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Social Problems Research Paper Topic Suggestions

Abuse in Group Homes for the Elderly - Abuse in Group Homes for the Elderly research papers examine a sample of an order
placed for a nursing class for an evidence based clinical project.

Alcohol Abuse in College - Alcohol Abuse in College research papers discuss the negative academic consequences of alcohol
abuse in college.

Alcohol Related Crime - Alcohol Related Crime research papers examine the influence of alcohol use in certain crimes.

American Disabilities Act - American Disabilities Act research papers look at the law passed by George Bush that protects the civil
rights of disabled Americans.

Abuse - Abuse research papers overview the sociological aspects of those that abuse and their victims.

Abused Boys: The Neglected Victims of Sexual Abuse - Abused Boys research papers discuss the book by Mic Hunter, which is a
classic sociology text that serves to treat an often neglected population, young male boys that have been sexually abused.

Active Substance Abuser - Active Substance Abuser research papers look at a sample of an order placed for an assignment on a
recovering substance abuser or someone who is currently a substance abuser.

Addiction to Prescription Medications - Addiction to Prescription Medications research papers examine who most commonly gets
addicted and how easy it is to become addicted to prescription drugs.

Adult Male Sex Offenders - Adult Male Sex Offenders research papers look at an order placed for a paper on the different
psychological theories when dealing with male sex offenders.

Affects of Incest - Affects of Incest research papers look at how this form of child abuse causes different personality characteristics
in survivors of incest.

Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Returning to a Workplace - Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Returning to a Workplace Research
Paper delves into an order placed for a case study on Hurricane Katrina.

Aging Out of Foster Care - Aging Out of Foster Care research papers discuss the issue of children that turn 18 in the foster care
system being sent into the world without a support system.

Alcohol Abuse - Alcohol Abuse research papers discuss the affects of alcohol on the body.

Alcohol and Crime - Alcohol and Crime research papers look into the long established relationship between alcohol and crime in

Alcohol Dependency - Alcohol Dependency research papers look at the psychological effects of alcohol dependency.

Alcoholism - Research Papers from Paper Masters have shown that the problem of alcohol abuse is rampant in today’s society.

APSAC Handbook on Child Maltreatment - APSAC Handbook on Child Maltreatment research papers look at a textbook written by
John E. B. Myers for sociology majors.

Anti-Semitism - Anti-Semitism research papers discuss the prejudice against, hatred of, and discrimination towards Jews as an
ethnic or religious group.

Bigotry - Bigotry research papers discuss examples of bigotry in today's society.

Bullying Research Paper - Bullying was largely overlooked as a type of violence until recently, after reactions to bullying were
associated with motives in several school shootings.

Bullying in Schools - Bullying in Schools research papers look at a sample of a paper ordered with instructions for set-up of paper,
and format instructions.

Bullying - Bullying research papers open up with statistics, and then the emotional and physical trauma caused.
Causes of School Violence - Exploration of the causes of school violence can be a fascinating research paper topic for a sociology

Chemical and Alcohol Substance Abuse - Chemical and Alcohol Substance Abuse research papers look at an example of an order
placed for nine essay questions, that must analyze key concepts.

Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act - The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act was enacted in 2010 with amendments
and reauthorization to the former act of the same name.

Child Abuse - Child Abuse research papers illustrate the prolific nature of abuse against children in the world.

Chronic Alcoholism - Chronic alcoholism is a condition that is distinguished by a long-standing compulsion to consume alcohol
beverages to the point of acute intoxication.

Columbine Shootings - The April 1999 shootings that took place at Columbine High School in Colorado are arguably one of the most
heinous acts of violence to be perpetrated on America’s youth.

Columbine and Social Isolation - The Columbine massacre that took place in the Fall of 1999 brought to light a number of different
issues concerning social isolation.

Comprehensive Textbook of Suicidology - Review of textbook by Maris, Berman and Silverman, The Comprehensive Textbook of
Suicidology. Suicide topics in the book are outlined.

Crack Baby - In the 1980’s the term “crack baby” was coined to describe infants damaged by their mother’s use of crack cocaine
while pregnant.

Crack Baby Myth - The impact of drug abuse may not be as significant as other health and environmental factors.

Crack Cocaine - A form of cocaine, but is manufactured at four to ten times the strength of cocaine.

Crime and Alcohol - Crime and Alcohol research papers discuss the contribution alcohol has in delinquent behaviors and crime.

Cyberbullying - Cyberbullying research papers examine a social issue that has been recognized as the cause of a large percentage
of suicides among school-aged children.

