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Mariatul Fadilah1, Muhammad Yufimar Riza Fadilah2

Program Studi Profesi Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Sriwijaya
Department Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Sriwijaya

Jln. Dr. Moh. Ali Komp. RSMH Km 3.5, Palembang 30126, Indonesia

E-mail : yopirf@gmail.com

Background : Smokers around the world is approximately now about 1,2 billion and 800 million among them on
development country. Based on WHO data, Indonesia is the biggest third country by smokers in the worldwide after
China and India. Indonesian Health Ministry shows increasing on smokers prevalence from 27% on 1995 to 36,3% on
2013. Some policies is already done by government to decrease amount of smokers, but it useless unless those smokers
realize the benefits. Modality is divided into 3 based on book “Quantum Learning”, there are visual, auditory, and
kinesthetic. This research goal is to analyze how 3 different modality could effect on smoking cessation.
Methods :This research is quantitative analysis research with cross sectional design through questioners in form of
google form to all smokers around Palembang. Questioners consist of questions list which categorized based on the
main theory of Lawrence Green. 475 samples have been successfully collected.
Result : In this research we found that among smokers in Palembang were dominated by man, age around 22-23 years
old, melayunese, colleger, and there was 290 of them interests in smoking cessation. Based on analyze using linear
regression we found that kinesthetic became the most related modalities to smokers interest in cessation.
Summary: In this research, we knew the modality and factors that effects in smoking cessation.

Keywords : Information modalities, active smokers

1. Preliminary to 6,7% on 2013. We can assume that 20

Use of tobacco (as cigarette) is one of the years ago comparison of women smokers
serious health threat around the world, it 4:100, nowadays it becoming 7:100. Another
because these thing currently is the main actor sad thing we found that the prevalence of
of preventable cause of death. About 6 young smokers also increase. Indonesian
millions people died every single year and we Health Ministry data proved it. Smokers age
predict this number increasing to 20% on of 16-19 years old increaed 3 times from
2020.1 Smokers around the world now about 7,1% on 1995 to 20,5% on 2014.
1,2 billion peoples and 800 millions among Government already put some strategies to
them are on development countries. Based on decrease smokers around the world, smoking
WHO (World Health Organization), Indonesia bans on public places, increasing tobacco tax,
is the third highest country by smokers after warning labels on cigarette pack. The WHO’s
China and India. Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
Data of Indonesian Health Ministry state that “those warning labels should put
showed inreasing number of smokers from 50% or more on cigarette pack, and there are
27% on 1995 to 36,3% on 2013. So, this pictorial warning on it too”. In fact,
mean, if 20 years ago from 3 peoples 1 of implementaion of pictorial warning is a great
them is smoker, this years from 3 peoples 2of educational strategy. Not only decrease
them are smoker.6 number of tobacco using, but also increase
Sad things about this, the women smokers number of smoking cessation.1
prevalence also inreasing from 4,2% on 1995
All of those strategies are meaningless study there are 5 predispotition, 5 support and
unless each individu realize how important it 5 motivational factors.
is. Modalities based on book “Quantum
Learning” divided into 3. They are visual,
auditory, and kinesthetic. Visual modality is
somekind of way to process information that
dominated by seeing, auditory dominated by Distribution Description
listening, and kinesthetic is a learning process This research was done in Palembang with
dominated by moving/acting. 375 samples.
Through this research, researcher want to
analyze how different modalities could effect Table 1. Respondents’ Distribution based
and play important role on someone’s act, on Age
especially on smoking cessation. Based on the following data, the youngest
respondents were 15 years old with
2. Research Method percentage of 0,3% from 375 samples.
This is a quantitative analytic research with
corss-sectional design. This Research goal is
to gain the information about modalities
around smokers in Palembang relate to their
interest in smoking cessation and held in
Palembang through questionnaire by google
form who filled by smokers.
Data collected by questionnaire in this
research are primary data. Dependent variable
is active smokers interest in smoking
cessation and independent variable is
information modalities. Univariat, bivariat,
and multivariat analysis are used in this
research by SPSS software.

