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¿Qué es el sistema Safetech?

Es la forma fácil, natural y segura hacia el rejuvenecimiento.

Para una larga vida con vitalidad de adolescente

Limpieza y desintoxicacion profundas para eliminar cualquier condicion

adversa; Scrapeit para tener pies y manos perfectas, locion Cleariss para
una piel y figura perfectamente limpia y joven. Serum Cleariss para
rejuvenecer y eliminar todas las imperfecciones. Terapia con Ambar,
elimina dolores y libera las tensiones acumuladas, equilibra y energiza.

Safe Tech Neutraceuticals; nutricion y estimulacion para recobrar la

energia y vitalidad de la juventud, maximo rendimiento en lo fisico, mental
y asi en lo sexual para llegar al objetivo final que es longevidad con
vitalidad para una vida larga, activa y prospera.

A medida que envejecemos, se producen cambios decisivos en nuestro

cuerpo: acumulamos grasa y toxinas, nos volvemos ácidos, el metabolismo
se vuelve ineficiente y el sistema inmunológico se deprime, hasta que
finalmente las enfermedades hacen su aparición.

La línea de productos Safetech está diseñada para revertir por completo

las condiciones adversas que han afectado al cuerpo regresandolo a la
normalidad de una manera natural y segura. Sin drogas, sin dietas y sin

No solamente es posible revertir el proceso de envejecimiento y deterioro

de la salud de forma natural; ademas de recuperar su rendimiento, el
sistema, Safe Tech restaura y estimula el organismo superando el
rendimiento de una persona joven.

-Protocolo de recuperacion:

Para cuando la enfermedad esta presente y activa por parasitos, toxinas,

enfermedades metabolicas, cardiovasculares, respiratorias, cancer,
diabetes, hipertension, etc.
El sistema es infalible por que desabilita y esquiva todas las estrategias
que utilizan los patogenos para evitar su deteccion y destruccion por el
sistema inmunologico, asi:

Reactiva las mitocondrias y asi todas las apoptosis suprimidas o

suspendidas, la muerte celular a su vez activa los macrofagos que
terminan con el problema.
Desintoxicacion y desparasitado.
Recuperacion del sistema digestivo. Eliminacion de las deficiencias
Recuperacion del sistema cardio vascular. Recuperacion de la funcion
Recuperacion del equilibrio eléctrico (ph) del cuerpo.

Despues de haber recuperado el rendimiento del metabolismo y del

sistema inmunologico y ya no exista enfermedad alguna en el cuerpo y se
quiere estimular para recuperar vitalidad:

-Protocolo de estimulacion

Proporcion masa muscular-grasa

Remineralizacion de huesos
Mejora de funciones mentales
Mejora de funciones metabolicas
Recuperacion del sistema reproductivo y cascada hormonal.

-Protocolo de alto redimiento y rejuvenecimiento:

Funcion sexual
Funcion cerebral
Respiracion y sistema circulatorio

Utiliza la limpieza y la respuesta del cuerpo a esta como principio activo,

disuelve y elimina el exceso de grasa y toxinas sin dieta ni ejercicio,
reestableciendo la salud y el equilibrio eléctrico de la piel y del cuerpo.
Cleariss le permite al sistema inmunológico detectar y eliminar toda clase
de patógenos y señales de envejecimiento. Elimina la disminución de
oxígeno, estimulando la circulación periférica, la producción de células
madre y oxido nitrico y la actividad mitocondrial en todo el cuerpo.

Cleariss reemplaza cualquier clase de crema o loción, desinfectantes,

alcohol, yodo, cremas antibióticas, antiacné, entre otros. Es desinfectante,
desodorante, elimina el dolor, quemaduras, picadas de insectos y evita los
hematomas en caso de golpes.

Scrapeit Professional Callus Remover Tool.

Simply the best callous remover in the world! it makes callouses

dissappear for ever, after Scrapeit they don't come back, guaranteed!.
Scrapeit is a new revolutionary instrument, designed to remove calluses
and corns effectively, safely and quickly, being at the same time, safe and
gentle with the skin. This instrument removes only hard keratinized skin
and stops scraping when normal skin presents itself, permitting complete
callus removal in a gentle, safe way. The usual pedicure routine using this
instrument will maintain your feet free from calluses permanently,

SAFE, complete and permanent elimination of calluses and corns,



Eliminación completa y definitiva de los callos", garantizada, sin riesgos de

cortadas ni dolor.
anti omeprazol, mantiene el balance acido, reactiva absorcion de minerales
anti oxidante
amigdalitis, dolor de garganta
19 cepas de probioticos, dosis baja, 1 por semana, debe tomar leche

frasco 30 capsulas entericas numero 1

antiviral, estimulante del sistema inmunologico
disminuye la duración de la gripa, infecciones,

Acid indigestion
• Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
• Chronic fatigue syndrome
• Diphtheria
• Dizziness
• Genital herpes
• Gum disease
• Malaria
• Migraines
• Pain
• Rattlesnake bites
• Rheumatism
• Septicemia - Bloodstream infections
• Streptococcus infections
• Syphilis
• The flu
• Tonsillitis
• Typhoid
• Urinary tract infections
• Vaginal yeast infections

frasco de 30 capsulas numero 00

Actimium Jabon

Para toda clase de afecciones de la piel, pelo grasoso.

Tribulus terrestris
Desintoxica el tracto urinario
•Purifica la sangre y el higado
•Tiene un fuerte efecto alcalinizante en el cuerpo
•Promueve la motilidad de la digestion y mantiene el cuerpo hidratado
•Arregla problemas digestivos en general
•Contiene altos niveles de enzimas digestivas
•Baja el colesterol “malo” evitando la formacion de placa
•Mantiene niveles normales de azucar.
•Da soporte a la glandua pituitaria

contraindicaciones, gota, autoinmunes, embarazo

frasco de 30 capsulas 00
bactericida, virucida
enfisema asma
contraindicacion trombocitopenia, hemorragia(pre y postoperatorio)

1. Garlic has been found to assist babies to gain weight while they are in
the womb. Next time you have a baby prepare to have garlic breath. Except
if you have a history of large babies in which case maybe you want to skip
the extra doses?

2. Garlic strengthens the immune system as well as helps to fight chest

infections, coughs and congestion. In the winter months garlic is a great
food to boost your immune system and ward off colds and flu. An old folk
remedy is to eat a clove of garlic that has been dipped in honey at the first
sign of a cold. Why not try it and see if it works for you?

3. Garlic contains high levels of iodine which makes it a very effective

treatment for hyperthyroid conditions. Treatment with garlic has been
shown to greatly improve this condition.

4. Scurvy is treated by vitamin C and garlic contains good levels of vitamin

C too.

5. Popular folklore says that garlic is good for more than scaring hungry
vampires away! Impotency has long been thought to benefit from doses of
garlic, and treatment continues in many communities to this day. Why not
try treating yourself with garlic for several months before you head off to the
doctor for that Viagra prescription?

6. Cardiovascular disease can be reduced by ingesting garlic. LDL

cholesterol is no friend of garlic and the aortic plaque deposits that gather
on the walls of your body’s veins can be reduced with the use of garlic too.
Studies have shown the amazing benefits of taking garlic in relation to
heart disease.

7. Fungal and bacterial vaginal infections are toast when treated with garlic!
When crushed or bruised, garlic releases Allicin which is a sulphuric
compound that is a natural antibiotic. WWI soldiers even apparently used
crushed garlic on infected wounds suffered in battle. If you decide to take
garlic in tablet form be sure to use powdered capsules. The processes
used to create garlic tablets destroy the Allicin that is present.

8. Garlic is a great source of vitamin B6 which is needed for a healthy

immune system and the efficient growth of new cells. Vitamin B6 can also
assist with mood swings and improve your cheery disposition!

9. Garlic can aid in the prevention of multiple types of cancer. Bladder

cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and stomach cancer
have all been shown to have their tumors reduced when treated with garlic.
Vitamin B6 is said to have cancer fighting abilities.

10. Garlic regulates blood sugar as it enhances the level of insulin in the
blood. This may assist in the control of diabetes. Seek medical advice if
you believe the use of garlic could help your condition.

frasco de 30 capsulas numero 00

Masaje terapéutico con ámbar, acupuntura sin agujas.

Se ha demostrado que para el tratamiento del dolor, la eliminación del

estrés y la corrección del balance eléctrico del cuerpo (además de la
postura y flexibilidad del mismo), el ámbar tiene propiedades que modifican
la electricidad y el ph del cuerpo. Pruebas de ph antes y después del
masaje dan cuenta de la efectividad del masaje terapéutico con ámbar. Se
garantiza que en máximo tres sesiones, los dolores musculares y la
tensión acumulada por años desaparece.

La fasia es una membrana que puede equipararse al alambrado eléctrico

del cuerpo. Inicia en la punta de los dedos de las manos y de los pies y
termina en las raíces de las muelas y dientes, después de haber recorrido
todo el cuerpo, envolviendo cada músculo y órgano. El masaje terapéutico
del ámbar hace parte de la sabiduría ancestral de los chinos hace más de
3000 años, cuando definieron los meridianos y puntos en los que se basa
la acupuntura.

El masaje terapéutico con ámbar hace contacto entre las capas de facsia,
cargándolas o descargándolas de acuerdo a cómo y dónde sea puesta la
resina (ámbar). Con ésta, se pueden realizar masajes con presión,
imposibles de realizar con agujas, convirtiéndolo en el masaje más efectivo
para eliminar el dolor.

soporte cardiovascular

Human case reports and results from laboratory and animal studies provide
preliminary evidence that grape seed extract may affect heart diseases
such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol.[1] By limiting lipid
oxidation, phenolics in grape seeds may reduce risk of heart disease, such
as by inhibiting platelet aggregation and reducing inflammation.[2] While
such studies are promising, more research including long-term studies in
humans is needed to confirm initial findings.
A polyphenol contained in grape seeds is resveratrol, which may interfere
with cancer cell growth and proliferation, as well as induce apoptosis,
among other potential chemopreventive effects.[3][4]
Preliminary research shows that grape seed extract may have other
possible anti-disease properties, such as in laboratory models of
wound healing —- OPCs induced vascular endothelial growth factor and
accelerated healing of injured skin in mice[5]
tooth decay -- seed phenolics may inhibit oral sugar metabolism and retard
growth of certain bacteria that cause dental caries[6]
osteoporosis -- grape seed extracts enhanced bone density and strength in
experimental animals[7]
skin cancer -- grape seed proanthocyanidins decreased tumor numbers
and reduced the malignancy of papillomas[8]
ultraviolet damage to skin -— dietary proanthocyanidins may protect
against carcinogenesis and provide supplementation for sunscreen
venous insufficiency and edema[13]
There are 13 clinical trials (January, 2012) assessing potential effects of
grape seed extracts on human diseases, such as breast cancer, blood
estrogen levels in postmenopausal women, and coronary artery disease.
*Prevents formation of plaque in arteries.
*Improves mental alertness and may help to prevent senility.
*Prevents tooth decay
* Helps to prevent osteoporosis
*May interfere with cancer cell growth and proliferation
*May inhibit virus expression and replication in individuals with HIV
*Aids in poor circulation
*Addresses complications due to diabetes
*Relieves constipation
*It is water and oil soluble, delivering antioxidant protection by penetrating
cell membranes throughout the body.

frasco de 30 capsulas numero 1

prebiotico inulina
diabeticos, reduce la resistencia a la insulina
reduce la hipoglycemia

30 capsulas numero 00
Promotes supreme immune health and broad-based immune health
Provides gentle cleansing for the whole body.
Contains a complete array of Aloe’s health promoting, active glucomannan
polysaccharides 4% such as mannose (2ml per serving) to guarantee
maximum effectiveness in immune system support.
Promotes healthy blood, cardiovascular, colon and immune system health.
Is 200% higher in phytonutrient compounds than Aloe Vera.
Promotes great general health and well-being.

botella de 120CC
cancer, reduce tumores
trastornos menstruales, colicos
antiparasitario, candidiasis
disminuye glucosa en sangre

1. Sedative
Wormwood is often used as a sedative. It contains specific compounds that
calm the nerves and muscles and actually promote sleep.
2. Anti-inflammatory
As an anti-inflammatory agent, artemisinin reduces inflammation, swelling,
and pain throughout the body. As such, it is used to treat a variety of
gastrointestinal issues as well as a variety of other autoimmune diseases.

3. Antibacterial
This herb also has important antibacterial properties. For this reason, it is
often used to treat wounds, ulcers, and other skin issues and lesions. It
helps to relieve pain and prevent infection.

4. Oxygenator
This herb acts in much the same way as a traditional oxygen treatment.
The herb functions to break down infectious or parasitic particles in the
body and to destroy these invasive cells. The herb even maintains healthy
cells while destroying the unhealthy cells.

5. Low Resistance
Possibly one of the most important benefits of artemisinin is that it is a low-
resistance forming drug. It is effective for treating malaria and other
conditions because parasites and bacteria have little ability to form drug-
resistant strains for this type of treatment.

frasco gotero de 12 cc
artritis artrosis reconstruye cartilagos gastados
disminuye inflamacion y dolor
mejora la flexibilidad de las articulaciones y la elasticidad de los tendones

frasco de 30 capsulas numero 00

One of the best rejuvenating herbs, particularly for muscles, marrow and
semen and for Vata constipation and amavata. Used in all conditions of
weakness and tissue deficiency in children, for the elderly, debilitated by
chronic diseases, or those suffering from overwork, lack of sleep and
nervous exhaustion. Increases weight, improves immunity and is an
aphrodisiac. Given in asthma, cough, inflammation and conception. For
rheumatic disorders and arthritic complaints. Given for paralysis, memory
loss, multiple sclerosis, impotence, infertility, skin disorders and swollen

External use

Leaves or root paste applied to enlarged cervical glands or swollen glands

reduce oedema and pain. Used in oil massage for Vāta diseases. Juice of
Ashwagandha leaves used as eardrops in ear discharge.

Internal use

Circulatory system: Good for weak heart, purifies the blood and reduces
oedema. Decoction used for rheumatoid arthritis.
Digestive system: Bark powder is an appetizer, carminative and
anthelmintic – good for abdominal pain, constipation and worms..
Nervous system: Sedative and nerve tonic. Helps with fainting, giddiness
and insomnia.
Respiratory system: Expectorant and an antiasthmatic property. Ash along
with ghee is effective for asthma. A bark decoction in low dose for cough
and asthma.
Reproductive system: Aphrodisiac property, used in semen disorders and
leucorrhea caused due to endometritis.
Urinary system: Diuretic and so used in oliguria and anurea. Used to
strengthen meda dhatu
Skin: Used in vitilgo and other skin diseases, blisters heal when black
ashes of the root are applied to them.
Temperature: It Febrifuge. In chronic fever it not only helps as antipyretic
but also acts a general tonic.


High Pitta and ama, with congestion. (High does of Ashwagandha can have
properties; it is inadvisable to take during pregnancy for this reason.)

