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CATTOD-9610; No. of Pages 15 ARTICLE IN PRESS

Catalysis Today xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

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Advanced characterization of immobilized enzymes as heterogeneous

Juan M. Bolivar a , Ingrid Eisl a , Bernd Nidetzky a,b,∗
Institute of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering, Graz University of Technology, NAWI Graz, Petersgasse 12, A-8010 Graz, Austria
Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology, Petersgasse 14, A-8010 Graz, Austria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Like in chemical catalysis, there is a clear trend in biocatalysis to carry out synthetic transformations
Received 5 April 2015 at the manufacturing scale heterogeneously catalyzed. Recycling of insoluble catalysts is simplified, and
Received in revised form 5 May 2015 continuous reactor development thus promoted. Heterogeneous biocatalysis usually involves enzymes
Accepted 6 May 2015
immobilized on mesoporous solid supports that offer a large internal surface area. Unraveling enzyme
Available online xxx
behavior under the confinement of a solid surface and its effect on the catalytic reaction in heterogeneous
environment present longstanding core problems of biocatalysis with immobilized enzymes. Progress in
deepening the mechanistic understanding of heterogeneous biocatalytic conversions is often restrained
Heterogeneous biocatalysis
Immobilized enzymes
by severe limitations in methodology applicable to a direct characterization of solid-supported enzymes.
Mesoporous solid support Here we highlight recent evidence from the analysis of protein distribution on porous solid support
Imaging analysis using microscopic imaging methods with spatiotemporal resolution capability. We also show advance
Internal sensing in the use of spectroscopic methods for the analysis of protein conformation on solid support. Methods
Direct characterization of direct characterization of activity and stability of immobilized enzymes as heterogeneous biocatalysts
In operando are described and their important roles in promoting rational biocatalyst design as well as optimization
and control of heterogeneously catalyzed processes are emphasized.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Immobilized enzymes: great catalysts for chemical catalysis, there is the fundamental choice between homogeneous
process development and heterogeneous biocatalysis [4,7–9]. Homogeneous biocatalysis
involves enzymes dissolved in aqueous liquid phase. Heteroge-
Modern chemical synthesis strives for synthetic routes that neous biocatalysis involves enzymes in a water-insoluble (solid)
are selective, atom- and step-efficient and inherently safe. Use of form [9–11]. Clear trend to prefer heterogeneously bio-catalyzed
enzymes as catalysts potentially enables all of these tasks to be reactions in current industrial production processes is recognized,
achieved at once [1–3]. Bio-catalysis has therefore been identi- in consequence of two main advantages. Firstly, separation and thus
fied, and already serves, as key enabling technology for chemical recycling of the catalyst are simplified when enzymes are present
synthesis at the industrial process scale [3–6]. Like in chemical insoluble. Secondly, continuous biocatalytic process development
is supported ideally [4,7,8]. Benefits of continuous processing for
high-quality chemicals manufacturing can thus be exploited fully.
Abbreviations: AFM, atomic force microscopy; CD, circular dichroism;
Different principles of heterogeneous biocatalyst preparation have
CLSM, confocal laser scanning microscopy; DLR, dual life-time referencing; been described in almost countless varieties [9]. However, the
DRIFT, diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy; FESEM, field principle most widely used by virtue of overall practical effect is
emission scanning electron microscopy; FTIR, Fourier transformed infrared spec- immobilization of an initially soluble enzyme on a mesoporous
troscopy; IR, infrared spectroscopy; MIRS, mid-infrared spectroscopy; NIRS,
solid support [10,12–14]. The support is usually selected to offer
near-infrared spectroscopy; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy;
PM-IRRAS, polarization-modulated infrared reflexion absorption spectroscopy; a high internal surface area accessible to and chemically suitable
QCM, quartz crystal microbalance; SECM, scanning electrochemical microscopy; for the enzyme to become attached physically, chemically or often
SIRMS, synchrotron infrared microspectroscopy; SPR, surface plasmon resonance; both [9–11,15–19].
STEM, scanning transmission electron microscopy; TEM, transmission electron
Good choice of an immobilization requires that consider-
microscopy; XPS, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
∗ Corresponding author at: Institute of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineer- ations from the various underlying disciplines, including protein
ing, Graz University of Technology, NAWI Graz, Petersgasse 12, A-8010 Graz, Austria. chemistry and enzymology, materials and surface sciences, and
E-mail address: bernd.nidetzky@tugraz.at (B. Nidetzky). reaction engineering, are all integrated adequately. Designing an

0920-5861/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: J.M. Bolivar, et al., Advanced characterization of immobilized enzymes as heterogeneous biocatalysts,
Catal. Today (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2015.05.004
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CATTOD-9610; No. of Pages 15 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 J.M. Bolivar et al. / Catalysis Today xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Fig. 1. Enzyme immobilization in porous carriers is shown. Influence of parameters related to the support, the enzyme and the mode of enzyme-on-surface deposition on
observable catalytic properties.