3. Result
This study aimed to determine the role of
information modalities of Palembang
community as active smokers in influencing
their interest to smoking cessation. There
were 3 modalities of information examined,
namely kinesthetic, auditory, and visual
modalities. The profiles seen in this study
were in 9 forms: respondent age, gender,
ethnicity, occupation, smoking age, smoking
cessation experience, and interest in cessation.
In addition there were also factors that could
affect a person's response. This study used the
basic theory of behavior of Lawrence Green While the eldest respondents were 55 years
theory that reveals three factors that can affect old with a percentage of 0.3% as well. The
a person's behavior, such as predisposing, highest age of respondents was 22 years old
supporting, and motivating factors. In this (73 persons) with 19.5% and 23 years old (79
persons) with 21.1%.
Table 2. Respondents’ Distribution by Sex

From the data above, it can be seen that

the majority of respondent's main job are 234
students (62,4%), followed by private
employee 49 people (13%), respondent with
other job 43 people (11,5%) , respondents
From the data above, it can be seen that
with doctor job as many as 18 people (4.8%),
375 respondents were dominated by men with
and respondents with self-employment jobs of
the number of 318 (84.8%), while female
15 people (4%)
respondents were 57 people (15.2%).
Table 5. Distribution of Respondents by
Table 3.
Age of Smoking
Respondents’ Distribution by Ethnicity

Based on the above data, it is seen that

the majority of respondents aged the first time
smoked in this study was dominated by
respondents with segments aged 16 to 20
years (61.6%), followed by segments aged 11
The data shows that most of respondents to 15 years (19.7%), age 21 up to 25 (17.6%),
came from Malay (46,1%), followed by Java and ages 25 to 30 years (1.1%).
(27,2%). While the rest are relatively even
among other tribes. Table 6. Distribution of Respondents
Based on the Experience of Smoking
Table 4. Distribution of Respondents by Cessation
Based on the table above, we can know
that of the three modalities of information, the
From only visual role of predisposing factors of
the trust. The p value is 0.000. This is because the
two other modalities are not eligible for a
multivariate test because of the p value of no

following data, it is found that out of a total of Table 9. Modality of information with
375 respondents who had experienced knowledge of cigarettes
smoking cessation as many as 207 people
(55.2%) and who never had the experience of According to the following table, the three
smoking cessation as many as 168 people most significant modalities of significance are
(44.8%). kinesthetic modalities with p values of 0.000
and followed by auditory modality (p value
Table 7. Respondents’ Distribution by 0.375) then visual modality (p value 0.430).
Smoking Cessation Interest

Based on the following data, it can be seen

that most respondents have interest in
smoking cessation (77.3%) and respondents
who have no interest in smoking cessation

Table 10. Modality of information with

social norms

The role of information modality with

predisposition factors on smoking cessation

Table 8.
Modality of information with trust
From the table above, kinesthetic
modalities show the most significance /
relationship with p value of 0.001, then visual
modalities with a score of 0.464. In the table
is not listed auditory modality due to auditory
modality is not eligible for multivariate tested
by linear regression.
Table 11. Information modality with
perceptions of cigarettes

Based on the table we can know that of the

two modalities of information above, visual
modalities most related to the supporting
factor in the form of government policy, it is
proved through the p value of 0.016 compared
to kinesthetic modalities with p value of

Table 14. Modality of information with

Of the three modalities of information smoking sanctions in the workplace
above, the most significant/ relationship with
perceptual predisposing factor is auditory From the data below we can know that
modality with p value of 0.009, followed by visual modality is most related to the
visual modalities (p value 0.011) and supporting factor is the existence of sanctions
kinesthetic modalities (p value 0.631). (p value of 0.005), followed by kinesthetic
modalities (p value 0.159), then p value
Table 12. Information modality with 0.689.
financial / finance

Furthermore, in financial factor, Table 15. Modality of information by

kinesthetic modality showed significantly means of cigarette provider
more p value / correlation to finance factor /
finance with score 0,001 compared to visual
modalities with p value equal to 0,067.

The Role of Information Modality with

Supporting Factors to Smoking Cessation

Table 13. Information modality with

government policy
Based on the data we know that visual
modality is the most related modality and
influence to cigarette provider factors (p value
equal to 0,131) followed by kinesthetic
modality with p value 0,669, then p value
Table 18. Modality of information with
Table 16. lack of information from health workers
Modality of information with regulation of
prohibition to smoke in public places

Based on the data above we can see that

between the visual modalities (p value 0.639)
and auditory modality (p value 0.684) nothing
related to the reinforcing factors of lack of
From the data above we know that information about cigarettes. But when
kinesthetic modalities are the most influential compared, between the two modalities, visual
and associated with supporting factors in the modalities are more influential.
form of smoking-prohibited regulations in
public places (p value of 0,000), followed by Table 19. Modality of information with
auditory modalities with p value 0.722 and family support
visual modality 0.875.