Withania somnifera stimulates the thyroid leading to thyreotoxicosis in

some humans2

No drug-herb interactions are known.

frasco de 30 capsulas 00
Methylene Blue
Methylene blue (MB) is a compound that is used to treat toxicities such as
carbon monoxide poisoning. MB delays mitochondrial dysfunction induced
by hydrogen peroxide and cadmium by increasing mitochondrial complex
IV, which is typically decreased in AD (table 4) [141]. Low doses of MB
administered to transgenic rats increased cytochrome-c oxidase activity
and improved spatial memory [142]. MB also reduces tau levels by
facilitating its degradation and clearance [143,144,145,146].
Neuroprotective effects of MB were observed with concomitant reduction of
soluble tau levels in one study [147] and were not observed at all in another
[148]. MB also affects the amyloid cascade; affecting Aβ oligomerization by
promoting fibrillization [149] and facilitating degradation by increasing
proteasome activity [150]. A clinical trial of MB in AD did not meet its
primary outcome measure but may have shown clinical and biomarker
benefit in patients followed after the trial [151].

azul de metilleno + vitamina C

frasco 30 capsulas numero 00

activa telomerasa
falta vitalidad, fatiga
sudores nocturnos
prolapso uterino
hepato protector
presion alta
parestesia, paralisis
protector vascular
enfermedadees cardio

activa hipofisis
medula osea

contraindicaciones hemorragia(pre y postoperatorio) lactancia

frasco de 30 capsulas 00
produccion de bilis, soporte digestivo
Vitamin B7 or Biotin is a natural nutritional supplement. B-vitamins are
found in foods like soy, milk, egg yolks, and liver. It is recommended by
doctors because vitamin B7 helps restore hair loss and keeps skin and
nails looking healthy. In this way, vitamin B7 acts as an integral component
in the skin care regime. It is used to treat the condition of hair loss or
alopecia. This, in fact, is one of the most important and well-known
commercial uses of vitamin B7. Vitamin B7 helps naturally revitalize skin
disoloration caused by pollution, bad health, and various other reasons.
Vitamin B7 helps in the growth and replication of cells. People suffering
from hair loss should use medications with a biotin substance. Vitamins B7
supplements promote the functioning of the liver and kidney and are found
in foods like milk, cheese, butter, poultry, cauliflower, bananas,
watermelon, peas, brewer's yeast, nuts, beans, oat bran, salmon, and
Some of the other benefits of vitamin B7 include the production of fatty
acids. Vitamin B7 acts as the precursor to the synthesis of many other vital
components that include, but are not limited to, fatty acids and essential
amino acids. They are crucial for the health of the body.
Vitamin B7 provides numerous benefits including maintaining good
metabolic activity, tissue maintenance, weight loss, heart problems,
synthesis of vital components, and treating any kind of variations
associated with blood sugar levels in the body.

Vitamin B7 helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. This is extremely

beneficial for people suffering from diabetes. Research shows that vitamin
B7 helps in the treatment of many other serious health problems like
Parkinson's disease, Rett syndrome, vaginal candidiasis, seborrhea
dermatitis, Crohn's disease, and even the complicated problem of
peripheral neuropathy.
Vitamin B7 also acts as a biocatalyst for various metabolic reactions in the
human body. These metabolic reactions are primarily responsible for the
process of energy extraction. By regulating the rate of metabolic processes
in the body, vitamin B7 helps the body extract maximum amounts of energy
to prevent common conditions like exhaustion and fatigue. It also helps in
the growth and maintenance of muscle tissues. Vitamin B7 also helps with
tissue repair in the event of any type of damage. This water-soluble vitamin
is essential for the proper functioning of all the tissues in the nervous
system including healthy growth of bone marrow.
Vitamin B7 benefits also include ensuring proper functioning of the heart.
This vitamin reduces cholesterol levels in the human body. Even at the
genetic level, vitamin B7 helps by assisting the body in the processes of
transcription and translation. These processes help the body synthesize
essential biological components like DNA and proteins. Help from vitamin
B7 sources includes DNA replication and gene expression.

frasco de 30 capsulas 00
Dermatology Benefits alopecia (as a tincture), psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo
(as an oil or tincture); externally and internally (see notes below).
The oil acts as an irritant, which stimulates the melanoblastic cells to create
normal pigmentation. This can take about 3 months (Paranjpe 2001, Gogte
Reproductive bakuchi is an aphrodisiac that can help to treat impotence
and premature ejaculation.
It benefits urinary dysfunction with dribbling, incomplete voiding, and
enuresis in children.
It can also benefit uterine bleeding with any doshic imbalance. Lungs
Asthma caused by high vata is reduced by bakuchi's sweet and hot
Digestion Diarrhoea, borborygmus and abdominal pain caused by high vata
and cold.
Muscles Tonifies lower back, warms lower back ; good for high vata with
spasmodic and chronic pain.
Urine Frequent urination, incontinence; it strengthens the urinary sphincter
(Benesky & Gamble 1993).

Important Actions

One of the best medicine for leucoderma. Has an action on rouget's cell
and the melanoblastic cells of the skin. The oil Bavachi changes white skin,
grey hair, rough, scaly, discoloured skin, nails, hairs etc. to normal within 3

External use

Used in skin diseases for wound healing and improves hair growth,
Powdered bakuchi or oil prepared from it is used locally in leucoderma,
dermatoses, wounds and alopecia. A mixture of bakuchi, karanj and lime
juice is used in eczema. Oil of bakuchi and karanj and vaseline is used in
chronic skin diseases. White spits of leucoderma turn red in colour after
prolonged application of bakuchi.

Internal use

Circulatory system: As it stimulates the heart and circulatory system, it is

used in cardiac failure and oedema produced by it.

Digestive system: Useful in indigestion, aa and constipation. It is useful in
all types of worms, expecially round worms. As a liver stimulant it is useful
for piles.

Nervous system: As a nerve tonic useful for vata disorders.

Respiratory system: Used in coughs and asthma since it reduces kapha by
its katu rasa and ushna virya.

Reproductive system: A stimulant and aphrodisiac, it is used in impotency
and premature ejaculation.

Urinary system: Useful in diabetes.

Skin: Its oil has a specific irritant action on the skin and mucous membrane.
On applying the oil on leucoderma, the skin becomes reddish and
occassionally blisters may occur. But it does not create any alterations in
the normal colour of the skin. The oil acts in leucoderma by activating the
melanoblastic cells of the skin. It is useful in all skin diseases. In
leucoderma the oil must be so applied that it only produces a change in
colour and not blisters.

Temperature: Febrifug. used in chronic fever.


Excessive UV therapy, high pitta. Use with caution in pregnancy.


There are no drug herb interactions known but use caution when applying

Parts Used

Parts used: Seeds, leaves and roots

Dosage: Powder 1-3 gms; for worms 4-6 gms
metabolismo de grasa y carbohidratos, mejora produccion de energia

Betaine hydrochloride is a powerful digestive aid for people who may have
been privy to a poor diet, prolonged dehydration and generalized stress. It
has also been shown to offer digestive support to perimenopausal women
and elderly individuals.
Betaine HCL has also been found to be beneficial in treating
hypochlorhydria, a deficiency of stomach acid production. It is also a crucial
compound in balancing homocysteine levels, a condition related to severe
heart disease.
What is more, as we age, the body naturally produces less digestive
enzymes. Due to this lowering in enzymatic activity, Betaine HCL levels
also decrease. Depending on the individual, this can lead to sluggish
digestion and poor mineral and nutrient absorption.
It also means that the body is not detoxifying itself in an optimal fashion.
Things that the body would normally expel remain lodged in the system.
This leads to toxic overload, and the type of redness related to chronic
Many people facing poor digestion have found that taking a vegetarian form
of plant derived Betaine HCL before meals aids them in their own digestive
process, as well as metabolizing the food they consume.

Other conditions for which Betaine HCL may help include:

• Acne • Inner ear infections
• Skin • Iron-deficiency anemia
disorders • Candida & Yeast infections
• Diarrhea • Stomach or esophageal disorders
• Gallstones • General malabsorption of nutrients
• Stomach • General indigestion and heart burn
ulcer • Acetaminophen-induced liver toxicity
• Chronic • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
hives • Arteriosclerosis (hardening/loss of elasticity
• Food in the arteries)
• Thyroid

frasco de 30 capsulas 00

b1 = 5 mg thiamine hcl (5grs x1000)

b2 = 15 mg riboflavin (15 gr x1000)
b3 = 15 mg niacin (15 gr x1000)
b5 = 15 mg phantotenic acid (15 gr x1000)
b6 = 15 mg piridoxine hcl (15 gr x1000)
b7 biotin = 500 mcg (0.5gr x1000)
b9 = 500 mcg folic acid (0.5gr x1000)
b12 = 100 mcg cianocobalamine (0.1 gr x1000)
d3 = 1000ui = 0.025 mcg x1000= 25 mcg (0.25gr x1000) colicalciferol
A = 2.75 mg = 5000 IU vit A Palmitate = (27.5 grx1000)
E = 40 mg = natural d-alpha tocopheril 40 grx1000
manitol 300 mg

frasco de 30 capsulas 1
BioPQQ® (Pyrroloquinoline quinone) 5 mg
Vitamin A (2 500 IU beta-carotene, 500 IU palmitate) 3 000 UI
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 1 000 UI
Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) 140 mcg
Vitamin B1 (thiaminhydrochloride) 15 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 20 mg
Vitamin B3 (niacinamide) 60 mg
Vitamin B5 (calcium pantothnate) 30 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 30 mg
Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamine) 300 mcg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, ascorbyl palmitate) 300 mg
Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopheryl succinate, with mixed tocopherols) 40
Biotin 500 mcg
Quatrefolic® (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolicacidolinic acid (from 370
mcg of 54-59% (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolicacidolinic acid
glucosamine salt) 200 mcg
Boron (calcium borogluconate) 1 mg
Chromium (Crominex® 3+) 200 mcg
Iodine (potassium iodide) 150 mcg
Magnesium (magnesium glycinate) 40 mg
Manganese (gluconate) 1 mg
Molybdene (citrate) 150 mcg
Selenium (sodium selenate, selenomethionine) 200 mcg
Zinc (gluconate) 30 mg
Taurine 150 mg
N-acetyl-cysteine 50 mg
Lutein 2 mg Zeaxanthin 1 mg
Lycopene 3 mg Gamma-tocopherol 30 mg Total tocopherols 100 mg
Tocotrienols 3 mg Grapeseed extract (95 % OPC) 25 mg OptiBerry®
30 mg Green tea extract (30% EGCG + polyphenols) 100 mg
Bioperine® 5 mg Resveratrol (Polygonum cuspidatum) 50 mg
Pomegranate extract 4:1 50 mg Rutin 50 mg Quercetin 50 mg
Hesperidin 50 mg
Luteolin 8 mg
Apigenin 25 mg
calcio biocal
citrato de coral 1 gr
frasco 30 capsulas 00
reduce la inflamacion
antiviral, gripe, flu, herpes
hipertension, dilata las arterias
previene ataques cardiacos
previene el derrame cerebral
antioxidante muy efectivo en:
cancer de higado
cancer de prostata
cancer de colon
cancer de piel
cancer de senos

Blood Pressure
Animal studies demonstrate that olive leaf extracts lead to significant drops
in elevated blood pressure. Remarkably, these effects are evident when
supplementation occurs either before or after the animals develop
hypertension. This means that the extracts have the ability to both prevent
and treat high blood pressure.
The drop in blood pressure is accompanied by reduced pressure in the
heart’s left ventricle. This results in improved blood flow to the heart’s own
coronary blood vessels. Additional human studies demonstrate the ability of
olive leaf extracts to significantly reduce blood pressure measurements.9
One particularly fascinating study was conducted among identical twins
with borderline hypertension (blood pressure in the range of 120-
139 mmHg over 80-89 mmHg).10 Studies of identical twins virtually
eliminate genetic variations which may impact study results. After 8 weeks,
placebo recipients showed no change in blood pressure from baseline, but
patients supplemented with 1,000 mg/day of olive leaf extract dropped their
pressures by a mean of 11 mmHg systolic and 4 mmHg diastolic.10 The
supplemented patients experienced significant reductions in LDL
A human study measured olive leaf extract against captopril, one of the
conventional drugs used for treating hypertension.11 In this study, patients
with stage-1 hypertension (140-159 mmHgover 90-99 mmHg) took
either 500 mg of olive leaf extract twice daily, or 12.5 mg of captopril twice
daily, which was increased as needed to 25 mg twice daily. After 8 weeks
of treatment, both groups experienced a drop in mean blood pressure from
baseline (11.5 and 13.7 mmHg systolic;4.8 and 6.4 mmHg diastolic,
respectively), with no significant difference between the two groups. In
other words, the olive leaf extract performed as well as the prescription
drug. A closer look in the laboratory reveals the reason for this equivalence.
Although they utilize different mechanisms of action (oleuropein acts as a
natural calcium channel blocker and captopril is a well-known ACE-
inhibitor), both oleuropein and captopril function inside the vasculature to
decrease the tension in the walls of blood vessels and promote widening of
the vessels (vasodilation), ultimately lowering blood pressure.

The proven blood pressure-lowering effects of olive leaf extracts are potent
enough to warrant caution if you are taking prescription blood pressure
drugs.60 If you are on blood pressure medication, it’s essential that you
speak to your prescriber before starting supplementation.

Arterial Health
Blood pressure is only one measure of cardiovascular health; arterial health
is equally important. The endothelial cells that line arterial walls play a key
role in maintaining blood flow and pressure; they also regulate the
distribution of smooth muscle cells and sustain an even flow of blood
through vessels. Endothelial dysfunction is one of the earliest stages in
hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), which occurs when plaques
build up in the arterial walls. These plaques eventually block blood flow and
can trigger a heart attack or stroke.
Olive leaf extracts fight endothelial dysfunction at multiple levels. They
increase the production of nitric oxide, a signaling molecule that helps relax
blood vessels.They reduce the production and activity of a class of
molecules known as matrix metalloproteinases, or MMPs. Excessive MMP
activity literally dissolves the gel-like matrix that holds cells together,
making vessel linings increasingly vulnerable to plaque damage. They also
help prevent the oxidation of LDL-cholesterol, which is one of the earliest
events in developing atherosclerosis.Oxidized LDL triggers inflammation,
further damaging arteries, and olive leaf extract has multi-targeted anti-
inflammatory effects.
Polyphenol compounds found in olive leaves have been shown to help
directly prevent the formation of arterial plaques (and thereby reduce the
risk of heart attack and stroke) in two ways. First, they reduce the
production and activity of a series of “adhesion molecules.”These
substances cause white blood cells and platelets to stick to arterial walls,
resulting in early plaque formation. Second, they reduce platelet
aggregation (clumping) by multiple mechanisms, which reduces the risk
that tiny clots will form at sites of plaque to produce a stroke or heart attack.

