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pefeeren ae 5 pasiler I Aria (Cantilena) For Soprano and Guitar ; Text by Ruth V. Corréa Acranged by the Composer '; English version by Harvey Officer HEITOR ans Ss 4 Adagio. ; _ GUITAR neering by Anérbs Segboia \ fe i ERREUEREUEEE EE — A a Pe 8 Brasileiras (No.8) - 5 Piu mosso > 3) rit. 2 , a ae ee pee mid-aightelodds are slow = Iy~pass=ingy ros ue ma nu vem ro- see len- ta Ieee and-—lustrous, der, the spaci trans ~ pa~ren-te, sodreoes-pa- G0 30- nha-do-ra ¢ z 4 z 4 Tv] @) rit. , atempo , a aaa oe SSS Se ————— | lucdeu.From the bound-less deep the moon a-ris-es woadrous, glo-ri-fy-ing the eve-ning like |» | beurteous Wing Surge nain fi nictoe Cy -@ do-ee- mencte, Enfti-tan - dag dar-degual mel- ge don- rit, a tempo d ze-la que sea maid-en. Now she a-dorns herself in half ui prestregtin-da so-mha-do - ra - men~ Ce, cn rit. a tem, it atempo eager anxious that we rec og-nize her Bn an-sei os dal-ma para fi-car => Ea conscious du -ty, s— Tf oy ( Valu Bh. =. > Al eS = A (= == —l eS beau - ty, while sky and earth, yea, all m be - Ia, Gri - fa a0 cto fu fore with ap - plause a ter- ra, to- dae Na - a é = achianas Brasileiras (No.6) -5

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