immobilization is complicated not only by the multidisciplinary regard to activity and stability is mostly addressed empirically and
nature of the problem, but also because relevant effects occur is not well predictable in its outcome [17,17,20,21].
at vastly different length scales in the nanometer (molecular) Fig. 2 depicts a productive cycle of characterization of immo-
to millimeter range [10,15,16,20]. Therefore, this exacerbates the bilized enzymes that moves from initial evaluation of basic
selection of suitable methodology for monitoring of the immo- parameters to advanced direct examinations at different levels of
bilization process and for characterization of the final enzyme resolution under test conditions as well as in real (in operando) stud-
immobilizate. Preparation of immobilized enzymes for biocatalytic ies. Note: the term in operando as herein used is distinguished from
use needs to be practical and cost-effective. Highly demanded fea- the mere in situ in implying realistic conditions of immobilized bio-
tures of the final immobilizate are adequate loading of enzyme catalyst application. Suggestion from Fig. 2 is that running through
activity relative to the unit mass of support as well as high-enough the cycle in an iterative manner would constitute a paradigmatic
stability of both the enzyme activity and the support under condi- approach of systematic development and optimization of immobi-
tions of use [9–11]. Fig. 1 illustrates important parameters of the lized enzymes. This review describes where we stand in the efforts
support, the enzyme and the mode of enzyme-on-surface deposi- to close the development cycle for heterogeneous biocatalysts.
tion and it also shows how systematic variation of these parameters Opportunities from an emerging set of imaging methods with spa-
affects outcome of the immobilization regarding criteria of activity tiotemporal resolution capabilities are emphasized and research
and stability. needs to overcome current limitations are identified. An optimal
design of heterogeneous biocatalysts would be built on evidence
2. Understanding the behavior of enzymes immobilized on from advanced characterization of biocatalysts (Scheme 1b), which
solid support ideally provided a comprehensive and detailed understanding of
the relationship between reaction kinetics and structural features
Characterization of solid-supported immobilized enzymes of the catalyst elucidated at the relevant length scale.
nearly always involves comparison to the free enzyme in terms
of specific activity and stability [9,18,19]. Note: specific activity 3. Enzyme loading in high capacity and high quality for
is typically expressed as a reaction rate/unit mass of the protein immobilized biocatalyst preparation
preparation used. Commonly used dimension is ␮mol/(min × mg).
Less often, the reaction rate is related to the moles of enzyme or For practical and economic use, heterogeneous biocatalysts are
enzyme active site in which case the specific activity has the dimen- required to exhibit a specific activity that is as high as possible.
sion of a turnover frequency (1/min). The immobilizate is normally Unlike specific activity of the enzyme as soluble or immobilized
less active than the free enzyme, with a percentage of retained preparation (see above), the specific activity of the heterogeneous
activity anywhere between usually 5 to around 80% [9,18,19]. There biocatalyst is normally related to the unit mass of solid support
are two principal factors underlying the effect, of which one is the and its dimension therefore is ␮mol/(min × gsupport ). In the first
direct consequence of structural distortions in the enzyme resulting instance, the specific activity is determined by the quantity of
from attachment to the solid surface and another is indirect con- enzyme mass that can be loaded onto the support and maximiz-
sequence of enzymatic reaction taking place in a heterogeneous ing this amount presents a clear strategy for catalyst optimization
environment [16,17,19,21] (Scheme 1a). Enzyme stability is often [4,9,23]. The internal surface area of the immobilization support
positively affected by the immobilization [18,19]. The stabilizing accessible to the enzyme via pores of suitable geometry is evi-
effect is dramatic in certain cases, but well-grounded mechanistic dently of high importance [10,11]. The interaction between enzyme
interpretations based on conclusive direct evidence are typically and solid surface is another key parameter [9,17,19]. It provides
not available [18,19]. Unraveling enzyme behavior under the con- a lot of room for optimization regarding protein-binding capac-
finement of a solid surface and its effect on the catalytic reaction ity through molecular engineering of the enzyme, the surface or
in porous support present longstanding core problems of biocatal- both. Balance between surface hydrophilicity and hydrophobic-
ysis with immobilized enzymes [16,21]. Progress in deepening the ity, surface charge, functional/reactive surface group density and
mechanistic understanding of heterogeneous biocatalytic conver- distribution are all critical aspects in the selection of a suitable
sions is often restrained severely by limitations in methodology support [10,15,17]. The presence of covalent attachment sites on
applicable to a direct characterization of solid-supported enzymes the surface is another significant feature to be considered. Covalent
[20,22]. Therefore, despite substantial efforts over decades, perfect- coupling is usually not a main factor of the protein binding capacity
ing an enzyme immobilizate to a specific activity approaching that but it ensures the protein attachment to become quasi-permanent.
of the free enzyme (or another target value) remains an elusive task. Instead of modifying the support, targeted modification of the sur-
Lacking direct evidence, optimization of immobilized enzymes in face of the enzyme presents a fully complementary possibility of

Please cite this article in press as: J.M. Bolivar, et al., Advanced characterization of immobilized enzymes as heterogeneous biocatalysts,
Catal. Today (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2015.05.004
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J.M. Bolivar et al. / Catalysis Today xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 3

Scheme 1. Conventional and advanced characterization of heterogeneous biocatalysts are compared. Observable specific activity of heterogeneous biocatalysts depends on
different features that overlap in the information provided by observable parameters. Advanced characterization provides tools to dissect the individual critical parameters
governing catalyst performance.

Fig. 2. Standard and advanced methodologies of characterization of immobilized enzymes are shown. Conventional catalyst characterization would be ideally supported by
structural characterization and in-operando measurements.

increasing protein binding capacity [24–26]. Chemical conjugation for practical immobilization, minimally several tens of milligrams
of the enzyme with small molecules or polymers can be used for of enzymes should be loaded on each gram of dry matter sup-
that purpose but chemo- and site-selectivity in the derivatization of port. Loadings of several hundred milligrams have been achieved
amino acid residues on the protein’s surface can be a problem [26]. in certain cases however.
Inactivation of the enzyme to a substantial degree is often an unde- The specific activity of a heterogeneous biocatalyst is deter-
sirable consequence of chemical conjugation. Substitution of one mined as the product of two factors: the enzyme amount loaded
or more surface-exposed amino acids by alternative amino acids (quantity) and the intrinsic specific activity of the bound enzyme
can be achieved using protein “mutagenesis”. However, redesign (quality). We use intrinsic here to indicate the absence of effects of
of the protein surface to create alternative programmable patterns the heterogeneous environment on the observable enzymatic reac-
of positive/negative charge or hydrophilic/hydrophobic groups is tion rate. The possibility of development of concentration gradients
not an easy task due to often unpredictable effects of the substitut- inside the porous support and the consequent impact on enzyme
ions on the overall protein folding, hence on activity and stability behavior need to be kept in mind however [10,15,19,27]. Effective
[24]. Use of modules in the form of surface group-binding peptides concentrations inside the support, including that of the proton,
or small protein domains that can be flexibly appended to the N- can be dramatically different from the corresponding concentra-
or C-terminus of the enzyme presents an alternative that is often tions in bulk [27–29] (Scheme 1a). Enzyme catalysis is potentially
preferred due to broad applicability and attenuated interference affected by the internal environment in various ways as will be dis-
with the enzyme’s native conformation [24,25]. As a rough guide cussed later. Loss of intrinsic enzyme activity in consequence of the

Please cite this article in press as: J.M. Bolivar, et al., Advanced characterization of immobilized enzymes as heterogeneous biocatalysts,
Catal. Today (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2015.05.004
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4 J.M. Bolivar et al. / Catalysis Today xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