The diabetic (and pre-diabetic) state of chronic blood sugar elevation
imposes substantial oxidative stress throughout the body, triggering
inflammation and tissue damage that rapidly accelerates aging. Treatments
for diabetes have two main goals: 1) lowering blood glucose to normal
levels and 2) limiting the damage done by the inevitable blood sugar spikes
that still occur.
Olive leaf extracts are showing real promise in both of these areas. In
animal and basic lab studies, olive leaf extracts and oleuropein have been
found to lower blood sugar through several mechanisms.31-34 They slow
the digestion of starches into simple sugars, slow absorption of those
sugars from the intestine, and increase the uptake of glucose into tissues
from the blood.They protect tissues from the oxidant damage caused when
glucose binds to proteins in the process called glycation.33,34 They also
increase levels of other natural antioxidant systems in the body, broadening
the degree of protection.
These mechanisms have directly observable benefits. Studies show that
diabetic animals supplemented with olive leaf extracts experience
significant reductions in blood sugar and cholesterol. In a dramatic head-to-
head study, diabetic rats were treated with either olive leaf extract or
glyburide (Diabeta®), a common glucose-lowering drug.35 By the end of
the study, the antidiabetic effects of the extract proved superior to those of
the drug.
One intriguing study showed that when lab rats were fed a high-fat, high-
carbohydrate diet, they developed all the signs of metabolic syndrome
(excessive abdominal fat, hypertension, abnormal lipid profile, and impaired
glucose tolerance).36 But when animals were fed that unhealthy diet along
with olive leaf extracts, virtually all of the metabolic abnormalities improved
or, in some cases, normalized.
Human studies reveal that supplementing with 500 mg of olive leaf
extract once daily resulted in significant reductions in hemoglobin
A1c levels, the standard marker of long-term exposure to elevated blood
sugar in diabetic people. Supplementation also lowered fasting plasma
insulin levels, an important point because chronic insulin elevations may
contribute to diabetics’ higher cancer risks.
Widespread Benefits of Olive Leaf
• The Mediterranean diet offers a host of benefits that prolong life and
improve health.
• Olive oil, a major component of the Mediterranean diet, contains a
unique compound called oleuropein that provides its characteristic
biting, astringent taste.
Oeuropein is responsible for most of olive oil’s antioxidant, anti-
inflammatory, and disease-fighting characteristics.
• Olive leaves contain high amounts of oleuropein, making their
extracts a valuable source of this nutrient without the need to
consume large amounts of olive oil.
• Olive leaf extracts show tremendous promise in preventing or
mitigating conditions as diverse as hypertension, heart disease,
diabetes, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer’s, and arthritis.

The Mediterranean diet is renowned for its ability to reduce the risk of
cancer. While numerous aspects of the diet contribute to this risk reduction,
there’s growing evidence that olive oil—and specifically
its oleuropein content—are key components of the diet’s anti-cancer
Studies show that oleuropein’s antioxidant effects help it battle cancer
formation at its earliest stages. Olive leaf extracts inhibit DNA damage from
reactive oxygen species, which is the very first step in development of
malignant cells. Once cells become cancerous, they rely on a host of
chemical signaling factors that promote their growth and organization into
tumors. Olive leaf compounds are known to inhibit growth factors and
disrupt signalling pathways. Oleuropein also suppresses an enzyme cancer
cells rely on to derive and store energy from dietary carbohydrates.
Oleuropein and olive leaf extracts have numerous other mechanisms of
action against cancer:
•They help prevent inflammation, another major promoter of tumor
•In breast cancer cells specifically, oleuropein reduces malignant
cells’ ability to respond to estrogen, the female hormone that many
breast cancer cells depend on for their survival.43
•Oleuropein inhibits the production of the “protein-melting” enzymes
that cancer cells need in order to invade healthy tissues and
metastasize to distant parts of the body.19
These mechanisms have now been shown in laboratory and animal studies
to reduce the rates of occurrence, and subsequent development, of a broad
variety of cancers, including those of the brain, head and neck, breast,
liver, bladder, prostate, and skin, as well as leukemia.
In one especially vivid study, mice with a high spontaneous cancer rate
were orally supplemented with oleuropein.The tumors completely
regressed and disappeared in 9 to 12 days.When the tumors were
examined before they vanished, they were found to have a disordered,
crumbly consistency, and no cancer cells remained alive within.5

Olive extracts help protect the brain and central nervous system from the
destruction brought on by strokes and age-related degenerative conditions
such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. They accomplish this by
suppressing inflammation and reducing the damage done by oxidative
In acute brain injuries such as those caused by a stroke or trauma,
damaging processes such as oxidative stress occur within minutes of the
original event—and, ironically, are worsened by the return of normal blood
flow to the area.
Researchers found a number of positive effects in animals that were pre-
treated with olive leaf extract and then induced with a stroke. Compared
with untreated animals, the treated animals experienced a sharp reduction
in markers of oxidation and an increase in normal cellular antioxidant
systems. Microscopic examination of brain tissue revealed a similar decline
in injury to brain cells and up to a 55% decrease in the volume of dying
brain tissue. Similar results are shown in experimental spinal cord injury in
animals pretreated with oleuropein.
Olive leaf extracts offer similar protection for neurodegenerative diseases.
Oxidative stress occurs more gradually in neurodegenerative diseases.
However, the effects add up over a lifetime, producing inflammation and
other changes that result in the accumulation of abnormal proteins that
interfere with brain function and kill neurons. Olive leaf extracts help
prevent these abnormal proteins from assembling into the neurofibrillary
tangles seen in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s and similar diseases.
Olive leaves and their extracts have long been used in the Mediterranean
as folk remedies for arthritis. Now, scientific evidence has proven that olive
leaf extracts can in fact interfere with the development of several different
kinds of arthritis, including gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis.
Gout is caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in joints, the
byproducts of impaired recycling of DNA and RNA in cells. In a mechanism
identical to that of allopurinol (the gold standard drug therapy for gout),
oleuropein prevents the buildup of uric acid by inhibiting xanthine oxidase,
the enzyme responsible for converting DNA and RNA into uric acid.
Oleuropein has also been found to help prevent and treat symptoms
of rheumatoid arthritis. When administered at the earliest sign of arthritis in
animal models, oleuropein prevented symptoms from developing and also
produced marked improvement in the microscopic appearance of joint
tissue from affected animals. When administered after arthritis was fully
developed, there was significant improvement in inflammatory changes to
joints, compared with untreated animals.
Oleuropein had similar benefits on osteoarthritis. In animal models of this
degenerative joint disease, olive leaf extract improved joint swelling,
improved the microscopic appearance of joint tissue, and prevented the
production of inflammatory cytokines.
The Mediterranean diet reduces your risk for virtually every condition
associated with aging. Olive oil is a major component of that diet. Olive
leaves contain higher amounts of oleuropein, a polyphenol with unique
health-improving attributes. These extracts have been used in traditional
medicine for centuries to improve age-related diseases.
Now, scientific evidence has shown that these extracts have a remarkable
impact on blood pressure and heart disease—and they can help protect
against other age-related chronic conditions as well. Convincing evidence
now shows that oleuropein-rich olive leaf extracts help prevent many of the
underlying factors leading to diabetes, cancer, neurodegenerative
diseases, stroke, and arthritis.
Extra-virgin olive oil and olive leaf extract should be considered an
important component of one’s health and longevity program.

frasco de 30 capsulas 00
zinc biozinc
50 mg gluconato de zinc
550 mg vitamina c

frasco de 60 capsulas N 1
Break Stone
Chanca piedra

Recuperacion de funcion renal, protector de higado y riñones, antibiotico y

antiviral natural, especifico para infecciones urinarias, disuelve los calculos
biliares y renales, los elimina sin dolor, protege el higado (hepatitis)
hipertension, hipoglicemia

Documented Properties and Actions: Analgesic, antibacterial,

antihepatotoxic, anti-inflammatory,
antilithic, antimalarial, antimutagenic, antinociceptive, antispasmodic,
antiviral, aperitif, carminative,
choleretic, deobstruent, digestive, diuretic, febrifuge, hepatotonic,
hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic,
hypotensive, laxative, stomachic, tonic, vermifuge
Main Phytochemicals: Alkaloids, astragalin, brevifolin, carboxylic acids,
corilagin, cymene, ellagic acid,
ellagitannins, gallocatechins, geraniin, hypophyllanthin, lignans, lintetralins,
lupeols, methyl salicylate,
niranthin, nirtetralin, niruretin, nirurin, nirurine, niruriside, norsecurinines,
phyllanthin, phyllanthine,
phyllanthenol, phyllochrysine, phyltetralin, repandusinic acids, quercetin,
quercetol, quercitrin, rutin,
saponins, triacontanal, tricontanol

contraindicaciones: embarazadas o que quieran quedar embarazadas,

hipoglicemicos y las personas que no deban usar diureticos

frasco de 30 capsulas 00
ficin proteolitico
forsythia suspensa

Forsythia is used for swelling of small air passages in the lung

(bronchiolitis), tonsillitis, sore throat, fever, vomiting, heart disease,
HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, pain and swelling (inflammation), and a severe skin
rash with fever and vomiting caused by a bacterium (erysipelas).
Sometimes forsythia is given intravenously (by IV) in combination with
other herbs for treating bronchiolitis.
COPD, disminuye la inflamacion de las vias aereas.
hawthorn o thornapple
soporte para el corazon
destapa las arterias y venas bloqueadas
fortalece y apoya las funciones del corazón.
mejora la oxigenación del tejido cardiaco,
incrementa la integridad de los vasos sanguíneos,
reduce el colesterol
reduce la presión arterial
posee atributos de características diuréticas suaves

Los estudios clínicos sugieren que reduce los niveles de colesterol malo,
reduce los depósitos de grasa en la sangre. Reduce la acumulación de
grasa en la aorta (la arteria más grande) y el hígado.
Los compuestos activos del Crataegus son flavonoides,
Proanthocyanadinas Olegomericas, se encuentran en gran cantidad
especialmente en las hojas jóvenes. Tienen un efecto antioxidante,
reducen la inflamación, aumenta la flexibilidad de los vasos sanguíneos y
la capacidad antioxidante de la vitamina C.

contraindicaciones: warfarina
alternativa: nattosolve

frasco 30 capsulas numero 1

Chaga is the most powerful sought after mushroom on earth. It’s one of the
highest, if not the highest, antioxidants in the world and it’s documented
extensively for having numerous health benefits, but it’s publicized mostly
as an anti-cancer.



antibacterial, anti-malarial, anti-inflammatory and anthelmintic properties.

Chaga is also antiviral, antifungal, antimicrobial and anti-Candida. Chaga is
an immune system modulator as well as an adaptogen and has the highest
level of superoxide dismutase or (SOD) detected in any food or herb in the
Anthelmintic Properties
Immune System Modulator
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)

• Anti-aging

• Anti-allergic

• Anti-bacterial

• Anti-Cancer

• Anti-genotoxicity

• Anti-inflammatory

• Anti-microbial

• Anti-mutagenic

• Anti-oxidant

• Anti-tumor

• Anti-viral
• Arthritis

• Asthma

• Bacterial Diseases

• Blood Pressure High (Hypertension)

• Blood Pressure Low (Hypotension)

• Blood Purification

• Bronchitis

• Candidiasis (yeast)

• Cardio-Vascular

• Crohn’s Disease (CD)

• Diabetes

• Fungal Growth

• Gastritis

• Heart Disease

• Hepatoprotective


• Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

• Immune Support / Enhancer

• Influenza

• Intestinal Worms
• Kidney Tonic

• Lower Cholesterol

• Liver / Hepatitis

• Pain Relief

• Parasites

• Parotid gland

• Pulmonary Diseases

• Skin Ailments

• Stomach Ailments

• Stomach Disease

• Tuberculosis

• Ulcerative Colitis
Balance bodily functions: Schisandra, touted as a member of the
adaptogen family comprised of compounds thought to balance bodily
functions, contains many chemicals that could support some of the claims
made for its potentially beneficial effects. Lignans are a main constituent of
schisandra; these compounds which are a concentrated component of the
seeds of the schisandra berry may stimulate the immune system, protect
the liver, increase the body?? s ability to cope with stress, and may cause a
mild sedative effect.
Increasing cellular efficiency in processing wastes,delivering more
The more prominent lignans found in schisandra are schizandrin,
wuweizisu C, and gomisin A. Schisandra extract also contains essential oils
and acids, as well as vitamins and minerals which together could promote
the claimed effects by increasing cellular
efficiency in processing wastes, delivering more oxygen, and creating and
using energy
General Tonic: Schisandra is a major tonic herb and acts throughout the
body, strengthening and toning many different organs.
Schsandra as Sexual stimulant: Probably best known as a sexual tonic for
both men and women, schisandra reputedly increases the secretion of
sexual fluids and, in men, it also improves sexual stamina.
Schisandra as Liver treatment herb: Schisandra has proven benefits for the
liver, and is used in the treatment of hepatitis and poor liver function.
Schisandra as Sedative: Although a stimulant, schisandra is used in
Chinese medicine to "quiet the spirit and calm the heart." It is given for
insomnia and dream disturbed sleep, and is a fine example of how
adaptogenic herbs often work in apparently contradictory ways to restore
normal body function.
Schisandra as Mental & emotional remedy: In China, schisandra berries
have traditionally been prescribed to treat mental illnesses such as
neuroses. They are also given to improve concentration and coordination,
and are a traditional remedy for forgetfulness and irritability. Schisandra's
effectiveness for treating these problems has now been borne out by
Schisandra as Respiratory infections: Schisandra is used in the treatment
of respiratory infections such as chronic coughs, shortness of breath, and
Schisandra as Balancing fluid levels: Schisandra is used to tone up and
strengthen kidney function and to help the body to balance levels of fluid,
making it helpful for treating night sweats, thirst, and urinary frequency.
Schisandra as Skin rashes: Recently, Chinese herbalists have started to
use schisandra to treat urticaria (hives) and other skin problems, including
eczema. It is usually given for these conditions in the form of a medicinal
Additional uses of Schisandra: Schisandra is used for a wide variety of
other physical disorders, including diarrhea and dysentery, as well as to
help improve failing sight and hearing.
Protecting the liver: Research into schisandra has focused largely on the
lignans, which have a pronounced anti- hepatotoxic (liver-protective) action.
Up to 30 different lignans have been identified in schisandra, which all
contribute to this effect. Research from 1972 onward has reported the
beneficial action of schisandra on the liver, and one clinical trial indicated a
76% success rate in treating patients with hepatitis, with no side effects
being noted.
Nervous system: Schisandra is known to stimulate the nervous system,
increasing the speed of reflex nervous responses and improving mental
clarity. The berries are thought to be potentially useful in the treatment of
depression, and are known to help improve irritability and forgetfulness.
Uterus: Schisandra stimulates the uterus, strengthening rhythmic
Adaptogenic herb: Research has shown that in common with ginseng,
schisandra has adaptogenic properties, helping the body to adapt to stress.
General Tonic: Schisandra is a major tonic herb and acts throughout the
body, strengthening and toning many different organs.
Sexual stimulant: Probably best known as a sexual tonic for both men and
women, schisandra reputedly increases the secretion of sexual fluids and,
in men, it also improves sexual stamina.
Liver treatment herb: Schisandra has proven benefits for the liver, and is
used in the treatment of hepatitis and poor liver function.

frasco de 30 capsulas 0
bactericida, virucida
sistema circulatorio (pies
botellita de:
12 cc (x2)
20 cc (x2)
30 cc (x2)
diarrea, estreñimiento
anticancer (colon especialmente)
activador sexual, estimula el sistema circulatorio, aumenta la oxigenacion y
el libido
propiedades diuréticas y afrodisíacas. Fatiga, cansancio. Resequedad

Como diurético estimula la función renal, facilitando la eliminación de

líquidos del organismo, resultando muy útil para tratar enfermedades en
las cuales se necesite aumentar los niveles de orina. Debido a esto, se
emplea en casos de cistitis e infecciones urinarias, como así también
resulta muy aconsejable su uso tanto para impedir la formación de cálculos
renales, como para su eliminación.
Popularmente se utiliza al arbusto de damiana como un afrodisíaco
natural, siendo muy habitual su consumo contra la impotencia en los
hombres y la frigidez en las mujeres.
Debido a sus propiedades expectorantes y antibacterianas, es muy
recomendado el consumo de damiana para tratar casos de bronquitis,
como también situaciones de gripe y tos.
Este arbusto posee propiedades laxantes, por lo cual es muy utilizado
contra el estreñimiento y las digestiones lentas.
Además, la damiana al ser vigorizante y estimulante se utiliza para
combatir el agotamiento y cansancio muscular.