Table 17. Information modality with

warnings on cigarette packaging

Based on the following table we can see

that among the three modalities, the
kinesthetic modalities (p value of 0.002) and
visual modalities (p value of 0.002) have the
same p value, so both modalities are related to
Based on the data it can be seen that
the motivational factors of family support.
kinesthetic modalities have the most influence
over supporting factors in the form of
Table 20. Modality of information with
warning on cigarette packaging (p value
history of smoking diseases on family /
0,008), then visual modalities with p value
0,040 followed by auditory modality with p
value 0,871.

The Role of Information Modality with

Factors Strengthening Interest in Smoking
as to influence the respondent's interest to quit
smoking (p value 0.000), compared with
kinesthetic modalities (p value 0,004) and
Based on the above table we know that auditory modality (p value of 0.936).
visual modality is the most important
modality to the driving factor, the family / Discussion
friends who suffer from cigarette disease (p
value equal to 0.001) than kinesthetic Role of Information Modalities Related by
modalities (p value 0.041) and auditory Predispose Factor to Smoking Cessation
modality (p value 0.934 ). Interest.

Table 21. Modality of information with a. faith27

doctor's advice Based on multivariat data, only visual
modalities has relation with faith to smoking
Based on the table below we can know that cessation interest. While the others modalities
kinesthetic modalities play a role (0.006) to (auditory and kinesthetic) got no role and no
the supporting factors in the form of relation to smoking cessation interest. It
suggestions from doctors that affect his showed on visual p value 0,000 (p<α 0,005).
interest to quit smoking. While the other Research of Pawiono (2008) showed the same
modalities are visual (p value of 0.010) and result.
auditory modality (p value of 0.453).
b. knowing about cigarette/smoke
What researcher means about this is
respondent knowledge about own
cigarette/smoke. What is contents, effects of
it, what is the hazard, etc. Based on table 54,
after regression test, we found among those 3
modalities, kinesthetic with p 0,000 becoming
most related to smoking cessation interest.

c. social norm28
What researcher mean of this factor is how
Table 22. Modality of information with community think about smokers. They tend
family / friends who quit smoking feeling smoker is a bad habit. This thing also
effect smoking cessation. In this observation,
table 55, kinesthetic is a modality that most
related to smoking cessation. Probably some
respondents have experienced and felt how
discrimination of community.
This thing also agree with research of
Karasek et al (2011) state that a community
with no desire of smoking related with rate of
smoking cessation.

