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Sacred Serpent

Vampires Suck!

Fiction and Fact

As a child I read the book “Dracula”. It scared me so much that I could hardly sleep at night, yet
I couldn’t put it away! When I was frightened in the dark, I told myself that vampires don’t exist –
and that made me feel so much better. Had I known the truth then, which is more gruesome
than the book, I would have been even more frightened. For vampires do exist and there are
many of them around – you probably have had contact with vampires though you may not be
aware of it.
This article is partially triggered by the fact that a few years ago I came in contact with a vampire
shaman who uses his workshops to draw hapless victims in and then exploits them in various
ways using typical techniques of vampire magick. I know several victims of vampires, some of
which are permanently damaged now. Others needed extensive healing to undo the damage
that was done to them. Needless to say, I took blows as well…

If you think that vampires belong in the realm of fantasy, then you are sadly mistaken! There are
even books on vampire magick on the market now, and there are those who are studying this
dark form of magickthat ultimately leads to a total corruption of the soul. Vampirism can flourish
because it stays hidden, because people are in denial about it, because they are so afraid that
they – like I as a child – rather convince themselves that it doesn’t exist than face the
unpleasant truth that it is around, and that they could fall prey to it!

Chances are, you too have been drained by vampires on several occasions. It just depends
whether they were of the ordinary every day variety that rarely does any permanent damage or
of the truly dangerous kind. I will tell you of both here in this essay, which is rather lengthy, so
get yourself a cup of tea and be ready to have some of your favourite illusions on vampires

I. What is Vampirism?
When we think of vampires, we usually think of blood sucking fiends who can turn into bats and
fly away. Garlic comes to mind, and crosses for self-defence, maybe holy water? Well, none of
this will help you if you are up against a modern vampire. Though garlic offers limited protection,
it is not going to be enough against a truly wily vampire, besides it isn’t practical to surround
yourself with it at all times. No, if you really want to defend yourself against vampirism you need
to wise up. Still, those old vampire stories contain a grain of truth in symbolic form. We will get
to this a bit later, but first let’s examine what vampirism really is.

1. Vampirism is a cheap way to power

There are two ways of getting power and spiritual gifts: the first one involves hard work over a
long period of time. This generally means many years of purification, discipline and regular
spiritual practices. Be it magick, meditation, mantra sadhana, Yoga or shamanism, all spiritual
paths require hard work and sacrifice. The rigorous practices are often supported by giving up
of anything that lowers vibration, such as flesh foods, alcohol, casual sexual activities, etc. It
may also involve living in solitude or undergoing extreme experiences, such as encounters with
death, difficult initiations etc. The path to power and to Oneness isn’t easy, and can be painful.
For a worldly man even the giving up of his lower nature, the taming of the ego, getting control
over his senses etc, is perceived as acutely painful. No spiritual growth is possible without the
elements of discipline, sacrifice, and discomfort or suffering. In short, no pain no gain!

In time, and with regular practice, spiritual power builds up to a point where the practitioner
develops great psychic gifts, healing powers or even siddhis (supernatural powers, as described
in Patanjali’s Raja Yoga sutras, for example). These powers are the birthright of every human
being. How much you possess now depends on how much work you have done – in this life and
in past lives. Even if you haven’t done much in this life, you may have done spiritual work in
past lives and therefore possess gifts which you may not even be aware of! In any case, even
the most “ordinary” human has gifts worth stealing for a vampire! So beware!

To sum it up, the first path to power is by application, diligence and perseverance. It is often
slow and can be painful as spiritual growth isn’t possible without coming to terms with opposing
forces within oneself, such as pride and ego and our own inner darkness. One has to integrate
one’s shadow and face one’s fears on any true spiritual path. And last not
least, spirituality involves a connection to spirit, to God/Goddess/All-that-Is. Devotion and
worship of the divine in any form is part of spirituality and no spiritual growth is possible without

The second way of getting power is cheap power: taking it from others! This is the way of the
vampire. No discipline needed, no sacrifice, no hard work, just steal it! Anyway, a true vampire
could never follow a spiritual path because he doesn’t align himself with God/Goddess/All-that-
Is but with the demonic instead!

2. Vampirism is a cheap way of getting energy

Vitality depends on various factors, such as good diet, sufficient rest etc. But the healthy food
we eat, and the restful sleep we get only serves to recharge our batteries, which are run on
prana (also called vital energy or chi.). In truth our level of vitality directly depends on how much
prana is available to us.

When we develop ourselves spiritually our energy bodies develop as well. The energy centres,
or chakras will then be able to take in much more prana. And, the prana processed by highly
developed chakras -- as is the case in spiritual elevated people -- is also of a much higher
vibration. You can recognise such people quite easily:

Those who have purified their energy bodies, and have an ample amount of prana available to
them will be energetic, strong, healthy, youthful and beautiful. Their body will smell pleasantly
and their voice is melodic and sweet. (This is described in the Vedic scriptures). Sounds good?
How can you get there? Be prepared to put some effort in because the best way to develop
one’s energy body is through pranayama (Yogic breath control). Other good methods are Qi
Gong, meditation and various other spiritual practices.

But the vampire has absolutely no interest in doing any spiritual practices, he takes the shortcut.
For there is another way of gaining vitality, which has been known for thousands of years, a
path that beckons to all those who have never learned to manage their energy bodies and lack
the interest and discipline to do any type of spiritual practice. It is the way of the thief, the way of
the vampire! Its principle is simple and direct: take the vitality and energy of others!