immobilization is caused by reversibly or irreversibly disrup- misinterpreted. In panel a, for example, it is shown the dependence
tive effects on the protein’s native structure [21]. Unproductive of the immobilization yield, that is, the percentage of the initially
binding of the enzyme in false orientation or in a too rigid con- applied enzyme protein or activity that was bound to the support,
formation (such that the catalytic cycle is no longer run through on the enzyme amount loaded. Leveling out of the curve to reach
efficiently) also leads to a decrease in intrinsic activity. Control- a constant value at high loadings could be taken to indicate satu-
ling the enzyme’s orientation on the solid surface through the ration of the support. Under conditions of inhomogeneous enzyme
exploitation of specific binding interactions is a promising strategy distribution, however, effects such as enzyme aggregation and pore
to optimize immobilizations for highest possible enzyme quality clogging could produce highly similar dependencies of the observ-
[17,18,24,30]. Biological affinity might seem an obvious choice in able parameter despite the fact that the surface of the support is
an effort of creating specifity of binding. However, other types of not at all saturated. Protein crowding on the surface and inho-
also highly specific, pseudo-affinity interactions are often prefer- mogeneous intra-support distribution of the enzyme might affect
ably used for reason of overall practical effect [24,30]. Binding to the overall activity and thus the reaction kinetics [21,49]. Inter-
immobilized (chelated) metal ions or ionic adsorption to negatively play between physical diffusion and enzymatic reaction is affected
charged surfaces are interesting examples. by heterogeneity of the enzyme distribution inside porous support
Conventional characterization of heterogeneous biocatalysts [49,50]. Time courses of conversion can therefore be markedly dif-
involves determination of the enzyme loading, that is, the pro- ferent for situations of homogeneous and inhomogeneous surface
tein and activity amounts loaded onto the solid surface, typically coverage with bound enzyme, as shown in Fig. 3a.
from an end-point balance with the liquid phase once the bind-
ing has reached an apparent equilibrium [9,16,20,23]. The specific 4. Direct visualization of protein distribution in
activity of the biocatalyst thus obtained is also determined. How- solid-supported biocatalysts
ever, many effects are convoluted in this specific activity and the
lumped nature of the observable parameter complicates targeted Table 1 summarizes the analytical methods for measurement
optimization. Advanced characterization of heterogeneous biocat- of the distribution of bound proteins on surfaces and more
alyst strives for systematic deconvolution of the experimentally specifically inside porous supports [22,31–36,51–58]. Level of
determined specific activity into its underlying factors, as sum- application, strengths and limitations are pointed out. Minimally
marized in Scheme 1b. The productive cycle of characterization invasive procedures are preferred, and methods can also be
would therefore involve a direct quantification of the enzyme load- distinguished according to the spatial resolution they provide.
ing, ideally in real time. It would allow for protein imaging in solid Fluorescence microscopy is most widely used (Table 2). Intrinsic
materials, and it would also provide insights into the structure of protein fluorescence due to tryptophan residues can be applied
the immobilized enzymes (Fig. 2). for detection, with the caveat that the fluorescence emission is
Table 1 shows a set of emerging techniques that are applied to a usually not very stable [21]. When present in the enzyme studied,
direct quantification of the protein amount attached to the solid cofactors such as FAD and FMN present useful fluorescent reporter
phase [20–22,31–41]. Measurements from within solid material groups [59]. Labeling through normally covalent attachment of
are increasingly used and they complement the traditionally used fluorescent groups is a general approach that is convenient and
measurements from the liquid phase. However, the information also widely used [50]. Choices of the fluorescent label and the
obtained is mostly qualitative. Typical application is investiga- conjugation chemistry involved, however, must be made with
tion of protein loading limits of carriers. Active-site titration is a some caution and also the stage of the immobilization process
useful procedure to determine the amount of accessible enzyme at which the labeling is carried out needs to be given thought.
active sites that were immobilized. Well-known problems, how- Generally, labeling in a post-immobilization step appears to be
ever, are that convenient procedures of active titration have been advantageous. Possible effect of labeling on enzyme activity needs
developed only for limited subset of enzyme classes and that the to be considered however [21,22].
relationship between the number of active sites as titrated and the Early efforts of protein imaging analysis used laborious micro-
actual specific activity of the immobilized enzyme is not really clear tome sectioning of the solid supports [60,61]. Layers thus prepared
[15,20,42,43]. Reasons to favor the indirect measurements from were then analyzed microscopically. Confocal laser scanning
solution are practicability and simplicity. microscopy (CLSM) has significantly advanced the analysis of pro-
Irrespective of whether the loading onto the solid support is teins in intact porous supports (Table 2) and researchers in protein
determined directly or indirectly, the evidence obtainable from chromatography were forerunners in this respect [62–70]. CLSM
these measurements is necessarily incomplete in characterizing the offers spatial resolution at a length scale well suitable for the char-
immobilization process fully. Important problems and complexi- acterization of enzyme immobilizates and it is conveniently used
ties recurring often in the development of immobilized enzymes even by nonspecialists. However, poorly transparent (“opaque”)
are the following. There is a complex (nonlinear) relationship supports present a problem. Soaking the support with liquid of
between the enzyme loading and the specific activity of the hetero- comparable refractive index is a possible solution to enable direct
geneous biocatalyst [16,19,21]. The maximum amount of enzyme measurements also in such cases [12,62,63]. Evidence from CLSM
loaded and the time needed for maximum loading vary strongly studies on the interaction of proteins with chromatographic sup-
across varying immobilization conditions and they do so in an often ports can be translated almost directly to enzyme immobilization
difficult to rationalize manner [9,10]. Also, compared at equiva- [50,62,71–83]. Relationships between the dynamics of protein
lent effective loading, the behavior of heterogeneous biocatalysts in adsorption and the external and internal geometrical features
conversion studies can vary strongly in dependence on the immo- of the support were established [84–86]. They provide a useful
bilization parameters used, and it is often not clear why [10,20]. basis supporting process optimization and control that can be
Improved understanding of the factors at play will require direct applied in related fields, including enzyme immobilization (Table 2)
evidence featuring adequate resolution not only in space but also [49,72,84–86]. It was shown, for example, that in addition to
in time. The dynamics of immobilization processes has previously choice of adequate support (e.g. material, internal architecture),
not always received the attention deserved [44–49]. controlling the rate of enzyme adsorption was also important
Fig. 3 shows that inhomogeneous (heterogeneous) distribution when considering homogeneous distribution of bound enzymes in
of enzymes in porous supports could cause effects in conven- porous supports [87–89]. Moreover, the degree of reversibility of
tional characterizations of solid biocatalysts that might easily be the adsorption also affected the final distribution of enzyme within

Please cite this article in press as: J.M. Bolivar, et al., Advanced characterization of immobilized enzymes as heterogeneous biocatalysts,
Catal. Today (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2015.05.004
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J.M. Bolivar et al. / Catalysis Today xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 5

Table 1
Structural studies of immobilized biocatalysts.

Application Method Carrier Information gained Application Comments Ref.

Assessment of Quartz crystal Modified quartz crystal Protein incorporation Low, due to material Set-up is highly [20,22]
immobilization microbalance surfaces at nanogram level restrictions. specific
N2 absorption Porous carriers Assessment of protein Indirect character. Challenges with [22]
incorporation Quantitative low protein loading
Thermogravimetric Diverse carriers Mass incorporated into Indirect character. Challenges with [22]
analysis solid carrier Quantitative low protein
information loading, wide
Zeta potential Colloidal suspensions, Modification of Indirect character. Invasive sample [22]
charged surfaces electrostatic properties Qualitative information preparation
of enzyme carriers
UV-spectroscopy Non-opaque carriers Modification of Indirect character. Challenges with [41]
adsorption spectra due Qualitative information low protein loading
to protein
AFM Non-porous carriers Quantitative Direct character. Limited to [21,22,31–36]
assessment of surface Spatial resolution. non-porous
coverage and protein materials or need
distribution of invasive sample
Infrared spectroscopy Diverse carriers Chemical surface Indirect character. Challenges with [37–41]
modification due to Qualitative information low protein loading
protein incorporation
Catalyst CLSM Diverse carriers Protein distribution Direct visualization, Fluorescence See Table 2
distribution visualization widely used labeling needed.
imaging Corrections for
(partially) opaque
carriers needed
Low-temperature Diverse carriers Protein distribution Low Comparative [52,53]
field-emission visualization and results to CLSM
scanning electron internal morphology of
microscopy material
Light microscopy Diverse carriers Protein distribution Generally applicable Need of particles [54]
sectioning and
protein labeling
TEM Inorganic carriers Localization of protein Applied in silica-based Dried samples [55]
incorporation carriers needed
Raman spectroscopy Diverse carriers Alteration of Raman Increasing use, High background [55,56]
spectra qualitative assessment for organic carriers
Spherical aberration Inorganic porous Protein distribution Low (new technique) STEM combined [57,58]
(Cs)-corrected STEM carriers visualization, with high angle
localization at annular dark field
molecular level detector and
electron energy
loss spectroscopy
Structural Infrared spectroscopy Diverse carriers Secondary structure Widely used Difficult for certain See Table 3
elucidation of elucidation carriers. Sample
immobilized preparation
enzymes (drying) needed
CD Diverse carriers Secondary structure Widely used Difficult for certain See Table 3
elucidation carriers
Raman Diverse carriers Secondary structure Increasing use, difficult High background See Table 3
elucidation for certain carriers for organic carriers

