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Aturan dalam debat

Peraturan Debate Bahasa Inggris

Motion :
Topik yang diperdebatkan
Parameter :
Limitation of the argument, yaitu batasan yg harus diberikan oleh team positif agar pembicaraan tidak panjang
lebar dan tidak sesuai dengan Motion.
Parameter penting sekali karena dalam perdebatan akan muncul ide-ide baru yang nantinya tidak akan bertemu
pada satu titik.Maka gunanya parameter untuk membatasi isi daripada pembicaraan.
Parameter juga bisa digunakan sebagai penjebak apabila team lawan berargumen yg keluar dari parameter anda.
Jika Affirmative Team tidak memberikan parameter maka haknya bisa diambil oleh Negatif Team dan itu sangat
berbahaya, karena jalur pembicaraan dipegang oleh team lawan.
Team Split :
Bagian-bagian yang akan di bicarakan oleh masing-masing speaker.
Misalnya : society point of view,Law point of view,Morality point of view,Health pof dll.
Themeline :
Garis besar/inti dari motion yg diambil dari keseluruhan argument
Matter :
Materi yg dismpaikan harus sesuai dan berhubungan dengan motion(jgn keluar jalur)
Manner :
Cara penyampaian argument: sopan,tegas,meyakinkan,suara jgn sampai lembek karena berpengaruh pd kekuatan
argument anda,jg BODY LANGUAGE jg sangat penting(jgn tegang seprti patung).
(bisa dengan alittle bit emotion,tapi jangan marah2)
Method :
Metode penyampaian dari 1st speaker-3rd speaker dan pembagian tugas harus jelas.
Ketiga unsur ini mempengaruhi margin dalam penjurian.
Timer :
Ini juga sangat penting waktu semakin panjang makin bagus.
Pengalaman saya : waktu bicara tidak usah terburu2 jika apa yg disampaikan tidak banyak, cobalah mengulur
waktu dengan pura2 berpikir(acting),jadi waktu kita yg lama sebelum ketukan harus berhenti akan menambah
margin juga dalam penilaian.
Reply Speech:
Kesimpulan dari ketiga argument yg menguatkan. Bisa di bawakan oleh 1st atau 2nd speaker(pembicara ketiga
tidak boleh memberikan Reply Spech didlm Australian debate rules.
Perlu diingat dlm penyampaian reply spech jangan sampai membuka kasus/ ide baru.Hanya sebuah penegasan dari
argument team saja.
Tugas2 Team Affirmatif
1st speaker: (1st speaker mendapat tugas paling banyak dan jangan ada yg tertinggal)
1. Introducing team
2. Giving the motion,parameter,themeline and team split.
3. argument
Good morning/afternoon,ladies and gentleman the member of this house..atau..Madam,Mr.speaker sir the member
of this house.
Thankyou for the apportunity that given to me.We are from SMK N 1 Saptosari Wonosari.Lets me to introduce
our team.
Me as the 1st speakr,my name is…, Our 2nd speaker is…,and our 3rd speaker is…
Next i would like to give our motion today,our motion today is Thbt our govermnt should take a firm action upon
illegal miner.
From that motion we will give our themeline: That we as the affirmatif team absolutly agree that the gvrment must
take a firm action to the illegal miner for the goodness of our country.
Then our parameter today is that we just talk about the gold illegal miner in our country(dalam hal ini bs anda
ganti dgn pertambangan yg lain,misal: minyak etc.)
(Jadi jika lawan anda sampai bicara soal minyak padahal team anda memberikan pembatasan hanya pada
penambangan emas,berarti satu kelemahan dari lawan bisa anda jadikan senjata.Anda bisa langsung nembak
bahwa apa yg merka bicarakan lari dari parameter yg anda buat sbg team+)
well,continue to our team split,
Me as the 1fst speaker would like to talk about the effect for Economic point of view,our 2nd speaker would like
