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Analysis of the biological cycle of Acartia clausi (Copepoda) in a meso-

oligotrophic coastal area of the eastern Mediterranean Sea using time-series

Article  in  Marine Biology · April 1993

DOI: 10.1007/BF00349372


22 49

2 authors, including:

Epaminondas Christou
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research


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Marine Biology115, 643-651 (1993)
9 Springer-Verlag 1993

Analysis of the biological cycle of Acartia clausi (Copepoda)

in a meso-oligotrophic coastal area of the eastern
Mediterranean Sea using time-series analysis
E. D. Christou t, G. C. Verriopoulos 2
t National Centre for Marine Research, Agios Kosmas, Hellinikon, GR-166 04 Athens, Greece
2 ZoologicalLaboratory, Universityof Athens, Panepistimiopotis,GR-157 84 Athens, Greece
Received: 19 June 1992 / Accepted: 26 November 1992

Abstract. We evaluated the duration of Copepodite field are often slower than those observed for the same
Stages C1 to C6, the biological cycle and the number of species in the laboratory (Burkill and Kendall 1982).
annual generations of the planktonic copepod Acartia In the present study, the development period of the
clausi in a meso-oligotrophic area of the eastern Mediter- copepodite stages and the generation length of the plank-
ranean Sea (Saronikos Gulf, Greece). The results were tonic copepod Acartia clausi were estimated using cross-
based on 95 zooplankton samples collected during the correlation analysis of its comparative abundance in the
period November 1988 through June 1990, at intervals of field. A. clausi is commonly found in enclosed bays and
1, 2, 7 and 15 d, the sampling intervals being dependent coastal areas where it often constitutes one of the most
on the abundance of A. clausi. Time-series analysis abundant copepod species (Specchi et al. 1981, Uye 1982,
(cross-correlation) of fluctuations in the comparative Ianora et al. 1985, Kimmerer and McKinnon 1985, Sulli-
abundance (percentages) of the copepodite stages present van and McManus 1986, Christou 1990).
was used to determine the duration of the development Similar studies have estimated stage duration from
stages and generation length. This methodology could abundance peaks progressing through consecutive devel-
significantly contribute to the identification of cohorts, opment stages (Gaudy 1976, 1984, McLaren 1978, Her-
and hence to the estimation of stage duration, from field man et al. 1984), whereby the development period of each
data for a given copepod species. The development of A. stage is estimated as the interval between two successive
clausi stages was not isochronal; duration of the first peaks of two consecutive stages. In most cases, however,
copepodite stage was shorter than that of the last three such estimates are difficult, if not impossible, because of
stages. The mean generation length estimated (28.6 d) is cohort overlapping as a result of irregular fluctuations in
among the highest recorded in the literature for A. clausi abundance (Uye 1982, Uye et al. 1983, Gaudy 1984). The
at the range of temperatures prevailing in the area (13 to present study overcomes this difficulty by using cross-
25 ~ Throughout the year there were four or five gen- correlation analysis, which identifies statistically signifi-
erations. The possible limiting role of food availability on cant relationships between fluctuations in the abundance
the duration of each stage and hence on generation length of any two development stages.
is also discussed.

