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abasourdir to dumbfound, stun, bewilder

abâtardir to deteriorate, debase
abâtardir, s’ to degenerate
abêtir to make stupid
abêtir, s’ to become stupid
abolir to abolish
aboutir to end up, succeed
abrutir, s’ to degrade o.s.
accomplir to accomplish, carry out
accroupir, s’ to squat
adoucir to sweeten, soften
adoucir, s’ to get milder [weather]
affadir to make tasteless, insipid
affadir, s’ to become tasteless, insipid
affaiblir to weaken, reduce
affaiblir, s’ to become weak, lose strength
affermir to strengthen, consolidate
affermir, s’ to become stronger
affranchir to stamp (letter), emancipate, set free (slave)
affranchir de, s’ to break free from
agir to act
agir de, s’ to be about
agrandir to make larger
agrandir, s’ to grow larger
aguerrir to harden to hardship
aguerrir, s’ to become hardened
ahurir to bewilder, flabbergast
aigrir to embitter, sour
aigrir, s’ to turn sour, become embittered
alourdir to make heavy
alourdir, s’ to grow heavy, stupid, dull
alunir to land on the moon
amaigrir to make thin, impoverish (soil)
amaigrir, s’ to grow thin
amerrir to alight (on the sea)
ameublir to loosen, break up (soil)
amincir to thin down, make thinner
amincir, s’ to slim down
amoindrir to reduce, diminish
amoindrir, s’ to diminish, grow less
amollir to soften
amollir, s’ to become soft
amortir to deaden (sound), amortize, depreciate
amortir, s’ to become deadened
anéantir to reduce to nothing
anéantir, s’ to vanish, come to nothing
anoblir to ennoble
aplanir to smooth (surface), plane (wood)
aplanir, s’ to become smoother, easier
aplatir to flatten
aplatir, s’ to lie down flat, become flatter
appauvrir to impoverish
appauvrir, s’ to grow poor
appesantir to make heavy
appesantir, s’ to become heavy
applaudir to applaud
applaudir, s’ to congratulate o.s.
approfondir to deepen, study thoroughly
approfondir, s’ to grow deeper
arrondir to round off
arrondir, s’ to become round
assagir to calm down, sober
assagir, s’ to become wiser, sober down
assaillir to assault, attack
assainir to cleanse, make healthier
assainir, s’ to improve, become sounder
asservir to enslave, reduce to slavery
asservir à, s’ to submit to, subject o.s. to
assombrir to darken
assombrir, s’ to cloud over, become dark
assortir to match (colours), stock (shop)
assoupir to dull (pain), lull (passion), make drowsy (sb)
assoupir, s’ to doze off
assouplir to make supple, soften
assouplir, s’ to become supple
assourdir to deafen, tone down
assourdir, s’ to die away, grow fainter
assouvir to quench (thirst), appease (passion)
assouvir, s’ to become sated, glut o.s.
assujettir to subdue, fasten, curb (passions)
assujettir à, s’ to subject o.s. to, submit to
attendrir to make tender (meat), soften (vegetables)
attendrir, s’ to be moved, become tender [meat]
atterrir to land, touch ground
attiédir to cool down, make lukewarm
attiédir, s’ to cool off, become less enthusiast
avachir, s’ to loose one’s energy, become sloppy
avertir to warn, notify
aveulir to make indifferent
aveulir, s’ to become indifferent
avilir to degrade, render vile
avilir, s’ to demean o.s., lose value
bannir de to bannish from, expel from
barrir to trumpet [elephant]
bâtir to build, construct
bénir to bless
blanchir to turn white [hair], whitewash (wall)
blanchir, se to clear one’s name
blêmir to turn pale, grow dim
blettir (rare) to become over-ripe [fruit]
bleuir to turn blue
blondir to turn golden [wheat], go fairer [hair]
blottir, se to curl up, snuggle up
bondir to bounce, leap, spring
bouffir to become bloated, swollen
brandir to brandish (arm), wave about (object)
brunir to tan, become dark
brunir, se to go darker
candir, se (rare) to crystallize [sugar]
chancir (rare) to go mouldy
chancir, se (rare) to go mouldy
chérir to cherish
choisir to choose, select
clapir to squeal [rabbit]
compatir à to sympathize with, be indulgent towards
convertir to convert, win over
convertir à, se to become converted, turn to
crépir (rare) to grain (leather), roughcast (wall)
croupir to lie (in filth), stagnate [water]