to talk about the Law pov and the 3rd speaker wldlike to give more proof and summery of our argument. (bisa
diganti P.o.v.yg lain, mis: society dll)
And for the reply speech(kesimpulan) will be give by (1st or 2nd )speaker.
Next ladies and gentleman,i would like to give mour argument..(…)silahkan berargument sesuai point of view
Jangan lupa untuk memberikan salam penutup dan ucapan terimakasih (untuk semua pembicara)
2nd speaker:
1. Rebutle the 1st speaker of Neg Team.
2. Argument
3rd speaker:
1. Rebutle the 2nd speaker of Neg team
2. Memberikan penguatan atas argumen pembicara1 dan 2
3. Memberikan contoh n bukti yg kuat untuk keseluruhan argument of the team.
Khusus untuk 3rd speaker lebih baik yg bnr2 pandai brbicara dan lebih galak.Karena 3rd spkr adalah ujung
tombak dari team anda.jadi 3rd speaker adlh hrs yg pling kuat dlm berargument.
Tugas Untuk Negatif team:
Pada dasarnya sama hanya tidak perlu membuat parameter karena team afirmatif telah menentukan sendiri
Sebagai negatif harus jeli terhadap tugas2 1st speaker of +. Ingat: jika tdk ada parameter anda bisa merebut point
katakan saja mis:
1st speaker of Neg: well because the 1st speaker of affrmtf team didnt give us the parameter,so here i wouldlike to
give our parameter today…bla..bla..
Jadi mau tdk mau mereka harus ikut jalur anda.(sesuatu yg sepele dan sangat menjatuhkan posisi lawan krn bisa
saja mrk tdk kepikiran tentang batasan pembicaraan yg anda buat, jadi mereka bisa bingung sendiri mengawali
argument mereka.)
Seandainya mereka nekat lari tanpa peduli parameter anda,maka itu suatu kesalahan yg besar,berarti perdebatan
tdk ada artinya alias cuma bicara sendiri2 dan anda bisa langsung menegurnya.
Jelasnya :
1st speaker: Rebutle of the 1st speaker afrmtf
Pembagian tugas sama sprti diatas
2nd : rebutle of the2nd spkr of afrmtf
3rd :rebutle of 3rd speaker of + team
proofing n summery(jgn buat kasus baru)
Demikian kurang lebihnya untuk Australian debate rules.Ada jg untuk Australasia debate rules yaitu sama dgn
diatas hanya saja pd saat masing2 pembicara berargumen, maka pembicara dr tean lawan bisa mendebat secara
langsung(debat Kusir).
Misalnya ditengah anda sedang bera argument maka salah satu atau dua..atau bahkan ketiganya dari team lawan
akan berdiri sambil mengangkat tangan dan berteriak P.o.i (point of interuption)lalu menyampaikan rebutlenya
untuk anda.
Peraturan Debat Bahasa Inggris
By : Febri Ramadani
Topik yang diperdebatkan (tentu sudah pada tahu)
Ø Parameter :
Limitation of argument, batasan yang harus diberikan oleh team positif agar
pembicaraan dengan motion.
Parameter sangat penting sekali karena dalam perdebatan akan muncul ide-ide baru
yang nantinya tidak akan bertemu pada satu titik. Maka gunanya parameter untuk
membatasi isi dari pada pembicaraan.
Parameter juga bisa digunakan sebagai penjebak apbla team lawan berargumen yang
keluar dari parameter anda.
Jika affirmative team tidak memberikan parameter maka haknya bisa diambil oleh
negative team dan itu sangat berbahaya, karena jalur pembicaraan di pegang oleh
team lawan.
Ø Team split :
Bagian-yang akan dibicarakan oleh masing-masing speaker.
Misalnya : society point of view, law point of view, morality point of view. Health
point of view.
Ø Theme line :
Garis besar/inti dari motion yang diambil dari keseluruhan argument
Ø Matter :
Materi yang disampaikan harus sesuai dan berhubungan dengan motion(jangan keluar
Ø Manner :
Cara peyampaian argument : yang sopan, tegas, meyakinkan suara jangan sampai
lembek karena berpengaruh pada kekuatan argument anda,juga body language juga
penting (jangan tegang seperti patung).

