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AlAA 95-2966
A Modular Method for the Analysis of

1I Liquid Rocket Engine Cycles

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~ Christoph Goertz

DLR, German Aerospace Research Establishment

Space Propulsion Department
0-74239 Hardthausen, Germany

31st AIANASM €/SA€/AS€€

Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit
July 10-12,1995/San Diego, CA
For permission to copy or republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautlco and Aotronautlcr
370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20024


Christoph Goertz
DLR, German Aerospace Research Establishment
Space Propulsion Department, Lampoldshausen, 74239 Hardthausen a.K., Germany

Abstract the main characteristics of a cycle are used, the mod-

ular approach allows a greater range of component
A new method has been developed for the analysis of and cycle modeling at the expense of additional com-
complcx liquid rockct engine cycles. A modular ap- putational effort.
proach has been chosen, i.e. an engine cycle is assembled
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from elements of a predefined component library. One- 2.2 Sequential Method

dimensional flaw is assumed in all components. Fluid
properties are computed asing empirical cquations of A sequential method is employed. The components
state for propellants and assuming chemical cquilib- of an engine cycle are calculated repeatedly in a pre-
rium for combustion products. The fundarncntals of thc det,ermined sequence until the desired solut,ion state
method are presented togethcr with results for several is achieved. The basic idea for the method was taken
engine cycles with different propellant comhinatians, in- from [2], where a scquential method is used for the
cluding a tripropcllant cngine. calculation of complex power plant processes with a
large number of different components.
1 Introduction There arc several advantages of the sequential
method for the present task: First, the modeling of
A large number of liquid rocket engines (LRE) of components in separate subroutines m a l m possible
different design is currently in use as core, booster, a wide range of modeling from simple to sophisti-
or upper stage engines for a wide range of lannch- cated, depending on the accuracy required and on
ers. Other LREs are proposed for future launchers, the data available. Existing subroutines caii be in-
including engines for the challenging single-stage-to- tegrated easily, iiew component models can be de-
orbit type of vehicle. Among the proposed LREs vclopcd independently and integrated when needed.
u'are some rather complex designs such as dual-mode Second, the seqnential method is a rather intuitive
or tripropellant engines. Each type of LRE has its approach, which is qnickly understood by the en-
specific advantages and disadvantages, depending on gineer. Complex engine syst,ems can be assembled
the mission in consideration. gradnally, which allows for checks and early detcc-
For system analysis purposes it is often iieccssary to tion of coding errors.
calculate feed system and performance data of LREs,
t o compare different LREs and to assess the influ- 2.3 Program S t r u c t u r e
ence of key parameters on the behavior of a given
engine. For these tasks, a new method has been dc- The program itself has a inodrilar structure. The
vcloped at DLR Lampoldshausen during the last few core consists of the component library, the system
years. administration, and the solver (Fig. 1).

2 Fundamentals of the Method

2.1 Modular Approach
Despite the great numlm of existing and proposed
LRE cycles, most of them basically ronsist of similar
components (pumps, turhines, gas generator, com-
bustion chamlicr. nozzle etc.). Thcrcfore, a modular
approach has been chosen for the analysis, i.c. an
engine cycle is assembled from elements of a prcdc-
fined component Iihrary. It has been found, that a
comparatively small component lihrary is sufficiwt. Figure 1: Simplified Program Structure
for a general analysis of most complex engine cycles.
Tlic component library contains subsoutines for all
In comparison with the more traditional cycle anal- rock?: cnginc components and some additional "log-
ysis of [l],where analytically derived expressions for ical" siiI,roritincs for the calculation of overall data
of the cycle. The system administsation part is re-
Copyright 0 1 9 9 5 by t h e author P u h l i s l ~ c c lby t h c American sponsible for the asseinbly of the engine cycle, i.e. the
I n s t i t u t e of A e r o n a u t i c s and A s t r o n a u t i c s , Inc. with permission. calliug of the component snbroritines in the proper

