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Name: Matthew Lindgren Hour: 2

Exposure Worksheet (20 Points) Part 1 (answer questions) and Part 2 (insert images)

Type answer the questions below. Refer to the Red folder in Schoology. Read
the worksheet to find most answers. Save to Schoology Exposure Worksheet.

Use colored font to answer your questions.


1. What 3 things make the exposure triangle?

Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO
2. What is Aperture?
A series of blades that close a certain amount when a picture is taken to let a certain
amount of light in.
3. How is aperture measured?
F-stops (f/1.4-22)
4. Which aperture lets in more light, f2.8 or f22?
5. What does DOF mean in photography?
Depth of Field
6. What is the difference between a large depth of field and a shallow depth of field?
A large depth of field allows for more to be in background because it can focus on
thing be closer and further back. Shallow, blurs the background the further you get.
The bigger the F-stop, the deeper depth of field.
7. If I want a blurred background which aperture would be better to use, f2.0 of f16?
8. What allows in more light? f4 or f11?
9. What has a shallower depth of field f4 or f11?
10. What is Shutter Speed?
How many times the shutter captures a picture in a second.
11. Shutter speed is measured how?
The amount of time it takes to take one picture
12. What do you need if you shutter speed is under 1/60 of a second?
A tripod
13. Besides freezing motion what else does changing the shutter speed do? (think how it
changes the light amount in your image)
The longer the shutter speed, the more light is let in, sometimes resulting in
14. What is ISO?
The amount of light that is required before your camera can take a picture
15. What happens to your image as you increase your ISO?
It becomes more noisy/grainy.
PART 2 – insert photographic images off Internet in the boxes below for 16-20

16 . Insert in the box below a photographic image showing a shallow depth of field.

16. Insert a photographic image showing a depth of field comparison in the box below.

17. Insert a photographic image showing a fast shutter speed in box below.

18. Insert a photographic image below showing a slow shutter speed at night.

19. Insert a photographic image showing a shutter speed comparison.

20. Insert an ISO comparison photograph

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