frasco de 30 capsulas de
epigallocatechin, extracto de te verde
There has been research investigating the benefit of EGCG from green tea
in the treatment of HIV infection, where EGCG has been shown to reduce
plaques related to AIDS-related dementia in the laboratory, as well as block
gp120.[5][6][7] However, these effects have yet to be confirmed in live
human trials, and it does not imply that green tea will cure or block HIV
infection, but it may help regulate viral load as long as it is not involved in
adverse drug reactions. The concentrations of EGCG used in the studies
could not be reached by drinking green tea. More study into EGCG and
HIV is currently underway.[8]
There is increasing evidence to show that EGCG – along with other
flavonoids – can be beneficial in treating brain,[9] prostate,[10][11]
cervical[12] and bladder[13] cancers. EGCG has been shown to bind and
inhibit the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-xl,[14] which has been implicated in
both cancer cell and normal cell survival.[15]
Chronic fatigue syndrome
According to the research led at Panjab University Chandigarh, EGCG
effective against in different weight loaded, water immersion stress and
immunogen induce chronic fatigue syndrome. Research results may
suggest that EGCG can turn on the body’s defense system against TNF-
alpha proteins, TGF- beta proteins which are involved in systemic
Sjögren's syndrome
According to the research led at Medical College of Georgia, EGCG may
help protect against some autoimmune diseases, including Sjögren's
syndrome. Research results may suggest that EGCG (e.g., in green tea)
can turn on the body’s defense system against TNF-alpha proteins, which
are involved in systemic inflammation.[19]
Xu et al. found that antiangiogenic effects of EGCG inhibits the growth of
blood vessels and thus reduces lesion size in experimental endometriosis
(mouse model).[20]
Spinal muscular atrophy
Sakla and Lorson found that EGCG increases the number of SMN
transcripts in spinal muscular atrophy cells, most probably through
modulation of alternative splicing.[21]
EGCG has been studied to have a direct relationship with reduction in
instances of neurodegenerative diseases like dementia, Alzhimer's, and
Cannabinoid 1 receptor, CB1 receptor Activity
EGCG has a binding affinity of Ki=33.6μM towards the first cannabinoid
receptor, CB1.[23]

frasco de 30 capsulas 00
centella asiatica, gotu kola

problemas de circulacion
cognitivo, aumenta el nivel de atencion
ulcera gastrica
problemas de la piel
(arregla tejido epitelial este donde este)
controversia vitamina X de la juventud para el cerebro y las glandulas

Centella asiatica, its wide therapeutic actions. Apart from wound healing,
the herb is recommended for the treatment of various skin conditions such
as leprosy, lupus, varicose ulcers, eczema, psoriasis, diarrhoea, fever,
amenorrhea, diseases of the female genitourinary tract and also for
relieving anxiety and improving cognition.

frasco de 30 capsulas 00

artritis reumatismo

mejora flexibilidad

Cruza facilmente, la barrera sanguinea cerebral estimulando a la pituitaria

a segregar ACTH, la que a su vez se relaciona con la glandula Adrenal
responsable de la producción de Cortisona en el cuerpo. Su actividad
farmacológica ha sido especificada como: bactericida, antifungal,
inhibidora del sistema nervioso central, radio-protectora, vasodilatador y
antiinflamatoria. Bloquea los canales de Calcio y Potasio, disminuyendo el
potencial de acción, provocando una potente acción analgesica.


los peptidos, llamado, tambin, Péptido 401 est constituido por 22
aminoácidos. Este Peptido, ha sido comparado con Hidrocortisona, y los
resultados demostraron que el MCDP de la Apitoxina tiene una acción 100
veces ms potente como Antiinflamatorio en el tratamiento de Artritis que la
Hidrocortisona. (Nature, nov. 1974).
Por la baja concentración de ste pptido en el veneno de abejas la Apitoxina
Crema y Apitoxina gotas es formulada especialmente con una elevada
Se le atribuye además actividad hipotensora de la sangre. Interviene en los
canales de K.
ADOLAPINA: Contribuye a eliminar las lagunas mentales (“Fuzzy
Thinking”) siendo neurotransmisor.
APAMINA: Constituye el 2% al 3% de la Apitoxina. Atraviesa fácilmente la
barrera sanguínea cerebral (J. Membrane Biol 105, 95 (1988). Tiene
propiedades antîgenas y antiinflamatorias sin comprometer el sistema
inmunologico. Bloquea los canales de Calcio y Potasio, disminuyendo el
potencial de accin, por lo que tiene actividad analgsica.
SECAPINA Y TERTIAPINA: Protenas con propiedades
DOPAMINA y NOREPINEFRINA: son neurotransmisores que aumentan la
comunicación del sistema nervioso.
ENZIMAS: 13-15%:
FOSFOLIPASA A2: Constituye el 10% al 12% de la Apitoxina. Constituida
por 129 aminoácidos. Su acción principal es la de hidrolizar los fosfolpidos
de la membrana celular e intervenir en la formación de poros en sta. Tiene
numerosos efectos farmacológicos: actividad radioprotectora, hipotensor
sanguíneo y propiedades antigénicas, entre algunas.
HIALURONIDASA: Constituye el 1% al 2% de la Apitoxina. Es muy difícil
su aislamiento, por lo que su estructura no es bien conocida. Promueve
una mejor circulación, disminuyendo la viscosidad del åcido hialurnico,
aumentando la permeabilidad de los tejidos facilitando la eliminacin de
substancias txicas de un rea daada, la penetracin de los dems
componentes de la Apitoxina y una mejor alimentacin de estos tejidos.
Posee propiedades Antgenas y aumenta la respuesta inmunolgica.

HISTAMINA: Es alrededor del 1% de la Apitoxina. Su acción es
Además contiene: Acido Frmico, Acido Clorhídrico, Acido Ortofosfrico,
Colina, Triptfano, Fosfato de Magnesio y los microelementos Hierro,
Potasio, yodo, azufre, cloro, calcio, Magnesio, Manganeso, Cobre y Zinc.


- Reumatismo, osteoartritis, artritis reumatoidea, Artritis reumatoide juvenil
artrosis, lupus.
- Inflamaciones de origen traumatico, hematomas, contusiones, edema.
- Esguinces, contracturas musculares, lesiones deportivas en general.
- Neuralgia lumbar, Inflamación Nervio Citico, Hombro congelado,
- síndrome de túnel carpiano.
- Tendinitis.
- Tratamiento del dolor cronico.
- Tratamiento del dolor en cicatrices, quemaduras y operaciones.
- Verrugas, Callos.
- Deficiencias inmunologicas. Activa el sistema inmunologico.
- Estimula las glandulas adrenales para liberar hormonas endogenas.
- Posee acción analgésica y antiinflamatoria 100 veces ms potente que la
– Afecciones de tipo viral como herpes Zoster y herpes genital.
- Posee acción antibacteriana y antiviral
- Tratamiento de tumores cutáneos
- Síndrome migrañoso.
- Esclerosis Multiple.
- Fibromialgia.
- Afecciones de curso cronico con trastornos de la circulación local y
- Dilata los capilares disminuyendo la presión arterial.
- Estimulante de la circulación sanguínea local.
- Vasodilatadora
- Trastornos vasculares cerebrales.
- Enfermedad de parkinson.
- Previene la acción de la tromboquinasa con acción anticoagulante.
- Tratamiento de estado pre-trombtico experimentado en pacientes que
sufran arteriosclerosis y tromboflebitis.


• No usar en diabéticos insulinodependientes

• Mujeres embarazadas
• Personas con insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva descompensada

tubo spray de 18 cc.

contenido neto de apitoxina 50 mg

rejuvenecedor anticancer, activa el antioxidante seperoxido dismutasa, anti
oxidante mas poderoso que existe,
famoso por mantener el pelo negro, estimula sistema inmunologico,
disminuye el colesterol,
baja energia
anti envejecimiento
hace crecer pelo y le devuelve el color a las canas
hierro, zinc
protege el higado
reduce lipidos en sangre
previene y disuelve tumores
activa la telomerasa
fatiga cronica
estimula el sistema inmunologico

frasco de 30 capsulas numero 1

gse extracto de semilla de toronja

suplemento nutricional, alcaliniza el cuerpo, activa la circulacion y aumenta

la oxigenacion de la sangre, activa las mitocondrias, mejora y facilita la
antibiotico natural, elimina los patogenos y el dolor.
• Favorece la digestión y el trabajo depurativo del hígado, la
vesícula y los riñones,
• Disminuye los niveles de colesterol en sangre y protege el
sistema vascular, reduciendo la formación de trombos,
• Impide la proliferación de células cancerosas, y
• Es un poderoso antioxidante, muy útil en la prevención de
enfermedades degenerativas y el envejecimiento.

frasco de 30 capsulas numero 1

contraindicaciones: Crizotinib, cyclophosphamide, dasatinib, erlotinib,

everrolimus, imatinib, lapatinib, nilotinib, pazopanib, sorafenib, sunitinib,
vandetanib, venurafenib, repaglinide, saxagliptin, albendazole, artemether,
erythromycin, etravirine, halofantrine, maraviroc, praziquantel, primaquine,
quinine, rilpivirine, saquinivir, budesonide-oral, colchicine,
methylprednisolone-oral, atorvastatin, lovastatin, simvastatin, amiodarone,
amlodipine, apixaban, cilostazol, clopidogrel, dronedarone, elerenone,
Felodipine, losartan, manidipine, nicardipine, nifedipine, nimodipine,
nisoldipine, nitrendipine, propafenone, quinidine, rivaroxaban, sibutramine,
sildenafil, tadalafil, ticagrelor, vardenafil, aprepitant, alfentanil-oral,
buspirone, carbamazepine, dextromethorphan, diazepam, fentanyl-oral,
fluvoxamine, ketamine-oral, lurasidone, methadone, midazolam,-oral,
oxycodone, pimozide, quazepam, quetiapine, sertraline, triazolam,
ziprasidone, estradiol, ethinylestradiol, cisapride, domperidone,
cyclosporine, everolimus, sirolimus, tacrolimus, darifenacin, festerodine,
solifenacin, silodosin, tamsulosin.
frasco gotero de 20 y 30 cc

anticancer, bactericida, virucida

afecciones respiratorias y micoticas
fortalece la vision

lapachol, quercetin and other flavonoids. The dried inner bark of Pau
d'Arco can be used as a tea which has a taste that is just a little bit harsh,
and a color that may remind you of sepia-toned photographs. Some claim
that it is useful in managingdiabetes. It is also suggested that this plant is
useful in treating other medical conditions, amongst which are fibromyalgia
(FMS) and lupus (SLE). This herbal tea is used by many during the cold
and flu season, and is a remedy for smoker's cough. Another medicinal use
of Pau d'Arco is as an expectorant: to promote "coughing up" by the lungs
in order to free mucus and contaminants that had been lodged there.

Pau d'Arco tea or tincture concoctions have reportedly had beneficial

effects for cancer patients, anywhere from alleviation of chemotherapy
symptoms to complete remission of tumors. According to Dr. Daniel
Mowrey, who has become somewhat famous in the area of Pau d'Arco
supporters, anti-cancer benefits can be had from Lapacho (the active
compound), without any side effects being noticed (but see cautions
page for potential side effects). Taheebo, another name that is used for this
tea, is suggested to have been helpful to many.

Candida Albicans, a fungus which causes yeast infections, has also been
treated by the Pau d'Arco herb. Aside from patients dealing with
candidaproblems, those with other issues involving fungi or yeasts -- such
as Aspergillus -- may also be helped due to the antifungal nature of
lapachol. Moreover, it is claimed that certain bacteria are affected by this
compound, so help may also be available for people with issues of that
nature, including: C. diff, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus,
Helicobacter pylori (common cause of stomach ulcers), Brucella,
tuberculosis, pneumonia, and dysentery.
This herb is claimed to be useful as an antioxidant. Moreover, Pau d'Arco is
confirmed as being an antiparisitic against various parasites, including:
malaria, schistosoma, and trypanosoma. Antiviral uses have been
displayed by Pau d'Arco against several viruses, one of which is vesicular
stomatitis virus, shortened as VSV. Additionally, the herb has even
demonstrated usefulness in fighting inflammation.

its lapacho compound to some degree inactivating, slowing, inhibiting, killing or stunting
viruses, including: herpes virus (herpes simplex), polio virus, vesicular stomatitis virus, avian
myeloblastosis virus, rauscho murine leukemia virus, friend virus, rous sarcoma virus, human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV, cause of AIDS), as well as others.

The N-factors and A-factors of Pau d'Arco's lapacho aid in inhibiting viruses. One such N-
factor, beta-lapochone, actually inhibits the enzymes in virus cells which directly affect the
synthesis of DNA and RNA. At that point, the virus is no longer able to take control over the
reproductive processes of the cell, and therefore can neither replicate itself nor infect other
cells. Such a characteristic is common in other substances being tested for qualities useful
against AIDS and the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV).

Some plants, such as yerbamate, contain sulfurous compounds which, when combined with
lapacho, might provide a catalyst for transformation of lapachol to beta-lapachone. Due to
this, the effectiveness of lapacho as an anti-viral agent may be increased when an herb or
plant, such as yerbamate, is applied in addition to the Pau d'Arco.

In addition, one of the many benefits of Pau d'Arco is a strengthened immune system, which is
under attack during a viral infection. This assistance allows the body to better fight the
infection, as well as to be upheld against other viral invaders. When you have a virus,
removing the source of the problems and standing up against outside attackers are both key.

disorders of the stomach, catarrhal gastritis, atonic dyspepsia, chronic

constipation, hepatic congestion, cirrhosis, protracted fevers, cerebral
engorgements of a chronic character, uterine subinvolution, in menorrhagia
or metrorrhagia from the displaced uterus, post partum hemorrhage,
catarrhal, ulcerating, aphthous, indolent and otherwise unhealthy conditions
of mucous surfaces, leucorrhea, gallstones and breast swellings associated
with the mense

allergic rhinitis, hay fever, laryngitis, hepatitis, cystitis, and alcoholic liver disease
bacteria, protozoa, fungi, Streptococci
Goldenseal is one of the most popular herbs sold on the American market and has recently gained a
reputation as a herbal antibiotic and immune system enhancer. American Indians used goldenseal as a
medication for inflammatory internal conditions such as repiratory, digestive and genito-urinary tract
inflammation induced by allergy or infection. The Cherokee used the roots as a wash for local inflammations,
a decoction for general debility, dyspepsia, and to improve appetite. The Iroquois used a decoction of the
root for whooping cough, diarrhea, liver disease, fever, sour stomach, flatulence, pneumonia, and with
whiskey for heart trouble. They also prepared a compound infusion with other roots for use as drops in the
treatment of earache and as a wash for sore eyes.
It was not until 1798 that its medicinal virtues began to attract attention. From then on its reputation as a
powerful healing herb spread, both in England and America, and by about 1850 it had became an important
article of commerce. It was popularly used as a bitter stomach digestive (to help stimulate digestion and
improve appetite), to treat skin inflammations, and those of the eyes such as conjunctivitis. It was also used
for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and digestive system. It?s traditional uses also
include the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastritis, dyspepsia and colitis. It is said to stimulate appetite and
generally have a toning effect on the whole body has also been used for anorexia nervosa. It is also said to
be effective for treatment of catarrhal conditions of the upper respiratory tract and inflammations of the
urinary tract.