sequence aiid with their respective data. Fiitally, the mct. The compliance with these conditions is mea-
solver will iteratively drive the system towards the sured as the difference of two values, e.g. the diffcr-
desired solution state. cticc between actual arid required chamber pressure.
2.4 Fluid P r o p e r t i e s
In order to satisfy the conditions outlined above,
an cqual iiuinber of dcgrees of freedom of the sys-
Many components need fluid properties of fiicl, oxi- tem (system parameters that can be changed by the
dizer, or hot gas. A central interface is used to ~ C C P S S solver, e.g. pump discharge pressures) has to be spec-
fluid properties subroutines so that new subroutines ified
have t o be integrated in only one place to he avail- In a complex system, a nonlinear intcrdependence
ahle for all components (Fig. 1). of all conditions and degrees of freedom is to be ex-
Currently in use are subroutines for hydrogen and pccted. Thus, the calculation of the solution state of
oxygen (empirical equations of state for liquid, gas, a system with N conditions and N degrees of free-
and two-phase states [3]), kerosene (treated as ideal dom is similar to solving an N-dimensional system
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liquid), and for hot gases produced from coinbina- of nonlinear equations
tions of these. For the hot gases, chcmical rqiiilih- (1) ft(zi,z2,. . . ,X N ) = 0 i = 1,2,. . , ,N.
rium is assumed. Their properties are calcolated us-
ing the NASA Lewis code [4, 51 or, altcrnativcly for In this analogy, the zi correspond to the degrees of
hydrogen-oxygen-systems, a very fast code "202N2 freedom and the equations f, = 0 are the cqriivalent
developed at DLR by Sassnick, which yiclds nearly of tlic conditions.
identical results. One-dimensional flow is assuined Finding a solution for a nonlinear set of equations is
in all components. one of the standard problems in the field of numer-
ical mathematics. Several methods exist, but there
2.5 Engine Cycle Description is none which is guaranteed to find a solution. A
good set of initial valiics for the z%is crucial in all
A LRE cycle is described in an input file, so that itsn-
cases and will dccide if and how fast the method will
ally no reprogramming is necessary to aua1y.r a iicw
coiivcrge. This is especially true for the Newton-
engine scheme. The cycle dcscription is coinpoiicnt-
Raplison met,hod, which is known to converge very
oriented, i.e. the components are listed with thcir
fast once it is in tlic ncighboiirhood of a solution but
respective datasets (input aiid output). In tlic cx-
will often fail if it is started too far away.
ample scheme in Fig. 2, component K10 has acccss
to datasets S10, S11, and 530. The inpiit,-ilatasct In the present case, a slightly niodified damped
Si0 is read-only for K10, while 511 and 530 arc cal- Newton-Raphson method taken from [ S ] is used as
culatcd and updated by K10. solver. In this implementation, the partial deriva-
tives needcd for the Newton-Raphson method are
suhstitiited by diffcrential quotients which are com-
puted numerically. Two modifications were found to
be ncccssary: First, all values given to the solver are
scaled sincc the numerical values can differ by several
orders of magnitude. Second, a step size limiter was
introduced, since largc steps usually make no sense
physically and can cause problems in component and
floid propcrties subroutines.
Figure 2 : Example Scheme
For t,he first calcnlations of a system, initial values
The sequence of computation (iii tlic ~ x ~ i n t p I e : for thc a, have to he supplied by the user. Once a
KlO-Kll-K20-K30) is dcterinined by tlic cimdit,ioii solntion for a point of reference is found, these values
that all input-datasets of a compoiicnt havi: to I)c can tic uscd as initial valncs for other calculations.
known before the calculation. Thc sequence iisiially Since tlic iteration proccdurc has access to all com-
follows physical flow. pntcd data, it can be used very flexibly to drivc
cithcr single components or the systcm as a whole
2.6 Solution State a n d Solver towards any desired solntion state.
In most cases, thc first sequential compiitatiori of tlic
systcni does not Icad to the iiitciidctl solntiim, so it 3 Component Modeling
has to be fonnd itcratively.
3.1 General
Thc solution state of the systcm is clafini~rl Iiy
two groups of conditions: First, physical hws for A wide range of component inodcliiig from very sim-
the system (c.g. power balance of turbopiinips or glc to sophisticated is cmployed. For instance, in a
pressure-matching of converging flows) havi: to bc sitnplc model, a pump is described by a given pres-
fulfilled. Sccorid, user-dctincd criteria (snch as i i spc-
cific chamber pressurc, mixtiire ratio ctc.) 1iai.v t,o IJC
sore rise and isentropic efficicncy. A marc sophisti-
(.at,cd model incliidcs theoretical or cmpirical char-

