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Measuring magnetic properties of ferromagnetic materials

João Francisco Borin, and Oswaldo Baffa

Citation: American Journal of Physics 66, 449 (1998); doi: 10.1119/1.19074

View online: https://doi.org/10.1119/1.19074
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Published by the American Association of Physics Teachers

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Measuring magnetic properties of ferromagnetic materials
João Francisco Borin and Oswaldo Baffa
Department of Physics and Mathematics, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto,
University of São Paulo, 14040-901 Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil
~Received 23 January 1997; accepted 26 August 1997!

I. INTRODUCTION as a function of H and using Eq. ~1!, the B field can be

determined by integration. This is the method used in the
Experiments at the undergraduate level dealing with the present work.
magnetic properties of materials are usually scarce in elec-
tricity and magnetism experimental course programs. The III. MATERIALS AND METHODS
classic method of using a ballistic galvanometer1,2 to mea-
sure the magnetization is seldom performed presently. One Inductances were measured as a function of the magnetic
of the few experiments still done is a demonstration of the field H by a digital multimeter ~Wavetek DM27XT!.11 Fig-
hysteresis loop on the oscilloscope by means of the Rowland ure 2 shows the scheme of the experiment: A sample is
ring.3–7 It is possible to derive relations between the induc- wrapped with two windings each having around 180 turns of
tance (L), magnetic permeability ~m!, and magnetization # 30 AWG copper wire. One is connected to a variable dc
(M ) as a function of the magnetic field. Normally alternating power supply capable of providing at least 0.5 A through a
current bridge methods are used to determine the self- 30-V protective resistor, R, to create the H field within the
inductance L, and then the permeability m is derived. In this sample. The switch allows for current reversal to sweep H
study we implemented this method to study different types of from one maximum positive value to a maximum negative
magnetic materials with a simpler instrumentation and nu- value. The other winding is connected to a digital inductance
merical calculations performed with a spreadsheet. meter. In the range used the inductance meter operates at 1


The magnetic behavior of a material can be studied by

measuring the magnetization curve, as shown in Fig. 1~a!.
The saturating, coercive, and remanent fields are indicated
by B m , H c , and B r , respectively, and are important param-
eters of a magnetic material for characterizing its potential
usefulness. Magnetic permeability also has several defini-
tions. The initial ( m i ), normal ~m!, and incremental ( m D )
permeability are some of the common definitions encoun-
tered in the literature.1–3
The B(H) curve can be expanded in a Taylor’s series
around a value H b @Fig. 1~b!#. When a H field variation is
applied to the sample, DB is written as3
DB5 m D DH. ~1!
When the variation applied is sufficiently small, the incre-
mental permeability can be approximated by the normal per-
meability ( m D > m ). Since m 5 m 0 m 1r , where m 0 is the mag-
netic permeability in the vacuum and m r the relative
permeability; the inductance L of a coil wrapped on a toroi-
dal core of magnetic permeability m can be written as8
m 0 m r AN 2
L5 , ~2!
where A is the cross-sectional area of the toroidal sample, N
is the number of turns, and l is the length of the coil, 2 p r,
where r is the radius of the toroid.
Thus the measurement of the inductance L as a function of
the magnetic field H allows the determination of the relative Fig. 1. ~a! Hysteresis loop with the remanent field B r and coercive field H c
magnetic permeability ( m r ) as a function of the magnetic and saturation values H m and B m . ~b! Part of the magnetization curve and
field H. 9,10 Knowing how the magnetic permeability varies the definitions of the different magnetic permeabilities.

449 Am. J. Phys. 66 ~5!, May 1998 © 1998 American Association of Physics Teachers 449
connecting one of the windings to a VARIAC and increasing
the ac voltage from 0 to 10 V and then slowly decreasing it
to zero.


