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Mass customization and rapid product development were

identified as current trends in modern manufacturing operations.
What is the relationship, if any, between these trends? Can you
cite any examples?
Mass Customization is personalization of products and services for individual customers
at a mass production price. Traditionally customization and low cost have been mutually
exclusive. Mass production provided low cost but at the expense of uniformity.
Customization was the product of designers and craftsman. Today, new interactive
technologies, like the Internet, allow customers to interact with a company and specify
their unique requirements which are then manufactured by automated systems and
handled by your staff, a third party, or intermediary. Product development is a broad field
of endeavor dealing with the design, creation, and marketing of new products.
Sometimes referred to as new product development (NPD), the discipline is focused on
developing systematic methods for guiding all the processes involved in getting a new
product to market.

Mass customization is the flexibility to produce in order to meet specific customer

demands without sacrificing the low cost of a product oriented process

Rapid development is a source of competitive advantage.

Both rely on agility within the organization

Rapid product development creates conflict because managers cannot easily change
designs or materials used in the production. However, managers use management
structures, technology, and alliances that allow them to be more responsive and
◆ Rapid product development: Technology combined with rapid international
communication of news, entertainment, and lifestyles is dramatically chopping away at the
life span of products. OM is answering with new management structures, enhanced
collaboration, digital technology, and creative alliances that are more responsive and
Teknologi yang dikombinasikan dengan komunikasi internasional yang cepat dari berita,
entertainment dan lifestyle (gaya hidup) membuat pemotongan secara drastic dari usia
suatu produk. OM yang akan menjawab dengan struktur manajemen yang baru,
penambahan kerja sama, teknologi digital dan aliansi kreatif yang lebih responsive dan
◆ Mass customization: Once managers recognize the world as the marketplace, the cultural
and individual differences become quite obvious. In a world where consumers are
increasingly aware of innovation and options, substantial pressure is placed on firms to
respond in a creative way. And OM must rapidly respond with product designs and flexible
production processes that cater to the individual whims of consumers. The goal is to
produce customized products, whenever and wherever needed.
Ketika manajer sadar bahwa dunia sebagai marketplace, budaya dan perbedaan individu
menjadi sangat jelas. Di dalam dunia yang konsumen sadar akan peningkatan dari inovasi
dan pilihan, tekanan yang substansi adalah penempatan perusahaan untuk merespon pada
posisi yang kreatif. Dan OM harus merespon dengan cepat dengan desain produk dan
proses produksi yang fleksibel yang melayani setiap keinginan individu dari konsumen. Goal
nya adalah memproduksi berbagai macam produk, kapan pun dan dimanapun dibutuhkan.

Dulu era manufaktur kerajinan, produk sangat terbatas sekali. Setiap barang di produksi sedikit variasi
(low variety) dengan harga tinggi (high price) bahkan setiap produksi membutuhkan waktu yang cukup
lama. Lalu dengan munculnya revolusi industri, munculnya mesin-mesin produksi. manufaktur pindah
dari era kerajinan ke era produksi massal (Mass Production). Produksi massal (Mass Production)
membuat produk yang macamnya terbatas (low variety) namun harga murah (low price) serta waktu
produksi yang lebih cepat.

Saat ini ada sebuah era baru yang muncul dan itu disebut Kustomisasi Massal (Mass Customization).
Menurut Laudon (2010), mass customization adalah kemampuan untuk menawarkan produk atau jasa
yang disesuaikan secara individu dengan menggunakan sumber daya produksi yang sama seperti mass

Mass Customization membuat produk lebih variatif (High variety) dengan harga murah (low price). Mass
Customization dapat menyesuaikan produk dengan cepat bagi nasabah individu maupun untuk pasar
ceruk (niche), produksi efisiensi dari produksi massal dan waktu produksi lebih cepat. Menggunakan
prinsip yang sama, mass customization merupakan Build-to-Orde, produk yang disesuaikan namun
dapat diproduksi secara massal pula.

Menurut Gilmor dan Joseph (1997), ada 4 (empat) pendekatan dalam customization, yaitu :
1. Customizers Kolaboratif, yaitu pendekatan dimana pelanggan/individu melakukan dialog untuk
membantu mengartikulasikan kebutuhan mereka dan untuk membuat produk yang disesuaikan untuk
Contoh : Salon Rambut, pelanggan dapat konsultasi atau berdialog mengenai jenis/type potongan
rambut yang diinginkan.