débâtir to pull down
décatir (rare) to take the gloss off (cloth)
décatir, se (rare) to age, lose one’s freshness
décrépir (rare) to strip plaster
décrépir, se to fall into disrepair
définir to define
défleurir to loose blossom [tree]
défraîchir to take away the freshness
défraîchir, se to lose one’s freshness
dégarnir to empty (bank account, store window)
dégarnir, se to lose its leaves, one’s hair
dégauchir to rough-plane (board)
déglutir (rare) to swallow
dégourdir to remove stiffness from (limb), revive
dégourdir, se to warm up, stretch one’s limbs, grow more alert
dégrossir to rough down (timber), trim
dégrossir, se to acquire polish
déguerpir to move out secretly [tenant], bolt
démolir to demolish (house), knock down (argument)
démunir de to deprive from
démunir de, se to part with, give up (sth)
dénantir de, se to give up, to part with (securities)
dépérir to waste away [person], decline [health], wither [tree]
dépolir to dull (surface), to grind (glass)
dépolir, se to become dull
déraidir to unstiffen
déraidir, se to lose its stiffness [limb], become less tense
désassortir to break up (collection)
désemplir, se to empty [room]
désemplir, ne pas se to be always full [store]
désenlaidir to make less ugly
désépaissir to thin down (hair, sauce)
désinvestir to reduce one’s investments
désobéir à to disobey, be disobedient
dessaisir de to dispossess of
dessaisir de, se to relinquish, part with
dessertir to unset (precious stone)
désunir to disunite, divide (people), separate (boards)
désunir, se to become disunited, to come apart
dévernir to remove varnish
divertir to amuse, entertain
divertir, se to amuse o.s.
doucir (rare) to polish (metal, glass)
durcir to harden
durcir, se to harden, grow hard
ébahir to astound, flabbergast
ébahir de, s’ to gape at, stand dumbfounded at
éblouir to dazzle
éclaircir to clear up (mystery), thin (forest)
éclaircir, s’ to clear up [weather], become clearer [situation], become thinner [hair]
écrouir (tech). to hammer-harden (metal)
élargir to widen (road), set free (prisoner)
élargir, s’ to widen out, extend
embellir to embellish, make more beautiful
embellir, s’ to become more beautiful
emboutir to stamp, press (metal), run into (car)
emboutir, s’ to collide [cars]
embrunir (rare) to make brown, darken
embrunir, s’ (rare) to darken
emplir to fill up
emplir de, s’ to fill up with
empuantir to fill with stink, with bad odour
enchérir to go up in price, make a higher bid
endolorir to make painful, sore (limb)
endolorir, s’ to become painful
endurcir à to toughen, harden to
endurcir, s’ to harden, become tough
enfouir to bury
enfouir, s’ to bury o.s.
engloutir to run through (fortune), gobble up (food)
engloutir, s’ to sink [boat], be engulfed
engourdir to benumb (mind, limb) [cold, heat]
engourdir, s’ to grow numb [limb]
enhardir to make bolder
enhardir, s’ to become bolder
enlaidir to make ugly
enlaidir, s’ to grow ugly
ennoblir to ennoble (sb), improve the quality (product)
enorgueillir to make proud
enorgueillir de, s’ to pride o.s. on
enrichir to enrich, make wealthy
enrichir, s’ to grow rich, make money
ensevelir to shroud (corpse), bury, entomb
ensevelir, s’ to disappear (under ruins)
envahir to invade
épaissir to thicken (sauce), get thicker
épaissir, s’ to become thick [smoke], thicken [hair, fog], grow fat
épanouir (lit.) to open out [flower]
épanouir, s’ to open out [flower], light up [face], blossom out [beauty]
estourbir (lit.) to stun [by a blow], to stupefy
établir to establish (business), set up (record), prove (fact)
établir, s’ to establish o.s. (in a place), become established [custom]
étourdir to stun, make dizzy
étourdir, s’ to drown one’s sorrows, try to forget
évanouir, s’ to faint
faiblir to weaken, lose power [engine], abate [wind]
farcir de to stuff with (poultry), cram with (ideas, quotations)
farcir la mémoire de, se to cram one’s memory with
finir to finish, end
fléchir to bend (knee), sag [knees], weaken [currency]
flétrir to wither up [flower], slur [reputation]
flétrir, se to wither [flower]
