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CCU en ed TECHNICAL ANd CoN eco Pre-mixed cementitious filler for fair face repair propucT weberep 360 FFR Is a dry pre. cementitious coating besed on hydraulic binders, silcecus flor, water retaining agents and other admixtures, weberep 360 FER is available In white and lagnt-art SCOPE OF USE weberep 360 FFR is Used as 0 re walls and cellings in internal an’ Teen be used to fill pinholes prior to over coating, for general repro-fllng aver lorge areas, up to 3 mm depth and fairing, coat weberep 360 FFR ca concrete and plasters bbe used to ill superficial cracks in ADMISSIBLE SUBSTRATES. Concrete and masonry surfaces, ASSOCIATED COATINGS weberep 360 FFR con be covered with Texture coatings Paints Wallpoper ‘ApoeoraI ‘Cement bases aowse ‘Oto lm Pulloff test ASTM & 05 N/mm Flexural strengt S N/mm AS EN 196-1 pressive strength S Nn Iidoy 8S EN 196! pressive strength SSN 15 BS EN 196-1 28 Minimum thickness per coat Tensile sirength ASTM ¢ BS-EN 6219 Part7 ct28days 1S MPa vat ana famalsenyde None (aug nent ISO/FDIS TpBrORIMERETy (SLT ZORS 22 sameles and cests Results may differ based Yoon statisteal vanations 1d. at 20 kg bag with 64 Lof water onde sed on controlled laboratory We Toc data sheet « Eeition 076A Dt methods, test methods, aetual sve conditions and curing cone! APPLICABLE STANDARDS ASTM D 4a 2S EN 196-1 ASTM C 307-94 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE PREPARATION OF SUBSTRATE The suastrate shauld be sound, clean free fram any dust or demouling products and lls Roughen the surface to remove any Iaitance The surfoce should be moistened in het not be overheated ar Frozen weather. should PRODUCT PREPARATION The weberep 360 FER pasts is obtained by mixing @ 20 ko b* with 6 to 7 Itres of clean cool water, using o suitable mie The paste should be mixed vigorously until fully homegeneous -ah tools with water immedia’ eal application te pplication temper ly after use. cs between + 5 ss higher than 35 Use cool water to keep the mixed mortar ™weber www sodameo: Scat Toney Coos ear PRODUCT APPLICATION ‘Apaly the paste with o steel trowel. should be allowed to partly set before smoothing, IF a very smooth finsh is required, a small amount of water may be sprayed on to the surface of the weberep 360 FFR prior t0 incl smoothing, CURING weberep 360 FFR should be cured with clecn water for ot is three days by spraying twice a day, CONSUMPTION 3 kg/mé per Imm thickness STORAGE 2 months after manufacturing date in originaland packaging , under cover, in dry conditio protected from extreme temperatures and direct 9, awoy Fr SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The pracuct contains cement powders which, when mixed with water, releese olkals that could be harmful to the skin. ‘ferable that the application be done in a ventilated area, ané to wear protective gear for hands, eyes and respiratory system and to avoid breathing of the dust, Splashes on the skin should 88 washed away by cleaning thoroughly with soop and water. In case of contact with ‘eyes, wash thoroughly with clean water ond seak medical attention. If swallowed, co not induce vomiting and seek medical ettention, The product is non-femmable. DISCLAIMER While the company guarantees its products against def materials, the use and application of these products cre ‘mace without guarantee since the concitions of thei applic ‘are beyond its control It is recommended to verify with the company that the product is sultable for the intended use, ‘and that this Gate Sheet version isthe latest one. The company ‘may macify ft without prior notice. Technical characteristics, are listed fer guidance only. Far more information, plecse cont -ompany’s office in your location, NOTE The information inclided on this Technical Date Sheet is the sole property of 5 ing The unauthorized disc Use, dissem: paying [either whole ar partial of this data sheet or any information it contains, is prohibited and I pursuit zen J dota sheet . Edition 07 6-8 ™ weber ‘www sodamco-weber.com

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