Materials and methods

Samples werecollectedfrom a coastal station (about 12 m depth) in
In order to evaluate secondary production in the sea, it is the eastern Saronikos Gulf (Aegean Sea, eastern Mediterranean),
necessary to collect data on the developmental stages of whichis consideredto be a meso-oligotrophicregion (Friligos 1982,
copepods, the duration of the biological cycle and the 1984, Ignatiades et al. /982, 1983, Christou unpublished data).
Sampleswere collectedby oblique hauls at 1, 2, 7 and 15 d intervals
number of annual generations (Gaudy 1970, Edmondson during the period November 1988 through June 1990, the sampling
and Winberg 1971, Bougis 1976, Tranter 1976, Greze intervals depending on the abundance of Acartia clausi in the
1978, Landry 1978, Uye 1982). Such studies are lacking zooplankton. A 132 ~tm net (Tranter and Smith 1968), equipped
for copepods of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. with a Hydrobiosflowmeter,was used. The samples were preserved
Durations of Copepodite Stages C1 to C6 are usually in bufferedformalin (4%) according to Omori and Ikeda (1984).
estimated from laboratory observations in a controlled Copepodite stages (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5~, C5~, C6~ and C6d~)
were identifiedand counted in 95 zooplanktonsamples. The dura-
environment with an excess of food (Corkett 1968, tion of each copepodite stagewas estimatedfrom percentageabun-
Iwasaki et al. 1977, Uye 1980, Thompson 1982, Landry dance in order to minimizethe effectsof irregular and sharp fluctu-
1983). However, growth rates for any given species in the ations in density (individuals/m3).
644 E.D. Christou and G.C. Verriopoulos: Analysis of copepod biological cycle

Table 1. Time-series of sampling dates (constructed as indicated in Table 2. Acartia clausi. Abundance (individuals/m3) ofcopepodite
"Materials and methods") used for cross-correlation analysis. stages and adults in 1988-1990
Mean time (d) between two successive samplings (= sampling fre-
quency) is show in parentheses Stage 2 (%) max. (%) (Date)

1 2 3 4 5 C1 78 (18.22) 1 461 (44.86) (28 Mar. 1990)

