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A Narrator as A Role Model For Social Activity In Preserving Culture to

The Next Generation of The Nation Particularly Children Through Story

Telling Folklores
Zuhrotul Fikriyah Surya Hati
The student of Gadjah Mada Univerity, Faculty of Agriculture,

Based on the opening of the 1945 Constitution the purpose of Indonesia the point 3 is
Educating the life of the nation. With the advantages of Indonesia is an archipelagic country full of
cultural richness, races of regional languages, ethnic groups, religions and beliefs. Thus, the purpose
point three countries is to educate the life of the nation will be easily achieved if we can take
advantage of existing wealth one of them is to preserve the culture of Indonesia.
Students have an important role here. Because In the essence, students or colleger have a role
of community service that is as agent of change, Iron stock, and Social Control. As a student and
future generation, I strive to continue to contribute to the state and society. There are many things
that can be done in contributing to the state. Such as learning, achievement, gotong royong, and
others. In my opinion, as a student is not enough if I just study books and course materials only.
Because social attitudes and concern for the environment are also needed. Good social attitudes and
environmental concerns must be done in the real way. The simple thing I do to contribute more to the
country is by becoming a role model. To make a person able to do a real good, it takes a habit. What
still needs to be learned is how to be a good model. An example that can be imitated without force.
Examples that exist in the midst of the younger generation of Indonesia.
I think to be a model we must be able to live in their midst, the young generation of Indonesia,
especially my friends and small children. The way to be able to live in their midst is to tell stories.
In here, tells the story has a broad context. Basically what a teacher does in teaching is also
the method of telling stories. But in my opinion, in addition to the math, language, and science lessons
that are in their schools, they should be given special lessons to listen to folklore. reading folklore to
small children is a simple matter. Something simple but can shape the child's character to better
recognize his area or culture. I choose folklore because that's where I channel the Indonesian culture.
It is through these stories that children are able to understand and understand how their cultural
history through the fun. In addition, in folklore there are many moral values. The number of moral
values will greatly affect the behavior of young people in socializing in the community. Culture can
shape one's character, direct one's life and create a custom which is a unique richness that no other
country in the world possesses.
Keywords : Culture, Role model, Student, Storytelling, Folklore
Indonesia is a very big and rich country.
Starting from the population, the area, the natural
resources, until the cultural arts and customs.
Viewed from the population of Indonesia its the
fourth largest in the world, after China, India and
America. Based on the data from the Ministry of
Home Affairs (Mendagri) RI, the population of
Indonesia as of 30 June 2017 is 257,912,349
people. (Source: Central Java Tribune, 2017)

Although full of cultural diversity and others,

Indonesia remains united in accordance with the
motto of the Indonesian Nation, namely Bhineka
Bagan 1 state symbol of Indonesian country Tunggal Ika which means though different but
still united. The diversity of cultures participated
was supported by the territory of a unitary state of the republic separated by its territories. In
other words, each resident who inhabits a different region will certainly experience different
geographical conditions. Call it for example from the mountains, coastal, forest edge,
lowland, rural, to urban areas. It is also influenced by the level of tapping of each tribe or a
different society.

The development of religions in Indonesia also helped the development of culture in

