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Holy Orthodox Catholic Church

A Brief

of the
Orthodox Catholic Church
For Use in


Catechism Class
Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church
YEAR, ECCLESIASTICAL (yer, e kle' zi as' tik al) -- The church calendar which
A Brief Catechism of the Orthodox Eastern begins the first of September.
Catholic Church Z

ZONE (zon) -- The belt or girdle worn by priests and bishops when robed for cele-
bration of the Divine Liturgy. Made of the same material as the vestments.
Compiled By Archimandrite ANTHONY (Repella)
SECOND EDITION Published By Taken from: "Faith of our Fathers -- The Eastern Orthodox Religion" by Stan W.
"RUSSIAN DAY" COMMITTEE OF LUZERNE and LACKAWANNA Carlson and The Very Rev. Leonid Soroka, Dean UMW Published by The Olympic
COUNTIES, PA. Press, Minneapolis, MN -- Copyright 1954, revised in 1958. Officially approved for
591 North Main Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. publication by Metropolitan Leonty, Archbishop of NY, Primate, ROGCChurch of
Printed by "SVIT" (The LIGHT) 1952 NA, and The Rev. Joseph Stephanko, Censor, St. Andrew of Crete Day, NY City,

God's Blessing and my Approval to this useful Book

Archbishop of San Francisco and Metropolitan of All America and Canada.

Approved Printing Permitted V. Rev. Joseph Stephanko, Censor

New York City, NY June 28th 1946

Published by Byzantine Press

Approved for the use of Byzantine Orthodox Church

Most Revd Metropolitan Archbishop Anthony Macfonse Osmond,
Metropolitan Primate
Holy Orthodox Catholic Church - Byzantine Rite
Lagos, Nigeria March 19th 2010

2 81
Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church
UNFROCK (un frok') -- Depriving a priest or bishop of his Orders for a grave of-
fense. Origins of the Church
The Orthodox Church was formed on the day of Pentecost The word
VEIL (val) -- The covering for the Chalice and Paten, used at the beginning and end "Orthodox" is derived from two Greek words, "orthos", meaning cor-
of the Divine Liturgy. rect, and "doxa", meaning belief. The church follows the teachings of
the early fathers in an unbroken tradition. She is the original form of
VERY REVEREND (ver'i rev'?r end) -- Title of address accorded to archpriests.
Christianity that emphasizes Apostolic tradition and continuity nearly a
2,000 year history. The Orthodox church is the church handed down by
VESPERS (ves' perz) -- Even-song. The evening service.
Christ through his Apostles.
VESSELS, SACRED (ves' els, sa' kred) -- Vessels used in the celebration of the
Divine Liturgy. The followers of Jesus were first named Christians in Antioch. These
Christians were also first called Catholics in Antioch around AD 98.
VESTMENTS (vest' ments) -- The special garments worn by deacons, priests and The word Catholic comes from a Greek word katholikos which means
bishops in the celebration of Divine Services and in administering the Sacraments. universal. The Orthodox are the original Christians of the Catacombs,
the first Catholics, and the Church of the Apostles. The Orthodox
VIGIL (vij' il) -- The eve of a holy day. Saints, Martyrs, Patriarchs and Bishops have forged an unbroken chain
to the day of Pentecost and the Apostles.
VOW (vou) -- A promise willingly made to God to do something pleasing to Him.

W All Christian churches, including that of Rome, were part of the unity
of Orthodoxy through the first 1,000 years of Christianity. The Church
WEEKLY CYCLE OF SERVICES (wek' li si'kl of sûr' vis es) -- Each day of the of Rome, now called the Catholic Church separated from the unity of
week is consecrated to special memories concerning Christ, the Angels, Apostles, the church by making heretical claims for the earthly powers of her
Saints and de-parted Christians. Pope (Patriarch) at the beginning of the 11th century and completed
the break with the Orthodox by the 13th century.
WESTERN CHURCH (wes'tern chûrch) -- The part of the Universal Church which
separated in 1054 with the Pope of Rome at the head. Commonly referred to as the
Roman Catholic Church.
The Protestant reformation began the break from the Roman Catholic
Church in 1517. As the centuries passed, many contradicting theolo-
WINDING SHEET (win'ding shet) -- A large sheet of velvet with an image of the gies were formed. The Church of "one faith" faded away. These early
Entombment of Christ inscribed on it. It is brought out on Good Friday to the center schisms from the Roman Church were centered around perceived
of the church for adoration. On Saturday before midnight it is placed on the Altar and earthly Papal powers and the continued changing theology of the Ro-
remains there until the Feast of Ascension. man Church. Sadly, these reforms resulted in the eventual formation of
thousands of Protestant denominations each with their own theology.
WORSHIP (wûr' ship) -- Religious services for the glorification of God.

Of the 5 original churches that were formed by the Apostles through
their travels four remained Orthodox. These are the ancient churches of

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Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church

Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, and Constantinople. Only the Church THEOTOKOS (the ot' o kos) -- The Virgin Mary, Mother of God.
of Rome following the erroneous teachings of her Popes left the origi-
nal Apostolic Church. Today there are over 250 million people who THURIBLE (thu' ru bl) -- A censer, the vessel in which incense is burned. Also
called Kadilo.
are members of the various Orthodox churches.
TITHES (tiths) -- The tenth part. From earliest times held to be the part due to God.
The Orthodox Church is universal (catholic) and diversified. From the
ancient Churches of Africa and the Mid East to the more recent TONE (ton) -- Standard melody for versicles, troparion and prokimenon, arranged in
Churches in the Americas these Churches follow the unchanged faith eight tones, which are sung in continuous cycle throughout the year.
passed on by Jesus through his Apostles. The church directly follows
the teaching of the Apostles, the wisdom of the early fathers and the TRADITION, HOLY (trå dish' un, ho' li) -- The spiritual treasures inherited .from
cannons of the Ecumenical Councils. the ancestral Holy Fathers, in accord with the scriptures but larger in extent.

TRANSUBSTANTIATION (tran' sub stan' shi a' shun) -- In the Holy Eucharist, the
The various Orthodox Churches all have Patriarchs, Archbishops,
changing of bread and wine, at consecration, into the body and blood of Christ.
Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Laity, and an unbroken chain of Monastic
life which started with the desert fathers of the third century. TREBNIK (treb' nik) -- Book containing the prayers and order of administration of
the Sacraments of Baptism, Chrismation and Confession and the Rites of Burial and
We live in an era that preaches “New is Better” around every corner. other services.
We need to realize that not everything “old” should be thrown out and
replaced. Religion is the foremost example of such lack of prudence. TRINITY, HOLY (trin' i ti, ho' li) -- The mystery of faith which teaches that there is
One God in Three Divine Persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit:
You can always find a religious channel, if not several of them, when
TRIKIRI (tri' ker e) -- Candleholder for three candles, representing the Holy Trinity,
you turn on the TV or radio. People yearn for a deeper meaning and used by the bishop to bestow blessings upon the people.
ways to simplify their stressful lives. They often turn to these mediums
to find a solution to their problems. After listening to one of these TRISAGION (tris ag' i on) -- The thrice-holy hymn sung at the Divine Liturgy and
channels for a short period of time you’ll most likely hear the phrase often said as a prayer "Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have. mercy on us."
“ancient church”, “old church” or “original church”. Ever wondered
exactly who they are referring to? Well, we want you to know that the TROPARION (trô pa' ri on) -- Short hymn sung after the Little Entrance in the Di-
church they are referring to is still very much alive and beating today. vine Liturgy. There is a different Troparion for each of the eight tones with special
ones for each of the feasts.
For Christ's Church will never die...it has always been, it is today, and
it always will be. U

Pentecost was the day on which the Holy Spirit descended upon the UNCTION (ungk' shûn) -- The Sacrament which provides spiritual healing for bod-
twelve Apostles of Jesus ChriSaint They were gathered together and ily ills and prepares those critically ill for the better life in Heaven. This Sacrament
given the ability to each speak in a language other than his own, in or- includes anointment with oil.
der to go to different lands, spreading the message of Jesus Christ as
Lord and Savior and the teachings that Christ had imparted to UNIATE GREEK CATHOLICS (u' ne ate) -- Those , once Orthodox who later
acknowledged the authority of the Pope. In church services they follow the Greek rite
them. Thus was the beginning of the evangelism of the Orthodox but adhere to the Roman dogmas.
4 79
Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church
SANCTUARY (sangk' tu a ri) -- Area of the church, separated from the nave by the Church, which preceded the New Testament and the written Bible by
iconostas, where the altar stands. three centuries. The New Testament, in fact, was compiled by the Or-
thodox Church in the fourth century, lead by the grace of the Holy
SCHISM (sizm) -- Separation from the True Apostolic Church. The Great Schism of
1054 divided the Church into East and West.

SEE (se) -- Place where a bishop holds jurisdiction. The Apostles baptized thousands and ordained the first Bishops of the
Orthodox Church. This process of ordination and "laying on of hands"
SOLEA (so' le a) -- The raised floor in front of the Iconostas. The middle portion, is one of seven sacraments in the Orthodox Church. It has provided an
just in front of the Royal Doors, where Holy Communion is administered, is called unbroken chain of bishops and priests from the time of Christ, through
the Amvon. his Apostles, to this very day.
SPOON (spoon) -- Sacred object used to convey the Holy Gifts (body and blood of
Offered on this website is valuable information about the One, True
Christ) into the mouths of communicants.
Church of Jesus ChriSaint You'll find sources that reveal how we
STOLE (stol) -- Long, narrow vestment worn over the left shoulder by a deacon. A should worship, as handed down by Jesus Christ through his Apostles,
priest's Stole is worn around the neck and joined in front for its entire length, falling rather than the minds of intellectuals--centuries removed from the days
low upon the cassock. Neither priests nor deacons can celebrate any service or office of ChriSaint
without the Stole.
It is important for one to understand that there was only ONE Christian
SPONSOR (spon' ser) -- A Godparent at Baptism. church throughout the first 1,000 years after Pentecost. It was the Or-
thodox Church.
SUNDAY (sun' da) -- First day of the week, observed by Christians as a day of rest
and worship in commemoration of Christ's Resurrection.
The Orthodox Church compiled the New Testament in the fourth cen-
T tury. Some of the early writings were chosen to become the New Tes-
tament of the Bible. Others were preserved as part of church
TABERNACLE (tab' er nå kl) -- Receptacle, standing on the Altar, in which- the “Tradition”, a significant part of the Orthodox Church. Many others
Blessed Sacraments are reserved before conveyance to the sick. were deemed to be heretical and discarded. Many of these heretical
writings, all known to the Church for centuries, are now being
TE DEU UI (te de' um) -- Hymn ascribed to St. Ambrose which is sung at a service "discovered" and promoted as new information by those who care
of Thanksgiving.
nothing of the truth but only about profits and ratings.
THAUMATURGUS (thô' må tûr gus) -- Title applied to various saints distinguished
for their miracles. A wonder-worker. Holy tradition, which guided Christianity for the first three centuries of
it's existence, together with the sacraments, the Bible and the icons
THEOLOGY (the ol' o ji) -- The science teaching of God and the things of God. make up the fullness of the Orthodox faith which cannot be found else-
Positive Theology explains and interprets the Holy Scriptures and the writings of where.
Church Fathers. Dogmatic Theology proves and de-fends truths of the faith. Moral
Theology explains Christian conduct.
Orthodox Christianity, from the very beginning saw both Holy Scrip-
THEOTOKION (the ot' o ke on) -- Hymn in honor of the Mother of God.
ture and Holy Tradition as complementary to one another. As the

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Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church

Apostle Paul wrote: "Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the tradi- PROSPHORA (prôs fôr' å) -- Altar Breads used for the Sacrament of Eucharist.
tions which ye have been taught, whether by word or our epistle" (II
Thes. 2:15). Likewise, Orthodoxy remains on guard to the Apostle's R
admonishment: "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy
READER (red' er) -- One reading the Psalms, verses and the lesson from the Epistle.
and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the
world, and not after Christ" (Col. 2:8). Thus, while Orthodoxy is a Bi- REQUIEM (re' kwi em) -- Service for the re-pose of the souls of the faithful de-
ble believing and Bible based church, its belief and interpretation of parted.
the Bible is not left to individual opinion but is tempered by the wis-
dom of Holy Tradition, the Church Fathers, and the Church Councils. RESURRECTION OF CHRIST (rez' u rek' shun of krist) -- Christ's rising from the
In conformity with the first century Church, Orthodox worship focuses
on celebrating the Eucharistic Mystery of the Body and Blood of RITUAL (rit' u al) -- Approved order of a ceremony.
Christ's Sacrifice with hymns, Psalms, prayers, and teaching. The Di-
RUBRICS (roo' briks) -- From the Latin meaning red. Directions for Divine Services
vine Liturgy remains the forms and prayers of the early Church, having
for each Sunday and all holy days, so-called be-cause they are generally printed in
changed little in the last fifteen centuries. red letters.

We welcome you to the Orthodox Catholic Church, and we will be REVERENCE (rev' er ens) -- A profound bow or a prostration.
pleased to answer any questions you have. Use the contact page above
to write us. S

SABAOTH (sab' å oth) -- In Hebrew means hosts, hence "The Lord God of Hosts."

SABBATH (sab' åth) -- The seventh day, of the week, ordered to be kept holy by the
Fourth Commandment. The day God rested after creation. The Apostles transferred
the obligation to the first day of the week in honor of Christ's resurrection.

SACRAMENT (sak' rå ment) -- A mystery -- an outward visible sign of an inward

invisible grace. The Orthodox Church has Seven Sacraments.

SACRIFICE (sak' ri fis) -- A holy offering. The great Christian Sacrifice is the Holy

SACRISTY (sak' ris ti) -- Room alongside the Sanctuary where the sacred vessels
and vestments are kept and where the clergy put on their robes for Divine Services.

SAINT (sant) -- One who has led a pure and holy life and has been inscribed in the
list of saints and whose memory is celebrated on a given day.

SAKKOS (sak' kôs) -- Proper Eucharistic vestment of bishops.

6 77
Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church
sufferings and death on the Cross of Christ.
An Orthodox Catechism
PATEN (pat' en) -- Round, flat plate, usually made of silver, upon which the Holy
Bread is placed and consecrated. I. INTRODUCTION

PATRIARCH (pa' tri ärk) -- Originally one of the bishops of the four ancient centers What is a Catechism?
of Christianity -- Constantinople, Jerusalem, Antioch and Alexandria. Now, the high- A Catechism is a short exposition of the doctrines of the Lord Jesus
est dignitary in the church hierarchy.
Christ in question and answer form.
PECTORAL CROSS (pek' to ral krôs) -- Cross worn on the chest of priests and
bishops as a mark of their office. Why are the teachings of Christ necessary for us?
To lead us to God, to salvation and to happiness.
PENANCE (pen' ans) -- The Sacrament through which the sins committed after Bap-
tism are forgiven through confession. How do we come near to God?
By thought, wish and deed. By thought in believing in Him; by wish in
PENITENTIAL PSALM (pen' i ten' shål säm) -- The 50th Psalm of David (the 51st praying to Him and by deed in fulfilling the will and Law of God.
Psalm in English Bibles).