Date Rape - Date Rape research papers look at this problem on college campuses, and the issues connected with it.

Death by Suicide- Death by Suicide research papers examine research done on suicide and the survivors.

Disabled Women - Disabled Women research paper discusses the different types of disabilities a woman/girl can have and the
statistics of different types of abuse they may encounter in their life.

Discrimination Against Disabled People - Discrimination Against Disabled People research papers look at the issues still facing the
disabled population with employment, access to buildings, etc.

Discrimination - Discrimination research papers analyze the glass ceiling and many other forms of discrimination in the workplace
and society.

Drunk Driving - Research papers on drunk driving discuss the crime and social problem of operating a vehicle while under the
influence of alcohol.

Economic Status of Women- Economic Status of Women research papers look at a sample of an order placed on a reaction paper
with specific format instructions.

Ecstasy- Ecstasy research papers investigate whether the effects of this drug are harmful or not.

Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes - Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes research papers are custom written for nursing students and nurse

Elder Abuse - Elder Abuse research papers discuss the problem of abuse of the elderly in nursing homes and under medical health
Emotional Abuse - Emotional Abuse research papers show the psychological affects of emotional abuse on a child or an adult that
is a victim of abuse.

Female Pedophiles - Female Pedophiles research papers research cases of female pedophilia.

Female Survivors of Childhood Incest - Female Survivors of Childhood Incest Research Paper discusses how this experience
affects women’s relationships with other women.

Feminization Poverty - Research papers on the feminization of poverty discuss women, poverty, and the working class.

Grieving Process - Grieving Process research papers examine the five stages of grief.

Gun Control - Gun Control research papers examines this issue throughout history.

Gun Violence in America research papers examine the statisics of the persistent social problem in the United States.

Hate Crimes - Hate Crimes research papers examine the criminal acts motivated by prejudice.

Harm Reduction - Research papers on harm reduction discuss the concept which recognizes that people struggling with addiction
face a battle that they themselves must overcome.

Hate Speech in the US - Freedom of speech is often abused by individuals or groups who are intent on spreading messages of hate
against others.

History of Domestic Violence - Violence inflicted upon a wife by her husband has often been viewed as normal and expected,

Homeless People - Homeless People research papers discuss the reasons why they become homeless.

How Poverty Affects School Aged Students - How Poverty Affects School Aged Students research papers look at a sample of how
to place an order that needs two separate papers. Gives very descriptive details for both.

Human Smuggling - Human Smuggling research papers discuss the issue of importation of individuals into a country via the
deliberate evasion of that country’s immigration laws.

Human Trafficking - Human Trafficking research papers examine the trade in human beings, most often for the purposes of sexual
slavery or other forms of forced labor.

Influence of Race as it Relates to Your Community - Influences of Race as it Relates to Your Community Research Paper explores
a sample of a paper order placed on an autobiographical research paper.

Jerry Sandusky - On November 5, 2011, police arrested Jerry Sandusky, a former Penn State defensive coordinator charging him
with 40 criminal counts of child sexual abuse.

Juvenile Crime More Prevalent - Juvenile Crime more Prevalent research papers discuss an order placed on a project that provides
a detailed example of how paper should be put together.

Juvenile Crime - Juvenile Crime research papers illustrate that the juvenile justice system in the United States is deeply flawed.

Juvenile Justice - Juvenile Justice research papers look into the establishment of juvenile courts and how America’s juvenile justice
system became a model throughout the rest of the world.

Kids Who Kill- Kids Who Kill research papers look at a study by Charles Patrick Ewing about different cases of juvenile homicide.

Killing Rage - Killing Rage research papers delve into the issue of civil rights for African Americans.

Literature Review on Domestic Violence - The area of domestic violence research is a rather young endeavor and a literature review
on domestic violence can contain a vast amount of new research.

Mexican Immigration - Research papers on Mexican Immigration point to a report from Mexico’s National Population Council, a
study released in 2002, which indicates that the flow of illegal émigrés from Mexico to the United States will not end even if the
Mexican economy enters a period of prosperity.
Miracle Method - Miracle Method research papers discuss a solution to alcoholism with a program that has six key concepts to
assist in recovery.

Miscegenation Laws - Miscegenation Laws research papers explore the history of this law as they related to Asian migration and
colonialism in the United States.

Misogynist Behavior - A research paper on Misogynist Behavior examine the feeling of hatred of or prejudice against girls and

Modern Day Slavery - Modern Day Slavery research papers discuss the types of modern slavery that continues to exist in certain
parts of Africa and western countries.