Animals that feed on rotten substances, such as hyenas and vultures usually stink due to the
energy of decay and death that sticks to them. Likewise the vampire often has a putrid body
smell that they may try to cover up with perfume and deodorants but nothing can completely
conceal it! This is due to the energy of negativity and rot that surrounds the vampire. As
opposed to the spiritually advanced man (see above) the vampire’s body is often gross and

3. Vampirism is Total Separation from Oneness

The Earth plane that we live on is quite unique. It is only here we can work out our karmas.
Also, the Earth plane is the place of choice. With the human birth comes freedom of choice,
including the freedom to make the most profound choice of all, the choice where we want to go
ultimately, to Oneness with the divine and All-that-Is, or to separation and turning away from the
divine. God/Goddess/All-that-Is has given us this choice, how amazing is this? We aren’t forced
to love the divine being which is our very self, we can choose even to hate the divine! Such is
the generosity of God/Goddess/All-that-Is.

Freedom of choice is the fundamental principle of this plane of existence. The inhabitants of the
realm of the gods have already chosen Oneness, while the inhabitants of the demonic realm
have chosen to turn away from the divine. The vampire, though gifted with a human birth, has
chosen a path of total separation. He dreads Oneness, hates the divine and tries to take others
away from that Oneness as well. Total separation from the Goddess comes at a price: pain. The
vampire, though almost totally numb inside still cannot escape this totally, and so has a longing
for death though at the same time he fears it terribly. In a way if you were to slay a vampire you
would do them good, because the vampire’s corrupted soul cries for the release and oblivion
that only death can bring!

As the philosophy of the vampire is one of utter separation he sees himself as god in his own
universe. He has an aversion to the divine and denies it even exists. The vampire is an atheist.
The vampire is cruel. This comes naturally as part of the separation. For the vampire believes
he has nothing in common with other life-forms. He sees himself as separate and above the rest
of creation. The vampire is arrogant and has no compassion, no mercy and of course,
absolutely no love! A vampire simply cannot love, he doesn’t have any understanding of it.
(Though the vampire I knew used to talk about love a lot, to draw people in!) Remember a
vampire is devoid of love, no matter how much he talks about it. The vampire only understands
lust, as a powerful force to use for his own ends, but he is totally incapable of love. A vampire
only uses, abuses and exploits.

As his world view is based on separation and he perceives himself as the centre of his own
universe, he divides the people he meets in two categories: those who can be used by him, and
those that can endanger him, in short, food or enemies! Keep that in mind when dealing with
vampires: you are their food or their enemy! There is no neutral ground and love and light will
not protect you.

You have three choices with a vampire: fight, flight or be food! The warrior fights, the weakling
flees and the fool becomes food!

II. Characteristics of Vampires

From what has been said above it should now be clear what type of human a vampire is. If you
see any of the typical signs listed below in people around you, stay away because at the very
least you are dealing with somebody very negative, possibly even a vampire.

A vampire is:
- A lazy sod who doesn’t want to do the work and prefers to take the fruits of other people’s hard
- A thief of the worst sort
- Arrogant and totally in ego
- Unwilling to bow to any God/Goddess, as he thinks himself better than God, in fact he sees
himself as God!
- Devoid of humility or devotion
- A big coward who has never faced his fears nor his own inner darkness
- Totally lacking in discipline
- A creature of pleasure and lust, who avoids the slightest discomfort or effort
- Utterly selfish and ruthless, caring nothing about the harm he does.
- A user, abuser and extreme taker
- An agent of evil who rejoices in destroying others’spirituality and dragging them down into
darkness and despair
Let’s explore some of the symbols of the vampire myth and their true meaning.

1. A vampire drinks blood.

Blood symbolises life force. All vampires know how to drain your life force and energy. They
don’t need to suck your physical blood, but go directly to your vital energy.

2. When bitten by a vampire often enough you become weaker and weaker until you die.
It is true that with any vampire attack your physical vitality will go down, sometimes even
dramatically. If it is a single random attack your energy levels will soon rise again. But if you are
up against a truly powerful vampire who feeds on you regularly, you can be drained to the point
where physical death occurs.

3. The vampire attacks his victims only at night and he can fly.
Vampires can attack you in the daytime as well. Some vampires know how to do astral
projection and drain you when you sleep. They “fly” with their astral body. There are male and
female vampires, both are nasty.

4. The vampire can turn into a bat.

On the astral planes it is quite easy to assume another shape – this is called shapeshifting.
Most vampires are shapeshifters and have the ability to turn into creatures of their choosing and
liking. The vampire doesn’t have to turn into a bat, he can astrally come to you in his own
shape, or as a bat or owl or any other creature that he chooses. I know of one vampire who
works with dog energy and another one with owl. Both are posing as shamans. When the
vampire takes a scary form, such as a bat or werewolf form, it gives them the added benefit of
scaring their victims. In your fear and terror you will release great amounts of vital energy which
spill out of your astral body, on which the vampire then feeds! Vampires also know how to enter
your dreams and change them, to scare you or deceive you. One vampire I know of enters
people’s dreams taking the form of other healers or shamans that he hates, and then abuses
the dreamer. Result: they turn away from the good healers and competent shamans who could
have reversed the vampire's evil and removed his entitiesand demons from the innocent

5. The vampire usually goes for pretty young girls and seduces them.
Fact is, if a vampire can establish a sexual link to you, he will be able to drain you more easily
(getting hold of your sexual secretions or your underwear will do for that purpose as well, so be
careful with your stuff!) Not only pretty young ladies are at risk, the vampire may still drain you if
you are an old crone or of the same sex as he. I am saying “he” for convenience, as there are
female vampires as well, though the worst and wiliest vampire that I know of is male.

6. The vampire's victim is under his control.

Unfortunately, this can be true. If your mind is weak it can easily be taken over by a vampire.
Sadly, nowadays most people have weak minds, as they just numb out in front of the TV or in
the pub, hardly ever train their higher minds, exert their willpower or engage in spiritual
practices. The mind control factor was very apparent with a friend of mine who fell victim to a
vampire. Even though he constantly abused her, she went back for more as if she was
hypnotised. It took her very long to break his spell (virtually, as sorcery was involved!).