PENTECOST (pen' te kost) -- Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Disciples on the
From what source may we learn how to believe in God?
fiftieth day after Easter. The Creed.

PERSECUTIONS (pûr' se ku' shuns) -- Periods of ill treatment and oppression in- From what source do we learn to pray?
flicted because of religious beliefs. In the first three centuries of Christianity there The Lord's Prayer.
were ten great persecutions.
From what source do we learn to live according to the will and Law o f
PONTIFICAL (pon tif' i kal) -- Relating to the bishops, as Pontifical Services.
PSALTER (sôl' ter) -- Book of Psalms in the Old Testament used in all Divine Ser-
The Ten Commandments.
Where do we find Christ's teachings about happiness?
PRESTOL (pres' tol) -- The Altar, representing the throne of God in heaven with In the Beatitudes.
God him-self on it. Also represents the tomb of Christ since His body is placed
thereon. Why are we called Orthodox Christians?
We are Christians through believing in our Lord Jesus Christ and Or-
PRIMATE (pri' mat) -- Term applied to the ruling archbishop.
thodox Christians through, believing in the teachings of the Orthodox
PROKIMENON (pro ki' me non) -- Verse and refrain which is read and sung before
the reading of the Epistle. Also called Gradual.

PROSKOMIDE (prôs ko mi' de) -- From the Greek, meaning to bring offering. The
first part of the Divine Liturgy consisting of the preparation of bread and wine used
in the communion.
76 7
Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church

II. THE CREED OFFERTORY (of'er to ri) -- Provision, preparation and setting forth on the Altar of
the bread, wine and water for Consecration.
What is the Creed?
ORDINAL (ôr' di nal) -- Book containing all the prayers and ceremonies in use at
It is a short expounding of the Orthodox faith, composed at the first Pontifical services; also the Order of Ordination and Consecration for all grades and
two Ecumenical Councils, and consisting of twelve articles. dignities of the Church.

What is an Ecumenical Council? ORDINATION (ôr' di na' shun) -- Sacrament under which bishops, through the lay-
An assembly of the clergy from all parts of the world. ing on of hands, bestow priesthood on qualified candidates.

THE FIRST ARTICLE ORLETZ (ôr' letz) -- The Eagle. A small rug that a bishop stands on during Divine
Service. Use is accorded to bishops alone.

How does the first article of the Creed read? OMOFOR (o' mo for) -- Bishop's stole which is very broad and which hangs down
I believe in One God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, in front and behind over other vestments. Also called the Pall.
of all things visible and invisible.
ORAR (o rar') -- The deacon's stole, a long wide band of material worn over the left
Who is spoken of in the first article? shoulder, sometimes crossed upon the breast and back.
God the Father.
OKTOICH (ôk' toik) -- Service book containing the Canons and hymns of the Eight
Tones used during the Short and Great Vespers and Matins.
What is meant by the words, "I believe"?
A belief that all the teachings of the Faith in this Creed are true. P

Who is God? PALL (pôl) -- Stole worn by a bishop. Also called Omofor.
God is a spirit, eternal, all-good, omniscient, all-just, almighty, omni-
present, all-sufficing, never-changing and all-blessed. From Him eve- PANAGIA (på na' gi å) -- Round or oval image of Christ or the Virgin Mary, richly
rything originated and by Him everything is sustained. decorated, worn on the chest by bishops. Means the All-Holy.

What is revealed to us concerning the Holy Trinity? PARISH (par' ish) -- Group of faithful united under a properly ordained priest to
form a unit of a Diocese and adhering to the tenets of the Church.
God is One but is Trine in Person -- God the Father, God the Son, and
God the Holy Spirit -- an Undivided and Consubstantial Trinity. PARISH REGISTER (par' ish re j'is ter) -- Book recording all baptisms, marriages
and deaths occurring in a parish.
What difference is there between the Persons of the Holy Trinity?
God the Father is neither begotten nor proceeds from any other person. PASCHAL CANON (pas' kal kan' un) -- Rule for determining the dates of Easter
The Son of God is from all eternity begotten of the Father; the Holy and other movable feasts.
Spirit, from all eternity, proceeds from the Father. The three Persons of
the Holy Trinity are of equal Divine majesty. PASCHAL WEEK (pas' kal wek) -- The week following Easter.

PASSION WEEK (pash' un wek) -- Week pre-ceding Easter, commemorating the

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Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church
MONK (mungk) -- One renouncing the world to lead a religious life under monastic Why is God called Almighty?
vows. He upholds all things in His power and His will.
MOTHER OF GOD (muth' er of god) -- The Virgin Mary; Jesus, born of her as
man, is also truly God.
Why is God called the Maker?
He created the heaven and the earth, and all things visible and invisi-
MYSTERY (mis' ter i) -- A Sacrament, the outward sign of inward grace. ble.

MYRRH (mûr) -- Sacred oil used for anointing in the Sacrament of Chrismation. What is meant by the word "invisible"?
The unseen spiritual world which includes incorporeal Angels who
N have intelligence, will and power.

NARTHEX (när' theks) -- Vestibule area of church leading to the nave. What is meant by the word "Angel"?
A messenger, because God sends the Angels to announce His will to
NATIVITY, FEAST OF (nå tiv' i ti fest) -- Christmas, commemorating the birth of
the Savior. Observed December 25, New Calendar -- January 7, Old Calendar. Nativ-
the people. There are also evil Angels who do not obey God and teach
ity of the Virgin Mary observed September 8; Nativity of John the Baptist observed evil to the people.
June 24.
What is a Guardian Angel?
NAVE (nav) -- Center part of the church occupied by worshipers. An Angel given to us from God at the time of our baptism to guard us
from evil.
NICENE CREED (ni' sen kred) -- Twelve articles encompassing the Orthodox be-
What do we know of the visible world?
In the beginning, God created the visible world in six days and, lastly,
NUN (nun) -- Woman who has taken monastic vows.
and in His image, man.
NUNC DIMITIS (nungk di mit'is) -- Latin words beginning the Song of Simeon
sung at Vespers. Does God take care of the world?
Yes, He preserves and directs it.
N-I-K-A -- Initials of the Greek words meaning "By this thou conquer." These ini-
tials are stamped on the prosphora. THE SECOND ARTICLE
How does the second article of the Creed read?
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten
OBLATION (ob la' shun) -- The preparation of the elements of bread and wine be-
fore the beginning of the Divine Liturgy. of the Father before all ages. Light of Light, True God of True God,
begotten, not created, being of one substance with the Father; through
OBLATION TABLE (ob la' shun tabl) -- Table placed against the wall on the left whom all things were made.
side of the altar where the elements are prepared for the Holy Eucharist before the
beginning of the Divine Liturgy. Who is spoken of in the second article?
Jesus Christ; the Son of God; the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.
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Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church

What does the name Jesus Christ mean? LITANY (lit' å ni) -- Petitions recited by the deacon or priest with responses by the
Jesus means Savior and Christ means Anointed. choir.

LITURGY, DIVINE (lit' ur ji di vin') -- Church services celebrating the Holy

Why is Christ called the Son of God, the Only Begotten? Eucharist. There are three Liturgies used in Orthodox churches.
He is the only Son of God, begotten of the substance of God the Fa-
ther. Begotten before all ages, He is eternal. LAMPADA (lam' pad å) -- Lamps burning be-fore icons as a mark of honor and as a
reminder that the Light of Christ shines through His Saints.
What is meant by the words, "Light of Light, True God of True God"?
God the Father and God the Son are one indivisible Divine person just M
as light appears simultaneously with the rising of the sun. Just as the
Father is True God, so also the Son is True God. MAGNIFICAT (mag nif' i kat) -- Hymn sung in honor of the Virgin Mary after the
eighth ode of the Canon at Matins.
Why is it said, "begotten, not created"? MANTIA (man' te a) -- Bishop's mantle, often of purple but may be of some other
This is stated to contradict the false doctrine of Arius, who taught that color, with a long train. Adorned with ribbons, usually red and white, and small bells.
Jesus Christ was mortal and not of Divine creation.
MARTYR (mär' ter) -- One voluntarily enduring death for the faith.
What is meant by "of one substance with the Father"?
Jesus Christ is of one and the same substance with God the Father and MASS (mås) -- In the Orthodox Church, the Divine Liturgy. In the Western Church
has the same Divine nature as God. it is the service of the Eucharist.

MATRIMONY (mat' ri mo ni) -- Sacrament blessing and sanctifying Christian mar-

What is meant by the words "through Whom all things were made"? riage.
God the Father created all things through His Son.
METROPOLITAN (met' ro pol' i tan) -- Head archbishop of an ecclesiastical prov-

How does the third article of. the Creed read? MAUNDY THURSDAY (môn' di) -- Thursday of Holy Week, marked by the read-
Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven and ing of the Twelve Gospels at evening services.
was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became Man.
MATINS (mat' ins) -- Morning Divine Service preceding the Divine Liturgy. Some-
times held on the eve of a church holiday or Sunday.
What is spoken of in this article?
The Son of God came from heaven to save the people from sin, the MITER (mi' ter) -- Headdress worn by bishops. Archimandrites and some other
curse, and death. God has always been both in heaven and on earth. clergy are also privileged to wear it.
Invisible before, He afterwards became a visible mortal, taking upon
himself the flesh and soul of man. MONASTERY (mon' as ter i) -- Dwelling-place of men leading a life of prayer un-
der vows.
What is meant by the words "and was incarnate"?
MONASTIC VOWS (mo nas' tik vous) -- Obedience, poverty and celibacy.
The Son of God took upon Himself human form, except sin, without
10 73
Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church
INCARNATION (in' 'kär na' shun) -- The Christian doctrine that God the Son took ceasing to be God. He was incarnated from the Holy Spirit and the Vir-
to Himself the nature of man. gin Mary.
ICON or IKON (i' kon) -- Sacred picture.
Who was the Virgin Mary?
ICONOSTAS (i' kon' o stas) - Image-screen. The high wall covered with sacred pic-
The Blessed Virgin Mary was of the family of Abraham and David, the
tures that divides the Sanctuary from the Nave of the church. lineage of Israel that was given the promise of the Savior. She is called
the Ever-Virgin because she always was and is a virgin.
INCENSE (in sens') -- Aromatic gum substance burnt in the censer; used during the
Divine Services. How does the Orthodox Catholic Church teach of the dignity of the
Virgin Mary?
INFUSION (in fu' shun) -- Baptism by pouring water on the head instead of by im- The Orthodox Church gives her the title of "Mother of
God" (Theotokos) and honors her far above the cherubim and sera-
INCLINATION (in kli na' shun) -- Bowing the head -- usually accompanied by
crossing -- as an unspoken Amen to a prayer.
How does the fourth article of the Creed read?
JESUS CHRIST (je' zus krist) -- God the Son, the Second Person of the Holy Trin- And was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was
ity. He is one person with two natures, God and man. buried.
JUDGMENT, GENERAL (juj' ment jen' er al) -- Judgment of all mankind at the
What is spoken of in this article?
end of the world with the second coming of Christ.
The suffering and death of Jesus Christ.
Being God, how could Christ suffer?
KONDAKION (kon dåk'e on) -- Short hymn sung at the Divine Service. There is a He suffered and died as man, by His own good will, for our sins. He
different Kondakion for each of the eight tones with special ones for the feast days. actually suffered all the pain and torture of a death on the cross.

L What does the reference to Pontius Pilate express?

Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor of Judea. He conducted- the
LAMB (lam) -- The Host, also known as Agnets. The portion of the bread adhering
trial of Jesus. The reference to Pilate indicates the time of the crucifix-
to the Seal cut from the first prosphora and intended for Consecration.
LANCE (låns) -- The double-edged, pointed lancet used to cut the Lamb and parti-
cles from the prosphora. Also called the Spear. THE FIFTH ARTICLE

LENT (lent) -- Period of fasting. The Orthodox Church observes four lenten periods How does the fifth article of the Creed read?
during the year with the greatest of these the fasting period before Easter. And rose again the third day according to the Scriptures

72 11
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What is spoken of in this article? GUARDIAN ANGELS (gär' di an) -- Angels divinely appointed at the time of Bap-
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after His death. tism to guide and protect each individual soul throughout life.

GLORIOUS WEEK (glo' ri us wek) -- The week which follows Easter Sunday.
By what power did Christ rise from the dead?
The power of His Divinity. H

How does the Resurrection of Christ affect us? HAGIOGRAPHY (hag' i og' rå fi) -- Lives of the Saints.
Christ, having risen from the grave, obtained victory over death and
made possible to all believers Resurrection and life eternal. HEAVEN (hev' n) -- The place and state of perfect blessedness where those who are
saved shall be in the full light of God's presence forever.
What is meant by the words "according to the Scriptures"?
Christ was born, lived on earth, suffered and died, and arose from the HELL (hel) -- The place and state of condemnation where lost souls are tormented
dead as had been foretold by prophets long before.
HERESY (her' e si) -- Denial or rejection of a revealed truth by one who has pro-
Did Christ appear on earth after His Resurrection? fessed Christianity.
Yes, ten. times. His last appearance was forty days after the Resurrec-
tion. HERMIT (hur' mit) -- One retiring into a solitary life from religious motives.

THE SIXTH ARTICLE HIERARCHY (hi' er är' ki) -- The higher clergy; the rulers in spiritual matters.

How, does the sixth article of the Creed read? HOLY SPIRIT (ho' li spir' it) -- Third Person of the Divine Trinity.
And ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father.
HOLY WATER (ho'li wôter) -- Water blessed by the priest on the Day of
Theophany and on other special occasions. Used to bless persons and things and to
What is spoken of in this article? drive away evil spirits.
The ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven.
HOLY WEEK (ho' li wek) -- The week preceding Easter, commemorating the suf-
When and how did Christ ascend into heaven? ferings of Christ.
His ascension, witnessed by all of His faithful disciples, took place on
the Mount of Olives forty days after His Resurrection. His ascension HOPE (hop) -- A supernatural gift of God which enables believers to trust that God
will grant eternal life and the means necessary to obtain salvation.
was with His real human body.
HOSANNA (ho zan' å) -- From the Hebrew, meaning "O Lord, save, we pray.''
What is signified by Christ's sitting beside His Father?
Christ has one and the same power, honor and glory together with God HOURS (ours) -- Simplest form of Orthodox service, performed during the different
the Father. hours of the day.

