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Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer

Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa can be acute, chronic, diffuse or

localized. Peptic ulcer is an area aksoriasi mucosa caused by gastric fluid digestion work
clinical manifestations
• epigastric pain, be pain palpation
• vomiting, nausea, anorexia
• Can hematemisis and melena
• anemis, Hb drops
• Bloating or pletulen

The mechanism of gastric acid secretion

Stimulation of enteric nerve vagus nerve

HCl gastrin parasimpatic nerve

HCl asetilkolin

Enteric Refleks histamin

HCl ↑ secretion of HCl ↑↑

• Stop the cause / treat the cause
• Fasting to acute pain and nausea was reduced (12-24 hours), then diit liquids and soft foods
• Antacids
• Selective anticholinergic agent (perenzepine)
• H-2 receptor antagonists (cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine)
• Cytoprotective agent (sucralfate, cetraxate)
• For hemorrhagic gastritis, fasting for up to 24 hours to stop bleeding, NGT to gastric rinse
• Blood transfusion
pathophysiological mechanism

doudenum & gaster iritations gastric wall erotion HCl ↑

aferen vagus nerve antiperistaltik broken tissue intrinsic factor incomplete digention

simpatis nerve food waste ↑↑

Pusat muntah intentinal reflux bradikinin etc bleeding B12 ↓

Eritrosit ↓

vomiting nausea duodenal distension gas nerve pain

Talamus hematemisis

anorexia pain/hearthburn Hb ↓

Bloating or platulen bacterial fermentation

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