Goldenseal's numerous uses are attributed to its antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. It
soothes irritated mucus membranes aiding the eyes, ears, nose and throat. Taken at the first signs of
respiratory problems, colds or flu, Goldenseal helps can help to prevent further symptoms from developing.
It has also been used to help reduce fevers, and relive congestion and excess mucous.

Goldenseal cleanses and promotes healthy glandular functions by increasing bile flow and digestive
enzymes, therefore regulating healthy liver and spleen functions. It can relieve constipation and may also be
used to treat infections of the bladder and intestines as well.
Alterative, anti-biotic, anti-catarrhal, anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, anti-malarial, anti-pyretic, anti-septic,
astringent, bitter, hemostatic, immune-stimulating, laxative (mild), muscular stimulant, oxytocic, strong
digestive stimulant, tonic to the digestive tract.

Indicated for
Abscesses, aiding digestion, allergic rhinitis, anorexia nervosa, bladder and intestine infections, boils,
candida albicans, carbuncles, cleansing and promoting healthy glandular functions, conjunctivitis, diarrhea,
earache, eczema, excessive menstruation, flatulence, fever, gum infections, hemorrhoids, hay fever,
hepatitis, internal bleeding, laryngitis, liver disease, pharyngitis, pneumonia, preventing cold and flu,
reducing fevers, regulating healthy liver and spleen functions, relieving constipation, relive congestion and
excess mucous, ringworm, snoring (caused by nasal congestion), soothing irritated mucus membranes
(eyes, ears, nose and throat), sores, sour stomach, thrush, trichomonas, ulcers (duodenal, gastric, peptic),
whooping cough, wounds.

Goldenseal stimulates contraction of the uterus and thus should be avoided during pregnancy.

Do not use goldenseal without consulting a physician if you have had heart disease, diabetes, glaucoma, a
stroke, or high blood pressure.

Caution is advised for high doses which can occasionally interfere with B vitamin metabolism.

frasco de 30 capsulas 00
milk thistle

cardo de maria/ SILYMARIN

higado y vesicula
silymarin protege desintoxica el higado
▪ Lowering cholesterol levels [22]
▪ Reducing insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes who
also have cirrhosis,[22][23][24]
▪ Reducing the growth of cancer cells in breast, cervical, and
prostate cancers.[25]
▪ Used in many products claiming to reduce the effects of a
▪ Reducing liver damaging effects of chemotherapeutic drugs[17]
▪ Clinical study has shown that liver function tests can be
improved in active hepatitis patients.[27]
▪ silymarin may have use, potentially, in the treatment of diabetic

frasco de 30 capsulas numero 1 (> 30x mas que otros sylimarin

30 capsulas numero 00
Dieta Ketogenica
about 50% of coconut oil, is lauric acid. Lauric acid is a rare medium-chain
fatty acid found in mother’s milk that supports healthy metabolism and is
now being studied for its anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial health-
protecting properties. Some researchers predict that lauric acid will become
as well known in health circles as Omega-3 is today.
frasco pomada de 30 cc
pain associated with osteoarthritis
amyloid beta plaque build up
anti-inflammatory that affects the neuro-inflammatory cascade in neurotic
plaque pathogenesis
multiple myeloma, pancreatic cancer, myelodysplastic syndromes, colon
cancer, psoriasis, and Alzheimer's disease.[14]
antitumor,[15][16][17] antioxidant, antiarthritic, antiamyloid, anti-ischemic,
[18] and anti-inflammatory properties
antimicrobial agent against fatal bacterial infections including Vibrio
vulnificus infection. In the study, curcumin protected mice from V.
vulnificus-induced septicemia.[21]
curcumin interfere with Herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) replication.
curcumin acts as a free radical scavenger and antioxidant, inhibiting lipid
peroxidation and oxidative DNA damage, protecting against lead
Curcuminoids induce glutathione S-transferase and are potent inhibitors of
cytochrome P450
Curcumin inhibits cardiac hypertrophy and promotes cardiac health and
repair through multiple different mechanisms
Curcumin increases insulin secretion from pancreas

Anticarcinogenic effects
Its potential anticancer effects stem from its ability to induce apoptosis in
cancer cells without cytotoxic effects on healthy cells. Curcumin can
interfere with the activity of the transcription factor NF-κB, which has been
linked to a number of inflammatory diseases such as cancer.[41]
A 2009 study suggested curcumin may inhibit mTOR complex I via a novel
Another 2009 study on curcumin effects on cancer states it "modulates
growth of tumor cells through regulation of multiple cell signaling pathways
including cell proliferation pathway (cyclin D1, c-myc), cell survival pathway
(Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, cFLIP, XIAP, c-IAP1), caspase activation pathway (caspase-
8, 3, 9), tumor suppressor pathway (p53, p21) death receptor pathway
(DR4, DR5), mitochondrial pathways, and protein kinase pathway (JNK,
Akt, and AMPK)".[43]
An in vitro study in a human glioblastoma cell line reported that curcumin
effectively inhibits tumor cell proliferation, as well as migration and
invasion, and that these effects may be mediated through interference with
the STAT3 signaling pathway.[44]
When 0.2% curcumin is added to diet given to rats or mice previously given
a carcinogen, it significantly reduces colon carcinogenesis.[45]
In a study curcumin has been shown in vitro to have phyto-estrogenic
activity that might contribute to activity against breast cancer.[46]
In immunodeficient mice with breast cancer, curcumin inhibited the
formation of lung metastases [47] probably through the NF-κB dependent
regulation of protumorigenic inflammatory cytokines.[48]
A similar reduction in the formation of metastases has been observed for
prostate cancer cells. Inhibition of NFκB leads to a down-regulation of
CXCL1 and -2 as well as the their receptor CXCR2. Curcumin thus
interrupts a pro-metastatic NFκB dependent signaling loop.[49]
A study found that curcumin might be potentially useful in some kidney
diseases by reducing lipopolysaccharide-induced renal inflammation.[50]

contraindicaciones: warfarina, embarazo


lonicera japonica (+forsythia - broncosil)

Jin Yin Hua (Japanese Honeysuckle, Flos Lonicerae Japonicae) is notable

for its inclusion in the traditional Chinese medicine herbal formula
Honeysuckle and Forsythia Powder. In pinyin, this formula is called Yin
Qiao San. Traditional indications for use of this formula include fever,
headache, cough, thirst, and sore throat.[8] For indications such as this, it
is common to find Japanese Honeysuckle paired in Chinese medicine
herbal formulations with Forsythia (Lian Qiao, Fructus Forsythiae
Suspensae). According to Chinese medicine, these herbs, when combined,
have a synergistic medicinal effect to address indications such as fever
with headache and sore throat. This is why these two herbs are considered
"paired herbs."

antitoxin, anti-bacterial, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory


During modern times, Lonicera japonica flower is still used as a treatment

for fever and inflammation. It has been known to have antibacterial, anti-
inflammatory and anti viral properties. It is also used as a treatment for
many types of skin conditions, such as acne, skin infections, wounds, boils,
scars, etc. Experts believe that the Lonicera japonica flower can lower
blood pressure and lower blood cholesterol levels too. It can soothe cramps
and pain; it is beneficial for its therapeutic effect on arthritis and
rheumatism. It can provide relief from joint pain, reduce inflammation and
bring back joint’s normal range of motion with continued use.
maca gelatinizada

alimento reconstituyente no hormonal

niños en desarrollo, falta de apetito, baja energia, falta de concentracion

incrementa la libido
aumenta el apetito y deseo sexual
frasco de 30 capsulas numero 00
Elimina los bloqueos arteriales sin riesgos de trombosis.

Las enzimas fibrinoliticas del natto en el torrente sanguineo actuan de la

superficie del trombo hacia la pared donde esta adherido disolviendolo sin

frasco con 60 capsulas entericas numero 1

contraindicaciones: warfarina
alternativa: cardiflex
Black walnut hull

Black Walnut Hull (Juglans nigra)

Actions: Tonic, adaptogen, aphrodisiac, mild stimulant, deep immune
activator, antioxidant.
Common Use: Fresh black walnut hulls have long been considered a
powerful remedy for expelling worms and parasites from the body, it
contains rich organic iodine and tannins which contain strong antiseptic
properties. Also shown to have oxygenating abilities which may help burn
up excess toxins and fatty materials and cleanse the blood. Indicated in a
variety of skin problems.

1 capsula el dia 1
2 capsulas el di 2
3 capsulas el dia 3
4 capsulas el dia 4
5 capsulas el dia 5
suspender 5 dias y repetir
al tiempo tomas una capsula de Clavo cada dia
y cinco gotas de Artemisa, estas no se suspenden

frasco de 30 capsulas 00
frasco gotero de 20 cc
NutriMax, nutrición optima, le da TODOS los nutrientes necesarios para
tener una salud optima.

Provee al organismo TODOS los nutrientes y energía que demanda en la

actividad diaria con muy pocas calorías, la inulina, edulcorante natural
reemplaza el azúcar y restablece la salud a la flora intestinal, elimina la
malabsorción*: al devolverle el equilibrio a la digestión asegura la correcta
asimilación de todos los nutrientes al tiempo que estimula el metabolismo
devolviendo así la vitalidad y salud a todo el cuerpo. Elimina las
intolerancias y alergias a los alimentos, lactosa, grasas, etc. Cambia los
hábitos alimenticios, elimina la ansiedad y normaliza el apetito y el
consumo compulsivo, o gusto por ciertos tipos de comida con muchas
calorías, al tiempo que aumenta el gusto o la apetencia por otros.
Regulariza la digestión, elimina el estreñimiento o la diarrea de inmediato
y el estomago distendido (barriga inflada), produce aumento del bolo fecal,
mejorando su formación y consistencia. aumenta el bienestar general del

El completo contenido de aminoácidos esenciales tiene efecto de

secretagogue**; restablece el equilibrio hormonal y aumenta la producción
de hormona de crecimiento humano, evita la perdida de masa muscular,
aumenta la producción de oxido nítrico,

Aumenta la atención y eficiencia mental, mejora el sueño,

Quienes deben consumir Macabits ... ademas de todas las personas a

cualquier edad, casos especiales que se benefician de inmediato ...

Problemas reproductivos
Colon irritable
Obesidad, consumo compulsivo de calorías.
Inapetencia, anorexia
inapetencia sexual
cansancio, debilidad
diarrea, estreñimiento
desarreglos menstruales
para todos, después de tomar antibióticos
deportistas de alto rendimiento

Nota: Al inicio se producirán gases (inodoros) mientras se alimenta y

restablece la flora bacteriana, este es un efecto normal que desaparece en
poco tiempo.
ayuda a eliminar/substituir el flúor del cuerpo y de la glándula pineal

Quinua 5950
Maca 53800
Amaranto 8920
Algarrobina 29000
Habas 8000

105670 x kilo

Precios grano de oro

Aceite de
problemas cardiacos

mas de 45 veces mas omega 3 que cualquier otra fuente, el resto omega 6
contenido de acidos grasos muy completo


frasco de 30 cc

ulcera gastrica
gastrointestinal hemorrhage, skin diseases, pyretic stranguria and viral
Sophora is used internally in the treatment of jaundice, dysentery, diarrhea
and urinary infection
Asthma and Food Allergy
miocarditis, encephalitis
calvicie, crece pelo por que destruye la testosterona en los foliculos
cancer, antitumoral, apoptotico
hiperplasia de prostata
inhibe indinavir (bloqueadores de proteasa)

frasco de 30 capsulas 00
uses of Brazilian peppertree include treatment for ulcers, respiratory
problems, wounds, rheumatism, gout, tumors, diarrhea, skin ailments, and
polyphenols extracted from Brazilian peppertree induced autophagic cell
death in human prostate carcinoma cell lines
In traditional medicine, S. molle was used in treating a variety of wounds
and infections due to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties.[7] It has
also been used as an antidepressant and diuretic, and for toothache,
rheumatism and menstrual disorders,[7] with recent studies in mice
providing possible support for its antidepressant effects.[8] It has also been
speculated that S. molle's insecticidal properties make it a good candidate
for use as an alternative to synthetic chemicals in pest control.[7]

Uso medicinal
Se trata de una planta ampliamente utilizada por la medicina tradicional. A
su corteza y resina se le han atribuido propiedades tónicas,
antiespasmódicas y cicatrizantes y la resina es usada para aliviar las
caries. Los frutos frescos en infusión se toman contra la retención de orina.
Las hojas hervidas y los baños con el agua de las hojas en decocción,
sirven como analgésico, cicatrizante y antiinflamatorio de uso externo, y las
hojas secas expuestas al sol se usan como cataplasma para aliviar el
reumatismo y la ciática.
En medicina folclórica las hojas y las flores se utilizan como cataplasmas
calientes contra el reumatismo y otros dolores musculares. Las hojas en
infusión junto con hojas de eucalipto, y en inhalaciones, son usadas para el
alivio de afecciones bronquiales. Su resina encuentra parecidas
aplicaciones que la almáciga
probiotico en capsula enterica, 19 cepas
para casos complicados o rebeldes
frasco 20 capsulas numero 1
Historical Medicinal Uses of Skullcap 

Skullcap has been traditionally used in China to treat a variety of medical
conditions including clearing heat and draining, evident during fever, irritability,
thirst and cough. It is also used for dry damp which may manifest as stomach
problems, diarrhoea, dysentery, and interestingly thirst with no desire to drink. It
may also help individuals with vomiting, coughing blood, nosebleed, or blood in
the stool. Traditionally it is also used to clear liver yang rising (which may
manifest as headache, irritability, red eyes, and bitter taste).

Medical uses of Skullcap 

As mentioned, Skullcap has a long history of medical use in the oriental
countries. Two of its flavonoids, baicalin and wogonin have both been shown in
animal studies to block the potent enzyme, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), which is
a key contributor to inflammation. Both oral and topical forms of Skullcap are
being tested to treat inflammatory conditions that range from dermatitis to
inflammatory bowel disease.

Reduced Inflammation

Mast cells are cells capable of a wide variety of inflammatory responses.
Baicalein, a flavonoid isolated from Skullcap has been shown to have anti-
inflammatory effects. Researchers have found that Skullcap significantly
inhibited production of chemicals that drive inflammation such as IL-6, IL-8, and
MCP-1 in a dose-dependent manner (meaning the more you take, the greater
the anti-inflammatory effect). The results showed that Baicalein inhibited the
production of inflammatory cytokines through inhibition of the father of
inflammatory chemicals, NF-kappaB activation, while also normalising cells that
release inflammatory chemicals (mast cells). The researchers concluded that
Skullcap is an excellent anti-inflammatory herb, which is very useful for
conditions such as arthritis, dermatitis and bronchitis (and basically any
condition with an ‘itis’ on the end of it refers to inflammation).

