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Time taken: 14 sec

Question 1
Which of the following types of tests
measure typical performance?
 Selected: a. All of the choices except for the National Achievement Test This answer is correct.
 b. National Achievement Test
 c. Interest Inventory
 d. Work Habits Inventory
 e. Temperament Tests
Time taken: 7 sec
Question 2
In the framework of Outcome-Based Education,
where do we have to base all our outcomes?
 a. Reliable Accrediting Agencies
 b. ISO
 c. International Standards of Quality Education
 d. Commission on Higher Education
 Selected: e. Institutional Vision-Mission-Goals This answer is correct.

Time taken: 6 sec
Question 3
What stage of the Test Development Process is
characterized by identifying the purpose of the
test, assessing which learning outcomes shall be
included, and preparing a Table of Specifications
(TOS) as a guide in the test construction?
 a. Review Phase
 b. None of the choices
 c. Item Construction Phase
 d. Development Phase
 Selected: e. Planning Phase This answer is correct.

Time taken: 18 sec
Question 4
What type of test is achieved when learners are
motivated to perform well?
 Selected: a. Maximum Performance Tests This answer is correct.
 b. none of the choices because it depends on the student
 c. Minimum Performance Tests
 d. Personality Tests
 e. IQ Tests
Time taken: 5 sec
Question 5
What is the process of curriculum design, teaching, learning,
and assessment that focuses on what students can actually do
after they are taught?
 a. Authentic Assessment
 b. 21st Century Education

 c. none of the choices

 Selected: d. Outcome-Based Education This answer is correct.
 e. Assessment of Learning
Time taken: 17 sec
Question 6
Reliability of the test can simply de
descibed as _____________.
 a. measuring what it intends to measure
 Selected: b. consistency of the scoring This answer is correct.
 c. truthfulness of the examiner in recording
 d. accuracy of the answer key
 e. variation of the test scores
Time taken: 13 sec
Question 7
What is the highest level in the cognitive domain
which puts together all the elements to form a
coherent or functional whole and/or reorganize
elements into a new pattern or structure?
 a. Remembering
 b. Analyzing
 Selected: c. Creating This answer is correct.
 d. none of the choices
 e. Evaluating
Time taken: 12 sec
Question 8
The DPE students were given an
achievement test to determine whether
each student has achieved specific skills
or concepts and find out how much
these students' know before
instructions begin and after it has
finished. Each student is compared with
a preset standard for acceptable
achievement. What type of test is
described in the given situation?
 a. Diagnostic Test
 Selected: b. Criterion-Referenced This answer is correct.
 c. Normative-Referenced
 d. Standardized Test
 e. Minimum Performance Test
Time taken: 6 sec
Question 9
What is the first known standardized test
in the World?
 a. none of the choices
 b. Licensure Examination for Teachers
 c. National Achievement Test
 Selected: d. Civil Service Examination This answer is correct.
 e. IQ Test for Special Children
Time taken: 19 sec
Question 10
Which type of tests are prepared by
specialists in the field whose validity
and reliability are high enough to make
an effective indicator of instructional
effectiveness and school performance?
 a. none of the choices
 b. NAT
 c. Teacher-made
 Selected: d. Standardized This answer is correct.
 e. Achievement
Time taken: 6 sec
Question 11
Which of the following are the identified Basic
Principles of Outcome-Based Education according
to Spady (2003)?
 a. Consistent High Expectations of Success
 Selected: b. All of the choices This answer is correct.
 c. Designing Backwards
 d. Clarity of focus
 e. Expanded Opportunity
Time taken: 5 sec
Question 12
From a psychometric point of view, the
best items are_______ items.
 a. matching type
 b. it depends on the psychometrician
 c. binary exam
 Selected: d. multiple choice This answer is correct.
 e. essay
Time taken: 13 sec
Question 13
Identify the validity of this statement:
Assessment and Evaluation are one and the same.
 True
 Selected: False This answer is correct.

Time taken: 6 sec
Question 14
What is a test blueprint which ensures the
preparation of a good test?
 a. Table of Contents
 b. Table of Learning Outcomes
 c. Assessment Table
 Selected: d. Table of Specifications This answer is correct.

Time taken: 1 min 17 sec
Question 15
Which of the following is a function of
 a. Instruction
 b. Guidance
 Selected: c. All of the choices This answer is correct.
 d. Research
 e. Administrative
Time taken: 17 sec
Question 16
Achievement and Aptitude tests are
measures of what type of performance?
 a. Minimum perfromance
 b. Typical performance
 c. both maximum and typical performance
 d. none of the choices
 Selected: e. Maximum performance This answer is correct.