2. Customizers Adaptive, manufactur menawarkan produk standar, namun masih dapat disesuaikan.
Produk dirancang dalam bentuk standar tersebut dibuat sedemikan rupa sehingga pengguna masih
dapat mengubahnya sendiri.
Contoh : Handphone, dengan membenamkan teknologi didalamnya setiap customer dapat
menambahkan fungsi dalam produk tersebut.

3. Customizer Cosmetic, yaitu menyajikan produk standar berbeda untuk berbeda pelanggan.
Pendekatan kosmetik tepat ketika pelanggan menggunakan produk cara yang sama dan hanya berbeda
dalam bagaimana mereka ingin disajikan. menawarkan standar yang dikemas khusus untuk setiap
Contoh : Gula yang dikemas dalam packing ½ kg, 1 kg, 2 kg, sehingga pelanggan mempunyai pilihan.

4. Customizer Transparan, menyediakan pelanggan dengan produk/layanan unik tanpa membiarkan

mereka mengetahui secara eksplisit bahwa produk-produk dan jasa telah disesuaikan untuk mereka.
Pendekatan transparan untuk kustomisasi tepat ketika kebutuhan spesifik pelanggan dapat diprediksi
dengan mudah atau dapat disimpulkan dan terutama ketika pelanggan menyatakan kebutuhan mereka
berulang kali.
Contoh : Mobil, dibuat dengan warna yang berbeda yang didasarkan pada keinginan banyak individu
yang diikuti oleh banyak manufaktur.

Seluruh perusahaan di dunia saat ini menyadari kebutuhan untuk memberikan pelayanan yang
memuaskan untuk pelanggan. Dalam keinginan perusahaan untuk memenuhi keinginan pelanggan,
mendorong banyak perusahaan terpaksa menciptakan program-program baru dan prosedur untuk
memenuhi setiap permintaan pelanggan. Dalam melakukan Mass Custimization, bagaimana perusahaan
memberikan nilai yang unik/nilai tambah suatu produk sesuai keinginan pelanggan namun dengan cara
yang efisien.

Teknologi informasi tepat guna dan proses kerja yang fleksibel memungkinkan perusahaan untuk
menyesuaikan barang atau jasa bagi pelanggan perorangan dalam volume tinggi dan dengan harga yang
relatif biaya rendah. Sehingga perusahaan lebih kompetitif dalam memenuhi keinginan setiap pelanggan
serta mampu menang dalam persaingan global.