Childhood Leukaemia

Skullcap is an excellent herb for treating a wide variety of cancers. A recent
study tested Skullcap’s effects on childhood leukaemia. Lymphoblastic
leukaemia is a common childhood malignant cancer. Chemotherapy agents are
currently the major intervening strategy in the treatment of leukaemia in children
however; the side effects of these medications are severe. Researchers tested
Skullcap on leukaemia cancer cells to determine whether Skullcap could kill the
cancer cells. Results demonstrated that baicalin particularly displayed a
remarkable toxic effect against cancer cells. The researchers suggested that
Skullcap is a ‘potential candidate’ for the treatment of Childhood leukaemia.

Prostatic cancer

In a recent study conducted to see whether Skullcap could reduce the size of
prostatic cancers, Skullcap showed a 50% reduction in tumour volume after a 7-
wk treatment period. This study demonstrated that Skullcap may be a novel
anticancer agent for the treatment of prostate cancer.

Killing Candida

The root of Skullcap is one of the traditional drugs commonly used in the Far
East for the treatment of gut disorders. The extracts are pathogenic towards
Candida albicans, without the usual side effects of other conventional drugs.
The antifungal substance in Skullcap was found to be baicalein.

Treating gout

Gout is the build-up of Uric acid, usually in the feet and especially the big toe.
Medications that are used to treat gout inhibit the production of uric acid by
inhibiting the enzyme that makes uric acid (namely xanthine oxidase). Baicalein,
extracted from Skullcap at 10 µM inhibited xanthine oxidase by 64%, while the
standard gout medication allopurinol showed only 43% inhibition at this
concentration. This study concluded by stating that at equal concentrations,
Baicalein is better than standard gout medication at reducing the enzyme that
makes uric acid.


This is one of my favourite herbs for the treatment of Asthma. The baicalin and
baicalein content of skullcap has demonstrated anti-asthmatic activity. This is
likely to occur from baicalin and baicalein inhibiting histamine release from mast
cells in the lungs, thus keeping the lungs clear.

Drug Interactions with Skullcap 

Although Skullcap, as with any herbal medicine, can conflict with medications,
no significant herb/drug interactions have been reported. As a precaution
however, it is advised that before using this herb or any other herbal
preparation, to consult your health care professional. It has been demonstrated
that Skullcap can speed up liver detoxification and thus may detoxify
medications at an accelerated rate which may reduce their effectiveness.

Pregnancy warning

This herb should only be taken during pregnancy under close professional
supervision. While there are no listable side effects noted for Skullcap, it has the
potential to affect aspects of immune system functioning which may bring about
an abortion.

Therapeutic/safe dosages of Skullcap 

The most commonly recommended therapeutic dosage for Skullcap is 3,000 -
4,000 mg per day and the usual therapeutic dosage of 1:1 fluid extract of
Skullcap is 3 - 4 ml per day. Studies have found that short and long term
consumption is beneficial for the treatment of all of the benefits listed above.
Doses of up to 16 grams have been taken for extended periods of time (months)
without adverse effects. It has been traditionally prescribed at this dose
however; as Western herbs contained concentrated (standardised) components,
it is prudent not to exceed 4g per day.
Other herbs that can be used with Skullcap 

As with many herbs, combinations can be used to add to the therapeutic value.
The following is a list of herbs that can be prescribed with Skullcap to boost its
therapeutic properties:

Green Tea. Green Tea is probably the best and most researched herb for the
treatment of cancer. Thus for any cancer, Green Tea would be highly
synergistic to enhance the anti-carcinogenic properties of Skullcap.
Turmeric. This classic Indian spice is probably one of the best herbs for curbing
inflammation. It combines beautifully with Skullcap not only for conditions
with inflammation, but also for the treatment of cancer.
Milk Thistle. This is one of the greatest and well researched herbs for helping
with people who have liver problems. It not only helps to detoxify
carcinogens, but also helps to rebuild the liver if it is damaged.
Ginkgo. Ginkgo is best combined with Skullcap if there is a need to improve
asthmatic symptoms. They work at reducing the symptoms of asthma by
different mechanisms and thus combine well together.
Rhododendron caucasicum. Rhododendron combines brilliantly with Skullcap
for individuals with gout because it helps with the excretion of uric acid,
while Skullcap reduces the production uric acid.

Skullcap would be a commendable herbal medicine to use when wanting to
reduce inflammation in the body, and particularly for conditions such as arthritis,
bronchitis/asthma, and dermatitis. It is probably one of the best herbs for the
treatment of Gout, and also possesses potent anti-cancer properties. It is
generally regarded as a safe herb but, like all herbs, should be avoided in
pregnancy unless prescribed by a qualified herbalist.

anticancer, seno, prostata

frequently used in homeopathic medicine. Because it has properties that

work as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-allergen, it is often used
to treat fevers, coughs, diarrhea, urinary conditions, allergic rhinitis, and
wheezing. In addition, some people believe the herb is helpful to treat
secondary ailments caused by diabetes and cancer.
For more than 2000 years, Chinese skullcap (Huang qin in Chinese) has
been one of the most important medicinal plants in traditional Chinese
herbal medicine. So far, it has been fairly unknown in Europe and the
United States as a medicinal herb and has mostly been used as an
ornamental plant.
In most cases, treatment with Scutellaria baicalensis does not cause
adverse side effects. Infrequently, it can cause fever, drowsiness or lung
inflammation. Respiratory inflammation may result in breathing problems
such as wheezing, shortness of breath or chest pain. Long-term treatment
with Scutellaria baicalensis may also damage your liver, which may lead to
jaundice, abdominal pain, intense skin itching or unusual fatigue. Seek care
from your medical provider if you experience any of these infrequent
adverse side effects of Scutellaria baicalensis to ensure you receive prompt
and appropriate care. ◦ Chinese skullcap has shown anti-arthritic and
anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful as an herbal arthritis
This plant is a potent antioxidant, which may make this herb helpful in
preventing heart disease and limiting the damage to the heart following a
heart attack.
Chinese skullcap may even have anti-cancer properties and could be
especially helpful for bladder and liver cancer.
This medicinal herb could prove useful as an herbal treatment for hepatitis.
It also has antihistamine properties which make it an useful herb for
treating asthma and allergies, such as hay fever.
In traditional Chinese medicine baical skullcap is used to treat dysentery,
common cold, irritability, diarrhea, infections accompanied by fever, urinary
tract infections, gout, jaundice, nosebleed, vaginal bleed, abdominal pain
and redness of the eyes and face.
This herb is also combined with other herbs to combat high cholesterol and
triglycerides, high blood pressure, allergic diseases, and inflammatory skin
Chinese skullcap also has shown aspirin-like anti-inflammatory qualities.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/367842-side-effects-of-

Taking too much Scutellaria baicalensis may cause it to accumulate in your
body, leading to toxicity. The signs of toxicity may include mental changes,
such as confusion or stupor, and seizures, according to the Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Seizures may result in loss of
consciousness or involuntary body spasms. Contact your physician if you
experience any of these toxic side effects while taking Scutellaria
Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/367842-side-effects-of-

contraindicaciones: warfarina, not be used by people with severe liver or

kidney disorders. This herb may interact with cyclopsporine (a drug used to
prevent organ transplant rejection.)

frasco con 30 capsulas N1

anti hongos, anti candida
antiviral, antibacterial

frasco gotero de

12 cc
20 cc
30 cc
30- 200 mg

fiebre reumatoidea, artritis (dolores, ardor)

inflamacion (glutationa)
apaga fuego
higado graso (billirubina)

Zhi Zi is also known as Cape Jasmine Fruit. The bitter, cold and non toxic
herb has been used in TCM to treat insomnia, irritability, high fever,
infection with fever, nose bleeding, blood in urine, swollen red eyes, etc., by
enhancing the functions of heart, liver, lung, stomach and triple burner
 1. Gardenoside
 2. Geniposide
 3. Genipin-1-β-D- gentiobioside

4. Shanzhiside

5. Gardoside

6. Scandoside methyl ester

7. Deacetylasperulosidic acid methyl ester

8. Geniposidic acid
 9. Etc.
Health Benefits

1. Anti-angiogenic effect

In the study to evaluate the protective effects of crocetin against
angiogenesis induced by vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).
Crocetin, the aglycone of crocin carotenoids, found in saffron crocus
(Crocus sativus L.) and gardenia fruit (Gardenia jasminoides Ellis), showed
that Crocetin inhibited phosphorylation of p38 and protected VE-cadherin
expression. These findings indicate that crocetin suppresses the VEGF-
induced angiogenesis by inhibiting migration and that the inhibition of
phosphorylated-p38 and protection of VE-cadherin expression may be
involved in its underlying mechanism of action(1).
2. Anti-influenza virus 

In the study to evaluate the antiviral activity of the extracts of Gardenia
jasminoides Ellis, after infection by influenza virus strain A/FM/1/47-MA in
vivo, showed that 13 compounds were confirmed or tentatively identified.
This provides an accurate profile of the composition of bioactive
compounds responsible for the anti-influenza properties(2).
3. Anti -obesity effects

In the study to investigate the iridoid glycoside from the fruit of Gardenia
jasminoides ELLIS, showed that geniposide has an anti-obesity effect, an
insulin resistance-alleviating effect and an abnormal lipid metabolism-
alleviating effect, and the metabolite genipin shows a direct effect on the
liver, inducing expression of a lipid metabolism-related gene as one of its
molecular mechanisms(3).
4. Oral cancer

In te study to investigate the presence of DNA topoisomerase 1 inhibitor in
various solvent fractions of Gardenia extract and examine the induction of
oral cancer cell death upon treatment with Gardenia extract, showed that
the dichloromethane fraction from Gardenia extract induces apoptotic cell
death by DNA topoisomerase 1 inhibition in KB cells. These findings
suggest the possibility that Gardenia extract could be developed as an
anticancer modality(4).
5. Etc.

Side Effects

1. Do not use the herb in case of diarrhea or loss of appetite as a result of
spleen deficiency and Yang deficiency

2. Do not use the herb in newborn, children or if you are pregnant or breast
feeding without first consulting with the related field specialist.

3. Etc.
Action: To reduce fire and ease the mind, to eliminate damp-heat, and to
remove heat from blood and counteract toxicity.
Fructus Gardeniae (charred) : To arrest bleeding by removing heat from
Indications: Febrile diseases with restlessness; jaundice with dark urine;
hematuria with difficult painful urination; hemoptysis and epistaxis caused
by heat in the blood; inflammation of the eye; boils and sores; external use
for sprains and bruises.
Fructus Gardeniae (charred) : Hemoptysis, epistaxis, hematuria and
abnormal uterine bleeding caused by heat in the blood.
anticancer, el estimulante mas poderoso para el sistema inmunologico,

los dos vegetales principales de las medicinas china y japonesa con

gingseng como capitan segun la costumbre de la medicina china y uña de
gato de asistente. Esta formula es extremedamente efectiva contra virosis
y cualquier otro patogeno detectable por el sistema inmunologico.

1.5 lingzhi 1.2 maitake , 1 astragalus, .8 gingseng, .7 uña de gato, .6


contraindicaciones: ninguna
alternativas: gse, arborescens, actinium
frasco con 30 capsulas 00
1. Rhodiola Rosea and Eleutherococcus Senticosus induce increased stress response
and a longer lifespan.
2. Rhodiola can improve endurance exercise capacity.
3. Rhodiola reduces C-reactive protein and creatinine kinase in the blood.
4. Rhodiola reduces the level of biophoton emission in human subjects.
5. Rhodiola rosea has a therapeutic effect in treating mental fatigue.
6. Cinnamon and rhodiola have significant blood sugar lowering and antioxidant activity.
7. Fermented Rhodiola rosea extract effectively protects against fatigue caused by
strenuous exercise.
8. Rhodiola exhibits an effect on decelerated aging in the fruit fly.
9. Rhodiola has radioprotective properties.
10. Rhodiola is cardioprotective and has anti-stress activity.
11. Rhodiola rosea extract is a potent inhibitor of stress-induced behavioral and
physiological changes.
12. Salidroside, a compound found within rhodiola, protects against aging in a mouse
13. Rhodiola generates significant improvement in adults with physical and cognitive
14. A combination of Leuzea carthamoides (Maral root), Rhodiola, Eleutherococcus
(Siberian ginseng) and Schisandra may boost suppressed immunity in ovarian cancer
patients on chemotherapy.
15. A combination of Rhodiola, Schisandra and Eleutherococcus (Siberian Ginseng)
improves patients with acute non-specific pneumonia.
16. Rhodiola rosea, although less effective than sertraline, may possess a more
favorable risk to benefit ratio for individuals with mild to moderate depression.
17. Rhodiola rosea extract exerts anti-fatigue effect that increases mental performance,
ability to concentrate, and decreases cortisol response to stress in patients with fatigue
18. Rhodiola rosea significantly improves generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).
19. Rhodiola shows antidepressant potency in patients with mild to moderate
20. A combination of Astragalus, Rhodiola Rosea and Sophora flavescens ameliorates
coxsackievirus B3 induced myocarditis in mice.
21. Rhodiola attenuates stress-induced anorexia, in the rodent model.
22. Rhodiola rosea demonstrates an antiarrhythmic effect, possibly through induction of
opioid peptide biosynthesis.
23. Rhodiola rosea demonstrates significant cardioprotective and antiarrhythmic
24. Rhodiola rosea has a beneficial effect on the acquisition and expression of
morphine tolerance and dependence in mice.
25. Rhodiola rosea has a therapeutic effect in the treatment of smoking cessation.
26. Rhodiola crenulata demonstrates anti-tumor and anti-metastatic activity against
human breast cancer cells.
27. Rhodiola has an antiproliferative and antimitotic effect against human leukemia
28. Rhodiola prevents ischemic brain damage development in an experimental model.
29. Rhodiola rosea has neuraminidase inhibitory activity against influenza viruses.
30. Salidroside, a compound found within rhodiola, exhibits anti-aging properties.*
estimula el sistema inmunologico, ging seng femenino
desarreglos menstruales, infertilidad, menopausia
presion alta
eyaculacion prematura (uso topico)

Balances estrogen levels. Dong quai is the premier "gynecological

regulator." It has the ability to reduce your estrogen levels if they are too
high and can increase them if they are too low.
1.Excellent blood tonic. Master herbalist, Ron Teeguarden, attributes
the blood toning and nourishing effects of dong quai to its amazing
vitamin and mineral content. Dong quai contains vitamin B 12, folic
acid, folinic acid, nicotinic acid, and biotin.
Dong quai is helpful after any injury or surgery to replenish your red
blood cells and increase blood volume. It's included in nearly all
Chinese herbal blood-building formulas.
2.Treats iron deficiency and anemia. The cobalt in dong quai is
thought to increase the hemoglobin content of your blood.
(Hemoglobin is the protein in your blood that contains iron and carries
oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide from them.)
3.Boosts male fertility. Ferulic acid, an antioxidant found in dong quai,
has been shown to improve sperm quality.
4.Essential during and after menstruation. Dong quai is an
antispasmodic that eases cramps and other symptoms of PMS. It
dilates your blood vessels to increase flow during your monthly
cleansing and helps replenish blood after your period has ended.
Women who stop taking birth control pills may also find dong quai
useful to encourage a regular cycle.
5.Helps you feel happier! Dong quai is effective at reducing anxiety
and could be useful to help you combat stress and reduce the
severity of mood swings. It has a calming effect on your nervous
system and promotes relaxation.
6.Enhances female fertility. Only a generation ago, infertility was rare,
but now it takes the average woman up to18 months to conceive.
Women often seek the help of expensive fertility specialists and
undergo painful procedures when an antifungal diet and an herb like
dong quai may be all that are needed.
7.Keeps you beautiful and youthful. Chinese women are known for
their age-defying youthfulness, and dong quai may be a big part of it.
Dong Quai preserves your natural beauty by encouraging health from
the inside out.
Ron Teeguarden notes that Dong Quai increases circulation,
improves your complexion, and aids detoxification to clear blemishes.
8.Treats alopecia, eczema and rosacea. Dong Quai's effect on the
blood and circulation also prompts healing for common skin
conditions like eczema and rosacea, neurodermatitis, pruritis, hives
and vitiligo.