Ø Method :
Metode penyapaian dari 1
speaker sampai 3
speaker. pembagian tugas harus jelas.
Ketiga unsure ini mempengaruhi margaindalam penilaian.
Ø Timer :
Ini juga sangat penting waktu semakin panjang semakin bagus.
Pengalaman saya : waktu bicara tidak usah terburu buru, jika apa yang disampikan
tidak banyak cobalah mengulur waktu dengan pura2 bepikir (acting), jadi waktu kita
yang lama sebelum letukan harus berhenti akan menambah margin juga dalam
Ø Reply speech :
Kesimpulan dari ketiga argument yang menguatkan. Bisa dibawakan oleh 1
atau 2
speaker (pembicara ketiga tidak boleh memberikan reply speech di dalam Australian
debate rules).
Perlu di ingat dalam menyampaikan reply speech jangan sampai membuka kasus
baru/ide baru. Hanya sebuah penegasan dari argument team saja.
Tugas-tugas affirmative team :
speaker: (1
speaker mendapt tugas paling banyak dan jangan sampai ada yang ter
tinggal )
1. Introducing team
2. Giving the motion,parameter, theme line and theme split.
3. Argument
Contoh :
Good morning/afternoon,ladies and gentlemen the member of this house .
Thankyou for the apportunity that given to me. We are from SMK PGRI 1
NGANJUK, let me to introducing my team.
I am as the 1
speakr, my name is ....., our 2
speaker is ….., and our 3
speaker is ……
Next I would like to give our motion today, our motion today is That our
government should take a firm action upon illegal miner.
From that motion we will give our themeline : that we as the affirmative team
absolutely agree that the government must take a firm action to the illegal miner
for the goodness of our contry.
Then our parameter today is that we just talk about the gold illegal miner in our
country (dalam hal ini bisa diganti dengan pertambangan yang lain. Misalnya :
minyak, etc. )
( Jadi jika lawan anda sampai bicara soal minyak padahal tim anda memberikan
pembatasan hanya pada penambangan emas, berarti satu kelemahan dari lawan bisa
bisa anda jadikan sebagai senjata. Anda bisa langsung nembak bahwa apa yang
mereka bicarakan lari dari parameter yang anda buat sebagai team+ ).
Well continue to our team split.
I am as the 1
speaker would like to talk about the effect for economic point of
view, our 2
speaker would like to talk about law pov and ou 3
speaker would
like to give more elaboration and give evidence.(bisa diganti dengan p.o.v yang
lain misalnya : society pov, morality pov,etc)
And for the reply speech (kesimpulan) will be give by 1
Next ladies and gentle man, I would like to give our argument … (…) silahkan
berargumen sesuai dengan poin of view anda.
Jangan lupa untuk memberikan salam dan terima kasih untuk semua pembicara.
Tugas :
1. Rebutle of negative team
2. Argument
Tugas :
1. Rebutle of 2
speaker of negative team
2. Memberikan penguatan atas argument pembicara 1 dan 2
3. Memberikan contoh dan bukti yang kuat untuk keseluruhan argument of
Khusus untuk 3
speaker lebih baik yang benar-benar pandai berbicara dan
lebih galak. Karena 3
speaker adalah ujung tombak dari team anda, jadi 3
speaker adalah harus yang paling kuat dalam berargumen.
Tugas untuk negative tim :
Pada dasarnya sama hanya tidak perlu membuat parameter karena team
affirmative telahmenentukan sendiri.
Sebagai negative harus jeli terhadap tugas-tugas speaker of positive team.
Ingat : jika tidak ada parameter anda dapat merebut point itu.
Katakan saja, misal :
speaker of neg : well because the first speaker of affirmative team did’nt give
us the parameter, so here I would like to give our parameter today… bla… bla
Jadi mau tidak mau merka harus ikut jalur anda.(sesuatu yang sepele dan sangat
menjatuhkan posisi lawan karena bisa saja mereka tidak berfikiran tentang batasan
pembicaraan yang anda buat, jadi mereka bisa bingung sendiri mengawali argument
Seandainya mereka nekat lari tanpa peduli parameter anda, maka itu suatu kesalahan
yang besar, berarti perdabatan tidak ada artinya alias Cuma bicara sendiri2 dan anda
bisa langsung menegurnya.
Jelasnya :
speaker : rebutle of the first speaker affirmative
Pembagian tugas sama seperti diatas
speaker : rebutle of the 2
speaker of affirmative
speaker : rebutle of the 3
speaker of the affirmative team
Proffing and summery( jangan buat kasus baru).