Based on the table above we can see that d. perception about cigarette29
visual modalities have the most influence and Some people think smoking is a symbol
contribute to the supporting factors in the of gentlemen, maturity level, glamour, and as
form of family / friends who quit smoking so a stress reliever. In this research, auditory (p
0,009) is most related modality to compared found that all three (3) modalities has no
to visual (p0,011) and kinesthetic (p 0,631). relation to smoking cessation. P score of
Cui et al (2012) also state the same result, kinesthetic 0,669, auditory : 0,859, and
workers with higher level of stress has 45% visual : 0,131.
bigger chance to start smoking. Different with this research, Halonen et al
(2013) found there is a relation to smoking
e.financial30 cessation. More near respondents home to
Data based on CDC (2014) showed store, probability to stop smoking also
67,5% of US citizens who put on lower level decrease.
of socialeconomic status more tend to stop
smoking. In this research, we found that d. no-smoking ban at public area34
kinesthetic is most related than others (p Based on table 61, we knew that
0,001). kinesthetic modality is most related to
smoking cessation than others (p 0,000)
Role of Information Modalities Related by compare to auditory (p 0,722) and visual (p
Enabling Factor to Smoking Cessation 0,875). It could be because respondents
Interest. already felt how no-smoking ban at public
area policy.
A research in China by Luo et al (2015),
state there is a relation between that policy
a. government policies31 and smoking cessation.
Some of government policies such as,
increasing cigarette prices, build much no- e. warning label on cigarette pack35
smoking area, increasing tobacco tax also We all clearly knew on cigarette pack
effect smoking cessation. Table 58 showed there is warning label, it could be pictorial
visual is the most related modality among label or sentence lebel. In this research we
others (p 0,016). According research of Ross found that kinesthetic is most related modality
et al (2011), state that higher cigarette prices among others (p 0,008), visual in the other
increased probability of smoking cessation, in hand (0,040) and auditory (p 0,871).
the other hand, respondents who lived at high Azagba & Sharaf (2013) also found same
tax area also related to smoking cessation. result. They found warning label on cigarette
pack, especially pictorial warning has
b. punishment for workers who smoked at significant effect on smoking cessation.
In this research, it means for workers Role of Information Modalities Related by
who got caught smoking while working but Reinforcement Factor to Smoking
their workplace applied no smoking policy. In Cessation Interest.
this research we found that visual modality is
most related than others to smoking cessation a. insufficient Information by Medical
(p 0,005). Lee & Kahende (2007) also found Staff36
no smoking policy at work place increasing For low educational level person, they
smoking cessation interests. probably didn’t know negative effects of
smoking. Here what medical staff should did,
c. cigarette provider33 they should give information for those kind of
Place that provide cigarette also effect on person. In this research, we found that among
smoking cessation, such as store, minimart, visual (p 0,639) & auditory (p 0,684), there is
etc. But, how if those provider location far no relation to smoking cessation.
away from smoker home? In this research, we
But Li et al (2014) found that a 2. Factors that affect the interest in smoking
counselling needed for smoking cessation. cessation in active smokers consist of 3
factors, namely predisposing factors,
b. family Support37 enabling factors, and reinforcing factors.
In this research, we knew visual modality a) Predisposing factors in this study were
(p 0,002) and kinesthetic modality (p 0,002) faith, knowledge about cigarettes, social
has same role and relation to smoking norms, perceptions about cigarettes, and
cessation. But on the other hand, Park et al financial.
(2012) found family support has significant b) Enabling factors are factors that enable or
role to smoking cessation. facilitate behavior or action. The
supporting factors in this study are
c. history of disease caused by smoking on government policy, punishment for
family or friends smokers at work, cigarette providers,
Family or friends also has significant role smoking prohibition regulations in public
on smoking cessation. In this research, we places, and warnings on cigarette
found that visual modality (p 0,001). It packaging.
means, seeing this directly could effect c) Faktor penguat adalah faktor-faktor yang
smoking cessation. mendorong atau memperkuat terjadinya
perilaku. Faktor penguat pada penelitian
d. doctor’s suggestion38 ini adalah 1) konseling, 2) dukungan
Doctor as communicator and care keluarga, 3) riwayat penyakit akibat rokok
provider surely know about negative effects pada teman/keluarga, 4) saran dokter, dan
of smoking. Here how doctor’s suggestion 5) ada keluarga/teman yang berhenti
could effect smoking cessation. In this merokok terlebih dahulu.
research, we knew kinesthetic is the most 3. The most dominant and related modalities
related modality among others (p 0,006). of information to smoking cessation is
According to Ng et al (2010) we found the kinesthetic. We proved this by linear
same thing, doctor’s suggestion about regression test, kinesthetic modality gets p
smoking increasing the smoking cessation of value 0,000, followed by visual modality
patients. with p value 0,003, then auditory modality
with p value 0,796.
e. there is friend/s or family stop smoking
earlier Advice
In this research we found that visual is 1. Build or plan some policies that effects on
most related modality among others (p 0,000) smoking cessation, one of them by
compare to kinesthetic (p 0,004) and auditory increasing cigarette prices. In researcher
(p 0,936). It means if we seeing those person opinion, this gonna be an effective way to
directly it could effects on our smoking significantly increasing smoking cessation
cessation interest. interest, especially for those who on lower
socioeconomic status.
Conclusion 2. Perform Health Promotion using
1. In this study obtained a total sample of 375 interesting media, such as short movie or
respondents. Based on that number, 290 animation, so it significantly increasing
respondents (77.3%) are interested to stop smoking cessation interest.
smoking. So the distribution of Palembang 3. Please do re-research with the number of
city residents who are interested to stop samples more, so the answer from this
smoking is 290 people. study can be more representative and
describe actual conditions.
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