Dong quai's benefits intrigued Body Ecology's founder, Donna Gates. In

fact, she knew that fermenting dong quai would make it more powerful AND
provide the healthy, immune-boosting benefits of healthy microflora.
Body Ecology's probiotic liquid, Dong Quai, has four essential bacteria and
yeasts that are ideal sources of natural, plant-based probiotics. What
makes thes probiotics special is that they are native to human intestines, so
they can thrive in your body much more easily than many other probiotics
on the market.

contraindicaciones: warfarina, embarazo

frasco de 30 capsulas 1


artritis reumatoidea
anti inflamatoria
isquemia cerebral
hepatocellular carcinoma – apoptosica
autoimmune encephalomyelitis
neuroprotectora anti amiloide
prostatitis, cancer


Saw palmetto is a remarkable herb for both men and women and is used
by natural health practitioners to treat a variety of ailments such as
testicular inflammation, urinary tract inflammation, coughs and respiratory
congestion. It is also used to strengthen the thyroid gland, balance the
metabolism, stimulate appetite and aid digestion. This wonderful herb is
becoming famous for its uses in hair restoration, prostate health, sexual
vigour, breast enhancement and as a nutritive tonic.
Saw palmetto berry also tones the urethra and it may be used to uphold the
healthy function of the thyroid gland and urinary system.
frasco de 30 capsulas numero 00
fuente de yodo y de nutrientes esenciales

Spirulina and Your Eyes

As the population ages, the prevalence of age-related macular
degeneration (ARMD) is on the rise. ARMD is the deterioration of
your macula (the region in your eye that controls acute vision),
which typically occurs later in life. ARMD is the leading cause of
blindness today.

Your eyes' macular membranes contain several carotenoid

pigments called xanthophylls—lutein, zeaxanthin, and possibly
astaxanthin, if you're getting it as part of your diet. These special
pigments help protect your eyes from damage8 by slowing down
ultraviolet-induced oxidation of lipid membranes, thereby helping
prevent degeneration of your macula.

Additionally, xanthophylls may be effective in preventing

cataracts. Spirulina provides 3,750 to 6,000 mcg zeaxanthin per
serving size (3 grams). Eggs are another excellent source of both
lutein and zeaxanthin (200 mcg zeaxanthin per yolk). Astaxanthin
is also another marine-based nutrient that is in the carotenoid
family and is also a potent preventor of ARMD.

Spirulina and Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is an epidemic in the Western world today. It is
really a cluster of related pathologies, including insulin resistance,
obesity, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. Spirulina has been
shown to benefit diabetics in the following ways:

• Reducing systemic inflammation. (Insulin resistance has come to be

associated with a state of systemic low-grade inflammation.)
• Favorably altering your lipid profile by reducing serum triglycerides
and increasing HDL.
• Improving vasodilation in those who are obese as a result of high
fructose diets (which has benefits for diabetics, as well as for those
with hypertension and cardiovascular disease).

Spirulina and Your Cardiovascular Health

Diabetes and cardiovascular health are intimately connected, so
it's no surprise that spirulina shows great potential for people with
cardiovascular disease, in terms of creating better lipid profiles,
controlling hypertension, and increasing blood vessel elasticity.
Diabetic patients given 2 grams per day of spirulina showed
improved glycosylated hemoglobin and better lipid profiles in this
2001 study and in this study of the Mexican population, 4.5 grams
per day of spirulina significantly reduced serum triglyceride levels
and total cholesterol, boosted HDL, and reduced blood pressure
in test subjects.

It is thought that the lipid action of spirulina may be due to its

phycocyanin content, which inhibits pancreatic lipase activity, and
this in turn causes higher excretion of triglycerides through your

In one animal study, spirulina prevented hypertension and

vasoconstriction in rats fed fructose-rich diets, but rats fed
fructose-rich diets without spirulina had those adverse health
effects. Hamsters consuming spirulina were protected from
developing atherosclerosis in this 2007 study.

Spirulina and Your Liver

The accumulation of fats in your liver is closely associated with
metabolic syndrome and strongly raises your risk for dying from
cardiovascular disease. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
is the most common cause of chronic liver disease in North
America and notoriously difficult to treat, at least with traditional
medical measures.

Animal studies suggest spirulina can protect your liver, probably

as a result of its high antioxidant properties and its ability to
synthesize or release nitric oxide. Studies show that spirulina
does the following for your liver:14

• Prevents the buildup of triglycerides in your liver

• Inhibits lipid peroxidation
• Reduces liver inflammation
• Protects your liver from damage by heavy metals, like lead and

Spirulina and Your Brain

The third leading cause of death in the U.S. is stroke. Diets high in
antioxidants have been shown to lower your risk for stroke. Two
studies (one in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the
other in the British Journal of Nutrition showed that Spirulina
reduces platelet aggregation, which plays an important role in
vascular diseases by reducing your risk for thromboembolism.

In another study, three antioxidant-rich diets (blueberries, spinach,

and spirulina) were compared for their neuroprotective effects.
Spirulina was found to have the highest neuroprotective effect,
possibly due to its ability to squelch free radicals and reduce

And in an Oregon State University study of rats that had induced

strokes, the group fed spirulina showed brains lesions that were
75 percent smaller than those in control groups.

Oxidative stress is one major source of inflammation, and in your

brain, it can result in loss of dopamine neurons and lead to
neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson's and

An enzyme complex called NADPH oxidase has been shown to

play a role in these diseases, and the phycocyanin in spirulina
can suppress NADPH oxidase, lowering your risk for these age-
related brain diseases. (I will go into this further in the next

In animal studies, diets enriched with spirulina were found to

reverse the inflammation that can lead to diminished
neurogenesis (production of new neurons), which is another factor
in degenerative diseases of the brain. Bob Capelli, of Cyanotech
Corporation said:20

"Spirulina has long been associated with immune building and

anti-viral properties, eye and brain health and cardiovascular
health, but we now see that spirulina also has anti-inflammatory
properties through this research on one of the principal
constituents in spirulina, phycocyanin. This study isolates the
mechanism of action for phycocyanin as an anti-inflammatory."

Let's look a little more at the antioxidant properties of spirulina—in

particular, its special pigmented component, phycocyanobilin.

The Spirulina-Bilirubin Connection

Phycocyanobilin contained in spirulina is a close chemical relative
of bilirubin. In mammalian cells, phycocyanobilin is converted into
phycocyanorubin, a compound nearly identical to bilirubin.
Bilirubin is the chemical responsible for the yellow color of bruises,
urine, and jaundice and occurs as a breakdown product of your
red blood cells (heme). When a newborn baby gets jaundice, he is
placed under "bili lights" in the hospital nursery to prevent brain
damage (kernicterus), if his bilirubin levels become too high. The
lights break down the bilirubin so it can be excreted.
But bilirubin, at appropriate levels, has a strong free radial
scavenging effect.

Until recently, scientists were not aware that bilirubin may actually
have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and atheroprotective
properties—and there is a growing body of scientific and clinical
evidence to support this. From an evolutionary/biological
perspective, it makes sense that nature would have created a way
for your body to break down heme,21 which can be toxic if it

The way bilirubin is thought to provide these health benefits is

through its ability to inhibit NADPH oxidase, a metabolic enzyme
that is activated in a large number of pathological conditions and
generates a great deal of oxidative stress in your body. In fact,
NADPH overactivity appears to play a significant role in a wide
range of adverse health conditions, including but not limited to the

• Vascular diseases and vascular complications of other diseases

(diabetes, kidney failure, blindness, heart disease, etc.)
• Insulin resistance
• Neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
• Many human cancers
• Glaucoma
• Pulmonary fibrosis
• Erectile dysfunction
NADPH seems to be a chemical that can be helpful or harmful,
depending on how much of it is circulating at the time, so it needs
to be carefully regulated by your body. For example, NADPH
oxidase plays a key role in helping your immune system fight
bacteria and helps your T-cells to function properly.

It follows then that preventing many chronic diseases would

require finding a means of inhibiting or modulating NADPH

Bilirubin is now believed to assist with this modulating effect.

People with Gilbert Syndrome comprise 5-10% of the population

and illustrate this phenomenon very nicely—they are genetically
predisposed to chronically elevated levels of unconjugated
bilirubin. These individuals, having two to three times as much
bilirubin as the rest of us, enjoy a greatly reduced risk for coronary
artery disease, hypertension and carotid atherosclerosis, and
these protections are thought to be related to their high bilirubin
levels.22 I happen to be one of those with Gilbert's and did not
realize until reviewing the research for this article that my elevated
bilirubin levels were actually a major benefit.

Since phycocyanobilin is a very close relative of bilirubin—and

spirulina is a great source of phycocyanobilin—spirulina has
enormous clinical potential due to its NADPH oxidase inhibiting
effect.23 This is why phycocyanobilin has been the focus of a
large amount of research of late. Phycobilin extracts have been
shown to inhibit NADPH oxidase activity in human aortic
endothelium, aortic smooth muscle, and renal cell cultures. And
bilirubin protects against diabetic nephropathy via downregulation
of NADPH oxidase in rats

An Immune-System Power-Boost -- Spirulina's Impact on Candida and

According to a study done by the Department of Aquataculture in
Taiwan,4spirulina shows significant immune-boosting properties.
Researchers exposed white shrimp to seawater containing a hot-
water extract of spirulina before transferring them to seawater with
a pH level of 6.8. The control group was not exposed to spirulina.

The shrimp exposed to the spirulina seawater showed a faster

and more promising recovery rate to the high levels of pH than
those not given the dose of spirulina first.

Now, let's take a look at what this immune-system boosting power

can mean for you:

If you have an autoimmune disease such as Crohn's disease,
chronic fatigue syndrome, Lupus or fibromyalgia, chronic candida
yeast can both cause and worsen your symptoms. Spirulina has
been shown to encourage and support the growth of healthy
bacterial flora in your gut,5 which can help keep candida
overgrowth under control.


Drugs such as AZT used to treat HIV and AIDS patients can
actually cause the symptoms they are supposed to cure.
However, spirulina has been shown to help inactivate the human
immunodeficiency virus associated with HIV and AIDS.

Nothing to Sneeze At
If you suffer from seasonal or perennial allergies, you're not alone.
Millions of people are allergic to pollen, ragweed, dust, mold, pet
dander, and a myriad other environmental contaminants, ensuring
the makers of Kleenex will always stay in business.

Unfortunately, many people who have allergic rhinitis treat it with

prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs that often do more
harm than good. Antihistamines are designed to suppress your
immune system, which leads to decreased resistance to disease
and dependence on the drug. Certain asthma drugs have been
linked to serious side effects as well.

This is where natural methods such as the use of spirulina come

in. According to one study,6 patients treated with spirulina
reported relief of symptoms commonly associated with allergic
rhinitis, such as nasal discharge and congestion, sneezing and
itching, when given spirulina.

Balances Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a serious health concern
that affects millions of Americans today. If you have high blood
pressure, you are at increased risk of dying from a heart attack or

The good news is, following a healthy nutritional plan, getting

adequate exercise and applying stress modification techniques
such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) can help
normalize blood pressure and get you back on track to optimal
health. According to a study done by the Department of
Biochemistry in Mexico,7 4.5 grams of spirulina given each day
was shown to regulate blood pressure among both women and
men ages 18-65 years with no other dietary changes made during
the six weeks the experiment was run.

Get more information about high blood pressure and how to

normalize it without resorting to potentially dangerous drugs.

Help to Normalize Cholesterol Naturally

Are you on a cholesterol medication? Tens of millions of people
take cholesterol-lowering medications every day and, according to
"experts," millions more should be taking them, including children!
If you are skeptical about this recommendation please see this
page, which contains a list of articles addressing the dangers of
statin drugs.

Statin drugs are responsible for a host of unwanted and

dangerous side effects including:

• Sexual dysfunction
• Anemia
• Immune depression
• Acidosis
• Pancreas or liver dysfunction (including a potential increase in liver
• Cataracts
• Increased cancer risk
Cholesterol-lowering medications have also been linked to severe
muscle problems such as polyneuropathy (nerve damage in the
hands and feet) and rhabdomyolysis (a serious degenerative
muscle tissue condition). There is even evidence to suggest that
taking statins can increase your risk of developing Lou Gehrig's

Thankfully, there are natural ways to lower your cholesterol.

Avoiding fructose and grains, and getting appropriate exercise top
the list, but spirulina may also help. According to a study done on
elderly male and female patients ages 60-87,8 those given eight
grams of spirulina per day for 16 consecutive weeks showed
lower cholesterol levels than those who were given a placebo.

Lowers Stroke Risk

Those with sickle-cell anemia or congenital heart defects are at
greater risk for a condition called brain ischemia or cerebral
ischemia. Brain ischemia refers to a lack of blood flow to your
brain, which causes oxygen deprivation and can lead to a stroke.
Just 10 seconds of interrupted blood flow to your brain can cause
unconsciousness and lead to serious health consequences.

In a study done at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology in

India,9 it was found that a dosage of 180mg/kg of spirulina had a
protective effect on the brain and nervous system of rats exposed
to high amounts of free radicals, compared to rats not given the
spirulina before the experiment. This lab test shows the promising
effect of spirulina on stroke prevention.

Helps Reduce Cancer Risk

Cancer is the leading killer of adult Americans under age 70 and
in the case of this frightening disease, prevention is worth much
more than a pound of cure. It could literally save your life.

My first recommendation in cutting your cancer risk is to eliminate

sugar/fructose, grains, and processed foods from your diet.
Additives such as fructose feed cancer cells and help them to
thrive. I also recommend healthy sun exposure, which will boost
your levels of natural vitamin D and help cut your cancer risk by

But spirulina may have potential benefits here as well. According

to a study done in China,10 selenium-infused spirulina inhibited
the growth of MCF-7 breast cancer cells.
Healthy for Vegetarians -- More Protein than Red Meat
When you think of protein, you probably imagine sitting down to a
meal of organic eggs or grass-fed beef or maybe even drinking
a whey protein shake.