(hais-hl) (h2~hl)

@ s
I Hcat Transfer + Prcssurc Loss

Figure 3: Changes of State in an Enthalpy-Entropy-Diagram

acteristics which allow the calculation of diffcrciit combustion chamber and nozzle in order t o kcep tlie
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operating points. Simple models are available for all wall temperature within tolerablc limits. The change
common LRE components, more sophisticated mod- of state of the coolant is treated as shown in Fig. 3c
els are being integrated continuously. The following (1-2). In ordcr to close the energy balance in the
sections will give a brief overview of thc key compo- cycle, a c.orrcsponding heat flux is transferrcd from
nents needed for the modeling of an LRE cyclc. the cxpanding hot gas flow in the throat. In [7], an
Within the cnginc cycle, stagnation states arc used. arialysis of the influence of regencrativc cooling on
Static states are calculated only where higher speeds the cycle has bcen performed.
are involved, e.g. in the nozzle. 3.4 Gas Generator, C o m b u s t i o n Chamber
3.2 Turbomachinery Gas generator and combustion chamber arc com-
The change of state of the working flnid in a pump bustion devices whcre scvcral flows are mixed and
or turbine can be descrihcd by tlic prcssrirc changc burned to produce hot gas which is either needed
to drive turbines or expandcd through tlic nozzle to
(2) A P ~2 PI ~

prodiice thrust.
bet,accn entry (1) and exit (2), and by the isentropic It is assumcd that tlic hot gas is in chcmical equi-
efficicncy which is defined by librium. In this case, thc composition and thermo-
(3) qs,p= ( R 2 i S - ll,i)/(h,z - /l,i) dynamical state of the hot gas is detcrmined by the
combustion pressure, the relative amount of fuel and
for a pump and by
oxidizer, and by the enthalpy of tlie incoming flows.
(4) ~ s ,=
t (111 - 112)/(!11 - hiis) Thc effect of incomplete combustion can be treated
for a turbine (Fig. 3a,b). For the calculat,ion, the as a lowering of the resulting hot gas temperaturc
change of state ( 1 1 2 ) is treated as a comhination (see [7]). As a simplcr altcrnative, the influcnce
of an isentropic (1-2is) and an isobaric (2is-2) of incomplete combustion oii the performance can
changc of state. The mechanical power needed in be accoimtcd for hy milltiplying pcrformance data
a pump or rcleased in a turbine is calculated fsom (thrust, specific impulsc) with the efficiency of the
mass flow rate and enthalpy difference: characteristic velocity qc..
(5) P = -7q! 12 -hi). For thc combustion chamber, either the infinite area
combnstion chambcr modcl (IAC) or the finite area
comhiistion chamber niodel (FAC, Fig. 4, see [ 8 ] )can
3.3 P r e s s u r e Losses and Heat n& be cmployed. The influence of the FAC inodcl on the
performance has bccn analy;.cd in [7]
Pressure losses in the engine cycle occur in valves,
lines, injcctor elements etc. The changc of state in Ih pinj=pc,ig
these components is treated as an isenthalpic proccss
(such ns 2p+2 in Fig. 3c).
Hcat transfer between fluid flows such as in a licnt
exchanger is oftcn accompanied by somc pressure
loss. Thus, the change of state is calculatcd as a com-
bination of isobaric heat transfer (11211 in Fig. 3c)
and pressure loss ( 2 p i 2 ) .
One special case of heat transfer combined with a
large pressure loss is the regencrativc cooling uscd in
most high-pcrformancc LREs. Cold fuel or oxidizer
is primped through cooling clianncls in t,lic wall of Figure 4: Finite Area Combustor

. ..
... ..
....~ n ~ t ~ :

Kl8: Q x i d i i ~ lank
KII: nx. purn is: SL
KIZ: 50111 Or. -> tl
K13: O x . Yvnp 2nd SL
Klt: I n j c t Ox -) CG
K15: Inlect Or -> CC
KB: Fuel Tank
121: Fuel Pump
KZZ: R r p Coolinn
KZ3: P r i r i LOIS Cool
K24: I n l d i u -> GG
KJI: Cas Grnrrolnr
K37: I p l i t Hot Gar
K33: O x . Iurhinp
K33: Injwri Nli > CC
Ktl: Furl Turbinn
112: Inject HF -> CC
El: to.hvr1 Shonhrr
152: Fxpon5 L C ~ > l h r o
151: Cooling 1hrOGL
KSI: Frpon.;ion~)Fxii
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~6% roVwilatia QIP