(1.20 d) (2.21 d) (7.09 d) (7.22 d) (15.05 d) C2 61 (14.30) 868 (29.27) (10 Apr. 1989)
C3 64 (14.90) 1 316 (32.54) (5 Apr. 1990)
7May90 18Apr. 90 26 Mar. 90 20 Mar. 89 17 Nov. 88 C4 58 (13.48) 1 539 (28.31) (24 Apr. 1989)
8 20 3 Apr. 27 1 Dec. C5 47 (11.09) 858 (20.11) (29 Mar. 1990)
9 23 9 3 Apr. 12 (C5~) 26 (6.10) 520 (9.56) (24 Apr. 1989)
10 25 18 10 28 (C5~) 21 (4.99) 380 (8.91) (29 Mar. 1990)
11 27 25 17 12 Jan. 89 C6 120 (28.00) 1 883 (44.09) (29 Mar. 1990)
13 30 2 May 24 30 (C69) 81 (18.95) 1 254 (29.37) (29 Mar. 1990)
14 2 May 9 2 May 20 Feb. (C6~') 39 (9.06) 740 (44.30) (30 May 1990)
15 4 17 8 7 Mar. Sum 428 (100) 5 437 (24 Apr. 1989)
17 7 25 15 20
18 9 30 22 3 Apr.
t9 11 7 June 29 17
21 13 13 5 June 2 May time-lag estimated by cross-correlation between two time-series and
22 15 12 15 using these time-series frequencies [i.e. (time-lag)x (frequency)], it
23 17 20 29 was possible to estimate the time-interval between the appearance
24 19 26 12 June of any two stages. Based on these results, it was also possible to
25 21 3 July 26 differentiate whether two stages were of the same or of successive
23 10 10 July generations. When the time-interval between two similar stages, but
25 17 24 from different time-series, varied, the mean was taken for the total
28 24 10 Aug. estimation. The duration of each stage (and hence the generation
3O 31 22 length) was estimated taking into account all statistically significant
10 Aug. 6 Sep. relationships between any two stages. The duration of each develop-
16 23 ment stage and the generation length both represent the mean dura-
22 11 Oct. tion throughout the study period.
28 24 In general, males develop faster than females. A temporary
6 Sep. 2 Nov. increase in the proportion of males marks the beginning of a new
13 20 generation (Gaudy 1984). In addition, fluctuations in the mature
23 4 Dec. female :male ratio can be used as an indicator to delineate the
2 Oct. 27 different generations (Woodmanse 1958, Gaudy 1976, 1984). In the
11 9 Jan. 90 present study, the number of generations per year was estimated
18 22 from the annual variations in the female :male ratio of adults
24 5 Feb. (Gaudy 1984).
30 20 For the statistical analysis, the STATGRAPHICS (STSC 1989)
6 Nov. '6 Mar. and PRIMER (developed at Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Devon,
13 26 England) programmes were used.
20 9 Apr.
27 23
4 Dec. 9 May
12 25
13 June
Fig. 1 shows the v a r i a t i o n s ( t o t a l i n d i v i d u a l s / m 3) a n d
p e r c e n t a g e s o f each c o p e p o d i t e stage o f Acartia clausi in
the z o o p l a n k t o n d u r i n g N o v e m b e r 1988 t h r o u g h JurLe
Classification and non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS: 1990 at 7 d time-intervals; Fig. 2 presents the s a m e d a t a
Sokal and Sneath 1963, Field et al. 1982, Clarke and Green 1988, for the e n d o f M a r c h to the e n d o f M a y 1990 at daily
Clarke and Warwick 1989) were employed to reveal (a) existing time-intervals. A. clausi was p r e s e n t in the z o o p l a n k t o n
differences between stages, and (b) any possible similarities among
the abundance fluctuations of the various stages. These multivariate f r o m J a n u a r y t h r o u g h early A u g u s t 1989, after w h i c h
techniques were applied to both transformed data (square-root) and m o n t h they a l m o s t d i s a p p e a r e d for a b o u t 4 too, r e a p -
percentages (Clarke and Warwick 1989) based on between-sample p e a r i n g in J a n u a r y 1990. T h e highest a b u n d a n c e s were
similarities, calculated according to Bray and Curtis (1957). This o b s e r v e d in late M a r c h , A p r i l a n d M a y . A l l c o p e p o d i t e
similarity measure is not affected by joint absences (Field and Mc- stages a n d a d u l t s d i s p l a y e d similar p a t t e r n s (Fig. 1) even
Farlane 1968), and is therefore sufficiently robust for marine data o v e r d a i l y t i m e - i n t e r v a l s (Fig. 2), w h i c h m a d e the identi-
(Field et al. 1982).
fication o f c o h o r t s impossible. Stage C1 ( m e a n = 78 indi-
Statistically significant relationships between fluctuations in the
abundance of any two stages were determined by cross-correlation v i d u a l s / m 3) a n d a d u l t females (C6~: m e a n = 81 i n d i v i d u -
analysis (Legendre and Legendre 1983). In order to apply cross-cor- a l s / m 3) were p r e s e n t in g r e a t e s t a b u n d a n c e , w h e r e a s the
relation analysis to the available data, we constructed a time-series highest p e a k s (1539 a n d 1883 i n d i v i d u a l s / m 3) were
which excluded certain samples, thus enabling the remaining sam- o b s e r v e d for Stage C4 a n d a d u l t s (C6), respectively
pies to maintain a constant frequency for as long a period as possi- (Table 2).
ble (Table 1). Employing this method, we obtained time-series with
T h e classification a n d o r d i n a t i o n techniques revealed
frequencies of 1, 2, 7 and 15 d. Whenever the interval between two
successive samples differed from the desired frequency, the next similarities a m o n g the p a t t e r n s o f a b u n d a n c e o f the vari-
nearest sampling date was used. Based on the statistically significant ous c o p e p o d i t e stages (Fig. 3). B o t h the d e n d r o g r a m a n d
E.D. Christou and G.C. Verriopoulos: Analysis of copepod biological cycle 645

3500 3500 a

3O00 3000-

2500 84 2500-

2OO0 2000~


o+.......... + 1!! O

me, Do b g?cl Dca ~c~ "L

~c2 mc~ ~c+ ~c2 Ic-+ ~c+ o
1On 100

8 e


. 'iJii 1

o J P MAN J J A SO N D J F M A M J ~8 +31 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30
19:89 1990 .'LPRIZ MJ~.u

