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70 indeed. On the other hand, the Anglican conon law system typica power to a case law context.

generally spcaking, churches do not have to open extensive legacy nor do they have the organization
maintain a highly exprienced court case. Net work led law common to t aw and the church An interesting
project of the Anglican Communion Legal Advisers to the publication of a set of ninety-two principles of
the church of the Anglican Conimunion '. This project has to the background of each of the forty-four
Anglican Communion is automatic, free to govern itself acco legal system (sec Doe 2008, 97). its reseir,
the "Anglican ius commune, principles, is similar to the code of the Latin or Roman in Lut different inscfar
as the former is generated from the grass roots of the members of the Church of the Communion,
whereas the latter is derived froni a central authority, the papacy "(2o5). Do right right emphasizes the
import and even the ecumenical significance of this enterprise: "What the Anglican ius commune project
shows is a comparative approach to laws and other regulatory instruments can be deployed
imaginatively in ecumenism through the induction of common principles, to determine in practice
(despite differences in doctrine) both in terms of the maximum visible unity (ino). In my view, there is an
overwhelming project in Reformed church polity for churches o: ding to its nature as a Catholic Church,
where you are temporary in the Anglican project, each principle contains a set of mostly short
propositions. The bookie: starts with some fundamental ones cn issues like the limits. the sources and
forms, the applicability, and the interpretation of law. In this context we find propositions like: law is not
end in itself, 'it is the servant of the church', 'law should reflect revealed will of God'. 'laws cannot
encompass all facets of ecclesial life (see Recs 2oo 8, 19-2), and such. This collection could have
stimulated important theological discussions. Whoever goes deeply into the subject of church politics
from a theological perspective, will probably soon meet the name of the German church law expert
Rudolph Sohm, and his influential book Kirchenrecht (Church Law) (Sohm 1892) Schm a Lutheran church
lawyer trained at the the faculty of law, studied the church of law law intensively, and with the special
interest in Luther's opinion of the church of the New Testament had no formal juridical or at all. It was a
church of the Spirit or a 'church of love' (Germ Liebeskirche). Only from the end of the century a church
of ory. In his Kirche developed, ending up in the medieval i impressive church structures

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