12 71
Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church
FASTING (fåst' ing) -- Abstaining from certain foods, particularly meat foods. THE SEVENTH ARTICLE
FASTING DAYS (fåst' ing) -- Days and seasons appointed by the Church during How does the seventh article of the Creed read?
which the faithful abstain from meat.
And He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead.
FATHERS of the CHURCH (fä' thers) -- Early Christian writers and defenders of And His kingdom shall have no end.
the faith.
What is spoken of in this article?
FEAST (fest) -- A holy day commemorating some saint, some event in the life of Christ will come again in glory, from heaven to earth, to judge all liv-
Christ or in the life of the Virgin Mary. Easter is the Feast of Feasts and there are ing people and those resurrected from the dead.
twelve other great feasts.
Who and what will Christ judge on His second coming?
FILIOQUE (fil' i o'kwe) -- Words inserted in the Nicene Creed by the Roman
Church regarding the Holy Spirit.
The judgment will be the same for all people. Sinful deeds, words and
thoughts will be condemned by the Lord.
FRESCOS (fres' kos) -- Wall and ceiling murals, painted on 'the plaster, that adorn
the church. When will Christ's second coming take place?
The time is not known, even to angels, but many signs of His second
FRUITS of the HOLY SPIRIT (froots -- ho' li spir' it) -- Love, joy, peace, long- coming have been revealed to us. Love among the peoples of the earth
suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. will cease. Faith will decrease and sins will multiply. Calamities such
as wars, pestilence and earthquakes will prevail and the antichrist will
GOD (god) -- The Supreme, Eternal Almighty Spirit, infinite in all perfections, the
creator and governor of all things. Who is antichrist?
The antichrist is the adversary of Jesus Christ who, by the power of
GODFATHER and GODMOTHER (god' fäth' er) (god' muth' er) -- Sponsors at Satan, will perform false miracles and strive to destroy Christianity. He
Holy Baptism they promise that the godchild is taught the truths of Christian faith. will claim for himself the worship due to God but in the end the Lord
will destroy him.
GOOD FRIDAY (good fri' da) -- The Friday preceding Easter, commemorating
Christ's death on the Cross.
What is meant by "And His kingdom shall have no end"?
GOSPEL (gos' pel) -- Portion of the scriptures read by the priest during Divine Ser-
Christ will reign eternally. over the righteous.
GRACE(gras) -- The supernatural gift of God enabling us to attain salvation and
obtained mainly by prayer and Sacraments. How does the eighth article of the Creed read?
And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life, who pro-
GRADUAL (grad' u al) -- Verses from the Psalms or other portions of the Scripture ceeds from the Father, who together with the. Father and Son is wor-
which are sung before the reading of the Epistle.
shiped and glorified. Who spoke by the prophets.

70 13
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Who is spoken of in this article? ECTENIA (ek' ten eâ) -- Also known as Litany; a series of petitions chanted by the
The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity. priest or deacon with responses by the choir.

ECUMENICAL COUNCIL (ek' u men' i kal koun' sil) -- An assembly of represen-

Why is the Holy Spirit called the "Giver of Life"? tatives of the Church legally convoked for the settlement of ecclesiastical affairs,
Together with the Father and Son, He gives life to all creatures, espe- formulating dogmas and making rules of faith and morals. Seven Ecumenical Coun-
cially spiritual life to men. cils are recognized by the Orthodox Church.

What is meant by the words, "Who proceeds from the Father"? EMINENCE (em' i nens) -- Title of a Metropolitan.
The meaning is that the Holy Spirit does proceed from God the Father.
Christ Himself said: "...the Spirit of truth, who proceeded from the Fa- ENTRANCE (en' trans) -- Solemn procession of the celebrants of Divine Liturgy.
The Little Entrance is a procession of the Holy Gospel and the Great Entrance a pro-
ther, He shall testify of Me." cession bringing the Holy Gifts from the Oblation Table to the Altar.

What is meant by the words "Who together with the Father and Son is EPIGONATION (ê pig' u na shun) -- An oblong piece of vestment ornament sus-
worshiped and glorified"? pended upon the right hip as a symbol of the sword of the spirit. Indicates out-
The Holy Spirit equal with the Father and the Son while being together standing service.
with them, and should be worshiped and glorified just as God the Fa-
ther and God the Son are. This is indicated in Christ's command to EPIPHANY (e pif' å ni) -- Feast commemorating the manifestation of Christ -- the
Baptism of Christ and the manifestation of God in the Holy Trinity through the de-
baptize in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy scent of the Holy Spirit. This holy day is also known as Theophany.
EPISCOPATE (e pis' ko påt) -- Collectively, the entire body of bishops.
What is meant by the words "Who spoke by the prophets"?
In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit spoke through the prophets just as EPISTLE (e pis' l) -- A portion of the Scriptures read before the reading of the Gos-
He spoke through the Apostles in the New Testament. The books of pel at Divine Liturgy.
the prophets as well as the writings of the Apostles were written under
the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is communicated to EUCHARIST, HOLY (u' kå rist) -- The Sacrament under which bread and wine be-
come the true Body and Blood of Christ with transubstantiation taking place during
Christians through prayer and the Sacraments. the Divine Liturgy.

THE NINTH ARTICLE EVANGELISTS (e van' jel ist) -- Inspired writers of the four Gospels -- Matthew,
Mark, Luke and John.
How does the ninth article of the Creed read?
And in one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. EVANGELIYE (e van je le' å) -- From the Greek, meaning good news; the book of
the Gospels used in Divine Services.
What is spoken of in this article?
The Church.
FAITH (fath) -- The power bestowed by God which enables us to believe what God
What is the Church? has revealed.
The Church is a body of Christians, united by the Seven Sacraments,
14 69
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deacons to put their strength in the right hand of the Lord. Worn by priests, the cuffs the Hierarchy and the Orthodox faith.
are symbolic of the bonds tying the hands of Christ and also symbolize that the
priest's hands are tied against sin.
Why is the Church one?
CUPOLA (ku' pô lå) -- The steeple domes found on most Orthodox churches. A
The Church is one because it has one Head, Christ, and but one Ortho-
church may have a single cupola or as many as thirteen. One dome predominates and dox doctrine. The Church is the Body of Christ -- He is to the Church
signifies Christ as the head of the Church. what the soul is to the body.

D Why is the Church holy?

It is sanctified by the doctrines and Passions of Christ.
DALMATIC (dal mat' ik) -- The outer vestment worn by deacons during the service.
Why is the Church Catholic?
DEACON (de' kn) -- First of the three orders of Priesthood. Deacons assist priests at
Di-vine Liturgies and other services.
Catholic means universal and the Church is universal because it in-
cludes all of the Orthodox believers of all lands, of all times and of all
DEAN (den) -- The elected or appointed supervisor of a district; the senior priest at a peoples.
Cathedral; the faculty head of a Theological Seminary.
Why is the Church Apostolic?
DIKIRI (di ke' re) -- Double candleholder used by a bishop in blessing worshipers at The Church is Apostolic because it was spread throughout the world
a Divine Service. It represents, the two natures of Christ, human and divine. by the Apostles and their successors, the bishops and priests.
DIOCESE (di' o ses) -- Territory under the jurisdiction of one bishop.
What is the highest earthly authority of the Church?
DISPENSATION (dis' pen sa' shun) -- Permission granted by ecclesiastical author-
The authority of the Ecumenical Council.
ity for something not usually permitted by the Canon Law.
What is the highest authority in the provincial churches?
DOGMA (dôg' må) -- A truth contained in Scripture or Holy Tradition formulated by The Pope, Patriarch or Archbishop and his synod.
the Ecumenical Councils and Fathers of the Church.
DOORS (dorz) -- Most common association is with the three doors of the Iconostas.
The north door leads to the Offertory-chapel, the south door to the Sacristy and the
center doors are the Royal Doors, which have a curtain behind them.
How does the tenth article of the Creed read?
I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins.
DOXOLOGY (dok sol' ô ji) -- A prayer glorifying God.
What is spoken of in this article?
E The Sacrament of Baptism.

EASTER (es' ter) -- Festival commemorating the Resurrection of Christ, known as What is a Sacrament?
the Feast of Feasts, greatest church day of the Orthodox year. The Orthodox Easter is A Sacrament is a holy act through which the Grace of the Holy Spirit
celebrated the Sunday following the first full moon of spring. All movable feasts
depend upon Easter.
is given. It is a visible sign of invisible Divine Grace.

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How many Sacraments are there? heaven and on earth are in communion with each other, as being one Body in Christ.
Seven. They include Baptism, Chrismation, Communion, Penance; Or-
dination (the Priesthood), Matrimony and Unction with Oil (last rites). COMPLINE, GRAND (kom' plin, grand) -- A service of worship said after nightfall
in monasteries. In church parishes it is combined with Matins to form the All-Night
Vigil Service.
What does Baptism consist of?
The believer, through being immersed three times in water in the name CONFESSION (kon fesh' un) -- Acknowledgement of sin before God in the pres-
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, is born into spiri- ence of a priest, the Sacrament of Penance.
tual life.
CONFESSOR (kon fes' er) -- Person who hears confession or one who has suffered
What does Chrismation consist of? persecution for his faith.
The baptized believer is anointed with Holy Chrism (Holy Oil blessed
CONFIRMATION (kon' f?r ma' shun) -- The Sacrament of Chrismation.
by Bishops) as the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit.
CONSECRATION (kon' se kra' shun) -- The dedication of anything to Divine Ser-
What does the Sacrament of Communion consist of? vice or elevation of a member of- the clergy to the rank of bishop.
In the form of bread and wine, believers partake of the very Body and
Blood of Christ. CONVENT (kon' vent) -- The dwelling of religious women living under monastic
When was the Sacrament of Communion instituted?
At the Last Supper by Jesus when He blessed bread, broke it and gave CORPORAL (kôr' pô ral) -- The cloth on the Altar on which the Holy Eucharist is
consecrated. Also called Antimins.
it to the disciples and took the chalice and gave thanks and gave it to
them to drink. CREED (kred) -- Articles of faith formulated by the Ecumenical Councils (Nicene
Creed) or by the Holy Fathers (Athanasian Creed).
How do Orthodox Christians receive Communion?
In the form of bread and wine -- the very Body and Blood of Christ. CROSIER (kro' zher) -- Staff carried by a bishop as a symbol of authority by which
he rules his flock.
What does Penance consist of?
Confession of sins by the believer before a priest with forgiveness CROSS, ORTHODOX (krôs, ôr' thô doks) -- The Orthodox cross has three bars. The
top bar represents the title nailed above Jesus and the short slanting lower bar rep-
from God then received. resents the footrest which points upward to remind believers that Christ points the
way to Heaven.
What does the Sacrament of Ordination (Holy Orders) consist of?
The ordained, by the laying on of hands of the Bishops, receive the CROSS, SIGN OF (krôs) -- The external representation of the Cross of Christ; the
grace to minister the Sacraments. mark of Christians since the earliest days of the Christian faith. The Orthodox
Church uses the sign of the Cross for all blessings.
How many degrees of Priesthood are there?
CRUETS (kroo' ets) -- The two bottles on the Oblation Table used for holding the
Three. Bishops, Priests and Deacons. water and wine used in the preparation of the elements for the Holy Eucharist.

How do these differ? CUFFS (kufs) -- Worn as part of the vestments by deacons and priests. Cuffs remind
16 67
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ment by a priest in celebrating the Divine Liturgy. Deacons serve at the Sacraments; Priests perform the Sacraments with
the exception of Ordination; and Bishops perform all of the Sacra-
CHRISM (krizm) -- Holy Oil, also called Myrrh, used in the Sacrament of Chrisma- ments.
tion. Chrism is mixed and blessed by a group of bishops on Thursday of Holy Week.

CHRISMATION (kriz ma' shun) -- Also called Confirmation, is the Sacrament by

What does the Sacrament of Matrimony consist of?
which believers receive the Holy Spirit. In the Orthodox Church, it is administered The union of man and woman in wedlock is blessed in the image of the
immediately after Baptism. union of Christ with His church.

CHRISTAN (kris' n) -- To name an infant at Baptism; to receive into the Church by What does Unction with Oil consist of?
Baptism. Baptism is often called Christening. The sick, anointed with oil, receive from God the grace of becoming
CHRISTIAN (kris' chan) -- One baptized into the Church to become a follower of
Christ. Followers of Christ were first called Christians at Antioch.
CHRISTIAN NAME (kris' chan nam) -- The name given and received in the Sacra-
ment of Baptism. How does the eleventh article of the Creed read?
I look for the Resurrection of the dead.
CHRISTMAS (kris' mås) -- The Feast of the Nativity or the Birthday of our Lord.
Observed on December 25, old calendar, which is January 7th on the new Gregorian What is spoken of in this article?
All of the dead will arise again at the end of the world and become im-
CHURCH (chûrch) -- A divinely instituted community of believers. Members of the
Orthodox Church are united by the Orthodox faith, the laws of God, the hierarchy
and the Sacraments. What shall become of the people living at the time of the second com-
ing of Christ?
CHURCH MILITANT (chûrch mil' i tant) -- Members of the church on earth in Their bodies shall be changed and they, also, shall become immortal.
warfare against sin and evil as distinguished from the Church Triumphant in Heaven.
CHURCHING OF WOMEN (chûrch ing) -- The blessing of women after child-
birth. In the life of a Christian mother corresponds to the Feast of Purification of the
Virgin Mary. How does the twelfth article of the Creed read?
And the life in the world to come. Amen.
CLERGY (klûr' ji) -- Those ordained to the threefold ministry of the Church -- bish-
ops, priests and deacons, as distinguished from laymen. What is spoken of in this article?
After the general Resurrection there shall be, to the just, an eternal life
COMMUNION, HOLY (ko mun' yun) -- The Sacrament of Holy Eucharist. After of blessedness, and for the unrepentant sinners, an everlasting life of
proper confession and absolution, the worshiper receives sanctifying grace through
the true Body and Blood of Christ. Those who are to receive Communion must fast
from midnight previous to the hour of receiving this sacrament.

