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Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

A. Multiple Choices
Direction. Encircle the letter of your best answer.

1. It is a branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points,

lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogs.
a. Trigonometry c. Probability
b. Geometry d. Statistics

2. Geometry comes from two ancient Greek words, geo and metron. What is geo?
a. Life c. Line
b. Earth d. Plane

3. He is considered as the father of Geometry.

a. Aristotle c. Pythagoras
b. Euclid d. Socrates

4. What do you call a polygon that has 9 sides?

a. Nonagon c. Octagon
b. Decagon d. Heptagon

5. It is a polygon that has 5 sides.

a. Heptagon c. Triangle
b. Pentagon d. Quadrilateral

6. The following are classifications or kinds of triangle, except

a. parallelogram c. right
b. scalene d. isosceles

7. What do you call a triangle that has no equal side?

a. oblique c. right
b. scalene d. isosceles

8. It is a quadrilateral that has 4 (all) sides and angles congruent.

a. rectangle c. square
b. trapezoid d. kite

9. A square is a rectangle.
a. True c. Maybe
b. False d. Sometimes

10. A kite is a quadrilateral.

a. True c. Maybe
b. False d. Sometimes
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

Direction. Write True if the statement is correct, otherwise False. Write your answer on
the space provided before each number.

________1. An angle is the union of two rays that share a common endpoint.
________2. Reflex angle is an angle that measures exactly 360°.
________3. Two angles are complementary if the sum of their degree measurements
equals to 180°.
________4. 40° is the complement of 140°.
________5. Vertical angles are always congruent.
________6. Supplementary angles are always linear pair.
________7. A linear pair is always supplementary.
________8. Reference angle is the acute angle formed by the terminal side of the given
angle and the x-axis.
________9. Angles in quadrant I are their own reference angles.
________10. Coterminal angles are two angles in the standard position that have the
same terminal side.

B. Give the reference angles of the following.

1. 320°
2. -40°
3. 260°
4. 10°
5. 28°

C. Give the complement and the supplement of each angle.

Angle Complement Supplement

1. 43°
2. 9°
3. 12˚
4. 71˚
5. 150˚

D. Refer to the diagram, in which AC and BD are intersecting lines. Use numerals to
identify the angles.

1. Name an angle that is equal to angle 2.

2. Name an angle that is equal to angle 3. A
3. Name two angles that are adjacent to angle 2. 1
4 2
4. Name two angles that are adjacent to angle 4. 3 C
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

E. Convert each of the following into degrees.

1. ∏/4
2. (2∏)/3
3. (7∏)/6
4. (4∏)/3
5. (11∏)/6

F. Convert each of the following into radians.

1. 180°
2. 90°
3. 45°
4. 60°
5. 270°

G. Word Problems.

1. The sum of the interior angles of a polygon is 2160°. How many sides does the
polygon have?

2. Find the perimeter of a square whose one side is 6 inches long.

3. Find the perimeter and area of a rectangle whose length is 119 meters and a width of
100 meters.

4. Find the area of a triangle with base 8 meters and height 13 meters.

5. 2x° and (6x+2) ° are complementary angles. Find the two angles.

6. (x+15) ° and (4x+40) ° are supplementary angles. Find the two angles.

7. The measures of two complementary angles are 2x – 10 and 4x – 2.

8. The sum of the measure of two angles is 127˚. The measure of one angle is 19˚ more
than three times the measure of the other. Find the measure of each angle.

9. The sum of the measure of two angles is 105˚. The measure of one angle is 15˚ less
than twice the measure of the other angle. Find the measure of each angle.

10. If <C + <D = 175˚ and <C is known to be an obtuse angle, what are the possible values
for the measure of <D.

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