Saat ini ada sebuah era baru yang muncul dan itu disebut Kustomisasi Massal (Mass
Customization) yang membuat sebuah produk lebih variatif (High Variety) dengan harga murah
(low price). Menurut Laudon (2010),Kustomisasi Massal (mass customization) adalah
kemampuan untuk menawarkan produk atau jasa yang disesuaikan secara individu dengan
menggunakan sumber daya produksi yang sama seperti mass production.Kustomisasi Massal
(Mass Customization) dapat menyesuaikan produk dengan cepat bagi nasabah maupun untuk
pasar ceruk (niche), produksi efisiensi dari produksi massal dan waktu produksi lebih cepat.
Menggunakan prinsip yang sama, mass customization merupakan Build-to-Orde, produk yang
disesuaikan namun dapat diproduksi secara massal pula, (Chairia, 2012).
Ada beberapa perusahan yang mengahdirkan era kustomisasi massal tersebut,
diantaranya Dell, FedEx, Cemex, dan Anderson Corp. Untuk perusahaan-perusahaan ini
menyajikan tahapan baru dalam hal kustomisasi massal yang memperkenalkan nilai
pengalaman kepada pelanggan mereka. Mereka mengidentifikasi kekurangan yang ada
diproduksi barang dan jasa, membedakan basis karakteristik individu pelanggan mereka
sehingga penawaran yang diberikan kepada pelanggan benar-benar sesuai dengan keinginan
pelanggan itu sendiri.
Seperti halnya perusahaan Dell, mereka menawarkan kepada pelanggan yaitu komponen
elektronik seperti CPU dan chip memori, disk drives, USB ports, software, dan sebagainya.
Beberapa komponen tersebut memberikan kemudahan terhadap computer yang dimiliki oleh
para pelanggan yang semuanya menghubungkan komposisi dari masing-masing computer dapat
berbeda jauh dari pelanggan ke pelanggan lainnya.
Perusahaan FedEx, mereka menghadirkan sesuatu yang unik, dimana mereka
meyediakan layanan pengiriman paket dalam 1 malam dengan biaya yang sangat murah.
Sedangkan perusahaan Cemex yang merupakan perusahaan beton terbesar di dunia yang
berpusat di Monterrey, Mexico, memberikan tawaran kepada pelanggan yaitu beton siap pakai.
Perusahaan Cemex benar-benar memperhatikan kualitas produk yang ditawarkan kepada
pelanggan dengan membuat beton bangunan dengan memperhatikan kondisi cuaca di suatu
Negara agar beton tersebut tahan lama, jadwal konstruksi serta pengiriman beton tersebut tepat
waktu sehingga pelanggan merasa puas. Yang terakhir adalah perusahaan Anderson Corp yang
berpusat di Bayport, Minnesota. Perusahaan ini mengembangkan alat desain multimedia yang
disebut dengan jendela pengetahuan (The Window of Knowledge). Perusahaan ini membantu
para distributor untuk berkolaborasi dengan konsumen untuk mendesian Window mereka sendri
sehingga para pelanggan dapat mendesian windownya sesuai dengan keinginan mereka sendiri
seperti tampilan video yang indah, membuat latar pemandangan yang bagus sehingga membuat
para pelanngan yang lain terkagum.
Berdasarkan ke empat perusahaan diatas, mereka menggunakan dua pola pendekatan
dalam Mass customization yaitu Customizers Adaptive dan Customizer Transparan.
Menurut Gilmor dan Joseph (1997), pendekatan Customizers Adaptive, yaitu manufactur
menawarkan produk standar, namun masih dapat disesuaikan. Produk dirancang dalam bentuk
standar tersebut dibuat sedemikan rupa sehingga pengguna masih dapat mengubahnya sendiri.
Sedangkan Customizer Transparan, menyediakan pelanggan dengan produk/layanan unik tanpa
membiarkan mereka mengetahui secara eksplisit bahwa produk-produk dan jasa telah
disesuaikan untuk mereka. Pendekatan transparan untuk kustomisasi tepat ketika kebutuhan
spesifik pelanggan dapat diprediksi dengan mudah atau dapat disimpulkan dan terutama ketika
pelanggan menyatakan kebutuhan mereka berulang kali.
Seluruh perusahaan ini menyadari kebutuhan untuk memberikan pelayanan yang
memuaskan untuk pelanggan. Dalam keinginan perusahaan untuk memenuhi keinginan
pelanggan, mendorong banyak perusahaan terpaksa menciptakan program-program baru dan
prosedur untuk memenuhi setiap permintaan pelanggan. Dalam melakukan Mass Custimization,
bagaimana perusahaan memberikan nilai yang unik/nilai tambah suatu produk sesuai keinginan
pelanggan namun dengan cara yang efisien.

3. How can the voice of the customer be incorporated in the design

of products and services?
The “voice of the customer” is a process used to capture the requirements/feedback from the customer (internal or
external) to provide the customers with the best in class service/product quality. This process is all about being
proactive and constantly innovative to capture the changing requirements of the customers with time.

The “voice of the customer” is the term used to describe the stated and unstated needs or requirements of the
customer. The voice of the customer can be captured in a variety of ways: Direct discussion or interviews, surveys,
focus groups, customer specifications, observation, warranty data, field reports, complaint logs, etc.

This data is used to identify the quality attributes needed for a supplied component or material to incorporate in the
process or product.
Understanding the customer is the premier issue in new-product development. Many commercially
important products are initially thought of and even prototyped by users rather
than producers. Such products tend to be developed by “lead users”—companies, organizations,
or individuals that are well ahead of market trends and have needs that go far
beyond those of average users. The operations manager must be “tuned in” to the market
and particularly these innovative lead users.

The Voice of the Customer (VOC) is a process for capturing customers’ requirements. It produces a
detailed set of customer wants and needs which are organized into a hierarchical structure, and then
prioritized in terms of relative importance and satisfaction with current alternatives. There are four
aspects of the VOC – customer needs, a hierarchical structure, priorities, and customer perceptions of
The Voice of the Customer process has important outputs and benefits for product developers. It
provides a detailed understanding of the customer’s requirements, a common language for the team
going forward in the product development process, key input for the setting of appropriate design
specifications for the new product or service, and a highly useful springboard for product innovation. As
may be seen in the examples presented, gathering the Voice of the Customer is an extremely important
part of the new product development process. It forms a solid basis for design and marketing decisions
from concept development through product launch.