COMMUNION OF SAINTS (ko mun' yun santz) -- All members of the Church, in

66 17
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THE LORD'S PRAYER CATECHUMEN (kat' a ku' men) -- A person preparing for Baptism. In former
times, catechumens were permitted to remain in church for only the first two portions
of the Divine Liturgy.
Why is this prayer called the Lord's Prayer?
It was given to the Apostles and to all Christians by the Lord Jesus CATHOLIC (kath' o lik) -- In literal meaning, denotes universal or all-embracing.
Christ Himself. Signifies that the Church of Christ is for all ages, for all nations, for all races and is
the Ark of Salvation for all mankind.
How is the Lord's Prayer divided?
Into the Invocation, the Seven Petitions and the Doxology. CELEBRATION (sel' e bra' shun) -- Sacred performance of the Divine Liturgy and
specifically, the Holy Communion.
How does the Invocation read?
CELEBRANT (sel' e brant) -- Person performing Holy Communion -- a bishop or
Our Father, Who art in Heaven. We call God our Father because we priest. A deacon may not celebrate the Holy Eucharist but may assist.
love Him, as children love their father.
CELIBACY -- (sel' i bå si) or (se lib' å si) -- In the Roman Church, a rule forbidding
How does the first petition read? marriage in the clergy. In the Orthodox Church, those entering the priesthood cannot
Hallowed be Thy Name. marry after being ordained. Orthodox bishops are chosen from celibates or widowers
who have taken monastic vows.
What do we ask of God in this petition?
CENSER (sen' sor) -- Vessel used for burning incense in church ceremonies.
We ask God. to help us keep His , Holy Name in our minds and hearts
and that we may live according to His law and thus glorify Him among CENSOR (sen' sor) or (sen' ser) -- Theologian appointed to examine books for eccle-
people. siastical approval prior to publication. The censor ascertains that publications contain
nothing contrary to the Orthodox doctrine.
How does the second petition read?
Thy Kingdom come. CHALICE (chal' is) -- A sacred vessel, in the form of a cup, made of precious metal
and consecrated to contain the wine which be-comes the Blood of Christ during the
Divine Liturgy.
What do we ask of God in this petition?
We ask His help that the Spirit of God ;may lead us to good and to CHANCEL (chån' sul) -- The area around the altar, also called the Sanctuary, sepa-
happiness and that sin should not reign in us. rated from the body of the church by the Iconostas.

How does the third petition read? CHAPEL (chap' el) -- A small house of worship where there is no parish.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
CHAPLAIN (chap' lin) -- A priest in the armed services or authorized to officiate in
What do we ask of God in this petition? military chapels. Also denotes a priest ministering to the religious needs of a school,
fraternity or public institution.
We ask that all things in our life should come through the Will of God.
CHAPTER (chap' ter) -- A division of a book of the Bible.
How does the fourth petition read?
Give us this day our daily bread. CHASUBLE (chaz' u bl) -- A large garment without sleeves, also called a Felon,
short in front and with an opening for the head which is worn as the principal vest-

18 65
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CALENDAR (kal' en dår) -- Orderly arrangement of the days, weeks and months of What do we ask of God in this petition?
the year. The Orthodox Church uses the old Julian calendar in reckoning church We ask God to provide all of our daily needs for the present day --
food, .clothing and shelter.
CALVARY (kal' vå ri) -- Golgotha, the Mount where Christ was crucified.
How does the fifth petition read?
CANDELABRUM (kan' de la' brum) -- Large, branched candlestick, usually de- And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against
signed for seven candles to symbolize the seven sacraments, the seven great Ortho- us.
dox holidays connected with Christ, the seven Ecumenical Councils, and the seven
days of creation. What do we ask of God in this petition?:
We ask that God forgive our sins as we, in turn, forgive those who
CANDLES (kan' dls) -- Used profusely in Orthodox churches to express the warmth
of devotion and as symbols of the light of Christ.
have done wrongs to us. If we do not forgive others, God will not for-
give us.
CANON (kan' un) -- From the Greek, meaning rule. Applies to a rule given by a
priest to a worshiper after confession for spiritual healing and strength and is also How does the sixth petition read?
applied to the collection of hymns sung at Matins. And lead us not into temptation.
CANON LAW (kan' un lô) -- Rules or laws relating to faith, morals and discipline as What do we ask of God in this petition?
prescribed by the Ecumenical and Provincial Councils and the Holy Fathers.
We ask God to drive away the temptations that lead us to sin. These
CANONIZATION (kan' un' i za' shun) -- Proclamation by church authorities on the
temptations come from ourselves, from evil people, and from Satan.
sanctity and glory of a faithful departed. Through this public testimony the person
canonized is inscribed in the list of Saints. How does the seventh petition read?
But deliver us from evil.
CANON OF SCRIPTURE (kan' un skrip' tur) -- The list of inspired books accepted
on church authority as the Word of God -- the Bible. What do we ask of God in this petition?
We ask God to keep us and protect us from evil and misfortune.
CASSOCK (kas' uk) -- A long black garment, the ordinary dress of priests. Although
they are usually black, blue, purple and maroon are also common.
How does the doxology of the Lord's Prayer read?
CATECHISM (kat'e kizm) -- Elementary Christian doctrine instruction in question For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory forever and
and answer form. ever. Amen.

CATHEDRA (kå the' drå) -- Bishop's throne in back of the Altar. The Amvon is also What does this doxology express?
sometimes given this name. Through it we express the hope that God will grant us all our petitions,
because everything is within His Power and Might.
CATHEDRAL (kå the' dral) -- Main church of a Diocese where the bishop has his

CAROL (kar' ul) -- A joyous, festive hymn, simple in tune, sung at Christmas.

64 19
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Who gave the Ten Commandments? BANNER (ban' er) -- Metallic or brocade cloth inscribed with sacred icons, carried
at the head of processionals on long poles.
The Lord God Himself, through the prophet Moses, gave the Com-
mandments on Mount Sinai on the fiftieth day of the Exodus of the He- BANNS (banz) -- Proclamation announced in church of .an intended marriage. Banns
brews from Egypt. are repeated three times.

Why must Christians keep the Ten Commandments? BAPTISM (bap' tizm) -- Sacrament washing away original sin and joins person bap-
Christ Himself instructed Christians to keep the Commandments as tized to the church. Baptism, usually performed by a priest, may be administered by a
recorded in the Gospel. layman in cases of emergency.

BEATITUDES (be at' i tudz) -- The nine blessings given by Christ in His Sermon on
What is the first commandment? the Mount. They are sung at the time of the Little Entrance in the Divine Liturgy.
I am the Lord thy God; thou shall have no other gods before Me.
BELFRY (bel' fri) -- Part of the church where the church bells are hung, usually a
What are we commanded to do by this commandment? tower above the front of the church.
We must acknowledge God in thought; believe in Him with our heart,
and love Him; to glorify Him by words of our mouth, and to serve Him BELLS (bels) -- Used to summon the faithful to worship. They are rung at certain
with our whole being. progressive points in the service, while the Holy Gifts are being consecrated, during
processionals and are tolled in mourning for the dead.
What regard should we have for the Angels and for the Saints of God? BENEDICTION (ben' e dik' shun) -- Blessing given by the priest at the conclusion
We should venerate them as the servants of God; because of their love of the Divine Liturgy.
for us they pray to God for us.
BETROTHAL (be troth al) or (be tr?th al) -- First part of the Marriage ceremony in
What are the sins against the first commandment? which a formal and binding promise is made and rings are placed on the fingers of
Serving other false gods instead of the One True God, failing to pray to the bride and groom.
God in the home and non-attendance at church.
BIBLE (bi' bl) -- Sacred Books including the Old and New Testaments. Holy Writ-
ings of men inspired by God.
What is the second commandment?
Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of BISHOP (bish' up) -- One of the chief orders of Orthodox clergy, endowed with the
anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that right of laying on of hands to ordain priests and deacons. A bishop is usually in
is in the water under the earth. Thou shall not worship them, nor serve charge of a diocese.
BOWING (bou' ing) - Attitude of the body in Divine Worship to express reverence.
What does God forbid in this commandment?
BYZANTINE (bi zan' tin) - Style of architecture popular with Orthodox churches,
The worship of idols. developed in Byzantinum, now called Istanbul.

What is an idol? C
20 63
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a sketch of the entombment of Christ inscribed on it and a part of a relic sewed into An idol is a hand-wrought statue or figure serving as a representation
it. A combined Greek-Latin word meaning "in place of a table," the antimins is abso- of a false deity, such as the golden calf fashioned by the Hebrews and
lutely necessary in the celebration of the Divine Liturgy.
worshiped as their god.
ANTIPHON (an' ti fon) -- Verses from the Psalms, each followed by anthems, sung
on Great Holy Days at the Divine Liturgy after each of the first three litanies. What is an Icon?
Icons are the Holy Pictures used in Eastern Orthodox churches to rep-
APOCALYPSE (a pok' a lips) -- Prophetic New Testament book written by the resent Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and the Saints. They are correctly,
Apostle John. The final book of the Bible, also known as Revelations. used for religious remembrance, and prayers to God and the Saints are
offered before them because in so doing we raise our minds and hearts
APOCRYPHA (a pok' ri f a) -- Certain Old Testament books not considered Canoni- to God and the Saints portrayed on the Icons.
cal but included in Orthodox and Roman Catholic Bibles.

APOSTLE (a pos'1) -- From the Greek, meaning "one who is sent." The name given
What is the third commandment?
by Christ to the Twelve Disciples. The Orthodox Church applies this name also to the Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
Seventy Disciples of Christ who preached the Gospel. Some outstanding Christian
workers have also become known as Equal-to-the-Apostles. What is forbidden by this commandment?
The use of the name of God in a wrong way.
ARCHBISHOP (ärch' bish' up) -- Chief of the bishops in a church province.
When may the name of' God be used?
ARCHDEACON (ärch' de' kn) -- The chief deacon. If married, the title is protodea-
con. The Martyr Stephen was the first archdeacon.
In prayers, in the instruction of religion and when lawful authority re-
quires the swearing of an oath.
ARCHIMANDRITE (är' ki man' drit) -- A monastic rank next below the bishop in
the church hierarchy. From the Greek, meaning "the head of a monastery." What is the fourth commandment?
Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shall thou labor
ARCHPRIEST (ärch' prest) -- Priest honored with special dignity or assigned spe- and do all thy work; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy
cial duties. God.
ARTOS (är' tos) -- Easter bread representing the Bread of Eternal Life. The Artos is
kept on the lectern during Easter week and is broken up and given to the worshipers
What does this commandment require of us?
the eighth day after Easter. Six days are for work but the seventh day is dedicated to God for
church attendance, for visiting the sick and for other good deeds.
ASCENSION DAY (a sen' shun Day) -- Movable feast day observed forty days after
Easter to commemorate the Ascension of Christ into Heaven. Why does God command us to keep the seventh day holy?
God created the world in six days and on the seventh day He rested.
ASSUMPTION (a sump' shun) -- Feast day celebrating the falling asleep of the Vir- The word Sabbath is from the Hebrew and means day of rest. In Old
gin Mary.
Testament times Saturday was the seventh day and was observed as the
Sabbath but Christians consecrate Sunday, the first day of the week to
ASTERISK (a s' ter isk) -- The asterisk, also called the star, is a sacred vessel placed
over the paten to keep the holy bread and particles disposed around it in a prescribed commemorate the Resurrection of Christ.
order. Also serves to support the aer and veil covering the chalice and paten.

62 21
Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church

What other Orthodox days beside Sunday should we consecrate? AMEN (a men') or (ah' men) -- From the Hebrew, meaning "so be it"; a response
The holy days honoring the Lord, the Virgin Mary and the Saints. Fast- sung or said at the end of prayers, signifying approval of what has preceded.
ing days should also be observed.
AMVON (am' von) -- The elevated area, also known as Ambo, directly in front of
the Royal Doors, used as the pulpit.
What is the fifth commandment?
Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the ANALOY (an' a loi) -- A high table, usually having a sloped top which is used as a
land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Gospel stand or an icon stand.

What does God require of us in this commandment? ANAPHORA (ã naf' o ra) -- The portion of the Liturgy of the Faithful beginning
He commands us to honor, respect and obey our parents. We are also with, "Let us stand aright, let us stand with fear. . . ."
expected to respect those who stand in place of parents such as the
ANATHEMA (a nath' e ma) -- Solemn excommunication from the Church. In Or-
government, spiritual fathers and teachers. thodox Cathedrals on the first Sunday of the Great lent the anathema upon all here-
tics and apostates is proclaimed.
What is the sixth commandment?
Thou shall not kill. ANCHORITE (an' ko rite) also ANCHORET (ang' ko ret) -- A hermit confined to a
solitary cell.
What does God forbid in this commandment?
ANGEL (an' jel) -- A pure bodiless spirit created by God before man. There are nine
degrees of angels. Each Monday of the year is dedicated to the angels.
He forbids the taking of human life by force or guile and forbids strife,
hatred and cruelty which may shorten life. ANDREW'S CROSS (kr?s) -- an "X" shaped cross named from St. Andrew as he
was crucified on such a cross. The lower slanting bar on the Orthodox cross is some-
What is the seventh commandment? times interpreted as St. Andrew's as he was the first to preach the Gospel to the Slays.
Thou shall not commit adultery.
ANOINTMENT (a noynt' ment) -- Anointing the sick with oil is one of the Sacra-
What does God forbid in this commandment? ments and is accompanied with prayers for the healing of the body and soul.
He forbids unclean thoughts, feelings, words and deeds and lustful
ANNUNCIATION (a nun' si a' shun) -- Feast celebrated in commemoration of the
pleasures. It is also sinful to read obscene books, to sing or listen to visit of the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary to announce to her that she was to
immoral songs or to look at shameless pictures and entertainment. be the Mother of the Son of God.

What is the eighth commandment? ANTICHRIST (an' ti Krist) -- The great personal opponent of Christ who is to ap-
Thou shall not steal. pear before the end of the world and who will be overthrown by Christ at His second
What does God forbid in this commandment?
ANTIDOR (an' ti dor) -- The name given to the pieces of holy bread from the
He forbids the taking of things that belong to others, either by open prosphora which are distributed to worshipers after the Divine Liturgy. From the
force or secretly. Greek, it means "instead of a reward."

What is the ninth commandment? ANTIMINS (an' ti mins) -- Also known as Corporal, an antimins is a silk cloth with

22 61
Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church
Days of abstinence are the Fast Days when the eating of meat is not permitted. Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
ADVENT (ad'.vent) -- The forty day fast before Christmas beginning November 28, What does God forbid in this commandment?
new calendar.
He forbids us to testify falsely against any person in court or to slander
AER (âr) -- A large veil used to cover the chalice and paten during the Divine Lit- or defame anyone.
urgy. Usually made of the same material as the priest's vestments.
What is the tenth commandment?
AFFINITY (a fin' i ti) -- A spiritual relationship becoming an impediment to mar- Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shall not covet thy
riage. Godparents contract a spiritual affinity with the child through Baptism. In Mat- neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox,
rimony, blood relatives of the husband to the second degree of kindred, inclusive, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's.
contract this relationship of affinity with the wife. The same applies to blood rela-
tives of the wife in relation to the husband. Between such relatives, dispensation is
necessary to permit marriage. What does God forbid in this commandment?
He forbids us to do evil by covetous means. Evil desires may lead to
AGNETS (ag' nets) -- The sacrificial lamb of the Old Testament. In the New Testa- evil deeds.
ment Jesus was symbolically called the Lamb; accordingly, Orthodox churches at-
tribute the name Agnets,.to Christ in the Sacrament of Eucharist and the portion of THE BEATITUDES
the holy bread taken from the prosphora for the mystic transubstantiation is called
1. Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.
AKATHIST (ak' a thist) -- A service consisting of many hymns of praise to the Sav-
ior, the Virgin Mary or some Saint, sung in church or at home. The word is from the To be poor in spirit is to have a spiritual conviction that we have noth-
Greek word meaning "not to sit." ing of our own, nothing but what God bestows upon us, and that we
can do nothing without God's help and grace, thus counting ourselves
ALB (alb) -- A full-length vestment reaching to the feet is worn by the priest under as nothing, and in all throwing ourselves upon the mercy of God; spiri-
the chasuble during celebration of the Divine Liturgy.
tual poverty is humility. (St. John Chr. Hom. Mat. XV.)
ALLELUIA (al' e loo' ya) -- Derived from the Hebrew, meaning "Praise the Lord."
It is sung after the reading of the Epistle at the Liturgy and at the end of the Psalms. 2. Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted.

