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O’DRILL 10” DESANDERS The O’Drill’'s Desander units come with complete Mud trough, manifold, 10" polyurethane hydrocyciones, pressure gauge and all necessary connections. Built, on an easily moved skit, the complete assembly is coated with a zinc primer and a topcoat of urethane acrylic paint SPECIFICATIONS OF O’DRILL 10” CONE DESANDER UNITS weapen | 2 ori |reep DIAMETER] PART |RATE|LENGTH | wipTH | HEIGHT |WEIGHT| INSIDE NUMBER |(GPM)|(INCHES)|(INCHES)(INCHES)| (LBS) | (INCHES) DSN-500-1| 500] 40 | 7 | «2 | oo | 8 [Dsn-1000-2| 1000/40 | 74 | 42 | 700 | 8 | DSN-1500-3| to#o| 67 | 74 | 42 | 1040 | 8 osw-so0-t6} soo] 20 | as | 75 | oo | 8 | fpsw-t00028| 1000] 40 | 40 | 76 | 760 | 8 10” DESANDERS & REPLACEMENT PARTS REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR O'DRILL VERTICAL 10” HYDROCYCLONE DESANDER UNITS ‘WEIGHT DESCRIPTION iss) one Top Secon 10 6 ane Mile Secon TO a ‘Cone Botom Secon 10 1g = ‘lamp Gand 101 3 = i ‘lamp Gand in ‘Apex 1/10 Cone t SPECIFICATIONS OF A O'DRILL 10” DESANDER CONE ‘apex 1747/10 Gone fis ‘Apex VFO Cone. 4 conPlire ONT DIAMETER 7Seeeror HEAD ‘Apex Hodes 10 z tS. INCHES ‘oom inne Seow z 78 10% 500 Washer Assy FTO Cane 4 Via S Wisen 3 RECOMMENDED OPERATING PRESSURES FOR ‘Glarp vel WSea! Sy 78 + O’DRILL 10” DESANDER (OPERATION SHOULD BE AT ‘Clamp Viet 8 WSeal Sty 77 2 ‘75 FEET OF HEAD) lamp Vi 8 Weal Sy 76 rs up SPECIFIC GRAVITY | PROPER OPERATING lank Viale 8 te weer ‘oF MUD. PRESSURE (PS Er Overion 5 @ 333 00 2 Gauge Header 0100 Sle 4 30 78 35 7 fe Clr aro 700. 120 0 ‘Both 77 & 78 Style Camps ae cfored. 08 12 % 120 “4a ar RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS FOR 130 "56 0 ‘ONE YEAR’S OPERATIONS OF O°DRILL 140 7188 a 40” CONE DESANDER UNIT 150 780 38 O°Drill recommends 1 complete cone along 12 el with (1) 8° Victualic clamp, seal & blank and for es 2! A 0 those who have purchased a box end style ae desander (1) 5” overflow ell. 240 78

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