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Is herpes zoster unilateral?

QUESTION: The Varicella zoster virus (VZV) follQws a dermatomal distribution

and unless disseminated, the reactivation of this virus is thought to be unilateral.
Why do the lesions in Figures 1 and 2 appear to cross the midline?
Richard P Usatine

Carmine Clemente
University of California
Los Angeles, CA

Correspondence to:
Dr R Usatine


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Figure 2 Figure 3

ANSWER: The answer lies in the anatomy of the spinal toms, and to prevent postherpetic neuralgia. There are data
nerves (Figure 3). The posterior primary ramus of each that suggest that treating zoster with an antiviral agent in
spinal nerve has a small medial branch and a larger lat- older individuals may prevent post-herpetic neuralgia.13
eral branch. Therefore, the cutaneous innervation to the Acyclovir (Zovirax) was the first antiviral agent with
back is crossed with the medial branch, only reaching a proven efficacy against VZV. Two newer agents now
few centimeters across the midline. available are famciclovir (Famvir) and valacyclovir (Val-
These clinical photographs of two different cases of trex). Preliminary data on these new agents indicate that
zoster demonstrate the anatomy of the spinal nerves. they are at least as effective as acyclovir for the treatment
These cases are not disseminated zoster, but each case of zoster.4 Both newer agents have the advantage of
represents a single dermatome innervated by a single requiring fewer doses per day and currently valacyclovir
spinal nerve showing cross-innervation. Both cases were is priced less expensively than acyclovir and famciclovir.
in otherwise healthy young adults. Neither patient
developed disseminated zoster nor was found subse- References
quently to have any underlying illness. 1. Jackson JL, Gibbons R, Meyer G, Inouye L. The effect of treating her-
pes zoster with oral acydovir in preventing postherpetic neuralgia. A
Most zoster cases are acutely painful, uncomplicated, meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med 1997; 157:909-912.
and resolve spontaneously in 1 to 2 weeks. Disseminated 2. Wood MJ, Shukla S, Fiddian AP, Crooks RJ. Treatment of acute herpes
zoster: effect of early (< 48h) versus late (48-72 h) therapy with acydovir
zoster can occur in immunosuppressed individuals. The
and valaciclovir on prolonged pain. JInfectDis 1998; 178:S81-S84.
VZV remains latent in the dorsal root ganglia and be- 3. Dworkin RH, Boon RJ, Griffin DR, Phung D. Postherpetic neuralgia:
comes reactivated in zoster. Because we do not have any impact of famciclovir, age, rash severity, and acute pain in herpes zoster
patients. J Infect Dis 1998; 178:S76-S80.
curative antiviral agents for VZV, the goals of therapy are 4. Calza AM, Schmied E, Harms M. Systemic corticosteroids do not pre-
to diminish pain, viral shedding, and duration of symp- vent postherpetic neuralgia. Dermatology 1992; 184:314-316.

Volume 170 May 1999 wJm 263

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