Fig. 1. Acartia dausi, Variations in total abundance (a) and per- Fig. 2. Aeartia clausi, Variations in total abundance (a) and per-
centage of p0pulatiou comprised by the different copepodite stages centage of population comprised by the different copepodite stages
(b) during November 1988 through June 1990 (b) from end of March to end of May 1990

MDS plots disclosed distinct similarities, especially be- a b

tween any two successive stages (Fig. 3). It is clear that
the classification and MDS-mapping of stages, whether
based on total abundance (Fig. 3a) or percentage
(Fig. 3 b), are almost identical. Both MDS plots in Fig. 3
are similar; the data points for C1 to C6 have circular
configuration, reflecting the organism's biological cycle.
The high similarity level (65%) of the dendrogram based
i! r
on stage abundance (Fig. 3a) arises from the almost
C6#C5o~C57 C4 C3 C2 C1 C6@ C,6o*C5o*C57C4 (23 C2 C1 C6~
simultaneous fluctuations in abundance displayed by all
stages (Fig. 3 b).
By means of a time-series analysis, the similarities and
the relationships between the abundance patterns of the
various stages were qualitatively and quantitatively eval-
The time-series classification was based on frequencies C6~ C6o"
of 1, 2, 7, and 15 d (Table 1). All possible combinations
C2 C2
between any two stages were tested by means of cross- C4 C3
C4 C3
correlation analysis. Statistically significant (P<0.05) cs?
CSd C5o ~
correlations between stages are shown in Figs. 4 and 5
and in Table 3. Significant correlations noted at Time-
Lag 0 (data not shown) were mainly due to the almost Fig. 3. Acartia clausi. Dendrograms and multidimensional-scaling
plots of abundance of copepodite stages during November 1988
identical patterns of abundance displayed by all stages. through June 1990; square-root transformed individuals/m3 (a) and
As indicated in "Materials and methods", the time-inter- percentages (b)
646 E.D. Christou and G.C. Verriopoulos: Analysis of copepod biological cycle

0,.~ ................................................ 0.5

~ uuu!luu"

-20 -10 0 10 2O -20 -10 0 10 20

0.5 0.5


.20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20

0.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 0.5


8 -0.~ -i ........... ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0,5

-1 - V Y - - - : ' T V . " 7 , r " , 7 , ; " r
i . . . . .

. . . . . .

20 -';0 0 10 ~i3 -20 -10 0 10 20

0.5 0.5

-0.5 -0.5

-20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20


Fig. 4. Acartia clausi. Statistically significant cross-

-0.' correlations between abundance (%) of copepodite
stages (see "also Table 3). Time-series frequency
(sampling frequency: 7 or 15 d) is shown in paren-
-20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20

time - lag
E.D. Christou a n d G . C . Verriopoulos: Analysis of c o p e p o d biological cycle 647
i 9 i i i i i , i i , i 9 '
1 1
::ct, c6 ::Co :: i :

o+ ........... i......... J

-0,." -0.! ...................................... ~............

4 T , , t , , I , + T + + I , , /
-20 -10 0 10 20 -7 -4 -1 2 8

11---.- ' ....... !.;_.:__._2_.2.:....:..!i ............. ~- - I+~:~I~Ii+iIi-~--i---i-,--i--U-.!,+.~.~

o+I::i: .......................
+ . . . . . . . . . . . .
0.5 _i ....... i ....... i ....... i ..... !........ i ........ iI

-0.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
*+~ :i .......................................... ,

.,ii ...............................................
I . . . . I+ i i ~ T , , , i I . . . . I
-11 -7 .-3
S la
-20 -10 10 20

ict, c~ (1)

: i

.,.< : i


-~0 HO 0 10 20 -9 -6 -3 0 9

.... t .... i .... t .... t .... t_:_~.._'..:..!.: ...,.._._'__,__,__,_.,__,._'...