163: POW Ratio FlP
K75: W u i i sir.
KBI: wr lank
182: VTlM
KBt: T r i p - O l f i . RCGC

[ Condition I Datmets (Value) 11 Degree of Reedom

_. - - .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ..... - . .
Figure 5: Staged Combustion Cycle with Split Oxidizer Pump: Modeling, nesults, Conditions

3.5 Nozzle and Performance Data the wall. Therefore and because of the influence of
friction and kinetic effects, one-dimensional perfor-
The hot gas produced in the combustion chamber mance data have to be corrected by the nozzle effi-
is expanded through a convergent-divergent, nozzle ciency qcr, which can be eit,her an empiric value or
and accelerated to high speeds. Usually an isen- the result of two-dimensional computations (see [9]).
tropic change of state is assumed (l-iZis in Fig. 3b or
c+t+e in Fig. 4). The enthalpy differelice is coli- Thrust, effective exhaust velocity, and specific im-
verted into kinetic energy and the resultiug speed pulse are computed from data at the nozzle exit,
can be computed from eventually corrected with qc. and q c F :

(6) "2 = Ju,2 - Z ( R 2 - h l ) .

(7) F = qc+qcF(mu, + (P. -pa)&),
(8) c, = FIm,
While the flow from combustion chamber to throat
can be fairly well treated as one-dimensional, thc (9) I, = cJg0.
expansion process in the nozzle is generally two-
dimensional (assuming rotational symmetry), with
higher speeds (lower pressure) in the center of the
nozzle and lower speeds (higher pressnre) closcr to