Monster - Monster research papers look at an autobiography written by Sanyika Shakur about being an L.A. gang member.

Moral Issues in Society - Moral Issues in Society research papers examine an order placed on if certain institutions should practice
the affirmative action.

Murder and Domestic Violence - Some individuals who are victims of domestic violence are eventually murdered by their partners,
either by the individual who has been inflicting the abuse or the victim.

Negative Body Image in Adolescent Girls - Negative Body Image in Adolescent Girls research papers explore this phenomenon and
how it effects gender equality.

Negative Effects of Illegal Immigration - Negative Effects of Illegal Immigration research papers discuss an example of an order
placed for an argumentative paper on immigration.

Neglect as Child Abuse - There are four main types of child abuse: sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse and neglect.

Opium Production in Afghanistan - Opium Production in Afghanistan research papers discuss the background on opium production
and the Afghan’s government response.

Organized Crime - Organized Crime research papers look into the highly cenralized and hierarchical structures employed by
criminals in order to conduct illegal activity.

Pedophilia - Pedophilia research papers discuss the definition of this sexual orientation.

Pedophilia in the Correctional System - Pedophilia in the Correctional System research papers look at the statistics in prisons of
convicted sex offenders to those of free offenders.

Pedophile as Online Predator - The Pedophile as Online Predator research papers discuss the issue with pedophilia on the internet.

Physical Abuse - Physical Abuse research papers overview the effects of abuse on children, women and men.

Police Officer Use of Deadly Force - Police Officer Use of Deadly Force research papers examine an order placed on a masters
level paper with specific endnote requirements.

Police Brutality Cases - Research papers on Police Brutality Cases look into the several notorious cases of police brutality in the
United States.

Police Brutality - Evidence of police brutality and excessive use of force are widespread in criminal justice research papers.

Police Corruption - An abundance of police corruption continues to exist in America.

Police Unbound: Corruption, Abuse and Heroism - Police Unbound: Corruption, Abuse and Heroism, by former Minneapolis police
chief Bouza discusses race and class and their effects of street policing.

Pornography - Pornography research papers explore the reasons why it leads to degradation of women.

Poverty and Crime - Describes in detail how you would test the following theory using the scientific method "Poverty has some effect
on crime."

Poverty and Education - Poverty and Education research papers discuss how poverty can impact an individuals education.
Poverty - Economic or social theorists believe that poverty is necessary either because no economic system can be perfectly just or
because certain individuals are unable or unwilling to support themselves.

Poverty and Crime - Describes in detail how you would test the following theory using the scientific method “Poverty has some effect
on crime.”

Poverty in the US - A reseaerch paper on poverty in the US discuss how the federal agency determines the measure of poverty
using the Census Bureau.

Prevention of Domestic Violence - The prevention of domestic violence research papers report that it may occur within three
different formats.

Problems Facing Children in Foster Care - Problems Facing Children in Foster Care research papers look at the issues associated
with foster care such as brain development, and cognitive and social development.

Problems with Kids Who Kill - Problems with Kids Who Kill research paper examines reasons why they say children kill others,
which is due to any type of violence they may have watched or participated in during their lives.

Proposing Solution on DUI Statistics - Proposing Solution on DUI Statistics research papers delve into a sample of an order placed
for an essay that would like you to propose a solution to a problem.

Prostitution - Prostitution research papers report on the incidence of prostitution in the United States.

Push/Pull Theory of Immigration - Outlines how to write a research paper on the push/pull theory of immigration.

Racial Profiling and its Affects on Airline Travel - Racial Profiling and its Affects on Airline Travel research papers examine an
example of an order placed on an international policy with specific format instructions detailed in order.

Racial Discrimination - This research paper on Racial Discrimination examines the legal, moral, and ethical issues involved with
race discrimination in American workplaces.

Racial Discrimination in America - At the heart of this debate is the issue of racial discrimination: Does it truly exist in modern

Racial Discrimination in Housing - Despite the efforts of many in the United States government throughout the past five decades, the
problem of housing segregation, mortgage discrimination and the difficulty of finding affordable housing is one that still plagues
minorities in this nation.

Racial Segregation - Racial Segregation research papers discuss the division of society according to ethnic identity or the color of
one’s skin.

Racial Stereotypes - Research papers on racial stereotypes discuss the assumptions that people make about other individuals
based strictly on their race.

Racism in the Railroad Unions - This paper discusses the time period known as the Gilded Age.

