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DATE 20 s/d 28 APRIL 2018


1 Ihrom Fatma Saputri P1337424717008
2 Else Sri Rahayu P1337424717031
3 Honesty Pujiyani P1337424717042
4 Fatihah Wari Nurjanah P1337424717043
5 Siti Raihanah P1337424717007
6 Hindun Mila Hudzaifah P1337424717032
7 Rizqitha P1337424717051
8 Sarah Fitria P1337424717040
9 Indrie Aulia Rifni P1337424717039
10 Meliyana P1337424717019
11 Mery Tresiana Efendi P1337424717029
12 Eftyaningrum Dwi W.A P1337424717077


DATE 20 s/d 28 APRIL 2018

Semarang, ………………… 2018

Ka. Prodi Kebidanan

Dr. Melyana Nurul Widyawati,S.SiT.,M.Kes

NIP. 197909032002122002


First of all, the writer wants to express his thanks to Allah SWT, because of

His bless and grace, The paper entitled ” Thai Traditional Medicine in Siriraj

Hospital : Nine Taste, Herbs of Medicine, and Tour Garden” can be finished on


On this section the writer would like to say thank you for those who have

guided in completing this paper, especially to:

1. Prof. Dr. dr. Soeharyo Hadisaputro, Sp PD-KPTI, as Counselor on recidence

activity postgraduate of applied midwifery program politechnic of ministry of

health semarang

2. Dr. Melyana Nurul Widyawati S.SiT., M. Kes as Advisor who have adviced to

complete this paper

3. All relatives and Friends group 6 who have exchanged ideas to finish this paper.

The writer realizes that this paper is still far from being perfect because of

his limited ability, knowledge and references of literature; however, the writer

hopes that it will be of some value to the readers, and he hopes suggestions and


Semarang, April 2018

Group VI


TITLE OF PAGES ............................................................................................ i

VALIDITY SHEET ......................................................................................... ii
PREFACE .......................................................................................................... iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. iv

A. Background ............................................................................................... 1
B. Purpose ...................................................................................................... 2
C. Scope ......................................................................................................... 3
D. Research Benefits ...................................................................................... 3


A. Description of Residency Activities of Second Day
in Siriraj Hospital ...................................................................................... 4
B. Analysis Of Midwifery Care in Siriraj Hospital ....................................... 11
C. The Problem in Siriraj Hospital Of Second Day....................................... 11


A. Differences of service between Indonesia and Thailand .......................... 13


A. Conclussion ............................................................................................... 17
B. Advice ....................................................................................................... 17

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 18
DOCUMENTATION .......................................................................................... 19


A. Background

Thai traditional medicine is one of the most valuable heritages handed down

from Thai ancestors. In spite of increasing popularity of Western modern medicine,

Thai traditional medicine is still widely used in taking care of health in daily life

especially among the rural Thais. For the past decade, the government and private

organizations have worked in collaboration to restore the values and popularity of

Thai traditional medicine. Recently, the Ministry of Public Health has promoted

the use of herbal medicine, and the Center for Herbal Information has collected

data and performed scientific studies on this matter. Thai traditional medicine

consists of traditional medicine, traditional pharmacy, traditional massage, and

traditional midwifery (Jacobson, 2014).

There are four basic principles of pharmacy include Drug matters, drug

attributes, drug grouping and drug compounding. Knowledge of taste of drugs is

important because the taste is correlated with the pharmacological action.

Commonly divided into nine tastes: astringent taste for diarrhea, healing of

wounds; sweet taste for skin refresheners, muscle tonic, cardiac tonic; nauseating

taste for detoxification, skin disease, insect bites; bitter taste for blood and bile

tonic, antipyretic action, stimulating the appetite; nutty taste for tendon defect, tonic

for joint fluid; fragrant taste for heart, liver and lung tonic; salty taste for laxatives,

softening the sputum; sour taste for blood purification, relieving thirst; pungent

taste for antiflatulence, promoting sweating (Thaya, 2012).

