the priests remain at , the divine com,mand?
Joshua .3:17.
9. What assurance did this great miracle give to Israel?
ANSWER: "The influence of this miracle, both upon
the Hebrews and upon their enemies, was of' great impor-
tance. It was an assurance to Israel of God's continued
presence and protection-an evidence that He would work
for them through Joshua as He had wrought through
Moses. Such an assurance was needed to strengthen their
hearts as they entered upon the conquest of the land-
the stupendous task that had stag&,ered the faith of their
fathel's for forty years."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," pp.
484, 485.
10. What ceased to fall from heaven after Israel had
entered the promised landT Joshua 5:11, 12.
11. What promise is given to those who prove faithful in
'Our day? Rev. 21:7.
12. What counsel is given to God's children who wait for
the ooming of Jesus? James 5:7, 8.

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