the support [46,90]. It was also shown that degree of homogeneity 5. Analysis of protein conformation in heterogeneous
of enzyme adsorption had a decisive influence on the specific activ- biocatalysts
ity of the heterogeneous biocatalyst [87,88] (Table 2). Up to now,
distribution analysis in solid supports was mainly done for popu- The underlying notion is that the lowered intrinsic specific
lations of the same enzyme. However, with the advent of more activity of an immobilized enzyme preparation compared to the
complex catalytic systems, where two or more types of enzymes corresponding soluble enzyme reflects conformational changes
are combined to promote synthetic cascades, the precise localiza- in consequence of the attachment of the enzyme onto the solid
tion and spatial distribution of the individual enzyme types within support [17–19] (Fig. 2b). Methods capable of revealing the confor-
the porous support become even more important [87,89]. Abil- mation of proteins in solution and on solid surface would therefore
ity to achieve controllable protein patterns within the support be required to test and eventually establish correlations between
is highly desirable [89]. The same notion applies to immobilized the degree of conformational distortion and the residual specific
chemo-enzymatic systems where a chemical catalyst and an activity of the immobilized enzyme. In a similar manner, stability
enzyme are made to perform together. of immobilized enzymes could be analyzed where the degree of

Please cite this article in press as: J.M. Bolivar, et al., Advanced characterization of immobilized enzymes as heterogeneous biocatalysts,
Catal. Today (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2015.05.004
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6 J.M. Bolivar et al. / Catalysis Today xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Table 2
Fluorescence microscopic techniques for protein visualization in solid carriers.

Method Protein and carrier system Information gained Application Ref.

Fluorescence microscopy Microtome-sectioned Homogeneous protein distribution Biocatalysis application. Fluorescence [60]
CNBr-activated Sepharose 6B labeling needed
containing leucine aminopeptidase
Fluorescence tomography Diverse enzyme-carrier pairs Protein distribution visualization Biocatalysis application. [61]
via the spatial resolution from Micro-fluorometry enabled the
integral measured signal visualization without previous processing
of the carrier
CLSM IgG antibodies immobilized on Homogeneous ligand distribution Chromatography application. [84]
CNBr-activated agarose beads at increasing loading Fluorescent-labeled Protein A was used as
an indirect measure of the distribution of
Protein A adsorbed onto IgG At low sample amounts, Protein A Chromatography application. [85]
Sepharose 6 Fast Flow had been adsorbed to a thin outer Fluorescent-labeled Protein A was used
Lysozyme and human IgG Preferential immobilization on Chromatography application. [86]
adsorbed on SP Sepharose Fast outer layer of beads at low protein Fluorescent-labeled proteins were used.
Flow and SP Sepharose XL loading. Agreement between model based on
indirect measurements and direct
measurements was found
Human IgG and bovine serum Direct observation of a two Chromatography application. How the [64]
albumin (BSA) adsorbed on two component diffusion process diffusional control affects the adsorption of
different exchange adsorbents within an adsorbent support multi-component systems has been
BSA adsorbed on SP Sepharose FF Need of image processing to Chromatography application. Light [63,65]
compensate the use of partially scattering and absorption has an effect in
opaque carriers the interpretation of protein profiles
Egg white albumin (EWA) Need or image processing to Chromatography application. [67]
encapsulated in alginate beads compensate the use of partially Methodological considerations to assess
opaque carriers the influence of light scattering and
BSA adsorbed on a cation Diffusion model validation for Chromatography application. The radial [35]
exchanger, SP Sepharose FF uptake rate distribution of the protein concentrations
was predicted using transport models
Lysozyme, BSA and IgG adsorbed Hindered diffusion of the protein Chromatography application. Decrease in [68]
on an agarose gel adsorption. Model validation for diffusivity and increase of hindered
protein adsorption adsorption is studied depending on carrier
geometrical features
Different proteins adsorbed on Identification of hindered protein Chromatography application [69]
Sepharose 6 FF diffusion. Calculation of
intraparticle diffusion coefficient
BSA adsorbed onto nanopore silica Determination of the minimum Chromatography application. [70]
particles pore size required for efficient Heterogeneous or homogeneous
intraparticle adsorption adsorption dependent on pore size
Trypsin on porous glycidyl Homogeneous protein distribution Biocatalysis application. Contrast matching [71]
methacrylate (GMA–GDMA) was necessary to overcome opaque
␤-Galactosidase on silica–alumina Homogeneous or heterogeneous Biocatalysis application. Increased catalytic [72]
mesoporous particles distributions depending on carrier effectiveness was observed with
particle size heterogeneous distributions
Glucose oxidase (GOx) Verification of uniform distribution Biocatalyst characterization [39]
encapsulated in alginate
Lipases encapsulated in sol–gel Homogenous incorporation in Biocatalyst characterization [73]
silica amorphous sol–gel
Sterol esterase on Heterogeneous immobilization of Biocatalyst characterization [74]
polyacrylate-based enzyme with preferential binding
epoxy-activated carriers to outer shells
Penicillin acylase immobilized Homogeneous distribution of the Biocatalyst characterization. Biocatalyst [76]
onto epoxy-activated Sepabeads enzyme on the support surface optimization
ECEP303 avoiding the attachment of
enzyme aggregates
Amidohydrolase immobilized onto Homogeneous distribution was Biocatalyst characterization [77]
Sepabeads EC-EP5 obtained
Fructosyltransferase encapsulated Enzymes accumulated preferably Biocatalyst characterization [78]
in dried alginate in the shell of the particles
Lipase immobilized into Localization of enzymes in an outer Biocatalyst characterization [79]
macroporous poly(methyl rim of 50 – 85 and 10 – 20 ␮m
methacrylate) (PMM) and thickness for the PMM and PS
polystyrene (PS) carriers catalysts
Lipase encapsulated into Homogeneous enzyme Biocatalyst characterization [82]
mesoporous silica incorporation
Lipase and trypsin coencapsulated Enzymes uniformly dispersed Biocatalyst characterization [80]
into mesoporous silica throughout the particles because of
the successful incorporation of the
two enzymes

Please cite this article in press as: J.M. Bolivar, et al., Advanced characterization of immobilized enzymes as heterogeneous biocatalysts,
Catal. Today (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2015.05.004
G Model
CATTOD-9610; No. of Pages 15 ARTICLE IN PRESS
J.M. Bolivar et al. / Catalysis Today xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 7

Table 2 (Continued)

Method Protein and carrier system Information gained Application Ref.