ALPHA and OMEGA (al' fa) (o me' ga) -- First and last letters of the Greek alpha- By the word "mourn" is meant this precept: Sorrow and contrition of
bet; symbolize the beginning and the end. heart, with unfeigned tears, for that we so imperfectly and unworthily
serve the Lord, or even rather deserve His anger by our sins. For godly
ALTAR (al' tar) -- Derived from the Latin, meaning "a place of sacrifice." In the sorrow worketh repentance unto salvation not to be repented of; but the
Eastern Church it is the elevated area (Sanctuary) separated from the nave by the
Iconostas. The Prestol upon which the sacrifice of the Eucharist is brought is located sorrow of this world worketh death. (2 Cor. VII:10.)
3. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
ALTAR BREAD (al' tar) (bred) -- Round loaves of bread made from pure wheat
flour, used in the Divine Liturgy. Also known as Prosphora. Meekness is quiet disposition of spirit, joined with care neither to of-
fend any man, nor be offended at any think one's self. To never mur-
60 23
Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church

mur against God, nor even against men, when anything falls out corresponds more correctly to the vocabulary of traditional Orthodox monastics.
against our wishes, nor give way to anger, nor set ourselves up.
From Father David Cownie and Presbytera Juliana Cownie, A Guide to Orthodox
Life (Etna, CA: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 1996), pp. 90-96.
4. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness; for they
shall be filled.
The word "righteousness" may stand for every virtue, which the Chris-
tian ought to desire even as his meat and drink and the justification of
Is there a proper way to address and sign letters to clergy/fellow Orthodox?
guilty man through; race and faith in Jesus Christ.
When one writes a clergyman, he should begin his letter in this way: "Bless!" or "I
5. Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy. ask for your blessing." The letter may be signed: "In Christ," "Asking for your
prayers," etc. Lay people should refrain from blessing a Priest (i.e., "God bless you"),
The works of mercy are corporal and spiritual. To obtain mercy is un- and Priests should greet each other with a simple request for a blessing. Lay people
derstood to be delivered from everlasting, condemnation for sin at may greet each other with a simple request for prayers and close their letters in the
same way. The flowery exhortations that were especially popular in the nineteenth-
God's Judgment. century Russian Church ("Christ is in our midst," "Glory be to God," inter alia), and
usually taken from the Liturgy, are not traditional forms of greeting for clergy or for
6. Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God. lay people. Nor are the greetings exchanged between great Church Fathers and the
Saints. Though these high-sounding exhortations are very popular now, since they
Purity of heart is attained by constant and strict watchfulness over one- appeal to the Protestant evangelical piety which has invaded the Church, when used
by the poor Christians that we are today, they are at odds with the humility which
self, driving away from the heart every unlawful wish and thought, and derives from a piety engendered by submission to Christ and to the traditions of His
every affection for earthly things, and ever keeping in heart the remem- Church.
brance of God and our Lord Jesus Christ with faith and charity.

7. Blessed are the peacemakers; for they will be called the sons of God.
We must not only keep peace but as well to make peace.
Names and words with their pronunciations and application to the Orthodox
8. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake; for faith
theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

The eighth precept for blessedness requires love for righteousness, ABBOT (ab'ût) -- The head of a monastery of monks
constancy and firmness in virtue, fortitude and patience, when one is
subjected to calamity or danger for refusing to betray truth and virtue. ABSOLUTION (ab'so lu'shun) -- The declaration of God's forgiveness of sins pro-
nounced by the priest after the confession of sins in the Sacrament of Penance
9. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you and persecute you, and (Confession).
shall say all matter of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and
be exceedingly glad; for great is your reward in Heaven. ABSTINENCE (ab'sti nens) -- Self-denial. Refraining from gratification of appetite.

24 59
Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church
matter. Though many monastics and Bishops use their family names, even in Ortho- The ninth precept for blessedness requires that they who would be
dox countries like Russia and Greece, this is absolutely improper and a violation of blessed must be ready to take with joy reproach, suffering, and death
an ancient Church custom.
itself, for the true Orthodox Christian Faith. The course required by
All male monastics in the Orthodox Church are called "Father," whether they hold
this precept is the course of Martyrdom, and a great Reward in Heaven
the Priesthood or not, and are formally addressed as "Monk (name)," if they do not is promised by the Lord for Martyrdom for the Faith.
have a Priestly rank. If they are of Priestly rank, they are formally addressed as
"Hieromonk" or "Hierodeacon" (see above). Monastics are some-times addressed CONCLUSION
according to their monastic rank; for example, "Rasophore—monk (name),"
"Stavrophore—monk (name)," or "Schemamonk (name)." The Abbot of a monastery
is addressed as "The Very Reverend Abbot," whether he holds Priestly rank or not APPLICATION OF THE DOCTRINE OF FAITH AND PIETY
and whether or not he is an Archimandrite by rank. Under no circumstances whatso-
ever is an Orthodox monk addressed by laymen as "Brother." This is a Latin custom. Q. How must we apply the doctrine of faith and piety?
The term "Brother" is used in Orthodox monasteries in two instances only: first, to
designate beginners in the monastic life (novices or, in Greek, dokimoi ["those being A. We must act according to our knowledge; and keep before our eyes
tested"]), who are given a blessing, in the strictest tradition, to wear only the inner
cassock and a monastic cap; and second, as an occasional, informal form of address the fearful judgment threatened for disobedience.
between monastics themselves (including Bishops).
If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them. (John 13:17.) That
Again, as we noted above, a monk should never use his last name. This reflects the servant which knew his Lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither
Orthodox understanding of monasticism, in which the monastic dies to his former did according to His will, shall be beaten with many stripes. (Luke
self and abandons all that identified him in the world. Lay people are also called to
respect a monk's death to his past. (In Greek practice, a monk sometimes forms a new
last name from the name of his monastery. Thus a monk from the Saint Gregory
Palamas Monastery [Mone Agiou Gregoriou Palama, in Greek] might take the name Q. What must a man do (a man or a woman, boy or a girl), when he is
Agiogregorites.) conscious of a sin?

The titles which we have used for male monastics also apply to female monastics. In A. Not only should he immediately repent, and firmly resolve to avoid
fact, a community of female monastics is often called a "monastery" rather than a the same sin for the future, but also strive , as far as possible, to repair
convent (though there is nothing improper, as some wrongly claim, in calling a mon-
astery for women a "convent"), just as the word "convent," in its strictest meaning, the scandal or injury that he has wrought by contrary good deeds.
can apply to a monastic community of males, too. Women monastics are formally
addressed as "Nun (name)" or "Rasophore—nun (name)," etc., and the Abbess of a Thus it was that Zaccheus the Publican acted, when he said to the
convent is addressed as "The Very Reverend Abbess." Though traditions for informal Lord: Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I
address vary, in most places, Rasophore nuns are called "Sister," while any monastic
have taken any thing away from anyone by false accusation, I restore
above the rank of Rasophore is called "Mother." Novices are addressed as "Sister."
him fourfold. (Luke XIX:8.)
There are, as we have noted, some differences in the way that Orthodox religious are
addressed. What we have given above corresponds to a reasonably standardized vo- Q. What caution do we reed, when we seem to ourselves to have ful-
cabulary as one would find it in more traditional English—language Orthodox writ- filled any Commandment?
ings and among English—speaking Orthodox monastics. The influx of Latin converts
into Orthodox monasticism and the phenomenon of "monasticism by convenient rule,
A. We must then dispose our heart according to the words of Jesus
instant tradition, and fabrication," as Archbishop Chrysostomos of Etna has called it,
are things that have also led to great confusion in the use of English terminology that Christ: "When ye shall have done all those things which are com-
58 25
Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church

manded you, say, We are unprofitable servants; we have done that Priestly rank on the telephone, you should always begin your conversation by asking
which was our duty to do." (Luke XVII:10.) for a blessing: "Father, bless." When speaking with a Bishop, you should say "Bless,
Despota [Thés—po—ta]" (or "Vladika [Vlá—dee—ka]" in Slavonic, "Master" in
English). It is also appropriate to say, "Bless, Your Grace" (or "Your Eminence,"
The Commandments of the Church etc.). You should end your conversation by asking for a blessing again.

The Church has set nine rules which all Orthodox Christians should obey, and She Addressing Clergy in a Letter. When we write to a clergyman (and, by custom,
monastics), we should open our letter with the greeting, "Bless, Father." At the end of
calls these rules Her Nine Commandments.
the letter, it is customary to close with the following line: "Kissing your right
hand...." It is not appropriate to invoke a blessing on a clergyman, as many do: "May
The First Commandment of the Church: God bless you." Not only does this show a certain spiritual arrogance before the im-
age of the cleric, but laymen do not have the Grace of the Priesthood and the preroga-
Let every one pray to God every day with contrition and compunction of heart, and tive to bless in their stead. Even a Priest properly introduces his letters with the
be present at the Services of the Church every Sunday and on all Feast Days. words, "The blessing of the Lord" or "May God bless you," rather than offering his
own blessing. Though he can do the latter, humility prevails in his behavior, too.
The First Commandment concerns Prayer. When we pray, we must pray with contri- Needless to say, when a clergyman writes to his ecclesiastical superior, he should ask
tion, which means deep sorrow for our sins, a sorrow we feel because we love God. for a blessing and not bestow one.
Compunction means repentant regret that we have sinned against God. When we
repent, we not only regret the evil we have done, but we also resolve to mend our Formal Address. Deacons in the Orthodox Church are addressed as "The Reverend
ways. Deacon," if they are married Deacons. If they are Deacons who are also monks, they
are addressed as "The Reverend Hierodeacon." If a Deacon holds the honor of Arch-
This Commandment teaches that every Christian must say his own, prayers every deacon or Protodeacon, he is addressed as "The Reverend Archdeacon" or "The Rev-
day; and that he must attend Church Services both on Sundays and on those days erend Protodeacon." Deacons hold a rank in the Priesthood and are, therefore, not
which the Church holds especially in remembrance. The only acceptable excuse for laymen. This is an important point to remember, since so many Orthodox here in
being absent from Church is sickness: either of oneself, or of some one else whose America have come to think of the Deacon as a kind of "quasi—Priest." This is the
condition requires our care. result of Latin influence and poor teaching. As members of the Priesthood, Deacons
must be addressed, as we noted above, as "Father" (or "Deacon Father").
We break this Commandment whenever we come to Church late, and also whenever
we leave Church before a Service has ended with the closing of the Holy Doors and Orthodox Priests are addressed as "The Reverend Father," if they are married Priests.
the Curtain. If they are Hieromonks (monks who are also Priests), they are addressed as "The
Reverend Hieromonk." Priests with special honors are addressed in this manner: an
The Second Commandment of the Church: Archimandrite (the highest monastic rank below that of Bishop), "The Very Rever-
end Archimandrite" (or, in the Slavic jurisdictions, "The Right Reverend Archiman-
drite"); and Proto-presbyters, "The Very Reverend Protopresbyter." In personal ad-
Every Christian shall keep the Four Fasts appointed for each year. He must also fast
dress, as we noted above, all Priests are called "Father," usually followed by their
on the 14th of September (at the Elevation of the Cross), on the 29th day of August,
first names (e.g., "Father John").
(the remembrance of the Beheading of the Forerunner), and on Wednesdays and Fri-
days throughout the year (excepting only those Wednesdays and Fridays which are
excepted by special rules). Bishops in the Orthodox Church are addressed as "The Right Reverend Bishop," fol-
lowed by their first name (e.g., "The Right Reverend Bishop John"). Archbishops,
Metropolitans, and Patriarchs are addressed as "The Most Reverend
Archbishop" ("Metropolitan," or "Patriarch"). Because they are also monastics, all
ranks of Archpastors (Bishops, Archbishops, Metropolitans, or Patriarchs) are ad-
The FOUR FASTS are these: dressed by their first names or first names and sees (e.g., "Bishop John of San Fran-
cisco"). It is not correct to use the family name of a Bishop—or any monastic for that
26 57
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or Bishop then answers, "May the Lord bless you," blesses us with the Sign of the 1. The Fast before the Nativity of Christ, which begins on the fifteenth of November
Cross, and places his right hand in our hands. We kiss then his hand. and lasts until Christmas.

