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2 Compiete with [rooms ~ siste nie She is 12. She has cot two bi thers and wo a big house. There are Alice is a studer They five with their pa anda very Tl WRITING tut the words in the correct order eyes) has / blue / got / b. jump / re bit! Phe / can hivthday ¢ tt 24 Jane is reacing a book. z+ ping in his odio. 2 it Tea the fist day of school today, Samana is going we school with her bverhes} Paul. She’s wearing new clothes : a white shirt, a red jacket, blue trousers and black | shoes Her favourite subjects are music and French. She ean play the piano and ahs and geography VTL QUESTIONS [om 4) Read the text and@Girele> trun Today is a holiday birthday schoo! day ths) i Tick (v"] the sight box. 6 Fxample:¢ = red jacket, red_ Tb trousers fe jacket | v [dshoes | Il) LANGUAGE 1sGircle the correct word It’s Monday morning, All the pupils (is ? are) in the classroom, They are (listening / opening) their books. Peter is reading a text, They stady Engtis! (on / in) Monday at § o”elock 2! Look at the pictures and write the words (2 mai: Mr Wilson gets up carly in the morning, He has coffee anc CTT Ay for breakfast. He is a Gee He goes ta school by bus.

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