Glutaminase encapsulated in Homogeneous encapsulation of the Biocatalyst characterization [81]

mesoporous silica enzyme
Cross-linked enzyme aggregates Localization and quantification of Biocatalyst characterization [75]
(CLEAs and CLEAs entrapped in CLEAs entrapped in lentikats
polyvinyl alcohol lenses (lentikats)
Lipase immobilized in mesoporous Pore size dependent. PPL diffusion and Biocatalyst optimization. Small pores lead [83]
silica protein distribution to a hindered protein penetration, an
optimal higher pore size is found given a
uniform distribution and highest loading
Fluorescent proteins (His-GFP and Modulation of the distribution within Biocatalysis optimization. Different [87]
His-mCherryFP) immobilized on porous matrices by smart-control of co-immobilization patterns were
different 4% crosslinked the immobilization rate generated
agarose-type by different methods
IgG immobilized into Modulation of the distribution within Chromatography optimization. The [88]
heterofunctional metal porous matrixes by control of binding activity of this bioconjugate was
chelate-glyoxyl supports immobilization rate optimized by controlling the antibody
(Ag–Me2+ /G) distribution throughout the bead’s surface
in order to avoid high antibody densities
and therefore a low binding activity
Different redox enzymes onto Modulation of the colocalization Biocatalyst optimization. A spatial [89]
agarose beads within porous matrices by control of distribution was obtained, thereby
immobilization rate resulting in different biocatalysts with
different properties. Homogeneous
distribution of both enzymes over the
porous surface of the same carrier seemed
to be optimal for the redox cofactor
regeneration during the biotransformation
Lipase immobilized in agarose Dynamic protein distribution inside Biocatalyst characterization. Migration of [90]
beads the porous beads that evolves from reversibly immobilized protein was proved
heterogeneous to homogeneous along
the postimmobilization time

stability enhancement might be related to detectable and ideally of protein conformations in solution are suitable for analy-
also quantifiable conformational distortions in the immobilized sis of proteins on surface, especially that of a porous solid
enzyme [19,21,91]. Problem is that only few of the vari- support. A summary of methods and their limitations can be
ous spectroscopic techniques applied routinely to the study found in Table 1. Common difficulties are: complicated sample

Fig. 3. Structural studies of immobilized enzymes as heterogeneous biocatalysts are shown. Protein visualization in solid materials and structural elucidation of surface-bound
enzymes provides critical information to succeed in enzyme immobilization in high quantity and quality.

Please cite this article in press as: J.M. Bolivar, et al., Advanced characterization of immobilized enzymes as heterogeneous biocatalysts,
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preparation (e.g. drying) involving a high risk of protein 6. Advanced direct characterization of the performance of
denaturation, strong interference from solid material and insuf- immobilized biocatalysts
ficient sensitivity and resolution to detect small conformational
changes. Assuming that both substrate conversion and space–time yield
The most widely used method is Fourier transformed infrared will constitute fixed target parameters of a biocatalytic process
spectroscopy (FTIR) [92,93]. Changes in the protein’s relative operated in apparatus of given size, the relevant question in reac-
composition in secondary structure and also in the tertiary fold tion engineering therefore is how much enzyme must be supplied
on immobilization can be monitored using FTIR, as shown in to the reactor in order to fulfill the processing objectives [4,20,23].
Table 3. Protein surface interactions, hydrogen bond formations Activity and also stability of the immobilized enzyme under opera-
and other bond parameters are detectable by FTIR too [21,93–95]. tional conditions will thus determine the loading of heterogeneous
FTIR studies of different enzymes revealed retention of secondary biocatalyst required. Theory of the coupled reaction and diffusion in
structural composition in the immobilizate. Several lipases, the solid-supported immobilized enzymes is well developed. The cat-
protease pepsin, glucose oxidase, horseradish peroxidase and alytic effectiveness factor is the activity ratio of the immobilized
RNase were examined covalently or noncovalently bound to enzyme compared to the corresponding soluble enzyme [4,20,23].
surfaces of metals (e.g. gold), organic and inorganic polymeric Lowering of the experimental effectiveness factor below a value of
materials [31,41,96–102]. The overall protein conformation and unity as result of effects of external film diffusion and internal pore
the orientation of the protein on the surface were also elucidated diffusion is usually explained by considering the dimensionless
by FTIR, however, only for nonporous supports [22,38,40,102,103]. Damköhler number and the also dimensionless Thiele modulus,
Use of gold surface is highly beneficial for optimizing the spectral respectively [4,139] (Scheme 1b). Problem of the approach is that
resolution due to low background signals of the gold. However, model validation and parameter estimation are usually done exclu-
unless the real immobilization can be mimicked on gold, the sively on the basis of indirect evidence, that is, measurements from
problem is that gold is a highly uncommon and usually by far the liquid phase. Moreover, stability of the enzyme or the bio-
too expensive support material for practical use of immobilized catalyst as a whole presents another issue that may be related
enzymes in biocatalysis [96,102]. With other words, more con- to but can also be completely distinct from reaction and diffu-
venient materials (e.g. mesoporous silica, porous polymer beads) sion. Again, stability parameters are usually inferred indirectly
using FTIR, the interference with the measurement is unfortunately from measurement of the progress of the reaction in the liquid
quite significant [22,38,41,94,104–107]. phase, more specifically, from the lack of agreement between the
Circular dichroism (CD) and Raman spectroscopies serve as expected (modeled) reaction time course and the time course mea-
common alternatives or complements of FTIR spectroscopy in the sured. However, as was already mentioned, stability is only one
characterization of enzyme immobilizates [21,22,108]. Both meth- of many possible effects that influence the progress of the reac-
ods are capable of revealing protein secondary structural content tion. Therefore, direct evidence from advanced characterization of
and are sensitive to spectral contributions of amino acid side heterogeneous biocatalysts in in-operando studies (Figs. 2 and 4)
chains, hence to the protein conformation overall. Being a non- would be extremely helpful to enable clear assignment of cause
invasive and conveniently applied technique, CD was often used to effect in biocatalytic process development with immobilized
to analyze enzyme immobilizates, however, with the severe limi- enzymes (Scheme 1b).
tation that colloidal particles or transparent material surfaces were Two levels of spatial resolution are considered here in the
required [21,22,94,108–110] (Table 3). A relatively large num- course of process characterization (Tables 4 and 5). First of all,
ber of enzyme immobilizates obtained with different methods macroscopic stability studies look at mechanical disintegration
have been analyzed using CD [21,22,94,108,111–114]. Alterations of the porous support, for example, under agitation and stirring.
in protein secondary structure after immobilization were noted Detachment of enzymes from the solid surface either as a con-
[21,22,94,108,112,115–118], and efforts were made with limited sequence of the disintegration or occurring separately from it is
success to relate these to changes in enzyme activity [108] and also monitored. Secondly, knowledge about the heterogeneous
stability [94,116]. environment in which enzymes work is the key. Concentration
Like FTIR, Raman spectroscopy is in principle well suitable for gradients may develop inside the porous supports and thus result
the analysis of proteins in solid samples, be it that dried pro- in conditions very much different from those in the liquid phase.
teins or frozen protein solution are investigated [21,108,119–121] Activity and stability parameters of the enzyme but also thermo-
(Table 3). Background signals in solid-supported enzyme prepara- dynamic parameters of the reaction may be affected. Local sensing
tions can be unexpectedly high however [122]. Raman spectra are within the solid support provides relevant evidence. Finally, local
well resolved and signal quality is high when metal nanoparticles inhomogeneities at the reactor-scale level must also be consid-
of 10–100 nm size fabricated from colloidal silver or gold are used ered and recent developments in in situ sensing methods are
[123–125]. The application of Raman spectroscopy to the charac- described.
terization of immobilized proteins is increasing [37,120,125–129].
Loss of secondary protein structure on immobilization was ana-
lyzed [120,129]. Orientation of enzymes on solid surface was 6.1. In-operando studies of macroscopic stability
determined and attachment via covalent bonds was also elucidated
[130]. Method compatibility with a variety of solid supports (e.g. Mechanical stability of porous supports was traditionally deter-
organic polymers) and the requirement to use high protein loading mined through visual or microscopic analysis of samples taken
are severe drawbacks. from the reactor. To perform the same analysis in operando and
New techniques like TOF-secondary ion mass spectrometry also continuously, fluorescence and microscopy methods were
[20,101,108,131], solid-state NMR [21,73,132–135], Foster reso- developed for application directly in the reactor with minimum
nance energy transfer (FRET) measurements [136] and Trp/Tyr perturbation of the ongoing reaction. Table 4 summarizes these
fluorescence measurements [137,138] are gaining momentum, and developments [82,129,140]. Interfacing the analytical devices with
exciting developments are expected in upcoming research. The the reactor presents a challenge. Immersion probes in combination
direct characterization of the conformational properties of immo- with fiber-optic technology are used to record fluorescence data.
bilized enzymes needs to be advanced through further method Microscopic evidence is collected through observation windows
development. implemented in the reactor.