Indonesia as to create different religious cultures. So it can be said that Indonesia is a country
with a high level of diversity (high heterogeneity). The diversity that exists isn’t only derived
from the cultural diversity of ethnic or community groups, but also the diversity that comes
from civilization (traditional and modern civilization), as well as territoriality. Just from this
point Indonesia is superior when it compared to other countries that also have a diverse
Indonesia is a portrait of a wide and varied
collection of cultures. And most important is that
Indonesian people have interwoven history and
interaction dynamics between cultures since time
immemorial when viewed from the socio-cultural
point of view. Intercultural interaction is not only
through the ethnic groups, but also among civilizations
in the world. For example, the portuguese merchant
vessels at the port in Banten in the middle ages ago.
From this, it can be seen that Indonesia began to open
itself to the international sphere. Another example is
the relationship between local traders and traders from
Gujarat and India on the coast of Java which signifies a
Bagan 2 Indonesian Culture (source :
yusho.com) very good cooperation relationship although its different
from the culture and language.
On the other hand, History also proves the existence of Indonesian culture can live
side by side and complement each other, and goes hand in hand with other cultures, or even
other civilizations outside Indonesia. For example, the culture of urban society is capable of
walking without interference with rural communities. This could be work well because our
people still uphold the Bhineka Tunggal Ika where we can interpret it with a diversity that not
only focuses on diversity among ethnic groups, but also cultural diversity. But unfortunately
the introduction of foreign cultures into Indonesia through globalization has had an impact on
the Indonesian youth today who seem more interested in foreign cultures than their
indigenous cultures. Foreign cultures entering Indonesia should not accepted by our young
generation inadvertently to avoid the love of foreign culture by our young generation. At least
occurs cultural assimilation so as to increase the wealth and diversity of culture in Indonesia.
With around 700 ethnic groups scattered across the archipelago, with different types
of people, diverse religions, traditional clothes, arts, traditional houses, regional languages,
customs and even regional specialties, Indonesia is so strong in its maintaining harmony of
life in the midst of heterogeneity. Our society is a pluralistic society with such unique
characteristics as mutual cooperation, tolerance, respect for the elderly, and others become
the main capital for our society in order to maintain harmony and unity.
The wealth possessed by the Indonesian nation can be a force to advance together to
achieve the goals of the state. Based on the opening of the 1945 Constitution the objectives of
the state of Indonesia are: 1. To protect the entire nation of Indonesia 2. To promote the
common prosperity 3. To educate the nation's life 4. To join the world order. With the
advantages of Indonesia is an archipelagic country full of cultural richness, races of regional
languages, ethnic groups, religions and beliefs. Thus, the goal of the third point of state that
the intellectual life of the nation will be easily achieved if we can take advantage of existing
wealth and preserve Indonesian culture.

The young generation of
the Indonesian nation has the
duty and responsibility to
safeguard the wealth and to
preserve the Indonesian culture.
In preserving Indonesian culture, many things can be done. Broadly speaking, can be divided
into two ways, namely culture experience and culture knowledge. Culture experience is a
cultural preservation that is done by plunging directly into a cultural experience. for example,
if the culture is a traditional dance, then people are encouraged to learn and practice in
mastering the dance. Thus in each year can always be preserved our culture. Culture
Knowledge is cultural preservation by creating an information center on culture that can be
functionalized into many forms. The goal is to educate or to interests the development of
culture itself and the potential of regional tourism. Thus the Young Generation can know
about its own culture. In addition to being preserved in the two forms above, we can also
preserve culture by knowing the culture itself. With this, at least we can anticipate the theft of
culture by other countries.
Students have an important role here. Students or colleger is a miniature of
intellectual society that has a diversity of ideas, ideas and ideas filled with creativity in order
to realize TRI DARMA HIGHER EDUCATION Namely; Education and teaching, Research,
and Community Service. It's really interesting if we go back to discussing the very dynamic
university issues. University is a place of self-development that provides a change of mind,
attitude, and enlightenment, where students are born into the brightest free thinkers. As a
student or college student in addition beside those both ways there must be innovation and an
interesting way in the effort of cultural preservation.
With the nature of intellectual and idealism, students are born and grow into entities
(models) that have a scientific paradigm in viewing the issue of nationality and society. The
characteristics and style of students lies in the idea or noble idea of offering solutions to the
problems that exist. This foothold becomes highly relevant to the university nuance that
prioritizes knowledge in understanding the substance and subject matter of any kind.
In other words, the university is a large laboratory where the birth of various ideas,
thoughts, development of insight which then manifested in the social role of individual
students in the life of society as a form of community service. Be an agent for the broad
social, cultural, paradigm, economic and political changes of society. Thus, the public interest
becomes the main barometer for the success of a social change by the students. Students are
required not only to successfully bring the diploma, but also required to bring changes of
knowledge and experience while in university laboratory. Student resistance movement is
actually a dynamic resistance movement. The development dimension of the student
movement for science begins with the concept of reading, something related not only to
reading texts and manuscripts but more than that, studying, researching, contemplating,
experimenting, contemplation. Objects can be a variety of issues that exist in the community.
Starting from the social, economic, political, ethical and moral issues and even cultural
issues. Student paradigm of university is based on ideological alignment with the sharpness
of the analysis of the problems that occur.
Students are able to read, examine and discuss logically, critically, systematically, and
comprehensively, and able to dissect problems from various aspects and perspectives of
constructive knowledge and thinking. Therefore, the student movement is expected to
provide answers to the conditions of the times that continue changed. Because essentially
students have a role of community service that is as agent of change, Iron stock, and Social
Control. In the application, the student must have strategic steps to create the change. Based
on university conditions already prepared in the field of different studies can be classified
include: technological, socio-cultural, legal and political, and the economy. Starting from the
technological, engineering students should take the role as a pioneer in the development of
nation's technology. Suppose that in the city layout, students can become pioneers of tropical
city development and can develop traditional architectural patterns and leave no historical
and cultural aspects. In addition, the study in this field of technology has a broad role, both in
the nation's technology, as well as to analyze the problems contained in our country, such as
ROB, congestion, electrical energy, and others.
In economics, students must be able to analyze the ideal economic system for our
nation. such as sharia economic system. Furthermore in the field of law and politics, students
should have high ideals to create a good legal system in government in Indonesia. All areas
of the study were found to be integrated in order to analyze the nation's problems seen in
different angles. And to keep in mind here is that students and youth must have a good moral
base and religious spirit to make the move really focused. It will become the main pillar in
realizing the prosperity of the nation towards a smart nation based on the religiosity in
accordance with the goals of the country on the third point. (Diyah, 2015)
As a student and future generation, I strive to continue contributing to the state and
society. What I do there are three, have, now and will. What I have done, now and will do to
this country is that I dedicate my life to keep learning. Learning in the field I like, that is
agriculture and learning all aspects of life
But If to learn, It is the duty of all students so it is not enough if I just study my books
and my course material. Therefore, I have a unique way to contribute more to the state by
story telling. I have a hobby of reading books. Any book other than lecture books like novels,
comics, and magazines. The reading habit is also the cultural heritage of my father who once
taught me to read books. What I see from it all is the importance of a role model around us to
create a good habit. What we still need to learn is how to be a good model. An example that
can be imitated without force. Examples are in the midst of Indonesia's young generation.
And that's what I'm trying to do now.