I know of several people who acted totally out of character once they had contact with a
vampire. Some were going so far as to send the vampire pictures of their private parts, or
wanting to crawl in his bed and offer themselves to him. Generally they did things they would
normally never do, and once the ties with the vampire were cut, they couldn't understand why
they had done those things and were deeply ashamed.

7. Vampires cannot touch a cross and they burn when you sprinkle them with holy water.
Forget it. None of this will work. There is no real power in any of those symbols. To get rid of a
vampire you need much stronger ammunition. I found runes effective to some extent, and
wearing my pentagram works also, but that alone doesn’t do it. The grain oftruth in that myth is
that a strong spiritual connection gives you some protection. And don’t confusespirituality with
religion! Spirituality means having a direct connection to the divine that is supported by regular
devotional practices and direct experience of the divine rather than blind belief and following
social customs, such as going to church on Sundays.

8. Vampires can't stand garlic, it keeps them away.

Garlic does have a limited effect on vampires. Wild garlic is better for this purpose though. If you
hang it over your bed it can help you defend against nightly attacks of vampirism (the vampire
visiting you astrally). Ideally the garlic should be magickally charged to be really effective. But
even if it is, this alone isn’t strong enough. If the vampire has already established a link to you
he can drain you at any time of the day, whether you are in your house or not, and you cannot
walk around with a wreath of garlic around your neck at all times! Checking whether a
suspected vampire reacts to a cross, holy water or can eat garlic bread, isn’t a reliable vampire
test! To find out whether somebody is a vampire you must observe their behaviour very
carefully. Look to their actions, not their words!

9. Vampires can only be slain by a stake through the heart or a silver bullet.
Vampires bleed and die like ordinary people do. They tend to be hardier as they can draw on
the energy of all their victims when their energy levels are running low. The silver bullet
symbolises the lunar energy of theGoddess. Vampires generally hate the Goddess, and the
divine as a whole, but in particular they can’t stand the divine feminine. Quite a few of them are
misogynists and in any case they are utter chauvinists. The Goddess energy is one that
overcomes all evil. The Goddess Kali for example is well known as a slayer of demons. The
vampire instinctively fears and rejects the one power that can destroy him.

Silver also stands for ethics and truth – which the vampire doesn’t have and cannot stand. If you
have strong ethics it will provide you some protection against the vampire. Vampires have
turned away from the One Truth, and turned towards the false and rotten. Everything pure to
them is horrible. Silver is incorruptible and vampires hate everything that is uncorrupted and
pure. Their goal is to make everyone like them, to spread out their pollution and corruption and
corrupt as many people as possible.

10. If you get bitten by a vampire often enough, you become one yourself.
Partially true. You may not become a soulless fiend like the true vampire, but, when your energy
is totally depleted you may subconsciously start draining others and become an energy vampire
(as described below). I have friends who were damaged by vampires and ultimately became
vampires themselves. They have sorted themselves out now, so the process can be reversed.
But it is well known in psychology that the abused often become abusers themselves later. And
this is what this particular myth is about. If drained badly enough you will become a vampire
yourself, simply to survive!

III. Goals of the Vampire

The ultimate goal of the vampire is to drain others of their vitality and power and steal their
spiritual gifts. A vampire is a glutton who will never get enough. Vampires won't stop draining
their victims until there is nothing left to take any more, until their victims have lost all their
power and vitality. In the worst case scenario the victim will then die!

Because vampires never get enough they need to ensure that there is a constant supply. This is
accomplished by first drawing in as many people as possible, secondly by creating energetic
links to their victims so they can be drained even when they aren’t physically near the vampire
any more, and by thirdly influencing the victims’ minds until they “trust” the vampire and are
totally under his control. The vampire then can “remotely control” them to the point where they
willingly come back to be abused or drained some more. The victim gets “hooked”!

While the vampire’s primary desire is to drain his victims of their vitality and power, he won’t
mind picking up a few trifles along the way. Modern vampires living in urban areas need money
like anybody does, and so they use mental manipulation and the energetic links they have set
up to con and financially exploit their victims as well!

Vampires also use a low and despicable form of sex magick (note: sex magick can be a very
positive practice, but never with a vampire!!!) which is designed to drain their victims of all their
vitality and power. This form of sex magick is widely known in South East Asia, where I spent 5
years of my life. If you have sex with a vampire, then you are virtually f***ed! Your energy levels
will go down significantly, you will lose all your power and become an empty shell of your former
self. Even your luck will drastically go downhill, as sex with a vampire opens you up to the
demonic. (More about this on theEntities and Underworld Page!)

IV. Two Types of Vampires

Among vampires you find those who do this unconsciously and often don’t understand what
they are doing. You all have met this type of “energy vampire.” Chances are some of your
friends are energy vampires. They aren’t dangerous, but they can still drain you and you should
stop them from doing so. After all it is your life force they are taking, don’t let them get away with
it! If you have energy vampires in your life you will be going nowhere, as they syphon off your
vitality, as well as your good luck and creativity. They will hinder your spiritual development in a
variety of ways, including having a "crisis" and taking your time when you do something that
could benefit your spiritual development. Energy vampires are losers and if you stick with them
you will become a loser too! (Read more about the characteristics of winners and losers in my
article Become a Winner).

The second type of vampire is the truly dangerous variety, those who have learned and
developed methods to totally drain others’ vitality, using a variety of techniques -- some of which
are very complex and devious. They also employ various spirits, elementals and demons to
accomplish their ends. This is vampirism in its true form, and, here is the shocking news: it is
very common! Some of the more devious and dangerous vampires have sought places where
they can easily approach their victims, places where people let their guard down and “open up”
such as on workshops and courses of shamanism! This is the form of vampirism I am mostly
concerned with, as it does great damage to many innocent spiritual people and corrupts them,
besides, it besmirches the name of shamanism and all true shamans who work with integrity!