Time taken: 6 sec
Question 17
The Cognitive, Affective, and Pychomotor are
prominent concepts in the field of education which
are otherwise known as:
 a. None of the choices
 b. The Three Processes of Learning
 Selected: c. The Three Domains of Learning This answer is correct.
 d. The Three Assessment Tools of Learning
 e. The Three Basic Learning Outcomes
Time taken: 7 sec
Question 18
As a general rule:
 a. all are correct
 b. shorter tests are better in order to please your students

 c. all tests that are valid are automatically reliable

 d. the shorter the test the more reliable it is
 Selected: e. the shorter the test the less reliable and valid it is This answer is correct.

Time taken: 14 sec
Question 19
Which of the following is NOT a role of
 a. Diagnostic
 b. Placement
 Selected: c. All are considered roles of assessment. This answer is correct.
 d. Formative
 e. Summative
Time taken: 41 sec
Question 20
Identify the validity of this statement:
Assessment is one way. Only teachers are involved
in assessment.
 True
 Selected: False This answer is correct.

Time taken: 9 sec
Question 21
Identify the validity of this statement:
Assessment of learning is summative in nature.
 True
 Selected: False This answer is correct.

Time taken: 5 sec
Question 22
In the K to 12 program, which of the folowing is a
 a. Humanitites and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
 b. Academic
 c. Technical-Vocational and Livelihood (TVL)
 d. Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)
 Selected: e. all of the choices This answer is correct.

Time taken: 20 sec
Question 23
Tests results were utilized to make decisions about
the school's curriculum. What function of
assessment does it serve?
 a. Research and Evaluation
 b. none of the choices
 Selected: c. Administrative This answer is correct.
 d. Instruction
 e. Guidance and Counseling
Time taken: 16 sec
Question 24
Measurement does not include qualitative
data about student’s performance. This
statement is ______________
 Selected: a. True because measurement is the quantitative description of an attribute of the
student through testing. This answer is correct.
 b. False because it is culled from qualitative data which can be obtained through interviews and
ethnographic methods.
 c. Sometimes true because measurement is not only limited to quantifiable data.
 d. None of the choices
 e. True because measurement is the only way to assess learning.

Time taken: 18 sec
Question 25
Dr. Ging constructed a tool to identify the
strengths and weaknesses of her
students in her Economics class. This
serves as her diagnostic test, which is
based on the list of competencies they
are expected to learn in the previous
year. This is an example of what
concept in education?
 a. Evaluation
 b. Measurement
 c. None of the choices
 d. Assessment
 Selected: e. Testing This answer is correct.

Time taken: 29 sec
Question 26
Which statement is NOT a description on
the instructional functions of testing?
 a. Tests can be a useful means of accreditation, mastery, and certification.

 b. Tests can be used in studies that determine effectiveness of pedagogical techniques.

 c. Tests can motivate learning.

 d. Tests enable learners to better understand his/her abilities and interests to take advantage of
vocational opportunities.
 Selected: e. None of the choices This answer is correct.

Time taken: 12 sec
Question 27
According to the purposes of assessment,
the teacher initiated activities such as
pretests, prognostic tests, assignments,
quizzes, concepts maps, FGDs, are
considered as
 a. Assessment as Learning
 Selected: b. Assessment for Learning This answer is correct.
 c. None of the choices
 d. Assessment of Learning
 e. Outcome-Based Education
Time taken: 10 sec
Question 28
According to Anderson et al. (2001), the cognitive
level which merely retrieves relevant knowledge
from long-term memory is called__________.
 a. Creating
 b. Understanding
 Selected: c. Remembering This answer is correct.
 d. None of the choices
 e. Analyzing
Time taken: 5 sec
Question 29
The first sophisticated Civil Service Exams
were formulated and used by the
 Selected: a. Chinese Empire to recruit the best and the brightest to work in government This
answer is correct.
 b. Europeans in the selection of the best suited monarch who will rule the Kingdom
 c. Filipino people in the Professional Regulations Commission
 d. Americans to recruit people who will work for the Civil War
 e. None of the choices
Time taken: 11 sec
Question 30
Dr. Abaigar used direct observation to
appraise the dribbling, passing,
shooting, and lay-up skills of his
students in basketball. He rated Paul a
‘2’ on shooting using a 3-point rubric.
This is an example of
 a. none of the choices
 b. Testing
 c. Evaluation
 d. Assessment
 Selected: e. Measurement This answer is correct.

Time taken: 14 sec
Question 31
Identify the validity of this statement:
Creating is the lowest cognitive level according to
the study of Anderson, et al. (2001).
 True
 Selected: False This answer is correct.