At present, particularly in developing countries, medicinal plants continue to

be the main source of medication. It has been estimated that approximately 80% of

the world's inhabitants and 88% of the inhabitants of underdeveloped countries rely

mainly on traditional medicine for their primary health care systems. When using

herbs for treatment of any diseases or symptom, it is important to know the nature

of the disease or symptom and whether the person who will receive that drug really

has that disease or symptom so that the use of herbs will be both beneficial and safe

(Jacobson, 2014).

B. Purpose

1. General Purpose

Analyze the general overview of the pharmacological principle of traditional

Thai medicine at Siriraj Piyamaharajkarun Hospitals in Bangkok, Thailand.

2. Special Purpose

a. Analyze the concept of nine medicinal tastes of traditional herbal medicine

in Thai medicine.

b. Apply the concept of nine medicinal tastes of Herbal medicine in Thai

traditional medicine.

c. Know the types of herbs through the garden tour.

C. Scope

Field study at Siriraj Piyamaharajkarun Hospitals Bangkok, Thailand on April

23-26, 2018. This report describes the activities at Siriraj Piyamaharajkarun

Hospitals Bangkok Thailand on the second day of April 24, 2018.

D. Research Benefits

1. Theoretical benefits

The results of this report are expected to add library materials related to

traditional medicine in Thai Herbal medicine.

2. Practical Benefits

a. For Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Providing input for Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang to develop herbal

medicine in Indonesia through structured education.

b. For Students

Enhance the ability of students to understand Herbal medicine in Thai

traditional medicine.



A. Description of Residency Activities of Second Day in Siriraj Hospital

1. Food as Herbal

The activities in Siriraj Hospital in the second day.

It is on april, 24 th 2018. At that time we learn about nine tastes of herbal

medicine. They are:

a. Astringent/Dry Taste

b. Sweet Taste

c. Nutty/ Oily Taste

d. Nauseating Taste

e. Gentle/Fragrant taste

f. Bitter Taste

g. Pungent/ Hot Taste

Picture 2.1 Small group discussion about taste as
h. Salty Taste herbs

i. Sour Taste

2. Small group food as herbal

And than , we devided into some group. Each of group must task many

kinds of taste. So we must smell, eat the herbs. So we can decided whetheir

astringent or sweet taste or something else.

a. Astringent / Dry Taste

Among them are plants or fruit;

Unripe Banana, Pomegranate Peel and

Mangosteen Peel. Plants or herbs such

as bananas are taken with a fruit that

mengkal, if too yellow then make or

contained too sweet for the


Indication :

1) Healing Earth, external and internal wound

2) Relieving peptic ulcer and diarrhea

Precaution :

1) Constipation

2) Flatuence

3) Cough

b. Sweet Taste

Among them are plants or fruit; Licorice Root, Honey and Sugarcane.

Indication :

1) Promoting Water

2) Moistening Earth

3) Freshening skin and body as a tonic

4) Relieving dry cough


1) Wet/ Infected


2) Diabetes

3) Nausea

4) Productive cough

Sugarcane is not recommended for diabetes. How to consume honey

is usually mixed with lemon remember cough healing (precaution). If

honey is enabled for healing of dry wounds on the skin.

c. Nutty/ Oily Taste

Among them are plants or

fruit; Sasame Seed, Peanut and

Mung Bean. Nutty / oil taste

functioned as a source of power

/ strength but for high heat

sufferers is not recommended.

Likewise with acne sufferer is only a little allowed / recommended.

Indication :

1) Nourishing Earth; Bone, Join, Muscle or tendon

2) Relieving musculouskeletal stiffness

Precaution :

1) Cough

2) Asthma

3) Fever

d. Nauseating Taste

Among them are plants or fruit; Konjac and Kingworm Bush Leaf.

Nauseating taste it is recommended because many of its toxin content.

Indication :

1) Detoxifying and purifying, Water, blood and lymph.