Racism - Racism is one of the most devastating factors associated with modern society.

Religious Discrimination - Religious Discrimination research papers discuss the type of discrimination of treating a person unequally
due to their faith.

Rape in Race, Class & Gender - Rape is a crime of violence, domination, hatred and control which manifests itself sexually.

Revenge in the Workplace - Revenge in the Workplace research papers look at workplace violence, and the reasons why it occurs.

Reverse Discrimination - Reverse Discrimination research papers explain the form of discrimination that is directed towards the
majority group.

Running Head: Domestic Violence - Running Head: Domestic Violence research papers look at a sample of a paper order on a
sociology topic with specific format requirements.

Segregation in Schools - Segregation in Schools research papers discuss Jim Crow laws that were legally upheld by the US
Supreme Court in the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson decision.
Self Cutting - Self Cutting research papers look into the form of self-injury, often practiced by teenagers, that is an unhealthy means
of dealing with emotional pain or frustration.

Self Harm - Self Harm research papers examine the direct intentional injuring of the body without committing suicide; also known as
deliberate self-harm (DSH).

Sexual Abuse - Sexual Abuse research papers write about the sociological aspects of sexual abuse against children, women and

Sex Addiction - Sex Addiction research papers look into the conceptual model used to describe individuals unable to control their
sexual urges or behaviors.

Sexism - Sexism research papers discuss the discrimination or prejudice based on a person’s gender grounded in the belief that
one gender is superior to another.

Skinheads - Skinheads research papers discuss when they came about and how they evolved.

Social Programs - Social Programs research papers examine the government programs designed to provide minimal levels of
support, frequently financial, but also including health care and nutritional support, by the government.

Social Psychological Principles for Gang Reduction - Social Psychological Principles for Gang Reduction research papers delve into
an order placed on gang control programs.

Spousal Abuse - Spousal Abuse term paper shows the rate of domestic violence in the United States and outlines the sociological

Storming Heaven - Using specific examples from Storming Heaven, write an essay in which you fully discuss at least 2 characters
from the book.

Street Gangs - Street Gangs research papers look at the different factors that influence in participation in gangs.

Substance Abuse and Mental Disorders - Substance Abuse and Mental Disorders research papers delve into the coexistence of
mental illness and substance abuse and their statistics.

Substance Abuse Treatment - There are many avenues that one can take when approaching the topic academically.

Substance Abuse - This is a research paper on substance abuse and dependence.

Suicide in the Military- Suicide in the Military research papers go into the harsh elements that soldiers are faced with since 2001,
and how it affects their mental stability.

Suicide - The Centers for Disease Control has shown that, in 1997, suicide took the lives of approximately 30,535 Americans
making it the eighth leading cause of death for all Americans and the second leading cause of death for Americans aged 25-34.

Sweatshop Warriors - “Sweatshop Warriors research papers delve into an example of an order placed on a critical essay based on
articles and from the book “Sweatshop Warriors”.

Teen Pregnancy - Teen Pregnancy research papers examine the rate of pregnancy among teenagers in America.

Teen Suicide - Teen Suicide research papers are custom written on suicide statistics and reports.

Teen Violence Against Parents - Teen Violence Against Parents research papers examine the rising level of this type of abuse to
parents, and looks at studies of parental abuse.

Teenage Runaways - Teenage Runaways research papers delve into the life of a specific runaway and what we can learn about her
and what type of intervention could have been used.

Teenage Wasteland: Suburbia’s Dead End Kids - Teenage Wasteland: Suburbia’s Dead End Kids research papers discuss a book
by Donna Gaines about the emptiness of teenage experience.

The Affluent Society - The Affluent Society research papers explore a critique of this book by John Kenneth Galbraith who was a
Keynesian economist.
Treating Pedophiles - Treating Pedophiles research papers research the different forms of treatment such as therapy and

Underage Drinking - Underage Drinking research papers look at the statistics of this problem, and the other risky behaviors that

Uniqueness of the Black Americans - Uniqueness of the Back American research papers delve into examining and defining African
American culture including history, development, and distinguishing characteristics.

United States Immigration - United States Immigration research papers discuss an order placed on a short essay with specific set-
up of the research paper.

Urban Riots - Paper Masters custom research papers on urban riots and the sociological implications of urban riots.

U.S. - Mexican Border - U.S. - Mexican Border research papers delve into issues, problems, and opportunities that are unique to
this border region.

Video Games, Violence, and Children - Video Games, Violence, and Children research papers discuss how video games impact the
lives of children.