Figure 3~a!–~d! shows the m r vs H curves for the silicon
Fig. 2. The experimental setup employed for the experiment. The induc- iron sheets in the four orientations measured. The values of
tance meter is a hand held multimeter capable of measuring inductances in
the permeability are different for the materials with nonori-
the range from 0.1 mH to 20 H.
ented and oriented grain and also for the measurements made
at different orientations of the sample with oriented grains.
kHz and provides a digital reading with 5% precision. The The intensity of the H field was strong enough to saturate
current provided by the inductance meter is very small, sat- only the samples with oriented grain in the parallel and 45°
isfying the condition that m D > m . direction, as can be seen by the almost constant values of the
Commercial silicon iron transformer sheets12 of oriented permeability m r above 200 A/m for some branches of the m r
~OG; 1.2-mm thickness! and nonoriented grain ~NOG; 0.7 vs H curve. The maximum values of the permeability are the
mm-thickness! were cut in strips and formed into rings by ones expected for the orientation and type of material in-
spot welding the ends. For the oriented grain samples the creasing in the following order NOG,OGT,OG-45°
strips were cut in the longitudinal ~parallel!, transverse ~or ,OGL, showing that the oriented material performs better
perpendicular!, and 45° direction ~OGL, OGT, and OG-45°!. even when the field is in the perpendicular direction to the
Before each measurement the samples were demagnetized by grain orientation. Because saturation was obtained only for

Fig. 3. The relative permeability m r as a function of the H field for the iron silicon transformer sheets of nonoriented grain and oriented grain in different
directions in relation to the applied field.

450 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 5, May 1998 Apparatus and Demonstration Notes 450
Fig. 4. The hysteresis curve B vs H obtained after numerical integration of the magnetic permeability shown in Fig. 3.

the material with grain oriented in the parallel and 45° direc- lower than that of the material itself. A thermal annealing
tions a comparison of magnetic parameters is possible only after welding would be necessary to recover the full perme-
in these two orientations. ability of the material. In summary, it was shown that a
The B vs H curves, obtained after integration of the data simple and inexpensive arrangement can be employed to
shown in Fig. 3, are shown in Fig. 4~a!–~d!. It can be seen study the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic materials.
that the easiest material to saturate is the silicon iron with The method also allows the opportunity to discuss the effects
oriented grains in the parallel direction followed by the ori- of eddy currents and flux leakage in the values obtained for
ented grain at 45°. The other plots don’t show saturation of the magnetic permeability.
the B vs H curve, as was noticed before in the m r vs H
The saturation B field for the oriented grain samples is in
We are grateful to ACESITA for providing us with the
the range between 0.19 and 0.29 T for the oriented grain
silicon-iron sheets and to M. Oliva, E. Navas, and J. Aziani
samples and is 0.08 T for the nonoriented grain sample, the
for technical support. Financial support from CNPq, CAPES,
respective H field range is shown in each figure. The area of
and FAPESP is also appreciated.
the hysteresis loop can also be calculated giving a variation
of energy density h in a cycle and the value obtained for the 1
B. D. Cullity, Introduction to Magnetic Materials ~Addison–Wesley,
parallel direction is 22 J/m3 compared to 24 J/m3 in the 45° Reading, MA, 1972!, 1st ed., pp. 8–22, 37–41, 62, 63, 563, 564.
direction. 2
Forest K. Harris, Electrical Measurements ~Wiley, New York, 1966!, 7th
We could not find values of the magnetic permeability at 1 ed., pp. 301–312, 342–349.
kHz in the literature to compare with the present values.
Richard M. Bozorth, Ferromagnetism ~Van Nostrand, Princeton, NJ,
Some caution must be taken when comparing data obtained 1956!, 4th ed., pp. 1–12, 843–855.
Chin-Shan Lue, ‘‘A direct method for viewing ferromagnetic phase tran-
with the present method with the ones found in the literature sition,’’ Phys. Teach. 32 ~5!, 304–305 ~1994!.
because the frequency can be different. Moreover, the 5
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451 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 5, May 1998 Apparatus and Demonstration Notes 451
J. F. Streib, ‘‘Properties of a ferrite toroid transformer,’’ Am. J. Phys. 32 magnetic susceptibility and electrical conductivity,’’ Am. J. Phys. 61 ~10!,
~11!, 24–26 ~1964!. 943–946 ~1993!.
J. W. Snider, ‘‘Magnetic hysteresis measurements with an integrating G. E. Everett and L. J. Bruner, ‘‘A new approach to the measurement of
complex impedance in the undergraduate laboratory,’’ Am. J. Phys. 37 ~1!,
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Gaylord P. Harnwell, Principles of Electricity and Electromagnetism 11
Wavetek Co. Instruments Division, San Diego, CA 92123-1509.
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Cia Aços Especiais Itabira—ACESITA, Belo Horizonte, MG 30130-180,
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452 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 5, May 1998 Apparatus and Demonstration Notes 452

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