Please cite this article in press as: J.M. Bolivar, et al., Advanced characterization of immobilized enzymes as heterogeneous biocatalysts,
Catal. Today (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2015.05.004
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J.M. Bolivar et al. / Catalysis Today xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 9

Table 3
Enzyme carriers and carrier used in the elucidation of immobilized protein structure in immobilized enzymes.

Method Enzyme Carrier used Comments Ref.

CD Cytochrome C and myoglobin Mesoporous silicas Secondary structure elucidation [113]

Hen egg white lysozyme Fused silica glass, high-density Secondary structure conservation [108]
polyethylene and
Hemoglobin Mesoporous silica (folded-sheet Secondary structure conservation [114]
mesoporous material)
Organophosphorus hydrolase Functional mesoporous silica supports Secondary structure alteration [22,115]
Beta-lactoglobulin Amine-functionalized mesoporous Secondary structure alteration [116]
Subtilisin Silica gel (230–400 mesh) Secondary structure conservation [94]
Lipase Lewatit VP.OC 1600 (Novozyme435) No secondary structure info; tertiary [94]
structure elucidation
BSA Polystyrene particles Secondary structure elucidation [21]
Subtilisin Mesoporous silica Secondary structure alteration [21,117]
␣-Chymotrypsin Methyl methacrylate polymer Secondary structure elucidation [21]
Alcohol dehydrogenase Silica particles of different types and Secondary structure alteration [21,118]
Lipase Amino functionalized multi-walled Secondary structure conservation [112]
carbon nanotubes
Penicillin G acylase Silica nanoparticles functionalized Secondary structure characterization
with glutardialdehyde
Raman spectroscopy Monoclonal antibody Fractogel EMD SO3 (M) cation Secondary structure elucidation [120,129]
Laccase Self-assembled monolayers of thiols on Secondary structure elucidation [122]
Ag and Au surfaces
CytC Gold and silver nanostructures Secondary structure elucidation [124]
Myoglobin, CytC and P450 Ag electrodes Secondary structure elucidation [125,127]
Tyrosinase Poly(indole-5-carboxylic acid) Secondary structure elucidation [128]
FTIR Lipase Carbon nanotubes Secondary structure conservation [112]
Lysozyme Nanoporous gels Secondary structure elucidation [103]
Pepsin Colloidal gold particles Secondary structure conservation [96]
BSA, bovine ␤-lactoglobulin and Spherical polyelectrolyte brushes Secondary structure elucidation [98]
bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (SPB) = narrowly distributed
poly(styrene) core particles onto which
linear chains of anionic
polyelectrolytes are grafted
DRIFT Subtilisin Silica gel Secondary structure conservation [94]
Lipase Lewatit VP.OC 1600 (Novozyme 435) Secondary structure conservation [94]
ATR-FTIR Lysozyme Mesoporous silica SBA-15 Secondary structure elucidation [22,104]
Lipase Chitosan-based carriers Secondary structure conservation [41]
Lipase Mesoporous organosilicas (PMOs) Structure alteration [105]
Lysozyme, myoglobin Mesoporous silica SBA-15 Secondary structure alteration [106]
Channelrhodopsin Gold surface Secondary structure elucidation [40]
Peptide cecropin P1 Polystyrene (PS) surface, Secondary structure elucidation [38]
Glucose oxidase Functionalized mesoporous silica Secondary structure conservation [107]
Glucose oxidase Sol–gel Secondary structure elucidation [99,100]
PM-IRRAS Peroxidase Activated gold surfaces Alteration or conservation of [101]
secondary structure
Nickel–iron hydrogenase Graphite electrodes Secondary structure elucidation [31]
Synchrotron infrared Lipase Macroporous polymer matrix Secondary structure elucidation [97]
microspectroscopy (SIRMS) (poly(methyl methacrylate));
Novozyme 435
Trp/Tyr fluorescence Nitrate reductase Different agarose based carriers Structural rearrangement after [137]
Lipase Cyanogen Bromide 4B Structural rearrangement via [138]
Sepharose immobilization and chemical

6.2. In-operando reaction monitoring and enzyme activity particles also result in greater spatial inhomogeneities than is nor-
determination mal in a bioreactor containing suspended cells. Implementation of
bypass streams facilitates measurements but requires certain adap-
Just like in other fields of biotechnology (and chemical tech- tations to the enzyme reactor [145]. Table 4 summarizes recent
nology), observing the reaction progress through direct in situ developments in the field and provides an overview of the methods
measurements of substrate, product or both inside the reactor used [149–154]. IR spectroscopy is often used [155,156] and Raman
offers the general advantage of improved process monitoring and spectroscopy has also received growing attention recently [157]. In
control [141–148]. In-operando applications require the use of both cases, a fiber-optic probe is placed directly into the reactor, for
transparent windows, optical fibers or immersed probes. Specific example, a stirred tank. Enzyme activity can sometimes be inferred
problem of immobilized enzymes is that the relatively large par- indirectly from in situ measurements of substrate consumption or
ticles used as porous support are not always compatible with the product formation. Indeed, most of the applications are still limited
analytical probes used and often disturb the measurements. Porous to kinetic analysis rather than true in-operando characterization.

Please cite this article in press as: J.M. Bolivar, et al., Advanced characterization of immobilized enzymes as heterogeneous biocatalysts,
Catal. Today (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2015.05.004
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10 J.M. Bolivar et al. / Catalysis Today xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Fig. 4. In-operando studies of immobilized biocatalysts are shown. Internal sensing is usually performed to reveal local catalytic environment determining catalytic activity.
Ideally, structural studies would provide information about catalyst stability in real time.