4 Cycle Modeling and Example 5 Cycle Analysis
Similar to the component modeling, a wide range of 5.1 General
d cycle modeling from simple to detailed is possible.
In the following sections, three different LRE cycles
In order to get a quick overview of the performance
and hehaviour of a new LRE cycle, a simple model will be analyzed in order t o demonstrate some of the
with only the key components will be sufficient. For capabilities of the method. The focus will be on the
a more detailed analysis of a LRE cycle, additional handling of different propellant combinations with
components will be needed with a different level of two bipropellant and one tripropellant LRE, and on
component modeling, for instance for the calcula- different levels of cycle modeling. In all three cases,
only one (nominal) operating point will be consid-
tion of different operating points of an engine. In
the following paragraphs, the modeling of a rather ered. The method’s capability of calculating differ-
simple LRE cycle will be described in some detail as ent operating points (e.g. for throttling) has been
an example. shown in a previous paper [lo].
Fig. 5 shows the modeling and results for a staged The computational effort needed for finding the de-
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combustion LRE cycle. The cycle uses a split oxi- sired solution state depends mainly on the complex-
dizer pump and a fuel-rich gas generator. Two tur- ity of the cycle, on the speed of the fluid properties
bines are employed in parallel to drive fuel and oxi- subroutines used, and on the quality of the initial
values for thc degrees of freedom of the system. Typ-
dizer pumps. Cold fuel is used for regenerative cool-
ical examples range from a few seconds t o about five
ing of combustion chamber and nozzle. The model-
minutes CPU time on a state-of-the-art workstation.
ing is simple in that no further cooling flows or valves
for the adjustment of operating points are included.
A constant isentropic efficiency of 0.75 is assumed
in all pumps and turbines. The pressure ratio in all 5.2 Space S h u t t l e Main Engine
pressure-loss-elements (injectors, regenerative cool- The Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) is one of
ing) is prescribed. The heat flux in the regenerative the most complex rocket engines in operation today.
cooling is iteratively adjusted so that a predeter- The SSME uses a staged combustion cycle with a
mined temperature change in the hot gas is achieved. separate gas generator for each high-pressure tur-
The power ratio P ~ / P Tof pump(s) and turbine is bopump. Two low-pressure boost-pumps are em-
calculated with the auxiliary components K62 and ployed to raise the propellants from the low tank
d K63. The value of -0.995 implies a mechanical loss pressure level in order to avoid cavitation in the
in the turbopump of 0.5% of the turbine power. Al- high-speed main pumps. The boost-pumps for hy-
ternatively, a fixed power difference or a zero power- drogen and oxygen are driven by warm hydrogen and
sum of pumb and turbine could have been required. high-pressure liquid oxygen, respectively. There are
Overall mass flow rate and mixture ratio are set in two regenerat,ive cooling circuits, one for cornbustion
K 8 1 , thrust and other performance data are com- chamber, throat, and the upper part of the nozzle,
puted in K75 and K82. The temperature change of the other for the lower part of the nozzle. The mod-
the hot gas due to regenerative cooling is determined eling in Fig. 6 includes tank pressurization and some
in K84. smaller hydrogen flows used for cooling of gas gen-
For the modeling of the cycle, 27 components and erators and turbines. The full power level with a
some 85 datasets were used. The table in Fig. 5 combustion chamber pressure of about 225 bar (to-
shows an overall of nine conditions and degrees of tal pressure in the finite area combustor) is shown.
freedom needed for the calculation. Typical require- Downstream of the low pressure oxygen turbopump
ments for the solution state are matching pressures (K10, K15), oxygen from the turbine is mixed into
for converging flows, the power balance of turbo- the main flow from the pump. Since the turbine K15
pumps, and user-defined pressures and temperatures follows after the mixing element K12 in the sequence
in the system. Typical degrees of freedom of the sys- of computation, and because every input-dataset has
tem are the discharge pressures of pumps and tur- t o be known before the calculation, initial values
bines, and the mass flow distribution in branching for the turbine output (S160) have to be estimated
elements such as K12 and K32. In the table, data (li.,p,T in S161) and completed to a full dataset
provided by the user have been marked with (*). (K11, S162). During the i t e r a h n , t,he initial val-
It has been found practical t o specify conditions and ues in 5161 are updated t o match the t,urbine output
corresponding degrees of freedom in pairs with a S160.
strong relationship as shown in the table in Fig 5. In For the modeling in Fig. 6, a total of 62 compo-
this way, an equal number of Conditions and degrees nents, some 200 datasets, and 29 conditions were
of freedom is enforced and the danger of specifying needed. The combustion chamber was modeled as
a non-solvable system of equations is reduced. With a finite area combustor, the influence of non-perfect
some experience in cycle modeling, most pairs can combustion has been treated as a lowering of cwi-
be chosen rather intuitively. hustion chamber temperature.
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Knp~mlm: 38
K 9: lcnk L3X
KIB: Purl; 1mTP
K12: Iix LOX
K13: Ox-Punp WIP
K15: lvrbirrp LPOIP
Kin: W l u e~>Xi
~ V a Fu
inject $5
K22: R?I-Value x
K24: lank UP-I
KB: >dap 1PFT
KX: init.Vaiuc RP-I
Kn: iix PP-i
Kn: kPw I HPIP
KR: R?l -> LRIP
K38: ->
%?I Regcod
K3I: Fd-Punp 2 P I P
K32: Reg-cool
9eg-imi KCC-1:

KT: Tiibine
K36: h j e c t 2PI-l 3(

K38: iijm Ox ~> GS

K W s?i
K11: Turbiw

~a i
K12: l n j m i i -)
K58: n i x C m h n b e -
K51: =AC CcnbChonbPr
K V : Cooling
K53: Coci Xf+lhrozl