If you're a vegetarian, you may turn to plant-protein sources such

as nuts, beans, lentils, and soy products. Unfortunately, soy is not
the health food it claims to be. None of the above-mentioned
sources of protein compare to the protein punch delivered by
spirulina. Spirulina is 65-71 percent complete protein compared to
beef, which is only 22 percent, and lentils, which is only 26

In addition to being protein-rich, spirulina is an excellent source of

vital amino acids and minerals easily assimilated by your body.
You would need to consume only two tablespoons of spirulina as
a protein substitute for a meal.

frasco de 30 capsulas 00
arbol sagrado
vegetal maravilla
el arbol que cura 40 enfermedades
la farmacia en un arbol
sirve para todo

cancer antiinflamatorio y proapoptotico antitumoral

modos de empleo, capsula puede ser ingerida o su contenido disuelto en

agua para distintas aplicaciones, infecciones de oido, ginecologicas
Frasco de 30 capsulas numero 1

frasco gotero de 20 cc
Elimina los flujos vaginales, estrecha la vagina, desinfecta, elimina pólipos,
quistes, desarreglos menstruales, papiloma humano, endometriosis,
venéreas, ovario poliquistico, discracia endocrina con cambios de humor al
tiempo que desodoriza y refresca las partes intimas,

frasco con 30 cápsulas y ducha vaginal no desechable con estuche;

El “viagra vegetal” para hombres y mujeres

actua 30 minutos despues de ingerido

SIN los peligros o efectos secundarios del viagra …

NO taquicardia, NO riesgo cardiaco, NO sudoracionn, NO presion alta, NO
da dolor de cabeza

frasco de 30 capsulas
detiene la gripa cuando se usa dentro de los tresprimeros dias apenas
aparaezcan los primeros sintomas.
neumonia, antiviral, gripe, flu, tos, infecciones, herpes
estimula el sistema inmunologico y reduce la inflamación
especialmente efectivo en infecciones urinarias y respiratorias
potente antibiotico de amplio espectro, hongos, bacterias
fatiga cronica, congestion respiratoria, asma, influenza, tuberculosis.
Es muy alcalino, sube el ph de la orina y la saliva muy rapido, esta hierba
puede ser la defensa mas importante en caso de pandemia.
Asthma, bacterial infection, bronchitis, candidiasis (douche), chronic fatigue
syndrome, common cold, congestion, cough, cuts (topical), cytomegalovirus,
distemper, Epstein-Barr virus, gardnerella infections, gastroenteritis, hay
fever, herpes simplex, HIV, influenza, leukocytosis, lymphangitis,
mononucelosis, pharyngitis (early stages), pneumonia, respiratory tract
infection, rheumatism, shigellosis, skin infections (topical), sore throat
(gargle), sores (topical), stomatitis (topical), tonsillitis (early stages),
urinary tract infection, vaginal infections (douche), viral infections

frasco gotero de 30, 20, 10 y 5 cc

aumenta volumen de senos, galactogogue

Health Benefits of Fenugreek

Fenugreek For Type II Diabetes
Fenugreek helps to alleviate type II diabetes. A few small studies have
found that fenugreek may help lower blood sugar levels in people with
diabetes. Several human intervention trials demonstrated that the
antidiabetic effects of fenugreek seeds ameliorate most metabolic
symptoms associated with type-1 and type-2 diabetes in both humans and
relevant animal models by reducing serum glucose and improving glucose
tolerance. Studies have shown that participants with type 2 diabetes had
significantly lower blood sugar levels after eating fenugreek. Therefore, a
recommended home remedy for treating Type 2 diabetes is to consume
500mg of fenugreek twice daily.

Fenugreek For Type I Diabetes: According to one study, it may also help
people with Type I diabetes. Study done by Indian researchers revealed
that Fenugreek added to type I diabetic patient’s diet, helps drop urinary
sugar level by 54 percent. Because of the presence of the natural fiber
galactomannan, fenugreek slows down the rate at which sugar is absorbed
into blood. The amino acid (4-hydroxyisoleucine) in fenugreek induces the
production of insulin and therefore, 15-20 grams of fenugreek daily is
recommended for controlling blood sugar.

Fenugreek For Balancing Cholesterol

Non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) which constitute major fiber content in
the fenugreeks include saponins, hemicelluloses, mucilage, tannin, and
pectin. These compounds help lower blood LDL-cholesterol levels by
inhibiting bile salts re-absorption in the colon. Studies have found people
who took 2 ounces (56g) of fenugreek seed each day had significantly
(around 14 percent) lower cholesterol levels after 24 weeks, and had
lowered their risk of heart attack by more than 25 percent. Therefore, a
recommended remedy for lowering cholesterol is to take 2 ounces of seeds
throughout the day. The seeds can be sprinkled onto prepared food, or
they can be consumed with water if they are in capsule form.

This prized spice is an excellent source of minerals like copper, potassium,

calcium, iron, selenium, zinc, manganese, and magnesium. Potassium is
an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate
and blood pressure by countering action on sodium. Iron is essential for red
blood cell production and as a co-factor for cytochrome-oxidases enzymes.
The good thing is that fenugreek doesn’t lower the beneficial high-density
lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels in the blood.

Fenugreek For menstrual discomfort

Historically, fenugreek was used for a variety of health conditions, including
menopausal symptoms and digestive problems. It lessens the effect of hot
flashes and mood fluctuations that are common symptoms of menopause
and PMS. Fenugreek contains the chemicals diosgenin and estrogenic
isoflavones, which are similar to the female sex hormone, estrogen. Loss of
estrogen causes menopausal symptoms. So, eating fenugreek helps to
reduce menopausal symptoms.

Fenugreek For Easing Child Birth

It was also used for inducing childbirth. Fenugreek stimulates uterine
contractions and can be helpful to induce childbirth. However, pregnant
women should only use this remedy for inducing labor after consulting with
their doctor.

Fenugreek For Lactating Women

Fenugreek seeds are thought to be a galactagogue that is often used to
increase milk supply in lactating women. Research has even shown that
milk production can increase by over 500 percent within 24 to 72 hours
after consuming this herb. Although it is not known why this happens,
researchers speculate that the oil contained in fenugreek seeds plays a
role. Therefore, a recommended remedy to increase milk flow is to
consume one capsule of fenugreek seed (at least 500mg) three times a

Fenugreek For Sore Throat

Fenugreek’s soothing mucilage helps to relieve sore throat pain and cough.
A throat gargle prepared from fenugreek seeds is a good remedy for
treating sore throats. To prepare the oral concoction, first mix 2
tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in a liter of cool water. Then gently simmer
over low heat. Cool to a temperature you can tolerate on your throat and
gargle several times a day.

Fenugreek For Mucus Conditions

Fenugreek is a practical herb for all mucus conditions of the body,
particularly the lungs, by helping to clear congestion. It is a powerful
antioxidant and it acts as a mucus solvent and throat cleanser, which also
eases the urge to cough. Even drinking the water that seeds have been
soaked in and rinsed with, helps to soften and dissolve accumulated and
hardened masses of cellular debris. Use fenugreek for head colds,
influenza, catarrh, constipation, bronchial complaints, asthma, emphysema,
pneumonia, pleurisy, tuberculosis, sore throat, laryngitis, hay fever and

Fenugreek For Fever

The Fenugreek herb has been known to help reduce fever when taken with
lemon and honey, since it nourishes the body during an illness. Therefore,
to treat a fever, simply consume one to two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds
three times a day along with an herbal tea (such as green tea) with a
teaspoon of honey and lemon juice. Some health food stores also sell
herbal Fenugreek teas, which can be used instead of the green tea.
Fenugreek For expelling toxic waste
As a diaphoretic it is able to bring on a sweat and to help detox the body.
This takes place through the pores of the skin. The pungent aroma of
fenugreek may be smelt on the skin and in under-arm perspiration. This is
evidence that the herb is working well. After using the sprouts for a while,
this fenugreek body aroma, does not seem to be so apparent, maybe, the
sprouts have done a pretty good cleanse. Fenugreek helps to expel mucus
from the lungs and bowels.

Fenugreek For Lymphatic Cleansing

Fenugreek also has the reputation as a lymphatic cleansing herb. The
lymphatic system is the vacuum cleaner of the body. It has the vital role to
irrigate the cells with nutrients and to remove toxic wastes, dead cells and
trapped proteins. The fluid is cleaned through the lymph nodes, before the
body’s 13 litres of filtered lymph fluid recycles again, via the subclavian vein
near the heart. A blocked lymphatic system can mean poor circulation, fluid
retention, pain, loss of energy and disease, anywhere in the body. An
efficiently working lymphatic system is essential for a strong immune
system. This is a wonderful feature of fenugreek: stimulating and fortifying
the immune system.

Fenugreek For Peptic Ulcers

Fenugreek has been used for peptic ulcers and inflamed conditions of the
stomach and bowel, absorbing toxic material and eliminating it; the healing
and soothing action creates a protective coating, like a lubricant, over
inflamed areas. To make a tea, use 1 teasp. of seeds to 1 cup boiling
water. People find that drinking a cup of the tea before meals can bring
relief from numerous ailments. Fenugreek has helped travellers who have
experienced abdominal griping pains and gastric upsets, when travelling in
countries where food and water have been contaminated. The slightly bitter
properties of the seed are beneficial to digestion.

Fenugreek For Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Fenugreek seeds contain a lot of mucilage, which helps sooth
gastrointestinal inflammation by coating the lining of the stomach and
intestine. Therefore, for an effective remedy against heartburn or Acid
Reflux, simply sprinkle 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds onto your food.
Another option is to take one teaspoon of seeds and swallow them with
water or juice before any meal. Fenugreek is great for anyone having
issues with any sort of gastrointestinal inflammation such as acid reflux. It
will coat and soothe the stomach and intestine lining.

Fenugreek For Constipation

Fenugreek is an herbal remedy for digestive problems. Fenugreek adds
bulk to the stool. So, it is helpful to treat constipation and diarrhoea and
also relieves minor indigestion. Non-starch polysaccharides increase the
bulk of the food and augments bowel movements. Altogether, NSPs assist
in smooth digestion and help relieve constipation ailments.

Fenugreek For Increased libido

A June 2011 study at the Australian Centre for Integrative Clinical and
Molecular Medicine found that men aged 25 to 52 who took a fenugreek
extract twice daily for six weeks scored 25% higher on tests gauging libido
levels than those who took a placebo. Due to its estrogen-like properties,
fenugreek has been found to help increase libido.

Fenugreek For Breast Enlargement

Fenugreek is often used in many teas and other products that help balance
women's hormones and/or enlarge the breasts. Therefore, a simple home
remedy for breast enlargement is to make Fenugreek a part of your regular
diet. A common suggestion is to consume up to 3g of Fenugreek per day.

Fenugreek For Cancers

The potential protective effect of Fenugreek seeds against 7,12- DMBA-
induced breast cancer in rats has been shown. At 200 mg/kg body weight,
Fenugreek seeds' extract significantly inhibited the DMBA-induced
mammary hyperplasia and decreased its incidence. Epidemiological
studies also implicate apoptosis as a mechanism that might mediate the
Fenugreek's anti-breast cancer protective effects. More studies are needed
to support this health benefit-claim of fenugreek seed extract. Fenugreek
possesses ant carcinogenic potential. The steroid diosgenin in Fenugreek
is colon cancer preventive.

Fenugreek For Athletic Performance

An article appearing in the December 2010 issue of the "International
Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism" evaluated the effects
of two enzymes present in fenugreek, aromatize and 5α-reductase, which
modify cholesterol in the production of testosterone. The researchers
evaluated the effects of these enzymes on strength, body composition and
hormonal profiles in 30 resistance-trained men. The participants were
supplemented with either a placebo or 500 mg of fenugreek extract once a
day for eight weeks. Researchers monitored the participants' maximum
bench and leg press and muscle endurance during an exercise regime
conducted four days per week over the two month period. The study found
that fenugreek significantly improved performance in the weight-lifting
portions of the study, reduced body fat and increased testosterone levels in
the men.

Fenugreek For wounds

Fenugreek is used to treat wounds, inflammation and gastrointestinal
ailments. Fenugreek helps in ant oxidation. So, it prevents and repairs
damages caused by free radicals.

Fenugreek For Joint Pains

In India about 2-3g of raw fenugreek seeds are swallowed early in the
morning with warm water, before brushing the teeth and before drinking tea
or coffee, where they are supposed to have a therapeutic and healing
effect on joint pains, without any side effects.

Fenugreek For Skin Inflammation

Research has shown that Fenugreek is an effective topical treatment for
skin problems such as abscesses, boils, burns, eczema, and gout.
Therefore, a simple skin inflammation remedy is the following: Take a
spoonful of fenugreek and grind it into a powder. Mix the ground powder
with warm water.

Take a simple piece of clean cloth and soak it into the mixture. Apply the
soaked cloth directly onto the affected skin as a poultice.

Fenugreek In Chinese Medicine

Fenugreek seeds are used as a medicine in Traditional Chinese Medicine
under the name Hub Lu Be, where they are considered to warm and notify
kidneys, disperse cold and alleviate pain. Main indications are hernia, pain
in the groin. They are used raw or toasted. Traditional Chinese medicine
also advises fenugreek for kidney patients.
Fenugreek As An appetite suppressant
The natural soluble fiber galactomannan can swell in the stomach and thus,
suppress appetite.

Other Uses Of Fenugreek

Fenugreek is frequently used in the production of flavoring for artificial
maple syrups. The taste of toasted fenugreek, like cumin, is additionally
based on substituted pyridines. By itself, fenugreek has a bitter taste. It is
also rich in many vital vitamins including thiamin, pyridoxine (vit.B-6), folic
acid, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin-A and vitamin-C that are essential nutrients
for optimum health.

How to use Fenugreek

The dried seeds are ground and taken by mouth or used to form a paste
that is applied to the skin. Fenugreek is often available in capsules, seed,
and powder form at many health food stores. The seeds can also often be
found at Indian/Pakistani grocery stores. You may also be able to find
packaged Fenugreek herbal tea bags.

Side Effects of Fenugreek

While Fenugreek is generally considered to be safe when used moderately,
there have been reports of a few minor side effects. Nausea is one
common side effect, while other people have reported gastrointestinal
discomfort (diarrhea, bloating and/or gas).

Also, when using this herb topically on the skin, it is important to watch out
for skin irritations and rashes.

Fenugreek’s use during pregnancy is not recommended, since it has the

potential to induce labor. If you are pregnant and wish to take it, you should
do so only after consultation with your doctor.

Tell your health care providers about any complementary and alternative
practices you use. Give them a full picture of what you do to manage your
health. This will help ensure coordinated and safe care.

If you are currently taking any oral medications, you should always use this
herb at least 2 hours before or after these drugs. This is important since
Fenugreek fiber has the potential to interfere with the absorption of oral
medications due to its mucilaginous fiber, which gives it a moist and sticky

- See more at: http://www.greenchedy.com/common-herbs/complete-cheat-

yodo + potasio + magnesio

gotero 20 cc
induce apoptosis, mata patogenos, antiinflamatorio.
lo mas efectivo que existe hoy como anticancer, virucida, antibacterial,
antiparasitario, es una molécula efectiva contra toda clase de parasitos,
estos no tienen resistencia ante el y no la pueden desarrollar mutando
como en el caso de los antibioticos, una sola molecula de Zolver puede
matar o desactivar innumerables patogenos antes de desactivarse o ser
excretada y puede incluso matar tres organismos simultaneamente ... una
sola dosis de Zolver contiene 15 billones de estas moleculas lo que
garantiza que cada una de las celulas del cuerpo va a entrar en contacto
con alguna moleculas de Zolver mas de una vez.
Zolver tiene multiples usos y formas de utilizacion, se puede usar topico,
tomado, se puede poner en los ojos para conjuntivitis, infecciones, disolver
terigios y cataratas, en los oidos para eliminar depositos de cera, se puede
nebulizar como terapia respiratoria/sistemica, no solo es seguro de usar en
el embarazo, es ademas lo mas indicado para tratar placenta debil, para
poca ganancia peso, es una eficiente ducha vaginal para candida que no
produce daño al feto, al contrario lo protege y ayuda en su crecimiento.

cuatro presentaciones en botella gotero de

5 cc
10 cc
20 cc
30 cc

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