1. The Energy Vampire

Some people have not learned how to maintain their aura and their energy levels. When they
feel depleted they automatically latch onto others and drain them energetically. Most of them
haven’t studied any magickor learned how to do that, they do it automatically. The way they get
in, is by you giving them sympathy, or making you feel guilty. This type of vampire is often
female. Typically they will be telling you of their problems and sufferings all the time. They
hardly ever do things for themselves and want you to solve all their problems for them. They are
big martyrs and know how to manipulate you with guilt, if you don’t have time for them, or even
once refuse to help them.
I had several friends like that. One is not my friend anymore, another one reformed herself
when I told her about it, the third one figured it out after I cut her off energetically. The major
symptom you have after being with an energy vampire is feeling totally drained, exhausted, and
you maybe in a depressed frame of mind, or just feeling low.

How to deal with energy vampires:

Never give sympathy!

Sympathy is agreeing with the illusion that they are not the creators of their own reality. Giving
sympathy to an energy vampire is inviting them to feed on you some more. Offer advice or help
where appropriate, but don’t be pulled into their game. No need to listen to the same complaint
over and over again. Cut them off, tell them you have no time now, or don’t want to see them, or
that you have already given advice on that topic and don’t want to hear about it anymore.

Another strategy is to tell them that they are energy vampires and that you don’t feel good each
time after seeing them. Tell them to sort themselves out and when they have done so you can
be their friend again. Do not react to the guilt manipulation, self pity and angry reproaches, nor
the wailing that is sure to follow your statement! It is your vitality they are draining, your time
they are wasting, and your vibration they are lowering. Be gentle but firm! One of my friends
who was an energy vampire reformed herself once I told her about it (after lots of wailing of
course…). This method works best on those that you can’t cut out of your life, like family
members, friends you wish to keep, and those that you care for enough to want them to change
rather than just break contact.

This is the best option for the truly negative people who drag you down: don’t meet them, don’t
talk to them on the phone, break all contact. You don’t need to be able to do magick or cast a
spell for this, just get rid of the takers in your life. Simple and direct!

Shield yourself
If contact with an energy vampire is unavoidable, and method one doesn’t work you must shield
yourself. All vampires attach energetic cords to your chakras, so the best way to avoid being
drained is to prevent the attachment. If they have already attached to you, you can cut the cords
from their chakras to yours – provided you have psychic sight. You may have to do this over
and over again, but definitely do it during and after each meeting. Better still, don’t let the
attachment happen in the first place. There are various ways to shield yourself.

Automatic Shielding
Automatic shielding with protective jewellery is an effective and practical way to protect yourself
from vampires, both real and psychic ones. It is definitely more effective and more fashionable
than wearing a wreath of garlic around your neck! For this purpose I have designed a special
magickally enchanted necklace that can protect the wearer from energy vampires and psychic
vampires. You can buy protective anti-vampire necklaces and other protection necklaces in
my Magick Shop, in the Enchanted Jewellery section. The designs vary and I may not have all
items at all times. Some designs I make only a single piece of, so if you see something you like
you better act. When there is demand I can remake old designs provided I can source all
needed materials. In any case making new necklaces does take time, both for the actual
making and the enchanting process, and future designs may differ. So if you like what you see,
go for it now while stock lasts!

Manual shielding
If you do not have protective jewellery you will have to protect yourself each and every time you
mix with dubious people or feel you are under psychic attack or whenever near an energy
vampire. To do this surround yourself with a barrier before meeting them or as soon as you see
them. The barrier can be made up of anything that is dangerous, scary, unpleasant or repellent.
White light doesn’t do much good, go for something stronger. The barrier can be made of
barbed wire, for example, that will keep them at a distance, or of sharp knifes pointing outwards
(one of my friends suggested red hot knives!) Alternatively you may use a barrier of nettles or
brambles, possibly garlic as well, or fire, hot lava, poisonous snakes, a whirlwind, or whatever
you think will keep them off. You must visualise it well and make it real for it to be effective.
Don’t forget to take that barrier down again before you meet other people or you may find
nobody comes near you again or likes you anymore! I know this is not New Age love and light,
but it works!

Remember, the energy vampire steals your vitality! They will not be harmed by your barrier
unless they try by force to get through. It will normally just give them an unpleasant feeling. Your
normally warm and nurturing aura, which has sustained them for so long on your costs, now is
prickly and unpleasant and very unpalatable to the vampire. They don’t need to be magickally
trained to feel they can’t get anything from you anymore and will usually stop their attempts,
unless they are true vampires, not just energy vampires. None of this will have much effect on
the real vampire!

2. The True Vampire

True vampires are doing it to you intentionally and methodically. And not just that, they have all
the characteristics I have spoken of above: the separation from Oneness; seeing themselves as
god in their own universe and you as either their food or their enemy; connection to the demonic
realm and aversion to goodness and true spirituality -- to name just a few.

True vampires will use several or all of the methods outlined below. Often this starts before you
even meet the vampire for the first time. Vampires use magick to draw you in and enchanted
objects such as their books or pictures which make you feel you absolutely must meet them,
must join their workshops, etc. Once you meet them in physical reality they will use sorcery and
possibly love potions to get you under their control. They will definitely use psychology to find
your weaknesses and exploit them, be it your loneliness, insecurity or your tendency to run with
the crowd, the vampire knows exactly how to get you to do what they want. The only way to
avoid this manipulation is to know your "buttons" and deactivate them by proper shamanic work
with a real teacher, then there are no buttons they can press!

Many modern vampires have jumped on the New Age band wagon, as this is a way to deceive
people when they are most vulnerable, when they open up to receivehealing or reveal their
weaknesses because they want to work their issues out. It is truly despicable to exploit people
in need of healing like this and damage them some more! Of course the vampire couldn’t care
less about your suffering, as they have no scruples or compassion. Vampires like to go to
spiritual gatherings, because there you find beginners who are not yet able to separate the
wheat from the chaff, and many naïve and gullible people who blindly trust anything that is
“spiritual”. Vampires posing as shamans, healers, or spiritual teachers find it very easy to pick
up victims under the mantle of the “spiritual wo/man”.