Violence in Scandinavia - Violence in Scandinavia research papers delve into an example of an order placed on an type of violence
that took place in Scandinavia.

Violence on Television - Violence on Television research papers explore the effects on children.

Wage Discrimination - Wage discrimination research papers discuss the form of discrimination that happens when wages are
dependent upon aspects of a person or position that are not broadly applied in a fair and just way.

White Supremacy - Research papers on white supremacy discuss the movement based on the racist belief that white people are
better than other races and should be in dominion over people of other races.

Why Postal Workers Are Violent - Why Are Postal Workers Violent research papers examine the causes of this crime and the
potential solutions.

Women and Substance Abuse - Women and Substance Abuse research papers illustrate the affects of alcohol and drugs on

Women and Violence - Violence affects the lives of women throughout the world regardless of race, socioeconomic class or
educational background.

Xenophobia - Research papers on xenophobia discuss the fear of someone who is different or foreign.

Youth Crime - Youth Crime research papers go into the the model for juvenile justice system.

Youth Gangs - Youth Gangs research papers look at how gangs such as the Crips and Bloods were formed.

Youth Violence Research - Youth Violence is examined in research and through the light of sociological theory.

Youth Violence - Custom research papers examining youth violence from a psychological point of view.
Alcohol Abuse in College
Alcohol Abuse in College research papers discuss the negative academic consequences of alcohol abuse
in college.

College can be a great time period in a person’s life. For many, going off to college is the first
step towards adulthood, and many are unsupervised for the first time in their lives. This not only
imparts a significant amount of freedom, but also occasionally leads to bad decisions, as one of
the most commonly associated items with college is drinking.

Alcohol advertising to college age students on college campuses

has led to questions as to whether the industry sees college students
as a targeted marketing group. About one-quarter of all college
students report some negative academic consequences because
of alcohol abuse, including missed class and poor grades.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and

Alcoholism, four out of every five college students drink alcohol,
while half of those students who do drink engage in binge drinking.
There can be series problems associated with excess drinking.
Some 1825 college students die each year from alcohol-related
unintentional injuries. Over 150,000 college students will develop
an alcohol-related health problem, while about 1.5 percent will attempt suicide because of
drinking or drug use.

Further, alcohol abuse in college can lead to violence. Almost 700,000 students annually report
being assaulted by another student who has been drinking. Another 97,000 students are victims
of sexual assault or rape because of excess drinking.

Underage Drinking Research Papers

Underage Drinking Research Papers look at the statistics of this problem, and the other risky behaviors
that result.

Research on underage drinking can be ordered custom written from Paper Masters. You
determine what aspect of underage drinking you want to focus on and our writers produce the
statistics, the facts and the research to support your thesis on the perils underage drinking.

It goes without saying that in the United States underage drinking is a major cause for concern.
And yet many are unaware of just how significant a problem underage drinking is. The facts
reveal that alcohol has become the drug of choice for the vast majority of youth in the United
States and the pervasiveness of alcohol puts every state, community, and family at risk. The
National Household Survey on Drug Abuse reports that there are 11 million drinkers between the
ages of 12 and 20 and the results of risky behaviors associated with alcohol consumption among
this group are severe. Youth violence, unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted
disease, suicide, and accident-related deaths are only a few of the results that impact our society
daily. And the long-term affect of alcohol abuse and dependence on this group as well as their
families and society as a whole is even more dismal. Ultimately, the issue has become a social
ill, one that continues to plague our society which, in many respects, has thrown up its hands and
said, “kids have always been drinking, what can we do?” While it would be impossible to
completely eliminate underage drinking, a combined effort by parents, communities, media, law
enforcement and legislators could effectively reduce this national epidemic.

The statistics on underage drinking are overwhelming.

 Drinking below the age of 21 is illegal in all 50 states

 Over 10 million young adults engage in drinking alcohol
 The average age of first-time alcohol use is 13 years.
 By the 12th grade, more than 80 percent of adolescents have
tried alcohol
 More than 30 percent have consumed 5 or more drinks in a row in a two-week period.
 Adolescents who begin drinking before the age of 15 are four times more likely to develop a
dependence on alcohol than those who begin drinking after 21.
Perhaps the most significant segment of underage age drinking occurs on college
campuses throughout the U.S. The national MLDA (minimum legal drinking age) of 21 has been
in effect since 1984 and while studies show it has reduced underage drinking by 10-15% as well
as the annual motor vehicle fatalities among 18-20 year olds, underage drinking is still
widespread among college students.

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