I think to be a role model we must be
able to live in their midst. Indonesia's
young generation, especially young
children. I am in the midst of them.
The way to be able to live in their
midst is to tell stories.
Storytelling is an activity that
Bagan 3 StoryTelling By Fun someone does orally to others with a
tool or without props of what to say in the form of messages, information, or just a fairy tale
to be heard with a sense of fun because the person who presents the story conveyed with
interest. A storyteller will be easy in conditioning what is around them. The targets of
storytelling are small children ranging from Kindergarten to elementary school. Why them?
Because according to the study, small children have a stronger memory than adults.
Children's memories of everyday events are perfect, as good as or better than adults. (source:


Dr. Abdul aziz (2002: 16) in his book "Mengajarkan Anak Lewat Cerita" says
Enjoying a story begins to grow in a child. children understand the events that occur around
them and after their brain record news news at the age of 4-6 years. Some of the stories
include some positive elements. These can happen if the nature of the story always heed the
value of aesthetics and norms. Maybe because the story of the child will do good things
because all the events and information covered in the story will have an impact once in the
formation of the mind and norm of a child, both in terms of culture, imagination and daily
language. A child has the potential for everything more fast so it is easier to shape and direct
According to Tampubulon (1991: 50) "story telling to children plays an important role
not only in growing interest and reading habits, but also in developing the language and
minds of children.
Viewed from several aspects, Benefits of story telling method according to Tadkiroatun
Musfiroh (2005: 95) as follows:
1. Helping the personal and moral formation of children
2. channeling the needs of imagination and fantasy
3. Encourage the child's verbal skills
4. Stimulate interest in writing children
5. Stimulate interest in reading children
6. Open the horizons of child insight
Through the media of fairy tales or storytelling can inspire the creativity of children, through
the story I can convey messages, wisdom, and experiences. In addition, the story also makes
the children feel learning something but do not feel patronized.
In here tells the
story has a broad context.
Basically what a teacher
does in teaching is also
the method of storytelling.
But in my opinion, in
addition to math,
language, and science
lessons they should be

Bagan 4 the example of folklore 'sangkuriang' (source :

given a special lesson to
ceritawayangbahasajawa.blogspot.com) hear about folklore.