Different forms of IR spectroscopy were used to measure product coupled reaction and external/internal diffusion in heterogeneous
release rates in immobilized enzyme systems. Data were used to biocatalysts. At steady state, knowledge about the magnitude of
calculate the enzyme activity [158–165]. However, it was neces- these differences is important to explain the observable effective-
sary that the reaction medium containing the solid biocatalyst was ness factor of the immobilized enzyme which in turn affects the
by-passed in a flow-through sensor or placed in a spectrophotome- overall volumetric reaction rate. Dynamic response of the het-
ter cell. As such, these measurements constituted neither in situ nor erogeneous environment to changes in the bulk phase is also of
in-operando characterization. interest [4,10,23,139]. External diffusion can be controlled by the
fluid dynamics at the reactor level [23,27,139]. By contrast, inter-
6.3. In-operando internal sensing in heterogeneous biocatalysts nal diffusion effects are often pronounced and cannot be readily
controlled by an external variable since they depend on structural,
The heterogeneous environment of an enzyme immobilized in hence internal features of the support [10,12].
porous solid support is likely to be different from the environment Progress in methods of sensing directly within solid support
of the surrounding bulk phase (Scheme 1b, Fig. 4). Differences in enables the biocatalyst’s internal environment to be analyzed
conditions inside and outside of the support are consequences of quantitatively and in real time. Diverse analytical principles have

Table 4
In-operando studies of immobilized biocatalysts I.

Application Method and equipment System Application and information Comments Ref.

Macro-stability studies In situ microscopy Mesoporous carriers Mechanical stability under Influence of stirring conditions [140]
stirring conditions on the velocity of particles
degradation was studied
Raman spectroscopy Mesoporous carriers Stability of attachment in Enzyme leaching was [129]
stagnant suspension of monitored
Fluorescence Mesoporous carriers Stability of attachment of Enzyme leaching was [82]
microscopy lipases in continuous flow monitored
In situ reaction rates Infrared spectroscopy Free enzyme Activity measurement Kinetic analysis in IR [158–160,162,163]
measurements spectrophotometer
Infrared spectroscopy Free enzyme Reaction monitoring of Reaction media was placed in a [155]
synthesis and hydrolysis spectrophotometer cell
reactions catalyzed by an
Infrared spectroscopy Whole cell suspensions Acetonitrile was Mid- IR spectroscopy using an [156]
biotransformed to acetamide immersion probe
by a nitrile hydratase enzyme
and subsequently to acetic acid
(carboxylate ion) by an
Infrared spectroscopy Immobilized enzyme Kinetic analysis in a flow cell Mid-IR spectroscopy [164,165]
using a flow through sensor
Raman spectroscopy Wide range of carriers Global reaction rates of stirred Immersed probes were used [157]
suspension of immobilized

Please cite this article in press as: J.M. Bolivar, et al., Advanced characterization of immobilized enzymes as heterogeneous biocatalysts,
Catal. Today (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2015.05.004
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CATTOD-9610; No. of Pages 15 ARTICLE IN PRESS
J.M. Bolivar et al. / Catalysis Today xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 11

Table 5
In-operando studies of immobilized biocatalysts II: internal sensing in heterogeneous biocatalysts.

Method and equipment System Application and Comments Ref.

information gained

Spectroscopic techniques IR spectroscopy Used in ATR mode Local concentration Increasing availability of [194,201]
resolution immersion probes
NMR imaging Porous particles in a Intraparticle diffusion Time consuming, high cost, [66,132]
packed bed reactor coefficients specialized equipment
Raman spectroscopy Porous carriers Spatial resolved Increasing availability of [197]
concentration, diffusion immersion probes and
coefficients in hydrogels confocal technology. Only
non-fluorescent species of
significant concentration
can be quantified
Multiphoton microscopy Porous carriers Local concentration Increasing use [178,179]
Electrochemical sensing Polarographic O2 High porosity carrier Internal concentration Laborious set-up; different [174–177]
microsensing gradient depending on microsensors needed;
enzyme loading and pre-characterization of
particle radius, kinetic each sensor. Invasive
parameters, concentration method. High spatial
in liquid boundary layers resolution data acquisition
is difficult
Opto-chemical sensing Luminescence intensity; Porous carrier containing pH monitoring in stirred FITC is coupled to [168]
fiber optics connected to labeled proteins tank or fixed bed reactor, immobilized enzymes. Low
spectrofluorimeter modeling and reactor signal-to-noise ratio. pH
design different between bulk and
intraparticle amounted to
1.5–3 units
Dual-wavelength Porous carrier containing pH influence on selectivity Luminescence [167]
rationing; CLSM labeled proteins of kinetically controlled intensity-based
reactions, enzyme loading, measurements. FITC is
particle and pore size, coupled to immobilized
surface modification, enzyme Internal pH was
carrier selection measured in a fixed bed
reactor during reaction
Dual-wavelength Fluorescence-labeled Method development and Signal dependent was on [193]
rationing; CLSM material evaluation for pH sensing measurement point/depth
within the beads
Fluorescence lifetime using Fluorescent-labeled Temporal and spatial pH pH profile is influenced by [166]
CSLM membrane containing profiles in a buffer, incubation time,
immobilized enzymes substrate-enzyme reaction glucose concentration,
process within a thin diffusion distance and
membrane reaction of glucose oxidase
Fluorescence lifetime Fluorescence-labeled Method development and First applied with [186]
spectroscopy using phase material evaluation for pH sensing immobilized pH sensitive
modulation dye in hydrogels
Opto-chemical sensing DLR using phase Fluorescence-labeled pH gradient between bulk DLR is compatible with [170,171]
modulation; fiber optics porous carrier containing and particle (biocatalyst different carrier surface
immobilized enzyme design), correlation functionalities, dyes
between steady-state adsorbed directly in carrier
kinetic analysis of matrix; pH gradient
immobilized enzyme and depends on geometrical
intraparticle elucidation features of carrier,
relevance for optimization
of biocatalytic conversion
Phase modulation Phosphorescence-labeled Intraparticle oxygen, Compatible with different [172,173]
technique porous carriers containing oxygen gradients carrier surface
immobilized oxidases modifications, dyes
adsorbed directly in carrier
matrix; oxygen gradient
depends on immobilization
approach and informs
about intrinsic
immobilization chemistry

been applied [27,166–186] for biocatalyst screening and charac- conditions can be optimized in a target-oriented manner once
terization as well as for study and optimization of the reactor conditions of the heterogeneous environment are well known
operation. Table 5 presents a summary of the immobilized enzyme [167,170]. Results of characterization of immobilized enzymes with
system studied, with a focus on applied aspects. Notion is that evi- internal sensing methods support the idea that determination of
dence of the internal catalytic environment of a heterogeneous kinetic and mass-transfer parameters for heterogeneous biocata-
biocatalyst facilitates process optimization. Screening of suitable lysts is strongly supported when the available evidence is not just
immobilization procedures is also a very interesting application from the external environment [178]. Internal sensing also pro-
of internal sensing whereby optimization of carrier geometries vides a powerful tool to distinguish effects of the immobilization
is of particular relevance for biocatalyst design. Immobilization on the intrinsic enzyme activity from mass transfer effects [180].