.i~3:~i~s .......... ] ........................... ic3, c4 (I) i

0.5 0.5
..III;i.............JHli- .....
~~ ~~ ~l--
-O.S .02

. . . .
[ ...........
i , , , , i + , i i
L. . . . . . . .

, , ,
l i
-9 -6 -3 6

--N'---'--~--:--:-: :.-:---'--'---'--:--:.-:-:-:---'---~-
_,..: ..'._.~_.._..:..!.._....:...~
Ct, CSi (7) i
:...'...i_.:._.:._.L - ;c4, c4 (1)

i ili . . .+Ii. IiIIiIIII:
: i


ii i
..................i1 .....
.......... 1 ......... Hi i I Fig. 5. Acartia clausi. Statistically significant cross-
-0.5 -0.5 ........ i........ i....... correlations between a b u n d a n c e ( % ) of copepodite
stages (see also Table 3). Time-series frequency
(sampling frequency: 1, 2 or 7 d) is s h o w n in paren- .
~ F ' ; ; i , , i , : T , 7 ,--.---.-r-;-;-i--:--.---,-.---.--i:-:-r-;--.--r theses
-7 -4 -1 2 5 -9 -6 -3 0 3 8

time- lag
648 E.D. Christou and G.C. Verriopoulos: Analysis of copepod biological cycle

CIC3:7'22~__~C~_C3:4.2 q
C1-C3 1.28 t
C3-C4:7 22 ~CIC4:10221 ~C3-C4 : 4.36j
C3-C4:4 80 ~'C1 C4:8,57 ~
C1-C4:7 22
CI-C4:6 53
C2-C4:7 22
C1-C3:4 21
C4-C5:4.B0 fC4-C5:4.80]
C2-C6 14 44~ 2-C5:14.751 "C5-C6:7.53 j @5-C6:4,36]

Fig. 6. Acartia clausi. Estimated durations (d) of Stages C1 to C5 based on data from Tables 1 and 3 (for computation see "Results",
Paragraph 4). Total time-interval between C1 appearance and C6 appearance was 17.7 d