The Voice of the Customer (VOC) is a term used in business to describe the process of capturing
customers’ requirements. The Voice of the Customer is a product development technique that produces
a detailed set of customer wants and needs which are organized into a hierarchical structure, and then
prioritized in terms of relative importance and satisfaction with current alternatives. The Voice of the
Customer process has important outputs and benefits for product developers. VOC provides: • a
detailed understanding of the customer’s requirements • a common language for the team going
forward • key input for the setting of appropriate design specifications for the new product or service •
a highly useful springboard for product innovation There are four aspects of the VOC – customer needs,
a hierarchical structure, priorities, and customer perceptions of performance

Voice of the Customer studies typically consist of both qualitative and quantitative market research
steps. They are generally conducted at the start (or “Fuzzy Front End”) of any new product, process, or
service design initiative in order to understand better the customer’s wants and needs (see WIEM05-
022). The VOC can also be a key input for new product definition, Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
(see WIEM05-023), or the setting of detailed design specifications (see WIEM05-049). It is critical that
the product development core team own and be highly involved in this process. They must be the ones
who take the lead in defining the topic, designing the sample (i.e., the types of customers to include),
generating the questions for the discussion guide, either conducting or observing and analyzing the
interviews, and extracting and processing the needs statements. Only by being highly involved can the
team fully internalize the VOC and make effective product design decisions (see WIEM05-002).

4. Rochester Manufacturing's Process Decision

Transcript of Rochester Manufacturing's Process Decision
Rochester Manufacturing's Process Decision
Background of Case
Question 1
As a production manager for RMC what do you recommend?
Introduction of Process design
Operations Management:
part of enterprise management

Main goals of Operations Management:

Low cost
High efficiency
High returns

The Basic of Operations Management:

Process Design

Question 2
Prepare a case by a conservative plant manager for maintaining the status quo until the returns are more

Question 3
Lesser machines and labors:
Easier management task
Lower floor space:
More available space
Shorter time of delivery:
Higher market share

Prepare the case for an optimistic sales manager
who suggests that you should move ahead with the FMS now.

Cost & Risk:$3,000,000.00 expenditure on machinery and the transfer machines will handle about 30% of
RMC’s work. an analysis of the project’s return on investment showed it to be between 10% and 15% per
year. payback periods of substantially less than 5 years.
Current Situations

Costs & Risks

Current situations
Numerically control machines:


volume Intermittent manner
Machine utilization: About
Firm: from

to about machines
Personnel: from to perhaps as low as .
Floor space: from square feet to about .
Productive Time: in days rather than days.
Inventory Reduction: estimates to yield a one-time
Annual labor: savings around .
1 to 2
7 to 10
Costs & Risks
million expenditure on machinery
Transition & Start up cost
return on investment per year.
payback periods of substantially less than years.
Floor Space
Productive Time
As a production manager, i will focus on the follow things:
1. Cost of overall organization will
2. More hidden cost which have not
3. Long time Payback periods

If revenue has already above breakeven, it is good for profitability.
Thus,we must should move ahead with the FMS now.
Easy to control


1. As a production manager for RMC what do you recommend?Why?

As production manager, you believe that the inherent advantages of
an FMS should tilt the scales in favor of FMS. Your management task
should be easier and therefore better.Your task will be easier and
better because those parts of your workday that are related to
scheduling, manpower,maintenance, and housekeeping should
require less direction and be easier to control. You would be inclined
to ask the“numbers people” to be sure they included all of these rela-
tively minor shop floor issues in the decision.

2. Prepare a case by a conservative plant manager for maintaining the

status quo until the returns are more obvious. A conservative plant
manager may well be the individual in the decision-making process
who is asked about the return on investment. ROI may be largely the
plant manager’sresponsibility. If the numbers do not support change,
then don’t do it. Additionally, the trauma of change in layout,training,
and acceptance by workers contains numerous hidden costs.
Consequently, the plant manager may have astrong case for the
status quo.
3. Prepare the case for an optimistic sales manager who suggests that
you should move ahead with the FMS now. The optimistic sales
manager’s case is that improved delivery time (i.e., improved
throughput) and improved quality may well yield a higher market
share, which, if the companyis already above breakeven, is great for
profitability, and hence ROI will be higher than projected (sales growth
is not typically included in ROI computations). Additionally,
themanagement task is easier (i.e., fewer machines to maintain,fewer
people to supervise), and additional floor space will beavailable when

:Being production manager supposing flexible machining system’s

intrinsic compensations must take decisions which have possible
favorability towards FMS sothat managerial tasks/ missions become
easier and consequently...

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