Please cite this article in press as: J.M. Bolivar, et al., Advanced characterization of immobilized enzymes as heterogeneous biocatalysts,
Catal. Today (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2015.05.004
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12 J.M. Bolivar et al. / Catalysis Today xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Opto-chemical internal sensing has received prominent attention effectiveness of the immobilized enzyme was made possible. Bio-
in this context. catalytic process intensification through enhanced mass transport
was suggested and internal sensing-based evidence on the het-
6.3.1. Principles of opto-chemical internal sensing erogeneous environment could facilitate the optimization of the
Opto-chemical sensors are already in wide use for determi- operational conditions.
nation of diverse analytes: pH, O2 , CO2 , NH4 , glucose, alcohols,
amines and a variety of ions [187,187–190]. Detection is usually 6.3.3. Internal sensing with high spatial resolution
by luminescence whereby different measurement principles are in Opto-chemical sensing in combination with confocal laser scan-
use. Application of opto-chemical sensing for in-operando char- ning microscopy (CLSM) has allowed for determination of internal
acterization of heterogeneous biocatalysts has two requirements parameters (e.g. pH) in time- and space-resolved manner. Refer-
in particular. First, the enzyme carriers need to be made inter- enced fluorescence intensity measurements were used by Spieß
nally responsive through incorporation of suitable luminescence and colleagues to characterize different immobilizates of penicillin
dyes. Second, a suitable analytical set-up to provide in-operando G amidase [167]. Their study was seminal in demonstrating the
measurements with high temporal resolution and suitable spatial importance of considering an internal parameter for immobiliza-
resolution must be established. One possibility for luminescence tion optimization. They showed that internal pH was the key in
labeling is the direct conjugation of enzymes and luminophores controlling the selectivity of the immobilized amidase, implying
[167,168]. However, alteration of enzyme activity in consequence the need to select carriers and immobilization procedures that sup-
of the chemical conjugation is a significant problem. Labeling of port development of an optimum internal environment [167]. Huang
the supports used for immobilization is therefore the preferred and colleagues applied similar analytical techniques to determine
approach, considering that labeling must be compatible with the pH gradients in biocatalytic membranes containing immobilized
immobilization. Choice of the analytical set-ups determines which glucose oxidase [169]. A pH drop resulted in this case from the
reactor configuration is suitable for the luminescence measure- oxidation of d-glucose into d-gluconic acid. Fluorescence lifetime
ment measurements and also determines which level of spatial provides advanced measurement capabilities [178,179,186], elim-
resolution is provided. Whereas the use of fiber-optics offers high inating signal distortion in dependence of the scanning depth
flexibility in that both stirred suspensions and packed beds of par- as a known critical problem of intensity-based measurements in
ticles can be analyzed, the use of microscopy offers higher spatial CLSM [193]. Internal pH changes at spatial resolution have been
resolution but restricts the application to stagnant suspensions of monitored in hydrogels and PEG microparticles using fluorescence
particles or to flow-cell configurations. lifetime microscopy techniques [166,186]. Unfortunately, analy-
sis by CLSM depends on high-cost instrumentation that cannot be
6.3.2. Opto-chemical internal sensing of pH and O2 adapted to real-life reactor configurations and has limited through-
Internal sensing of pH and O2 has recently seen significant put capacity. Multiphoton microscopy has been already used to
developments. Using incorporation of oxygen- or pH-sensitive resolve concentration gradients in hydrogel-encapsulated biocat-
luminophores into porous supports, internally responsive enzyme alysts. High spatial and temporal resolution is obtained enabling
carriers were created. This together with the establishment of the simultaneous identification and monitoring of multiple events
suitable read-out platforms now offers useful systems in which in immobilized biocatalysts. Diffusion and enzymatic reaction are
spaced-averaged internal concentrations of pH and O2 can be resolved by elucidation of local concentration gradients through
measured in enzyme immobilizates (Table 5). Intraparticle pH mea- the catalytic particle [178,179].
surements have been used for biotransformation optimization in Using microelectrodes, electrochemical sensing was applied to
a fixed-bed enzyme reactor [168]. Spieß, Kasche and their col- measurement of internal parameters (NH4 + , O2 ) in immobilized
leagues have studied the hydrolysis of ␤-lactam substrates (e.g. enzymes at spatial resolution of <50 ␮m [174–177,185]. However,
penicillin G), which results in net proton formation, and applied because the analyte’s concentration is recorded only at single dis-
FITC-labeled immobilized amidase to quantify the extent of over- crete space point, determination of full profiles necessitates that
all carrier acidification during the reaction. The internal pH was the sensor tip be moved with high precision around the area to be
determined from fluorescence intensity data and shown to dif- analyzed [174,175]. Mechanical fixation of the carrier, typically in
fer from the bulk pH by up to 3 pH units. Fluorescence intensity a flow cell, is therefore required and the internal concentration is
measurements are disturbed by the moving particles in stirred usually obtained at steady state while flowing substrate through
suspension. Self-referenced measurements and fluorescence life- the carrier [174–176]. Notable limitations of the method are that
time [191] determinations exhibit superior analytical performance relatively large and soft carriers (e.g. agarose) are required and only
in agitated systems. Dual lifetime referencing (DLR), in particular stable profiles with slow dynamics can be monitored. The analyt-
[170,171,192], offers high versatility, independent on catalyst con- ical method has received only little response in the community,
centration, reactor configuration and scale of operation [170,171]. most probably because of the highly specialized set-up and the
Significant progress was made in method development for intra- complicated micro-manipulations involved. Moreover, its strongly
particle O2 measurement. The quantification of spaced averaged invasive character is a clear drawback.
intraparticle oxygen concentrations in porous polymethacrylate A broad variety of (powerful) spectroscopic techniques have
enzyme carriers was accomplished by labeling the enzyme car- been applied with success for characterization of the internal envi-
rier with an O2 -sensitive luminophore and application of the phase ronment of solid supported chemical catalysts (e.g. NMR, Raman,
modulation technique. Formation of a large gradient between O2 IR) [66,194–201] with high time and spatial resolution and show
concentrations in bulk solvent and the internal environment of the some application in heterogeneous biocatalysts. Nuclear magnetic
carrier was detected, clearly indicating limitations in the supply resonance imaging has been applied to the glucose isomerization
of O2 co-substrate into the solid support [172,173]. In-operando catalyzed by heterogeneous biocatalyst in a packed bed reactor
determination of oxygen gradients between homogeneous liquid [132] and resolution of enzyme catalyzed esterification of propionic
phase and internal catalytic environment was performed during acid and butanol in an internal hydrogel environment [66]. Even
determination of catalytic activity of heterogeneous oxidases as though the technique is highly suitable for evaluating analyte trans-
biocatalysts. The internally available O2 concentration was shown fer into the pores, fast concentration changes due to biocatalytic
to control the catalytic effectiveness of heterogeneous biocata- reactions could be poorly resolved. Therefore, these techniques
lyst. Clear distinction between physical and biochemical factors of have not been broadly extended to a carrier containing immobilized

Please cite this article in press as: J.M. Bolivar, et al., Advanced characterization of immobilized enzymes as heterogeneous biocatalysts,
Catal. Today (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2015.05.004
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J.M. Bolivar et al. / Catalysis Today xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 13

enzymes and the application is focused more in biochemical heterogeneous biocatalysis are expected to gain momentum,
research than in real-time monitoring. High time, cost, specialized whereby innovative process control strategies would be based on
equipment demands for acquisition are current drawbacks [196]. the on-line monitoring of internal parameters. Ability to observe
Raman spectroscopy has also been applied for the spatial resolved structural features of immobilized enzymes in operando remains a
concentration and determination of diffusion coefficients in hydro- distant but important target in the field.
gels [197].
Interest has recently been high in the use of microstructured
flow reactors for chemical synthesis [202–205]. In these miniatur- References
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Please cite this article in press as: J.M. Bolivar, et al., Advanced characterization of immobilized enzymes as heterogeneous biocatalysts,
Catal. Today (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2015.05.004

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