2) Relieving skin disease and insect bites

Precaution :

1) Heart condition

2) Cough

e. Bitter Taste

Among them are plants or fruit; Bitter Gourd and Bitter Melon.

Indication :

1) Balancing Fire and Water

2) Using as blood and bile tonic

3) Relieving fever and thirsty

4) Stimulating food appetite

Precaution :

1) Heart condition

2) Flatuence

Bitter gourd on this bitter

taste as anti diabetic but not

recommended at the state of

process of expenditure of

lochea but usually consumed

at the time of 1 month after


In addition there is exposure to the brotowali plant as a treatment for

the liver and also in function as an appetite drug. About this plant is very

closely related to the element especially the water element. And than

sambiroto plant that functioned as a treatment of diarrhea and cough


f. Pungent/ Hot Taste

Among them are plants or

fruit; Pepper, Garlic and


Indication :

1) Promoting Fire

2) Stimulating Wind

3) Relieving dysmenorrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence, numbness ang chillness


1) Fever

2) Inflammation

3) Hypertension

4) Menorrhagia

g. Gentle/ Fragrant Taste

Among them are plants

or fruit; Jasmine Flower,

Pandan Leaf and Saffron

Stigma. In gentle / fragrant

taste is usually made a plant

extract that can be drunk like

leaf extract / wood secang.

Indication :

1) Soothing Fire

2) Smoothening Wind

3) Using as a tonic for heart, liver and lung, Relieving dizziness, fainting,

headache and thirsty

Precaution : Flatulence

h. Salty Taste

Among them; Common Salt ( Sodium Chloride) and Epsom Salt

(Magnesium Sulfate).

Indication :

1) Preserving Earth

2) Scouring Water

3) Relieving constipation, productive cough and skin disease

Precaution :

1) Peptic ulcer

2) Dry cough

3) Diarrhea, Dysentry

i. Sour Taste

Among them are plants or fruit; Tamarind Leaf and Fruit, Lime and

Indian Gooseberry.

Indication :

1) Puryfying and excreting Water;blood;sputum

2) Relieving constipation,productive cough and thirsty


1) Skin diseases

2) Diarrhea

3) Fever

3. Tour garden

Next, we go to tour garden. The garden is near the hospital. The garden

coasist of many kinds of herbs. Every herbs have a name and usage. So at that

time we go around the garden and the guide explained every herbs.

The second activity at garden were short course training. We filled

crossword puzzles with medicinal plants information and saw location of

medicinal plants in the park.

4. Exercised Of Quiz

The last activity of second day in siriraj hospital were quiz to all of

groups. Quiz asked picture about plants of herbs. The picture was divided into


B. Analysis Of Midwifery Care in Siriraj Hospital

Exam those activities we related to our midwifery. Like fragrant taste is good

for pregrant women. Fragrant taste is the most recomanded for post partum

woman. When a post partum mother has constipation sour taste is recommanded

to use for example in tamarind juice. Secang Leaf is good for pragnant women.

C. The Problem in Siriraj Hospital Of Second Day

a. The plants of herbs are different in Indonesia. Not all plants in thailand were

identified with indonesia plants. So its hard to application in indonesia

b. The lecturer explained the herbs only to the illnes generally. Only a little that

related to the midwife service

c. So many plants to be learned is garden tour but the time is a little. We felt

difficult to remember about all of them medicinal plant in garden.


For 4 days at Siriraj Piyamaharajkarun Hospital, many new science and the

experience we get especially about herbal medicine. Home sakit Siriraj have 2 health

services, namely thai herbal medicine and western medicine. Our learning objectives

focused on herbal medicine.

The second day's activities in the S iriraj discusses about 9 taste of medical

herbal medicine. According 9 taste of Thai herbal medicine associated with the concept

of the 4th element in the human body, like water, fire, earth and wind. 9 flavors of

herbal medicine in Indonesia haven’t known specifically, although in the application

of the treatment already we use on a wide variety of medicines, e.g. in healing cough

by giving mixed acid (lime) with soy sauce.