So what exactly does the true vampire do? Why are they so dangerous? How do you recognise
them? How can you protect yourself against them? And what can you do if the worst has
happened, if you had contact with a true vampire and they have made a permanent energetic
link to you? We are going to explore these topics below.

Your first line of defence is to recognise the vampire for what they are. Then you can choose
between fight or flight, and hopefully avoid becoming food (flight is usually wiser than fight,
unless you have great spiritual power and are trained and experienced in magick)! If you
recognise any of the characteristics of a vampire described above, beware! Also watch out for
their behaviour, it will give them away.

V. The Methods and Strategies of Modern Vampires

Before you can successfully defend yourself against vampires, you need to know their methods
and tricks, so that you will recognise them for what they are, so you will be able to see through
the game they play, and so that you – hopefully – will be able to resist them and avoid their
traps. You must be able to recognise a vampire when you meet one! This is the first step of your
defence. Their game will give them away, if you know what to look for and are very observant!
But you will have to be smarter than them, and don’t ever underestimate a vampire. In physical
reality they may appear as dumb, but when it comes to getting their way with you they are
brilliant to the point of evil genius!

Vampires are very clever when it comes to seducing you into trusting them. They haven’t
existed for hundreds of years for nothing. Vampires have evolved. The modern vampire doesn't
only rely on the ancient methods, but has a few new weapons in his arsenal: psychology, and
New Age jargon being just two of them.

Vampires are versatile and brilliant actors. Put them on a New Age function wearing a Native
American outfit, or dressed all in a long white dress, let them talk ofshamanism or "angels" etc,
and willing victims fall at their feet. People are very much deluded by outer things, the way
somebody dresses, the nice words they say (especially people love philosophies that don't
challenge their belief systems, and don't require them to change or face their issues). The
vampire knows that and is happy to oblige! Some of the strategies employed by vampires have
a certain evil genius to them! You have to be very smart not to fall for them. Always look to the
actions, not the words. Somebody may smile and talk of angels, but then show cruelty towards
animals and dishonesty. The vampire is very cunning and devious, out to exploit any weakness
you show. You must be observant at all times and never let your weaknesses be known! Now
let’s explore the methods and tricks of modern vampires!

1. Strategic Goal No. 1: Getting In

Before a vampire can get at you, they first have to “get in”. Not like Dracula, through your open
bedroom window, but the vampire has to break through your defences and spiritual protection –
if you have any, that is. To break through your defences and gain your trust so that you open up
to him, the vampire uses psychology and mental manipulation; to disable your spiritual defences
he uses false teachings that drag you down spiritually, and if that is not enough, he uses
desecration to totally destroy your spiritual protection!

The vampire knows the dark side of human nature only too well for he is a creature of darkness
himself. He will do anything to instil his demonic philosophies in you which will open you up and
make you vulnerable. Here are his favourite teachings:

False Teaching: There is no Evil

While you believe in evil, you may ward against it. Once you believe there is none, you are
entirely open to it. This teaching resonates with many New Age philosophies, and therefore
people buy into it quickly and easily. How can the vampire be evil if there is no evil? You may
see certain character traits of the vampire which are not good, but you then fear to “judge” the
vampire, thinking you are bad and not open-minded enough! You are likely to ignore your inner
voice then that tells you this man is not a good man. Beware of people teaching you that there
is no evil.

The Vedic Scriptures contain many stories of the gods fighting the demons. In the Egyptian
tradition the forces of evil are symbolised by Seth who slays Osiris, while the forces of good are
symbolised by Isis and her son Horus who ultimately overcomes the evil Seth. All religions and
all spiritual traditions know of evil. There is a difference between true evil and what people
perceive as sin due to religious conditioning. Recently a woman totally disempowered by
Christianity asked me whether it was “evil” to want something for herself. No, of course not!
The Goddess wants you to enjoy life and have abundance. But that which goes against divine
order, is evil. And there is much of this going on in the world now, if you look around. Can you
truly close your eyes to this?

The vampire teaches you that there is no evil, because it opens you up totally to his
manipulation and demolishes your protection. I have personally experienced a vampire teaching
that on his workshop and seen the consequences of this teaching in the group. If you buy into
this teaching you have made the first step to come over to the vampire’s world view, and, the
first step in your spiritual desecration as well. This teaching prepares the ground for the
vampire’s second teaching:

False Teaching: There is no Sin

If there is no sin, then you can do whatever you like, without any consequence, right? Sadly
most people aren’t virtuous and good because goodness is in their nature, but because they are
afraid of punishment and retribution by a vengeful punishing god. Remove the fear of
punishment and their lower nature comes out very quickly. On the workshop with said vampire,
which I attended, his teaching that there is no sin resulted in the workshop becoming a venue
for adultery, taking of substances, and all kind of immoral behaviour. Quarrelling, jealousy,
backbiting, and all sorts of negative and petty behaviour took up more time than the so called
"shamanic work".

If adultery for instance is not a sin, then you can do it with whoever you please, right? The
vampire will try to convince you that sex is always good for you and whenever you get the itch,
go for it! With this he lays the groundwork for his seduction. He may now have a chance to get
you in his bed – or, if this is not possible, at least make you exhibit loose behaviour that has
negative effects on your spiritual connection. Betraying the partner you are committed to, or
your marriage vows (provided you meant them when you spoke them), will have repercussion,
as the breaking of any vow is bound to have. It is also a betrayal of yourself and your own
principles in many cases. In a spiritual relationship where two people build up power between
them, this betrayal will lead to a very great power loss!