We should understand that when the Priest or Bishop blesses us, he forms his fingers 2. The Great Fast of Forty Days, which Christ endured (St. Matthew 4:2). The Great
to represent the Christogram "ICXC" a traditional abbreviation of the Greek words Fast extends over the forty days preceding Palm Sunday; on the following Monday
for "Jesus Christ" (i.e., the first and last letters of each of the words "IHCOYC begins the Fast in honor of Christ's Passion, which lasts until Easter.
XRICTOC"). Thus, the Priest's blessing is in the Name of Christ, as he emphasizes in
his response to the believer's request for a blessing. Other responses to this request 3. The Fast of the Holy Apostles, which begins on the Monday after All Saint's Sun-
are used by many clergy, but the antiquity and symbolism of the tradition which we day (one week after the Feast of Holy Pentecost), and lasts until June 29, the Feast of
have presented are compelling arguments for its use. We should also note that the the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.
reason that a lay person kisses the hand of a Priest or Bishop is to show respect to his
Apostolic office. More importantly, however, since both hold the Holy Mysteries in 4. The Fast before the Repose of the Theotokos, which begins on the first day of Au-
their hands during the Divine Liturgy, we show respect to the Holy Eucharist when
gust and lasts until the day of the Feast, August 15th.
we kiss their hands. In fact, Saint John Chrysostomos once said that if one were to
meet an Orthodox Priest walking along with an Angel, that he should greet the Priest
first and kiss his hand, since that hand has touched the Body and Blood of our Lord. The 66th Canon of the Holy Apostles forbids us to fast on Saturdays and Sundays.
For this latter reason, we do not normally kiss the hand of a Deacon. [98] While a
Deacon in the Orthodox Church holds the first level of the Priesthood (Deacon, Pres- The Third Commandment of the Church:
byter, Bishop), his service does not entail blessing the Mysteries. When we take
leave of a Priest or Bishop, we should again ask for a blessing, just as we did when All the Clergy, and especially our Confessors, must always be treated with due re-
we first greeted him. spect, because they are the servants of God, and because they intercede for us with
In the case of married clergy, the wife of a Priest or Deacon is also informally ad-
dressed with a title. Since the Mystery of Marriage binds a Priest and his wife to- Explanation:
gether as "one flesh," [99] the wife shares in a sense her husband's Priesthood. This
does not, of course, mean that she has the very Grace of the Priesthood or its office, Respect and love for the Clergy should be rooted in our hearts and expressed in our
but the dignity of her husband's service certainly accrues to her. [100] The various behavior.
titles used by the national Churches are listed below. The Greek titles, since they
have English correspondents, are perhaps the easiest to use in the West:
When we meet one of our Clergy on the street, we pay respect to our Bishop, we
place the right hand palm upward on our left palm; and we bow to kiss his hand when
Greek: Presbytera (Pres—vee—té—ra) he lays it upon our right hand. We may also greet a Priest in this way. At a Service
Russian: Matushka (Má—toosh—ka) we kiss the hand of the Bishop or Priest whenever we receive anything from his hand
Serbian: Papadiya (Pa—pá—dee—ya) (Holy Communion, Antidoron), and when we reverence the Cross which he holds for
Ukrainian: Panimatushka (Pa—nee—má—toosh—ka), or Panimatka (Pa—nee— us to kiss.
When a Bishop or a Priest enters a room, well-mannered people in it rise, and remain
The wife of a Deacon is called "Diakonissa [Thee—a—kó—nees—sa]" in Greek. standing until he is seated or bids them to sit.
The Slavic Churches commonly use the same title for the wife of a Deacon as they
do for the wife of a Priest. In any case, the wife of a Priest should normally be ad-
We must have respect also for Monks and Nuns, because they have dedicated them-
dressed with both her title and her name in informal situations (e.g., "Presbytera
selves completely to the service of God and the Church; and also for the President
Mary," "Diakonissa Sophia," etc.).
and other Officers of the Parish, because the respect we show for them is respect we
owe to the Parish as well as to themselves.
Greeting Clergy on the Telephone. Whenever you speak to Orthodox clergy of

56 27
Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church
The Fourth Commandment of the Church: Holy Cross in his hand, and says: "Christ is Risen!" the people in church make the
Sign of the Cross and respond: "Truly He is Risen!"
We must confess our sins four times a year before a Priest who has been ordained
lawfully and in the Orthodox manner. Just as we tip our hats and bless ourselves whenever we pass by an Orthodox church,
so do we pause for a moment, sign ourselves with the Cross and bow towards the
Explanation: Holy Altar whenever we must pass in front of the Holy Doors of the Iconostasis --
before us is the most sacred place in the church, the Throne of God.
The Orthodox Confession explains that this Commandment sets four times a year as
a satisfactory average. Those who want to make spiritual progress should go once a When venerating the Holy Cross, or an Icon, or Relics or the Holy Gospel, we first
month; but even the least careful people must confess once a year, and those who make two Metanias (Bows with right hand to the floor) and kiss the sacred object; we
confess only once a year must do so during the Great Fast (in preparation for Easter). then make a third Metania and quietly step aside. When venerating the Holy Epi-
taphion (Winding-sheet) on Good Friday, we do the same, except that instead of Met-
anias, we make Prostrations (kneeling with head to the floor). In kissing Icons, it is
After our seventh birthday we must never go to Holy Communion without first going
proper to kiss the feet of Our Lord, the hand of the Theotokos and other Saints. When
to confession.
only the head is depicted, we kiss the hair. Of a Crucifix always kiss the feet, or the
lower cross bar of the Cross. To avoid the soiling of Icons and other sacred objects
When we go to Confession we must be truly sorry for every wrong thing we have such as the Communion Spoon, girls ought to remove lipstick or gloss, or blot it well,
done; and we must be firmly resolved to amend our way of living. Furthermore, since before coming to church.
we seek forgiveness from God for our own misdoings, we must freely and sincerely
forgive everyone who has offended us in any way.
Click Here for information on Why and How We Make the Sign of the Cross.
When we fall sick, we should send for the Priest, that we may cleanse ourselves by Related Articles
Confession and receive Absolution (release from our sins). Then we should be
anointed with Prayer Oil, and receive Holy Communion, for the healing of soul and
body. This we do, not because we fear death, but because it is our duty to care for the
Clergy Etiquette
body which God has given us.
The following is a guide for properly addressing Orthodox clergy. Most of the titles
Notice particularly that we are strictly forbidden to receive Sacraments from do not exactly correspond to the terms used in Greek, Russian, or the other native
Clergy who are not Orthodox Clergy ordained lawfully and in the Orthodox languages of the national Orthodox Churches, but they have been widely accepted as
manner. To this law no exception is possible for any Orthodox Christian at any standard English usages.
Greeting Clergy in Person. When we address Deacons or Priests, we should use the
The Fifth Commandment of the Church: title "Father." Bishops we should address as "Your Grace." Though all Bishops
(including Patriarchs) are equal in the Orthodox Church, they do have different ad-
Every Orthodox Christian is forbidden to read or listen to the teachings of heretics or ministrative duties and honors that accrue to their rank in this sense. Thus, "Your
of any other persons who have not been authorized by the Orthodox Church to teach Eminence" is the proper title for Bishops with suffragans or assistant Bishops, Metro-
and preach religion. politans, and most Archbishops (among the exceptions to this rule is the Archbishop
of Athens, who is addressed as "Your Beatitude"). "Your Beatitude" is the proper
Explanation: A heretic is any person who claims to be a Christian but does not be- title for Patriarchs (except for the Œcumenical Patriarch in Constantinople, who is
long to the Orthodox Church and does not believe in the Orthodox Faith. Instead of addressed as "Your All—Holiness"). When we approach an Orthodox Presbyter or
being Orthodox, he holds to the teachings of men who mistakenly believe that every- Bishop (but not a Deacon), we make a bow by reaching down and touching the floor
one has the right to explain the Holy Scripture and Christian Doctrine as seems best with our right hand, place our right hand over the left (palms upward), and say:
to him or her. "Bless, Father" (or "Bless, Your Grace," or "Bless, Your Eminence," etc.). The Priest

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fear of God...", and when it is last shown with the words, "Always, now and ever..." The Sixth Commandment of the Church:

There are many prayerful gestures used at prayer, but for the most part, Orthodox Every Orthodox Christian must pray to God for people of every condition and sta-
Christians stand at prayer with their hands placed upon their breast, the right palm tion.
crossed over the left. This signifies that our prayer is inward, coming from the heart,
that we are endeavoring to worship God in spirit and in truth. Holding our hands thus Explanation: From our earliest years we are taught to pray for others as well as for
also signifies that we are fettered and bound by our sins and helpless without God's ourselves. We pray for our parents; relatives; friends, and benefactors; for those
help. We pray with our eyes cast down after the example of the humble Publican whom we have harmed, and for those who have harmed us; for the poor, the sick, the
(Luke 18:13). The rubrics for Matins of the first day of the Great Fast, have these sorrowing, and the afflicted among us and everywhere; for all the dead whom love
directions for us to heed: "We ought to listen to what is spoken by the Psalm-reader, and duty require us to remember; and for the conversion of, all mankind to the Ortho-
having our hands bent to our breast, our heads bowed and casting our eyes down, dox Faith.
looking with the eyes of our heart toward the East and in this manner pray for our
sins, being mindful of death, and the coming sufferings, and life everlasting." It is also our duty to pray for our Bishops as well as for our Pastors; for our country
and those who govern us; for all the Orthodox dead, and not merely for our own de-
WHEN TO MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS parted; and for the conversion of non Orthodox Christians.

It is the pious custom of devout people to trace upon themselves the Sign of the The Seventh Commandment of the Church:
Cross at all the important parts of the Liturgy and even at every exclamation and peti-
tion of the celebrants. There are, however, specific moments when one ought to make Every Orthodox Christian must keep whatever special fasts and supplications his
the Sign of the Cross: Bishop may appoint.

a. At the beginning and end of prayers and services. Explanation: To turn aside the just anger of God; a Bishop may appoint special fasts
b. Upon entering church and leaving it. and supplications; as, for example, in time of war, or when there is a famine or any
other disastrous happening.
c. At the mention of the All-holy Trinity.
d. At the words: "Come let us worship and fall down …
The Eighth Commandment of the Church:
e. When the Priest comes forth with the Holy Gifts.
f. When the Priest blesses us with the Holy Gospel, the Chalice, the Cross, or an Neither Clergy nor laymen must ever dare to use the money or the property of the
Icon. Church for their own personal needs or purposes.
g. At any prayerful invocation of God.
There are certain times in the services when worshippers ought only to bow their Explanations: To steal from the Church is to steal from God. Therefore, nobody must
heads without the Sign of the Cross: ever turn to his own personal use or profit anything that belongs to the church. The
Church's property is to be used only by and for the Church.
a. When the Priest exclaims: "Peace be to all!"
b. At the exclamation, "Bow your heads unto the Lord!" The Ninth Commandment of the Church:
c. When the Priest blesses the Faithful with his hand.
d. When the celebrant censes the people with the Censer. Marriages must not be celebrated on days forbidden by the Church. Furthermore,
e. When the celebrant bows towards the people during services. Orthodox Christians must abstain with all their might from all Pagan and unchristian
customs and ways, including attendance at and participation in forbidden pastimes.
f. When the Holy Gospel is read.
g. During the Great Entrance. Explanation: This Commandment forbids us from degrading our religious life and
In Paschal Week, when the Priest censes the people with the Triple-candlestick and standards of the Orthodox community by unseasonable or sinful concern for worldly

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interests. For everything that a Christian may properly do, there is a proper time; and d. At the Litany before the "Our Father": "Having commemorated all the Saints …"
only at its proper time should it be done. For things which are heathenish and un- we sit. We stand for the Lord's Prayer and remain standing until the end of the
christian, and which degrade those who participate, there is never any time that is Liturgy.
proper; and they must not be done at all. e. We sit for the sermon and announcements.
We do not sit at the following parts of the Liturgy:
a. When the Priest censes.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. b. When the Gospel is read.
(3.) c. At the Great Entrance.
d. When the Creed is sung and until the end of "We praise You."
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to e. From the exclamation: "With fear of God, and faith and love, draw near," to the
Thee. very end of the Liturgy.
f. When the Priest blesses us.
O, heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, Who art every- In spite of the fact that kneeling is prohibited in church on Sundays, it is customary in
where present and fillest all things, the Treasure of blessings and the some parishes to do so at the Consecration, when the Choir sings "We praise You, we
bless You ..." It is during this hymn that the Priest invokes the Holy Spirit to descend
Giver of life, come and abide in us and cleanse us from every impurity, upon the Holy Gifts. This is the most important part of the Liturgy and many are
and save, O Gracious One, our souls. moved to kneel at this moment to express their humility before Almighty God who
deigns to perform this Mystery for our salvation. It is customary in many parishes to
O Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, 'have mercy on us. (3.) kneel before receiving Holy Communion during the prayer: "I believe, O Lord, and I
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now,
It is the tradition of the Church that we do not kneel or make Prostrations on certain
and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. days of the year:

O All-Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. O Lord cleanse away our sins; a. On all Sundays of the year.
O Master, forgive us our iniquities; O Holy One, visit and heal our in- b. From Pascha through Pentecost.
firmities, for Thy name's sake. Lord, have mercy. (3.) Glory to the Fa- c. From Christmas though Theophany.
ther..., both now, and ever. d. On the solemn Holydays of Our Lord except the Elevation of the Cross when the
Holy Cross is venerated.
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom e. During the day in which Holy Communion was received.
come ; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us this day our Kneeling is a sign of penance and sorrow. We ought not to be sorrowful on days
daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and commemorating the events which worked our salvation. By His Birth and glorious
Resurrection Jesus Christ deified us, made us His true sons, or, as the Apostle Paul
lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the
says: "So through God you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son then an
Kingdom, aid the Power, and the Glory, of the Father, and of the Son, heir" (Gal. 4:7). Peter the Patriarch of Alexandria said: "We spend the Resurrection
and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Day (Sunday) as a day of joy; for the sake of Him who arose on that day."

Hail, O Mother of God and Virgin Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with At the Liturgy on weekdays, Prostrations (Kneeling with the head to the floor) are
Thee; blessed art Thou among women and blessed is the fruit of Thy directed after "We praise Thee...", after "It is truly meet...", at the "Our Father," at the
invitation to Communion when the Chalice is brought forth with the words "With
womb, for Thou hast borne the Savior of our souls.
30 53
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out all the churches of the East, when the Gospel is about to be read, tapers are Meet it is, in truth, to bless Thee, the Birth-giver of God, Ever-blessed
lighted though it be broad daylight, not to scatter the darkness, but as a sign of joy; and All-undefiled, and the Mother of God. More honorable than the
that under the symbol of bodily light, that Light may be shown forth of which we
read in the Psalter, `Thy word, O Lord, is a lantern unto my feet, and a light unto my
Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim,
paths.'" From time to time, devout Christians will not fail to make an offering for the Thou Who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of
candles to be used in the service of the Altar. It will be a consoling thought for them, God, we magnify Thee.
when engaged in their daily round of duties, to think that perhaps at that moment the
candles for which they have generously defrayed the cost, are burning before the O come, let us worship God our King. O come, let us worship and fall
Eucharistic Christ. Pious custom has also established the practice of having candles
burned on the Altar for personal intentions, to honor Christ reposing thereon, and to down before Christ, our King and God. O come, let us worship and fall
plead for special graces and blessings. down before the Very Christ, our King and our God.


The most proper stance of worship for Orthodox Christians is standing. Our Lord "I will come into thy House in the multitude of thy mercy; I will bow
said: "When you shall stand to pray, if you have anything against anyone forgive down before thy Holy Temple in fear of thee."
him…" (Mark 11.25). The First Ecumenical Council (A.D. 325) in its twentieth
canon - prayers on Sunday and during the Paschal season are offered God while
standing. Standing at prayer is the expression of our reverence towards the Living
God in imitation of the Angels who surround Him in Heaven with pious fear. We
stand to honor a great man or a triumphant victor in some contest; so do we stand to O Merciful Lord God, Thou halt commanded and enjoined me to
honor God. So also on Feast Days do we express the significance and solemnity of honor my father and mother, and truly Thou also halt shown even until
the Holyday by the very position of our bodies. The custom of standing at prayer is death humble obedience to Thy parents. From the depth of my soul I
testified to by the Apostolic Constitutions, the Christian writers and Fathers of the
fervently beseech Thee, O Sweet Jesus, my God, hear my prayer and
early centuries, including Justin and Tertullian of the second century, and the canons
of the Ecumenical Councils (First - Canon: #20; Eighth - Canon: #90). Until recently have mercy on my parents, who have and are bringing me up in Thy
only the aged and infirm were allowed to sit at certain parts of the services. grace and love. Protect them from all evil, harm and sickness, grant
them health, and mercifully pour forth Thy bountiful blessings upon
In America, however, the custom has developed of sitting during Divine Service. them, Bless their efforts and deeds, have mercy on them according to
Taking into consideration that this custom has already become deeply rooted in some Thy great mercy, that, faithfully serving Thee, through them I also may
localities, the Church has allowed its faithful to sit at various parts of the Liturgy.
be worthy to praise and serve Thee. Amen.
a. We stand at the blessing which begins the Liturgy: "Blessed is the Kingdom ..."
We may sit for the Great Litany which follows, but stand at the Priest's exclama-
tion at the conclusion of the Litany, and remain standing until after the reading
of the Gospel. It is customary in some parishes to sit during the reading of the With the Saints give rest O Christ to the souls of Thy servants (my par-
Epistle. ents) where there is neither sickness nor sorrow nor sighing, but life
b. At the Litany after the Gospel : "Let us say with all our soul …" we sit until the everlasting.
Cherubimic Hymn, unless the Litany for the Dead is said, for which we stand.
c. At the Litany after the Cheiubimic Hymn: "Let us complete our prayer unto the
Lord," we sit until the exclamation at its conclusion at which time we stand and
remain standing until the Litany before the "Our Father:"

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THE SYMBOL OF THE HOLY ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN sanctuary and wanted to burn incense (2 Chron. 26:21).
No one except a Bishop, Priest or Deacon is allowed to enter the Holy Doors, for
through them in the Holy Gifts, the King of Glory, Christ Himself enters. Even the
I believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, sacred ministers who are consecrated to God's service may enter the Holy Doors only
and of all things visible and invisible. during services and when they are vested in their sacerdotal vestments.