The application of herbal treatment such as thai medicine Siriraj Hospital

haven’t been applied in

the Ministry of health

hospitals in Indonesia,

especially for obstetrics.

More treatment using

western medicine.

Picture 3.1 Herbals lemon mixed with soy sauce

to cure cough

Herbal treatment used by physicians, herbalists and alternative medicine of

China. Herbal treatment will be used as an option when a patient has been discharged

from hospital.

Siriraj hospital has herbal medicine plants, where they make use of the Court

by plants and herbs they use for the treatment of thai medicine. Plants and herbs that

they introduce us, as it turns out there are some plants that are kind of the same, but

different forms and names.

In Thailand, we encountered a large sizes of crops (Bangkok). One example,

plants in Thailand, where temulawak has a large size compared to in Indonesia.

Picture 3. 2 Temulawak’s Thailand

Picture 3.3 Temulawak’s Indonesian

Herbal medicine in Indonesia hasn’t been legalised as herbal medicine in

Thailand, where the majority of this treatment was applied by rural communities.

Herbal plant known in Indonesia is a medicinal plant families (TOGA), usually used

by rural communities in the activities of the PKK (Pembinaan Kesehjateraan

Keluarga), one dasawisma has a Court of the TOGA, which can be utilized society to

treat a family member in preventive phase, rehabilitative and curative.

One implementation of the herbal treatment hasn’t been on treatment medicine,

due to lack of support from the Government and health care personnel to deepend

interest in herbal medicine as a whole and still lack the research discusses herbs

holistically, because the large number of assumptions community, that the herbal

treatment and healing process generations long.

All types of plants and herbal treatments that are applied by Siriraj hospital have

a positive impact on the healing process of the patient's disease. Siriraj Hospital has a

team of media and promotion health services are good enough. Facilities and

infrastructure available gave priority to the satisfaction of service to patients. It can be

used as an example to be applied in the service of healthy especially of hospitals in

Indonesia in the future.


A. Conclusion

Siriraj hospital has two places of health services, they are western medicine

and Thai herbal medicine. Thai herbal medicine explain 9 flavors of herbal

remedies, namely dry taste, taste sweet, oily taste, nauseating taste, bitter taste, hot

fragrant taste, taste, taste salty and sour taste. Nine flavors associated with the

concept of four-element in the human body, i.e. water, fire, Earth and air.

Traditional thai herbal treatment medicine siriraj hospital hasn’t been

applied in the Ministry of health hospitals in Indonesia, herbal treatment used by

physicians, herbalists and alternative medicine of China. Herbal plants of Thai

Tradisional Medicine that has been scientifically tested can be used as an

alternative medicine with various ways of giving.

B. Advice

1. We recommend that field study are expected in future science or more

materials studied there and leads on obstetrics.

2. The given material should preferably be based on the research or evidence

based and thus more easily accepted or applied in Indonesia.

3. Should more be explained about the mechanism or patofisiologis the use of

herbal medicine to relieve the symptoms of certain diseases.

4. Implementation of the garden tour is better done in the morning and divided

into smaller groups so that students receive more focus in the explanation.


Chotchoungchatchai, S., et al. 2012. Medicinal plants used with Thai Traditional
Medicine in modern healthcare services: A case study in Kabchoeng Hospital, Surin
Province, Thailand. Journal of ethnopharmacology.141(1): 193-205.

Jacobsen, N. and C. P. Salguero. 2014. Thai herbal medicine: Traditional recipes for
health and harmony. Findhorn Press.

Soonanond, Manoon. 2014. Thai Traditional Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine

Siriraj Hospital. Bangkok: Supavanich Press.


Learning about medicinal taste as Herbs

Small Group Discussion about medicinal taste as Herbs

Tour in Garden to looking for medicinal plants

Quiz About Puzzle Of Medicinal Plants


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