Again, the vampire finds fertile soil for his teaching because people are fed up with 2000 years
of religious dictatorship, and being made to feel guilty for some of their natural urges, such as
their sex drive. The vampire’s philosophy sounds very liberal if not liberating, and many will
eagerly jump on the band wagon. Any philosophy that is convenient tends to get popular!

According to the Vedas demons are usually into intoxication! And so is the vampire! The
vampire likes the use of intoxicating substances, firstly for himself, as he is so disconnected
from God/Goddess/All-that-Is that numbing out is a great relief for him, and, secondly for you!
Intoxication has always been one of the weapons of the vampire. Once the vampire’s victims
are drunk or under the influence of drugs, they are ever so much easier to control. One vampire
I know of, who teachesshamanism, is actually telling his “students” that they need to get drunk
after a day of shamanic work, because it is the best method of grounding! Know this, true
shamans don’t drink! It is totally incompatible with shamanism and any spiritual work.
Shamanism is about facing your issues, not numbing yourself out with drugs!

When you are drunk, even mildly tipsy, or under the influence of drugs, even so called “milder”
drugs like marijuana, your energy field opens up, and thus anything can get in – from vampires
to entities and demons (read more on the Entities Page). Be aware that the use of substances
creates permanent holes in your energy field!

It is well-known that under the influence of substances inhibitions tend to fall away -- so does
clear thinking. The vampire now has easy game. He may try to seduce you, or rape you, and
then connect to you psychically or transfer some of his demons and entities to you. Stay sober
at all costs, never drink or take drugs during spiritual work, best never take them at all! Getting
you intoxicated allows the vampire to get in. It also lowers your spiritual vibration, demolishes
your protection and puts you in a low vibration which resonates with the vampire and his

As a rule anybody who calls themselves a spiritual teacher, healer, shaman, Yogi or guru, and
takes drugs or gets drunk is at the best a hypocrite, at the worst demonic! Drugs are totally
incompatible with spiritual development. Anybody who tells you otherwise lies!

Love Potions
Some vampires use spells such as love spells to seduce you or get you under their control.
When somebody cannot be seduced in the normal way, and resists intoxication, and the
vampire really wants to get them, then this is the vampire's plan B. The vampire I knew let “love
perfumes” go around on his workshop and asked us all to smell on it. Almost all the women on
the course ended up in love with the vampire! (No, it didn’t work on me, I always found the man
repulsive and no potion in the world would have changed that!)

Another way to accomplish the same goal – and here it gets truly yucky – is that the vampire
may mix some of their sexual secretions into your food or drink – with the result that you may be
drawn to them against your will, even if they are not physically attractive. They may also put
their secretions and or certain herbs on their hands, and then shake hands with you. Result: you
are hooked! This is widely practised in Africa, where I spent a couple of years. All my African
friends knew of this type of dark magick.

If you are resisting all the vampire’s approaches, if he cannot corrupt you because you have
purity and a deep spiritual connection, then the vampire has to go for the heavy guns: spiritual

To achieve this, the vampire either has to make you do something that is against your religion
or forbidden in your spiritual tradition, or, if he can’t make you do it, then he can arrange for it to
be done to you or on your behalf. Sounds complicated? Here are some practical examples:

If you were a Muslim he could put pork in your food, as pork is forbidden to Muslims. For a
devout Hindu who is a strict vegetarian, mixing any meat or meat gravy in the food would do as
well. If adultery is a great sin to you, or you have made vows of celibacy, the vampire may
seduce you, possibly make you drunk first or arrange for somebody else to seduce you, or take
you to a place of vice and loose women, whatever. The point is, to make you break, knowingly
or unknowingly, the spiritual vows you have made. Thus you will displease the Gods or
Goddesses you are connected with and lose their protection. Again, I have personally
experienced this, as the vampire arranged to have meat put into my food. He arranged for meat
to be cleverly hidden in the food on a vegetarian venue! I was very sick afterwards and felt a
great power loss!

Failing to achieve that, or to make the desecration complete, the vampire can desecrate you by
sorcery. One well-known method is to sacrifice an animal that is sacred in your religion /
tradition and do that in your name and on your behalf. Though you are not guilty of the “sin” --
after all you didn’t do it, intend it or even know about it -- magickally this works the same way as
if you had done it!

This is even more effective if the vampire has anything of your body! The end result is that you
reap the karma and have a spiritual fall! Desecration accomplished! Now your spiritual
protection is disabled and the vampire has easy game from then on. His entities and demons
now can penetrate into your aura and begin to mess up all aspects of your life!

2. Strategic Goal No. 2: Creating a Link

A vampire can drain you even from a distance. Vampires know how to astral project and can
“visit” you at night in your home and feed on you while you sleep. No, you won’t have bite marks
the next morning, but you may have disturbed dreams, and in all cases you will feel tired, even
totally exhausted the next day. A vampire can also drain you during the day by sending out his
demons and entities to take your energy and bring it back to him. But for this to work the
vampire must first make an energetic link to you. Once such a link has been established the
vampire can drain you anytime, indefinitely and from any distance. It doesn’t matter if you have
broken contact with the vampire years ago, he can still drain you!
Below are some of the most common methods of creating a link:

Personal belongings
This is the most common approach to creating a permanent link. If the vampire can get any
personal object of yours, anything that holds your personal energy, then he can connect to you
astrally to drain you or perform sorcery on you. One vampire I know of offers “distance healing”,
and actually asks people to send personal items to him so he can perform “healing” on them!
The vampire can build a demonic altar in his house, on which he places all the personal items of
his victims, which can number in the dozens or hundreds. By certain demonic rituals he can
send out powerful demons to drain all those of whom he has personal items or

DNA / Body fluids

This works in the same way as above, only the link created will be a lot stronger and lasts for as
long as you and the vampire are alive! Instead of getting personal possessions of yours, the
vampire needs to obtain something that holds your DNA. The most popular substances are your
hair (snatched from your brush, off your clothes or the bin!), nail clippings, or sexual secretions
(which the vampire gets if you have sex with him, or by nicking your underwear!), and of course,
blood or menstrual blood! Other body fluids will do as well, such a sweat (from your sweaty shirt
or towel!), saliva, etc.

