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Slanted strip pair circularlv Polarized

Microstr io Antennas

Y.Kazm'* T.Suda' N.Mor i ta' S.Tokuwru'

JaDan Radio Co. .Ltd. Chiba Institute of Tech. Keio Universitv
Hitaka. Tdtvo Narashino. Chiba Kohoku. Y o k o h m
I. Intro&ction
Currenlly. narrow bandridlh wireless card systems spread widely in
lapan. In these systems. the bandridlh can be nearly one percent and high
gain circularly polarized base station anlennas are required. Typical
examples are 2 . 4 CHz band wireless card system and ETC (Eleclronic T o l l
Collection) syslem. 'lidely used anlennas for these systems are usual
circularly polarized microslrip array antennas.
In lhis paper. r e presents. for use in these systems, slanted strip
pair(SSP) circularlypolarizediicroslrip anlenna ( C P U [I] [21 , wbicb
is one of the herringbone array anlennas [31 . In reference [I] , the change
01 field slrength by the change of gap belreen feed line and strip element.
is discussed. However, lhere are no dala Io design practical CPW. This
paper lirst investigates coupling characlerislics between feed line and
one slanted strip, and next investigales indetail antenna characteristies
of the C P W element consisling of a pair of slanted slrips, lhal is.
S-parameters. gain. axial ralio, and radiation pallern. Then. we show the
characlerislics 0 1 lour eleaenl array. These data seem lo be useful to
design Ibe CPMA. Ensemble E41 is used lor numerical analysis.
2. on, e l m of SSPBWA
Fig. 1 shows one elemenl SSP-CPU. The inclination angle 0 is 45" .
The pernillivily of the subslrale is 2.6. The element length is indicaled
by I. and Ihe ridlh is by d. The element lenglh is measured by Ihe cenler
point of the width d. Fig.2 is (he measured and calculaled values of
lransmission coefficienl S21 of one slanted element as a funclion of gap
width g between feed line and antenna element. The feed line is designed
so thal Ihe characteristics impedance is 50 a. The design freauency is
2.43CHz. Fromthis figure. w e c a n s e e h o w m u c h e n e r m iscoupled loanlenna
element. On the basis of lbese dala one eiemenl SSP-CPYAras designed. Fig. 3
shows the lreauency response of S I 1 and SZI o f thus designed SSP-CPU. The
@ 7 ~ 3 - 7 3 3 W Q 2 $ I 7 . l X l OIEEE
SSP-CPUradiates good circular polarizedraverith Ihe resoninl frequency
being2.43GHz. Fig.) is Ihesainand axial ratio fregue~cycharacteristics.
The gain of SSP-CPW is almosl I dBi and almost perfect circular polarized
wave is obtained at Ihe resonant frequency. Typical e x w l e of the
radiation pailern i s shom in Fis.5. The nelled par1 means axial ratio
radialion pattern.
a. FOW el& NTdY Of
le next desisn four element array of SSP-CPW based on Ihe rerulls of
section E. Fis.6 indicales the schematic 01 four elemenls array of SSP-CPW.
Each SSP-CPU is arranged l o have intervals of A,, where A . is the
wavelenglb of feed line. Fis.1 presents the frequency response of VSlR of
this antenna. lecsnsee lhal lhis antennahas arelativelynarrorbandwidlb.
lig.8 presents the frequency characteristics 01 S I 1 and S21. and Pis.9
rbors Ibe frequency response 01 sain and axial ralio. le can also see lhat
the antenna has narrow hasdwidlh characteristics. The antenna sain in lhis
case is l1dBi or more. Typical e x w l e 01 radiation pallern of the anlenna
is shom inPiss.lO(a) and (b). Fig.IO(a) i s the radiation pillern in the
array direction and Fis.IO(b) is the pattern in the directionvertical 10
the feed line. The solid line indicates Ibe radiation pallern of
right-handed circularly polarized wave and dashed line shows Ihe cross
polarizedwave. EacbSSP-CPU is fed byuniforaanplilude. Fairlybi8bsain
and good radialion characteristics are observed.
4. ConcluriM
Firstly. slanted strip pair circularly polarization microstrip
antenna (SSP-CPW is investisated. Coupling cbaracleristics are sludied
in detail. Secondly. accordiu t o the results 01 SSP-CPIU four element
SSP-CPU array anlenna is designed. High gain and sood radialion
characterislics are observed.
and N.GOTO.'Circularly pnlerized microstrip
[I] K.ITO. N . A I Z A U .
antennas.. Report o l Technical Group, IECE 01 Japan, Rl8-90.
pp.21-26, 1918. (in fapanese)
[El E.R.Cashen, UI Patent Specilicalion No. 1512273, 4 Yay 1971.
[31 J.R. James andG. J.lilson. UIPatenl SpecilicalionNo.1519361. 18Ocl.
[I1 k s o f l Corp.ANSOFT Ensemble User's gnide.Ver.6.0. 1999.

--w a w.

00 IO 20 30
Pig.1 Conlipration 01 one
z h"
element SSP-CPU.
Fig.2 Measured and calculiled
dala 01 S21 versus gap widlb

2.40 2.45 2.50 I

F r ~ w m r yLOHzl
2.10 2.42 2 . u 2.40 2.40 2.50
Fr.~~no y

Fig.3 Frequency response of

SI1 and S 2 1 01 SSP-CPIU Pig.4 Frequency response 01 gain
and axial ratio 01 SSP-CPHA.

Pig.6 Scheaatic o f lour eieoenl

array 01 SSP-CPHA.
Fig.5 Typical example 01
radiation pattern 01 SSP-CPHA 896
Pig.? Preauencu response 0 1 VSlR 01 four element array of SSP-CPU.

Y, - 611


Fig.8 Frequency versos SI1 and S21 Pig.9 Qreaucncv rcspo of gain
o f four elenenl array o f SSP-CPIU. and axial ratio 01 I elenenl
array Of SSP-CPU.


Pis.10 Radiation Dillern of four elemenl array of SSP-CPU,


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