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Pengertian dan distribusi :

Halimeda macroloba is a type of calcareous seaweed (Calcareous) which originates from the Chlorophyta division and
is classified into the order Briopsidales. Seaweed is often found in coral reef areas where the beach conditions are calm,
somewhat protected, and colony lives (Romimohtarto & Juwana, 2001). In addition, this type of macroalgae is
abundant and widespread in Indonesian waters.
(Halimeda macroloba adalah jenis rumput laut berkapur (Calcareous) yang berasal dari divisi
Chlorophyta dan diklasifikasikan ke dalam urutan Briopsidales. Rumput laut sering ditemukan di
daerah terumbu karang di mana kondisi pantai tenang, agak terlindung, dan kehidupan koloni
(Romimohtarto & Juwana, 2001). Selain itu, jenis makroalga ini melimpah dan tersebar luas di
perairan Indonesia.)

Klasifikasi :

According to Meriam et al. 2016, the classification of Halimeda Macroloba is as follows:

Divisi : Chlorophyta
Kelas : Chlorophyceae
Ordo : Bryopsidales
Famili : Halimedaceae
Genus : Halimeda
Spesies: Halimeda macroloba

Morfologi :
Thallus contains lime, thallus height reaches 23 cm. It has a thick segment and is shaped like a fan with a width of 21
mm and a length of 15 mm. Main branching of dichotomous or trichotomous groups in one clump. Holdfast has a
diameter of 10 mm and a length of up to 20 mm, and a lump that acts as a binding tool for particles of sand or mud.
Thallus is green when fresh and greenish yellow when dry, the thallus contains pigments a and b (Sinyo dan Somadayo,
(Thallus mengandung zat kapur, tinggi thallus mencapai 23 cm. Memiliki segment tebal dan berbentuk seperti kipas
dengan lebar mencapai 21 mm dan panjang mencapai 15 mm. Percabangan utama dichotomous atau trichotomous
kelompok dalam satu rumpun. Holdfast memiliki diameter mencapai 10 mm dan panjang mencapai 20 mm, serta
bongkol yang berperan sebagai alat pengikat partikel-partikel pasir atau lumpur. Thallus berwarna hijau pada saat masih
segar dan warna kuning kehijauan pada saat kering, pada thallus mengandung pigmen a dan b.)

Reproduksi :
Halimeda Macroloba shows asexual and sexual reproduction process. Asexual reproduction involves fragmentation,
that is fertilization is done by cutting off parts of the body, then pieces of the body will grow into new individuals. And
where sexual reproduction with gametes, gametes will develop at first night, gametangia maturing during the first day
and second night, and gametes are released around dawn on the third day. Then, the thallus is damaged and dies after
releasing gametes (Mayakun et al., 2012).
(Halimeda Macroloba berkembang biak dengan cara fragmentasi, yaitu pembuahan yang dilakukan dengan memotong
bagian tubuh, kemudian potongan tubuh akan tumbuh menjadi individu baru)

Manfaat :

Halimeda is a calcified coenocytic green algae genus. This type of algae is known to have
ecologically important values in tropical waters and has a role as an anti-bacterial, antifungal, and
also rich in antioxidants (Subagiyo, 2009).

(Halimeda merupakan genus calcified coenocytic green algae. Kelompok algae jenis ini dikenal
mempunyai nilai penting secara ekologis di daerah perairan tropis dan mempunyai peran sebagai
aktivitas anti bakteri, anti jamur, dan juga kaya akan antioksidan (Subagiyo,2009).)

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