fleurir to blossom [plant] (imparfait fleurissait); thrive, flourish
(imparfait florissait)
forcir to grow stronger [wind], to grow strong [child]
fouir to dig ground [animal]
fourbir to furbish (arm), polish up (metal object)
fournir to supply, provide, follow suit (when playing cards)
fournir de, se to provide o.s. with
fraîchir to become cooler [weather]
franchir to jump over (ditch), get over (difficulty), break (sound barrier)
frémir de to quiver with, shiver with
garantir to guarantee, secure (debt)
garnir de to stock with (shop), trim with (lace)
garnir, se to fill up [room]
gauchir to warp (board), twist out of shape
gauchir, se to warp [board], twist out of shape
gémir to moan, groan
glapir to bark [fox], yap, yelp [young dog]
glatir to scream [eagle]
grandir to grow tall [child], increase [power, discontent], magnify [microscope]
grandir, se to make o.s. taller, more important
gravir to go up (hill), climb (social ladder)
grossir to grow bigger, enlarge, magnify (object)
guérir de to heal, to cure, to get over from (fever)
guérir, se to get better
guérir de, se to recover from
hennir to neigh [horse], whinny
honnir to disgrace, dishonour
impartir to grant (right, favour)
infléchir to bend (ray, policy)
infléchir, s’ to bend [ray], cave in [structure]
intervertir to invert, reverse the order
investir to invest (money), besiege (place)
investir de to invest with (mission)
jaillir de to spring from
jaunir to turn yellow, fade
jouir de to enjoy (life)
languir to languish, become weak, be slack [business]
lotir to divide into lots
maigrir to lose weight
maudire to curse (participe passé maudit)
meurtrir to bruise (flesh, fruit), wound (morally sb)
mincir to get thinner
moisir to mildew, go mouldy
moitir (tech.) to make wet (paper)
mollir to slacken [rope], lose strength [legs]
mugir to bellow [bull], low [cow], roar [wind]
munir de to provide with, equip with
munir de, se to provide o.s. with
mûrir to ripen [fruit], mature, give careful consideration to (question)
nantir de to provide with
nantir, se to secure o.s.
noircir to blacken
noircir, se to turn dark, grow dark
nordir (mar.) to turn north [wind]
nourrir to feed, cherish (hope)
nourrir de, se to eat, live on
obéir à to obey
obscurcir to darken, obscure
obscurcir, s’ to become obscure, cloud over [sky]
ourdir to hatch (plot), weave (intrigue)
pâlir to become pale, fade [colour]
pâtir to suffer
pâtir de to suffer from (injustice)
périr to perish, die (unnaturally)
pervertir to pervert, corrupt
pervertir, se to become perverted
pétrir to knead (dough, bread)
polir to polish (metal), refine (mind, manners)
polir, se to buff (nails)
pourrir to rot, decay, go bad
préétablir to pre-establish
prémunir contre, se to guard against
prémunir de, se to provide o.s. with
punir to punish
rabougrir, se to become stunted [plant]
raccourcir to shorten, reduce the length of
raccourcir, se to become shorter
racornir to make as hard as horn [leather], harden
racornir, se to become as hard as horn
radoucir to soften (tone), make milder (weather) [wind]
radoucir, se to calm down, become milder [weather]
raffermir to strengthen (authority), steady (prices), fortify (courage)
raffermir, se to harden [muscle], improve [health], steady [prices]
rafraîchir to cool down (drink, room), refresh (memory), freshen up (colour)
rafraîchir, se to become cooler [weather], to refresh o.s., to have sth to drink
ragaillardir to cheer up (depressed or tired person)
ragaillardir, se to cheer o.s. up
raidir to stiffen (cable)
raidir, se to brace o.s., become stiff [cable]
rajeunir to make sb look or feel younger, rejuvenate
rajeunir, se to make o.s. younger or look younger
ralentir to slow down (pace), slacken (efforts)
ralentir, se to slow down [production], slow up, become slow
ramollir to soften (butter, wax, sb)
ramollir, se to become soft
rancir to become rancid [oil, butter, fat]
rancir, se to become old [ideas]
ravilir to degrade, vilify
ravir to delight (sb), give great pleasure
ravir qch à qn to rob sb of sth
réagir à to react to
réassortir to restock (shop), to replace (glasses)