Table 3. Acartia clausi. Statistically significant correlations between Table4. Acartia clausi. Time-intervals (d) between copepodite
abundance (%) of Copepodite Stages C 1 - C 6 (see Figs. 3 and 4). t: stages (data from Table 3) for two successive generations, and esti-
sampling frequency (d) mation of generation length (G, days), (for computation see
"Results", Paragraphs 4 and 5). t: sampling frequency (d)
(n) x y t time-lag r P
Stage (n) t time-lag days G
(39) C1 C2 15 3 0.339 < 0.05 transition
(39) C1 C3 15 3 0.388 <0.02
(39) C1 C4 15 -1 0.339 <0.05 C1 C2 (39) 15 3 45.15 43.80
(39) C2 C4 15 2 0.349 < 0.05 C1-C3 (39) 15 3 45.15 40.94
(39) C2 C6 15 1 0.365 <0.05 C2-C4 (39) 15 2 30.10 22.88
(39) C3 C4 15 2 0.452 < 0.005 C3-C4 (39) 15 2 30.10 25.74
(39) C3 C5 15 1 0.378 < 0.02 C4-CI (39) 15 1 15.05 23.62
(39) C3 C5 15 - 1 0.326 < 0.05 C5-C3 (39) 15 1 15.05 24.21
(39) C4 C5 15 -1 0.394 <0.02 C5-C4 (39) 15 1 15.05 19.85
(38) C1 C2 7 1 0.342 <0.05 C5-C1 (12) 7 2 14.08 27.55
(38) CI C3 7 1 0.363 <0.05
2 28.57
(38) C1 C4 7 1 0.349 <0.05
(SE) (3.12)
(38) C2 C3 7 1 0.461 <0.005
(38) C2 C4 7 1 0.434 < 0.01 C1 - C 6 17.73
(38) C2 C4 7 - 1 0.353 < 0.05 C6-C1 10.84 ~
(38) C2 C5 7 1 0.331 < 0.05
(38) C2 C6 7 2 0.351 <0.05 a Time-interval between appearance of adults (C6) and appearance
(38) C2 C6 7 3 0.342 <0.05 of C1 of next generation
(38) C3 C4 7 - 1 0.402 < 0.02
(38) C3 C4 7 1 0.394 <0.02
(12) C1 C5 7 -2 0.636 <0.05
(12) CI C6 7 2 0.746 <0.02
same generation. Whenever the time-interval between
(20) C1 C4 2 3 0.520 <0.05
(16) C1 C3 1 1 0.547 <0.05 two similar stages varied, the mean was taken. The results
(16) C3 C4 1 4 0.580 <0.05 (Fig. 6) indicated development times of 1.36, 2.86, 4.36,
(16) C4 C5 1 4 0.617 <0.05 4.80, 4.36 d for Copepodite Stages 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, re-
(16) C5 C6 1 1 0.559 <0.05 spectively, i.e., a total development time of 17.73 d be-
tween the first and the sixth copepodite stage.
Generation length (G, Table 4) was estimated from the
development time of the various stages (Fig. 6) and the
val between the occurrence of two copepodite stages was time-intervals between copepodite stages for two succes-
estimated as the product of the cross-correlation time-lag sive generations (Table 4). The mean G ( = 28.6 d) was
and the frequency of the time-series. On the' assumption considered to be the mean generation length for the
that the above relationships illustrate stages belonging to whole study period. Assuming that hatching lasts about
the same or to two successive generations, the results 23 h (Ueda 1981), the time between hatching and the
were classified into two groups as a function of the length appearance of C1 was estimated at 10 d.
of the time-interval between any two stages (Fig. 6, Table Based on the fluctuations in the female: male ratio for
4). The initial relationships (Fig. 6) represent the results Stages C5 and C6 over the whole study period (Fig. 7),
of the cross-correlation analysis of individuals in the the number of generations/year would seem to be 4 or 5.
E.D. Christou and G.C. Verriopoulos: Analysis of copepod biological cycle 649