And in One Lord: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only-begotten, be- It is forbidden for Readers, and all who sing or serve the church to bow to the wor-
gotten of the Father before all worlds. Light of Light, Very God of shippers in church (Carthage: Canon: #23) those who take the offering in church, and
Very God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father, and by then bow to the people should realize that it is to God that people have made their
offerings. The offerings and alms should be collected in the Liturgy while the Litany
Whom all things were made. after the Great Entrance is said. It is here that the Priest prays that our "gifts and
spiritual sacrifices" be accepted by the Almighty.
Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven and
was incarnate of the Holy Spirit, and of the Virgin Mary, and was ENTERING THE HOUSE OF GOD
made man.
Having entered into the Temple of the Lord, we sign ourselves three times with the
And was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was cross and make three Metanias (Bows with right hand to the floor) saying at each the
buried. Prayer of the Publican: "O God, be merciful to me a sinner!" (Luke 18:13). This
prayer is a reminder to us that our behavior in church should resemble that of the
Publican. We must flee the haughty and proud attitude assumed by the Pharisee. We
And rose again the third day according to the Scripture. ought also to say the Lord's Prayer when we have entered church. By these actions
we show our humility before the Lord, our Creator, and that we have come to seek
And ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father. forgiveness for our sins and to do God's Will. The ninth Apostolic Canon condemns
those who arrive late and those who leave early as "a cause for confusion to the
And He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead,
Whose kingdom shall have no end. After entering the Holy Temple we salute and revere the Icons which are lying on the
Analogions (Icon stands) by kissing them. It is an ancient custom to place a lighted
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of life, Who proceedeth candle on the candelabra before the Icons as a token of the warmth and sincerity of
from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son together is wor- our prayer and the purity of our faith. Click Here for information on Why We Light
shipped and glorified, Who spake by the Prophets. Candles. The lighting of a candle when we enter church is also an offering to God. In
ancient times people brought food and alms to church to be distributed among the
poor, and offered wine and wheat and oil for the service of the Temple. Today this
In One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. has been replaced with our monetary offering and the offering of candles. This candle
offering also shows that we came into the temple to pray as constantly and brightly as
I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins. the candles burns before the Icon; it signifies that we wish to be enlightened rather
than be in spiritual darkness. Candles are kept burning on the Altar and in front of the
Icons, not only during evening services, but during day services as well. They signify
I look for the resurrection of the dead. that the Lord gives us the light of truth, and that our souls burn with the love of God
and are penetrated with feelings of joy and devotion. In accordance with this concep-
And the life in the world to come. Amen. tion, the lighting of the church is increased during the solemn services of Holydays
and decreased during penitential services. The Blessed Jerome remarks that "through

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Liturgy; that is, we ought to banish from our minds all that may cause distraction, COMMANDMENTS OF GOD
and endeavor to unite our supplications to those of the Priest. St. Ambrose says of
people who behave badly in church that they come with small sins and go away with
great ones. Insults offered to God in His House are more offensive to Him than those The first and greatest Commandment:
offered elsewhere. We ourselves resent most of all rudeness in our own house. We
can see how abhorrent to God is inappropriate behavior in church by the way Our Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy
Lord treated those that bought and sold in the Temple. He drove them out, saying whole soul, and with thy whole mind.
"My House shall be called the house of prayer, but you have made it a den of
thieves" (Matt. 21:13).
The second is like unto it:
The House of God ought to be given the greatest of respect: "Reverence My sanctu-
ary" (Lev. 26:2). Our Savior charged, "Make not the house of My Father's house of Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. (Mat. 22-37-39.)
trade" (John 2:16). Even on the church grounds one must always remember that
God's House is close by. We must watch our outward behavior, our language, for THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF GOD
even the ground around a church is consecrated. It does not speak well for persons
who curse and use filthy language about the church. We must also behave with deco- 1. I am the Lord thy God: thou shalt have no other gods beside Me.
rum at a cemetery for it too is consecrated to God. The Church Fathers admonish
that, "Those, who heedlessly turn sacred places into that which is ordinary and be-
2. Thou shalt not make unto thyself any graven image, nor the likeness
have without discretion around them, and act the same in them, we decree to put of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or
them away from them" (VI. Ecumenical. Council #97). We must conduct ourselves that is in the water under the earth: thou shalt not bow down to them,
honorably in church auditoriums or halls which are located in the basement of some nor serve them.
churches. Here too we must avoid vulgar and noisy transactions so as not to commit
blasphemy and sacrilege on church property. As to the character of affairs which 3. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain.
maybe conducted in such halls it is best to consult the Pastor. 4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep holy: six days shalt thou labor,
and do all thy work; but the seventh day is the Sabbath to the Lord thy
Laymen have no right to enter the Holy Sanctuary without necessity. If there is some
real need, one must enter with fear and reverence. If anyone must pass behind the God.
Holy Altar, let him sign himself with the cross and bow his head, for he is passing by 5. Honor thy father and thy mother, that it may be well with thee, and
the most sacred place in the temple. The 49th Canon of the Sixth Ecumenical Council that thy days may be long upon the earth.
restricted all Layman including women from entering the Holy Sanctuary. Servers
who assist the Priest in the Sanctuary are bound to act with all fear and reverence, 6. Thou shalt not kill.
remembering that here is the Throne of the Lord. One would not allow himself to
chatter and laugh, or even sit down in the presence of an earthly monarch; with how 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
much greater awe and reverence ought we to behave in the presence of Him Who is 8. Thou shalt not steal.
above all kings and rulers; the Son of the most high God. Servers, therefore, must not
speak loudly or carry on freely in the Sanctuary. They should not without necessity 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
walk about, look out the side (Deacon's) doors, etc. They must always be careful not
to step too closely to the Holy Doors or the Holy Altar. A layman may not pass be-
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, thou shalt not covet thy
tween the Altar and Iconostasis. neighbor's house, nor his land, nor his manservant, nor his maidser-
vant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any of his cattle, nor any thing that is
It is forbidden for any layman to touch the Holy Altar or any sacred vessel. The same thy neighbor's.
respect is due holy things as to holy places. When David was bringing the Ark back
to Jerusalem, an Israelite named Oza ventured to lay hold of it. God struck him and
he died (2 Kings 6:7). King Uzziah was punished with leprosy because he entered the

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Faith -- Hope -- Charity
by Rev. David Abramtsov
1. Baptism. Introduction by Fr. Andrew Harrison

2. Unction with Chrism (Confirmation). This article was taken from The Orthodox Companion by the late Fr. David
3. Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion). Abramtsov who was the Rector of my family parish of St. Michael's in Philadephia
when I was a child. The article has been revised and the biblical quotes have been
4. Penitence. checked with the New King James Bible. References made to Canon law were re-
vised for clarity.
5. Holy Orders (Priesthood).
6. Matrimony. A word about Canon Law: The book of Canon law is not a book of doctrine but
rather a collection of rules concerning issues that the church faced down through the
7. Unction with oil (Extreme Unction). centuries. They were made at the Apostolic councils held in Jerusalem from 34AD to
THE SEVEN GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 58AD, at the Seven Ecumenical councils held from 325AD to 788AD and at local
councils. They have been changed, revised and some even abandoned. Canon Law
1. Wisdom. has been called the rudder of the Church and just like a rudder on a ship they guide it
through stormy seas. The collection of canons quoted in this document reflect prob-
2. Understanding. lems of behavior in the church which are still valid today. As long as they still guide
3. Counsel. the church and protect her doctrines they are valid.

4. Fortitude.
5. Knowledge.
6. Piety. In the Holy Temple we must behave with piety and reverence, for the Lord is here
invisibly present with us. "The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart" (Ps.
7. Fear of God. 34:18). In church we must think not of earthly things, but of the Heavenly - "Lift up
your hearts!" And the Psalmist David teaches us to: "Give unto the Lord the glory
THE FRUITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT due to His name (Ps. 28:2). God requires us to show respect to holy places and
1. Love. things. When He appeared to Moses in the burning bush, and Moses approached
somewhat near, He said to him: "Do not come near; put off your shoes from your
2. Joy. feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground" (Ex. 3:5). Enter into the
House of God as if you were entering into Heaven, and leave behind all earthly cares:
3. Peace.
"Holiness adorns Your House, O Lord" (Ps. 93:5).
4. Patience.
We should also show respect for all religious services. It is an offence to God to be-
5. Graciousness. have in church laughing, whispering, staring about, lolling, etc. When we are con-
6. Compassion. versing with any one, we give him our whole attention and do not think of other peo-
ple. When we attend the Liturgy we are in the presence of God, so much more we
7. Fidelity. should fix our thoughts on Him, and for time forget everything else. The Liturgy is
the highest and holiest act of worship we can perform and, if we perform it care-
8. Meekness.
lessly, we will be without benefit to ourselves. We ought to be very devout at the

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9. Continence.
The Lamb of God is an ancient prayer of the church, based on John THE BEATITUDES
1:29 dating from the 1. Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
6th century, which is said or sung recalling God's mercy and forgive-
2. Blessed are they That mourn; for they shall be comforted.
ness during this time the priest breaks it in commemoration of the ac-
tual Eucharist. 3. Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth.
4. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness; for they
The Commingling:
shall be filled.
The priest will them drop the bread into the cup and elevates the
cup with Lamb (the consecrated Bread) saying: "Behold! Behold! 5. Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy.
The lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world!". 6. Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God.
Prayers before Holy Communion and Partaking of the Holy Gifts 7. Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the sons of
by the Priest: Prayers are said before the Holy Communion and God.
the priest partakes of the Holy Gifts. 8. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake; for
The Confession of Faith: theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Affirms the belief of every Orthodox Christian in the Mystery of 9. Blessed are ye, when men revile you and persecute you, and shall
the Real Presence of Jesus Christ united with the Church in the say all manner of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be
Body and Blood each time the faithful come together in celebration exceedingly glad; for great is your reward in Heaven. (Mat. 5:3 12.)
of the Last Supper, as well as our confidence in the infinite mercy THE SEVEN CORPORAL WORKS
available to all through His sacrifice once offered.
1. To feed the hungry.
Holy Communion: 2. To give drink to the thirsty.
Both the Holy Body and Precious Blood of Christ are given to the
prepared faithful when the priest calls them to "draw near with 3. To clothe the naked.
reverence." After the Holy Communion the Holy Doors are 4. To show hospitality to strangers.
5. To visit the sick.
Thanksgiving Prayers: 6. To visit the imprisoned.
These are prayers of gratitude to Almighty God for the privilege
7. To bury the dead.
which is given to the
faithful to commune with Him.
Dismissal Hymn:
The priest calls the people to depart with a prayer by which he
asks the Lord to "save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance." In
conclusion he blesses the people, saying, "May the blessing of the

48 35
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THE SEVEN SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY It is incorporated as an exhortation from the priest to the people on the
1. To admonish sinners. Good News of salvation.

2. To instruct the ignorant. Creed:

3. To counsel the doubtful. This is the concise and accurate confession of the Christian faith in 12
articles formulated by 1st, 2nd Ecumenical Synod at Nicaea in 325
4. To pray to the Lord for the salvation of thy neighbor. A.D. (The Nicaean Creed is recited during every Liturgy, an addition
5. To comfort the sorrowful. made in the 9th century; prior to that time it was recited only during
6. To bear wrongs patiently. the Liturgy at Easter). Other prayers are said during this time.
7. To forgive all injuries. Cherubic Hymn and Entry with the Holy Gifts:
THE SEVEN MORTAL SINS This is a procession with the yet un-sanctified Species taken from the
table of Preparation and brought to the Altar during which the Cheru-
1. Pride. bic hymn is sung: "Let us put away all worldly care so that we may
2. Greed. receive the King of all." (An addition made in the 9th century)
3. Lewdness.
Prayer of Sanctification:
4. Envy (Jealousy). It includes dialogues of excerpts from the long prayer of sanctification
5. Gluttony (Overfeeding). which is now read inaudibly by the priest and which, in fact, is the
very heart of the significance of the Divine Liturgy. The dialogues start
6. Anger. with the offering of the Oblation (the Species, Bread and Wine), con-
7. Indolence (Laziness). tinues with blessings and the actual words of the Lord, "this is my
THE FOUR LAST THINGS TO BE REMEMBERED body ... this is my blood," and climax in the sanctification of the Spe-
cies. Now the Bread and Wine are lifted by the priest, and the myster-
1. Death. ies of
2. Judgment.
The Epiclesis:
3. Heaven. (Greek: invoke) is the prayer asking our heavenly father to send down
4. Hell. the Holy Spirit upon the simple elements of bread and the fruit of the
THE COMMANDMENTS OF THE CHURCH vine so that they become the Body and Blood of Christ. It is not the
Priest or Bishop that changes the bread and the fruit of the vine into the
1. To attend Divine Services on Sundays and Holy days. Most Beloved and Holy Body and Blood of Our Lord but the Holy
2. To keep fasts appointed by the Church. Spirit through the servants of Christ's Church that have received the
3. To have confession of sins and receive the Holy Communion once laying of hands of succession from Christ to the Apostles to the His
or more every year. humble servants His Priest.