Demikian kurang lebihnya untuk Australian debate rules. Ada juga untuk Australasia
debate rules yaitu sama dengan diatas hanya saja pada saat masing-masing pembicara
berargumen, maka pembicara dari team lawan bisa mendebat secara langsung(debat
kusir). Misalnya ditengah anda sedang berargumen maka salah satu atau dua atau
bahkan ketiganya dari team lawan akan berdiri sabil engangkat tangan dan berteriak
p.o.i (point of interruption) lalu menyampaikan rebutle nya untuk anda

1. That cigarette advertisement should be banned from sport event

2. That vocational high school should be banned

3. This House Believes That it’s not within Catalants, interest to secede
from Spain

4. This House Believes That Indonesia should aggresively invest in

nuclear energy

5. This House Believes That Indonesia should adopt aggresively free

market policies

6. This House Believes That we should abolish the criminal law,

expand tort law and provide extra funding for the ligitants

7. This House Would Adopt Finland education system

8. This House regrets the establishment of politically affliated student

union in all university

9. It’s Indonesian government, This House Would provide student

loan for citizen pursuing tertiary education

10. That Governor should be elected by president

11. That Governor should be elected by local representative (DPR)

12. This House Would give parents of home-schooled children a tax


13. This House Would stand on K-13

14. This House Believes That death penalty deters crime

15. This House Believes That big sport event should be organized only
in countries with highest standards of living

16. This House Believes That slum tourism does more harm than good
17. Than modern market brings more harms than goods.

18. This House Believes in Chinese Model of Economic Development

19. This House Believes That Indonesia Should Significantly Increase Its
Military Budget
Themes Motion: SMK Is Better Than SMA

1st Speaker Of Affirmative team:

I strongly believe that SMK is better than SMA. SMK is a school in Indonesia that focusing on its major to create
new freshmen that have both skills and knowlege in their majoring. SMA is a school in Indonesia that focusing
only in the knowlegde in their majoring.

So that is why SMK could get more easier job by their majoring basedon its peupose and motto “SMK Bisa”. But
SMA students need to continue their study to college level to focusing on the majoring and than they could get the
job by it. The implicative of SMK can rechanged the new high and fastest level on education in reaching the best
solution on jobless in Indonesi.

1st Speaker Of Negative team:

I don’t agree with the motion that SMK is better than SMA. By seeing its quality of education SMA has higher
level on quality far from SMK. SMK is a new sistem program created by goverment to make a ready-freshmen
worker. But in fact, the its quality is opposite to their misiion. But you can see the sistem of SMA in Indonesia.
They focus on only knowledge, but the school can create a good quality of its purpose so they take 85 person
quotes in the University level.

2nd Speaker Of Affirmative team:

Rebuttle: No, i don’t agrre with you. You thought and said that both sistem is different. But then you said the its
purpose was failed by seeing SMK point of view. You can’t compare the persentages of the number of students
that accepted in University with the persentage of freshmen woker of SMK in knowledge. You must see how big
the number of dreshmen from SMK that being accepted to be employees in company!

I would like to delivered my sPeech from the effectiveness of SMK on creating qualified worker.

SMK took an unique education sistem that they do acceleration on how student after graduation from school can
directly get a job and qualified. If you see that SMA, they need 4 years more to get a job after the graduation. It
means that SMK get effective way on create new qualified worker than SMA.

2nd Speaker Of Negative team:

Rebuttle: I dn’t agree with the material on delivering of 2nd speker of affirmative tem. He doesn’t know how big
freshmen from SMK who failed on applying a job. SMA also can directly get a job after they graduate from high
school. It means the effectiveness of your delivery still non sense.

But seeing on my point of view, the SMA is a doubled degree of graduation.

You can easily continue to the university level easier than SMK and you can get a job as you want. It means, if
you failed from the examination of application on university and you need a money. You can make a money to
apply in the company.

So many company accepted from freshmen of SMA. So this proves to us that SMA is better than SMK.

3rd Speaker of Affirmative team:

Rebuttles:All the materials that negative team talking about is silly and can not be taken as fact. Thay don’t see
why the goverment make the 60:60 SMK:SMA in the future by 2008. It just because the SMK is the new hopes to
Indonesia and applicable on education to create a new freshmen and worker on company without taking first
college level degree.

So by seeing my team who delivered to you before adjudicator, we are take a red line on how good SMK to get
more easier job than SMA with their major they have. And my second speaker said that the effetiveness of SMK
student to be qualified worker. Let’s us imagine that Student of SMK from automotive engineering can work as
mechanic. But the student from SMA cannot work as mechanic even just apply to the company by its requirement.
It means it is so effective.

3rd Speaker Of Negative team:

Rebuttle: If yes the SMK is better, why the image of good quality is taking by SMA level. Does it proven you? So
all the rebuttle of 3rd speaker is still can not prove their team.

The higher level is the higher qualified. So when SMA student took higher level on college degree. They would
have good qualified on working. So that is why the student from SMK if work in the company just can be a low
level position like mechanic, shop keeper,etc. But ehen student of SMA graduate from University they applied to
company they work as manager of workshop (Leader of mechanic), and Manager of Shop (leader of shop keeper).
So this proves that SMA better than SMK.

Speker 4 of Negative team:

By seeing my team’s point of view. We straightly go to the red line on how effective of SMA levels on creating
better freshmen. So for the adjudicator time is yours.

Speaker 4 of Affirmative team:

We still absolutely believe that SMK is better than SMA because of its sistem, how effective to create qualified
worker after graduation. So please win for us the adjudicator.

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