The development of Acartia clausi stages was not

isochronal. The duration of the first copepodite stage was
shorter than that for each of the last three stages, between
- - C5
which the duration did not seem to differ significantly.
9- ---- C6 II
The time between the appearance of the first (C1) and the
sixth (C6) stages was estimated to be 17.7 d. Copepodite
Stage C2 lasted twice as long as C1, whereas the develop-
rO 6
ment times for C 3 - C 5 were similar, being three times as
04- I\I I long as that for CI.
' I Temperature and food availability are considered to
be the most important factors affecting the growth rate of
copepods (Corkett and McLaren 1970, Landry 1975,
, ~ A /\
I , / I I Klein Breteler et al. 1982). Laboratory observations have
1II \ I I~ t I
O-r--r--,,t, ,~,,1,,i
shown the development of Acartia clausi to be isochronal
D JFMAM J JASOND JFMAM J in the presence of excess food and a favourable tempera-
1989 1990 ture range. This has been considered to be an adaptation
Fig. 7. Acartia clausi. Variations in sex ratio of Copepodite Stages leading to a shorter biological cycle and higher rates of
C5 and C6 during November 1988 through June 1990 population increase (Miller etal. 1977, Uye 1980, Pagano
and Saint-Jean 1983).
Although laboratory studies examining the duration
Discussion of copepodite stages report a dependence on temperature
(Thompson 1982, Landry 1983), they also raise questions
For all stages of Acartia clausi, highest abundance was about the relevance of the direct application of rigid
observed in the spring. The increased proportion of ma- mathematical relationships such as the "isochronal rule"
ture copepods (28%) at this time is probably the result of (Miller et al. 1977) to describe copepod growth. Hay
their greater longevity compared with that of the cope- etal. (t 988) believed that the flexibility in development
podite stages. rate revealed by their data was a response by the cope-
The large changes in abundance (Figs. 1 and 2), espe- pods to some environmental factor other than tempera-
cially on a daily basis (Fig. 2), may be attributable to the ture, such as food composition. Finally, the number of
following factors: (a) hydrodynamic processes which are copepod species exhibiting isochronal development are
considered to play an important role in short-term generally lower than those exhibiting non-isochronal de-
changes in the abundance of zooplankton (Lindahl and velopment (i.e., faster growth during the first few stages,
Perissinotto 1987); (b) copepod motility in order to avoid slower growth towards the later stages of the life cycle:
environmental pressures arising from water turbulence Uye 1980).
and suspended particulate matter (Garcia-Soto et al. The following generation lengths were recorded dur-
1990); (c) occasional formation of Acartia clausi swarms, ing laboratory experiments on Acartia clausi supplied
related to sex and development stages, which occur in with an excess of food: 25 d at 14 to 16 ~ Corkett (1968);
temperate waters (Ueda et al. 1983, Sekiguchi 1985). 19.4 d at 15 ~ 16.7 d at 20~ Iwasaki et al. (1977); 21 d
The almost simultaneous increase in abundance of all at 15~ Landry (1978); and 27 to 14.2 d at 13 to 20~
stages may be due to hydrodynamic processes, such as Uye (1980). Estimations from field observations were: in
the wind-driven circulation prevailing in the area Villefranche-Sur-Mer (western Mediterranean) 29.5 d at
(Laskaratos and Kattsounidis 1989), a factor which 15 to 20 ~ Gaudy (I 976); in Loch Striven (Scotland) 28
seems significantly to affect the distribution of Acartia to 42 d at 13.5 to 8.5 ~ McLaren (1978); whereas in the
clausi. This masks any differences in fluctuations in abun- Lister Ley (northern Wadden Sea of Sylt, German Bight),
dance of the various stages and makes visual identifica- the generation length was 35 to 38.5 d (Martens 1981).
tion of the cohorts impossible. In order to minimize the The mean generation length recorded in the present
effect of such exogenous parameters, relative abundances study (28.6 d) seems to be among the highest recorded in
(percentages) were used instead of absolute abundance. the literature, at the temperature range prevailing in the
Fluctuations in abundance for all stages were similar for area. Because the samples used in this study were collect-
both analyses based on numerical abundances (individu- ed over a 20 mo period and hence covered a wide range
als/m 3) and those based on percentage abundance (%) of temperatures (,-~ 13 to 25 ~ the effect of temperature
(Fig. 3), a fact which confirms that percentage abun- on generation length can not be assessed. The duration of
dance can be used for the estimation of stage duration. each stage and generation length are therefore both ex-
By means of cross-correlation analysis, it was possible pressed as means.
to identify statistically significant relationships between Food limitation of zooplankton feeding and growth
any two stages; such relationships have not emerged in has received a great deal of attention in the literature. In
similar studies, which compared graphical representations waters of such high chlorophyll content as Jakle's La-
of abundance (Gaudy 1976, 1984, Uye 1982, Uye etal. goon, USA (4 to 60 ~g/1: Landry 1978) and Narragansett
1983). This method may significantly contribute to the Bay, USA (2 to 52 gg/l: Durbin et al. 1983), physiological
identification of cohorts, and hence to the estimation of processes of Acartia species can be limited by food con-
stage duration, from field data for a given copepod species. centration. Thus, since the chlorophyll a recorded in the
650 E.D. Christou and G.C. Verriopoulos: Analysis of copepod biological cycle

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Hay, S. J., Evans, G. T., Gamble, J. C. (1988). Birth, growth and
ments and suggestions. We also thank Dr. K. I. Stergiou and Mrs.
death rates for enclosed populations of calanoid copepods. J.
M. Kontaris for assistance in the text revision.
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