K5+: Expanr. -> E x i t

K75: PerFornm~e
KBI: O l F Tank
KU2: Tmk-Vol-Oata
Kffi: FlhCSlh7
KN: %i~r t m
K91: %wer HPTP
K95: ? o w l LPFP
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SSME data were taken from an engine scheme shown the optimistic assumptions made for the analysis
in [ll],which was one of the most complete sets of shown in Fig. 8, the maximum pressure in the sys-
data available. A good overall agreement of data tem (939 bar in S26 after the kerosene-kickpump)
-' could be achieved. This result, together with other and the preburner pressure (816 bar in S50 and 5 5 2 )
comparisons published in [lo] demonstrates the ca- appear t o be very high.
pability of the new method to analyse very complex
LRE cycles with a good overall accuracy. In general, 6 Summary and Outlook
the accuracy of the method is determined by the de-
tail of component modeling and by the assumption The new method has proved t o be viable for a num-
of one-dimensional flow. Deviations from thcse lim- ber of complex engine cycles with different propel-
itations have t o be accounted for by empirical cor- lant combinations. Results were shown for sev-
rection factors. eral LREs from the well-known SSME to a pos-
sible configuration of a proposed tripropellant en-
5.3 RD-120 gine. A good overall agreement with published data
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Fig. 7 shows a modeling of the RD-120 oxygen- has been found. In general, the accuracy of the
kerosene engine which is used in the second stage method is mainly determined by the assumption of
of the Russian Zenit launcher. While the engine one-dimensional flow in the cycle and by the detail
scheme and overall performance data are known, of component modeling.
only few and sometimes contradictory data about Due to its modular approach, the method is a pow-
the feed system are available [12, 13, 141. Thus part erful tool for the analysis of arbitrary LREs. It has
of the data shown in Fig. 7 are based on estimates. been found possible to assemble complex engine cy-
As in the case of the SSME, the engine uses a staged cles from a comparatively small predefined compo-
combustion cycle with boost-pumps for both pro- nent library. Cycle modifications require only small
pellants. In contrast t o the SSME, only one high- changes in an input file. New component models
pressure turbopump with pumps for both kerosene can be easily integrated into the existing framework
and oxygen is employed. This is possible due to the and a wide range of component and cycle modeling
similar density and therefore similar pump speed re- is possible, depending on the accuracy required and
quirements for both propellants. An especially iu- the data available. The flexible iteration procedure
teresting feature of the engine is the use of oxidizer- has been found very valuable for driving a complex
rich hot gas t o drive the low pressure oxidizer tur- system towards any desired solution state.
d bopump, after which the hot gas is dumped into the Future activities will focus on improved and more
cold liquid oxygen flow. The analysis shows that the detailed component modeling with the aim of calcu-
mass-flow needed to drive the turbine is very small lating different operating points (throttling, change
in comparison to the use of high-pressure liquid oxy- of mixture ratio etc.) of advanced liquid rocket en-
gen as in the SSME or RD-0120 engines, and that gines.
the temperature rise of the combined LOX and hot
gas flow is small enough to avoid the evaporation of
oxygen. References
5.4 Tripropellant Engine
[I] D. MANSKI,J . A . MARTIN: Optimization of the
Fig. 8 shows a tripropellant engine which uses a com- Propulsion Cycles for Advanced Shuttles. Part 2:
bination of liquid oxygen, kerosene, and liquid hy- P e r f o m a n c e Model Methodology, AIAA-90-2436,
drogen as propellants. The two high-pressure tur- AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE 26th Joint Propulsion
Conference, Orlando, Florida, July 1990.
bopumps are driven by oxidizer-rich hot gas pro-
duced in two separate gas generators. Hydrogen 121 J , JANICKA:Bcrechnl~ngsverJ&ren f<? Kraftwerks-
is employed for regenerative cooling of combustion pruzessc, RWK 42 (1990) Nr. 9, S . 505-513.
chamber and nozzle. As in the RD-120. oxmen and
1 -

kerosene boost-pumps are driven by oxidizer-rich hot [3] H.-D. SASSNICK:BenutiernnleitzLng f ; i ~das Pro-
gas and kerosene, respectively. Warm hydrogen is gmmm FI,UIDP, DLR Internal Report (1989).
used to drive the hydrogen boost-pump as in the
SSME. [4] S . GORDON,B. MCBRIDE: Computer Program
f o r the Calculation of Comples Chemical Equilib-
An attempt has been made to match the main char-
acteristic data of the RD-701 engine in tripropel- rium Compositions, Rocket Performance, Incident
and Reflected Shocks, and Chnpmnn.-Juugct Deto-
lant mode. The RD-701 is briefly described in [13], nations, NASA SP-273, Interim Revision (March
but no detailed data or engine scheme is available. 1976).
The analysis shows, that the very high chamber pres-
sure of 294 bar (S61)can only be realized with very [SI B. MCBRIDE:GET89 - Chemical Equilibrium with
good turbopump efficiencies, small pressure losses, Transport Properties, 1989, Lewis Research Centt-r
2 and rather high preburner temperatures. Even with (April 1989).

[GI G. ENGELN-MULLGES, F. REUTTER:F o n n e l s o m n ~ .
lung nur Numerischen Mathematik mit Standard-
F O R T R A N 77-Programmen, 5. Aufl. (1986).
[7] C. GOERTZ:Modellierung von Brennkammev iind
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