Folklore is a story that develops in every region and tells the origin or legend that
occurs in a region; stories that come from society and thrive in society. Folklore is part of the
fairy tale. The characteristics of folklore, ie
1. Folklore is delivered orally
2. Presented from generation to generation
3. Not known who first made it
4. Rich noble values
5. traditional Characteristically
6. It has many versions and variations
7. Having cliches in the order or manner of disclosure. (Hisam, 2016)

Folklore can be a legend or a fairy tale that is generally already very in the
community. Folklore is a story that comes from the community, then the story told in the
hereditary and developed in society in the past. Generally the story will be the characteristic
of every nation or region that has a distinctive culture that includes the richness of culture and
history owned by each nation. In general, folklore tells of an event in a place or the origin of
a place. The characters raised in folklore are generally manifested in the form of animals,
humans, and gods just like the story about ‘Maling Kundang’ from West Sumatra,
‘Sangkuriang’ from west Java, the legend of kingdom in Kadiri and so on.
Perhaps reading folklore to small children is a simple matter. Something simple but
can shape the child's character to better recognize his area or culture. I choose folklore
because that's where I channel the Indonesian culture. Through the stories that children are
able to recognize and understand how the history of culture through the fun. In addition, in
folklore there are many moral values.

The folklore that lives among the people has various functions. Folklore is definitely a
form of entertainment. Changes in versions often occur when the folklore spreads to other
areas where people have different cultural environments. With the change of version, the
folklore spread as though it were revised. Elements that do not conform to the cultural pattern
of the people who receive the folklore are abandoned, while the corresponding elements of
cultural patterns are absorbed and combined, so that in the end the folklore is no longer
perceived as something that comes from outside but has been perceived as belonging to the
community itself.

In this case the element of entertainment contained in the new version of the folk story is
increasingly felt intimately. The element of folklore entertainment can also be seen at what
time the folklore is spoken. Usually narrative folklore chooses leisure times, such as at night
after people work hard or busy with various tasks during the day.

The Function of Folklore other than as entertainment also serves as a means of

education. Indeed, people who tell the story want to convey a message or message that can be
beneficial to the character and personality of the listener. Sometimes if the message is
conveyed directly to the person to whom it is intended to be the advice, then the power of
what is conveyed is lost. So the message or advice will be more easily accepted if woven in
an engrossing story, so that without notice the audience can absorb the teachings contained in
the story according to the level and maturity of their respective souls.

Folklore also has a function as a garment of solidarity among the citizens who became
the owner of the folklore. Above has been explained that the folklore was born in the middle
of society without anymore known who created the first time. Another function of folklore is
as a strengthening of socio-cultural values prevailing in society. In folklore sometimes ethical
and moral teachings can be used as guidelines for society. In addition there are also
inhibitions and restrictions that should be avoided. Folklore for the community of its
supporters can be guidance of behavior in social interaction. Especially for people who are
not familiar with formal education in the form of schools, the folklore becomes a means to
teach character. And because the delivery is fascinating then even though the folklore
actually teaches and educates its listeners, but who is taught or educated does not feel
compelled, but with the level of maturity each can absorb the teachings that are interwoven in
the story, the core of the teachings in folklore will not change during the owner's community
also does not change and still upholds the values that are still valid. In relation to the above,
folklore also serves as a controller of social life. If in society it becomes the lameness or
violation of norms, then through folklore the unacceptable things can be criticized. The story-
teller can freely change parts of the story whose contents are throwing the critics without
feeling reluctant to the parties who are the target of his criticism.

Based on the above description, it can be seen that the importance of a student as a
role model in the conduct of cultural preservation can be done through many things where
one can be done in a simple way such as telling small children. Through story telling Folk
Story then the awareness about the culture of the archipelago will be realized by the younger
generation. The number of moral values will greatly affect the behavior of young people in
socializing in the community. Culture can shape one's character, direct one's life and create a
custom which is a unique richness that no other country in the world possesses. Therefore,
cultural preservation is very important and can not be separated in forming a good social life.

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