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Master: María Cristina


Adults need to play as much as children do

How many times have you heard of adults y are having fun as children? never. That's why so you in
this document we are going to specialize in the importance of following playing, because playing is
considered a child activity, when much can be accepted as a form of therapy and rehabilitation for
the elderly. However, the thickness of games it is located between the range of 20 to 35 years. While
for previous generations playing is seen to waste time, you no longer need excuses to sit in front of
the screen, you are only satisfying a basic need. It is essential to continue playing when we are

To start with, I’d like to point out that the reasons why adults don't play as they used to when they
were young people quote the site web of the nation "many parents don't play with their boys for
lack of time. For instance, neither do they in their leisure time and holidays. The game is the first
form of dialogue that is established between parents and children, and absence can lead to the flaws
in communication later, when the nerds become teenagers and have lost their codes common that
arise from playing. " There is no doubt that this starts from very small due to the lack of absence of
parents, then when these young grow up no longer have the need or see it as a bad memory of their
lives, so both it does not catch their attention to have fun in these ways. The sad thing is that it tends
share this type of behaviors of the adults in their next generations.

At the same time, many researchers have shown that the game is of crucial importance in the
development of the child, as it is a means of learning cognitive, social and motor skills, it is the way
in which it communicates with the world. in the first years of life the child explores through the
game how the world works, in addition modeling behaviors and represents them through the game;
the socialization process is deeply imbricated with this activity. In addition to this, the development
of mathematical logic thinking, language, and other skills are learned through play, which functions
as a tangible and material vehicle between the physical and the abstract world. Also, through
recreational activities work as a form of development of social strategies, because through the
community game you learn the rules of basic coexistence as communication, cooperation and social
limits, in addition to the impact of actions in the others.

In conclusion, it is important that adults of the elderly or younger age enter the emissions when
they were children, because mainly diseases are also usually accompanied by the anger or not have
a life full of joys and a physical and mental activity more active. The experts in psychology advise to
be recreated in that infantile part all the life and, in case of not knowing how to do it, it is possible
to resort to a great variety of activities that help it. when there are studied, and the experts are
imposed on the adults play usually they mention the phrase I feel like a child! "it comes out of the
mouth of an old person. Every adult keeps a child part that should not be suppressed. Finally, from
my point I recommend that all adults should play with their children or grandchildren and feel that
they are young as they once were.





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