4. To contribute to the support of the Church. Lord's Prayer:

It is recited by the people; the priest follows it with the exaltation.
5. To say morning and evening prayers to God.
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Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church


These are small prayers referring to the spiritual welfare of the city, the
nation, the Church and the individual, ending with the censing of gifts I, a sinner, confess to the Lord God Almighty, One in the Holy Trinity,
and church. to the All-pure Virgin Mary, Mother of God, to my holy Guardian An-
gel, to all Saints, and to you, my spiritual Father, all my sins.
Beginning of the Divine Liturgy:
The Liturgy starts with a blessing of the Kingdom of God, which in- PRAYER AFTER CONFESSION OF SINS
cludes the Sacred Body of Christ on earth; His Church.
For these and all other known and unknown sins I am heartfully sorry,
that I have offended and angered the Good God against me; I repent
They are small prayers which the priest offers especially for the peace
sincerely and I promise, with help of God, to better my life. Where-
of the world, with the people responding, Kyrie Eleison; Lord, have
fore, I humbly ask you, my Spiritual Father, to give me salutary pen-
ance and absolution.
These are readings from the Old Testament, especially from Psalms THE PRAYER BEFORE HOLY COMMUNION
102 and 145, with refrains of Christian meanings and specifically ref-
erences to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I believe, O Lord, and confess, that Thou art, in very truth, the Christ,
the Son of the Living God, Who didst come into the world to save sin-
Entry with the Gospel: ners, of whom I am chief. And I believe that this is, of a truth, Thine
This entry represents the ancient practice when the priest took the Gos- all-pure Body, and that this is Thine own precious Blood. Wherefore, I
pel by the light of torches (that can also mean Christ the light of the beseech Thee, have mercy upon me, and forgive my transgressions,
world bring the church from darkness to light) from the crypt, an un- whether voluntary or involuntary; whether of word or of deed; whether
derground safeguard to protect the Gospel from destruction by the pa- committed with knowledge or in ignorance. And vouchsafe that I may
gans, bringing it up to the Church. The priest lifts up the Gospel and partake without condemnation of Thine all-pure Mysteries unto the
exclaims: "Wisdom," which means Christ, and calls the people to wor- remission of my sins and unto life eternal. Amen.
ship and bow down to Christ.
Of Thy Mystical Supper, O Son of God, accept me to-day as a commu-
Trisagion: nicant; for I will not speak of Thy Mystery to Thine enemies, neither,
A short prayer praising the Holiness of God. like Judas, will I give Thee a kiss; but like the thief will I confess
Readings from the Old and New Testament: Thee: Remember me, O Lord, in Thy Kingdom.
(1) First reading is from the Old Testament it is read by the reader.
(2) The Psalm is read by second reader. And let not this participation in Thy Holy Mysteries be unto judgment
(3) The second Reading is from the New testament and is read by Dea- upon me, or unto condemnation, O Lord, but unto the healing of soul
con. and body. Amen.
(4) The Gospel is read by the Priest.

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EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE best of his ability, he must keep his heart clean from evil thoughts. He
(The questions that you may ask yourself before confessing) should abstain starting the night before and maintain a spiritual con-
centration until the time of the celebration."
Have you had doubts in matter of Faith?
Have you murmured against God in adversity, or despaired of His mer- Prayer, fasting and reconciliation - these are the preconditions for a
cies? sincere participation in the Eucharist.
Do you know the Ten Commandments? The following is a diagram of the Divine Liturgy:
Have you sinned against any of these Commandments?
Do you attend Church regularly? Processions serve many purposes, including marking our journey to
Have you attended dances, theatres or other entertainments during the kingdom, focusing us on why we have gathered, reminding us of
Lent? primary symbols of our faith, and calling us to enter into formal ritual.
Have you believed or consulted fortune tellers? There are special prayers and the veneration of Icons of Our Lord rep-
resenting the New Testament and Blessed Mother and Child represent-
Have you neglected your morning and evening prayers? ing the Old Testament during this time. It is by the Word of God that
Have you spoken with levity of Religious or Sacred objects? we the Church are brought to the presence of Our Most Holy Father in
Have you taken the Name of God in vain?
Have you sworn falsely? Vesting Rite:
Have you cursed yourself, or others or any creatures? The priest with court will enter the Sanctuary by the side door and goes
and vest, this reminds the congregation of the new garments are Lord
Have you angered others? will provide thus who will be in His glories presences in the New Jeru-
Have you kept Holy the day of the Lord? salem
Have you done any servile work not of necessity on Sunday or Holy-
days? The Preparation:
The priest washes his hands and reads the prayers of Preparation. On
Have you honored your parents, superiors, teachers, also your Spiritual the table of Preparation are the sacred utensils: Paten (disc), Cup
Fathers? (Chalice), spoon, spear, asterisk, two small covers, and one large over-
Have you shown due respect to aged persons? all cover (Aer). Also on the table are the sacred Species - the loaf of
Have you desired, or hastened the death of any one? Bread and the Wine and water to be mixed in the Chalice. The Bread is
impressed in the center with the stamp "IC-XC, NI-KA", on its left has
Have you oppressed any one? nine small elevations for the Saints, and on its right a portion for the
Have you borne hatred, or desired revenge? Virgin Mary. All these portions are cut with the spear and placed on
the Paten with prayers and commemoration. Portions also are added in
Have you refused to speak to others?
the name of the faithful, both the departed and the living. Both the
Have you injured other people in any manner? Paten and Chalice are covered with the two small covers and over all is
placed the Aer and they are censed.
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Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church

The Divine Liturgy is celebrated with particular solemnity whenever a Have you caused enmity between others?
bishop is serving. Though other services are also affected by the pres- Have you been in bad company?
ence of a bishop, none more so that the Liturgy.
Did you read indecent books?
ORDER OF DIVINE LITURGY Have you been guilty of unclean songs, words or actions?
DIVINE LITURGY EASTERN RITE Have you willfully entertained impure thoughts, or desires?
Have you taken anything that did not belong to you?
Liturgy-the heavenly banquet (Luke 13:29, Revelation 19:9) where
Christ will be all in all (I Corinthians 15:28). Have you deceived anyone in time of buying or selling anything?
Have you borne false witness against any one?
While our Lord walked the earth, there was no need for sacraments, for
he was physically present. When he returns in glory there will be no Have you passed a rash judgment upon any person?
need for sacred rites. But in the meantime, in that period between the Have you coveted anything that belongs to another?
"already" and the "not yet," we share in these mysteries: "we wait for it Have you gone to confession and Holy Communion at least once a
with patience" (Romans 8:2 5). With us "creation waits with eager year?
longing for the revealing of the sons of God." (Romans 8:19).
Have you kept fasts of the Church?
This attitude of expectation and longing finds expression in so many Do you mention your living or dead parents and relatives in your
aspects of the Byzantine Eucharist. prayers?
The Holy table is separated by an iconostasis, intimating that the mys- Do you contribute for the support of your Church?
tery celebrated in the Eucharist transcends even the community that
has gathered for the celebration. The Church is not only the assembly
of those living here and now, but also encompasses the "heavenly Jeru-
salem" (Hebrews 12:22). It is not to be self-enclosed, self-satisfied
"association," but rather a pilgrim people, continually looking forward,
1) Palm Sunday; 2) Easter Sunday; 3) Ascension of Jesus Christ; 4)
growing, and being transformed, who await the "life of the age to
Pentecost (Trinity Sunday and the day of Holy Spirit); 5) The Nativity
of Jesus Christ (Christmas, Dec. 25, January 7); 6) The Epiphany
Preparation for the Liturgy (Jordan), January 6 (19); 7) The Meeting of our Lord Jesus Christ
Before the journey to the kingdom can begin, people must be ready. (February 2 (15); 8) The Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ,
We cannot schedule encounters with God: we can only prepare for Aug. 6, (l9); 9) The Exaltation of the Holy and the Life-giving Cross,
them. Therefore, the official liturgical texts of the Byzantine Churches Sept. 14 (27); 10) The Nativity of Holy Virgin Mary, Sept. 8 (21); 11)
insist: The Presentation in the Temple of Holy virgin Mary Dec. 4 (Nov. 21);
12) The Annunciation of the Birth-giver of God, March 25 (April 7);
"He who intends to celebrate the Divine Mystery should be reconciled 13) The Assumption of Holy Virgin Mary, August 15 (28)..
first of all with everyone and have no animosity toward anyone. To the
1) The Circumcision of Jesus Christ, New Year, Jan. 1 (14); 2) Three
44 39
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Saints, Jan. 20, Feb. 12); 3) The Nativity of St. John the Baptist, June Introduction to Divine Liturgy
24 (July 7); 4) The Feast of St. Peter and Paul, June 29 (July 12); 5) Be
heading of St. John the Baptist, August 29 (Sept. 11); 6) The Protec-
Divine Liturgy
tion of Holy Virgin Mary, October 1 (14); 7) The Feast of St. Michael
This tradition has four forms of the Divine Liturgy (celebration of the
the Archangel; November 8 (21); 8) The Feast of St. Nicholas, Dec. 6
Eucharist): the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, the Liturgy of St. John
Chrysostom, the Liturgy of St. James the Brother of the Lord and the
Liturgy of the Presanctified (also known as the Liturgy of St. Gregory).
The Fasts of the Church:
The Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is the one most commonly cele-
The Great Fast (Lent) lasts 48 days before Easter. The Fast of St. Peter brated throughout the year.
and Paul begins on Monday after Sunday of all Saints and lasts till July
12. The Fast which precedes the Feast of the Falling Asleep of Holy The Liturgy of St. Basil is celebrated on all Sundays in Great Lent
Virgin Mary, or Assumption of Holy Virgin Mary, lasts 14 days (Palm Sunday is not considered part of Great Lent), on Holy Thursday
(August 14 till Aug. 28). The fast preparatory to Christmas from No- and Holy Saturday, on the Eves of Christmas and Theophany, and on
vember 15 (28) -- Christmas. All Wednesdays and Fridays except after January 1, which is the feast day of St. Basil. (For those churches
Christmas, Sunday of Publican and Pharisee, Easter Sunday and Pente- which follow the traditional Julian Calendar, January 1 falls on January
cost. The Eve of Epiphany (Shchedri Vecher), the Feast of Exaltation 14 of the modern Gregorian Calendar.)
of the Cross, and the Feast of Beheading of St. John the Baptist..
The Liturgy of St. James is rarely celebrated today. Only a few juris-
The Seasons in which the Church does not allow public dances: dictions make use of it, most notably the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, and
then primarily on December 26, the day the Church commemorates
In all four Fasts, and from the beginning of the Fast before Christmas this saint.
till the Feast of Epiphany (Jordan), Nov. 28 (Jan. 20). The Great Lent
till the First Sunday after Easter or the Sunday of Thomas, on the Feast The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is not technically a Divine Lit-
of Exaltation of the Cross, and the Feast of Beheading of St. John the urgy, since there is no Consecration of the Gifts; instead, it consists
Baptist.. primarily of an enhanced Vespers service with the distribution of Holy
Communion from the Reserved Sacrament. It is celebrated only on
THE MEANING. OF THE SIGN OF THE CROSS weekdays of Great Lent: on Wednesdays, Fridays and any of the more
important feast days which may occur (however, if the Great Feast of
The position of our fingers as we make the Sign of the Cross has a the Annunciation occurs on a weekday of Great Lent, the Divine Lit-
definite meaning. We join together the thumb, index finger, and middle urgy of St. John Chrysostom is celebrated). It is also served on the first
finger of our right hand. This means that God is three in Person; Fa- three days of Holy Week.
ther, Son, and Holy Spirit; yet ONE in Essence..
The Divine Liturgy is normally not celebrated daily except in cathe-
drals and larger monasteries. However, most parishes and smaller
With-the other two fingers of our right hand we touch the palm. This
monasteries serve the Liturgy on Saturdays, Sundays, and major feast
means that Christ is both God and Man..
days throughout the year.

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Questions and Answers Orthodox Catechism Holy Orthodox Catholic Church

which was nailed to the top of the Christ's cross: "And they crucified By touching first our forehead, then our breast, then our right shoulder,
Him..." and a superscription of His accusation was written over, "The lastly our left shoulder, we pray that our mind, body, and heart be
king of the Jews" (Matt. 27-32; Mark 15; 26.). made pleasing to God..

The middle crossbar was where the hands of our Lord Jesus Christ By the Sign of the Cross we also express our faith in all the things
were nailed to, the lowest crossbar -- where the feet of Jesus rested, which Christ the Savior taught us and did for us: by joining the three
and to that bar is ascribed the symbolism of the two thieves.. fingers we express our faith in the Most Holy Trinity, consubstantial
and undivided; by the two fingers bent to the palm of the hand we ex-
The properly shaped eight pointed Russian Orthodox Cross more fully press our belief in the descent to earth of the Son of God, and in His
symbolizes the Crucifixion than the simple Cross of Western Chris- having assumed humanity without divesting Himself of His divinity,
tians, four pointed Cross.. thus uniting both natures in Himself, the divine and the human. By
touching our brow, breast and shoulders, we express our belief that the
The foot board is acknowledged to be a necessary attribute of the cross Triune God hath sanctified our thoughts, feelings, desires and acts;
worthy of veneration and prophetically spoken of in the words, "let us lastly, by making on our person the sign of the cross, we express our
bow before the place where His feet stand.". belief that Christ hath sanctified our soul and saved us by His suffer-
ings on the cross..
Another question: Why is the foot board of the cross of Christ pointed
the right side up, and the left down and the head of Christ also inclined THE RUSSIAN FORM OF THE CROSS OR BIBLICAL CROSS
to the right? Answer: Christ makes His right foot light and lifts it ]
above the footboard in order to lighten the sins of the ones who believe Father John of Cronstadt explains the Russian form of the Cross:.
in Him, so than, on His second coming, they should soar up to meet
Him. And His left foot He lowers on the footboard in order that those "In our service of the Ninth Hour the hour of the death of our Savior,
who do not believe in Him should be weighed down and descend into under the title of "Glory to Thee." we read the following Troparion:
hell. His head is inclined to the right, that He might incline all the hea- "Between two thieves the rightful measure (the correct balance) is to
thens to believe and worship Him. be found, Thy cross; the one led down into hell, through the weight of
words of blasphemy; the other relieved from the burdens of his sign,
Taken from: "Faith of our Fathers -- The Eastern Orthodox Religion" into the knowledge of Divinity O Christ, our God, glory to Thee." The
by Stan W. Carlson and The Very Rev. Leonid Soroka, Dean UMW meaning of the verse is as follows: the cross of Christ stood for the
Published by The Olympic Press, Minneapolis, MN -- Copyright 1954, rightful retribution (the rightful balance, the scales) between the two
revised in 1958. Officially approved for publication by Metropolitan thieves, who hung on their crosses at the same time with Christ; be-
Leonty, Archbishop of NY, Primate, ROGCChurch of NA, and The cause one of them sank into hell dragged down by his blasphemous
Rev. Joseph Stephanko, Censor, St. Andrew of Crete Day, NY City, words, and the other, the wise thief, ascended into heaven as if soaring
NY. on light wings, because of his repentance, and his profession,
"Remember me, O Lord, in Thy Kingdom." This makes it clear why
the lower crosswise bar is placed at a sharp angle..

The upper bar of the cross represents nothing else than the inscription,
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