réassortir, se to stock up again
rebâtir to rebuild
reblanchir to whiten again
rebondir to bounce [ball], to rebound [from depression, disappointment]
reconvertir to reconvert
reconvertir, se to take up a new activity
recrépir to roughcast again (wall)
redémolir to redemolish
réfléchir to reflect (light)
réfléchir à to think about
réfléchir, se to be reflected [light], reverberate [sound]
refleurir to flower again, blossom again, flourish anew
refroidir to cool down (enthusiasm)
refroidir, se to turn cold [weather], to cool down [room]
regarnir to restock (shelves), refill (purse)
régir to govern, require (subjunctive, indicative)
regrossir to gain weight again
réinvestir to reinvest
rejaillir to splash back [water, mud]
rejaillir sur to fall back on [shame, disgrace]
réjouir to delight
réjouir de, se to be glad of, be delighted to
rélargir to widen further
rembrunir, se (rare) to cloud over [sky], darken, become sad [face]
remplir to fill (glass, questionnaire)
remplir de to fill with
remplir, se to fill [room]
renchérir to increase in price [goods]
renchérir sur to outbid, to outdo (sb)
répartir to distribute (heath, weight), spread (risk, payments), divide up (work)
répartir, se to divide (in two groups), divide up among each other (work)
répartir en, se to be divided up into
repolir to repolish
resalir to dirty again
resplendir to shine [metal]
resplendir de to glow with (health)
ressaisir to recapture (fugitive)
ressaisir, se to regain one’s self-control
ressortir à to purtain to, be under the jurisdiction of (court, country)
res(s)urgir to re-emerge, rise again
rétablir to restore (order), recover (health), re-establish (contact)
rétablir, se to recover, get well again
retentir to ring [doorbell, trumpet, words]
rétrécir to make smaller or shorter (skirt, pants), narrow (street), shrink (garment)
rétrécir, se to become narrower [street]
rétroagir to have a retroactive effect, act on the past
réunir to join together (things), gather (information), convene (assembly)
réunir, se to meet, gather together
réussir à to succeed to
rosir to blush, become pink
rôtir to roast (meat), toast (bread)
rôtir au soleil, se to bask in the sun
rougir to turn red, blush, flush (from fever, embarrassment, emotion)
rouir (tech.) to steep, soak in liquid (flax)
roussir to russet or brown (meat, linen)
rugir to roar [lion], howl [wind]
saillir to cover (mare) [horse] (defective verb used only in infinitive and
3rd persons]
saisir to seize, grab, refer (a matter to a court)
saisir de, se to seize upon
salir to dirty (linen), tarnish (reputation)
salir, se to get dirty
sertir to set (precious stone)
sévir to be rampant [poverty], be severe [cold], rage [war]
sévir contre to deal severely with
subir to undergo (operation, trial), suffer (defeat), come under (influence),
sustain (losses), experience (a rise)
subvertir didact. to subvert, undermine (public order)
surenchérir to overbid, bid higher, rise higher in price
surgir to appear suddenly [rock in sea], arise [difficulties], loom
surir to turn sour
tapir, se to crouch, stoop with the limbs pulled close to the body
tarir d’éloges sur qn, ne not to be able to stop praising sb
tarir to dry up [spring, tears], run dry [imagination]
tarir, se to run dry, dry up [source, imagination]
ternir to lose luster [silver], tarnish [reputation]
ternir, se to lose luster [silver]
tiédir to become lukewarm [water], cool off [friendship], cool down
trahir to betray, give away (secret), misrepresent (thought)
trahir, se to give o.s. away
transir (lit.) to chill to the bone [cold], benumb, paralyze [fright]
travestir to disguise, misrepresent (thought)
travestir, se to dress as sb of the opposite sex
unir to unite
unir, s’ to unite, marry
vagir to wail, cry [new-born baby]
verdir to turn green
vernir to varnish [wood, nails], glaze (piece of pottery)
vieillir to age
vieillir, se to make o.s. older or look older
vomir to vomit, throw up
vrombir to buzz [flies], hum [aircraft], throb [engine]

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