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ACI – 209 Creep and Shrinkage Committee

New York, 2005, April 17


MEMBERS Klaus Rieder

David McDonald (chair, minutes) Marwan Daye
Carlos Videla Will Hansen
Domingo Carreira Mario Sassone
John Gardner Matthew D’Ambrosia
Mario Chiorino Stuart Alexander
Harold Muller
Hesham Marzouk VISITORS
Ian Robertson Fernando Hernandez Vidal
Jason Weiss Carin Roberts-Wollmann
Isabel Burkart

Opening of the Meeting

The meeting was called to order by McDonald and everyone was welcomed to the
meeting. Novak, Dilger and Bazant offered apologies for not being able to attend the
meeting. Meeting attendees introduced themselves.

Review of Minutes from Washington D.C.

McDonald asked for review of the minutes. Acceptance of the minutes was moved by
Carreira and seconded by Marzouk. The minutes were accepted via unanimous vote.

New York Technical Session

Gardner updated the committee on the status of the joint ACI 231/209 symposium on
shrinkage and creep of concrete and volume change and stress development at early
ages. The special publication had been completed and was available at the meeting for
the 4 sessions. The Chair thanked Gardner and Weiss for their work in getting the
papers, SP227 and sessions together.

Current Action

McDonald outlined the status of reports. There are three reports under current action.

1. Report On Factors Affecting Shrinkage and Creep of Hardened Concrete

a. This report is with ACI Headquarters. It went to TAC last Fall. Comments
were reviewed and changes balloted. It is hoped that this document will
be published soon.
2. Modeling and Calculation Of Shrinkage and Creep of Hardened Concrete

a. This report went to ACI Headquarters along with the minutes for the Fall
meeting for review before going to TAC. This document will be reviewed
by TAC during the summer.
3. Time Dependent Effects in Concrete Structures
a. This document was received by McDonald from Dilger in March 2005.
The document was forwarded to the sub-committee for their review. It
was also placed on the ACI-209 website.
b. Discussions of this document were held. McDonald recommended that
the subcommittee get together to discuss this and provide input to Dilger.
It was also recommended by the Chair that the Subcommittee ballot the
document by September 1, 2005. That would provide ballot information
for review at the Fall meeting, 2005.
c. After the 209 Meeting, the subcommittee had a productive review meeting
at 11 am.

Several questions were raised by Chiorino to the Chair regarding the documents.
 Is it possible to combine the 3 document into one?
o McDonald responded - yes, but this will delay publication and should be a
goal for the future
o It was recommended by the committee that publication not be delayed.
 What happened to the introduction drafted by Chiorino?
o This introduction was drafted prior to splitting the document into three and
was deemed unsuitable for either the document on material effects or
prediction. It was recommended by McDonald that this would be a
suitable introduction for the chapter on time dependent effects.

Other Documents
4. Early Age Effects
a. Weiss handed out a document on early age effects and requested the
committee assist where possible. (This document was uploaded to the
committee website).
1. Introduction
2. Definitions/Descriptions of the types of shrinkage, typical
3. Measurement Methods
4. Shrinkage Cracking
5. Material Properties
6. Environmental Conditions
7. Field Suggestions and Recommendations
b. Weiss indicated that the committee was basically silent relating to
shrinkage in the first 7 days after casting. He requested each topic only
required 2 -3 pages of information. He also requested assistance with
determining if topics were sufficiently defined and outlined.

Ballot on MCP

A ballot on the withdrawal of the existing ACI 209R-92 document from the Manual of
Concrete Practice was initiated in March 2005. The results of this ballot failed to meet

the ½ rule. These results were to be discussed with ACI Headquarters and resolution of
two negatives.

Other Business

McDonald indicated that the meeting was his last as Chair. He introduced the new Chair
Videla, who will take charge after the Spring meeting. The committee recognized
McDonald’s contributions by applause.

Videla outlined his vision for the future.

 He wishes to complete the document on modeling and requested that McDonald
continue with the document.
 He has appointed Carreira as Secretary
 He wishes to work on 4 areas:
o New materials
o Measurement procedures.
o Calibration of models and updating of models
o Structures and serviceability
 He indicated that he wished to survey the members to get opinions as to what to
work on, using the ACI web.

Chiorino presented a motion to reinstate Muller as a full member. McDonald asked

Muller if he was going to become regular attendee at the meetings, which was answered
affirmatively. McDonald then indicated that he would recommend re-instatement of
Muller to full membership. A discussion of membership and the need to have regular
attendance was then held. Without sufficient attendance resulting in a quorum, no
committee actions can be conducted. It was also indicated by McDonald that ACI had
recently changed its attendance rules and that these occurred after the status of Muller
had been changed to Associate Member.

A general discussion was held.

 Daye indicated a need for information on the creep of self-consolidating concrete
and autogenous shrinkage. He also indicated the need for computer models and
visualization for stress relaxation effects.
 Hansen indicated that he would like to see new models proposed, but that the
authors of these models should step aside during discussions as he believed it
would be hard to maintain objectivity. This comment was endorsed by the
 Roberts-Wollmann indicated that she was working on moments in diaphragms
and needed to consider the combined effects of heat, expansion, creep,
shrinkage and modulus. None of the models were effective.
 Muller indicated that FIB was developing a new model code. This model was
expected to be completed by 2006 and includes modeling for high-strength
 Chiorino drew attention to the talk on Wednesday relating to ACI/FIP relations
and recommended more dialogue between the two continents. McDonald
indicated that this was best done by committee members giving presentations at
committee meetings.
 Chiorino indicated the need for longer-term data and that predicting long term
values from 1 year data was improper.

 Robinson indicated the importance of test methods and that we should develop a
state-of-art. Muller indicated that the RILEM TZ-107 was a good start.
 Marzouk indicated the importance of predictions from short term data.


Chiorino and Sassone presented information on a calculation routine available at

www.polito.it./creepanalysis. This software allows the comparison of the compliance,
relaxation and redistribution functions using different creep functions (CEB 90, GL2000,
and B3). Additional details are available in SP227. It was suggested by McDonald that
the committee may wish to consider addition of calculation routines as part of committee
work and that ACI was now publishing non-paper-based materials. Comments should
be provided to Sassone.

Muller gave a presentation on the direction for FIB. He indicated that a separation of
basic and drying creep and autogenous and drying shrinkage was being proposed to
assist with high strength concrete predictions. Additional discussions by the committee
indicated the importance of individual ingredients in a concrete mixture.

Other Business

A Motion to adjourn was submitted and seconded at 10:50 am and the meeting was

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