The absolutely worst thing you can do is to have sex with the vampire. During sex
your chakras and your partner's chakras align and connect. This alone gives the vampire a
permanent link to you. But worse, through the energetic links created during sex people also
connect their Underworlds. And as described on the Underworld Page, the vampire can exploit
that link to infiltrate your Underworld with his demons and entities and totally desecrate it!
Furthermore, during intercourse of a lower nature, which is definitely the case with a vampire,
entities are being transferred! In this way the vampire’s entities and demons get straight into
you, from then on messing up your life (more about that on the Entities Page).

On top of that, the vampire won’t just let your chakrasand your Underworld connect to his
passively, no, he will actively use subtle magick and mental techniques for maximum
exploitation and desecration whilst having sex with his hapless victim! Sorcery enables him to
not only drain you off your vitality, but also off your power, your luck and other gifts, while you
are having sex with him, and aren’t aware of what is going on. The energetic link he establishes
will continue to be active even if you break all contact with the vampire! I know people to whom
this happened, and they are truly in a sorry state now, years after!

Cursed Gifts
Another very cunning strategy that is sure to work is to give you gifts! People love to get gifts
and will almost always take them home, even if they aren’t very special, even if they don’t like
the item very much. It is not just of Greeks bearing gifts that you must beware, but of vampires
giving you gifts as well! Because the gifts of the vampire work like a Trojan horse, permitting him
access into your home, your inner space and your astral environment. The gifts may appear
very innocent (a rose, a book, a shawl, etc) but are enchanted with very powerful magick to
allow the vampire to link to you. To make sure you keep the cursed gifts and don't get rid of
them, the wily vampire usually adds spells of mental manipulation. These spells will cause
extreme attachment and forgetfulness. You will find yourself loathe to get rid of the gifts, even if
they are in no way special or worth keeping. Alternatively, once you have them in your house
you will forget that you have them. Here are some examples:

Forgetfulness: A female workshop participant was given a rose by the vampire (he gave us all
one, but I threw mine away immediately...) A year or so later, when searching for any enchanted
objects of his she didn’t remember it and swore she had nothing from him, until I went through a
list of things with her. I myself had to do four rituals to get rid of all the items the vampire had
touched or given me, because I simply couldn’t remember them all and I normally have
outstanding memory! Another friend of mine was given a stick (!) by the vampire. She took it
with her around half the world, and when she finally wanted to get rid of all his cursed gifts the
stick had disappeared somewhere in her house and not been found to this day!

Attachment: A friend of mine was also given a rose by a vampire and forgot it somewhere
while travelling. She went all the way back to get it! Another former friend of mine became very
upset when I told her to examine one of the gifts of the vampire to find proof how he had
deceived her. She was extremely attached to the ludicrous thing and believed it was a great
force of good given to her by her great benefactor -- the vampire-shaman! Needless to say, we
aren’t friends anymore as she chose the side of evil and I won’t keep contact with people who
have energetic links to vampires and choose to keep it that way!

Connecting to your Underworld

As I have explained above, the vampire can connect to your Underworld simply by having sex
with you. But this is not the only way. There is another method, much more difficult to detect,
and that is if the vampire becomes your teacher of shamanism! When you journey with a
vampire you make a spiritual connection (though this is the most unspiritual connection that I
can think of). A link between his demonic Underworld and your Underworld is established. An
Underworld link can be beneficial if the teacher is a genuine and ethical shaman, but connecting
to a vampire’s demonic Underworld has disastrous consequences. Who would think that by
learning shamanism from a doubtful teacher you could open yourself up to the demonic?
Unfortunately this is exactly what happens. Just by you learning from a vampire a link to your
Underworld is created, which enables him to do you lots of harm. He may, for example, open
portals to demonic dimensions in your Underworld and thus expose you to a never-ending
onslaught of demonic forces and entities in your life.

Alternatively the vampire can desecrate sacred places in your Underworld, cut off your spiritual
connections (to guides, deities you work with), chase away, capture or harm your power
animals, steal your power plants or spy on you when you journey, always slyly waiting until you
have acquired some power, so he can harvest what you have planted! Of course a vampire
shaman will subtly alter shamanic teachings so that you will have no real protection
during journeying and do not journey from a safe place, etc. A naïve friend of mine saw the
vampire shaman on many of her journeys, hanging around in her Otherworld. When I told her
that this was a sure indication that he was up to no good, she replied, he was only “learning”
from her. How deceiving ego can be! Do not be as naïve as she, but be careful from whom you
learn. Do not trust blindly, but be observant at all times!

3. Strategic Goal No. 3: Mind Control

Vampires are very good at mind control -- not control of their own minds, of course, as they are
far too undisciplined to control their minds in a spiritual sense. They are however very good at
influencing and coercing others' minds with various methods. In some of the old vampire movies
the vampire hypnotises his victims. There is a grain of truth in the myth once again!

I have personally experienced this when I met a vampire tarot reader many years ago. When he
tried to hypnotise me I felt something very dirty touching me and fended off the attack
automatically. He was livid when his mind control didn’t work on me and tried to harm me with
magick afterwards (you can read the full story on my Middle World Page). The weaker the mind
of the victim, the better the hypnotic power of the vampire works. As most people nowadays
have weak minds, it isn’t difficult for the vampire to find victims. When under the influence of
substances or alcohol your mind will be even weaker, so don’t drink, don’t take drugs, do not
even smoke grass, not even once! Besides hypnosis the vampire uses other mind control tools
such as: suggestion, manipulation, psychology, as well as domination spells.