Time taken: 7 sec
Question 32
What is the area of learning in which the child is
assisted to learn the skills that are too difficult for
the child to master on his own but can be done
with the guidance of the teacher?
 a. none of the choices
 b. stages of moral development
 c. cephalocaudal development
 Selected: d. zone of proximal development This answer is correct.
 e. conflicts in psycho-social development
Time taken: 10 sec
Question 33
Identify the validity of this statement:
Assessment as Learning employs tasks or activities
that provide students with the opportunities to
monitor their own learning.
 Selected: True This answer is correct.
 False
Time taken: 8 sec
Question 34
Fr. Abegail Bacaltos was overjoyed when
he saw the results of his Christology
class, which obtained a mean score of
90%. He concluded that the students
were able to master the learning
 a. Testing
 b. Assessment
 c. none of the choices
 Selected: d. Evaluation This answer is correct.
 e. Measurement
Time taken: 6 sec
Question 35
An aptitude test is to _________ as an
achievement test is to _________.
 a. what has been learned; potential
 b. profit from learning; potential
 c. behavior towards learning; recognition received when success is reached
 Selected: d. potential; what has been learned This answer is correct.
 e. a measurement of current skill; potential
Time taken: 9 sec
Question 36
Which type of tests is NOT congruent to
its definition or descriptions as stated?
 a. None of the choices
 Selected: b. Aptitude tests measure student’s learning as a result of instruction and training
experiences. This answer is correct.
 c. Personality tests has no right or wrong answer because it measures behavioral style.

 d. Intelligence tests measure innate mental ability.

 e. Sociometric tests measure interpersonal relationships.
Time taken: 15 sec
Question 37
Identify the validity of this statement:
Assessment is completed once every grading
 True
 Selected: False This answer is correct.

Time taken: 5 sec
Question 38
Identify the vailidity of this statement:
Assessment is not only for grading purposes.
 Selected: True This answer is correct.
 False
Time taken: 8 sec
Question 39
According to Anderson et al. (2001), the 5
cognitive levels in order are the following:
 a. Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Evaluating, Analyzing, Creating
 b. Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation
 Selected: c. Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating This
answer is correct.
 d. Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Creating, Evaluating
 e. Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation
Time taken: 11 sec
Question 40
Identify the validity of this statement:
Assessment for learning pertains to diagnostic and
formative assessment which are used to determine
learning needs, monitor academic progress, and
guide instruction.
 Selected: True This answer is correct.
 False
Time taken: 8 sec
Question 41
Which of the folowing is NOT an example of a
supply type of test?
 a. Short Answer
 Selected: b. Multiple Choice This answer is correct.
 c. Completion
 d. None of the choices
 e. Essay Restricted/Extended
Time taken: 6 sec
Question 42
The Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) is
what type of test?
 a. Performance Type
 b. None of the Choices
 c. Supply type (Constructed Response)
 Selected: d. Selection type (Selected Response) This answer is correct.

Time taken: 8 sec
Question 43
After Major General Jonjie Arevalo
discussed the concepts in his
Criminology class, he gave a formative
exam to measure the extent of their
learning. This shows the process of
 Selected: a. Assessment This answer is correct.
 b. Measurement
 c. Testing
 d. None of the choices
 e. Evaluation
Time taken: 14 sec
Question 44
A twelve year-old Gerald, an out-of-school
youth (OSY) of Sitio Komotkomot,
stopped during the fourth year grade in
2014. He took the PEPT (Philippine
Educational Placement Test) of DepEd
last month. After passing the exam, he
was qualified to enrol in the Senior High
School HUMSS strand. The test in this
scenario aims to determine the grade
level appropriate for him. What role of
assessment is shown in the situation?
 a. Summative
 b. None of the choices
 Selected: c. Placement This answer is correct.
 d. Formative
 e. Diagnostic
Time taken: 12 sec
Question 45
In the parlance of Assessment of Learning, what is
 a. the options in the test
 Selected: b. an interrogative statement (direct question) or an incomplete statement This
answer is correct.
 c. none of the choices
 d. a part of a tree which sucks water from the soils
 e. Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathemtics
Time taken: 14 sec
Question 46
Identify the validity of this statement:
Students work should always be recorded but not
all scores can be a basis for grading.
 Selected: True This answer is correct.
 False
Time taken: 18 sec
Question 47
TCC applicants undergo admission testing
and are given OLSAT level G test,
English Proficiency Test and Essay Tests
of which they are ask to give their
opinion or ideas on one specific topic
given several essay topics. What type of
tests is IQ and Essay respectively?
 a. free response test and criterion-referenced test
 b. none of the choices
 Selected: c. norm-referenced test & subjective test This answer is correct.
 d. criterion-referenced test and objective test
 e. subjective test and free response test
Time taken: 14 sec
Question 48
In the knowledge-understanding continuum, which
of the following are considered as levels of Deep
 a. Applying, Understanding, Analysing
 Selected: b. Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating This answer is correct.
 c. Remembering, Comprehending/Understanding, Applying
 d. all levels can belong to the level of deep understanding
Time taken: 9 sec
Question 49
Identify the validity of this statement:
Ms. Maharanee obtained a score of 40 out of 45
points in the test. This scenario best exemplies
 Selected: True This answer is correct.
 False
Time taken: 8 sec
Question 50
A table of specifications refers to:
 a. the degree to which theory dictates content
 b. none of the choices
 c. the practical decisions that need to be made
 d. how long the test will be
 Selected: e. a blueprint of the structure of the finished test

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