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08/11/2018 Advanced Practices

Grail & Dove Meditation

According to the Pistis Sophia the Savior is the Father in the form of a Dove, and in the tradition we know
that the Holy Bride is the Holy Grail into which the Savior poured himself out, so that she also became
anointed with the Supernal Light of God. Receiving the anointing of the Supernal Light, the Gift of the Fiery
Intelligence, we also have become Christian, that is to say we have become Christ-like, and we labor for the
Pleroma of Christhood. At the outset of our entrance into the Way we consciously invite the Anointed and
Holy Spirit into our lives, and we offer ourselves to the Lord – to the service of the Divine Will and Divine
Kingdom on earth. Indeed, each and every day when we arise, before we go out into the world, we invite
the Anointed and Holy Spirit into our lives, and we offer up that day unto the Lord if we are wise. Thus, like
Enoch, we walk with the LORD, and our Lord and Savior walks with us, and it is good, for in so doing we will
also be taken up in divine rapture. To the degree we purify ourselves and consecrate our lives to the Lord,
and seek to live according to the Truth and Light revealed in our experience, the Anointed and Holy Spirit
indwells us, that is to say the Father in the form of the Dove indwells us. When we open ourselves and
make ourselves sensitive to the Holy Spirit, we receive her as Light from above and she works with, in and
through us to accomplish everything good and true. Indeed! As the Fiery Light of Supernal Grace she
descends upon us and enters into us each and every day, progressively transforming us into the image and
likeness of Christ, the Perfect Human Being. With a heartfelt prayer and conscious intention we invite the
Anointed and Holy Spirit into our lives, yet it is through contemplation and meditation that we make the
Anointed and Holy Spirit welcome, and let the Light fully enter into us and penetrate and pervade the whole
of our mind, heart and body. Thus, along with our prayers a conscious intention, contemplation and
meditation are also necessary in the Divine Life. The Meditation of the Grail and Dove is one of the ways the
masters of the tradition have generated to help us experience the Divine presence and power in full and to
let it pervade our who mind, heart and body. It is a practice of self-purification and of self-consecration, and
many wonders have transpired for those who have practiced it. Thus, here we record it for our companions
and for future generations of aspirants in the Christian mysteries.

The Holy Mediation: Perform the Kabbalistic Cross and then abide in Primordial Meditation. Then, envision
your body as made of most subtle light and as though hollow; the surface image alone appearing with
empty space within it, as though it is made of crystal that is subtly self-luminous. At your heart center
envision the image of the Grail hovering there, formed of translucent golden light. Envision that this image
of yourself stands on clouds and that there is a crystal clear blue sky above – let the sublime beauty of this
image fill you with holy awe and wonder. Holding this image in your mind let the conscious intention arise
in your mind to receive the Holy Spirit, this becoming as an invocation. With the sound Ah, consciously
open your mind, heart and life to the Holy Spirit, and yearn for her, focusing up above your head – continue
to intone Ah with this holy aspiration. Then envision a Dove of Light magically appearing in the sky above
you, shining brighter than the sun – a Dove of White Brilliance, which is a diamond-like light sparkling with
rainbow glory. With the sound Ha, consciously let your yearnings deepen and let them consume you
utterly, as though the fire of Divine Passion – continue to intone Ha with this holy desire. Envision the Dove
becoming a great stream of diamond-like light pouring down upon you, descending through the top of your
head and streaming down into the Grail at your heart center – a stream about the thickness of a straw,
completely radiant clear light sparkling with rainbow hues. Receiving this Light from above intone Yah, and
as you continue to intone Yah see this light fill the Grail and the Grail overflow, and see the light pour down
to your feet and rise up as though your body is being completely filled with this fluid of diamond-like light,
just as the Grail is filled and overflowing with it. Envision the Grail magically transforming into the image of
the Spiritual Sun and your whole body filled with this “White Brilliance” which is diamond-like light, and see
rainbows rays streaming from your body. As you envision this Body of Glory intone Ah-Ha-Yah (Eheieh: I
am), merging yourself completely with the sound-vibration, as with this Light-presence of the Father in the
form of a Dove (the Anointed and Holy Spirit). Let yourself feel the subtle and sublime joy filling you and the
profound peace of the Lord pervading you – when you fall into silence abide at-one with the Anointed and
Holy Spirit. Now envision the Good Earth below, and countless beings gather upon the earth below, as well
as in the sky and above (countless beings in all directions of endless space); all gathered to receive the
blessing of the Risen Savior. Intone Yahweh (or alternatively IAO), with the conscious intention that all
beings be blessed and envisioning rainbow rays streaming out to them. Then, continuing to envision the
streams of blessings flowing out to all beings intone Yeshua (or alternatively Yahweh Elohenu), with the
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08/11/2018 Advanced Practices

conscious intention for all beings to be liberated from negativity and darkness, and healed of all illness and
dis-ease. Then, intone El Shaddai, envisioning all beings radiant with Light and Glory as you are radiant with
Light and Glory as the Risen Savior, holding the conscious intention of the Divine Illumination of all living
spirits and souls. Then, envision all beings joining with you as you intone Adonai, and worshipping God in
Spirit and Truth with you. As they intone with you, see them dissolve into fluid flowing light and pouring
into your Body of Glory, until all is gathered into you, as into the only begotten Sun of God. Once all is
gathered in, envision the Father in the form of the Dove, and as you intone Eheieh (standard intonement)
envision yourself dissolving into fluid flowing light and shooting upward into the Dove of Light – when you
fall silent abide in this Perfect Repose as long as you can. Close with prayer and praise and thanksgiving,
and then perform the Kabbalistic Cross. This is the Meditation of the Holy Grail and Dove of Light – also
called the Meditation of All-Joy. This is a delightful meditation that can be practiced at any time, whenever
an initiate seeks to purify and consecrate her or himself to the Lord, or any time she or he seeks a deeper
gnosis and communion with the Risen Savior and Holy Spirit. It is an ideal meditation for initiates preparing
to impart the Threefold Rite of Initiation, and may be useful in many other situations as well. In the case of
some initiates it has become their Heart-Practice. This is an inner practice generally given to experienced
initiates, though under certain circumstances elders and tau may choose to teach it to novice initiates
whom they believe might be able to perform it. This practice is deeply connected to the Threefold Feast of
Perfect Joy, and some adepts have used it as an extension of that practice – arising in the Jeweled Body they
then enact this Holy Mediation, within which is Gnosis of the Mystery of the Resurrection and
Ascension. *This practice is a wisdom treasury given to Tau Miriam by the Gnostic of the Holy Grail,
as told by Tau Elijah. May their memories be blessed and may all living spirits and souls be blessed
by this continuum of practice. In the Name of the Messiah, so may it be – Amen.”

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