A domination spell is a magickal spell that gives one power over another man's mind. Again, the
weaker the subject, the easier it is to get them under control. Love spells and lust spells are also
weapons of the vampire, to make you into his obedient slave! A friend of mine was so overcome
by his spells that she -- so she confided in me -- wanted to virtually crawl into his bed! The lust
and domination spells the vampire uses are two-fold: either, he will try to obtain something of
yours, like your hair, personal belonging, etc, to make the spell stronger, or, he will put
something of his (his sperm usually!) into your food, or drink, or make you touch it (by applying it
to his hand, shaking hands with you, or rubbing it onto an object which he then gives to you.
This creates an energetic link again, and enables him to control you much more efficiently.
Under the influence of such spells you may do things which are totally out of character, and that
you will feel really ashamed about later!
One of the vampire-shamans I know of was also very good at suggestion. He constantly
mentioned his private parts, in every single workshop session the topic came up! It had most of
the women thinking about that all the time, speculation about it, etc. In the end most of them
were in love with him (he also used seduction spells of course). He suggested to them that
there was no evil, then let them do a journey to find out whether there was evil (of course most
of them then agreed with what he had been suggesting for about an hour: that there was no
evil). He constantly planted subtle suggestions in people’s minds, suggestions that made them
come over to his world view, and life style (there is no God, alcohol is good for you, it is okay to
coerce people who don’t like you with love spells, etc). People began to drink and smoke grass
on his workshop and he encouraged it!

As to manipulation, he was a master of it! Even I fell for it at one point, when I let myself be
manipulated into doing his bogus initiation which I originally hadn’t wanted to do as it felt wrong,
but he made me feel bad about “abandoning” the group, and pushed my button of not wanting
to be a “coward” (I hate cowardice and I am sure he knew that!) and that did it for me.
Sometimes being a coward can be a good thing, if it saves you from serious damage! As Bob
Marley said, "he who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day!" Nowadays I wouldn’t care
anymore whether people think I am a coward, it is enough that I know I am not. But that time I
got trapped. The “initiation” as he called it gave him the chance to get hair and finger nail
clippings from me and others, plus, unknowingly I was initiated into his vampiric egregore (on
theUnderworld Page you find information on what an egregore is and how it works!). Being
involuntarily initiated into the vampire's evil "tribe" had disastrous consequences on my life!

The vampire’s mind power is a combination of hypnotic ability, sorcery (love, lust, domination
spells, etc.), clever use of intoxicants, psychological manipulation, and seduction! There are
three reasons why vampires appear so attractive to many people. The first one is the vampire’s
personal charisma (which as we are going to see, isn’t his at all!) What is charisma? Charisma
is the ability to wield one’s prana or vital energy. This then attracts people as light attracts moths
(note: the light often kills the moth…) As I explained earlier, the vampire takes others’ prana.
Once he is nicely filled up with prana, which he of course cleverly wields, he appears very
attractive – not necessarily physically, but energetically! This particular vampire was hideously
ugly, yet I heard women exclaim how good-looking he was when they saw his picture! A
spiritually developed human will seldom be drawn in by a vampire’s false charisma. They will
sense something wrong, but most people lack the spiritual depth to detect this wrongness. The
vampire’s charisma is built on stolen prana (vital energy)!

The second reason why the vampire appears attractive and can successfully seduce so many
people is this: He is a bird of false feathers! What makes him so attractive are the spiritual gifts
he has stolen from others, which he now shows off as his own! The third reason has to do with
power loss. When somebody loses power, they become unattractive (= lacking ability to attract;
and this includes the ability to attract good fortune as well!) Once a large amount of your power
has been taken by somebody, you will suddenly feel that the one who took your power is very
attractive! This is well known in shamanic circles. In practical life you can see this too. Many
women just can’t leave the man who abused them (took their power). They say they love him
and he can be a wonderful man, etc. What they see is all the beauty and the gifts he has taken
from them! It is the same with vampires. Once they have taken your power, which they will sure
do if you hang around long enough, you will see them as spiritual, beautiful, and attractive! It is
your gifts and the gifts of others, your vital energy they have stolen and now possess, which
makes them near irresistible!

To conclude the mind control section, I would like to tell you that most of the vampire’s mind
control you can resist. As long as he hasn’t got your DNA etc, as long as he can’t put anything
in your food, as long as he can't use sorcery on you, as long as you stay sober and use
discrimination, as long as you have willpower and are good at psychology, you have a good
chance to fight off his mind control. Long list? If in doubt, get out! I recommend doing regular
meditation to develop discrimination, this will help you in many situations, not just with vampires.
You must also know your buttons and seek to disable them, which could take some time --
years, usually!

Meanwhile, be careful to whom you reveal your vulnerability! I remember that said vampire
talked a lot about how good it was to be more “vulnerable”! That made people talk about their
deepest issues and pain on the workshop, which the vampire then exploited. When a vampire
sees any weakness he will exploit it! Keep a poker face, don’t let your guard down, but most
importantly, get away from the vampire as soon as you can, even if it costs you the money you
paid for the workshop. I wish I had got out earlier, but I didn’t want to quit because I had paid a
lot of money for the six months course! But that is wrong thinking. After all it is your life that is at
stake. I can tell you that I spent at least five times as much money as that course cost on fixing
the damage done by that vampire shaman!

Those who need individual guidance on how to protect themselves against psychic attack by a
vampire,can book a voice chat session with me on my Online Tuitionpage and I will teach you
how to protect yourself against vampire attacks and how to clear yourself if the vampire has
already made a link.

Goddess Blessings,
Avalon Sakti

Copyright © Avalon Sakti Tiamat, 13.09.2008

You may also want to listen to my radio show on Psychic Vampires with Truthbrigade Radio.
You can find it here:http://truthbrigade.org/smf/index.php/topic,6098.0.html .
Alternatively you can watch the Youtube video of my Psychic Vampires Interview below!

You can find links to the other five parts of this radio show on the My Radio Shows page, where
you can also find several other radio shows of mine on various spiritual matters.

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